Anemone, 1990

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The VCL Hypothesis Revisited: Patterns of Femoral Morphology

Among Quadrupedal and Saltatorial Prosimian Primates
Department of Anthropology, State University of New Yorh, Geneseo, New
York 14454

KEY WORDS Functional morphology, Vertical clinging and

leaping, Positional behavior
ABSTRACT The descriptive and functional morphology of the postcra-
nium of the vertical clinging and leaping prosimians is of great interest in both
adaptational and phylogenetic studies of extant and extinct primates. An
analysis of patterns of femoral morphology among quadrupedal and saltatory
living prosimians indicates the presence of at least two, and possibly three,
distinct femoral adaptations to the demands of an arboreal, saltatory exis-
tence. Osteological measurements were taken on 277 postcranial skeletons
representing eight prosimian families, with skeletal trunk length (Biegert and
Maurer, Folia Primatol. 17:142-156,1972) used as an estimator ofbody size in
both bivariate and multivariate (discriminant function) statistical analyses.
Whereas all extant vertical clingers and leapers share certain femoral traits
(i.e., long femur, proximally restricted trochanters, ventrally raised patellar
articular surface), Galagidae and Tarsiidae share features of the proximal
femur (i.e., cylindrical head, large posterior expansion of articular surface onto
the neck) that clearly distinguish them from the specialized leapers of the
Malagasy Republic (Indriidae and Lepilemur). These latter animals closely
resemble active quadrupedal Lemuriformes in possessing spherical femoral
heads, with little posterior expansion of articular surface and a distinctive
greater trochanter shape. Some traits suggested as being characteristic of
vertical clingers and leapers (i.e., deep femoral condyles facing posteriorly,
narrow patellar groove with prominent lateral margin, greater trochanter
overhanging anterior aspect of shaft) are shown to be common to all prosrmi-
ans except the slow-climbingiorisids. The functional significance of aspects of
femoral morphology among saltators is discussed, along with the relevance of
these results to an assessment of vertical clinging and leaping among extant
and extinct primates.

The existence among extant prosimian The VCL hypothesis can be broken down
rimates of extremely proficient bipedal into three components that I refer to as
reapers has been reco ized for well over a
century (Murie and ivart, 1872). In 1967,
Napier and Walker wrote a seminal article
behavioral, morphological, and paleontolog-
ical (Walker, 1967, 1974, 1979; Napier and
Walker, 1967). The behavioral component
on prosimian locomotion in which they pre- posits the existence of a grou of living ro-
sented what has become known as the verti-
cal clinging and leaping (henceforth VCL)
simians that share a mode o positiona be-
havior (used in the sense of Prost [19651 to
hypothesis. The publication of this hypothe- include locomotor and postural behaviors),
sis provoked a resurgence of interest in the which includes clinging in an upright pos-
anatomy, ecology, and evolution of the pro-
simians, especially of those prosimians
adapted to a saltatory existence. Received October 31,1988; accepted February 7,1990.



ture to vertical arboreal supports and leap- as vertical clingers and leapers. Stern and
ing, pro elled entirely by the hindlimbs, be- Oxnards (1973)consideration of the primate
tween t ese supports. When on the ground
these animals engage in bipedal, kangaroo-
fossil record su gested, in spite of gaps in
current knowle ge of postcranial morphol-
like ho in . The mor hological component ogy among the fossils, that both atterns of
of the #EL typothesis olds that all modern
vertical clingers and leapers share a suite of
tarsal morphology were alrea y present
among Eocene primates. One group, com-
mor hological traits (mainly, but not exclu- posed mainly of members of the family Adap-
sive y in the hindlimb) that allows them to
en age in this unusual mode of positional
idae, appeared to resemble the living Mala-
be avior. The paleontological component is
the claim that the same morpholo
gasy lemurs; the other group resembled the
modern tarsiers and galagos and included
members of the family Omomyidae.
among modern vertical clingers an leapersfound
was also present to some extent in ail or most
In his contribution to the VCL dehatcl,
Martin (1972a:333) coined the term “hind-
of the prosimian primates of the Eocene (i.e., limb dominated arboreal locornotion” to de-
Adapidae and Omomyidae), implying that scribe the ada tive significance of the grasp-
vertical clin ’ng and leaping is the “an- ing hindliml among most prosimian
cestor” of a1 modern modes of positional
behavior found among living primates. Ta-
primates. Vertical clinging and leaping was
considered to represent an extreme develop-
bles 1 and 2 contain Napier and Walker’s ment of the hindlimb dominated pattern
classification of prosimian positional behav- ractised by only a few living prosimians.
ior and the morpholo ical traits they identi- ilartin (1972a)recognized differences in tar-
fied as part of the V L adaptation, respec- sal elongation among these taxa and argued
that the ancestral mor hotype for all strep-
Reaction to the VCL hypothesis was rapid
and critical (Martin, 1972a; Cartmill, 1972;
sirhines was a relative y unspecialized qua-
drupedal form like the mouse lemur (Micro-
Szalay, 1972; Stern and Oxnard, 1973). In cebus murinus), lacking an elon ated
their cogent critique, Stern and Oxnard calcaneus and navicular, yet still capa le of%
(1973) argued a ainst all three components
of the VCL hypot esis. Citing both intra- and
interspecific variation in positional behav-
some degree of leaping.
Cartmill (1972, 1974a,b, 1975) discussed
the VCL theorv in the context of his critiaue
ior, they questioned the existence of a single, of the “arborgal theory” of primate orighs
coherent group of prosimians that mi ht be and questioned two aspects of Napier and
characterized as vertical clin ers anC F leap- Walker’s (1967) hypothesis in reference to
ers. McArdle’s(1981)review of;the literature the fossil evidence for saltatory habits
on prosimian positional behavior, for exam- among Eocene prosimians. The first ques-
. indicates
ple, . that the prevalence of vertical tion was whether vertical clinging postures
clrnglng and leaping VZl’kY to ‘r? enarmGus c o d 6 he inferred frem the -resen& c i f p a p -
extent between different species of GaZago. ing adaptations in the hinfiimb and pes; the
Mor hometric analyses of both hindlimb and second concerned the argument for vertical
fore imb dimensions supported the evidence
for behavioral variation, and led Stern and
clinging and leaping among all or nearly all
Eocene rosimians. Whereas Napier and
Oxnard (1973)t o suggest the existence oftwo
ou s of saltatorial prosimians,
distinguis ed y the presence (Galagidae,
Walker 8967) linked graspin adaptations
in primate cheiridia with an abitual reli-
ance on vertical ostures among saltator
Tarsiidae) or absence (Indriidae, LepiZernur)
of extreme elongation of the calcaneus and
animals, Cartmil (1974b:67) offered an a f
ternative explanation as part of his “visual
navicular bones of the tarsus. Morphometric predation” hypothesis:
analyses of the postcranial morphology of
prosimian primates by Oxnard and cowork-
ers confirmed these results (McArdle, 1981; The combination of a grasping first toe with a
nonopposable thumb is not correlated with vertical
Oxnard et al., 1981a,b), and recent work by din ‘ng and leaping. . . it is found among didel-
Oxnard (1984) emphasizes the morphologi- [hi% and other arboreal mammals that clearly
cal uniqueness of Tarsius and thus suggests ave no indriidlike or tarsierlike ancestors. It
makes more sense to interpret the grasping foot as
the existence of a third morphological at-
tern among animals classified by Wa ker
(1967, 1974) and Napier and Walker (1967)
P an adaptation to prolonged or cautious movement
among slender branches and vines, in didelphids
and early prosimians alike.
With res ect t o the question of vertical Lessertisseur, 1979; McArdle, 1981; God-
clinging an leaping among Eocene prosimi-
ans, Cartmill (1972, 1974a, 1975) agreed
frey, 1988; Anemone, 1988). Szalay and
Da osto’s (1988:27) analysis of prosimian
that the postcrania of the adapids Notharc- geCfa1 anatomy stresses the importance of
tus and Smilodectes resemble modern Indri- rapid, successive, leaping and landing with
idae but ar ed that most of the Omomyidae a habitual grasp (i.e., gras leaping)” among
(except per aps the necrolemurines, which
resemble Tarsius) are similar postcranially
both living prosimians anc f the common an-
cestor of the euprimates. Both Szalay and
to the primarily uadrupedal Cheirogalei- Dagosto (1980, 1988) and Covert (1985,
dae. Like Stern an Oxnard (19731, Cartmill
(1972, 1974a, 1975) distin ished between
1988) acknowled e the importance of leap-
ing (as well as cfimbing and quadrupedal-
two different morphologica patterns among
modern prosimian leapers, one character-
ism) in the evolution of primate locomotion
but question the necessary association of
ized b elonwted tarsall elements !Ga!agidae leaping with vertical clinging suggested by
and $arsii$ae) and the other lacking this Napier and Walker (1967).Gebo’s investiga-
specialization (Indriidae and Lepilemur), tions of form-function relations in tarsiers
with both patterns already separate and (Gebo, 1987a), indriids (Gebo and Dagosto,
identifiable in the Eocene. 1988),and other primates (Gebo, 1985,1986)
Szalay’s (1972) contribution to the VCL have considerably advanced our under-
debate also concerned the prevalence of ver- standing of the diversity of pedal adapta-
tical clinging and leaping among fossil pro- tions in arboreal primates. In an innovative
simians. While noting that some Eocene pro- application of regression anal sis, Godfrey
simians are correctly identified as vertical
clingers and leapers (among them Smilo-
(1988) has recently examined emoral anat-
omy among Mala asy lemuriformes (also see
dectes, Notharctus, Herniacodon, Necrole-
mur, and Microchoerus), Szalay (1972) dem-
Godfrey, 1977). he suggests that, among
Malagasy prosimians, both specialized leap-
onstrated that saltatory locomotion was far ing and quadrupedal climbing evolved sev-
from ubiquitous among primates of the eral times from a generalized ancestral form
Eocene, and was not present in the earliest capable of leaping, climbing, and hindlimb
postcranially known primate, Plesiadapis, suspension.
an arboreal, quadrupedal, clawed climber In this article, I present the results of
(Szalay and Decker 1974). Szalay (1972) investigations of femoral morphology among
extant prosimians desi ed to test the mor-
noted that an obvious prerequisite to our
understanding of the prevalence of vertical
clinging and leaping in the fossil record is the f P
hological com onent o the VCL hypothesis.
am intereste(P in determining whether the
findin of clear associations between behav- atterns of femoral morphology that emerge
ior an morphology among its living practi- P rom such an analysis support the behav-
ioral category of vertical clinging and leapin
tioners. In a pessimistic but accurate s u m
mary, Szalay (1972:33) stated: as defined by Walker (1967, 1974) an
Napier and Walker (1967) (see Table 1).Do
The osteological characters that might be invari- all extant vertical clingers and leapers share
ably associated with vertical clinging and leaping the same femoral morphology (see Table 21,
have not been deduced as yet, if such clear-cut fea-
tures exist at all. or can we distinguish between two or more
clear1 different anatomical adaptations to
Recent work has improved our under- i
an ar oreal, saltatory way of life? Can spe-
standin of these associations in several an-
atomica areas. Although the metric and bi- a
cialized leapin prosimians be consistent1
separated on t e basis of femoral morphol
from active quadrupedal taxa (sensu
omechanical differences between the foot
skeletons of galagids and tarsiids and those F alker, 19741, most of whom also leap to
some extent? Finally, what is the functional
of indriids and lepilemurids have been well
documented (Schultz, 1963a,b; Hall-Craggs, significance of the patterns of femoral mor-
1965a,b; Jouffroy, 1975; Jouffroy and Les- phology found among specialized, leaping
sertisseur, 1979; Gebo, 1985, 1987a; Gebo prosimians?
and Dagosto, 1988; Anemone, 19881, the MATERIALS AND METHODS
comparative and functional anatomy of the
femur in extant prosimians has been less A total of 277 prosimian skeletons repre-
well studied (Jouffroy, 1975; Jouffroy and senting eight families and 16 genera were

