What Is Budgetary Control? Meaning:: Chapter-3
What Is Budgetary Control? Meaning:: Chapter-3
What Is Budgetary Control? Meaning:: Chapter-3
A budget is a financial document used to project future income and expenses. The budgeting process may be carried out by individuals or by companies to estimate whether the person/company can continue to operate with its projected income and expenses
Objective of budgeting:
Budgets are able to direct capital expenditure in the most profitable direction; Budget provides the yardstick against which future results can be compared; It act as a guide for management decisions when unforeseeable conditions affect the budget; With the establishment of the budget, action(s) can be taken by management if there are any material variances against budget; Assist in decentralizing responsibility on to each manager involved. With the setting of budgets, the managers involved will better understand what the company expects from them. Therefore there is a congruence of goals between the company and the employees
Budgets enable management to plan and anticipate in areas of adequacy in working capital and scarce or type of availability of resources;
The budget is perhaps the most important instrument in any modern state apart from the constitution. The focus on budget has assumed greater prominence in recent years with increasing democratization, civil society participation and the desire to respond to the development challenge of poverty. In Nigeria , the return to civilian rule after many years of military rule has put issues of budget in the public domain. It is important to point out that even during military rule, budgets are prepared and read to the country every year. But there are a lot of misconceptions, misunderstandings, misgivings and even postulations about the budget, which are far from reality. In this paper, we examine the concept of budget and budgeting and the myths and illusions associated with it especially in underdeveloped and corrupt countries like Nigeria . We argue that the budgeting process in Nigeria is characterized by myths and illusions and posit that there is the need to transform the reality of the budgeting process in Nigeria through citizen participation and monitoring.
instrument by which commitments are translated into monetary terms.A comprehensive description was given by Kwanashie: The budget is a key instrument for macroeconomic management in most economies and its efficacy determines the success of governments in meeting societal goals. The budget is also a tool for the implementation of social, political and economic policies and priorities which impact on the lives of the populationA budget is a plan and we know that plans depend heavily on information, analysis and projections. A successful budget must be a product of a process that is based on sound and quality information, rigorous impact analysis and an effective feedback mechanism to internalize lessons of past budgets. The budget is an integrated output of a dynamic process in which the connections between the various sectors are critical for its ultimate impact and should be looked at in a holistic manner.
From the above definitions and description, it is clear that budgets serve some purposes. Six main purposes can be delineated for a budget. 1. 2. 3. 4. It is a short-term financial plan. It is a political document couched in figures. It is a management tool used for both planning and control. It is a device for ensuring a continuous monitoring procedure, and reviewing and evaluating performance with reference to previously established standards. It is an agent to enable management to anticipate change and adapt to it. It is an overall method for improving operations. It is important to note that as soon as a budget is approved by the appropriate authority (usually the legislature), it becomes a legal instrument through which government can incur expenditure and collect revenue.
5. 6.
Budgeting is simply the process of preparing a budget. It refers to the procedures and mechanisms by which the budget is prepared, implemented and monitored. Budgeting is very crucial for the economic development of any nation. Good budgeting can lead to economic growth and development. But to prepare a good budget requires a responsible leadership, special staff assistance, broad, accurate and reliable information, complete plan, a financial calendar and effective monitoring and control over the execution of the budget plan. The budgeting process traces the budget in one year from conception through to
preparation, approval, execution, control, monitoring and evaluation. Scholars have divided the budgeting process into four main stages viz: a. b. c. d. Budget Review Budget Formulation Budget Implementation Budget Monitoring and Control
3. MYTHS AND ILLUSIONS ABOUT BUDGET There are a lot of myth and illusions about the budget. In this paper, myth refers to something that many people believe but that does not exist or is false while illusion is a false idea or belief. According to Krafchik, in many developing countries, the range of inaccurate and misguided assumptions include: The perception that public budgeting is the exclusive preserve of the executive. Budgets must be formulated in secret or they may upset financial markets. Non-government intervention can destroy the integrity of the budget envelope; Legislators and civil society have a greater interest in advancing the interests of their constituents as opposed to the interests of the country as a whole; It is the governments mandate to produce the budget internally in a closed process; and the governments prerogative to have it rubber- stamped by the legislature. A critical analysis of the ideas above will reveal that they are mere myths and illusions that are not grounded on facts. While it is true that it is the responsibility of the executive to formally make proposals to the legislature, the process of formulation of budget ought to involve the participation of interest groups and citizens in general. In this way, the debate on the budget process is deepened and new information is brought into the process of making decision on the budget. The argument that openness of the budget making process will upset financial market is an illusion. In fact, budget secrecy will encourage speculation while transparency will make known the policy choices which will make it easier for investors and business people to make more informed decision. The assumption that non-government intervention can destroy the integrity of the budget envelope cannot be sustained because budget by definition is a plan based on certain assumptions whose integrity is not caste in stones. Non-government intervention brings in fresh perspectives that cannot be discountenanced. The view that legislators and civil society will pursue interests opposed to the common good challenges the whole concept of representative democracy and popular participation. The appropriate response cannot be exclusion from the process especially as there is no guarantee that the executive will not pursue a narrower interest.
