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Food Chemistry
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/foodchem
Keywords: Secondary metabolites are divided into three classes: phenolic, terpenoid, and nitrogenous compounds. Phenolic
Biomolecule compounds are also known as polyphenols and include tannins, classified as hydrolysable or condensed. Herein,
Oxidative stress we explored tannins for their ROS reduction characteristics and role in homeostasis. These activities are asso
Metal complexation
ciated with the numbers and degree of polymerisation of reactive hydroxyl groups present in the phenolic rings
of tannins. These characteristics are associated with anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, and anti-proliferative health
Gut microbiome
Biotechnological application benefits. Tannins can reduce the risk of cancer and neurodegenerative diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases
and Alzheimer’s, respectively. These biomolecules may be used as nutraceuticals to maintain good gut micro
biota. Industrial applications include providing durability to leather, anti-corrosive properties to metals, and
substrates for 3D printing and in bio-based foam manufacture. This review updates regarding tannin-based
research and highlights its biological and pharmacological relevance and potential applications.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: katia.scortecci@ufrn.br (K.C. Scortecci).
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Received 11 July 2022; Received in revised form 29 January 2023; Accepted 4 February 2023
Available online 6 February 2023
0308-8146/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L.F.M. Melo et al. Food Chemistry 414 (2023) 135645
L.F.M. Melo et al. Food Chemistry 414 (2023) 135645
L.F.M. Melo et al. Food Chemistry 414 (2023) 135645
L.F.M. Melo et al. Food Chemistry 414 (2023) 135645
metabolic syndrome, alleviate diabetic complications, and protect the 1.4. Other tannin applications
heart (Gui et al., 2022). The gene expression analysis revealed that genes
related to hepatic lipogenesis were repressed, including Srebp-1c, Oliveira et al. (2017) working with extracts from three Brazilian
gamma coactivator 1 beta (Pgc-1β), and Scd1. These changes in gene cerrado plants: Turnera ulmifolia L. (leaves and roots), Parkia platyce
expression were consistent with the observed reduction in hepatic phala Benth (leaves and seeds), and Dimorphandra gardneriana Tul
cholesterol after grape-seed proanthocyanindin extract (GSPE) admin (leaves and bark) observed in vitro anti-helminthic activity against
istration and demonstrate that, in the presence of a lipogenic, fructose- Haemonchus contort. In addition, tannins can interact with proteins from
rich diet, GSPE can convert lipids to HDL cholesterol to maintain lipid the sheaths, cuticles, and larval fluid, and this interaction might be
homeostasis in the liver. associated with nematode death. Tannin-rich extracts were found to be
Furthermore, tannins may positively inhibit or retard Alzheimer’s associated with the unsheathing process, which was related to the
disease (AD) onset (Snow et al., 2019), some cancers (Durazzo et al., presence of proline-rich proteins and hydroxyproline in the structures of
2019), and ageing (Nie & Stürzenbaum, 2019). Digallic acid, the main the nematode, then modifying the physical and chemical properties
substance found in Phyllanthus emblica fruit extract, was able to atten from the nematode (Alonso-Díaz et al., 2011). In addition, Elumalai
uate lipid metabolism by decreasing the triglyceride accumulation by et al. (2016) reported that extract rich in catechin exhibits larvicidal
down-regulating adiponectin (Balusamy et al., 2020). activity against Aedes aegypti, Anopheles stephensi, and Culex
Other pharmacological activities of CTs may be associated with their quinquefasciatus.
ability to chelate metal ions, such as copper (Cu+2), zinc (Zn+2), and iron
(Fe2+). Chelation is an excellent mechanism for decreasing the toxicity 1.4.1. Biotechnological and industrial applications
by metals, such as oxidative stress injury and toxic metal accumulation Tannins are widely used in tanneries because they combine with the
in food. Iron complexation also reduces iron levels in patients with iron positively charged –NH3+ from collagen, dehydrating the leather, con
metabolism problems, which leads to iron accumulation in the organism trolling bacterial growth, preventing foul odour, and strengthening the
(Zeng et al., 2019). leather (Fraga-Corral et al., 2020; Grenda et al., 2018).
