GE 15 SIM Final PDF
GE 15 SIM Final PDF
GE 15 SIM Final PDF
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Effectivity Date : Blended (On-line with Face to face or Virtual
Sessions)Time Frame : 54 Hours
Student Workload : Expected Self Directed Learning
Requisites : None
Credit : 3 units
Attendance Requirements : A minimum of 95% attendance is required at all
scheduled Virtual or Face to Face sessions.
In this section, the essential terms relevant to the study
of environmental science ULO-1 will be operationally defined to establish a
typical frame inthe field of natural sciences and social influences towards the
quality of life and sustainability. You will encounter these terms as we go
through environmental science studies with how people and intimately
connected and the implications of rapid population growth and towards the
environment. It involves a more comprehensive understanding ofthe ecological
problem, making judgments evaluation of different types of environmentaland
their functions. Please refer to the definition in case you will encounter difficulty
in theunderstanding of environmental science concepts.
\3 | P a g e
College of Arts and Sciences Education
2nd Floor, DPT Building
Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 118
12. Photosynthesis. It is the process of all plants that transform into the
release of energy ATP. During this process, the light energy of the sun
is captured. Thereis a conversion of water, some mineral and carbon
dioxide, and a certain amountof oxygen needed by animals to survive.
14. Food Chain. A linear network of links in a food web starting from
producer organisms and ending at apex predator species,
detritivores, or decomposer species.
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College of Arts and Sciences Education
2nd Floor, DPT Building
Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 118
To perform the aforesaid big picture (unit learning outcomes) for the first
three (3)weeks of the course, you need fully understand the following essential
knowledge that willbe laid down in the succeeding pages. Please be reminded
that you are not limited to referto these resources exclusively. Thus, you are
expected to utilize other books, research articles, and other available
resources in the university library. e.g., e-library,, etc.
pollution. In 1898, Coal Smoke Abatement Society was established in response to coal
combustion leading to heavy smoke in industrial cities. After World War II, the
industrialization expansion was stupendous that led to economic development and
brought nature degradation. With each passing day, the people became environmentally
conscious. With this, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in 1948
was created to protect and preserve nature in its original form. The Clean Air Act 1956
was formed following the London Smog Episode (Great Smog of London) 1952. It initially
aimed to limit air pollution by controlling the emission of air pollutants.
During 1960-1970 marks the beginning of Modern Environmental Movement and the
establishment of World Wildlife Fund (WWF) which was created to protect animals and
places from human developmental activities. The Green Revolution in Agriculture 1966
was initiated to understand the negative impacts of uncontrolled and unregulated use of
pesticides and fertilizers on the environment. It was intended on improving agriculture
using environmental-friendly techniques. Other environmental movements flourished
during this decade such as NEPA (1969) which aimed to ensure environmental health
by negotiation policies and acts; US EPA which was created in 1970 to monitor human
activities that are negatively impacting the environment of the Earth; and Greenpeace
(1971), a campaign of committed individuals who tried to stop the American Nuclear
Weapon test.
Environmentalism in the new millennium kicked off with the Millennium Development
Goals (MDGs) 2000 which based on eight goals to be achieved before 2015 which was
reenforced with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in 2015 as set during the
United Nation General Assembly to be achieved before 2030 that aims for the future
through sustainable approaches. The second Earth Summit which was dubbed as the
World Summit on Sustainable Development was held in 2002 to discuss and organize
sustainable development approaches. The key focus was solving problems of the
growing population along with increasing demand for energy, water, and food resources.
International environmental treaties were also established such as Stockholm
Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants in 2001 which aimed to reduce or limit the
production, manufacturing, and utilization of persistent organic pollutants; and the Paris
Agreement in 2015 that aimed to limit the global emission of greenhouse gases to reduce
rising global temperature, mitigating and adapting to climate change.
Currently, various conferences were held at various locations around the world to
discuss ongoing environmental crises and possible sustainable approaches.
\6 | P a g e
College of Arts and Sciences Education
2nd Floor, DPT Building
Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 118
The Greeks granted moral value, or worth, only to adult male citizens
within theircommunity. Women, slaves, and children had few rights and were
essentially treated as property. Over time we have gradually extended our
sense of moral value to a broader circle, an idea known as ethical extensions.
Matter. It is anything that can occupy space and has a mass. Solid, liquid, gas,
plasma, and Bosh Einstein Condensate are the phases of matter that constitute the
arrangement of the structures and properties of atoms. All life is made of matter. It cannot
be created nor destroyed, recycled nor transformed as stated in the Law of Conservation
of Matter. Energy provides the force to hold matter together, tear it apart, and move from
one place to another. The energy in moving objects is called Kinetic Energy, the stored
\7 | P a g e
College of Arts and Sciences Education
2nd Floor, DPT Building
Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 118
energy, latent and ready to use is called Potential Energy, and the energy stored in food
or carbon compounds is called Chemical Energy. Conservation of matter has a direct
bearing on human relationship with the biosphere since we use natural resources to
produce a tremendous amount of disposable goods such as Styrofoam cups, plastics
bags and other synthetic items that aggravate the garbage problem which eventually
becomes a major and permanent pollutants.
Laws of Thermodynamics
The first law of thermodynamics states that energy is conserved; that is, it is
neither created nor destroyed under normal conditions. Energy may be
transformed, for example, from the energy in a chemical bond to heat energy, but
the total amount does not change.
Ecological Organization
The movement of energy through a living system begins with the capture
of sunlight by primary producers, then energy flows through food chains and food
webs in a steady “one way stream”. As it flows, energy is alternately stored and
used to power the life processes of animals through which it moves. The energy
captured by producers and consumers is temporarily stored until one organism
eats another. Each of this storage steps along a food chain or food web are called
a trophic level. The producers represent the first trophic level, herbivores, occupy
the second; carnivores that eat herbivores form the third trophic level, and so on.
There are practical limitations of trophic levels. Every time one organism
eats another, only a small fraction of energy present in the lower trophic level is
stored in the next higher level. Using the ecological rule of 10 or the 10% rule, an
average of only about 10% of energy fixed by plants is ultimately stored by
herbivores. Only 10% of the energy that herbivores accumulate ends up being
stored in the living tissues of carnivores that eat them. And only 10% of that energy
is successfully converted into living tissues by carnivores on the third trophic level.
This inefficient energy chains are called ecological pyramids.
\9 | P a g e
College of Arts and Sciences Education
2nd Floor, DPT Building
Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 118
\ 10 | P a g e
College of Arts and Sciences Education
2nd Floor, DPT Building
Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 118
Take notice of all the animals and plants in most ecosystems, we can see that
feeding relationships usually weave numerous organisms into large, complex, and
dynamic networks called food webs, in which many animals eat several different kinds
of food.
You can refer to the sources below to help you further understand the lesson.
Ahmad, P., Ahanger, M., Alyemeni, M. & Alam, P., 2019. Photosynthesis, Productivity,
and Environmental Stress. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., USA.
Murray, D., 2017. The Global and the Local: An Environmental Ethics Casebook. Brill.
Nadeem, F., Bhatti, A., Hanif, M., Tauqueer, H., 2020. Environmental Chemistry. A
Comprehensive Approach. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. USA.
Scotford, E., 2017. Environmental Principles and the Evolution of Environmental Law.
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc. United Kingdom.
Activity No. 1. Now that you have known the most essential terms in the
study of environmental science. Let us try to check your understanding of these terms.
In the space provided, write the terms, being asked in the following statements:
__________1. It refers to the systematic study of our environment andour place
in it.
\ 11 | P a g e
College of Arts and Sciences Education
2nd Floor, DPT Building
Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 118
__________7. It is a law which states that energy is degraded to lower- quality forms,
or it dissipates and is lost, as it is used.
Activity No. 1. Getting acquainted with the essential terms in studying
environmental sciences will not be sufficient. What matters is that you should
be able to discuss the inter- relationship environment, development, social
progress, and environmental ethics. Now, I will require you to explain your
answers thoroughly.
\ 12 | P a g e
College of Arts and Sciences Education
2nd Floor, DPT Building
Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 118
3. Draw a diagram showing the difference between a food chain from a food
Activity No. 1. Environmental science is an interdisciplinary science that
ensures a holistic study and understanding of the natural scope of
environmental science and its whole systems. The study of the environment
and human dimensions is an integral part requiresdeeper understanding on
the role of human towards sustainability as well as the sustainable use of
resources and the growing issue and conflicts between the social,
economic, and environment. Based on the definitions and the essential
elements in the study of environmental and the learning exercises that you
have done, please feel free to indicateyour arguments or lessons learned
\ 13 | P a g e
College of Arts and Sciences Education
2nd Floor, DPT Building
Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 118
Do you have any questions for clarification?