TABLE I . Classification of prosimian positional behavior'

Active quadrupedalism
Lemuridae Lemur, Varecia
Cheirogaleidae Cheirogaleus, Microcebus, Phaner
Daubentoniidae Daubentonia
Lepilemuridae Hapalemur
Slow-climbing quadrupedalism
Lorisidae Loris, Nycticebus, Arctocebus, Perodicticus
Vertical clinging and leaping
Galagidae Galago
Tarsiidae Tarsius
Indriidae Indri. Avahi, Propithecus
Lepilemuridae Lepilemur
'This classification is adapted from Walker (1974) and differs mainly in the taxonomic placement of Hapalemur and Lepilurnur. Whereas
Walker (1974)classifiedtbesegenerain thefamilv 1,emuridae.1havpfnllowerl TattPrsn1l!lWV!ir glsrin_n!hcsct3~3illL~l;ibn;;;:i~;~.rP~i
a recent classification of prosimian positional hebaviora, see Gebo (198%).

TABLE 2. Morphological correlates of vertical TABLE 3. List of specimens used in this study
clinging and leaping in prosimians' i" = 2771
General and limb proportions Taxa Number
Small to medium body size
Long tail (except Indri) T u p a iid a e
High intermembral index Tupaia sp. 20
High brachial index Tarsiidae
Pelvis Tarsius sp. 8
Long ilium and short ischium Lemuridae
Prominent anterior superior and inferior iliac spines Lemur catta 5
Broad iliac blades in larger animals L. sp. 3
Narrow iliac blades in smaller animals L. coronatus 1
Femur L. rubriventer 2
Long and straight shaft L. fulvus 18
Cylindrical or spherical femoral head Varecia uariegata 12
Greater trochanter overhangs anterior aspect of shaft 41
Posterior expansion of articular surface onto neck Cheirogaleidae
Anteroposteriorly deep, posteriorly projecting condyles Cheirogaleus major 6
Narrow and deep patellar groove Microcebus murinus 20
Patellar surface projects anterior to shaft 26
Prominent lateral patellar ridge Tepilemuridae
Tibia Hnpalemur grzseus 16
Latera!iy campressed shat%
Posteriorly projecting condyles
H. simus 1
Pes Lepilemur mustelinus 21
Large and strong grasping hallux 38
Prominent peroneal tubercle Indriidae
Reduction of digits I1 and 111 Avahi laniger 9
Elongate calcaneus and navicular (in small bodied Indri indri 4
forms) Propithecus verreauxi 9
P. diadema 3
'From Napier and Walker (1967) and Walker (1974).
Arctocebus calabarensis 4
Loris tardigradus 10
Nycticebus coucang 20
examined and measured at the American Perodicticus potto 20
Museum of Natural History in New York 54
(AMNH),the U.S. National Museum of Nat- Galago alleni 3
ural History in Washington, DC (USNM), G. demidoiiii 8
and the Museum of Comparative Zoology at G. crassicaudatus 24
Harvard Universitv. Cambridge. Massachu- G. senegalensis 29
setts (HMCZ) (see Fable 3). AlThou h gener- Euoticus elegantulus 1
ally considered nonprimates ampbell, 8 65
1974; Luckett, 19801,tupaiids were included

imens with visible bony patholo ‘es were

never measured, some young adu ts (adult
dentition erupted but some epiphyses un-
fused) and some laboratory-reared and/or
zoo animals were used. Overall, nearly 75%
of the 277 specimens were wild-shot. The
sexes were pooled in all analyses, since pro-
simians do not exhibit significant pustcra-
nial sexual dimorphism and because many
museum specimens are of unknown gender.
The measurements taken on the femur are
described in Table 4 and illustrated in 1
Figure 1. Measurements were chosen to al-

TABLE 4. Femoral measurements

1. Femoral length; maximum length of femur from
horizontal plan of femoral condyles to most proximal
point of femur; measured between points A and B or
points H and B
2. Height of femoral head; maximum proximo-distal
length of femoral head; measured between points A
and C
3. Breadth of femoral head; maximum ventro-dorsal
length of femoral head; points of measurement not
4. Distal extent of third trochanter; maximum distance
from most proximal point of femoral head to most
distal point of third trochanter; measured between
points A and D K
5. Distal extent of lesser trochanter; maximum
distance from most proximal point of femoral head to
most distal point of lesser trochanter; measured
between points A and E 9
6. DiamPter of femoral neck; maximum proximo-distal
length of non-articular area of femoral neck;
measured between points I and J
7. Head-greater trochanter length 1; maximum
distance from most medial point of femoral head to -I I
most lateral point of greater trochanter in a plane
perpendicular to shaft; measured between points F
and G Fig. 1. Anatomical points of measurement on left
8. Diameter of femoral shaft; maximum ventro-dorsal femur. Ventral (1)and distal (2) views. A, Most proximal
width of femoral shaft, taken at midlength; points of point on femoral head; B, most distal point on femoral
measurement not pictured condyles; C, most distal oint on femoral head; D, most
9. Ventro dorsal length of femoral condyles; maximum distal point on third trocIanter; E, most distal point on
ventro-dorsal length of femoral condyles; measured lesser trochanter; F, most lateral point on greater tro-
between points K and L chanter; G, most medial point on femoral head; H, most
10. Mediolateral length of femoral condyles; maximum proximal point on greater trochanter; I, most distal
medio-lateral length of femoral condyles; measured nonarticular point on neck; J, most proximal nonarticu-
between points M and N lar oint on neck; K, most ventral point on femoral
1. Width of greater trochanter; maximum ventro- conlyles; L, most dorsal point on femoral condyles; M,
dorsal width of greater trochanter, taken on lateral most medial point on femoral condyles; N, most lateral
aspect of femur. Points of measurement not pictured point on femoral condyles; 0, patellar groove.
2. Head-greater trochanter length 2; maximum
distance from distal and medial point of femoral
head to most proximal point of greater trochanter;
measured between points C and H

