Table of Contents
Exploded View........................................................................................................................ 11-2
Specifications .....................................,....................... 11-4
Special Tools ......................................................................................................................,... 11-5
Wheel Alignment .................................................................................................................... 11-6
Toe-in Inspection............................................................................................................... 11-6
Toe-in Adjustment ............................................................................................................. 11-6
Wheels (Rims)........................................................................................................................ 11-8
Wheel Removal...................................,............................................................................. 11-8
Wheel Installation.................................,............................................................................ 11-8
Wheel (Rim) Inspection..................................................................................................... 11-8
Wheel (Rim) Replacement........,........................................... 11-8
Tires.......................................................,.........................................,...................................... 11-10
Tire Removal.................................................................................,................................... 11-10
Tire Installation.................................................................................................................. 11-10
Tire Inspection ...... .............. 11-12
Front Hub ..... 11-13
Front Hub Removal...................................................................................,....................... 11-13
Front Hub Installation..........................................................................................,............. 11-14
Rear Hub .. . .......................... .............. .. ......................................................... 11-16
Rear Hub Removal .............. . 11-16
Rear Hub Installation ....................................... 11-17
Exploded View
a S
Exploded View
No. Fastener Remarks
N•m kgf•m ft•lb
1 Front Axle Nuts 144 14.7 106 R
Beadlock Wheel Bolts, First 18 1.8 13 s
2 55 5.6 41 S
Beadlock Wheel Bolts, Final 55 5.6 41 S
3 Wheel Nuts 120 12.2 88.5 S
4 Tie-Rod End Locknuts 106 10.8 78.2
Rear Axle Nut (Left, Black Colored) 220 22.4 162 R, Lh
Rear Axle Nut (Right) 220 22.4 162 R
Lh“: Left-hand Threads (Left side only)
M: Apply molybdenum disulfide grease.
R: Replacement Parts
S: Follow the specified tightening sequence.
U: Apply “ARP Ultra-Torque Fastener Assembly Lubricant."
WL: Apply soap and water solution or rubber lubricant.
Front Wheel Alignment
Caster (Rake Angle) 10°
Trail 65 mm (2.6 in.)
Camber —1.9•
Toe-in (at 1G) 10 mm (0.39 in.)
(Usable Range: 0 - 20 mm (0 - 0.79 in.))
King Pin Angle 14•
Rear Wheel Alignment
Camber —0.8•
Wheels (Rims)
Rim Size:
Front 15 « 8.0AT
Rear 15 • 8.0AT
Air Pressure (when cold):
Front 82.8 kPa (0.84 kgf/cm*, 12 psi)
Rear 117 kPa (1.20 kgf/cm°, 1T psi)
Maximum Air Pressure (when cold):
Front 250 kPa (2.5 kgf/cm*. 36 psi)
Rear 250 kPa (2.5 kgf/cm*. 36 psi)
Tread Depth:
Front 18 mm (0.71 in.)
(Servioe Limit: 4.1 mm (0.16 in.))
Rear 18 mm (0.71 in.)
(Service Limit: 4.1 mm (0.16 in.))
Standard Tires:
Type MU Carnivore, Tubeless
Size 31 » 10.00R15
Type MU Carnivore, Tubeless
Size *1 • 10.00R15
Special Tools
Rotor Puller, M16/M18/M20/M22 • 1.5: Brake Drum Remover:
57001-1216 5700t -1813
Wheel /nsfa/iaffon
0 There is no tire rotation mark on the standard tire.
• Using a cleaning fluid, clean off any oil or dirt on the fol-
lowing portions and dry them with a clean cloth.
Bolt Threads Portion [A]
Wheel Nut Threads Poi1ion [B]
• Position the wheel so that the air valve [A] is toward the
outside of the vehicle.
• Install:
Washers [B]
• Tighten the wheel nuts [C] in a criss-cross pattern.
Torque - Wheel Nuts: 120 N•m (12.2 kgf•m, 88.5 ft•Ib)
Tire Installation
e Inspect the rim lsee Wheel (Rim) Inspection(2-37)).
• Replace the air valve with a new one.
Replace the air valve with whenever the tire is re-
placed. Do not reuse the air valve.
• Check the tire for wear and damage (see Tire Inspection(2
36 .
e Lubricate soap and water solution or rubber lubricant to
the rim flanges.
e Lubricate soap and water solution or rubber lubricant to
the outside and inside of the tire beads.
Lubricants other than soap and water solution or
rubber lubricant can cause the bead to separate
from the rim and cause an accident resulting in se-
rious injury or death. Use only soap and water solu-
tion or rubber lubricant to lubricate the bead when
installing the tire.
• Install the tire on the rim.
OThere is no tire rotation mark on the standard tire.