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College of Arts and Sciences Education
2nd Floor, DPT Building
Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 118
Environmental Science Conservation Species
Population Ethics Community
Ecological Systems Energy Niche
Climate Change Ecological Pyramid Habitat
In this section, the essential terms relevant to the study of environmental
science ULO-1 will be operationally defined to establish a typical frame inthe
field of natural sciences and social influences towards the quality of life and
sustainability. Please refer to the definition in case you will encounter difficulty in
theunderstanding of environmental science concepts.
\ 15 | P a g e
College of Arts and Sciences Education
2nd Floor, DPT Building
Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 118
Biomes are diverse biological communities where various plants and animal
speciesshare common characteristics for the environment, they are thriving in. They
are formed inresponse to a shared physical climate and on the world's different
continents. While theselocal communities have distinctive characteristics, they can
understand concerning a few general groups with the same climate conditions,
patterns of growth, and vegetation types.
The tropical moist forest supports the world's one of the most complex and
biologically rich biome. These forests do share standard features such as rainfall
and unchanging temperatures. One type of moist forest is the cool cloud forests
found in high mountains where fog and mist provide sufficient moisture for the
vegetation. On the otherhand, the tropical rainforest has an abundant rainfall per year
(more than 200 cm.) and warmto hot temperatures all year round.
\ 16 | P a g e
College of Arts and Sciences Education
2nd Floor, DPT Building
Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 118
Both tropical moist forests have an old, thin, acidic, and nutrient-poor soil.
However, the presence of species on these forests is overwhelming in the canopy
of the tropical rainforest, where millions of insect species are present. In
mountainous regions,temperatures are more relaxed, and precipitation is usually
more significant at high elevations. Communities can transition quickly from warm
and dry to cold and wet as yougo up a mountain. Vertical zonation refers to the
vegetation zones defined by altitude.
Tropical Seasonal
Although the temperatures are hot throughout the year, wet and dry
seasons arethe distinct characteristics of many tropical regions. These are the
areas that support drought-tolerant forests that are dormant and appear to be
brown during the dry season;however, they will turn into the vibrant green during rainy
months. Tropical seasonal forestshave annual dry seasons but with periodic rain to
support tree growth. The trees and shrubsthat grow in these forests are drought-
deciduous in which during drought or water is unavailable, will lose their leaves
and cease to grow. Moreover, seasonal forests are oftenopen woodlands that grade
into savannahs.
Both grasslands and savannahs are areas with too little rainfall to support
forests. However, unlike grasslands, the savannahs have thin tree cover. Like
tropical seasonal forests, most tropical savannahs and grasslands have a rainy
season, but typically, rains are less abundant than in a forest. The plants in these
areas have adaptations to survive drought, heat, and even fires. Many of these
plants have long-lived roots that seek deepgroundwater and can persist even the
leaves and stems die.
\ 17 | P a g e
College of Arts and Sciences Education
2nd Floor, DPT Building
Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 118
Deserts occur when rainfall is rare and unpredictable (less than 30 cm) and
hot orcold yet always dry. The vegetation in deserts is remarkably diverse, although
sparse. Well- adapted plants have water-storing leaves and stems, thick epidermal
layers to prevent excessive water loss and salt tolerance. Most desert plants and
animals are adapting to prolonged droughts, and both extreme heat and cold.
Whenever spring rainfalls, most of these plants blossom and rapidly dispose of
The Dessert of the North”La Paz Sand Dunes”, Ilocos Norte, Philippines.
Temperate Grasslands
produces thick and organic-rich soil where roots candig deep to survive drought,
fire, and extreme heat and cold.
Temperate Shrublands
Dry environments can be biologically rich, where they can support drought-
adaptedtrees, shrubs, and grasses. In Mediterranean areas, hot season coincides
with dry season creating warm, dry summers and cold, moist winters. Dense
thickets are forming from evergreen shrubs with small, leathery, hard, and waxy
(sclerophyllous) leaves—a cluster of shrub oaks, dry-resistant pines, or other small
trees in sheltering valleys. Due to fuel-richplant assemblage, periodic fires burn
ferociously, allowing plant succession and spring flowers to bloom abundantly.
Temperate shrublands or chaparral (Sp. Thicket) have summer droughts.
Temperate Forests
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College of Arts and Sciences Education
2nd Floor, DPT Building
Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 118
Boreal Forests
Since conifers can survive winter cold, they tend to limit the existence
of boreal forest or northern forest between about 50° and 60° north.
Numerous qualities and types of boreal forest in the mountainous areas are
at a lower latitudewhere dominant trees are pines, hemlocks, spruce, cedar,
and fir. Boreal forest, such as taiga (snow forest), known by its Russian
name, describe as extreme, and ragged edge where forest progressively
gives way to open tundra. In this area, extreme cold and short summer limit
the growth rate of trees. About 10 cm diameterof trees may be over 200 years
old in the far north. Boreal forests occur at high latitudes.
\ 20 | P a g e
College of Arts and Sciences Education
2nd Floor, DPT Building
Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 118
The diversity of organism in oceans and seas are no seen effectively. However,
they are also as diverse and complex as terrestrial biomes. The oceans cover three-
fourths of theEarth's surface, and it has an essential role but often unrecognized
compared to terrestrial ecosystems. Most of the marine species depend on
photosynthetic organisms the same asterrestrial animals.
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College of Arts and Sciences Education
2nd Floor, DPT Building
Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 118
Open Oceans
Coastal Zones
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College of Arts and Sciences Education
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Mangroves are trees that grow in saltwater. They take place along
calm, shallow, tropical coastlines around the world. Swamps help
stabilize shorelines, and they are also significant nurseries for fish,
shrimp, and other commercial species.
Estuaries are bays where river water meets the sea; hence, there is a
mixing of saltwater and freshwater. Salt marshes are shallow
wetlands flooded regularly or occasionally and drained by seawater,
usually on shallow coastlines, including estuaries.
Barrier islands are low, narrow, sandy islands that form parallel to a
coastline. They occur where the continental shelf is shallow, and
rivers or coastal currents provide a steady source of sediments. They
protect brackish (moderately salty), inshore lagoons and salt marshes
from storms, waves, andtides.
Freshwater environments are not that wide as the marine ecosystem, but
they areabundant and center of biodiversity. Most of the terrestrial communities
rely relatively onfreshwater habitats. In the desert, isolated pools, streams, and
even underground watersystems support astounding biodiversity and land animals
with water.
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College of Arts and Sciences Education
2nd Floor, DPT Building
Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 118
Like marine environments, freshwater lakes have distinct vertical
zones. Close to the surface, a subcommunity of plankton, primarily
microscopic plants, animals, and protists (single-celled organisms such as
amoebae), float freely in the water column. Some insects may live at the air-
water interface such as water strider and mosquitoes. The fish move through
the water column, sometimes close to thesurface and sometimes at depth.
Finally, a variety of snails, burrowing worms, fish, and other organisms
occupy the bottom or benthos. They make up the benthic community. They
are reducing the levels of oxygen in the benthic environment, primarily
because there is little mixing to introduce oxygen to this zone. Anaerobic
bacteria (not using oxygen) may exist in low-oxygen sediments. In the littoral
zone,arising of plants such as cattails and rushes grow in the bottom sediment.
Lakes, unless shallow, have a warmer upper layer mixed with wind
and warmed by the sun. This layer is the epilimnion. The epilimnion is the
hypolimnion (hypo = below), a colder, deeper layer that is not combined. You
may have found the sharp temperature limit known as the thermocline
between these layers on theoff chance that you have swum in a moderately
deep lake. Underneath this limit, thewater is a lot colder. This limit is likewise
called the mesolimbic.
\ 24 | P a g e
College of Arts and Sciences Education
2nd Floor, DPT Building
Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 118
You can refer to the source below to help you further understand the
Magill, G., & Potter, J., 2017. Integral Ecology: Protecting Our Common Home.
Cambridge Scholars Publisher. United Kingdom.
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College of Arts and Sciences Education
2nd Floor, DPT Building
Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 118
Activity 2. Answer the following questions:
Activity No. 2. In this activity, you require to elaborate your answer once again
to each ofthe questions provided below.
\ 26 | P a g e
College of Arts and Sciences Education
2nd Floor, DPT Building
Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 118
Activity No. 2. Make research of the different types of forest in the
Philippines. Provide a clear photo of each type and a description. Include the
different species that are most likely found, their limiting factors, and the threats
it is facing for each type.
Do you have any questions for clarification?
\ 27 | P a g e
College of Arts and Sciences Education
2nd Floor, DPT Building
Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 118
Biomes Ecosystem Marches
Rainforest Marine Desert
Forest Freshwater Tundra
Taiga Wetlands Swamps
In this section, essential terms relevant to human population growth, its patterns,
history, and implication to the natural resource will be operationally defined for you to
comprehend ULO-b. You will also be required to refer to the previous definitions found
in ULO-a to connect with the topic discuss under the lesson unit. These are some key
terms that will enable you to grasp the core areas of environmental science.
1. Population. It is the entire pool from which a statistical sample is drawn from a
different group of individuals.
