Idf DPN 2
Idf DPN 2
Idf DPN 2
Purpose of Review Diabetic peripheral neuropathy eventually affects nearly 50% of adults with diabetes during their lifetime and
is associated with substantial morbidity including pain, foot ulcers, and lower limb amputation. This review summarizes the
epidemiology, risk factors, and management of diabetic peripheral neuropathy and related lower extremity complications.
Recent Findings The prevalence of peripheral neuropathy is estimated to be between 6 and 51% among adults with diabetes
depending on age, duration of diabetes, glucose control, and type 1 versus type 2 diabetes. The clinical manifestations are
variable, ranging from asymptomatic to painful neuropathic symptoms. Because of the risk of foot ulcer (25%) and amputation
associated with diabetic peripheral neuropathy, aggressive screening and treatment in the form of glycemic control, regular foot
exams, and pain management are important. There is an emerging focus on lifestyle interventions including weight loss and
physical activity as well.
Summary The American Diabetes Association has issued multiple recommendation statements pertaining to diabetic neuropa-
thies and the care of the diabetic foot. Given that approximately 50% of adults with diabetes will be affected by peripheral
neuropathy in their lifetime, more diligent screening and management are important to reduce the complications and health care
burden associated with the disease.
Keywords Peripheral neuropathy . Lower extremity disease . Type 1 diabetes . Type 2 diabetes . Microvascular complications
Types and Presentation of Diabetic Peripheral Control and Complications Trial/Epidemiology of Diabetes
Neuropathy Interventions and Complications (DDCT/EDIC) Study, the
prevalence of diabetic peripheral neuropathy among adults
There are several forms of diabetic peripheral neuropathy with type 1 diabetes was 6% at baseline and increased to
[1••]. The most common type is distal symmetric 30% after 13–14 years of follow-up [27]. The prevalence of
polyneuropathy which can be classified as primarily small- peripheral neuropathy among adults with type 1 diabetes in
fiber, primarily large-fiber, or mixed small and large fibers the Pittsburgh Epidemiology of Diabetes Complications was
[1••], and accounts for approximately 75% of all diabetic neu- 34% and increased significantly with age (18–29 years, 18%;
ropathies [9, 10]. Distal symmetric polyneuropathy causes ≥ 30 years, 58%) [28]. The prevalence of diabetic peripheral
neuropathic pain symptoms in approximately 10 to 30% of neuropathy among youths with type 1 diabetes (mean age
affected patients depending on the population studied [2, 15.7 years) was 8.2% in the SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth
11–16]. The pain may be described as a burning or stabbing Study [29].
pain, numbness, hyperesthesia, or a deep ache. It is often The prevalence of diabetes peripheral neuropathy is some-
worse at night and usually affects the lower legs and feet, what higher among persons with type 2 diabetes. In the
although in some patients, the hands may be affected as well SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth Study, peripheral neuropathy
[17]. was present in 26% of youths with type 2 diabetes [29]. In the
Atypical forms of diabetic peripheral neuropathy include Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes
mononeuropathies (i.e., mononeuritis multiplex), (poly) (ACCORD) trial, peripheral neuropathy was present in 42%
radiculopathies, and treatment-induced neuropathies [1••]. of adults with type 2 diabetes at baseline [30]. This is similar
Mononeuropathies are closely associated with diabetes [9] to the 39% prevalence reported in the Veteran Affairs Diabetes
and tend to affect the median, ulnar, radial, or common pero- Trial [31]. In the Bypass Angioplasty Revascularization
neal nerves [18]. Cranial nerve involvement is extremely rare Investigation 2 Diabetes (BARI 2D) trial, 51% of adults with
and usually presents as an acute mononeuropathy affecting type 2 diabetes had a history of peripheral neuropathy at base-
cranial nerves III, IV, VI, or VII [18]. Diabetic radiculopathies line [32].