• Install the inside bead on the rim using a suitable com-
mercially available tire changer.
• Lubricate the tire beads again.
• Align the mark [A] of the beadlock wheel to the air valve
[B] to install the beadlock wheel.
Overinflating a tire can cause it to explode, causing
serious injury or death. Be sure to install the valve
core whenever inflating the tire, and do not inflate
the tire to more than maximum pressure.
• Check to see that rim lines [A] on both sides of the tire are
parallel with the beadlock wheel [B] or rim flanges.
all the rim lines and the rim fIar›pes are not parallel, deflate
the tlre, lubricate the sealing surfaces again, and reinflate
the tire.
• After the beads are properly seated, check for air leaks.
• Apply a soap and water solution or rubber lubricant
around the tire bead and check for bubblas.
• Deflate the tire to the specified pressure.
• Check the tire preaeuze using an alr pressure gauge.
Tire Air Pæesuæ (wh•n cold)
Front 82.8 kPa (0.84 kgscm°, 12 psl)
Rear 117 kPa (II kgf/cm^, 17 psi)
• Install the alr valve cap.
• InstaII the wheel (see Wheel Installation(11-8)).
• Npe off the soap and water solution or rubber lubriœnt
on the tire and dry the tire before operation.
Saap and water soluaon or rubber lubricant on the
tlre bead can cause tire aaparation and an accident
resulting In serious injury or death. Do not oper-
ate the vehicle untll any eoap and wator solution or
rubber lubricant applied to th•bead has completely'
Tire Inspection
• Refer to the Tire Inspection fsee Tiæ Inspection(2-36)).
Front Hub
Front Hub Remova/
• Remove:
Front Wheel (see Wheel Removal(11-8))
Cotter Pin [A1
• Remove the caliper [B] from the knuckle (see Front Brake
Caliber Removal(13-17)).
• Using the brake drum holder [A], hold the front hub [Bj.
Special Tool - Brake Drum Holder: 57001•1814
Wheel Nuts [C]
• Remove:
Axle Nut [D] and Washer [E]
Front Hub with Brake Disc
elf the front hub seems too difficult to remove, follow the
below steps.
• Mount the brake drum remover [Aj on the hub bolt with
the remover nuts [B] and suitable washers [Cl (" ls ide di-
ameter: 17 mm (0.67 in.)).
Special Tools - Brake Drum Remover Nuts: 57001-1326
Brake Drum Remover: 57001-1813
• Tighten the rotor puller [D1, and remove the front hub.
Special Tool - Rotor Puller, M16/M18/M20/M22 • 1.5: 57001
• Separate the brake disc from the front hub (see Brake
Disc Removal(13-26)).
• Do not remove the hub bolts [Al *‹°m the hub [B1-
rront Hub
Prom Hub Installation
6 If any hub bolt [A] is damaged, replace the hub [B] and
bolts as a unit.
• When installing the hub bolt, press in it using a press.
A loose axle nut can cause an accident resulting in
serious injury or death. Apply “ARP Ultra-Torque
Fastener Assembly Lubricant," and tighten the axle
nut to the proper torque.
• Insert a new cotter pin [A].
• Bend the cotter pin along the axle shaft end [B].
A loose axle nut can lead to an accident resulting in
serious injury or death. Tighten the axle nut to the
proper torque and install a new cotter pin.
• Install the removed parts.
Rear Hub
• Remove:
Rear Wheel (see Wheel Removalf11-8))
Cotter Pin [A]
• Remove the caliper (B] from the knuckle (see Rear Brake
Caliper Removal(13-17)).
• Using the brake drum holder [A], hold the rear hub [B]
Special Tool - Brcke Drum Holder: 57001-1814
Wheel Nuts tC]
O7f/e ie/IYear ax/a nut (black) has a ie/I-Gianr/ threads.
Left Side [D]
Right Side [E]
• Remove:
Axle Nut [F] and Washer [G]
Rear Hub
OThe left rear axle nut (black) has a laft-hand threads.
Left Side [A]
Right Side [B]
• Install:
Rear Axle Nut (Black) [C]
Rear Axle Nut [D]
• Using the brake drum holder [E], hold the rear hub [F].
Special Tool - Brake Drum Hold•r: 57001-1814 ma» r
Wheel Nuts [G]
• Tighten:
Torque - Rear AxI• Nut: 220 N•m (22.4 hgf-m, 162 ft lb)
A loose axle nut can cause an accident resulting in
serious injury or death. Apply "ARP Ultra-Torque
Fastener Assembly Lubricant," and tighten the axle
nut to the proper torque.