During in vivo calvarial analysis using adult male Sprague–Dawley Considering that tannins inhibit the growth of some microorganisms,
rats, it was observed that hydroxyapatite modified with tannic acid they may affect the ecosystem following excessive disposal through
(THA) was able to restore bone structure and promote osteogenesis and wastewater from tanneries, where they represent the largest fraction of
angiogenesis better than treatment with hydroxyapatite alone (Tian organic matter in effluents. Therefore, these wastes should be treated
et al., 2020). In addition, a CT compound extracted from Fagopyrum before being discharged into the rivers. To solve this problem, Prigione
cymosum (trevir.) Meisn, known as the effect of Weimaining (WMN), has et al. (2018) investigated some species of fungi adapted to grow on
been tested for effects on breast cancer tumour growth. In this experi specific substrates and if they can function as bioremediation agents
ment, 4 T1-luc2 murine carcinoma cells were inoculated into BALB/c acting against different types of tannins: the hydrolysable ellagitannins
animals. It was observed that this tannin increased the apoptosis index of chestnut, gallotannins of Tara, and CTs from Quebracho and Acacia.
and mRNA levels from caspase-3 mRNA and protein. These results Additionally, they verified the following two possible mechanisms of
showed that tannin WMN suppressed tumour growth (Ke et al., 2021). action: 1) formation of tannic acid by the hydrolysis of ester bonds,
Using Zebrafish (AB strain) previously stressed with 300 μM H2O2, catalysed by tannases, into hydrolysable tannins, releasing glucose and
Chen et al. (2021) treated one group with PCs (a type of polyphenols) gallic acid or 2) the ability to activate a secondary metabolism to convert
and observed an increase in ROS reduction enzymes, such as GSH-Px, tannins as a carbon source. These results show that despite the possi
CAT, and SOD, with a consequent reduction in ROS and malondialde bility of disturbing the ecosystem when released as effluents, tannins
hyde (MDA) levels. They also reported the activation of nuclear factor- have fungal biodegradability by commonly occurring fungi (Prigione
erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2)/antioxidant response element (ARE). et al., 2018).
These results suggest that the treatment with procyanidins has a neu Tannin and sucrose were mixed to form a composite adhesive and
roprotective effect and decreased oxidative damage (Chen et al., 2021). used to prepare plywood. The results showed that the tannin-sucrose
Another aspect of tannins evaluated was their association with car adhesive had a high solids content (70 %) and low viscosity. The
diac disease. Tao et al. (2021) observed that when minipigs were fed a macromolecular structure of the tannins provided sufficient cohesive
high-fat diet, they developed atherosclerosis in the common carotid strength for the adhesive system, and the acidic tannins could more
artery. Nevertheless, when the animals received corilagin (an ellagi efficiently promote the crosslinking reaction between tannins and su
tannin), significant reduction in the damage degree in the common ca crose (Xiao et al., 2022). In addition, CTs obtained from Acacia mearnsii
rotid artery and a decrease in the number of lipid plaques was observed. showed better efficiency in removing anionic and cationic dyes from
Furthermore, a downregulation in the expression of MMP-1, MMP-2, effluents (Grenda et al., 2020). CTs also have applications in 3D printing.
and MMP-9, which were markers of oxidative stress and inflammation, Liao et al. (2020) observed that approximately 20 % acetylated-
was noted. condensed tannin in polylactic acid (PLA) and tannin filament com
The in vivo effect of persimmon-derived tannin, another CT, has also posites provided good print quality with better tensile properties (Liao
been evaluated. This tannin was used to treat Syrian hamsters after et al., 2020).
being orally inoculated with severe acute respiratory syndrome coro Chemically self-expanding rigid foam formulations based on tannin
navirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The administration of tannin drastically re extracts composed of 95 % natural materials have mechanical and
duces pneumonia severity and helps to maintain a low virus physical properties comparable to synthetic phenol–formaldehyde
concentration. These data suggest that this tannin may be an excellent foams, including fire resistance (Pizzi, 2019; Santiago-Medina et al.,
candidate for coronavirus disease treatment as it reduces complications 2018).
and transmission (Furukawa et al., 2021). Li et al. (2020) and Du et al. The application of CTs in the production of plywood adhesives and
(2021) observed that quebulagic acid and punicalagin were able to panels demonstrates that tannins help to enhance the adhesion between
affect the SARS-CoV-2 cycle by regulating the 3-like cysteine protease the fibres and matrix, achieving the best physical and mechanical
enzyme-chymotrypsin (3CL pro). These molecules were previous known properties of wood-based composites (Hafiz et al., 2020).