typically involve the lumbosacral plexus and present primarily The burden of diabetic peripheral neuropathy is higher in
as unilateral thigh pain and weight loss with subsequent motor older age and among adults with long-standing type 1 or type
weakness [1••, 19, 20]. Treatment-induced neuropathy is a 2 diabetes [26, 33, 34]. There is some evidence to suggest that
rare iatrogenic event that [17] occurs in patients following diabetic peripheral neuropathy may occur less frequently in
periods of extreme metabolic dysregulation (i.e., Asian populations, although this finding has not been consis-
ketoacidosis), or following a sudden and substation change tent [25]. Most estimates suggest that approximately 50% of
in glycemic control (i.e., insulin neuritis). Each of the atypical adults with diabetes will be affected by diabetic peripheral
diabetic peripheral neuropathies are largely self-limited and neuropathy over the course of their lifetime [3–5].
will resolve over several months with supportive care, medical
management, and physical therapy [18–21]. Etiology and Risk Factors for Diabetic Peripheral
Other diabetic neuropathies include autonomic neuropa- Neuropathy
thies that affect the cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, and uro-
genital systems. Adults with diabetes may also suffer from Diabetic peripheral neuropathy is thought to be caused by
sudomotor dysfunction, hypoglycemia unawareness, and ab- nerve dysfunction and cell death that results from oxidative
normal pupillary function [1••]. These neuropathies share a stress and inflammation [35]. Hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia,
similar diffuse pathophysiology with distal symmetric and insulin resistance all contribute to dysregulation of meta-
polyneuropathy, but are largely non-sensory. bolic pathways that collectively cause an imbalance in the
mitochondrial redox state, thereby leading to excess formation
Epidemiology of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy of mitochondrial and cytosolic reactive oxygen species [36].
This leads to a loss of axonal energy stores and axonal injury,
Diabetic peripheral neuropathy is the most common form of promoting peripheral neuropathy [35]. The earliest changes of
neuropathy worldwide [22•]. In a landmark historical cohort diabetic peripheral neuropathy occur at the level of unmyelin-
study of 4400 adults with diabetes from France who were ated C fibers, resulting in pain, allodynia, and hyperesthesias
followed prospectively from 1947 to 1973, 50% of partici- [37]. Mild segmental axonal demyelination then occurs,
pants developed peripheral neuropathy by the end of the followed by frank axonal degeneration of myelinated fibers
25 years of follow-up [23]. More recent cross-sectional studies as demyelination surpasses remyelination [38]. These changes
from the USA and Europe have reported a prevalence of dia- lead to a progressive loss of distal sensation in a distal-to-
betic peripheral neuropathy ranging from 6 to 51% depending proximal course along the nerve that defines diabetic periph-
on the population studied [2, 5, 24–26]. In the Diabetes eral neuropathy.
Curr Diab Rep (2019) 19:86 Page 3 of 8 86
Randomized clinical trials have demonstrated the benefit of electrophysiologic studies [49]. Symptomatic
glucose control of slowing the progression of microvascular mononeuropathy is less common, occurring in approximately
disease in diabetes, including peripheral neuropathy [39]. In 0.9% of adults with type 1 diabetes and 1.3% of adults with
the DCCT trial of 1441 adults with type 1 diabetes, intensive type 2 diabetes, compared with 0–1% of adults without dia-
insulin therapy (versus conventional therapy) reduced the risk betes [48, 50]. Risk factors of mononeuropathy are similar to
of clinical neuropathy by 60% after 6.5 years of follow-up those for diabetic peripheral neuropathy and include longer
[40]. The benefits of strict glycemic control persisted long- duration of diabetes, female sex, and higher body mass index
term, as demonstrated in the observational follow-up of the [49, 51, 52].
DCCT/EDIC participants, with a reduction in the risk of dia-
betic peripheral neuropathy in the intensively treated versus Epidemiology of Lower Extremity Complications
conventional group that persisted after the end of the trial in Diabetes
(relative risk reduction of 30% during years 6.5 to 14) [27].