Fical Drive
Table of Contents
Exploded View..................................................... ............,.................................................... 12-2
Specifications ........ 12-6
Special Tools and Sealant.............. 12-7
Front Final Gear Case ....................................................................... ................................. 12-8
Front F! nal Gear Case Oil Level Inspection 12-8
Front F!nal Gear Case Oil Change ................................................................................... 12-8
Front F!nal Gear Case Removal ................................ 12-8
Front Final Gear Case Installation ................................................................................ ,. 12-9
Front F!nal Gear Case Disassembly ............. .................................................................. 12-9
Front Final Gear Case Assembly ...................................................................................... 12-10
2WD/4WD/DIFF-LOCK Actuator Removal ..... ....... 12-14
2 D/4 /DIFF"LOCK Aviator Ins e ” n “ “ ” ””’" "” 12-16
2WD/4WD/DIFF-LOCK Shift Mechanism Inspect on .:..I...............I.................I..I.I........... 12-18
Right Axle Rotation Sensor Removal..... 12-20
Right Axle Rotation Sensor Installation................................ 12-20
Right Axle Rota n Sensor Inspection .. .. ..... 12-21
' !°
Right Axle Rota‹ !° n Sensor Circuit...........................................................................,........ 12-22
R!ng Gear Rotat on Sensor Removal................................................................................ 12-22
R ng Gear Rotation Sensor Installation......................,......................................... 12-22
Ring Gear Rotation Sensor Inspection . ......... 12-22
Output Bevel Gears................................................................................................................ 12-23
Output Bevel Gear Removal ............................................................................................. 12-23
Output Bevel Gear Installation ........................................... 12-23
Output Bevel Gear Adjustment ......................................................................................... 12-23
Bevel Gears Inspection..................................................................................................... 12-26
Propeller Shafts .. ...... ............... 12-27
Front Propeller Shaft Removal......................................,....... 12-27
Front Propeller Shaft Installation....................................................................................... 12-27
Rear Propeller Shaft Removal .................,...........,......................................................,..... 12-28
Rear Propeller Shaft Installation ....................................................................................... 12-28
Rear Propeller Shaft Disassembly .................................................................................... 12-29
Rear Propeller Shaft Assembly......................................................................................... 12-29
Axles....................................................................................................................................... 12-32
Front Axle Removal 12-32
Front Axle Installation ................................................... 12-32
Rear Axle Removal........................................................................................................... 12-33
Rear Axeie Installation ..t..................................................................................................... 12-33
Axle Joint Boot Inspection................................................................................................. 12-33
Axle Inspection......................................................................................... ....................... 12-33
Axle Joint Boot Replacement......t..................................................................................... 12-54
Ball Bearing, Needle Beaming, and Oil Seal.......... ............,..................... ............................. 12-41
Ball and Needle Bea’!ng Replacements............................................................................. 12-41
Ball and Needles Bearing Wear Inspection ..... 12-41
Oil Seal Inspection ............................................................................................................ 12-41
Exploded View
Exploded View
No. Fastener Remarks
N f lb
1 2WD/4WD/DIFF-LOCK Actuator Bolts 9.0 | 0.92 | 80 in-lb
2 Front Final Gear Case Cover Bolts (M6) 9.0 | 0.92 | 80 in lb S
3 Differential Shift Cam Bolt 9.8 | 1.0 | 87 in-lb
4 Front Final Gear Case Shift Lever Pivot Bolt 9.0 | 0.92 | 80 in lb L
5 Front Final Gear Case Oil Filler Plug 17.5 | 1.78 12.9
6 Right Axle Rotation Sensor Bolt 9.0 | 0.92 80 in lb
7 Ring Gear Rotation Sensor Bolt 9.0 I 0.92 80 in lb
8 Sensor Lead Clamp Mounting Bolts 9.0 | 0.92 80 in lb
9 Front Final Gear Case Cover Bolts (M8) 24 | 2.4 18 s
10 Front Final Gear Case Cover Bolts (M10) 49 | s.o [ as s
11 Front Final Gear Case Oil Drain Bolt 16.5 | 1.68 12.2
12 Front Final Gear Case Mounting Bolts 50 ) 5.1 t 37
13 Front Pinion Gear Cover Bolts 9.0 | 0.92 1 80 in lb
G: Apply grease.
GO: Apply gear case oil (API "GL-5" Hypoid gear oil).
L: Apply a non-permanent locking agent.
M: Apply molybdenum disulfide grease.
R: Replacement Parts
S: Follow the specified tightening sequence.
Exploded View
R 4 LH
5 L
Exploded View
No. Fastener Remarks
N•m kgf•m ft•Ib
1 Rear Universal Joint Holder Bolts 25 2.5 18
2 Propeller Shaft Bearing Case Bolts 25 2.5 18
3 Propeller Shaft Bearing Case Bracket Bolts 25 2.5 18
4 Output Driven Bevel Gear Housing Bolts 25 2.5 18
5 Output Drive Bevel Gear Housing Bolts 25 2.5 18 L
6 Output Shaft Driven Gear Nut 200 20.4 148 LN“*
7. Yellow Green Colored Band (Left side only)
G: Apply grease.