1.1. A population is referring to an entire group of people of different races,
sexuality, and status; objects like material things; events like social
gatherings; hospital or school visitations, and measurements of a distinct
2. Demographic Transition. It refers to the shift in the history of birth and death
rates in society because of the absence of science and technology
advancements. There is also an issue on the economic and educational
development, particularly in women that may cause the demographic transition.
6. Fecundity it is referring in two ways; human demography has the potential for
the reproduction of a listed population as opposed to a single organism. For the
\ 28 | P a g e
College of Arts and Sciences Education
2nd Floor, DPT Building
Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 118
10. Biodiversity - Biodiversity is all the different kinds of life you’ll find in one area—
the variety of animals, plants, fungi, and even microorganisms like bacteria that
make up our natural world.
Humans and the environment, in which our daily lives take place, are intricately
interwoven. Our activities are having an increasingly dramatic and negative impact
on wildlife and ecosystems, endangering not only wild species but also our own
survival. Despite the fact that we completely rely on nature for essential, life-
sustaining services like clean air and water, a predictable climate, and food, these
effects are only getting worse. The unfortunate reality is that we are mostly using the
planet's resources to fulfill our short-term demands, and those who will suffer the
most are the most vulnerable or don't have a voice in how those resources are used
(such as future generations).
Making sure that development and expansion take place without causing
environmental harm and enriching people's daily lives without depleting the
environment is one of the main issues of the twenty-first century. Governments and
people may need to make some challenging decisions about how we define and
reward success in the future.
Usually, in discussions of population dynamics, birth, death, and growth rates are
expressed as percentages (the number per 100 individuals). The human population is
so huge that percentages are too crude a measure, so it is common to state these rates
in terms of the number per 1,000, referring to the crude rate. Thus, we have the crude
birth rate, crude death rate, and crude growth rate. More specifically, here is a list of
terms that are used frequently in discussions of human population change and will be
useful to us in this book from time to time.
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College of Arts and Sciences Education
2nd Floor, DPT Building
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Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 118
The expansion of the human population has a range of effects on the Earth
system, including:
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College of Arts and Sciences Education
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Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 118
All of the species that are still living today have developed distinctive
characteristics through many generations that set them apart from other species.
Scientists distinguish between species based on these differences. Different species of
organism are those that can no longer procreate with one another due to their divergent
evolutionary paths. All living things that can reproduce sexually belong to the same
species. Given that there is still a lot of species to be discovered, scientists are curious
about how much biodiversity there is on a global basis. They also research the number
of species that can be found in a single environment, such as a lake, grassland, tundra,
or woodland. Beetles, snakes, antelopes, and many other species can be found on a
single meadow. The warm, humid temperature of tropical regions is an example of an
optimum environmental setting for plant growth in ecosystems that support the greatest
biodiversity. Species that are too small to perceive with the naked eye can also exist in
ecosystems. Microscopically examining soil or water samples reveals a vast array of
bacteria and other microscopic creatures.
The world has certain regions with greater biodiversity than others, including parts
of Mexico, South Africa, Brazil, the southwestern United States, and Madagascar.
Hotspots are places with exceptionally high biodiversity levels. Hotspots are also home
to endemic species, which can only be found in a single place.For the sake of survival
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College of Arts and Sciences Education
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Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 118
and the preservation of their ecosystems, all species on Earth cooperate. For instance,
cattle are fed on the grass in pastures. The manure that cattle then create replenishes
soil nutrients and encourages the growth of further grass. Additionally, farmland can be
fertilized with this manure. Humans benefit greatly from many species, especially in the
areas of food, clothing, and medicine.
However, due to human consumption and other activities that disrupt or even
destroy ecosystems, a large portion of the Earth's biodiversity is under danger. Threats
to biodiversity include population expansion, pollution, and climate change. The rate of
extinction of species has increased at an unheard-of rate as a result of these concerns.
Some scientists predict that during the next century, half of all species on Earth will
become extinct. To maintain biodiversity and safeguard endangered species and their
habitats, conservation measures are required.
Taxonomy is the branch of biology that classifies all living things. It was
developed by the Swedish botanist Carolus Linnaeus, who lived during the
18th Century, and his system of classification is still used today. Linnaeus
invented binomial nomenclature, the system of giving each type
of organism a genus and species name. He also developed a classification system
called the taxonomic hierarchy, which today has eight ranks from general to
specific: domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.
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Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 118
A taxon (plural: taxa) is a group of organisms that are classified as a unit. This can be
specific or general. For example, we could say that all humans are a taxon at the species
level since they are all the same species, but we could also say that humans along with
all other primates are a taxon at the order level, since they all belong to the order
Primates. Species and orders are both examples of taxonomic ranks, which are relative
levels of grouping organisms in a taxonomic hierarchy.
The following is a brief description of the taxonomic ranks that make up the
taxonomic hierarchy. Example of taxonomy is the diagram below, which shows the
classification of the red fox, Vulpes vulpes (sometimes the genus and species names
are the same, even though these are two different ranks).
Many mnemonic devices can be used to remember the order of the taxonomic
hierarchy, such as “Dear King Philip Came Over For Good Spaghetti”.
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College of Arts and Sciences Education
2nd Floor, DPT Building
Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 118
You can refer to the sources below to help you further understand the lesson.
Marten. G.G. 2008. Human Ecology: Basic Concepts for Sustainable Development.
Earthscan, USA
Botkin, D., and Keller, E., 2011. Environmental Science: Earth as a Living Planet. 8th
Edition. John Wiley and Sons, USA
Activity 3: Please encircle the answer under each item that best reflects your thinking.
3. Which taxonomic rank is more specific than order but less specific than genus?
a. Genus c. Species
b. Family d. Order
5. It refers to the average number of years a newborn infant can expect to live births.
a. Birth rate expectancy c. Doubling time
b. Rate of natural increase d. Cause-specific death rate
7. It refers to the three-stage pattern of change in birth rates and death rates that
has occurred during the process of industrial and economic development.
a. Demographic transition c. Growth rate
b. Sex ratio pattern d. Logistic curve rate
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Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 118
8. The average number of years n individuals can expect to live given the individual's
present age.
a. Life longevity c. Life expectation of living
b. Life expectancy d. Life transition
At this juncture., you will be required to elaborate your answer supported with literature
and data to the following questions.
Activity No. 3. Demographic studies play an important role in studying human
ecology and settlement patterns. It enables urban and environmental planners to design
sustainable communities with the utmost comfort and responsiveness to the growing
population growth and demand for resources. Identifying the key factors affecting
demography will shape the idea of projecting future demand for residential units,
commercial establishments, industrial, and institutional facilities. In this portion of the
group, you will be required to state your arguments or synthesis relevant to the topics
presented on population growth and its effect in biodiversity. I will answer the first two
items, and you will continue the rest.
3. _______________________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________________________
6. _______________________________________________________________
7. _______________________________________________________________
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College of Arts and Sciences Education
2nd Floor, DPT Building
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8. _______________________________________________________________
9. _______________________________________________________________
10. _______________________________________________________________
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Population Death Rate Biodiversity
Growth Demography Taxonomy
Birth Rate Morbidity Organisms
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Below are the essential terms that you are going to encounter in the pursuit of ULOd.
1. Biological Communities – The term biological community refers to all the living
components in an ecosystem. A slightly different concept is encompassed in the
word biota, which refers to all flora and fauna, or plant and animal life, in a
particular region.
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The living organisms within an ecosystem are its biotic factors and the physical
and chemical features are abiotic factors. Abiotic factors include resources living
organisms need, such as light, oxygen, water, carbon dioxide, good soil, and nitrogen,
phosphorous, and other nutrients. Abiotic factors also include environmental features
that are not materials or living things, such as living space and the right temperature
range. Energy moves through an ecosystem in one direction.
Organisms must make a living. This means that each individual organism must
acquire enough food energy to live and reproduce. A species' way of making a living is
called its niche. An example of a niche is making a living as a top carnivore, an animal
that eats other animals, but is not eaten by any other animals. Every species fills a niche,
and niches are almost always filled in an ecosystem. An organism’s habitat is where it
lives. The important characteristics of a habitat include climate, the availability of food,
water, and other resources, and other factors, such as weather.
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What Is a Community?
A community is the biotic part of an ecosystem. It consists of all the populations
of all the species in the same area. It also includes their interactions. Species interactions
in communities are important factors in natural selection. They help shape the evolution
of the interacting species. There are three major types of community interactions:
predation, competition, and symbiosis.
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The food chain is the part of the natural ecosystem in which food, nutrients, and
energy are transmitted from one organism to another organism whereas the food web is
a system in which numerous food chains are interconnected with each other. In an
ecosystem, all living organisms depend on each other for food which develops a food
chain and in this way, they survive and reproduce. But organisms cannot depend on only
one type of food chain so they have to interact with another type of food chain which
eventually leads to the formation of a food web. All types of food chains have sunlight,
producer, consumer, and decomposer as its components.