Among adults with type 2 diabetes, both the KUMAMOTO Peripheral neuropathy can cause a range of complications,
Trial [41] and the UK Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS) including chronic pain, foot ulcers, foot infections, and ampu-
[42, 43] demonstrated fewer microvascular complications, in- tations. The estimated global prevalence of diabetic foot ulcers
cluding peripheral neuropathy, among patients treated with is 6%, with major risk factors including older age, lower body
intensive versus conventional glucose control. In addition, mass index, longer duration of diabetes, hypertension, diabetic
median motor nerve conduction studies [41] and vibration retinopathy, and smoking [53]. Approximately 25% of people
perception threshold [42, 43] were significantly improved in with diabetes will develop a foot ulcer during their lifetime
patients treated with intensive therapy in the KUMAMOTO [54], which can progress to infection and limb amputation in
and UKPDS studies, respectively. In a recent Cochrane review severe cases. Ninety percent of hospital admissions for diabet-
and meta-analysis of data from 17 randomized trials (7 in ic foot ulcers are related to peripheral neuropathy and infec-
people with type 1 diabetes, 8 in people with type 2 diabetes, tion, and diabetes accounts for 83% of all major amputations
and 2 in both types) evaluating the association of glucose in the USA [55]. Based on data from the Consensus
control with diabetic peripheral neuropathy, enhanced glucose Development Conference on Diabetic Foot Wound Care, it
control significantly reduced the risk of clinical neuropathy as is estimated that approximately 14–24% of people with a foot
well as nerve conduction and vibration threshold abnormali- ulcer will ultimately require an amputation [56]. Thus, early
ties in type 1 diabetes. The risk of clinical neuropathy was also diagnosis and treatment are essential. Implementation of reg-
reduced in type 2 diabetes, although this was not statistically ular foot exams among adults with diabetes has been shown to
significant (P = 0.06) [44]. reduce the rate of foot ulcers in a variety of populations
In addition to age, duration of diabetes, and glucose con- [57–59], and is essential to preventing progression of the dis-
trol, diabetic peripheral neuropathy is linked to cardiometa- ease to infection or lower limb amputation.
bolic disease and is associated with modifiable cardiovascular Patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy who are at the
risk factors, including elevated triglyceride levels, body mass highest risk for developing foot ulcers that lead to amputation
index, smoking, and hypertension [45, 46]. Prevalent cardio- include those with a prior history of foot ulcers, a structural
vascular disease is associated with nearly twice the risk of foot deformity, peripheral artery disease, visual impairment,
diabetic peripheral neuropathy, even after accounting for stan- diabetic nephropathy, poor glycemic control, and smoking
dard cardiovascular risk factors [45]. The temporality of these [60••]. While all patients should have annual foot exams and
associations and causal mechanisms linking peripheral neu- appropriate management of diabetic peripheral neuropathy,
ropathy with cardiovascular disease are less clear, but could be patients with major risk factors should be educated on ampu-
due to the presence of subclinical atherosclerosis and/or mi- tation risk and referred for dedicated foot care and surveillance
crovascular disease that contribute to both progressive cardio- whenever possible. Effective patient education has been
vascular and peripheral neuropathy morbidity [47]. shown to reduce the incidence of foot ulcers and amputations
by as much as 50% [61].
Epidemiology of Mononeuropathies
Treatment Approaches for Diabetic Peripheral
Mononeuropathies, which affect less than 10% of patients, Neuropathy
generally present with acute symptoms affecting the medial,
ulnar, radial, or common peroneal nerve distributions [17]. Peripheral neuropathy is usually an irreversible disease, ex-
The prevalence of mononeuropathy is higher in adults with cept in rare instances. The treatment is largely supportive and
diabetes compared with those without [9, 48]. In the Early aims to prevent progression of disease and related complica-
Diabetes Intervention Trial, median nerve mononeuropathy tions [62]. The three main principles of treatment for periph-
was diagnosed in 23% of adults with diabetes based on eral neuropathy are glycemic control, foot care, and pain
86 Page 4 of 8 Curr Diab Rep (2019) 19:86
management. Glycemic control has not been shown to effec- majority of these costs are attributable to the treatment of foot
tively reduce the symptoms among patients with peripheral ulcers with superimposed infections and their complications,
neuropathy [44], and thus, both glycemic control and foot care which is estimated to cost more than $13,000 per admission
efforts are largely preventative. There is emerging evidence [77]. The estimated combined direct and indirect costs asso-
that lifestyle interventions including weight loss and physical ciated with diabetic peripheral neuropathy were estimated to
activity may be helpful for managing painful peripheral neu- be between $3000 and $4000 per patient per year in 2009 [74],
ropathy, although the data are preliminary [1••, 8, 63]. and have likely increased in the ensuing decade.