GO: Apply gear case oil (API "GL-5" Hypoid gear oil).
L: Apply a non-permanent locking agent.
Lh”: Left-hand Threads (The outer end threads of the rear axle is left-hand threads. One of the boot
band is colored to yellow green for identification.)
LN**: Apply a non-permanent locking agent (High Strength: LOCTITE 609 or equivalent).
M: Apply molybdenum disulfide grease.
R: Replacement Parts
Item Standard Service Limit
Front Final Gear Caee
Gear Case Oil:
Type API “GL-5“ Hypoid gear oil
Viscosity above 5•C (41°F): SAE 90
below 5•C (41°F): SAE 80
Capacity 0.80 L (0.85 US qt)
Oil Level Bottom thread of filler opening
2WD/4WD/DIFF-LOCK Actuator:
Resistanoe in the text
Shift Mechanism:
Shift Fork Ear Thickness:
2WD/4WD 5.9 - 6.0 mm (0.232 - 0.236 in.) 5.8 mm (0.228 in.)
Differential 5.9 - 6.0 mm (0.232 - 0.236 in.) 5.8 mm (0.228 in.)
Shifter Groove Width:
2WD/4WD 6.00 - 6.10 mm (0.236 - 0.240 in.) 6.2 mm (0.24 in.)
Differential 6.00 - 6.10 mm (0.236 0.240 in.) 6.2 mm (0.24 in.)
Shift Fork Guide Pin Diameter:
2WD/4WD 5.9 - 6.0 mm (0.232 - 0.236 in.) 5.8 mm (0.228 in.)
Differential 5.9 - 6.0 mm (0.232 - 0.236 in.) 5.8 mm (0.228 in.)
Shift Lever Groove Width:
2WD/4WD 6.00 - 6.15 mm (0.236 - 0.242 in.) 6.3 mm (0.25 in.)
Differential 6.00 - 6.15 mm (0.236 - 0.242 in.) 6.3 mm (0.25 in.)
Output Bevel Gears
Backlash 0.020 - 0.046 mm (0.0008 0.0018 in.)
Special Tools and Sealant
Inside Circlip Pliers: Oil Seal Driver:
57001-143 57001•1926
6T6 71996€ T 6
alszlesosT s
• Remove:
Front Final Gear Case Cover Bolts (M6) [A]
Front Final Gear Case Cover [B]
Dowel Pins
OUse the pry points [C].
• Remove:
Front Final Gear Case Shift Lever Pivot Bolt [A]
Front Final Gear Case Shift Lever [B]
Pivot Pin [C]
Differential Shift Fork [D]
Differential Shifter [E]
• Remove:
Pivot Pin [A]
2WD/4WD Shift Fork [B]
2WD/4WD Shifter [C]
ODo the disassem6/a the 2WD/4WD shifter. The inner
parts of the shifter are not supplied.
• lghton the front final gaar case bolts following the spec-
Ifled sequence [1 - 8). O*
Yorqua - Front Final Gear Cses Cover Bow (MB): 34 No
(2.4 kgf•m, 18 ft•Ib)
Front Final Qear Caas Cover Bofta (M10): Jg N•m
(5.0 kgf•m, 36 'ft•Ib)
• Install:
2WD/4WD Shifter [A]
ONote the direction.
• Install.
2WD/4WD Shift Fork (A]
Pivot Pin [B]
OEngage the shifter groove and the shift fork ears.
• Replace the O-ring [C] with a new one and apply grease
to it.
• Replace the O-ring [A] with a new one and apply grease
• Apply front final gear case oil (API “GL-5" Hypoid gear oil)
to the needle bearing [B].
• Install:
Needle Bearing
Front Pinion Gear Assembly [C]
• Tighten:
Torque - Front Pinion Gear Cover Bolts [D]: 9.0 N-m (0.92
kgf•m, 80 in-lb)
Front Final Cear Case
• When installing the differential shift cam [A], press the
pins [B].
3 - 4 mm (0.1 - 0.2 in.) [C]
• Tighten:
Torque - Differenoal Shift Cam Bolt [D]: 9.8 N•m (1.0 kgf•m,
87 in-lb)
• Install:
Pin [A]
Front Final Gear Case Shift Lever [B]
• Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the front final
gear case shift lever pivot bolt [C].
• Tighten:
Torqu• - Front Flnal Gear Case Shift Lever Pivot Bolt: 9.0
N•m (0.92 kgfsn, 80 in•lb)
O ” O
• Replace the O-ring {A) with a new one, and apply grease
to it.
