Hgms61 Hgms62 en
Hgms61 Hgms62 en
Hgms61 Hgms62 en
English trademark
SmartGen — make your generator smart
SmartGen Technology Co., Ltd.
No.28 Jinsuo Road, Zhengzhou, Henan Province, China
Tel: +86-371-67988888/67981888/67992951
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Web: www.smartgen.com.cn
Email: sales@smartgen.cn
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Table 1 – Software Version
Date Version Note
2022-01-17 1.0 Original release.
2022-05-12 1.1 Add HGMS61.
Table 2 – Symbol Instruction
Symbol Instruction
1 OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................................... 6
2 PERFORMANCE AND CHARACTERISTICS ........................................................................................ 6
3 SPECIFICATION ................................................................................................................................... 9
4 OPERATION ....................................................................................................................................... 11
4.1 KEYS DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................. 11
4.2 CONTROLLER PANEL .............................................................................................................. 12
4.3 AUTOMATIC START/STOP OPERATION ................................................................................ 13
4.3.1 ILLUSTRATION ............................................................................................................... 13
4.3.2 AUTO START SEQUENCE............................................................................................... 13
4.3.3 AUTO STOP SEQUENCE................................................................................................. 14
4.4 MANUAL START/STOP OPERATION ...................................................................................... 14
4.5 EMERGENCY START ................................................................................................................ 14
5 HGMS62 BREAKER CONTROL PROCEDURE ................................................................................... 14
5.1 MANUAL TRANSFER PROCEDURE ......................................................................................... 14
5.2 AUTO TRANSFER PROCEDURE ............................................................................................... 15
6 PROTECTION ..................................................................................................................................... 17
6.1 WARNING ALARMS ................................................................................................................. 17
6.2 SHUTDOWN ALARMS .............................................................................................................. 19
6.3 TRIP AND STOP ALARMS........................................................................................................ 20
6.4 TRIP ALARMS........................................................................................................................... 21
7 CONNECTIONS .................................................................................................................................. 21
7.1 HGMS62M CONTROLLER PANEL ........................................................................................... 21
7.2 HGMS62D CONTROLLER REAR PANEL ................................................................................. 25
7.3 HGMS62 WIRE HARNESS DESCRIPTION ............................................................................... 26
8 PARAMETER RANGE AND DEFINITION ........................................................................................... 27
8.1 PARAMETER CONTENT AND RANGE..................................................................................... 27
8.2 DEFINED CONTENTS OF AUXILARY OUTPUT 1-4 ................................................................. 38
8.2.1 DEFINED CONTENTS TABLE OF AUXILARY OUTPUT 1-4 ........................................... 38
8.2.2 CUSTOM PERIOD OUTPUT ............................................................................................ 42
8.2.3 CUSTOM COMBINATION OUTPUT................................................................................ 43
8.3 DEFINED CONTENTS OF DIGITAL INPUT 1-9 ........................................................................ 43
8.4 SENSOR SELECTION................................................................................................................ 46
8.5 CRANK DISCONNECT CONDITIONS SELECTION .................................................................. 47
9 PARAMETER SETTING ...................................................................................................................... 48
9.1 MENU ITEMS ............................................................................................................................ 48
9.2 PARAMETERS SETTING .......................................................................................................... 48
9.3 LANGUAGE ............................................................................................................................... 48
9.4 EVENT LOG............................................................................................................................... 48
9.5 CONTROLLER INFORMATION ................................................................................................. 48
9.6 DATE AND TIME ....................................................................................................................... 49
9.7 BATTERY UNDER VOLTAGE START ....................................................................................... 49
HGMS61/HGMS62 Genset Controller adopts split structure of “Master Control and Display”,
integrating digital, intelligent and network techniques, is used for automatic control and monitoring
system of genset. It can carry out functions of automatic start/stop, data measurement, alarm
protection and “four remote” (remote control, remote measure, remote communication and remote
adjustment). The controller uses monochrome LCD display, optional interface with multiple languages,
which is easy and reliable to operate.
