L2 Rules of Netiquette
L2 Rules of Netiquette
L2 Rules of Netiquette
Rules of Netiquette
• Online security, safety, and ethics
• Internet threats
• Protecting reputations online
• Copyright
• Contextualized online search and
research skills
At the end of this lesson, the students should be able to:
a. Last name
b. First name
c. Middle name
d. Current and previous
e. Cellphone number
f. Name of parents
g. Name of siblings
h. Your address
i. Your birthdate
• Network etiquette, is concerned with the
"proper" manner of communication in the
online environment.
Core Rules of Netiquette
1. Rule 1: Remember the Human
Practice the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have
others do unto you.
2. Rule 2: Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that
you follow in real life
You should do your best to act within the laws and ethical
manners of society whenever you inhabit "cyberspace.“
3. Know where you are in cyberspace
What you text to a friend may not be appropriate in an email to
a classmate or colleague.
Core Rules of Netiquette
Rule 1: Remember the Human
Practice the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have
others do unto you.
Rule 2: Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that
you follow in real life
You should do your best to act within the laws and ethical
manners of society whenever you inhabit "cyberspace.“
Rule 3. Know where you are in cyberspace
What you text to a friend may not be appropriate in an email to
a classmate or colleague.
Core Rules of Netiquette
Rule 4 Respect other people's time and bandwidth
Make your written communication meaningful and to the point,
without extraneous text or superfluous graphics or attachments
that may take forever to download.
Rule 5: Make yourself look good online
Always check for spelling and grammar errors
Know what you're talking about and state it clearly
Be pleasant and polite
Rule 6: Share expert knowledge
Core Rules of Netiquette
Rule 7: Help keep flame wars under control
Don’t feed the flames; extinguish them by guiding the discussion
back to a more productive direction.
Rule 8: Respect other people's privacy
Just as you expect others to respect your privacy, so should you
respect the privacy of others.
Rule 9: Don't abuse your power
Remember knowing more than others do or having more power
than others may have does not give you the right to take
advantage of anyone. Think of Rule 1: Remember the human.
Rule 10: Be forgiving of other people's mistakes
Online Safety and Security
The Internet, truly, is a powerful tool. It
can be used to promote your business,
gain new friends, and stay in touch with
the old ones. It is also a source of
entertainment. But like most things in this
world, there is always “another side of
the coin.” The Internet is one of the most
dangerous places, especially if you do
not know what you are doing.
Internet Threats:
1. Malware – stands for malicious software
Types: Virus, Worm, Trojan, Spyware, Adware