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All content solely developed by the American Academy of Dermatology.
Publication of this supplement was supported in part by educational grants from Pfizer Inc. and Lilly USA, LLC.
Hair loss is a common complaint among both men and women and is associated with significant
psychologic distress. Due to the varied causes, it is important to correctly diagnose the type of alopecia a
patient is experiencing to ensure tailoring of treatment. This continuing medical education article describes
the approach to diagnose alopecia based on current clinical practice and standards. ( J Am Acad Dermatol
Key words: alopecia; diagnosing alopecia; general dermatology; hair and scalp disorders; hair loss; work-
up of patient with alopecia.
From the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine Accepted for publication May 10, 2023.
Cleveland, Ohioa; and Dermatology and Plastic Surgery Insti- Correspondence and reprint requests to: Melissa Piliang, MD,
tute, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio.b Dermatology and Plastic Surgery Institute, Cleveland Clinic
Funding sources: None. Foundation, 9500 Euclid Ave e A61, Cleveland, OH 44123.
IRB approval status: Not applicable. E-mail: pilianm@ccf.org.
Disclosures: Author Workman has no conflicts to disclose. 0190-9622/$36.00
Dr Piliang has the following relationships with Eli Lilly and Ó 2023 Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of the American
Company and Pfizer, Inc: Eli Lilly and Company (Investigator/No Academy of Dermatology, Inc.
Compensation); Pfizer, Inc. (Advisory Board/Honoraria); Pfizer, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaad.2023.05.040
Inc. (Investigator/No Compensation.) Date of release: August 2023.
Patient consent: Not applicable. Expiration date: August 2026.
S4 Workman and Piliang J AM ACAD DERMATOL
medications are known to contribute to induction or gold standard for definitively diagnosing scarring
exacerbation of hair loss in the form of telogen alopecias.
effluvium (Table I). In addition to personal history,
family history proves useful, especially if a diagnosis LABORATORY EVALUATION
such as alopecia areata or androgenetic alopecia is While this CME article discusses pertinent labs
suspected.2,3 Gynecological and reproductive history to obtain when diagnosing alopecia, it is impor-
are important as hormonal abnormalities can precip- tant to note there is not a standard and widely
itate telogen effluvium or accepted laboratory panel
indicate androgenetic alope- among dermatologists, and
cia and metabolic syndrome/ CAPSULE SUMMARY
any labs obtained vary from
polycystic ovary syndrome.2 physician to physician and
Diagnosing alopecia requires a are often based in physician
comprehensive approach and should opinion and preference.
VISUAL PATTERN include a thorough history, scalp, and
RECOGNITION OF With that being said, the
hair examination, and when necessary, following labs listed are a
HAIR LOSS laboratory analysis and biopsy.
To evaluate hair loss clin- general suggestion and
ically, visual inspection re- d Dermatologists should be aware of how should be modified de-
mains a cornerstone of to categorize an alopecia, along with the pending on the patient and
evaluation. Hair loss be- characteristic clinical and physician involved.
comes most noticeable to histopathological signs and symptoms A complete blood cell
patients when scalp hair associated with the alopecia count and comprehensive
density is reduced by 50%. 2 classifications. metabolic panel is always
Visual inspection should good to gather as it is a
encompass noting where reflection of general health.