HGMS61/HGMS62 Genset Controller uses 32-bit microprocessor technique which can achieve
precision measurement, value adjustment, timing and threshold setting etc. All the parameters can be
configured from front panel or use USB interface (or RS485 interface) to adjust via PC. It is equipped
with fuse, fuel, start relay and auxiliary output 3, 4 are pluggable. The compact structure and simple
wiring of the controller solve the problem of complex wiring and low efficiency, and improve the
production efficiency of the control cabinet. It can be widely used in various types of automatic control
Can control breaker close/open in Manual mode.
(Only for HGMS62)
Can control breaker close in Manual Mode.
(Only for HGMS61)
Can control breaker open in Manual Mode.
(Only for HGMS61)
Screen scroll;
Up cursor or increase value in setting menu.
Screen scroll;
Down cursor or decrease value in setting menu.
Return to homepage when pressing this key in main interface;
Return to the previous interface when pressing this key in parameters
setting interface;
Press this key more than 3s to reset trip alarm.
Auto mode is activated by pressing , LED indicator beside it is illuminating which confirms this
a) HGMS61: When unit is normally running, the remote start input or mains recovers power supply,
“Stop Delay” begins;
HGMS62: When unit is normally running, if mains recovers normal, “Mains Normal Delay”, mains
indicator illuminates after confirming mains normal, “Stop Delay” begins; or when remote start
input is inactive, then “Stop Delay” begins;
b) HGMS61: When “Stop Delay” is over, genset enters into “Cooling Delay”, and gen closing relay is
disconnected; gen supply indicator distinguishes;
HGMS62: When “Stop Delay” is over, genset enters into “Cooling Delay”, and gen closing relay is
disconnected, gen supply indicator distinguishes; after “Breaker Transfer Delay”, mains close relay
outputs, mains takes load, mains supply indicator illuminates;
c) When entering “Stop Idle Delay” (if configured), idle relay is energized to output;
d) When entering “ETS Delay”, ETS relay is energized to output, fuel relay output is disconnected;
e) When entering “Genset at Rest”, genset will automatically judge if it has stopped.
f) When genset stops, it enters into “After Stop Delay”, stop failure warning is issued if genset not
stops; if genset has stopped, the stop failure warning will be removed automatically);
g) When “After Stop Delay” is over, it enters at rest mode.
a) HGMS61/HGMS62: Manual Mode is active when press and its indicator illuminates. Press
to start genset, it can automatically detect crank disconnect and accelerate to high speed
running. If there is high water temperature, low oil pressure, over speed and abnormal voltage
during genset running, controller can protect genset to stop (detailed procedures please refer to
4.3.2 of Auto Start Sequence); In manual mode, load breaker will not transfer automatically, press
the close/open key manually to switchl load close/open;
b) Manual Stop: pressing can shut down the running genset (detailed procedures please refer
to 4.3.3 of Auto Stop Sequence).
In manual mode, pressing and can force genset to start. The controller won’t judge
whether the controller has started successfully according to disconnect conditions and the disconnection
of starter needs to be controlled by operators. When operators observe the genset has started
successfully, after loosening the keys, the start relay disconnects and then the controller enters safety
If open detection is disabled, press gen key, if gen takes load, breaker open outputs; if load
is disconnected, gen will close the breaker. If mains takes load, mains breaker will open, when open
delay is over, gen breaker closes. Press mains key, if mains takes load, open breaker outputs, if
load is disconnected, mains will close the breaker. If gen takes load, gen breaker will open, when open
delay is over, mains breaker closes.
If open detection is enabled, mains on-load is transferred to gen on-load, press mains key
first, after open delay, then press gen key, gen will close (directly press gen close key, no action).
The procedure of gen on-load to mains on-load is same as above.
Mains Enable: After pressing gen key, if gen not take load, then gen close outputs. After
pressing gen key, if gen takes load, then gen open outputs.
After pressing gen , if gen not take load, then gen close outputs. After pressing gen
key, if gen takes load, then gen open outputs.
