Student ID: Application Ref: Name: Authorised Agent: Offer Issue Date: Course Name: Faculty: Fee Type
Student ID: Application Ref: Name: Authorised Agent: Offer Issue Date: Course Name: Faculty: Fee Type
Student ID: Application Ref: Name: Authorised Agent: Offer Issue Date: Course Name: Faculty: Fee Type
Congratulations! I am delighted to offer you the opportunity to study at the University of Melbourne.
By accepting your offer you will be joining a community of outstanding scholars.
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Master of Engineering Management
Course commencement: Start Year Intake 2024 (04 March 2024)
Standard full-time course duration: 1.0 Year(s)
Expected completion 31 December 2024
Typical annual and total tuition fees* $A50 272 Annual / $A50 272 Total (Fees for 2023)
Visa length overseas student health $A769 (single cover) or $A2 734 (couples cover) or $A4
cover** 221 (family cover) for 14 months**
Deadline for accepting your offer: 13 March 2023
Deadline to arrive and enrol: 04 March 2024
*Fees for graduate studies are course-based. Fees for undergraduate studies are subject-based. The University provides a guarantee to
international students who enrol, that course fees will not increase by more than a specified percentage per annum. For more
information about tuition fees please refer to the fees website.
**Overseas health cover premiums are quoted for policies purchased prior to March 2023. International students are required to
purchase Visa Length Cover at the time of accepting their offer. If you choose to use the University’s preferred OSHC provider, BUPA,
once you arrive in Australia you will be able to apply for a refund for the period of cover prior to your arrival into Australia. If you choose
another OSHC provider, you will need to make contact with that provider to seek this advice. If you have been granted and accept
advanced standing in your course the course duration may change, which in turn will change the Overseas Student Health Cover you are
required to purchase. For more information please visit the OSHC website.
Important information
This is an offer for the Master of Engineering Management. The course length is 1 year full-time,
depending on subject availability.
We encourage you to course plan by visiting the following link for your course structure:
The Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology is excited to welcome all of our commencing
students to our Parkville campus for hands-on teaching and learning in all of our courses. Our courses
will be offered in on campus mode only from 2023. There will be orientation sessions at the Faculty of
Engineering and Information Technology in the week prior to commencement of classes. Closer to the
commencement of your course further information will be sent to you and will be available from the
website at:
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Master of Engineering Management
online modes may continue to be available in some graduate programs.
You can find the final subject delivery modes published in the Handbook.
COVIDSafe campuses
The University of Melbourne is committed to COVIDSafe campuses – to find out what this means for
you and your studies, see our COVID-19 student updates page.
For regular updates including support services and requirements to safely study on campus, and
international travel, visit our student advice and support page.
Accommodation at Melbourne
University Accommodation provides a range of housing options for University of Melbourne
students, and all students are guaranteed an offer of accommodation*. As a member of our student
accommodation communities, you can enjoy access to high quality, secure, inclusive and welcoming
accommodation, all within walking distance of our Parkville campus.
For more details and to apply, please visit our University Accommodation website.
You must read the International student checklist as it has lots of useful information on services you
can access to help you settle into life as a student at the University of Melbourne. You are invited to
attend the Welcome to Melbourne webinars.
Thank you for choosing the University of Melbourne as your study destination. We look forward to
welcoming you very soon.
Joanne Ligouris
Executive Director, Student and Scholarly Services and Academic Registrar
The University of Melbourne
CRICOS Provider Code: 00116K
The University of Melbourne has a range of student services to support your success while you study. If you
would like to learn more about our support services, or have a question about your offer or enrolment, contact the
Stop 1 team for support.
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Master of Engineering Management