Community dynamics are the changes in community structure and composition over
time, often following environmental disturbances such as volcanoes, earthquakes,
storms, fires, and climate change. Communities with a relatively constant number of
species are said to be at equilibrium. The equilibrium is dynamic with species identities
and relationships changing over time, but maintaining relatively constant numbers.
Following a disturbance, the community may or may not return to the equilibrium
In contrast to the millions of years that extinctions normally occur, human activity
is directly responsible for hundreds of extinctions in the last two centuries. Humans have
altered the earth in previously unheard-of ways as the twenty-first century goes on.
Human impact on the environment has become one of the main topics all over the world.
Here are some of the negative impacts of human population on the environment:
• Overpopulation
• Pollution
• Global Warming
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• Genetic Modification
• Ocean Acidification
• Overfishing
• Deforestation
• Acid Rain
• Ozone Depletion
You can refer to the sources below to help you further understand the lesson.
Marten. G.G. 2008. Human Ecology: Basic Concepts for Sustainable Development.
Earthscan, USA
Botkin, D., and Keller, E., 2011. Environmental Science: Earth as a Living Planet. 8th
Edition. John Wiley and Sons, USA
Activity 4. Answer the following briefly:
3. Are natural resource have effect on the species composition, structure, and
Activity No. 4. In this activity, you require to elaborate your answer once again to
each of the questions provided below.
2. Identify physical and biological factors that are most important in shaping the
biotic community.
Activity No. 4. The approaches of environmental studies viewed as a very
complicated process. With the human population on many ecosystems that are widely
dispersed around the globe also have detrimental impacts on biological communities as
well about sustainability. Ecosystems and communities have evolved to keep abreast of
the changing activities within a specific geographical unit. The physical, chemical and
biological attributes of different communities will determine how our ecosystems will be
in the many years to come. In this part, you require to draw conclusions, perspectives,
and arguments about ecological system functions and communities' patterns from the
unit lesson. I will supply the first two items, and you will continue the rest.
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determine key organisms that can continue to flourish and pass off their genes to
their offsprings, which will be the second line of resilient organisms that will shape
a new set of biological communities.
3. _______________________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________________________
6. _______________________________________________________________
7. _______________________________________________________________
8. _______________________________________________________________
9. _______________________________________________________________
10. _______________________________________________________________
Do you have any questions for clarification?
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Community Predation Habitat
Species Competition Keystone species
Interaction Symbiosis Ecological structure
In this section, the essential terms relevant to the study environmental science
ULOe will be operationally defined to establish a standard frame in the field of natural
sciences about the global issues of environmental toxicology. Pollution as well
occurrence of global diseases affecting human health and the implications of toxic
substances to the food and agriculture sector. You will encounter these terms as we go
through environmental science studies with how people, and development and intimately
connected, and the implications to ecological health and safety. It involves a broader
understanding of toxic and hazardous substances and their corresponding disposal and
treatment processes. Please refer to the definition in case you will encounter difficulty in
the knowledge of environmental science concepts.
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10. Risk assessment. The combined effort of identifying and analyzing potential
eventscan negatively affect individuals, assets, and even the environment.
It also makesmindful judgments on the tolerability of the risk analysis and
examines factors influencing it.
13. Herbicides. Pesticides used to kill unwanted plants (weeds). There are
selective herbicides that explicitly target a weed/s by interfering with its
growth without harming the desired crop.
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To perform the aforesaid big picture (unit learning outcomes) for the sixth to
seventhweeks of the course, you need to fully understand the following essential
knowledge thatwill be laid down in the succeeding pages. Please note that you can
refer to other resources; thus, you are expected to utilize other books, research
articles, and other available resources in the university library (e.g., e-library,, etc.)
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Infectious and emergent diseases still kill millions of people. A wide variety of
pathogens afflict humans, including viruses, bacteria, protozoans, parasitic worms, and
flukes. People rarely die from parasites, but they can be extremely debilitating, and can
cause poverty that leads to other deadly diseases. Diarrhea, acute respiratory illnesses,
malaria, measles, tetanus, kill about 11 million children under age 5 every year in the
developing world. Better nutrition, clean water, improved sanitation, and inexpensive
inoculations could eliminate most deaths.
Emergent diseases are those not previously known or that have been absent for
at least 20 years. Rapid international travel makes it possible for these new diseases to
spread around the world at jet speed. Epidemiologists warn that the next deadly
epidemic is only a plane ride away.
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3. Climate and weather - e.g., diseases with zoonotic vectors such as West
Nile Disease (transmitted by mosquitoes) are moving further from the
tropics as the climate warms.
10. Dam and irrigation system construction - e.g., malaria and other mosquito
borne diseases
The protozoan parasite that causes malaria is now resistant to most drugs, while
the mosquitoes that transmit it have developed resistance to many insecticides. The
following are the reasons for antibiotic resistance to develop - Antibiotics do not work
against certain diseases, e.g., viral infections. They are given when the person could
recover fully without them and starting and not finishing a full prescription. Hence, there
is also a widespread use of antibiotics in animal agriculture.
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pathology, pharmacology, and many other disciplines. Toxin’s damage or kill living
organisms because they react with cellular
components to disrupt metabolic functions. They are harmful even in extremely dilute
concentrations. In some cases, billionths, or even trillionths of a gram can cause
irreversible damage.
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Immune System Depressants suppress the immune system. Dead animals contained
high levels of pesticide residues, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and other
contaminants that are suspected of disrupting the immune system and making it
susceptible to a variety of opportunistic infections.
Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that disrupt the natural activity of hormones.
Hormones are chemicals released by cells into the bloodstreams in one part of the
body toregulate the function and development of tissues and organs in the body.
We realize now that some of the most gradual, yet harmful effects of persistent
chemicals such as dioxinsand P.C.B.s are that they interfere with healthy growth,
development, and physiology of avariety of animals—including humans—at shallow
Hormone mimics have similar shapes to natural hormones and amply their effects.
BPA (Bisphenol A) is known to be a hormone mimic used for plastic products ranging
from water bottles to tooth- protecting sealants. The chemical can cause abnormal
chromosome numbers which is the leading cause of miscarriages and several forms
of mental retardation. It also is an environmental estrogen and may alter sexual
development in both males and females. Bills are considered to ban BPA and certain
phthalates in children’s toys and feeding products.
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Hormone blockers prevent natural hormones from attaching to their target organ.
Endocrine disruption is linked to increased risk of breast cancer, develop- mental and
reproductive toxicity, allergies, and immuno-toxicity.
Neurotoxins are a particular class of metabolic poisons that individually attack nerve
cells (neurons). The nervous system has an essential function in controlling the
body activities,especially to a fast-acting and devastating events.
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Neurotoxins have different types, and itacts in different ways. Heavy metals like
lead and mercury destroy nerve cells and cause permanent brain damage.
Organophosphates (Malathion, Parathion) and carbamates (carbaryl, zineb,
maneb) inhibit acetylcholinesterase, the enzymes that control the transfer of signals
between nerve cells and the tissues or organs they innervate (e.g., muscle).
Anesthetics (ether, chloroform, halothane, etc.) and chlorinated hydrocarbons
(D.D.T., Dieldrin, Aldrin) disrupt nerve cell membranes needed for nerve action.
Most neurotoxinsare both fast-acting and highly toxic.
Mutagens are agents that damage or modify the genetic material (D.N.A.) in cells,
such as chemicals and radiation. If the cost happens during embryonic or fetal
development, this may contribute to congenital disability. Later in life, genetic
damage can contribute to neoplastic (tumor) formation. If reproductive cells
undergo injury, the effects may be passed on to future generations. Cells have
repair mechanisms to diagnose and repair defective genetic material, but specific
changes may be hidden, and the repair cycle itselfcan be flawed. It is widely agreed
that there is no “safe” threshold for mutagens exposure. Any contact has the potential
to cause harm.
Carcinogens are substances that cause cancer, invasive, and out-of-control cell
growthresulting in malignant tumors. Cancer rates rose over the twentieth century
in most developed nations, and cancer is now the second leading cause of death in
the U.S., killingmore than half a million people in 2002.
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organism all play an essential function in determining toxicity. In this section, we will
look at each of these characteristics and how it affects environmental health.
A. Factors Related to Toxic agent.
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Just as there are many sources of toxins in our environment, there are many
routes for entry of dangerous substances into our bodies. Airborne toxins generally
cause moreill-health compared to other sources. Our lungs are programmed to
efficiently exchange gases and, at the same time, absorb toxins. The complication
in measuring toxicity is thatsignificant differences in sensitivity exist between species.
Acute effects have been the effects of most toxics we have discussed. They are
caused by a single exposure to the toxin and result in an immediate health crisis
of some sort. An individual survives an urgent crisis due to an acute reaction, most
likely because the effectsare reversible.
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1. magnitude
2. frequency
3. duration, and
4. route of exposure to a possible toxin.