• Apply gear case oil (API “GL-5“ Hypoid gear oil) to the
actuator output shaft.
• install the 2WD/4WD/DIFF-LOCK actuator [B].
OTake care not to move the front final gear case shift lever.
Do not tap the actuator with a hammer while in-
stalling it. Tapping could damage the internal parts
of the actuator.
• Tighten:
Torque - 2WD/4WD/DIFF-LOCK Actuator Bolts [C}: 9.0 N•m
(0.92 kgf•m, 80 in•lb)
Front Final Gear Case
• Connect the 2WD/4WD/DIFF-LOCK actuator connector.
• Install:
Cover [A]
Screws [B]
OBe sure the battery is fully chaiped.
• Remove:
2WD/4WD/DIFF-LOCK Actuator (see 2WD/4WD/DIFF
-LOCK Actuator Removal(12-14))
• Inspect the groove angle [A] of the 2WD/4WD/DIFF
-LOCK actuator output shaft.
a If the output shaft angle is not within the range as shown,
replace the actuator with a new one
a If the output shaft angle is within the above range, check
the actuator whether it operates properly.
Front Final Gear Case
• Connect the 2WD/4WD/DIFF-LOCK actuator to the main
• Turn the ignition switch on.
• Inspect the groove angle of the 2WD/4WD/DIFF-LOCK
actuator output shaft.
OTurn the 2WD/4WD/DIFF-LOCK shift switch to check it
with each position.
alf the output shaft angle ie not within the range as shown
in the below table. replaoe the actuator with a new one.
Shift Switch Output ShaR Angle
2WD Position Range [A] (-30• - 0•) )
4WD Position Range [B] (99° - 130•) )
DIFF-LOCK Position Range [C] (200• - 230°) )
elf the actuator does not operates, check the electrical sys-
Front Final Gear Case
• Disconnect the 2WD/4WD/DIFF-LOCK actuator connec-
e Measure the 2WD/4WD/DIFF-LOCK actuator resistance
using a tester.
elf the tester reading is not within the specified, replace the
2WD/4WD/DIFF-LOCK actuator with a new one.
a If the tester reading is within the specified, the actuator is
2WD/4WD/Dl •E-LOCK shin Mechanism Inspection
• Remove the 2WD/4WD/DIFF-LOCK shift mechanism
(see Front Final Gear Case Disassembly(12-9)).
• Visually inspect the splines [A].
6 If the splines are damaged or excessively worn, replace
the front final gear case assembly.
Front Final Gear Case
• Visually inspect the dogs [A].
elf the dogs are damaged or excessively worn, replace the
front pinion gear cover assembly and the shiner.
• Trace [A] each side of the speed sensor surface with the
OThen the tester Indicator should flick [B].
a If the tester indicator does not flick, replace the speed
• Remove:
Front Universal Joint [A]
• Remove:
Front Propeller Shaft [A]
Spring [B]
Washer [C]
Circlip [D]
Dust Boot [E]
Special Tool - Ou%ide Circlip Pliers: 57001-144
• Remove:
Propeller Shaft Bearing Case Bolts [A]
Rear Propeller Shaft Assembly [B]
• Apply grease to the oil seal lips [A] and the dust cover [B].
• Install the shaft [C] to the housing [D1.
• Install:
Circlip [A]
Special Tool - Outside Circlip Pliers: 57001-144
• Apply grease about 12 cm° (0.41 oz.) onto the ball bear-
Propeller Shafts
• Apply grease to the lips of the oil seal [A].
• Press the oil seal so that its surface is flush with the hous-
ing end.
ODo not apply load to the dust cover [B].
OTake care not to damage the oil seal lips by the grooves
of the shafL
OUse the small inside diameter side of the oil seal driver.
SpecialTools - Bearing Driver Set: 57001-112d
Oil Soal Driver, §›60 [C]: 57001-1930
• Replace the O-ring [A] and the circlip [B] with new ones
and install them to the grooves [C].
Special Tool - Outside Circlip Pliers: 57001-144
Front Axle Removal
• Remove:
Steering Knuckle fsgq Front Stjspension Arm Re-
Front Shock Absorber (see Front Shock Absorber Re-
• Remove:
Stabilizer Joint Nut [A] and Washer
• Be sure to install the snap ring [A] onto the axle end.
OTo avoid the damaging of the oil seal lips, the snap ring
opening must be upward as shown.
Correct [B]
Incorrect [C]
• Apply molybdenum disulfide grease to the axle splines
[D], spline hole and the oil seal lips [E].
• In9ert the front axle end so that it does not touch the oil
seal lips.
OSupport the inboard side by hand, and insert the front axle
• Check that the front axle is caught by the snap ring and it
does not come off easily.