low the testing of hypotheses relating hind- STL as the denominator to measure the
limb anatomy and function during ositional relative length of the femur free of the effects
behavior. They include measures o limb and
segment length, joint surface morphology,
! of isometric differences in bodily size.
In addition to the bivariate analyses de-
and distances of muscle insertions to joint scribed above, multivariate statistics were
centers. These measurements were used in used to determine whether all vertical cling-
both bivariate and multivariate analyses. ers and leapers share the same patterns of
One of the simplest ways of correcting for femoral morphology. Since the aim was to
isometric (but not allometric) aspects of vari- compare the relative positions in multivari-
ation in body size involves the use of ratios ate space of groups of prosimians defined on
(Oxnard, 1978; McArdle, 1981).Seven ratios the basis of positional behavior, the appro-
were calculated for the femoral data bee priate statistical techni ue was discrimi-
Tables 5 and 6). The length of the femur was
frequently used as the denominator in ratios
nant analysis. Multiple iscriminant func-
tion analysis IS a muitivariate technique
in which the numerator is a measure of a that allows discrimination between two or
muscular lever arm (e.g., ratios 1, 2, 6, and more groups on the basis of a series of predic-
7). Since femoral length is an approximation tor variables. The value of discriminant
of the load arm of these levers, these ratios analysis can be plain1 seen in the reduction
measure the mechanical advantage of bone-
muscle systems (Smith and Savage, 1956).
of dimensionality oft e data from the num-
ber of variables or groups to two or three
The skeletal trunk length (STL) of Biegert discriminant axes, which generally account
and Maurer (1972) has been shown to be for most of the between-group variation.
highly correlated with body size in both ca- Two key aspects of the interpretation of
tarrhine (Biegert and Maurer, 1972) and the results of multiple discriminant analysis
prosimian primates (Jun ers, 1979)and was are the determination of the relative impor-
used as an estimator o body size in this
study. Relative femoral length (ratio 1)uses
tance of the predictor variables in the se a-
ration along each discriminant axis an of cp
the functional significance of those traits in
the living animal (Kowalski, 1972). Three
TABLE 5. Distribution of femoral traits methods have been used to evaluate the
among prosimians contribution of individual predictor vari-
Traits found among all “hindlimb dominated”
ables (Anemone, 1988). Concordance be-
tween the three methods fosters eater con-
Long and straight femoral shaft (longer in
specialized leapers)
fidence in the interpretation, w ile serious
discordance argues for caution in inter ret-
Greater trochanter overhangs anterior aspect of
P fl
ing the significance of redictor varia les.
The first method is simp y to rank the impor-
Anteroposteri.orip deep. postrri~irlyprojecting
condyies tance of the predictor variables by the order
Narrow and deep patellar groove in which they are entered into the stepwise
Prominent lateral pateller ridge discriminant analysis. The stepwise dis-
Traits found among all VCL prosimians criminant algorithm adds variables in the
All traits characterizing “hindlimb dominated” order in which they best discriminate be-
Patellar articular surface projects anterior to shaft tween groups. Another possible indication of
Small third trochanter and trochanteric fossa and the contribution of different variables to the
large fovea discrimination is in the relative magnitude
Traits found among Galagidae and Tarsiidae of their canonical coefficients. The final
All traits characterizing VCL prosimians method, and perhaps the most intuitive, is to
Cylindrical femoral head
Posterior expansion of articular surface onto examine the correlations between each pre-
femoral neck dictor variable and the various discriminant
Greater trochanter tapers distally to form small functions or axes. The highest absolute cor-
third trochanter relations are considered to indicate the most
Traits found among Indriidae and Lepilemur important variables for a particular discrim-
All traits characterizing VCL prosimians inant axis, with a minimal r value of 0.30
Spherical femoral heading lacking subtantial
bein judged significant (Tabachnick and
posterior expansion of articular surface (shared
by all Lemuriformes)
Medially “notched” appearance of greater
Fide 1, 1983). In the discussion that follows,
all three methods are used in an attem t to
trochanter (shared by all Lemuriformes) evaluate the relative contributions o therp
TABLE 6 Sample SLZPR, mrans, standard deviations, and standard errors of the mean f o r s e w n femoral
ratios b y f a m i l y

Sample sizes 24 :18 40

1. Relative femoral length2

Mean .426 562 .738 .711 ,519 .478 ,377 ,349
S.d. ,045 .057 ,027 ,034 ,018 .OM .023 .013
s.e.m. ,006 .007 ,010 ,007 .005 ,004 .004 .003
2. Hip flexor index3
Mean ,181 ,161 .136 .129 ,148 .167 .180 ,188
S.d. ,033 ,018 ,006 .013 .009 .012 ,012 ,014
s.e.m. ,005 ,002 ,002 .003 .002 ,003 ,004 ,003
3. Gluteal index4
Mean ,156 lL3 .IVY .I ZY .14u .Ibb .ISb .Y4Z
s.d. ,021 ,020 ,006 .017 ,012 ,012 ,008 ,028
s.e.m. .004 .003 .002 .003 ,002 .004 .002 ,002
4. Condylar index5
Mean ,840 1.08 1.17 1.12 1.10 1.01 1.03 .914
S.d. .051 ,057 ,060 .lo4 ,030 ,035 ,036 .040
s.e.m. ,007 ,007 .023 .021 ,007 ,009 ,010 .009
5. Femoral head index6
Mean .933 ,897 .921 .976 ,977 ,967 .980 .979
S.d. .025 ,049 .031 ,019 ,025 ,024 .028 ,023
s.e.m. ,003 .006 ,012 .004 ,005 ,007 .010 .005
6. Greater trochanter index l7
Mean ,155 ,150 ,141 ,154 .161 .I82 .177 .189
S.d. ,022 ,012 ,006 ,008 .008 ,008 .008 .010
s.e.m. .003 .001 ,002 ,002 .002 .002 .002 .002
7. Greater trochanter index 9
Man ,132 ,115 ,124 ,112 ,127 .139 .136 .166
S.d. .020 ,018 nnc
.-“I ,006 ,005 .007 ,008 .011
s.e.m. ,003 ,002 ,001 ,001 ,001 .002 .002 .002
‘LOR, Lorisidae; GAL, Galagidae; TAR, Tarsiidae; IND, INdiidae; LEP, lepiiemuridae, LEM, Lemuridae; CHE, Cheirogaleidae; TUP,
4Lesser trochanter length/femur length.
SThird troehanter length/femur length. Sample size for Lorisidae is 34, since Nycticebus (N 2 201 lacks a third trochanter.
6Condylar depth/condylar beneath.
?Head height/head breadth.
*Head-greater trochanter l/femur length.
Head-greater trochanter Z/femur length.

different variables to the overall separation rer, 1972) as the denominator. The SPSS
provided by the discriminant analyses. package of statistical programs was used in
Since animals vary in body size, and since this study (Nie et al., 19751,and the results
many aspects of shape are correlated with of the discriminant analyses performed on
size, there is a real need to be able to sepa- each of the three data sets are illustrated
rate size-dependent from size-independent (see Fig. 3) and are discussed below.
aspects of morphology in multivariate statis-
tical analysis. Many investigators have gone RESULTS
to great lengths, using complicated mathe- Femoral morphology
matical a proaches, to “correct” for differ- Among alagos and tarsiers (Fig. 2D,E)
ences in ody size (e.g., Corruccini, 1972,
1973;Manaster, 1979). I have chosen t o use a
the femoragl shaft is long, straight, and slen-
der. The head is cylindrical, with a flattened
different method in an attempt to control for medial end set on a short and thick neck
the great range in prosimian body size. The nearly perpendicular to the shaft (Walker,
multivariate anal ses were done on three 1967,1974; Grand and Lorenz, 1968; McAr-
different sets of ata: raw data, log-trans-
formed data, and finally simple ratios using
dle, 1981; Anemone, 1983, 1988). The cylin-
drical shape of the femoral head results from
the skeletal trunk length (Biegert and Mau- the extreme degree of posterior expansion of