to inhibit influenza infections. These in vitro and in vivo assessments The crude extract of purple Euterpe oleracea Mart. (açaí), rich in
showed that tannins and polyphenols may have many applications in proanthocyanidins, proved to be a promising corrosion inhibitor when
preventive and curative medicine. tested on AI-SI 1020 carbon steel in corrosive solutions. The formation of
a protective and dark film was observed, probably due to the adsorption
of the inhibitor, protecting the steel from corrosion (Martins et al.,
L.F.M. Melo et al. Food Chemistry 414 (2023) 135645
2021). Thus, tannate films derived from tannin extracts are formed on microbiota composition. Dysbiosis has emerged as a type of pathology in
iron and steel surfaces to protect them from atmospheric corrosion which pathogens are present in the microbiota and has been associated
(Byrne et al., 2019). with inflammatory, neurodegenerative, and autoimmune diseases;
Tannins may be associated with many other biotechnological ap metabolic disorders; oxidative stress; and ageing (Levy et al., 2017).
plications, such as organic gels with different porosities, contaminant Considering the importance of food in preventing and treating dis
removal, thermal insulation, and energy storage. The organic gels may eases, Iwatani and Yamamoto (2019) proposed some criteria for foods to
also be used as plant-based coagulants to treat water surfaces, industrial be considered functional. They must be available as part of a usual diet,
effluents, and mineral flotation. Their waste decomposition activity and food in natural and whole form instead of processed to powder or pills
metal complexation are also based on their ecological functions, similar and have a known function in the human body (i.e., impact on the im
to plant defence against herbivores (Fraga-Corral et al., 2021). mune system, prevention or recovery of diseases or delay ageing)
Tannins are associated with wine production, and CTs confer bio (Iwatani & Yamamoto, 2019). Studies have proposed nutritional in
logical importance to wine through their antioxidative properties. It is terventions with therapeutic or preventive potential once these modi
rich in catechin, epicatechin, epicatechin gallate, catechin gallate, and fications may interfere with the gut–brain axis by modulating the
galocatechin-3-O-gallate (Ma et al., 2018). Anthocyanins are mainly hypothalamic region, changing appetite, and eating habits (Schröder
present in the skin of grapes and are usually present in 3-O-glucosidic et al., 2020; Zawada et al., 2020). In this context, secondary metabolites
forms (delphinidin, cyanidin, petunidin, peonidin, and malvidin). Fla are important molecules for prevention and treatment. Polyphenols are
vanols and anthocyanins are the main compounds in dry red wine. They an example of secondary metabolites that may act as ROS reduction and
are responsible for the dry mouth sensation, wine structure, and colour anti-inflammatory agents and are involved in gut microbiota homeo
stability (Li & Duan, 2019), and the type of CT varies according to the stasis (Koudoufio et al., 2020).
grapevine cultivar and its cultivation (Pinasseau et al., 2017; Zhijing The ingestion of foods containing complex carbohydrates, fibres,
et al., 2018). polyunsaturated fatty acids, and bioactive components with ROS
Other clinical applications of tannins include skin wounds because of reduction properties (flavonoids, phytosterols, terpenes, and poly
their protein complexation properties, and tannic acid hydrogels can be phenols) has been shown to promote nutritional support and balances
produced at low-cost (Fraga-Corral et al., 2021; Guo et al., 2018; the gut microbiota by increasing the abundance of beneficial bacteria,
Koopmann et al., 2020; Marsh et al., 2020). such as Bifidobacterium spp. and Lactobacillus lactis. These bacteria have
Many published works continue to point to a growing and diverse use been associated with decreased levels of inflammatory interleukins (IL-
of tannins to solve biotechnological challenges at the industrial scale and 6, IL-17A, and IL-1β), TNF-α, COX-2, and colon cells and blood vessel
improve health of living beings. protection. Environmental pH reduction has been verified to inactivate
receptors; consequently, these beneficial bacteria may compete for food
2. Nutritional applications and secrete molecules against the pathogenic bacteria, suppressing their
proliferation in the gut (Serra-Majem et al., 2019).