OThe lefl and right rear ax/es heve different. When in-
availing tfie iaar ax/e, refer fa tfie lâllowing table.
Outer End Threads Identification
One of the boot band is
LeRAxb LoN-h*ndTh
F#gMAide Riga-hendTlhnmmdm
• Bs sure to insall the snap ring [A] onto the axle end.
OThe snap ring opening must be upward as shown.
Correct [B]
Incorrect [C]
• Apply molybdenum disulfide grease to the ade 9plines
[D], splines hole and the oil seal lips [E].
• Insert the rear axle end so that It does not touch the oil
osupport the inboard side by hand, and insert the rear axle
• Check that the rear axle is caught by the snap ring and it
does not come all easily.
Axle to/nt Boot fnspeczfon
« Visually lnspect the axle joint boots [A].
alfthejointbootis tom, worn, deteriorated, or leaks grease,
replace the joint boot or axle assembly (see Axle Joint
Boot Replacement(12-34)).
• Remove:
Front Axle (see Front Axle Removal(12-32))
Rear Axle (see Rear Axle Removal(12-33))
• Visually inspect the axis splines [A].
elf they are twisted, badly wom, or chipped, mplace the
axle with a new one.
• Check that the constant velocity joints [B] work smoothly
without rattling or sticking.
elf it does not, replaoe the axle with a new one.
Ax/e Joint Boot Rep/acemenf
Outboard Joint Boot Removal
• Remove:
Front Axle (see Front Axle Removal(12-32))
Rear Axle (see Rear Axle Removal(12-33))
• Remove the boot bands [A].
ODo not reuse the boot bands. Always replace the boot
bands with new ones.
• Slide the joint boot [B] toward the inboard joint.
• Separate the constant velocity joint from the axle shaft.
OTap the inner race [A] or the outer race [B] with a copper
Do not tap on the cage [C]. Be careful not get hurt
when the housing comes out. If the splined portion
of shaft cracked or damaged during disassembling
of outboard joint, do not reuse the shaft.
• Remove:
Snap Ring [A]
Outboard Joint Boot [B]
Boot Band [C]
• Make sure the circular rib [A] inside the small end of the
boot has baen fitted into the groove on the axle shaft.
• Position the small boot band [B] into the groove on the
• Fasten the band and fold the tabs to secure the end of the
• Squeeze all of the special grease [A] into the new boot
[B], and slide the boot onto the outboard joint [C].
• Compress the axle assembly to the specified length [A]
while relieving the air pressure inside the inboard boot.
• Hold the axle at this setting.
Standard Length of Ana«mbling:
Front 275.0 mm (10.83 in.)
Rear 256.8 mm (10.11 in.)
• Make sure the circular rib [A] inside the large end of the
boot has been fitted into the groove on the outboard joint.
• Position the large boot band [B] into the groove on the
• Fasten the band and fold the tabs to secure the end of the
• Remove:
Clrclip [A]
9peclal Tool - Outelde Circlip Pliers: 57001-144
• Remove:
Inner Race [A]
Cage [B]
Inboard Joint Boot [C]
• Install:
New Circlip [A]
Special Tool - Outside Circlip Pliers: 57001-IM
• Slide the cage [B] on the inner race and install the steel
balls (C].
• Apply the special grease [D] to the steel balls and cage.
• Install the bearing cup [A] onto the balls and cage assem-
• Install the new retaining ring [B].
• Align the retaining ring opening [A] with one of the projec-
tions [B] on the bearing cup.
• Make sure the circular rib [A] inside the small end of the
boot has been fitted into the groove on the axle shaft.
• Pasition the small boot band [B] into the groove on the
• (Front Axle) Pinch the small boot band with a suitable tool
[C] to secure it.
Recommendad Tool: OETIKER 192
• (Rear Axle) Fasten the band and fold the tabs to secure
the end of the band.
• Be sure the outside diameter of the band [A] is less than
the speciFzed value shown below.
B0aximum Outside Diameter of Small End Band:
Front 39.4 mm (1.551 in.)
Resr 39.3 mm (1.M7 in.)
• Make sure the circular rib [A] inside the large end of the
boot has been fitted into the groove on the inboard joint.
• Position the large boot band [B] into the groove on the
• (Front Axle) Pinch the boot band with a suitable tool (Cj
to secure it.
Recommended Tool: OETIKER 192
• (Rear Axle) Fasten the band and fold the tabs to secure
the end of the band.
• Be sure the outside diameter of the band [A] is less than
maximum diameter.
Maximum Outside Diameter of Big End Band:
Front 92.3 mm (3.63 In.)
Rear 107.6 mm (4.23 in.)