When controller detects the warning signal, the controller only alarms but not stop.
Table 7 – Warning Alarms
No. Warnings Description
When genset speed is higher than threshold, controller will send warning
1 Gen Over Speed
alarm signal.
When genset speed is lower than threshold, controller will send warning
2 Gen Under Speed
alarm signal.
When the speed of genset is 0 and speed loss action selects “Warning”,
3 Loss of Speed Signal
controller will send warning alarm signal.
When genset frequency is higher than threshold, controller will send
4 Gen Over Frequency
warning alarm signal.
When genset frequency is lower than threshold, controller will send
5 Gen Under Frequency
warning alarm signal.
When genset voltage is higher than threshold, controller will send
6 Gen Over Voltage
warning alarm signal.
When genset voltage is lower than threshold, controller will send
7 Gen Under Voltage
warning alarm signal.
When the current of genset is higher than threshold and overcurrent
8 Gen Over Current
action selects “Warning”, controller will send warning alarm signal.
When “Fail to stop” delay is over, if engine not stop completely,
9 Stop Failure
controller will send warning alarm signal.
When genset charger voltage is lower than threshold, controller will
10 Charge Failure
send warning alarm signal.
When the battery voltage of genset is higher than threshold, controller
11 Battery Over Voltage
will send warning alarm signal.
When the battery voltage of genset is lower than threshold, controller
12 Battery Under Voltage
will send warning alarm signal.
When maintenance countdown is 0 or maintenance date is due, and
13 Maintenance Due maintenance action selects “Warning”, controller will send warning
alarm signal.
When genset reverse power value (power is negative) is higher than
14 Reverse Power threshold, and reverse power action selects “Warning”, controller will
send warning alarm signal.
When genset power value (power is positive) is higher than threshold,
15 Over Power and over power action selects “Warning”, controller will send warning
alarm signal.
When controller CAN interface receives engine warning signal via J1939
16 ECU Warning
protocol, controller will send warning alarm signal.
17 Gen Loss of Phase When gen losses phase, controller will send warning alarm signal.
18 Gen Reverse Phase When gen phase sequence is wrong, controller will send warning alarm
When controller detects shutdown alarm, it will send signal to open breaker and stop genset. The
alarms are displayed in LCD.
Table 8 – Shutdown Alarms
No. Shutdown Description
When controller detects emergency stop signal, it will send shutdown
1 Emergency Stop
alarm signal.
When genset speed is higher than threshold, controller will send
2 Over Speed
shutdown alarm signal.
When genset speed is lower than threshold, controller will send
3 Under Speed
shutdown alarm signal.
When speed is 0 and speed signal loss action selects “Shutdown”,
4 Loss of Speed Signal
controller will send shutdown alarm signal.
When genset frequency is higher than threshold, controller will send
5 Gen Over Frequency
shutdown alarm signal.
When genset frequency is lower than threshold, controller will send
6 Gen Under Frequency
shutdown alarm signal.
When genset voltage is higher than threshold, controller will send
7 Gen Over Voltage
shutdown alarm signal.
When genset voltage is lower than threshold, controller will send
8 Gen Under Voltage
shutdown alarm signal.
Within set start times, if fails to start, controller will send shutdown alarm
9 Fail to Start
When genset current is higher than threshold and overcurrent action
10 Gen Over Current
selects “Shutdown”, it will send shutdown alarm signal.
When maintenance countdown is 0 or maintenance date is due,
11 Maintenance Due maintenance due action selects “Shutdown”, controller will send
shutdown alarm signal.
When reverse power value (power is negative) is higher than threshold,
12 Reverse Power and reverse power action selects “Shutdown”, controller will send
shutdown alarm signal.
When power value (power is positive) is higher than threshold, and over
13 Over Power power action selects “Shutdown”, controller will send shutdown alarm
When temperature sensor is open and open action selects “Shutdown”,
14 Temp. Sensor Open
controller will send shutdown alarm signal.
When temperature value is higher than threshold, controller will send
15 High Temp.
shutdown alarm signal.