Toxicity assessment weighs all available evidence and estimates the potential
for adverse health effects to occur. Risk assessment can also define as the
process of determining potential adverse health effects of exposure to pollutants
and potentially toxicmaterials. Exposure to toxic air pollutants can intensify your health
risks. For example, if you live near a factory that discharges cancer-causing
chemicals and inhale contaminated air,your chance of getting cancer can increase.
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Behavioral tolerance results from changes in the behavior; for example, mice
learnto avoid traps.
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Agriculture is a science and art of growing plants and other crops, and the
raising of animals for food, other human needs, or economic gain. When they are
sustainable managed, they can help preserve and restore critical habitats, protect
watersheds, and improve soil health, and water quality. However, when practiced
without care, it presents the greatest threat to species and ecosystems.
§ Land Transformation due to the use of land to yield goods and services.
Examples for this are deforestation to create gardens/park; drainage of
wetlands to grow crops like rice; and landscape degradation through
activities like road construction for transport of agricultural produce.
§ Land Degradation which is the long-term decline in ecosystem function and
productivity such as soil erosion, soil exhaustion, soil salinization,
overgrazing, frequent burning, and loss of soil biodiversity due to use of
agrochemicals like pesticides. The pesticide is a general term for a chemical
that kills pests, usually a toxic chemical, but sometimes we also consider
chemicals that drive pests away from pesticides. Some pest control
compounds kill a wide range of living things and are called biocides.
Herbicides are chemicals that kill plants; insecticides kill insects, and
fungicides kill fungi.
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Types of Pesticides
Inorganic pesticides are compounds made from toxic elements, like sulfur,
copper, arsenic, and mercury. These elements are considered a broad-
spectrum poison because they are highly poisonous and indestructible,
which means they stay in theenvironment forever. They usually act nerve
toxins. Historically, the primary pesticide applied to apples, and other
orchard crops were arsenic powder, but traces of the dust remain in
groundwater or soil in many agricultural areas.
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1. Global warming
2. Heavy rainfall
3. Flood
4. Acid rain
5. Wind erosion
6. Landslide
To satisfy human food and fiber needs, it is very important to make the most
efficient use on non-renewable resources and on-farm resources, to sustain
economic viability of farm operations at the same time enhances the quality of life
for farmers and society. Sustainable agriculture is the practice of farming using
principles of ecology to produce healthful food without compromising the future
generation’s ability to do the same.
1. Limited use of land which makes it difficult to produce large quantities of food.
Therefore, mass production is not possible.
2. It takes more work since the use of machines is minimal or eliminated, it takes more
time and people to successfully produce plants, which slows down the production.
3. Shorter shelf life since decomposing occurs faster in food that is produced
sustainably, causing it to have a shorter shelf life. If a shipment gets delayed, there
is a big chance that it will never get to the supermarket because it will already be
4. Less fertile lands since it is quite hard to increase the fertility of land just by rotating
crops and without the use of fertilizers and other chemicals.
5. Lower income because the land is used sparingly, the income that is generated
from farming is very limited.
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Despite dire predictions that runaway population growth would soon lead to
terriblefamines, world food supplies have more than kept up with increasing human
numbers over the past two centuries. The past 40 years have seen especially
encouraging strides in reducing world hunger. More than 850 million people today
are considered chronically hungry: their diets don’t provide the 2,200 kcal per
day, which is deemed necessary for a healthy and productive life. Poverty is the
greatest threat to food security or the ability to obtain sufficient food on a day-to-day
basis. Food security occurs at multiple scales. In thepoorest countries, hunger may
affect nearly everyone.
You can refer to the sources below to help you further understand the lesson.
Dalezios, N., 2017. Environmental Hazards Methodologies for Risk Assessment and
Management. IWA Publishing, Canada.
Frumkin, H., 2017. Environmental Health: From Global to Local. 3rd edition. Wiley &
Sons Publishing, USA.
Knowlton, K., Sorensen, C., & Lemery, J., 2017. Global Climate Change and Human
Health: From Science to Practice. 2nd ed. Wiley & Sons Publishing, USA
Lippmann, M., Leikauf, G., 2017. Environmental Toxicants: Human Exposures and Their
Health Effects. 4th ed. Wiley & sons Publishing, USA.
Activity No. 5. Now that you have known the most essential terms in the study of
environmental science. Let us try to check your understanding of these terms. In the
space provided, write the terms, being asked in the following statements:
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Activity No. 5. Getting acquainted with the essential terms in studying
environmental health and toxicology will not be sufficient. What matters is that you
should be able to identify and discuss different toxic elements present in the
environment, whether naturally occurring or human induced. It is also important to
determine the route and persistence of these pollutants to develop measures and
mechanisms to reduce the risk of potential food contamination and other agricultural
resources. Now, I will require you to explain your answers thoroughly.
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4. How are toxic elements being deposited in the environment? Can these
toxicelements/ chemicals contaminate the food chain?
Activity No. 5. Studying the environment and its components requires a deeper
understanding of the core areas of environmental science. This involves understanding
the influence of human dimensions as well as the natural phenomena that resulted in
different alterations of the natural ecosystems, which eventually creates threats and
danger both the biological, physical, and chemical components of an ecosystem. Also,
this includes the analysis and understanding of how humanmade and natural
components react with one another. Based on the definitions and the essential elements
in the study of environmental and the learning exercises that you have done, please feel
free to indicate your arguments or lessons learned below.
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Do you have any questions for clarification?
Carcinogens Mortality Exposure
Antigens Morbidity Persistence
Risk assessment Mutagens Lethal Dose
Toxicology Solubility Tolerance
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In this section, the essential terms relevant to the study of geology and Earth's
resources, air pollution, water pollution, and the introduction of environmental are
presented. Please refer to the definition in case you will encounter difficulty in the
understanding of environmental science concepts.
3. Pressure. The force applied perpendicular to the surface of an object per unit
area over which that force is distributed.
3.1. Gauge pressure is the pressure relative to the ambient pressure.
3.2. Various units are used to express pressure.
5. Greenhouse gases. A gas that absorbs and emits radiant energy within the
thermal infrared range.
5.1. Greenhouse gases cause the greenhouse effect on planets.
5.2. The primary greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere are water vapor,
carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone.
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7. Weather. The state of the atmosphere describes the degree to which it is hot or
cold, wet or dry, calm or stormy, clear or cloudy.
6.1. Most weather phenomena occur in the lowest level of the atmosphere, the
troposphere, just below the stratosphere.
9. Wastewater. Any water that has been contaminated by human use. Wastewater is
"used water from any combination of domestic, industrial, commercial or agricultural
activities, surface runoff or stormwater, and any sewer inflow or sewer infiltration.
10. Scarcity. The limited availability of a commodity may be in demand in the market
or by the commons. Poverty also includes an individual's lack of resources to buy
11. Eutrophication. When a body of water becomes overly enriched with minerals and
nutrients, which induce excessive growth of algae.
10.1. This process may result in oxygen depletion of the water body.
14. Environmental Law. A collective term encompassing aspects of the law that
protect the environment.
13.1. A related but distinct set of regulatory regimes, now strongly influenced by
environmental legal principles, focuses on the management of specific
natural resources, such as forests, minerals, or fisheries.
We live at the bottom of a layered ocean of air that extends upward about 500 km. All
the weather we see is in the lowest 10–12 km, a continually moving layer known as the
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Ceaseless flowing and swirling in the troposphere redistribute heat and moisture from
one part of the globe to another. Short-lived and local patterns of temperature and
moisture we call weather. In contrast, the climate is long-term patterns of temperature
and precipitation. The Earth's earliest atmosphere probably consisted mainly of
lightweight hydrogen and helium. Over billions of years, most of that hydrogen and
helium diffused into space. Volcanic emissions added carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur,
and other elements to the atmosphere.
Clean, dry air is mostly nitrogen and oxygen. Water vapor concentrations vary from near
zero to 4 percent, depending on air temperature and available moisture. Minute particles
and liquid droplets—collectively called aerosols—also are suspended in the air.
Atmospheric aerosols play important roles in the Earth's energy budget and in producing
rain. The atmosphere has four distinct zones of contrasting temperatures due to
differences in the absorption of solar energy.
Mesosphere. The third layer of the atmosphere directly above the stratosphere
and directly below the thermosphere. In the mesosphere temperature decreases
as altitude increases. These characteristics are used to define its limits; it begins
at the top of the stratosphere (sometimes called stratopause) and ends at the
mesopause, which is the coldest part of the Earth's atmosphere with
temperatures below -143 degrees Celsius.
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Atmospheric Processes
Two essential qualities of the atmosphere are pressure and temperature. The
pressure is force per unit area. Atmospheric pressure is caused by the weight of
overlying atmospheric gases on those below and therefore decreases with altitude. We
are familiar with this as barometric pressure, which the weatherman gives to us in units
that are the height to which that pressure raises a column of mercury. When air pressure
is high, it moves downward, which warms the air, changing the condensed water drops
in clouds to vapor; therefore, high-pressure systems are clear and sunny.