Fig. 2. Ventral and dorsal views of prosimian proxi-

mal femora: Propithecus verreauxi (A), Lepilemur mus-
telinus (B), Lemur catta (C), Galago crassicaudatus (D),
Tarsius spectrum (E).
the articular surface of the head onto the
dorsal as ect of the neck. This trait is best
develope among Galagidae, Tarsiidae, and
behavior (e. ., long femur, greater tro-
chanter over anging ventral femoral shaft,
narrow patellar groove with rominent lat-
the slow-climbing Lorisidae and is in direct
contrast to the condition seen among all
era1 ridge, deep femoral condy es with oste-
riorly facing tibial articular surface$, the
Lemuriformes. The greater trochanter ex- eat majority of these traits can also be
tends roximally to the same level as the gund among active quadrupedal lemuri-
femora head among galagos and tarsiers.
Anteriorly, the greater trochanter over-
formes. Consequently, these traits are poor
redictors of positional behavior and may be
han s the ventral aspect of the femoral getter considered as characteristic of “hind-
sha t. Its widest point is proximal, and it
tapers in width distally to form a small third
limb dominated prosimians (Martin,
1972a). The only femoral trait that consis-
trochanter. Medially, the prominent lesser tently links all vertical clingers and lea ers
trochanter may extend as far a; the medial and unequivocally distinguishes theni 11 ? ulii

edge of the head. The fovea ca itis femoris is active quadrupeds (locomotor groups as de-
large, and the trochanteric ossa is small.
The distal femur bears tibial condyles that
fined in Table 1)is the possession amon the
specialized leapers of a ventrally raise gf pa-
are very deep and that project tellar articular surface. Additional traits
The patellar oove is narrow an that tend to distinguish, albeit with much
a large arc o?t curvature, and is less precision, between leapers and quadru-
the anterior level of the shaft. Both patellar peds include a small third trochanter (al-
ridges are pronounced, but the lateral is thou h this is also characteristic of lorisids),
especially prominent (Walker, 1967, 1974;
McArdle, 1981; Anemone, 1983,1988).
m a 1 trochanteric fossa, and a large fovea
capitis femoris. Alternatively, several traits
Indriidae and Lepilemuridae of the proximal femur lend strong su
(Fig. 2A, ), the femoral head is spherical and the case for the presence of two i ferentgportto

is set on a short, thick neck, which meets the
shaft an an obtuse an le (Jouffroy, 1962,
1975; Godfrey, 1977). here is only a very
slight posterior expansion of articular sur-
morphological patterns among leaping pro-
simians. With res ect to the shape of the
femoral head, the egree of posterior expan-
sion of articular surface onto the neck, and
face onto the femoral neck. As in galagids
and tarsiids, the greater trochanter over-
hangs the ventral aspect of the shaft. At its
the shape of the eater and lesser trochant-
ers, galagos, an tarsiers on the one hand,
and indriids and Lepilernur on the other,
proximal end, the greater trochanter ex- present two very different mor hological
tends medially over the neck, giving this
region a distinctive “notched appearance
atterns. In all of these traits, in riids and
eepilemur more closely resemble active qua-
that is resent in all Lemuriformes (Fig. drupedal lemurs (sensu lato) than they re-
2A-C). $he greater trochanter is semirect- semble galagos and tarsiers. The distribu-
angular, with a straight horizontal distal tion of femoral traits among prosimian
edge that is clearly separated from the small primates classified by positional behavior is
third trochanter. The lesser trochanter is summarized in Table 5.
thin but elongate and never protrudes as far Ratios
medial1 as the femoral head. The fovea
capitis emoris is larger and the trochanteric
fossa smaller among indriids and Le ilemur
Results of the bivariate analyses of femo-
ral measurements are listed in Table 6 (by
than among other Lemuriformes. 8istallr family) and Table 7 (by genus and species).
the femoral condyles are both mediolateral Several of the seven ratios calculated from
broad and dorsoventrally deep, with posteri- the femoral measurements concern the le-
or1 facing tibial articular surfaces. The pa- verage of various muscles actin on the fe-
tel a r groove is narrow and deep, with prom-
inent medial and, especial1 , lateral ridges. gf
mur during locomotion (i.e.,hi f exor index,
gluteal index, and greater troc anter indices
The patellar surface extendys through a sub- 1 and 2). Relative femoral length is a mea-
stantial arc of curvature and is raised ven- sure of the length of the femur relative to
tral to the level of the femoral shaft. skeletal trunk length. The four families that
Although all vertical clingin and leaping leap most effectively and most frequently
prosimians do share a series of emoral traits
that may be related to aspects of locomotor
(i.e., Tarsiidae, Indriidae, Galagidae, and
Lepilemuridae) possess femora that are
TABLE 7. Samule sizes. means. standard deviations. and standard errors o f the mean for seven femoral ratios 3v Penus and sDecies
C,. M. Lemur V. varie- Hapa- I-. mus- A. Propith- A. cala- L. tardi- N. G. wassi- G. demi- G. sene- E. ele-
major murinus sp. gata lemur s1). telinus laniger I. indri ecus sp. barensis gradus coucang' P. potto cautlatus dovii G. alleni galensis gantulus
(N=7) (N=20) (N=29) ( N = l l ) (N=17)- tW=21) (N=9) (N=4) (N=ll) (N=3) (N=ll) (N=20) (N=20) (N.22) (N=9) (N=3) (N=28) (N=l)

1. IWative femoral
Mean 349 ,387 ,499 ,436 ,515 I522 ,718 .743 .693 ,415 ,506 ,409 ,400 ,517 ,492 596 ,618 ,539
s.d. ,025 ,011 ,028 ,011 .023 016 ,034 ,022 ,028 ,024 ,031 ,017 ,012 ,019 ,025 .017 ,015
s.e.m. .010 ,003 .005 ,003 .006 004 .OH ,011 .008 ,014 ,009 ,004 ,003 ,004 ,008 ,010 .003
2. Hip flexor index
Mean ,203 ,171 .I58 ,189 ,149 146 ,125 ,123 ,135 ,156 ,124 ,189 ,207 .I 82 .I61 ,165 ,145 ,159
s.d. .015 ,010 ,013 ,010 ,009 007 .016 ,010 ,009 ,014 ,012 ,009 ,011 .cog ,010 ,010 ,008
6.e.m. ,006 ,002 ,002 ,003 ,002 001 ,005 ,005 ,003 ,008 ,004 .002 ,003 .co2 ,003 ,006 .001
3. Gluteal index
Mean ,156 ,129 .I63 ,173 .154 127 ,115 .I32 ,139 .124 ,125 - ,163 ,145 ,121 ,131 ,108 ,155
6.d. ,005 ,010 ,012 .013 ,015 010 ,016 ,013 ,010 ,019 ,014 - ,009 .C 13 .010 ,016 .008
6.e.m. .002 ,002 .002 ,004 ,004 002 ,005 ,007 ,003 .Oil .005 - .002 .C$O3 ,003 ,009 ,002
4. Condylar index
Mean 1.041 1.024 1.016 385 1.044 I146 1.208 1.016 1.077 ,915 ,866 ,850 ,806 1.('23 1.044 1.107 1.130 1.123
S.d. ,032 .042 ,041 ,032 ,037 026 ,034 ,032 ,101 ,032 ,041 .044 ,041 L.20 ,034 .014 .032
s.e.m. ,012 ,009 ,008 .010 ,009 006 ,011 ,016 ,031 .018 ,012 ,010 .009 ,004 ,011 ,008 ,006
5. Femoral head
Mean ,951 ,994 .972 ,959 ,974 978 ,975 ,967 .980 ,933 ,952 ,916 ,939 .L128 ,922 ,910 ,863 .906
s.d. .029 .028 .019 ,030 .020 028 .019 ,032 ,013 .010 ,015 ,022 .026 ,431 ,042 ,051 ,045
s.e.m. ,011 ,006 ,004 .009 ,005 006 ,006 ,016 ,004 ,006 ,005 ,005 .006 .(I07 ,014 .029 ,008
6. Greater trochanter
index 1
Mean ,190 .171 . I 78 ,189 ,168 157 ,152 ,151 ,156 .I36 ,120 ,159 ,173 .)61 .I54 ,154 -140 ,145
s.d. ,008 ,007 .008 ,006 ,006 008 ,009 ,009 -007 ,010 ,010 .007 ,010 ,006 .008 ,016 ,006
s.e.m. .003 ,002 .002 .002 ,001 002 ,003 ,004 .002 ,006 ,003 ,001 ,002 .(I01 ,003 ,009 ,001
7. Greater trochanter
index 2
Mean ,143 ,132 ,137 ,143 ,131 123 ,108 ,113 ,114 .126 .098 ,138 .145 .I 16 ,120 ,113 .112 ,120
s.d. ,010 ,006 ,006 ,007 ,006 006 .006 ,007 ,005 .005 ,008 ,010 ,010 .( 19 ,009 .003 ,021
s.e.m. ,004 ,001 ,001 ,002 ,001 ,001 ,002 ,003 ,001 ,003 ,003 ,002 ,002 .(so4 ,003 ,001 ,004