the hair loss is occurring and if the loss is diffuse In women with suspected androgenetic alopecia,
or patchy. It should also encompass taking note of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, and testosterone
the general hair density, the pattern of hair loss and should be obtained, especially if irregular menses,
the integrity of the hair fibers (Figs 3 to 5). Further, it acne, or hirsutism is present.3,9 A ferritin level aids in
is important to note the presence of scale, crust or assessment of excessive hair shedding secondary to
pustules on the scalp as these signs can indicate an iron deficiency anemia, although iron, total iron-
underlying infectious process that requires adequate binding capacity, and transferrin saturation may be
control in order to address the alopecia. In such more accurate to assess for iron deficiency anemia due
cases, scalp scrapings and culture are imperative. 4,5 to the elevation of ferritin in inflammatory processes as
Lastly, assessment for the absence or presence of an acute phase reactant.10 Due to the role of vitamin D
follicular ostia should be done, as loss of follicular in hair follicle cycling, adequate vitamin D levels
ostia is one of the cardinal signs of cicatricial should be assessed.2,9 Additional laboratory studies
alopecia. When examining the scalp visually, there should be directed by the history. In patients who have
are a number of clinical tools that aid in diagnosis. symptoms of thyroid disease, a thyroid-stimulating
Wood’s lamp uses electromagnetic wavelengths in hormone should be performed. In patients who eat a
the spectra of 320 to 450 nm to identify perifollicular restricted diet, other nutritional labs such as zinc or B12
scaling that may be present in cicatricial alopecias, could be obtained.9
along with fungal or bacterial infections via fluores-
cent color change.6 Trichoscopy remains another SCARRING AND NONSCARRING
important tool in diagnosing and following hair and ALOPECIAS
scalp disorders, as certain cutaneous microscopic To understand how to properly diagnose alope-
changes are associated and/or specific to certain cia, it is important to understand the different types
types of alopecia.5,7 Trichoscopy can also prove of alopecia. Alopecia can be characterized as cica-
useful for diagnosing structural hair shaft disorders tricial (scarring) or noncicatricial (nonscarring), with
and can assist in ruling out alopecia caused by hair nonscarring alopecia being clinically characterized
fragility or damaging hair care practices.8 Further, by preserved follicular ostia and the potential for hair
there are also other tools and techniques that assist regrowth and scarring alopecias being clinically
in diagnosis, such as the hair pull test, the tug characterized by follicular drop-out, loss of follicular
test, and trichograms.3 Lastly, biopsy remain the openings, and permanent absence of hair.11 Scarring
J AM ACAD DERMATOL Workman and Piliang S5
Fig 1. Past medical history for diagnosing alopecias. Flowchart of pertinent medical and social
history for diagnosing alopecia.
alopecias can be split into primary and secondary alopecia, central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia, and
alopecias and primary alopecias can further be split lichen planopilaris are examples of primary cicatri-
into a lymphocytic process, neutrophilic process and cial alopecias.5 Clinical symptoms such as burning,
mixed inflammatory process (Fig 2).11 While primary itching, and scalp tenderness are associated with the
cicatricial alopecias result from a direct inflammatory primary cicatricial alopecias but can also be present
insult to the hair follicle, secondary alopecias result in alopecia areata, a nonscarring alopecia.12
from chronic and progressive scarring and inflam- Therefore, it is important to determine if the patient
mation of the hair follicle secondary to an external is experiencing any of these symptoms, as this may
process.12 Traction alopecia and chemotherapy help hone in on the diagnosis.
induced alopecia are examples of secondary cicatri-
cial alopecias and result from continuous exposure BIOPSY
of the follicle to injurious factors, causing scarring To definitively diagnose scarring alopecic disor-
and inflammation in the follicle.5 Frontal fibrosing ders, a biopsy remains standard. At a minimum, a
S6 Workman and Piliang J AM ACAD DERMATOL
Drugs and specific medications that cause or are associated with alopecia.
ACE, Angiotensin-converting enzyme; OCP, oral contraceptive pills.
Fig 3. Nonscarring alopecias. Visual and descriptive depiction of the location and pattern of
hair loss among the noncicatricial alopecias.
Fig 4. Scarring alopecias. Visual and descriptive depiction of the location and pattern of hair
loss among the cicatricial alopecias.
4 mm punch biopsy into the fat is required. For selection. For nonscarring alopecias, the biopsy
scarring alopecias, the biopsy should be taken from should be taken from an area of activity. For
the area of inflammation with residual hair, with specimen sectioning and preparation, it is generally
trichoscopic guidance proving helpful for site accepted that combining both vertical and
S8 Workman and Piliang J AM ACAD DERMATOL
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