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Greenhouse Effect*58aKfoSmb_hj4zFz0Egt6g.jpeg
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The greenhouse effect is a natural atmospheric process that is necessary for life as we
know it. However, too strong a greenhouse effect caused by the burning of fossil fuels
and deforestation may create adverse environmental change. Greenhouse gases are
a general term for gases that are especially effective at capturing the long-wavelength
energy from the Earth's surface. Water vapor (H2O) is the most abundant greenhouse
gas, and it is always present in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the most
abundant human-caused greenhouse gas, followed by methane (CH4), nitrous oxide
(N2O), and dozens of other gases like ozone (O3), sulfur dioxide (SO2),
Climate changes have continued in more recent —“recent” geologically speaking, that
is. The mean annual temperature of Earth has swung up and down by several degrees
Celsius over the past million years. Over the last 18,000 years, climate change has
greatly affected people during the previous major time of continental glaciations—
changes in Earth's temperature over varying periods during the past million years.
Significant changes correspond to glacial (cool) and interglacial (warm) periods over the
past 800,000 years.
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Data to document and understand climate change come from three main periods: the
Instrumental Record, the Historical Record, and the Paleo-Proxy Record. The use of
instruments to make climate measurements began around 1860. Since then,
temperatures have been measured at various places on land and in the oceans. The
average of these observations produces the graph. Several groups have tried to
reconstruct the average surface temperature of the Earth using available comments.
Temperature measurement has improved dramatically in recent years thanks to such
devices as ocean platforms with automatic weather-monitoring equipment, coordinated
by the World Meteorological Organization. Thus, we have more accurate records since
about 1960.
Historical Records
Paleo-proxy. Proxy data refers to scientific data that are not strictly climatic but
can be correlated with climate data, such as the temperature of the land or sea.
Proxy data provides important insights into climate change. Information gathered
as proxy data includes natural records of climate variability, as indicated by tree
rings, sediments, ice cores, fossil pollen, corals, and carbon-14.
Proxy Climate Records. Ice Cores- Polar ice caps and mountain glaciers have
an accumulation record of snow that has been transformed into glacial ice over
hundreds to thousands of years. Ice cores often contain small bubbles of air
deposited at the time of the storm, and we can measure the atmospheric gases
in these. Two important gases being measured in ice cores are carbon-dioxide
(CO2) and methane (CH4). Of the two, it appears methane most closely follows
climate change determined from the geologic record over the past 1,000,000
years. As a result, CO2 and CH4 are the most relevant proxy for climate change.
The ice cores also contain a variety of chemicals and materials, such as volcanic
ash and dust, which may provide additional insights into possible causes of
climate change. Ice cores are obtained by drilling into the ice.
Tree Rings. The growth of trees is influenced by climate, both temperature, and
precipitation. Many trees put on one growth ring per year, and patterns in the tree
rings—their width, density, and isotopic composition—tell us something about the
climate variability. When conditions are good for growth, a ring is wide; when
conditions are poor, the ring is narrow. Tree-ring chronology, known as
dendrochronology, has produced a proxy record of climate that extends back
over 10,000 years
2. the pollen can be dated, and since the grains are preserved in
sedimentary layers that might be dated, we can develop a chronology
3. based on the types of plants found at different times, we can construct a
climatic history.
People can adjust to the threat of global warming in two ways:
Adapt: Learn to live with future global climate change over the next 20 years
because there is warming in the pipeline from greenhouse gases already
Mitigate: Work to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases and take action to
reduce the undesirable effects of global warming.
Climate Change
Climate change is the long-term alteration of temperature and typical weather patterns
in a place. Climate change could refer to a particular location or the planet as a whole.
Climate change may cause weather patterns to be less predictable. These unexpected
weather patterns can make it difficult to maintain and grow crops in regions that rely on
farming because expected temperature and rainfall levels can no longer be relied on.
Climate change has also been connected with other damaging weather events such as
more frequent and more intense hurricanes, floods, downpours, and winter storms.
In polar regions, the warming global temperatures associated with climate change have
meant ice sheets and glaciers are melting at an accelerated rate from season to season.
This contributes to sea levels rising in different regions of the planet. Together with
expanding ocean waters due to rising temperatures, the resulting rise in sea level has
begun to damage coastlines as a result of increased flooding and erosion.
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The cause of current climate change is largely human activity, like burning fossil fuels
such as natural gas, oil, and coal. Burning these materials releases greenhouse gases
into Earth’s atmosphere. There, these gases trap heat from the sun’s rays inside the
atmosphere causing Earth’s average temperature to rise. This rise in the planet's
temperature is called global warming. The warming of the planet impacts local and
regional climates. Throughout Earth's history, climate has continually changed. When
occurring naturally, this is a slow process that has taken place over hundreds and
thousands of years. The human influenced climate change that is happening now is
occurring at a much faster rate.
Global climate varies naturally over time scales from decades to thousands of years and
longer. These natural variations can originate in two ways: a) from internal fluctuations
that exchange energy, water and carbon between the atmosphere, oceans, land and
ice; and b) from external influences on the climate system, including variations in the
energy received from the sun and the effects of volcanic eruptions.
Human activities can also influence climate by changing concentrations of CO2 and
other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, altering the concentrations of aerosols and
altering the reflectivity of Earth’s surface by changing land cover.
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The atmosphere has always been a sink—a deposition and storage place—for gaseous
and particulate wastes. When the amount of waste entering an area of the atmosphere
exceeds the atmosphere's ability to disperse or break down the pollutants, problems
result. Air pollution is generally the most widespread and obvious kind of environmental
damage. While developed countries have been making progress, air quality in the
developing world has been getting much worse.
There are, however, many natural sources of air quality degradation. Volcanoes spew
out ash, acid mists, hydrogen sulfide, and other toxic gases. In many cases, the chemical
compositions of pollutants from natural and human-related sources are identical, and
their effects are inseparable can occur. While the natural sources of suspended
particulate material in the air outweigh human sources at least tenfold worldwide, in
many cities, more than 90 percent of the airborne particulate matter is anthropogenic
(human-caused). Two major categories of pollution sources are stationary and mobile
sources. Stationary sources have relatively fixed locations and include point sources,
fugitive sources, and area sources. Mobile sources include trucks and buses.
Point Sources. Emit pollutants from one or more controllable sites such as power
plant smokestacks.
Fugitive Sources. Generate air pollutants from an open area exposed to wind.
It includes burning for agricultural purposes and dirt roads, construction sites,
farmlands, storage piles, surface mines, and other exposed areas.
Area Source. A well-defined area within which several sources of air pollutants.
It includes small urban communities, areas of intense industrialization within
urban complexes, and agricultural areas sprayed with herbicides and pesticides.
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Categories of Pollutants
Primary. Are those released directly from the source into the air in a harmful
form? These pollutants are emitted directly into the air. They include particulates,
sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and hydrocarbons.
Secondary. They are modified to a hazardous form after they enter the air or are
formed by chemical reactions as components of the air mix and interact. Solar
radiation often provides the energy for these reactions. Photochemical oxidants
and atmospheric acids created by these mechanisms are probably the most
important secondary pollutants in human health and ecosystem damage.
Secondary pollutants are produced reactions between primary pollutants and
standard atmospheric compounds.
Criteria Pollutants
The six most common pollutants are called criteria pollutants because the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has set specific limits on the levels of these six,
and they are responsible for most of our air pollution problems. The six criteria pollutants
are; sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide, ozone, particulates, and lead.
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Sulfur Dioxide. A colorless and odorless gas usually present at Earth's surface
in low concentrations. A significant feature of sulfur dioxide is that once it is
emitted into the atmosphere, it can be converted into fine particulate sulfate and
removed from the atmosphere by wet or dry deposition. The primary
anthropogenic source of sulfur dioxide is the burning of fossil fuels.
Particulate Matter. It is made of tiny particles. The term particulate matter is used
for varying mixtures of suspended in the air we breathe, but in regulations, these
are divided into three categories.
1. PM 10- particles up to 10 micrometers in diameter.
2. PM 2.5- particles between 2.5 and 0.18 microns
3. Ultra-fine particles- smaller than 0.18 micrometers in diameter
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Air Toxics
Toxic air pollutants or air toxics are among those pollutants known or suspected to cause
cancer and other serious health problems, either long-term or short-term exposure.
Although most air contaminants are regulated because of their potential adverse effects
on human health or environmental quality, a particular category of toxins is monitored
by the U.S. EPA because they are particularly dangerous. Called hazardous air
pollutants (HAPs), these chemicals include carcinogens, neurotoxins, mutagens,
teratogens, endocrine system disrupters, and other highly toxic compounds. Air toxics
includes gases, metals, and organic chemicals that are emitted in relatively small
Water Resource
Water Supply
Rain falls unevenly over the planet. Some places get almost no precipitation, while
others receive heavy rain almost daily. Three principal factors control these global water
deficits and surpluses.