Ball Bearing, Needle Bearing, and Oil Seal
Do not heat the case with a torch. Thia will warp the
caee. 8oak the case In oil and heat the oil.
• Ueing a pr66s and the bearing driver set [A], install the
new ball bearing until it stops at the bottom of"m housing.
OThree new needle bearings must be pressed into the
crankcase so that the end Is flush with the end of the
Gpeclal Tool - Bearlng Drtver Setz 07001-112s
Ball and J\/eed/e Beazfng W'ear Inspeofion
Do not remove the bearings for lncpectlon. Re-
moval may damage them.
• Check the ball beadngs.
OSince the ball beai1ngs are made to extremely cloee toler-
ances, the wear must be judged by feel rather than mea-
surement Clean each bearing In a high flash-point sok
vent, dry it (do not spin the bearing while it is dry), and oil
it with engine oil.
OSpln [A] the bearing by hand to check its condition.
Elf the bearing is noisy, does not spin smoothly, or has any
rough spots, rsplaoe it.
• Check the needle beadngs.
OThe rollers in a needle bearing normally wear very little,
and wear is diñicult to measure. Instead of measuring,
inspect the bearing for abraeion, color change, or other
elf there is any doubt as to the condition of a needle bear-
ing, replace it
Oi/ Seal Inapeotfon
• Inspect the oil seals.
a Replace it If the lips are misshapen, discolored (indicating
that the rubber has detorioratad), hardened or otherwise
Table of Contents
Exploded View................................... 13-2 Brake Caliper Piston and Cylinder
Specifications ...................... 13-6 Damage Inspection ................... 13-22
Brake Fluid ................................. 13-7 Brake Caliper Holder Shaft Wear
13-7 Inspection..............................,... 13-22
Brake Flud Rebel I ” .t't't 13-7 Brake Pads........................................ 13-23
13-7 Front Brake Pad Removal............ 13-23
Br:ke Fi:dAhBneeding .............:. 13-8 Front Brake Pad Installation......... 13-23
Brake Pedal and Master Cylinder...... 13-10 Rear Brake Pad Removal ............ 13-24
Brake Pedal Free Play Inspection 13-10 Rear Brake Pad Installation ......... 13-24
Brake Pedal Removal .. 13-10 Brake Pad Wear Inspection ......... 13-25
Brake Pedal Installation ............... 13-11 Brake Discs ....................................... 13-26
Master Cylinder Removal............. 13-12 Brake Disc Cleaning ..... .. . ... . . 13-26
Master Cylinder Installation.......... 13-13 Brake Disc Removal ..... .... . .... .. 13-26
Master Cylinder Disassembly/As- Brake Disc Installation ................. 13-26
sembly................... 13-15 Brake Disc Wear Inspection...,.,... 13-26
Master Cylinder Inspection .......... 13-16 Brake Disc Warp Inspection......... 13-26
Calipers ............................... ............. 13-17 Brake Hoses and Pipes..................... 13-27
Front Brake Caliper Removal....... 13-17 Brake Hose and Pipe Inspection.. 13-27
Front Brake Caliper Installation.... 13-17 Brake Hose Replacement............ 13-27
Rear Brake Caliper Removal ....... 13-17 Parking Brake Pedal and Cables....... 13-28
Rear Brake Caliper Installation .... 13-18 Parking Brake Lever Inspection... 13-28
Front Brake Caliper Disassembly 13-19 Parking Brake Lever Removal ..... 13-28
Front Brake Caliper Assembly ..... 13-19 Parking Brake Lever Installation .. 13-28
Rear Bra e a er assbmbly . 13-19 Parking Brake Cable Removal..... 13-30
k 13-19 Parking Brake Cable Installation.. 13-30
Cancer Pieton Seal Damage "' Parking Brake Cable Lubrication 13-31
Inspection.................................. 13-20
Dust Seal and Friction Boot
Damage Inspection ................... 13-21
Exploded View
si '9
11 LN
Exploded View
No. Fastened Remarks
1 Brake Hose Banjo Bolts (Front) 23.5 ) 2.40 17.3
2 Front Brake Hose Clamp Bolts 8.8 | 0.90 ( 78 in-lb
3 Brake Hose Banjo Bolt (Master Cylinder) 23.5 | 2.40 ) 17.3
4 Brake Fluid Reservoir Bolt 8.8 0.90 | 78 in-lb
5 Brake Master Cylinder Bolt 23.5 | 2.40 17.3
6 Master Cylinder Push Rod Locknut 13.2 1.35 9.7
7 Brake Pedal Bracket Bolts 26 ) 2.7 ) 19
8 Front Caliper Holder Pins 40 ) 4.1 30 Si
9 Caliper Bleed Valves 5.4 | 0.55 | 48 in lb
10 Caliper Mounting Bolts 45 ( 4.6 33 L
11 Brake Disc Bolts 56.5 ) 5.76 41.7 LN”’
AG: Apply lithium grease (NLGI Grade No. 2).