'The gluteal index of". coucang is biank due to the lack of a third trochanter in this form.
more than half as long as their skeletal trunk the relatively anteroposteriorly deepest fem-
lengths (Jungers, 1979, 1985; McArdle, oral condyles) are found in the four predom-
1981; Anemone, 1988). Galagidae and Lepi- inantly lea ing families. There is no clear
lemuridae, however, have significantly
shorter femora than do Tarsiidae and Indri-
separation etween Malagasy taxa and the
non-Malagasy leapers. Only the slow-
idae. In fact, in the latter two families, femo- climbing lorisids and the unspecialized qua-
ral length is more than 70% of skeletal trunk drupedal tree shrews have femoral cond les
length. There is a spectrum of decreasing
relative femoral length among the Mala asy
that are wider (mediolaterally) than eep B
(dorsoventrall 1. All the Malagasy lemuri-
prosimians, ranging from Indriidae and ep-
ilemuridae to Lemuridae and Cheirogalei-
!i P
formes as we1 as the Galagidae and Tarsi-
ossess femoral condyles that are
dae. A similar s ectrum exists with the ge- sli ht y deeper than wide.
nus Galago, in wphich predominantly leaping di: se of the femoral head indPx is an at-
species such as G. senegalensis and G. aileni tem t to quantify variability in the shape of
have significantly longer femora than the
more quadrupedal s ecies (i.e., G. crassicau-
the emoral head. The results indicate a very
slight difference between, on the one hand
datus and G. demi ouii). The shortest fem-
ora among the taxa included in this study
tarsiids and galagids and, on the other all of
the Malagas taxa and Tupaiidae. In all
belong to Tupaiidae, relatively unspecialized
terrestrial and arboreal quadrupeds. These
prosimians, owever, the femoral head is
slightly larger in its dorsoventral dimension
results clearly indicate that a long femur is than in its craniocaudal dimension. Signifi-
common among saltatorial primates. How- cant differences in the shape of the femoral
ever, they also show that the degree of femo- head, which can be clearly seen in Figure 2
ral elongation varies considerabl among (e.g., cylindrical vs. spherical shape, extent
specialized leaping prosimians an that In-
driidae and Tarsiidae are far more similar to
of posterior ex ansion of articular surface),
do not reveal t!l emselves in this ratio.
each other in this respect than either is to The two greater trochanter indices are
Galagidae or Lepilemuridae. measures of the distance from the hip joint to
Hip flexor index is a measure of the distal the lateral edge of the greater trochanter
extent of the lesser trochanter relative to relative to femoral length. In both ratios, the
overall femoral length. Indriidae and Tarsi- taxa with the smallest values are Tarsiidae,
idae show the most proximally placed lesser Galagidae, and Indriidae. Conversely, those
trochanters, followed by Lepilemuridae, taxa with relatively large values, and hence
Gala 'dae (particularly G. senegalensis), longer moment arms, are the quadrupedal
and emuridae (particularly Lemur sp.).
The most distally ositioned lesser trochant- a
Tupaiidae, Cheiro aleidae, and Lemuridae.
One exception is t e surprisingly low value
ers are to be foun(Pin the quadrupedal fami- of the slow climbin Lorisidae on greater
lies Tupaiidae, Cheirogaleidae (especiallyC. trochanter index 1.9%is result is most likely
major), and Lorisidae. Gluteal index mea- due to the presence of relatively long femora
sures the distal extent of the third tro- among certain Lorisidae, particularly the
chanter relative to total femoral length. The genus Loris. There exists a clear spectrum
taxa with the most proximally positioned
third trochanters are Tarsiidae, Galagidae
(especially G. senegalensis, G. alleni, and G.
among the Mala asy taxa from the leapin
Indriidae with t e lowest values, throug
the progressively less saltatorial Lepilemu-
demidovii), and Indriidae, followed by ridae, Lemuridae, and Cheirogaleidae.
Cheiro aleidae (particularly M. murinus).
Tupaii ae are clearly differentiated from all
rosimians on the basis of the extremely
Discriminant analysis
Results are presented for the first three
57istal osition of their third trochanters discriminant axes because, in all analyses,
(McAr e, 1981; Anemone, 1983,1988).
The condylar index is a ratio of the anteri-
they account for approximately 90% of the
total between-group variance (Anemone,
or-posterior dimension of the femoral 1988).Bivariate plots of the mean values for
condyles to their mediolateral dimension. each prosimian famil on the first three
The only separation effected by the condylar
index is between the Lorisidae and Tu ai-
discriminant axes are igured for each of the
three femoral data sets (i.e., raw, ratio, and
idae and all other prosimians, althoug it R
should be noted that the highest values (i.e.,
log-transformed) used in this analysis
(Fig. 3).

5- A 2j
* 1 -
4 - '

3 -'
0 -'
m x
2 -'
A M -1 -
;z -2 -
1 -
O- 6 m A
0 = -3 -'

-1 - '
-4 -

-2 -'
X -5 -
KI 6.

-3 7
- 6 - 4 - 2 0 2 4 6 8

0 3
4 -* *
2 -'
3 -. 0 X

N 2 -. M 1 - '

1 -. A
0 --
-1 -'

-1 -. B

-2 --

- 3 i i :
:m :

: a ; * ,
-2 1
-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0
i i

6 8


3 -.
* 0

2 -'
1 - '
v) 0 -. 2
a -1 - ' Q
-2 -
-3 -'
-44 i 1 i i i i i i
-12-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6