Oil Pressure Sensor When oil pressure sensor is open and open action selects “Shutdown”,
Open controller will send shutdown alarm signal.
When oil pressure value is lower than threshold, controller will send
17 Low Oil Pressure
shutdown alarm signal.
When controller detects trip and stop alarm signal, it will disconnect gen close signal immediately
and stop after cooling.
Table 9 – Trip and Stop Alarms
No. Trip and Stop Description
When genset current is higher than threshold and overcurrent action
1 Over Current
selects “Trip and Stop”, controller will send trip and stop alarm signal.
When maintenance countdown is 0 and maintenance date is due,
2 Maintenance Due maintenance due action selects “Trip and Stop”, controller will send trip
and stop alarm signal.
When genset reverse power value (power is negative) is higher than
3 Reverse Power threshold, and reverse power action selects “Trip and Stop”, controller
will send trip and stop alarm signal.
When genset power value (power is positive) is higher than threshold,
4 Over Power and over power action selects “Trip and Stop”, controller will send trip
and stop alarm signal.
When input port is configured as “Trip and Stop” and active, controller
5 Input Trip and Stop
will send trip and stop alarm signal.
When controller detects trip alarm signal, it will disconnect close signal immediately while genset
will not stop.
Table 10 – Trip Alarms
No. Trip Description
When genset current is higher than threshold and overcurrent action
1 Over Current
selects “Trip”, controller will send trip alarm signal.
When genset reverse power value (power is negative) is higher than
2 Reverse Power threshold, and reverse power action selects “Trip”, controller will send
trip alarm signal.
When genset power value (power is positive) is higher than threshold,
3 Over Power and over power action selects “Trip”, controller will send trip alarm
When input port is configured as “Trip” and active, controller will send
4 Input Trip
trip alarm signal.
Custom period output includes: period output S1 and condition output S2.
Custom combination output is composed by 3 parts, or condition output S1, or condition output S2,
and condition output S3.
Table 16 – Defined Contents of Digital Input 1-9 (All GND (B-) Active)
No. Type Function Description
Users can define contents as bellow:
Indication: only display without warning and shutdown.
Warning: only warning without shutdown.
Shutdown: alarm and shutdown immediately.
Trip and stop: alarm, generator ramp-off load and stop after
0 User-defined high-speed cooling.
Trip: alarm, generator ramp-off load but not stop.
Inactive: input doesn’t work.
Always active: input detects all the time.
Active from crank: start detecting at the beginning of startup.
Active after safety delay: detecting after safety on delay is expired.
1 Reserved
2 Alarm Mute “Audible Alarm” in output configuration outputs when it is active.
3 Alarm Reset Shutdown alarm, trip alarm can be reset when it is active.
4 60Hz Active Used for ECU engine with CANBUS, and it is 60Hz when active.
7 Reserved
Under speed, under frequency and under voltage are not protected
8 Idle Mode
in this mode.
After generator is normal running in auto mode, when input is
9 Inhibit Auto Stop
active, genset auto stop function is inhibited.
10 Inhibit Auto Start After input is active in auto mode, genset auto start is inhibited.
After input is active in auto mode, genset scheduled start is
11 Inhibit Scheduled Start
12 Reserved
13 Aux. Gen. Closed Connect the auxiliary contactor of generator loading switch.
14 Gen. On-load Inhibit When input is active, genset will inhibit to close.
Aux. Mains Closed Connect the auxiliary contactor of mains loading switch.
(only for HGMS62)
Mains On-load Inhibit When input is active, mains will inhibit to close.