B: Apply brake fluid.
L: Apply a non-permanent locking agent.
LN”1: Apply a non-permanent locking agent (High Strength: TB 2478 or equivalent).
R: Replacement Parts
Si: Apply silicone grease.
Exploded View
t° 11 “
IMO20g6BW5 4
Exploded View
No. Fastener Remarks
N f I
1 Parking Brake Cable Locknuts 7.8 |0.80 )
89 in-lb
2 Parking Brake Lever Bolts 26 2.7 19
3 Master Cylinder Brake Pipe Joint 23.5 )2.40 (17.3
4 Brake Pipe Joint Nuts 17.5 I1.78 (12.9
5 Brake Pipe Joint Mounting Bolt 8.8 |0.90 |
78 in-lb
6 Brake Hose Banjo Bolts (Rear, TORX) 23.5 |2.40 )17.3
7 Caliper Mounting Bolts 45 ) 4.6 1 33 L
8 Rear Caliper Holder Shafts 22 ) 2.2 ( 16 Si
9 Caliper Bleed Valves 5.4 I0.55 )
48 in lb
10 Rear Caliper Holder Pins 40 | 4.1 30 Si
11 Brake Disc Bolts 56.5 )
5.76 )41.7 LN“1
12 Swaper Bolts - I 0.90 1 78 in-lb
13. Scraper
AG: Apply lithium grease (NLGI Grade No. 2).
B: Apply brake fluid.
L: Apply a non-permanent locking agent.
LN°1: Apply a non-permanent locking agent (High Strength: TB 2478 or equivalent).
R: Replacement Parts
Si: Apply silioone grease.
Item Standard Service Limit
Brake Fluid
Grade DOT4
Fluid Level Between upper and lower level lines
Brake Pedal
Brake Pedal Free Play 2 15 mm (0.08 0.59 in.)
Brake Pads
Lining Thickness:
Front 5 mm (0.20 in.) 1 mm (0.04 in.)
Rear S mm (0.20 in.) 1 mm (0.04 in.)
Brake Discs
Front 5.6 - 6.0 mm (0.22 0.24 in.) 5.3 mm (0.21 in.)
Rear 5.6 - 6.0 mm (0.22 0.24 in.) 5.3 mm (0.21 in.)
Parking Brake Lever and Cables
Parking Brake Travel Less than 10 notches (clicks)
Brake Fluid
When working with the disc brake, observe the pre-
cautions listed below.
• Never reuse old brake fluid.
• Do not use fluid from a container that has been left
unseated or that has been open for a long time.
• Do not mix two types and brands of fluid for use
in the brake. This lowers the brake fluid boiling
point and could cause the brake to be ineffective.
It may also cause the rubber brake parts to dete-
• Do not leave the reservoir cap off for any length of
time to avoid moisture contamination of the fluid.
• Do not change the fluid in the rain or when a
strong wind is blowing.
• Except for the disc pads and disc, use only disc
brake nuid, isopropyl alcohol, or ethyl alcohol for
cleaning of the brake parts. Do not use any other
nuid for cleaning these parts. Gasoline, engine
oil, or any other petroleum distillate will cause de-
terioration of the rubber parts. Oil spilled on any
part will be difficult to wash off completely and will
eventually deteriorate the rubber used in the disc
• When handling the disc pads or disc, be careful
that no disc brake fluid or any oil gets on them.
Clean off any fluid or oil that inadvertently gets on
the pads or disc with a high flash-point solvent.
Do not use one which will leave an oily residue.
Replace the pads with new ones if they cannot be
cleaned satisfactorily.
• Brake nuid quickly damages painted surfaces;
any spilled nuid BhotJld be completely wiped up
• If any of the brake line fittings or the bleed valve is
opened at any time, the AIRMUST BE BLED FROM
• Remove:
Front Access Cover (see Front Access Cover Re-
Reservoir Cap [A]
Diaphragm Plate
• Fill the reservoir [B] with fresh brake fluid to the upper
level line [C].
• Slowly pump the brake pedal several times until no air
bubbles can be seen rising up through the fluid from the
holes at the bottom of the reservoir.
OBleed the air completely from the master cylinder by this
OThe airbleeding procedures should be done in the order
from farthest caliper to nearest ca/iper in rfisfance mom
the master cylinder.
• Remove:
Brake Pedal Bracket Bolts [A]
Brake Pedal Assembly [B]
• Remove:
Cotter Pin [A]
Washer [B]
Brake Pedal Shaft [C]
Return Spring [D]
Brake Pedal [E]