Fig. 3. Bivariate plots of the first three discriminant A , Lepilemuridae; , Lemuridae; x Tarsiidae; *, Tu-
axes from raw (A), ratio (B), and log ( C ) data. , + paiidae. Skeletal trunk length is the denominator in all
Lorisidae; 0 ,Indriidae; m,Cheirogaleidae;0, Galagidae;
The first discriminant axis indicates a head-greater trochanter len h 1and dorso-
slight but consistent se aration of special-
ized vertical clingers an leapers (Indriidae,
ventral condylar length. ther variables
that may be of some importance in the dis-
Lepilemuridae, Galagidae, and Tarsiidae) crimination along axis 1 include the distal
and Lemuridae from taxa with a more gener- extent of the lesser and third trochanters
alized locomotor pattern (Cheirogaleidae, and mediolateral condylar length.
Tupaiidae, Lorisidae), which, as a rule, in- DISCUSSION
cludes quadru edalism to a greater extent
than saltation.P Tupaiidae consistently have Comparative analysis of the prosimian fe-
the lowest values on axis 1 and are most mur reveals a more complex picture than
closely approximatedby Cheirogaleidae and that suggested by the VCL hypothesis (Cart-
Lorisidae, whereas Indriidae and, to a lesser mill, 1972; Godfrey, 1977, 1988; McArdle,
extent Tarsiidae, have the highest values on 1981; Oxnard et al., 1981b;Anemone, 1983,
axis 1. Gaiagidae are usually situated close 19861. Rather than a single morphoiogxai
to Tarsiidae in an intermediate osition be- adaptation to saltation among extant pro-
tween the quadrupedal taxa an Indriidae.
Among the Lemuriformes a pattern is seen
rT simians, as redicted by the VCL hypothesis,
the femora evidence strongly supports the
in which the Indriidae and Cheirogaleidae existence of two different solutions to the
are at opposite extremes, and Lemuridae problems posed by an arboreal, saltatory
and Lepilemuridae span the gap between existence. Although galagos and tarsiers
them. are, except for size and robusticity, closely
Discriminant axes 2 and 3 are not easily similar in femoral morphology, the lemuri-
interpreted on the basis of the positional form vertical clingers and leapers (indriids
behaviors of the animals. There is neither and Lepilemur) present a distinct pattern of
any apparent clustering of the lea ing taxa femoral morphology from tarsiids and
on either of these axes, nor is t ere any
consistent separation of predominantly
K galagids that is much more similar to the
pattern seen among the active quadrupeds of
leaping and nonleaping forms. Malagasy the Malagasy Republic (lemurids and
Lemuriformes are again arrayed in a spec- cheirogaleids). Differences between Mala-
trum from Indriidae, though Lepilemuridae gasy and non-Malagasy leapers are evident
and Lemuridae, to Cheirogaleidae along from observation of the femur, from a com-
both axes 2 and 3. In addition, axis 3 in parison of femoral ratios, and from the re-
both the raw and the log-transformed anal- sults of the discriminant function analysis.
ysis uniquely se arates the slow-climbing Closer examination of the femoral traits
Lorisidae from a1 other prosimians.
Since only discriminant axis 1consistently
thought by Na ier and Walker (1967) to
make up a sing e VCL pattern (see Table 2)
distinguishes between active quadrupeds indicates that these traits are found either
and vertical clingers and leapers, it is of among both leapers and quadrupeds or
particular importance in evaluating the rel- among some but not all vertical clingers and
ative contribution of the predictor variables. leapers (see Table 5 ) . This conclusion is in
The order of entry of variables into the step- good agreement with those derived from
wise analyses of the ratio and log-trans- other analyses of the prosimian skeleton
formed data are concordant only insofar as (Cartmill, 1972; Martin, 1972a; Godfrey,
femur length was the first variable entered 1977,1988;McArdle, 1981).
into each analysis. No other consistent pat- Distinctive traits of the proximal femur of
tern a ears in the order of entry of vari- ala 0s and tarsiers include a cylindrical
ables. t i e relative magnitude of the canoni- aeadgwith a lar e expansion of articular
cal coefficients and their correlations also
indicate the primacy of femoral length in
surface onto the orsal aspect of a thick and
short neck, which is nearly perpendicular to
determining separation along discriminant the shaft. These traits appear to be related
axis 1. Other variables with high coefficients and allow easy separation of Galagidae and
and high correlations with axis 1 include Tarsiidae from all Malagasy prosimians and
Tupaiidae. The crucial trait in this suite of
characteristics is the posterior expansion of
'Gebo (198713)suggests that the cheirogaleids possess the most articular surface onto the femoral neck; it is
generalized locomotor patterns among the prosimians, although this trait that gives the head a cylindrical
he notes that Microcebus rnurinus is a competent and frequent
leaper. shape and makes the neck appear short and

thick. The proximal femoral anatomy of all ,618, and G. alleni, .596) have si ificantly
Malagasy taxa, both specialized leapers and
uadrupeds, includes a spherical
shorter femora than tarsiids an indriids,
whereas, for less s ecialized gala 'd leapers
femoral R
ead with little or no posterior ex-
pansion of articular surface. Interestingly,
(i.e., G. crassicau atus, .517, ani l G. demi-
douii, .492),the differences are even greater
galagos and tarsiers are most close1 ap rox- (see Table 7). Although long femora are
imated in the shape of the femoral ea and
the configuration of its articular surface by
E l
the slow-climbinglorisids.
I interpret the articular expansion seen in portance or frequency of leaping (vs. quadru-
galagos and tarsiers as a postural adapta- pedal running and climbing) and historical
tion of importance during vertical clin 'ng or heritage features. It should be noted that,
behavior ir, small-bodied prosimians. &ile ammg the active ya.drupeda.1 [sensu
vertically clinging to an arboreal support, Walker, 1974) taxa, on y Hapalemur has a
the femora are strongly flexed, abducted, femur that is half the length of its skeletal
and laterally rotated. In this position, the trunk length. Not surprisingly, the locomo-
posterior expansion of the articular surface tor behavior of H. griseus apparently in-
comes into contact with the distal articular cludes a large proportion of leaping as well as
region of the acetabulum, allowing the nec- vertical clinging postures (Na ier and
essary posture preparatory to lea ing. Jen- Walker, 1967;Walker, 1967,1974;i t e r n and
kins and Camazine (1977) similar y related
the degree of expansion of the articular sur-
P Oxnard, 1973; Petter and Peyrieras, 1975;
Gebo, 1987b).Jenkins and Camazine (1977)
face of the femoral head onto the neck among found that the position of the fovea capitis
carnivores to the relative im ortance of the femoris, the attachment on the femoral head
use of the femur in abductec r postures. The for the ligamentum teres, is an indicator of
absence or poor development of this trait femoral posture among carnivores. This re-
among Indriidae and Lepilemuridae may be sults from the restriction of the round liga-
the result of different hindlimb postures dur- ment to the nonarticular acetabular fossa
ing climbing or clinging among these larger when the femur is abducted (Jenkins and
animals2 (Godfrey 19771, whereas its pres- Camazine, 1977). Although no consistent
ence among Lorisidae may reflect the enor- pattern of foveal position among prosimians
mous degree of femoral mobility in these was noted in this study, the animals classi-
slow-climbing,arboreal forms. fied as vertical clingers and leapers appear
Few traits are shared by all vertical cling- to have lar er foveae than animals consid-
ered by Wa ker (1974) to be active quadru-
peds. This relationship may have something
fossa, to do with the more frequent,use of the femur
and a reduced third trochanter. Haii-Craggs in abducted postures among the former ani-
(1965a,b) clearly demonstrated the biome- mals, but further research would be required
chanical to test this preliminary hy othesis. The tro-
chanteric fossa offers attacYlment to the ten-
don of M. obturator externus, one of the
1982, 1988). Close examination of Tables 6 lateral rotators of the femur. The smaller
and 7, however, indicates a great deal of trochanteric fossae among leapers may re-
interfamilial variation in relative femoral flect a reduction in the size of this muscle,
length (ratio 1)among VCL taxa. Especially but the significance, if any, of this trait for
noticeable are the differences between lea ers is unclear. The presence of a large
Galagidae (562) and Tarsiidae (.738) and anIp powerful third trochanter is more com-
between Indriidae (.711) and Lepilemuridae mon among cursorial quadrupedal mam-
(519). Even the most specialized leapers mals such as horses than among saltators
among the Galagidae (i.e., G. senegalensis, and is linked to the powerful development of
Mm. gluteus superficialis and tensor fasciae
femoris as adductors of the femur (Gregor ,
2Although most indriids are larger than most galagids and
tarsiids. size relations are reversed in Avahi Zaniger and Galago
crussicaudatus. Nowak and Paradiso (1983)state that the former
1912; Smith and Savage, 1956).In his stu y
of leaping ada tations among rodents, How-
taxon ranges in body weight from 600 to 1000 g, and the latter
ranges from 1,000 to 2,000 g. Head and body length in both taxa
approximates 300 mm (Nowak and Paradiso, 1983).
ell (1932)simi arly noted the proximal posi-
tion and reduced size of the third trochanter.
Among both prosimian vertical clingers support for the VCL hypothesis. A closer
and leapers and active quadrupeds, the examination reveals, however, a more com-
greater trochanter overhangs the anterior lex picture with a significant degree of over-
aspect of the femoral shaft. The significance fap between taxa identified as active quad-
of this trait appears to be related to the rupeds and VCLs. Thus, Cheirogaleidae,
direction of pull and associated leverage of mainly on account of the low value found in
M. vastus lateralis, which arises from the Microcebus murinus, fall within the range
ventral aspect of the greater trochanter of specialized lea ers with respect to the
(Walker, 1967). Comparative investigations luteal index. $he difference between
of the thigh musculature among both qua- Eheirogaleus andMicrocebusclearly reflects
drupedal (Jouffroy, 1962; George, 1977; the greater saltator component of the loco-
Jungers et al., 1980) and saltatorial (Wool- E
motor behavior o f t e latter genus (Martin,
1972b; Gebo, 198713). Interspecific variation
lard, 1925; Jouffroy, 1962; Stevens et al.,
1972, h e m a n e , 19881 prosimians indicate in each of these ratios withir, the genas
that M. vastus lateralis is consistently the Galago mirrors the spectrum of leaping abil-
largest member of the quadriceps femoris ities (Charles-Dominique, 1977; Charles-
group. Its origin is roximally restricted to Dominique and Bearder, 1979; Crompton,
the ventral aspect o the reater trochanter.
Gregory (1912) showed t i a t increasin the
1980,1984) and other aspects of morpholog-
ical variation (McArdle, 1981; Anemone,
angle of insertion of a muscle into a longgb one 1982, 1988) among these species. To a
has the general result of increasing the com- greater extent than might be predicted on
ponent of force directed perpendicular to the the basis of their nonsaltatory mode of loco-
shaft while reducing the joint reaction force motion, lorisid genera resemble leapers in
directed arallel to the shaft. This is the having proximally restricted trochanters,
probable unctional effect of the characteris-
tic ventral overhan of the greater tro-
particularly the greater trochanter. Inspec-
tion of Table 7 reveals that only the small-
chanter. Jungers et a . (1980)demonstrated
the im ortant role M. vastus lateralis plays
bodied lorisids (i.e., Arctocebus and Loris)
have proximally restricted trochanters, as
in the feaping behavior of lemurids throu h well as relatively longer femora than their
the use of telemetered electromyography. ts
large muscle mass and resultant increased
f larger relatives N cticebus and Perodicticus.
McArdle (1981) lrst noted this dichotomy
cross-sectional area and long, parallel mus- within the lorisids, and related it to differ-
cle fibers are clearly ada tations allowing ences in habitat utilization, diet, and posi-
both powerful and rapid emoral extension
(Gowitzkeand Milner, 1980).However, since
tional behavior. In any event, the functional
basis of proximally restricted trochanters
these aspects of muscular morphology and among some lorisids is not explicated by the
the associated shape of the greater tro- followingdiscussion of this trait among other
prosimians Ke., active quadrupeds and ver-
tical clingers and leapers).
The lesser, third, and greater trochanters
are important muscle attachment sites for
M. iliopsoas, Mm. gluteus superficialis ars
anterior and tensor fasciae femoris, and m.
luteus medius and minimus, res ectively.
(Szalay and Decker, 1974; Szalay and
t h e four ratios (hip flexor, glutea , greater
trochanter 1 and 2) measure the distance
Dagosto, 1980,1988;Covert, 1988). from the center of the hip joint to the distal
Another trait of the proximal femur point of each of these trochanters relative to
shared by all vertical clingers and leapers is femoral length, Although this distance is not
the possession of proximally restricted tro- a true measure of the muscular moment arm
chanters, as can be seen by examination of involved,the two are closely correlated, since
the hip flexor index, gluteal index, and both the moment arm will increase as the inser-
greater trochanter indices (see Tables 6 and tion is prolonged distal1 (Gregory, 1912;
7). The lowest values for each of these ratios
K 8
Smith and Sava e, 1956; tern, 1971,1974).
Thus a proximal y restricted attachment site
is usually found in the specialized leaping
families (i.e., Galagidae, Tarsiidae, Indri- (and, hence, a low value on the appropriate
idae, and Lepilemuridae), providing some ratio) results in a shorter moment arm and a

