Jiva Goswami
Jiva Goswami
Jiva Goswami
• Unclear whether
Jiva ever met
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
With fatherly affection, Nityananda
touched Jiva’s head with his feet. He
showed incomparable mercy toward
Jiva, lifting him from the ground and
embracing him tightly.
After keeping Jiva there for some
time with him, Nityananda Prabhu
sent him off to the West... He said,
“Hurry off now to Vraja. That is the
place the Lord has given over to your
family.” (Bhakti-ratnakara 1.765-9,
He then went to Kasi to study under
Madhusudana Vacaspati, who was
student of Sarvabhauma.
• Arrived in 1541 at height of
Vrndavan’s glory, was favorite (&
youngest) of everybody
• Initiated by Rupa Goswami, & lived
with him
• Discussion with
Jiva told to
conquer anger
• Sanatan
Reminded Rupa
of Lord
principle, “Be
kind to every
It is said that a certain dig-vijayi scholar,
eager to amass mundane prestige, came to
Rupa and Sanatan to get their signature as an
admission of defeat in debate.Jiva’s gurus
conceded defeat without any argument and
the arrogant scholar proclaimed them to be
nothing but ignorant fools. He then asked Jiva
to also sign such an admission of defeat. Jiva,
however, decided to take on the puffed-up
Brahmin in debate in order to silence his
scurrilous tongue. In this way, he preserved
the integrity of his spiritual master’s
reputation and demonstrated the ideal
behavior of one who is guru-devatatma, i.e.,
one who recognizes his spiritual master to be
his worshipable deity and source of life.
After the disappearance of Rupa and
Sanatan, Jiva was established as the
topmost teacher of doctrine in the
sampradaya. He engaged everyone
in the worship of Krishna through
teaching the truths given by
Mahaprabhu himself.
In essence, the philosophy of Achintya
bheda abheda, or "inconcieveble oneness
and difference”, avoids the extremes of
Shankara's monistic Advaita vedanta and
Madhva's pure dualism (Dvaita) by
interpreting the material and spiritual
potencies of the Supreme Person
(Bhagavan) as being simultaneously one
and different with Him.
At that time (1542)
he also established
the Vishva
Vaishnava Raja
Sabha (World
Association) and the
Vidyapitha, an
educational facility
for Gaudiya
Vaishnavas to study
the works of Rupa
and Sanatana.
His erudition and
spirituality were so
famous that the Moghul
emperor Akbar became
his ardent admirer and
donated paper for his
Deity given to Jiva by Rupa, who carved it.
Temple established in 1558.
Ma Jahnava,
wife of
visited him
twice with
When Srinivas (who initiated
king Virahanvira book lifter),
Narottama and Dukhi Krishna
Das came from Bengal, he
taught them and gave them the
titles Acharya, Thakur and
Shyamananda. He then sent
them back to Bengal with all the
scriptures that had been written
by the Goswamis, with
instructions to preach the
religion of the Holy Names and
love of Krishna.
Works 25 + Books
• Laid Philosophical foundation
to Vaishnavism;
• Vyakarana (grammar) 3 books
• Stava (drama) 9 books
• Lila 1 book
• Tika (commentaries) 6 books
• Harinamamrta Vyakarana
• Sandarbhas, (9 books)
• Died 1608
• His deity, Radha Damodar, is still
being worshiped in the Radha
Damodar temple in Vrindavan. His
samadhi tomb is on the grounds of
the Radha Damodar temple and his
bhajana-kutira is preserved in Radha
Kund, near Lalita Kund.
The End