Some scholars have argued that the myth and illusions about budget is being challenged in several developing and transitional countries with CSOs and legislators playing more roles in the budgetary process. Examples of such countries include Indonesia, Russia, South Africa and Uganda . In addition, the increased emphasis on decentralization which is bringing budgeting closer to the people thereby fostering greater citizen participation; growth of independent budget institutions and the emerging consensus on the role of nongovernment actors in development especially in the face of growing poverty in the world underscore the necessity of CSO participation in the budgeting process.
In Nigeria , the myth and illusions about budget is also being challenged. During the military era, most CSOs in Nigeria are Human Rights Organisations (HROs) focused on fighting the military and entrenching democracy. With the return to civilian rule in 1999, many CSOs have sprung up to address wider development issues. In addition, many of the HROs are increasing repositioning to address economic, social and cultural rights in general and budgetary issues in particular. Some CSOs that are now working on Budget issues in Nigeria include Human Rights Law Service (HURILAWS), Women Advocate Research and Documentation Centre (WARDC), Women Environment Programme (WEP), Justice Development and Peace Commission (JDPC), Centre for Democracy and Development (CDD), Action Aid International Nigeria, Socio-Economic Rights Initiative (SERI), CBD NGO Forum, DEC, Gender and Development Action (GADA), Community Action for Popular Participation (CAPP), ANEEJ etc.
Advocacy for pro-poor redistributive budgets (in favour of the poor, marginalized, excluded and disabled) Advocacy for Gender Budget Initiatives Advocacy for children Budget Initiatives Enactment of the Freedom of Information Act (It was passed by the House of Representatives on August 5 and 25, 2004. We commend the House and call on the Senate to pass the bill and for the President to give assent). Production of alternative budgets
The budget is an important instrument of governance in any modern state. It has the potential of aiding planning and contributing to development. But it is shrouded in a lot of myths and illusions, which essentially excludes citizens from participation and promote secrecy, corruption and underdevelopment. There is there fore the need to interrogate the reality of budgeting in Nigeria with a view to transforming it in such a way that it will not only become participatory, transparent and accountable but will also lead to poverty eradication and sustainable development.
Variance Analysis
The most common budgetary technique is a comparison of the budget to actual results. This is usually done on a monthly basis, with a summary closing process every quarter. Variances (differences between the budget and actual results) are noted and accounted for. A decision can be made to reduce expenses or reallocate resources. This technique greatly reduces the need for comprehensive review cycles.
Control Centers
Create budgetary control centers with your business groups. There are four types of responsibility centers: revenue, expense, profit, and investment. These are represented primarily by the income and cash flow statement. Both statements have natural relationships that can be monitored over time to maintain a balance to operations. The working capital formula, or "current assets minus current liabilities," is a common measure used by investors to gauge a company's underlying operational efficiency. Money tied up in inventory (current assets) or money that customers still owe to the company (current liabilities) cannot be used to pay off any of the company's obligations. If working capital from one cycle to the next signals slow collection, this is a sign of inefficiency.
The most important budgetary technique is forecasting, or the ability to set out a detailed plan for the future. This forecast is a dialogue about what to look for in the future. Each manager should prepare detailed plans with targets and resource needs. These needs should be compared with the overall look to ensure alignment with industry standards. Focus on creating an agile budget; provide percentages of common accounts for other groups to compare. Budgeting should be looked at as a tool, not a harness.
Budgetary Control is an integral part of management. It consists in comparisons between the results of actual performance and budgeted performance. Central to this kind of comparison is Standard Costing and Variance Analysis. The purpose of this article is to clarify simply to the leaner, reader, and others peoples who related with accounts, budgets, costing department. What variance analysis is all about, avoiding pure technicalities and the terminology of accountants? Notice is confined to costs and cost variances in this article. A similar dealing of revenue and revenue variances would also be compulsory to acquire a proper perspective. Following explained The Budgetary Control Techniques
Variance Analysis:
In a well run organization the comparison between actual and budget is used as the basis for deciding the appropriate action. This document sets out how the analysis is used to highest effect. The procedure is actually part of the normal control process. Any variation from expected performance, in terms of budgets, where income or expenditure did not occur as expected. Variance analysis is the act of determining the drivers for those variations. Variances are noted and accounted for. A decision can be made to reduce expenses or reallocate resources. This technique greatly reduces the need for comprehensive review cycles.