consequent decrease in mechanical advan- In his study of the hip and thigh of Lorisi-
tage. As developed by Smith and Savage formes, McArdle (1981) calculated similar
(1956),the conce t of mechanical advantage ratios to some of those used here. Althou h
explains much o the variation in mamma-
lian skeletons in dichotomous fashion, as offered the caveat that the use of femoral
my results are essentially identical to his, e
reflecting adaptations for either power or length as the denominator in these ratios
speed. Muscle-bone systems adapted for may have skewed the results, since taxa with
power are characterized by high mechanical a parently more proximally positioned tro-
advantage; those adapted for speed are said
to have low mechanical advantage. The me-
c anters usually have the longest femora.
There is, however, every reason t o believe
chanical advantage of a bone-muscle system that, were it advantageous to the animals, a
is defined as the ratio of the moment arm of lineage could increase the length of the fe-
the muscular force to the moment arm of the mur while maintaining high mechanical ad-
load or, put differently, the ratio of the lever vantage in the muscles crossing the hi joint
arm to the load arm (Smith and Savage, (i.e., distally positioned trochanters). $here-
1956). The dichotomy of power vs. speed in fore, the fact that some prosimian taxa have
muscular adaptation has played an impor- reduced the muscular moment arms in con-
tant role in this and many other studies of junction with an increased functional len h
mammalian functional anatomy (Hall- of the hindlimb is certainly significant. &e
Craggs, 1965a,b;Stern, 1971,1974;Jungers, fact that femoral elongation appears to have
1976; McArdle, 1981). The proximally re- taken place distal to the level of the trochant-
stricted trochanters of vertical clingers and ers is of functional significance and should
leapers are clearly adaptations for s eed at not be ignored.
the expense of power in extension (M!m. glu- In the distal femur of both vertical clingers
teus medius and minimus), flexion (M. ilio- and leapers and active quadrupeds, a suite of
psoas), and abduction combined with exten- traits appears to be linked to powerful and
sion (Mm. gluteus su erficialis pars anterior efficient extension of the leg at the knee by
and tensor fasciae emoris) of the femur.
Howell (1932) found that the femoral tro-
M. quadrice s femoris. These traits include
femoral con yles that are deeper dorsoven-
chanters of saltatorial rodents are similarly trally than mediolaterally wide, a narrow
restricted proximally. and deep patellar oove bordered by a prom-
An additional adaptive rationale for prox-
imal placement of muscle insertions on long
inent lateral pate lar ridge, and posteriorly
facing tibia1 articular surfaces. The only
bones is the resultant reduction in the mass trait that allows complete discrimination be-
moment of inertia of the limb (Jungers, 1976; tween specialized leapers and quadrupeds is
Gowitzke and Milner, 1980). The mass mo- the raised patellar articular surface, which
ment of inertia is, for rotational motion, the is shared by all vertical clingers and leapers,
aaaieg efmass ir:h e a r m~ticn.As s ~ c hit?is 4s Walker f?9E?i first mted, deep fernera!
a measure of the resistance of a body at rest condyles and a raised patellar articular sur-
to change in angular motion and is propor- face are two means of increasing the size of
tional both to the mass of the body and to the the “pulley” over which the quadrice s ten-
distribution of mass about the axis of angu- don acts and, hence, of increasing t{e mo-
lar movement. Thus the mass moment of ment arm of M. quadrice s femoris. This is
inertia of a limb increases with increasing best interpreted as an a dpaptation for maxi-
distribution of its mass at a distance from the mizing the power of leg extension at the
center of rotation. With the muscular mass knee, perhaps at the ex ense of speed. Other
proximally restricted and the mass moment traits of distal femora’p anatomy are simi-
of inertia minimized, the limb can be rotated larly related to extension of the leg by M.
at a greater rate by a given muscular force. quadriceps femoris. The prominent lateral
This is the same principle that allows an ice patellar ridge counteracts the pull of the M.
skater to rotate uickly or slowly de ending vastus lateralis, the largest member of the
on the distance t e arms are held rom the
body; closely for speed, further from the body
M. quadriceps femoris group in most prosim-
ians (Jouffro ,1962,19751, and thus guards
to slow down, and it is clearly of value to
saltatorial animals whose hindlimbs need t o
against pate lar dislocation during contrac-
tion of that muscle (Jungers et al., 1980).The
attain relatively high velocities during take- narrow and deep patellar groove with a large
off (Hall-Craggs, 1965a,b). arc of curvature is a further indication of the
emphasis on flexion and extension at the acquisition of convergent leaping adapta-
knee (Tardieu, 1980).These traits, as well as tions (Szalay, 1972; Cartmill, 1972; Martin,
the posteriorly facing tibia1 articular sur- 1972; Stern and Oxnard, 1973; Godfrey,
faces, are found among both quadrupedal 1977,1988; Szalay and Dagosto, 1980,1988;
(exce t Tupaiidae) and saltatorial prosimi- Oxnard, 1984;Covert, 1988)or the retention
ans. hthough they are in sharp contrast to in these two lineages of primitive, eu rimate
the condition seen in the specialized slow- adaptations (Napier and kalker,
climbing Lorisidae, these characteristics do kk$balker, 1967, 1974). The results pre-
not successfully distinguish between active sented here support independent acquisition
uadrupedal and leaping prosimians. of leaping adaptations in the ancestors of
lather, they form a functional complex that alagids and tarsiids. Sup orting evidence
includes muscular s ecializations in M.
uadriceps femoris ( ungers et al., 1980;
for this view can be adduce from a consider-
ation of the anatomical evidence of the es
9 oaffroy 1962) and i s prnhahly associated and the crus among the extant forms. ?par-
with the eneral propensity for leaping be-
haviors t at is common to both VCL and
active quadrupedal prosimians (Jouffroy,
sius lacks the calcaneocuboid pivot found
amon all other prosimians (Hafferl, 1929;
Hall- raggs, 1966; Decker and Szalay,
1975). 19741, has a unique method of foot rotation
With respect to the analytical tools used in and pedal grasping (Gebo, 1987a), and is
this study, it is clear that the results of unique among extant primates in possessing
multiple discriminant functional analysis a fused tibia and fibula (Clark, 1971).These
were disappointing in several ways. Only differences between tarsiers and galagos
axis 1appeared easily interpretable in light support independent acquisition of leaping
of known differences in positional behavior adaptations in these phylogeneticallywidely
of the various prosimian taxa. In addition, separated taxa.
the difficultiesof making causal connections Patterns of morphology in the prosimian
between the discrimination along any axis femur indicate the presence of two or, more
and the variables responsible for that dis- likely, three different solutions to the de-
crimination are discouraging. Perha s we mands of an arboreal, saltatory existence
have an example of “Rao’s aradox”(Epowal- among prosimian primates. The galagid and
ski, 1972:121), in which t e simultaneous
treatment of variables that, compared
the tarsiid patterns share a c lindrical fem-
oral head, with a substantia expansion of
univariately, are significantly different be- articular surface onto the distal aspect of the
tween groups and “noise”variables that do femoral neck, as well as elongation of the
not differ significantlyresults in a multivari- calcaneus and navicular (Schultz, 1963a,b;
ate analysis with less discriminating power Hall-Craggs, 1965b; McArdle, 1981; Anem-
than a univariate analyses of the significant one, 1982, 1988). Tarsiers differ from gala-
variables. gos, however, in the possession of signifi-
cantly longer femora and more proximalig
SUMMARY restricted femoral trochanters as well as in
It should be evident from the discussion several musculo-skeletal specializations in
that all extant vertical clingers and leapers the foot and leg (see above). Inters ecific
do not share the same femoral morphology
(Cartmill, 1972; Godfrey, 1977,1988; McAr-
variation within the genus Galago in icates
the existence of a spectrum of behavioral and
dle, 1981; Anemone, 1983, 1988). Although morphological specializations ranging from
the distal femur of all vertical clingers and very s ecialized vertical clingers and leapers
leapers is essentially similar and is likely to
represent a euprimate adaptation, there are
(i.e., . senegalensis and G. alleni) to pre-
dominant1 quadrupedal taxa (i.e., G. demi-
clear differences in the proximal femur that
allow us to distinguish the Galagidae and
douii and crassicaudatus)(Charles-Domi-
nique, 1977; Charles-Dominique and
Tarsiidae from the Indriidae and Lepilemur. Bearder, 1979;Crompton, 1980,1984;McAr-
Two features, the shape of the femoral head dle, 1981;Anemone, 1988)and is reflected in
and neck and the position and shape of the the femoral ratios presented here (see
greater trochanter allow easy discrimination Table 7). Indriids and Lepilemurids present
between these two groups (see Fi .a). Mor- a third morphological adaptation to leapin
f 7
pholo ‘cal similarities between ga agids and
tarsii s may reflect either the independent
that is characterized by a spherical femora 7
head, very long femur, absence of tarsal

