Written Work 2:: Annotated Abstract
Written Work 2:: Annotated Abstract
Written Work 2:: Annotated Abstract
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Thesis Adviser: Michael Art G. Munoz, LPT Behavioral Science
Note: Each set of annotated abstracts is equivalent to 50 points. A sample work is shown below.
Screenshot of the
Annotated Abstract
1. Determine which is Filipino children are deficient in energy and micronutrients. Through juice
the background of the drinks which are commonly consumed by children, it may be a way to
study – discussing the supplement the needed nutrient gap.
concept, theory, or
what the study/topic
wants to cover.
2. What is the - The objective of the study was to determine whether iron and zinc
objective/gap of the together with nutritional status using a new non-carbonated juice may be a
study? way to nourish schoolchildren.
3. What is the main Two groups of 100 schoolchildren were divided where one group received
methodology used in juices with fortificants, while the other group received juices without
the paper? fortificants for 100 days. Prior to receiving the juice, students were
dewormed; the weight and height were assessed before and after.
4. What is the main The basal weight and height of the children who received the fortified
outcome of the study juices increased significantly, therefore there was a positive result. On the
(conclusion and/or other hand, schoolchildren who received juices without fortificants had no
result)? changes in their weight and height.
5. What is the The fortified juice drink was considered to be effective in reducing
application for future prevalent anemia and improved micronutrient level (zinc). This can pave a
use? way for future studies.
Guide Questions: Answers:
Reference in APA7MallClark, B., Chatterjee, K., Martin, A., & Davis, A. (2019). How commuting affects
Format subjective wellbeing. Transportation, 47(6), 2777–2805.
Screenshot of the
Annotated Abstract
1. Determine which is
the background of the
study – discussing the Traveling back and forth between home and work is common for many workers.
concept, theory, or As a result, any effects on a person's well-being caused by commuting will impact a
what the study/topic significant portion of the population.
wants to cover.
2. What is the
objective/gap of the
study? The study’s objective is to identify the impact of commuting on various aspects
of SWB, paying particular attention to those arising from personal changes in commuting
circumstances over six waves. Particularly the associations between commuting and
SWB, focusing on the adverse effects of longer commute times and examining
differences among selected population sub-groups.
The gap - The study solely focuses on the impact of commuting on subjective well-being
(SWB) and does not explore the possible impact of other factors that could influence
3. What is the main The study uses six waves of individual-level panel data from Understanding
methodology used in Society (2009/10 to 2014/15) with a sample of over 26,000 workers living in England
the paper? utilizing the regression analysis to identify the associations between commuting and
SWB, accounting for individual changes in commuting circumstances over the six waves.
4. What is the main The study’s findings shows that longer commute times are associated with
outcome of the study fewer jobs and leisure time satisfaction, increased strain, and poorer mental health.
(conclusion and/or Shorter and more walkable commutes can improve SWB, but overall life satisfaction is
result)? only maintained if the benefits of commuting are not compromised.
5. What is the
application for future
use? The study can provides evidence for policymakers and employers to consider
shorter and more walkable commutes to improve the SWB of workers. Aside from this, it
can also inform future research on how transportation policies and infrastructure can
promote better SWB outcomes.
Guide Questions: Answers:
Reference in APA7 Simpson, D. B., & Burnett, D. (2019). Commuters Versus Residents: The Effects of Living
Format Arrangement and Student Engagement on Academic Performance. Journal of
College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice, 21(3), 286–
304. https://doi.org/10.1177/1521025117707516
Screenshot of the
Annotated Abstract
1. Determine which is
the background of the
The relationship between living arrangements (residential vs. commuter) and the
study – discussing the
academic performance of undergraduate students, along with analyzing the effective
concept, theory, or
educational practices that could influence this relationship.
what the study/topic
wants to cover.
2. What is the
objective/gap of the
This study aims to determine the impact of living arrangements on academic
performance, identify the effective educational practices that can mediate this
relationship, and fill the gap in the existing literature that suggests a lower academic
performance of commuter students than residential students.
at a lesser level than residential students. Both living arrangements, however, profited
from participation in high levels of academic difficulty. The amount of intellectual
challenge was identified as the most important mediator in the study's association between
living arrangements and academic achievement.
5. What is the
application for future
The findings of this study suggest that, regardless of housing arrangements, students'
investment in the college experience, specifically in an academic challenge, is critical to
their academic performance.