(only for HGMS62)
When input is active, controller will enter into auto mode, and other
17 Auto Mode Input keys on the panel are inactive except for , and
After controller starting, press to enter into the parameters setting menu:
1) Parameters Setting
2) Language
3) Event Log
4) Controller Information
5) Date and Time
6) Battery Under Voltage Start
“00318” can set most parameter items during inputting password. When default password has
been changed, it needs to input the same password with controller for parameter setting via PC
software. If more parameter items need to be set or password is forgotten, such as voltage and current
calibration, please contact with the factory.
a) Please modify the internal parameters in standby mode (crank conditions, aux. input and output configuration,
multi delays, etc.) otherwise shutdown alarm or other abnormal conditions may appear.
b) The over threshold must be greater than the under threshold, such as over voltage threshold must be greater than
under voltage threshold; otherwise over voltage and under voltage will occur at the same time.
c) The over speed threshold must be greater than under speed threshold, otherwise over speed and under speed will
occur at the same time.
d) Please set return value correctly when setting warning alarm, otherwise alarm cannot occur normally. When setting
over warning. return value should be less than set value; when setting under warning, return value should be
greater than set value.
e) Generator frequency should be lower value in crank disconnect so as to disconnect starter quickly.
f) Aux. input 1-9 cannot be set as the same items, otherwise it cannot realize correct function; aux. output 1-4 can be
set as the same items.
This item can select display language as simplified Chinese, English or others, others are defaulted
as Spanish.
Event log can be checked via this item, max can reach 99 pieces.
a) This interface can display controller develop information, such as software version, hardware
version, issue date.
b) Press in this interface can display digital input port and output port status.
This item can set battery under voltage start enable, start value, stop value, delay value.
— When re-choosing sensor, standard value of sensor curve will be needed. If default temperature
sensor is set as SGH (120ºC resistance type), sensor curve should be SGH (120oC resistance type);
If it is set as SGD (120ºC resistance type), sensor curve should be SGD curve.
— If there is difference between standard sensor curve and chosen sensor curve, select “Defined
Sensor”, and then input defined sensor curve.
— When sensor curve is inputted, X value (resistance) must be in accordance with the order of lower
to higher, otherwise errors will occur.
— When sensor is selected as “None”, sensor curve is inactive.
— If there is only alarm switch for corresponding sensor, this sensor must be set as “None”,
otherwise alarm shutdown or warning may appear.
— Can set several points of forehand or backmost as the same ordinate, as the following picture:
— The HGMS61D/HGMS62D display module is panel mounting and installed by fixing clips.
— Withdraw the fixing clip screw (turn anticlockwise) until it reaches proper position.
— Pull the fixing clip backwards (towards the back of the module) ensuring four clips are inside their
allotted slots.
— Turn the fixing clip screws clockwise until they make contact with the panel.
NOTE: 0.27N·m (2.75kgf·cm) torque is recommended to tighten the fixing clips.
Unit: mm
Unit: mm
WARNING: When there is load current, open circuit is inhibited in the CT secondary side.
Table 20 – Connector B
Terminals of controller Connector B Remark
Fuel relay output 39
Crank relay output - Connect to starter coil directly.
Table 21 – 9 Pins Connector
Terminals of controller 9 pins connector Remark
CAN(H) SAE J1939 signal Using impedance 120Ω connecting line.
CAN(L) SAE J1939 return Using impedance 120Ω connecting line.
Engine type: CUMMINS-ISB.
It is suitable for CM570 engine control module. Engine type is QSM11 G1, QSM11 G2.
Table 24 – C1 Connector
Terminals of controller C1 connector Remark
Outside expand relay, when fuel outputs,
Fuel relay output 5&8 making port 5 and port 8 of C1 be
Crank relay output - Connect to starter coil directly.
Table 25 – 3 Pins Data Link Connector
Terminals of controller 3 pins data link connector Remark
CAN(H) A Using impedance 120Ω connecting line.
CAN(L) B Using impedance 120Ω connecting line.
Engine type: CUMMINS-ISB.
It is suitable for GCS engine control module. Using RS485-MODBUS to read information of engine.
Engine types are QSX15, QST30, QSK23/45/60/78 and so on.
Table 28 – D-SUB Connector 06
Terminals of controller D-SUB connector 06 Remark
Outside expand relay, when fuel outputs,
Fuel relay output 5&8 connect Port 05 and Port 08 of the
Connector 06.