elongation (Jouffroy, 1975; Godfrey, 1977, Finally, some questions concerning the
1988; Jouffroy and Lessertisseur, 1979; use and validity of classifications of osi-
Jungers, 1979; McArdle, 1981; Anemone, tional behavior can be addressed here. kot-
1988), and, in common with lemurids, a s e- ing the great variability in positional behav-
cialized pedal grasping mechanism (Ge 0,
1985). In many respects (e.g., “notched ap-
t: ior among primates, Stern and Oxnard
(1973)suggested that the very notion of clas-
earance of greater trochanter, spherical
Read, narrow patellar groove), the femur
among indriids and Lepilemur resembles
sif ’ng primates on the basis of ositional
be avior was doomed to failure. &houth it
is certainly true that individuals of any CL
that of the rest of the Malagasy lemuri- taxon do not rely exclusivelyon saltation and
formes: differences are quantitative rather that differences in the leaping and clinging
than ualitative (e.g., longer femur as re- behavior of galagids, tarsiids, and indriids
flecte in lower intermembral index, raised
ventral floor of patellar
exist (Petter, 1962; Jolly, 1966; Stern and
Oxnard, 1973; Pollock, 1975, 1977; Charles-
The results resente$.oovej
here indicate a se- Dominique, 1977; Richard, 1978; Niemitz,
ries of traits o the proximal and distal fem-
oral epi hyses among prosimians that can be
1979, 1984; Crom ton, 1980, 19841, it does
not necessarily fol ow that attempts to clas-
biomec anically related to ra id hindlimb
extension during locomotion. Long femora
sify prosimian primates on the basis of at-
terns of positional behavior are a hope essP
with proximally restricted trochanters and task. The classification of animals on the
dorsoventrall deep condyles, which func- basis of their dominant mode of positional
tion as a pul ey, are traits that are clear1
related to leaping and that are found in a 1 f behavior is of great heuristic value in com-
parative studies of functional morphology,
“hindlimb-dominant” (Martin, 1972a) pro- inter- and intrataxonal differences notwith-
simians (i.e., all prosimians except Loris- standing. If the validity of classifications of
idae), all of which are capable of some positional behavior is to be accepted, how-
leaping (Gebo, 1987b). Since most of the ever, these classifications must be based on
distinctive features appear to be related to the observable behavior of the animals in
leaping propensities rather than vertical natural settings with full appreciation of
clingin (except perha s the posterior exten- intraspecific variability. Napier’s (1963) ar-
sion o!f articular su ace onto the femoral
neck in galagos and tarsiers), distinguishing
gument for “pseudobehavioral” classifica-
tions based on anatomy in the absence of
between Walker’s (1974) vertical clingers behavioral observations must be re’ected as
and lea ers and active uadrupeds on the fJ
a misleading tautology. It follows rom this
P 7
basis o femoral morpho ogy presents real
reasoning that morphological diversity
among animals classified as vertical clingers
In an influential paper, Bock and van and leapers cannot be used to argue against
Wahlert ll965) reevaluated the cmce t ef
biological adaptation and distinguishe be-a
tween “form” and “function” of a biological
the validity cfthis behavioral c!ass. There is
certainly no a priori reason to expect that,
given the vagaries of evolutionary history,
“feature.” They argued that a complete un- all extant saltatory prosimians would have
derstanding of adaptive significance re- arrived at identical biomechanical solutions
uires an analysis of the “biologicalrole” of a to the demands of an arboreal, saltatory way
Sbrm-function complex, that is, of its use or of life. The existence of several distinct pat-
action in the natural environment. I have terns of femoral morphology among extant
attempted to provide just such an analysis of prosimians does not support the morpholog-
the relations between form (morphology), ical component of the VCL h othesis.
function (biomechanics), and biological role
(positional behavior) of the femur among
Whether the behavioral category o vertical
clinging and leaping should remain, and to
extant prosimian primates as a test of the which animals it should be ap lied, can be
VCL hypothesis. It is hoped that this stud
answered only by further be avioral re-
search. In any event, with their great diver-
will provide a firm basis for future wor
designed to reconstruct the biological role of sity of behavioral and morphological adapta-
this anatomical region among extinct pri- tions, the prosimian primates will continue
mates, a task made difficult by the paucity to provide students of functional and evolu-
and often fragmentary nature of fossil re- tionary biology with a wealth of research
mains. opportunities.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Covert HH (1988)Ankle and foot morphology of Cantius
mchennai: adaptations and phylogenetic implications.
Financial support for this research came J. Hum. Evol. 17.57-70.
from Sigma Xi, the American Museum of Crompton RH (1980) A Leap in the Dark: Locomotor
Natural History, and the Graduate School, Behavior and Ecology in Galago senegalensis and
University of Washington. For access to Galago crassicaudatus. PhD dissertation, Harvard
study specimens, I wish to thank Dick Thor- Crompton RH (1984) Foraging, habitat structure, and
ington, Guy Musser, Duane Haines, Daris locomotion in two species of Galago. In PS Rodman
Swindler and the entire curatorial staffs in and JGH Cant (eds): Adaptations for Foraging in
Mammalogy at the American Museum of Non-Human Primates: Contributions to an Organis-
Natural History, US National Museum of ma1 Biology of Prosimians, Monkeys, and Apes. New
York: Columbia University Press, pp. 73-111.
Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, DagostoM (1983)Postcranium OfAdapisparisiensisand
and the Museum of Comparative Zoo10 , Leptada is magnus (Adapiformes, Primates). Folia
Harvard University. I thank Gerry Eck, e-
ter Nute, Daris Swindler, Bert Covert and 9aguarir
F Primatof 41:49-101.
... .
.i 21 <i!Js8\
I I TInlp!ications of po&r2zial cyi&ncc

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pFad v3 Proxy

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