Recently, dietary components have been shown to play an essential
role in preventing and treating chronic diseases (Andreescu et al., 2018; 2.1. Polyphenols
Sapienza & Issa, 2016). Therefore, nutraceuticals have received atten
tion in various research fields, opening many paths for exploration, such Polyphenols are secondary metabolites present in fruits and vege
as a better understanding of the functional roles of some essential di tables. They are considered health promoters due to their ROS reduction
etary molecules, components of foods/superfoods, environmental, and and anti-inflammatory activities. In addition to stabilising the gut
gene expression; the impact of these different foods/superfoods and microbiome, these properties help lower the risk of cancer and vascular
environmental conditions on health and physiology; and the role of diseases (AL-Ishaq et al., 2020; Chang et al., 2019; Durazzo et al., 2019;
these components in disease prevention or development (Andreescu Kang et al., 2020). The hydroxyl groups in the chemical structure of
et al., 2018; Ikram et al., 2019; McCubrey et al., 2017; Sapienza & Issa, phenols facilitate electron donation, subsequently helping to eliminate
2016). free radicals from the cells. Polyphenols are bioactive molecules that
Natural products have emerged as an interesting treatment strategy may also have a protective effect on the functions of intestinal barrier
for some pathologies based on different molecules and biological ac junctions by increasing transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER)
tivities. Epigenetic therapy has emerged as a novel field for nutraceut through the modulation of barrier integrity (Toschi et al., 2022; Ling
icals owing to its potential to prevent cancer by modulating gene et al., 2016). This action may prevent the subsequent translocation of
expression (Del Bo’ et al., 2019; Kelly & Issa, 2017; Quero et al., 2020). luminal antigens via the mucosa to the whole body, which may change
In addition to quality nutrition, gut microbiota has received much intestinal mucosal homeostasis, consequently increasing susceptibility
attention, as several studies revealed that good nutrition has an impor to systemic and chronic inflammation and changing nutrient absorption
tant role in maintaining homeostasis between the microbiota and its (Murphy & Westmark, 2020; Nakashima et al., 2020).
host by interacting with the immune and nervous systems (Childs et al., Different organs metabolise polyphenols; for example, the liver it
2019; Kolodziejczyk et al., 2019; Lynch & Pedersen, 2016). Under undergoes to hydroxylation, which helps their cellular absorption in
healthy conditions, the gut microbiota performs a wide variety of glycosylated or conjugated forms (Al-Ishaq et al., 2020). In the gastro
functions essential to organisms, such as the production of short-chain intestinal tract, polyphenols may accumulate in the large intestine,
fatty acids (SCFAs), which act as local and systemic signals important where they are metabolised by microbiota (Nie et al., 2019). During
for healthy and disease conditions (Tan et al., 2014). The gut microbiota dysbiosis, the imbalance in the microbial composition of the intestine
participates in different metabolic processes, such as sugar, amino acids, might affect its functionality and metabolic activities. Furthermore, the
vitamins, polyphenols, xenobiotics, and bile acid metabolisms (Das imbalance resulted in associated allergies, inflammatory and chronic
et al., 2016; Rowland et al., 2018). The microbiota–host relationship is a diseases, and obesity. Therefore, polyphenols present in our diet have
two-way association, wherein the gut microbiota produces and controls the potential to be used as nutraceuticals owing to their direct action on
the metabolism of molecules, and, in return, these molecules modulate the gut microbiota and the ability to maintain a good balance between
the composition of the microbiota (Ramírez-Pérez et al., 2017). beneficial (e.g., Lactobacillus sp.) and pathogenic bacteria (Enterococcus
Furthermore, an important communication has been verified in the caccae) (Mahajan et al., 2017; Man et al., 2020).
microbiota–gut–brain axis, with metabolic products linking the gut and Hydroxytyrosol, quercetin, and resveratrol present in extra-virgin
brain (Cryan et al., 2019). Moreover, an imbalance in the gut microbiota olive oil, citrus fruits and vegetables, and red grapes, respectively, are
was shown to disturb the balance in this axis, resulting in altered polyphenols with beneficial properties. For example, hydroxytyrosol has
L.F.M. Melo et al. Food Chemistry 414 (2023) 135645
ROS reduction and anti-inflammatory properties and it has been studied from neutral to alkaline. At present CTs are the most abundant poly
as a nutraceutical to modify inflammation parameters (TNF-α, IL-1 β, IL- phenols derived from plants. They are oligomers of flavan-3-ol (catechin
6, TLR-4, and NK-kB) and fat index in obese individuals with high-fat monomers) or flavan-3,4-diol, also known as oligomeric procyanidins.