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Water Compartments
Oceans. Oceans hold 97 percent of all water on Earth. Together, the oceans
contain more than 97 percent of all the liquid water in the world. (The water of
crystallization in rocks is far larger than the amount of liquid water.) Oceans are
too salty for most human uses, but they contain 90 percent of the world’s living
biomass. While the ocean basins really form a continuous reservoir, shallows and
narrows between them reduce water exchange, so they have different
compositions, climatic effects, and even different surface elevations. Oceans play
a crucial role in moderating the Earth's temperature. In tropical seas, surface
waters are warmed by the sun, diluted by rainwater and runoff from the land, and
aerated by wave action. In higher latitudes, surface waters are cold and much
Glaciers, Ice, and Snow. Of the 3 percent of all freshwater, nearly 70 percent is
tied up in glaciers, ice caps, and snowfields. Glaciers are rivers of ice flowing
downhill very slowly. Now occur only at high altitudes or high latitudes, but as
recently as 18,000 years ago, about one-third of the continental landmass was
covered by glacial ice sheets.
Moisture for plant growth comes from these layers. Depending on the rainfall
amount, soil type, and surface topography, the zone of aeration may be very
shallow or quite deep. Lower soil layers where all spaces are filled with water
make up the zone of saturation. The top of this zone is the water table. Water
tables also rise and fall seasonally, depending on precipitation and infiltration
rates. Porous layers of sand, gravel, or rock lying below the water table are called
aquifers. Aquifers are always underlain by relatively impermeable layers of stone
or clay that keep water from seeping out at the bottom. Areas in which infiltration
of water into an aquifer occurs are called recharge zones. The rate at which most
aquifers are refilled is very slow, however, and groundwater presently is being
removed faster than it can be replenished in many areas. Urbanization, road
building, and other development often block recharge zones and prevent
replenishment of essential aquifers. Groundwater stores large resources.
Rivers, Lakes, and Wetlands. Precipitation that does not evaporate or infiltrate
into the ground runs off over the surface, drawn by the force of gravity back
toward the sea. Rivulets accumulate to form streams, and streams join to form
rivers. Although the total amount of water contained at any one time in rivers and
streams is small compared to the other water reservoirs of the world, these
surface waters are vitally important to humans and most other organisms. Most
rivers, if not constantly replenished by precipitation, meltwater from snow and ice,
or seepage from groundwater, would begin to diminish in a few weeks. We
measure the size of a river in terms of its discharge, the amount of water that
passes a fixed point in a given amount of time.
Clean, freshwater is essential for nearly every human endeavor. Perhaps more than any
other environmental factor, water availability determines the location and activities of
humans on Earth. Renewable water supplies are made up, in general, of surface runoff
plus the infiltration into accessible freshwater aquifers. About two-thirds of the water
carried in rivers and streams every year occurs in seasonal floods that are too large or
violent to be stored or trapped effectively for human uses. Stable runoff is the
dependable, renewable, year-round supply of surface water.
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Water scarcity occurs when the demand for water exceeds the available amount, or
poor quality restricts its use. Water stress occurs when renewable water supplies are
inadequate to satisfy essential human or ecosystem needs, bringing about increased
competition among potential demands. Water stress is most likely to occur in developing
countries where the per capita renewable water supply is low. Periodic droughts create
severe regional water shortages. Droughts are most common and often most severe in
semiarid zones, where moisture availability is the critical factor in determining plant and
animal distribution. Undisturbed ecosystems often survive extended droughts with little
damage, but the introduction of domestic animals and agriculture disrupt native
vegetation and undermines natural adaptations to low moisture levels.
Most water we use eventually returns to rivers and streams. Therefore, it is important to
distinguish between withdrawal and consumption. Withdrawal is the total amount of
water taken from a lake, river, or aquifer. Much of this water is in India for Agricultural. in
Kuwait, where water is especially precious, only 4 percent is used for crops. In the United
States, which has a large industrial sector and a highly urbanized population, about half
of all water withdrawal, and about 80 percent of consumption,
is agricultural.
A tragic case of water overconsumption is the Aral Sea, which lies in Kazakhstan and
Uzbekistan. Once the fourth-largest inland water body in the world, this giant saline lake
lost 75 percent of its surface area and 80 percent of its volume between 1975 and 2004
when, under the former Soviet Union, 90 percent of the natural flow of the Amu Dar'ya
and Syr Dar'ya Rivers was diverted to irrigate rice and cotton. Towns that once were
prosperous fish processing and shipping ports now lie 100 km from the lakeshore.
Vozrojdenie Island, used for biological weapons productions in the Soviet era, has
become connected to the mainland, causing concern about the security of materials
stored there. The salt concentration in the remaining water doubled, and fishing, which
once produced 20,000 tons per year, ceased altogether. Today, more than 200,000 tons
of salt, sand, and toxic chemicals are blown from the dried lake bottom every day. This
polluted cloud destroys pastures, poisoning farm fields, and damages the health of
residents who remain in the area. As water levels dropped, the lake split into two lobes.
The "Small Aral" in Kazakhstan is now being reclaimed.
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Water Pollution
Water pollution refers to the degradation of water quality. From public health or
ecological view, a pollutant is any biological, physical, or chemical substance that, in
an identifiable excess, is harmful to desirable living organisms. Water pollutants include
heavy metals, sediment, certain radioactive isotopes, heat, fecal coliform bacteria,
phosphorus, nitrogen, sodium, and other useful (even necessary) elements, as well as
certain pathogenic
bacteria and viruses. The increasing population often results in the introduction of more
pollutants into the environment as well as greater demands on finite water resources.
Dead organic matter in streams decays. Bacteria are carrying out this decay use oxygen.
A stream with low oxygen content is a poor environment for fish and most other
organisms. A stream with an inadequate oxygen level is considered polluted for
organisms that require dissolved oxygen above the existing level. The amount of oxygen
required for biochemical decomposition processes is called the biological or
biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). BOD is commonly used in water-quality
management. It measures the amount of oxygen consumed by microorganisms as they
break down organic matter within small water samples, which are analyzed in a
laboratory. BOD is routinely measured at discharge points into surface water, such as at
wastewater treatment plants.
At treatment plants, the BOD of the incoming sewage water from sewer lines is
measured, as is water from locations both upstream and downstream of the plant. It
allows comparison of upstream, background, BOD, and the BOD of the water being
discharged by the plant. When BOD is high, as suggested earlier, the water's dissolved
oxygen content may become too low to support life in the water. Three zones are
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Waterborne Diseases
The primary water-pollution problem in the world today is the lack of clean drinking water.
Each year, particularly in less-developed countries, several billion people are exposed
to waterborne diseases whose effects vary in severity from an upset stomach to death.
Two important nutrients that cause water-pollution problems are phosphorus and
nitrogen, and both are released from sources related to land use. Stream waters on
forested land have the lowest concentrations of phosphorus and nitrogen because forest
vegetation efficiently removes phosphorus and nitrogen. In urban streams,
concentrations of these nutrients are greater because of fertilizers, detergents, and
products of sewage treatment plants. The highest concentrations of phosphorus and
nitrogen are often found in agricultural areas, where the sources are fertilized farm fields
and feedlots. Over 90% of all nitrogen added to the environment by human activity
comes from agriculture.
Pollution of surface water occurs when too much of an undesirable or harmful substance
flows into a body of water, exceeding that body of water's natural ability to remove it,
dilute it to a harmless concentration, or convert it to a harmless form. Water pollutants,
like other pollutants, are categorized as being emitted from the point or nonpoint
Point sources are distinct and confined, such as pipes from industrial and
municipal sites that empty into streams or rivers. In general, point source
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pollutants from industries are controlled through on-site treatment or disposal and
are regulated by permit.
Nonpoint sources, such as runoff, are diffused and intermittent and are
influenced by factors such as land use, climate, hydrology, topography, native
vegetation, and geology. Common urban nonpoint sources include runoff from
streets or fields; such runoff contains all sorts of pollutants, from heavy metals to
chemicals and sediment. Rural sources of nonpoint pollution are generally
associated with agriculture, mining, or forestry. Nonpoint sources are difficult to
monitor and control.
1. nanotechnology
2. urban-runoff naturalization.
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Wastewater Treatment
Water used for industrial and municipal purposes is often degraded during use by the
addition of suspended solids, salts, nutrients, bacteria, and oxygen-demanding material.
Wastewater treatment—sewage treatment—costs about $20 billion per year in the
United States, and the cost keeps rising, but it will continue to be big business.
Conventional wastewater treatment includes septic-tank disposal systems in rural areas
and centralized wastewater treatment plants in cities.
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Primary Treatment. Incoming raw sewage enters the plant from the
municipal sewer line and passes through a series of screens to remove
large floating organic material. The sewage next enters the "grit chamber,"
where sand, small stones, and grit are removed and disposed of. It goes
to the primary sedimentation tank, where particulate matter settles out to
form sludge. Sometimes, chemicals are used to help the settling process.