Responsibility Centers:
Control systems can be created to monitor organizational functions or organizational projects. Controlling, a function involves making sure that a specified activity is properly carried out. Controlling a project involves making sure that a specified end result is achieved. There are four types of responsibility centers: revenue, expense, profit, and investment.
Revenue Centers are those organizational units in which outputs are measured in monetary terms but are not directly compared to input costs. In Expenses Centers or cost centers, inputs are measured by the control system in monetary terms, but outputs are not. The reason is that these centers are not expected to produce revenues. In Profit centers, performance is measured by the numerical difference between revenues (outputs) and expenditure (inputs). A profit center is created whenever an organizational an organizational unit is given responsibility for earning a profit. Investment centers: In an investment center, the control system again measures the monetary value of inputs and outputs, but it also assesses how those outputs compare with the assets employed in producing them.
03. Forecasting:
The most important budgetary technique is forecasting, or the ability to set out a detailed plan for the future. This forecast is a dialogue about what to look for in the future. Predicted income and expenditure, split over periods of the financial year, based upon known, or expected activity. The forecast gives an indication as to the financial position at the year end. Each manager should prepare detailed plans with targets and resource needs. These needs should be compared with the overall look to ensure alignment with industry standards.
This article "Techniques of Budgetary Control" examined the relationship between budget and performance of an organization. Although the organization of budgets techniques relating the errands of executives to the requirements of a policy. & the continuous judgment of real with budgeted results either to protect by creature achievement the objective of that policy or to afford a base for its adjustment. Author: Mohammad wahid Abdullah khan
This chapter is part of a comprehensive manual, Managing Government Expenditure, based on a sound conceptual foundation but with a deliberate operational thrust, covering the entire public expenditure management cycle from multiyear expenditure programming and budget formulation through budget execution, audit, and evaluation. This chapter focuses on core processes of budget preparation and on mechanism of aggregate expenditure control and strategic allocation of resources. Please visit the following website for more chapters.
A sequester can be avoided three ways, two of which are created by this new law.[i] The first, passage by Congress of a balanced budget amendment to the U.S. Constitution, is considered highly unlikely to occur. (The new law requires a vote in both houses of Congress by year-end.) The second way sequesters can be avoided is pursuant to a special legislative process to take place between Thanksgiving and Christmas this year. The new law creates a special congressional joint committee. If the joint committees report passes both houses of Congress through expedited consideration and is signed by the president, sequester will be avoided. The joint committee legislation must reduce the deficit by $1.5 trillion through some combination of budget cuts and revenue enhancements; nothing is off the table. On the other hand, no particular category of government spending must be included. In other words, a legislative free-for-all is on the horizon. Joint committees are not unusual; for example, there has been a Joint Committee on Taxation for many years. What is unique about this joint committee is its real legislative power; it can vote out a massive piece of legislation, rather than merely holding hearings or issuing reports. A joint committee, by definition, is bicameral, so identical bill language will go to the floors of both houses.[ii] As noted above, a fast-track process is mandated for consideration in both houses. Importantly, this bill cannot be filibustered in the Senate. The committee members will be appointed by the majority and minority leadership in both houses. Each of the four party leaders will pick three from his or her caucus, meaning 12 members are to be named.[iii] Since seven votes are required to vote out a bill, at least one committee member will have to agree to cross party lines. Whether that will occur is the great unknown. Sequesters could happen at many points. If the committee fails to report out a bill, sequesters are mandated. If a bill makes it out of this committee but is defeated on a floor vote, sequesters are triggered. If the bill passes Congress but is vetoed by the president, sequesters are in order. Providers should know the current expectation is that Medicare will bear the brunt of some of the cuts, as will Medicaid. Indirect medical education and graduate medical education programs will certainly be scrutinized, as will bad debts. The special treatment
of critical access hospitals, Medicare dependent hospitals and sole community hospitals likewise is in the crosshairs. Medicaid provider tax schemes have long been a target and will be again. By the way, Congress also must deal with the so-called doc fix by year-end. It is not clear whether this will happen in separate legislation or as part of this special process. In short, it is going to be a very busy and interesting autumn in the nations capital. [i] The third way is for the Congress, pursuant to regular order, to pass legislation saving $1.5 trillion before the sequestration takes place on 1/2/13. [ii] A specific timetable has been established by the new law. [iii] Committee members must be named by August 16. [iv] Of course, Congress retains its constitutional prerogative to override a veto. Also, as noted in footnote No. 1, Congress could pass separate legislation that achieves the savings.
According to Larry oday, a veteran of more than two decades in health care and insurance legislation, provides a variety of services for BKD including monitoring legislation in Washington, D.C., writing articles, making internal and external presentations and lobbying on behalf of the firm. His legal career includes work in corporate, government and private practice settings. He has served as director of congressional affairs and director of the Bureau of Eligibility, Reimbursement and Coverage for the Health Care Financing Administration, now the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.