Crank relay output - Connect to starter coil directly.
Table 29 – D-SUB Connector 06
Terminals of controller D-SUB connector 06 Remark
RS485+ 21 Using impedance 120Ω connecting line.
RS485- 18 Using impedance 120Ω connecting line.
Table 33 – F Connector
Terminals of controller F connector Remark
Expand 30A relay, battery
Fuel relay output voltage of 14 is supplied by
relay. Fuse is 16A.
Crank relay output - Connect to starter coil directly.
- 1 Connect to battery negative.
CAN(H) 12 Using impedance 120Ω connecting line.
CAN(L) 13 Using impedance 120Ω connecting line.
Engine type: VOLVO- EDC4.
It is suitable for MTU engine with ADEC (ECU8) and SMART module.
Table 35 – ADEC (X1 Port)
Terminals of controller ADEC (X1 port) Remark
X1 Terminal 9 connected to battery
Fuel relay output X1 10
X1 Terminal 33 connected to battery
Crank relay output X1 34
Table 36 – SMART (X4 Port)
Terminals of controller SMART (X4 port) Remark
CAN(H) X4 1 Using impedance 120Ω connecting line.
CAN(L) X4 2 Using impedance 120Ω connecting line.
Engine type: MTU-ADEC.
It is suitable for MTU engine with ADEC (ECU7) and SAM module.
Table 37 – ADEC (X1 Port)
Terminals of controller ADEC (X1 port) Remark
X1 Terminal 28 connected to battery
Fuel relay output X1 43
negative .
X1 Terminal 22 connected to battery
Crank relay output X1 37
Table 38 – SAM (X23 Port)
Terminals of controller SAM (X23 port) Remark
CAN(H) X23 2 Using impedance 120Ω connecting line.
CAN(L) X23 1 Using impedance 120Ω connecting line.
Engine type: Common J1939.
It is suitable for ADEM3/ADEM4 engine control module. Engine type is 2306, 2506, 1106, and 2806.
Table 39 – Connector
Terminals of controller Connector Remark
Fuel relay output 1, 10, 15, 33, 34
Crank relay output - Connect to starter coil directly.
CAN(H) 31 Using impedance 120Ω connecting line.
CAN(L) 32 Using impedance 120Ω connecting line.
Engine type: PERKINS.
It is suitable for S6 engine control module. Engine type is DC9, DC12, and DC16.
Table 40 – B1 Connector
Terminals of controller B1 connector Remark
Fuel relay output 3 Set aux. output 1 as “Fuel Output”.
Crank relay output - Connect to starter coil directly.
CAN(H) 9 Using impedance 120Ω connecting line.
CAN(L) 10 Using impedance 120Ω connecting line.
Engine type: SCANIA.
NOTE: When this engine type is selected, preheating time should be set to at least 3 seconds.
Suitable engine types are TD520, TAD520 (optional), TD720, TAD720 (optional), TAD721, TAD722, and
Table 43 – Connector
Terminals of controller Connector Remark
Expanded 30A relay, and
relay offers battery voltage
Fuel relay output
to Terminal 14. Fuse is
Crank relay output - Connect to starter coil directly.
1 Connected to battery negative.
CAN(H) 12 Using impedance 120Ω connecting line.
CAN(L) 13 Using impedance 120Ω connecting line.
Engine type: VOLVO-EDC4.
Volvo Engine types are TAD734, TAD940, TAD941, TAD1640, TAD1641, and TAD1642.
Table 44 – Engine CAN Port
Terminals of controller Engine CAN port Remark
Aux. output 1 6 Set aux. output 1 as “ECU Stop”.
Aux. output 2 5 Set aux. output 2 as “ECU Power”.
- 3 Negative power.
- 4 Positive power.
CAN(H) 1(Hi) Using impedance 120Ω connecting line.
CAN(L) 2(Lo) Using impedance 120Ω connecting line.
Engine type: VOLVO-EMS2.
NOTE: When this engine type is selected, preheating time should be set to at least 3 seconds.
14.18 YUCHAI