diets (Liu et al., 2019; Perrone et al., 2019). Resveratrol is a potent These compounds are not easily hydrolysed and decompose into acids
agent to reduce ROS and anti-inflammatory agent widely used as a nu under alcoholic conditions, generating red pigments that are absorbed in
traceutical (Bird et al., 2017) and it exhibits many activities. For the small intestine. Examples of CTs are PCs, with a degree of poly
example, they block TLR4 and pro-inflammatory genes, modify epige merisation ranging from 3 to 11, where the polymers of flavan-3-ols,
netic markers, and interact with various enzymes involved in gluco considered to be elementary units, are linked by C and C and occa
neogenesis, lipid metabolism, mitochondrial biogenesis, angiogenesis, sionally C, O, and C. Oxidative condensation occurs between the C4
and apoptosis (Malaguarnera, 2019). Quercetin is the most widely carbon of the heterocycle and the C6 or C8 carbons (Fig. 4).
evaluated polyphenol because of its anti-carcinogenic, antiviral, anti Jia et al. (2011) observed that tannins obtained from grape seed
platelet, and anti-inflammatory effects owing to its inhibition of LPS, extract promote a decrease in the expression of p38 and c-Jun N-ter
NO, PGE2, iNOS, COX-2, TNF-, IL-1, and IL-6 (Endale et al., 2013). minal portion (JNK) protein kinase, NF-кB, and MAPK signalling, reduce
Various studies have shown that anti-inflammatory activity inhibits the expression of oxidative proteins in B-3 and HLE-B3 cells, and protect
COX-1 and COX-2 enzymes and reduces NF-κB signalling and nuclear these cells against cataractogenesis. Furthermore, Veras et al. (2021)
translocation (Bowtell & Kelly, 2019). For example, studies on phenolic verified that tannins might reduce oxidative stress by modulating cata
compounds from blueberries have identified different activity levels lase and superoxide dismutase levels and reducing glutathione levels.
through inhibiting inflammatory enzymes (Bowtell & Kelly, 2019). They also verified potential anti-inflammatory activity by reducing the
Paulino et al. (2016) observed that phenolic compounds from Uru expressions of TNF-α, IL-1α, IL-6, and IL-10. Due to their anti-
guayan propolis and grape pomace extracts were able to inhibit COX-1 inflammatory activity, tannins have been used for gastroprotection to
and COX-2 in a similar manner. regulate inflammation. Hence, tannins can be used as a functional food
Considering the importance of COX-1 and COX-2 markers, Paulino (nutraceuticals) to prevent and treat various diseases (Veras et al.,
et al. (2016) used a docking approach with phenolic data at COX-1 and 2021). Another example is oligopin, a metabolite composed of proan
COX-2 active sites. The docking protocol was validated using the cele thocyanidin oligomers, including flavan-3-ol units. These oligomers
coxib position in COX-1 (3KK6 crystal) and COX-2 (3LN1 crystal) as interfered with tau protein misfolding in vitro. Tau protein is a patho
references. They observed high similarity in both functional amino acid logical feature of AD. Therefore, oligopin may be a potential new ther
sequences and evaluated the distances between hydrogen donors and apeutic target for AD treatment (Ono et al., 2020). Moreover, ellagic
acceptors for phenols with the ten best SI values for COX-1 and COX-2. acid in the gastrointestinal tract may be metabolised by the intestinal
For the selection of a local receptor for COX-1 and COX-2, with crys microbiota to generate a bioactive compound known as urolithin, which
tallographic resolutions in the range of 2–3 Å, two criteria are listed for modulates oxidative stress and may have anti-inflammatory, anti
the receptor structures of the enzymes: 1) the existence of a co- proliferative, and anti-ageing properties (Djedjibegovic et al., 2020;
crystallised ligand similar in function to the endogenous ligand and 2) Kawabata et al., 2019). These activities have been associated with
best possible X-ray crystallographic resolution. Therefore, the corre reduced pro-inflammatory cytokine expression, inhibiting cell prolifer
sponding crystallographic complexes suggested that phenols are ation by topoisomerases I and II, and apoptosis induction through NF-κB
competitive inhibitors of COX-1 and COX-2. inhibition (Al-Ishaq et al., 2020). Moreover, emblicanin, a tannin ob
tained from Emblica officinalis, may attenuate cognitive impairment by
2.2. Tannins modulating neuronal death via inhibiting NF-κB in the brain (Husain
et al., 2018). Other studies have shown that proanthocyanidins might
Tannins are a broad class of biomolecules derived from polyphenolic reduce oxidative stress by inhibiting lipid peroxidation and decreasing
compounds with high molecular weights (500–3000 Da) (Pizzi, 2021) iNOS and COX-2 expression, consequently reducing the inflammatory
(Fig. 2). These biomolecules are present in the human diet and are found process, decreasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, asthma,
in tea, coffee, vegetables, and fruits (Caballero et al., 2016). They consist neuropathology, obesity, and cancer (Rauf et al., 2019; Rodríguez-Pérez
of a specific group of polyphenols that form inter- and intra-molecular & Aznar, 2020).