The sludge is removed and transported to the "digester" for further
processing. Primary treatment removes approximately 30 to 40% of BOD
by volume from the wastewater, mainly in the form of suspended solids
and organic matter.
Secondary Treatment. There are several methods of secondary
treatment. The most common treatment is known as activated sludge
because it uses living organisms—mostly bacteria. In this procedure, the
wastewater from the primary sedimentation tank enters the aeration tank
where it is mixed with air (pumped in) and with some of the sludge from
the final sedimentation tank. The sludge contains aerobic bacteria that
consume organic material (BOD) in the waste. The wastewater then enters
the final sedimentation tank, where sludge settles out. Some of this
“activated sludge,” rich in bacteria, is recycled and mixed again in the
aeration tank with air and new, incoming wastewater acting as a starter.
The bacteria are used again and again. Most of the sludge from the final
sedimentation tank, however, is transported to the sludge digester.
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Applying wastewater to the land arose from the fundamental belief that waste is simply
a resource out of place. Land application of untreated human waste was practiced for
hundreds if not thousands of years before the development of wastewater treatment
plants, which have sanitized the process by reducing BOD and using chlorination.
Water Reuse
Water reuse can be inadvertent, indirect, or direct. Inadvertent water reuse results
when water is withdrawn, treated, used, treated, and returned to the environment,
followed by further withdrawals and use. Inadvertent water reuse is common and a fact
of life for millions of people living along large rivers. Many sewage treatment plants are
located along rivers and discharge treated water into the rivers. Downstream, other
communities withdraw, treat, and consume the water. Several risks are associated with
inadvertent reuse:
1. Inadequate treatment facilities may deliver contaminated or poor-quality water
to downstream users.
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2. Because the fate of all disease-causing viruses during and after treatment is not
completely known, the health hazards of treated water remain uncertain.
3. Every year, new and potentially hazardous chemicals are introduced into the
environment. Harmful chemicals are often difficult to detect in the water, and if
they are ingested in low concentrations over many years, their effects on people
may be difficult to evaluate.
Indirect water reuse is a planned endeavor. For example, in the United States,
several thousand cubic meters of treated wastewater per day have been applied
to numerous sites to recharge groundwater and reuse them for agricultural and
municipal purposes.
Direct water reuse refers to the use of treated wastewater piped directly from a
treatment plant to the next user. In most cases, the water is used in industry, in
agri-cultural activity, or for watering golf courses, institutional grounds (such as
university campuses), and parks. Direct water reuse is growing rapidly and is the
norm for industrial processes in factories.
Power in Politics. According to some observers, politics is really the struggle for power
among competing interest groups that strive to shape public policy to suit their own
agendas. The political system, in this view, manages group conflict by:
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Creation of Policies
Laws are rules set by authority, society, or custom. Church laws, social morés,
administrative regulations, and various other codes of behavior can be considered laws
if some enforcement power backs them. Government laws are established by federal,
state, or local legislative bodies or administrative agencies. Environmental law
constitutes a unique body of official rules, decisions, and actions concerning
environmental quality, natural resources, and ecological sustainability. Each branch of
government plays a role in establishing the rules of law. Statute law consists of formal
documents or decrees enacted by the government's legislative branch declaring,
commanding, or prohibiting something. It represents the formal will of the legislature.
Case law is derived from court decisions in both civil and criminal cases. Administrative
law rises from executive orders, administrative rules and regulations, and enforcement
decisions in which statutes passed by the legislature are interpreted in specific
applications and individual cases because every country has different legislative and
legal processes.
The United Nations first convened countries to address the global environment at the
1972 UN Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm. The Stockholm
conference highlighted the international aspects of emerging environmental challenges
and legitimized the environment as an area for international cooperation.
Since the 1972 Stockholm Conference, the world has met regularly in a series of major
summits aimed at shifting the world generally toward a path of sustainability. The most
important by far has been the 1992 UN Conference on Environment and
Development (UNCED), also known as the Rio "Earth Summit”. Virtually every world
leader attended the Earth Summit, where they agreed to three major treaties –
addressing climate change, biological diversity and desertification.
At both Stockholm in 1972 and at Rio in 1992, the countries adopted a set of basic
principles. Some of these principles are emerging as customary law, helping to resolve
environmental disputes and guide negotiations of the various environmental treaties.
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They can be grouped into treaties aimed at: (1) protecting the global atmosphere,
including preventing climate change and ozone depletion; (2) conserving wildlife and
biological diversity; (3) managing the oceans and marine environment; and (4) regulating
global movement of chemicals, wastes and other hazardous substances.
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Beginning in the late 1970s scientists warned that certain widely used chemicals could
be depleting the earth’s protective stratospheric ozone layer. In response, countries first
negotiated the 1985 Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer and
two years later the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer.
The Montreal Protocol has subsequently been revised or amended every two or three
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Nearly every country in the world has joined the Montreal Protocol and the use of ozone-
depleting substances has plummeted, And the ozone layer is slowly recovering.
Recently, the Parties to the Montreal Protocol have extended it to phase out certain
related chemicals that contribute to climate change.
Conserving Nature
The planet is facing a sixth great wave of extinctions and a general decline in wildlife
and natural habitats. The leading global treaties for conserving nature are the
Convention on Biological Diversity, the Convention on International Trade in
Endangered species (CITES) and the Convention on Migratory Species. The 1992
Biodiversity Convention has the general goal of conserving the planet's biological
diversity. The Convention sets an international framework to support domestic
conservation efforts and includes binding protocols on managing genetically modified
organisms (GMOs) and ensuring that local communities share the benefits from
biodiversity conservation. CITES establishes binding controls on international trade in
parts of rare species of animals and plants. For example, CITES prohibits all commercial
trade in elephant ivory, tiger pelts, rhinoceros horns, and thousands of other plants and
animals. The Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) provides a framework for
countries to protect the entire life cycle of threatened migratory species. The CMS
includes separate annexes tailored to the needs of specific animals or groups of animals
(for example migratory bats). Other nature conservation treaties protect internationally
important wetlands, natural heritage sites, and certain species such as whales, sea
turtles or migratory birds.
The UN Convention on the Law of the Sea sets forth rules for managing the oceans,
including marine conservation. Under the regime, coastal states are responsible for
protecting the marine environment within 200 miles of their coasts, and flag states (i.e.,
the countries that license a particular vessel) are responsible for controlling their ship’s
activities in the high seas beyond 200 miles. More specific treaties limit marine pollution
from ships and regulate fishing for highly mobile fish species that straddle territorial
waters and the high seas.
environmental and public health risks inherent to hazardous chemicals. The Basel
Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes
and their Disposal imposes similar consent requirements for shipments of hazardous
wastes and requires the environmentally sound management of such wastes.
Philippine Environmental Laws are simply the collection of laws, regulations, principles,
policies, directives, and agreements enforced by the Philippines’ government and the
environmentally related bodies to govern and regulate the human treatment of the
environment. Philippine environmental laws concern not only man’s physical
environment but his social and economic wellbeing as well. Below are some of the
Philippine Environmental Laws:
B. Republic Act 6969 - Toxic Substances, Hazardous And Nuclear Waste Control
Act of 1990
The law aims to regulate restrict or prohibit the importation, manufacture, processing,
sale, distribution, use and disposal of chemical substances and mixtures the present
unreasonable risk to human health. It likewise prohibits the entry, even in transit, of
hazardous and nuclear wastes and their disposal into the Philippine territorial limits for
whatever purpose; and to provide advancement and facilitate research and studies on
toxic chemicals.
The provisions of this Act extend to the Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS), that
significantly deplete or otherwise modify the ozone layer, and to Persistent Organic
Pollutants (POPs), substances persisting in the environment, bioaccumulating, and
resisting photolytic, chemical and biological degradation and other toxic or poisonous
substances potentially damaging human and animal health and the ecosystem.
You can refer to the sources below to help you further understand the lesson.
Marten. G.G. 2008. Human Ecology: Basic Concepts for Sustainable Development.
Earthscan, USA
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Activity No. 6. Now that you have the most essential terms and concepts in the
study of geology and earth resource, water pollution and treatment, and environmental
policy. Let us try to check your understanding of these terms and concepts. In space
provided, write your answers to each of the following questions.
Activity No. 6. Getting acquainted with the essential terms essential terms and
concepts of geology and earth resources, water pollution and environmental policy.
Now, I will require you to explain thoroughly your answers.
1. Identify and differentiate the different layers of the atmosphere and its unique
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5. What is air pollution? Discuss comprehensively the sources of pollution and its
corresponding categories.
Activity No. 6. Based from the definition of the most essential terms and concepts
of the atmosphere, air and water pollution and environmental laws and the learning
exercises that you have done, please feel free to write your arguments or lessons
learned below.
1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________
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5. ___________________________________________________________________________
Do you have any questions for clarification?
Climate Change Point Sources Estuary
Environmental Law Non-Point Sources Weather
Wastewater Treatment Residence Time Climate
Sewage Criteria Pollutant Atmosphere
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