hydrogen bonds owing to the hydroxyl groups; therefore, these mole
cules have a unique ability to interact with other molecules and then 3. Conclusions
precipitate proteins, alkaloids, and carbohydrates. Tannins are not
bioavailable and have been neglected in nutrition science and been Tannins are a relevant chemical group obtained from many natural
considered as antinutrients for a long time. However, this view has sources, mainly plants. Polyphenol derivatives are condensed and
changed as it has recently been observed that ellagic acid, for example, hydrolysable tannins, the two main categories of tannins found in the
may be released from ellagitannins in the gastrointestinal tract, and it bark, leaves, fruit, fruit peel, seeds, buds, and stems.
may be metabolized by the gut microbiota to form bioavailable com This review shows that polyphenol and tannin structures are versa
pounds known as urolithins (Djedjibegovic et al., 2020). New studies are tile, with many biological and biotechnological functions, as they
required to understand the importance of these biomolecules for health interact with other molecules, such as proteins and carbohydrates. These
maintenance and disease prevention. Other studies have revealed their interactions were associated with the structures of the hydroxyl and
antidiabetic, antimicrobial, ROS reduction, and anti-inflammatory aromatic rings (Fig. 5). Depending on the type of tannin used, applica
properties (Chung et al., 1998; Petroski & Minich, 2020; Smeriglio tions can vary. In health, polyphenols and tannins have great potential
et al., 2014; Soares et al., 2019). These activities may be associated with for use as nutraceuticals to prevent or treat some diseases. Polyphenols
inhibition of microbial enzymes, changes in the oxidative phosphory can help decrease the risk of cardiovascular and Alzheimer’s disease,
lation of ionophore channels in bacterial membranes, and chelation of delay cellular ageing, and maintain intestinal microbiota homeostasis.
metal ions (Guil-Guerrero et al., 2016; Smeriglio et al., 2017). There are studies on their functions as molecules with pharmacological
Tannins are divided into two major groups, namely, hydrolysable activity potentials, such as ROS reducing agent, anti-inflammatory,
tannins and CTs (Fig. 2). Hydrolysable tannins are hydrolysed by weak antifungal, antimicrobial, antiviral, anthelmintic, antimutagenic, and
acids (Fraga-Corral et al., 2020) and they remain stable under normal anticancer activities.
physiological conditions in the stomach. They are metabolised by the With respect to biotechnological and industrial applications, tannin
intestinal microbiota (Ismail et al., 2016; Smeriglio et al., 2017). For usage in tanneries for the treatment and preservation of leather is widely
example, ellagic acid is hydrolysed in the small intestine at pH ranging known. They have the advantage of being inactivated by biodegradation
L.F.M. Melo et al. Food Chemistry 414 (2023) 135645
Fig. 4. Condensed tannins. Schematic representation of procyanidins A and B, which differ in the type of connections they make with each other. This figure was
drawn using ACD/ChemSketch software (Freeware) 2020.2.1.
Fig. 5. Tannins and different action mechanisms in cells. Schematic chemical structure representation of hydrolysable and condensed tannins and in the centre with
tannin name and fruit figures the different action mechanisms that this bioactive molecule may be associated with. T-shaped arrows correspond to inhibition, and
upward arrows correspond to upregulation.
from wastewater before elimination. Moreover, biotechnology uses Declaration of Competing Interest
them as adhesives for wood and for the protection and improvement of
wood properties, water treatment, anti-corrosion of metals, and pro The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
duction of bio-based foams and substrates for 3D printing. However, interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
more studies are required to explore tannin properties, solve problems, the work reported in this paper.
and meet industrial needs. This review shows the characteristics and
activities of tannins and promotes exploration of other naturally abun
dant bioactive compounds.
L.F.M. Melo et al. Food Chemistry 414 (2023) 135645
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