Pharmacologic treatment is indicated for the treatment of
painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy and has been shown to Quality of Life and Functional Impact of Diabetic
be effective in a number of randomized controlled trials and Peripheral Neuropathy
systematic reviews [1••, 64]. The American Diabetes
Association recommends medications for the relief of symp- There are also indirect costs associated with diabetic periph-
toms related to diabetic peripheral neuropathy, which have eral neuropathy that are more challenging to calculate, includ-
been shown to improve patients’ quality of life [1••, 60••]. ing loss of productivity, loss of quality of life, rehabilitation
Currently, only duloxetine and pregabalin are approved by costs, and personal expenditures [17]. The physical and men-
the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treat- tal components of quality of life are significantly altered
ment of diabetic peripheral neuropathic pain [65, 66]. among patients with painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy
Tricyclic antidepressants have been shown to reduce neuro- [78], and concomitant anxiety, depression, and sleep distur-
pathic pain, but are not currently approved by the FDA for this bance are reported in 43% of affected patients [79].
indication largely due to their risk of serious side effects [1••, Employment status is affected in 35 to 43% of patients [79,
67, 68]. Pain management with tramadol or oxycodone has 80], with employed patients reporting an average of 5.5
also been shown to lower pain scores and improve physical missed workdays per month due to pain [80].
function in some patients [69, 70]. However, opioids have In addition to impaired quality of life, patients with diabetic
addictive properties and should not be used as first- or peripheral neuropathy also have an increased risk of falls due
second-line therapy for neuropathic pain [1••, 71]. to balance challenges [81–83]. The risk of balance impairment
Despite a large body of evidence and professional treat- is particularly high for patients with severe diabetic peripheral
ment guidelines on the medical management of painful dia- neuropathy, older age, and concomitant depression [81]. As a
betic peripheral neuropathy [1••, 60••], current medication result, falls and fractures are frequent among affected patients
prescribing patterns are inconsistent. In a study of claims- [84], occurring in an estimated 25% of adults ≥ 65 years with
based data among a cohort of 666 patients with diabetic pe- diabetes compared with 18% among similar adults without
ripheral neuropathy, 43% received pharmacologic agents diabetes [85]. Diabetic peripheral neuropathy is associated
within 1 year of diagnosis [72]. Of these, 53% were prescribed with a risk of major fractures due to falls [86, 87], potentially
an opioid, including 33% who were prescribed an opioid as a because patients tend to have falls that are sideways, as op-
first-line agent. Antidepressants were prescribed in 26% of posed to forward or backward [82].
cases, followed by anticonvulsants (23%), non-steroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs (19%), and muscle relaxants (5%). FDA- Screening and Prevention for Diabetic Peripheral
approved duloxetine and pregabalin were only prescribed in Neuropathy
1% and 6% of cases, respectively [72]. Continuous treatment
with duloxetine has been shown to be associated with a reduc- Due to the substantial impact that diabetic peripheral neurop-
tion in opioid use compared with treatment with other modal- athy has on patients’ health, quality of life, and health care
ities [73, 74], and higher average daily doses of duloxetine are costs, the American Diabetes Association currently recom-
associated with higher treatment compliance and lower health mends that screening for diabetic peripheral neuropathy be
care costs [74]. In contrast, inappropriate or excessive performed in all adults at the time of diabetes diagnosis, and
medication-taking behaviors occur in 5 to 24% of patients annually thereafter [60••]. Despite these recommendations,
with chronic opioid prescriptions, and the prevalence of opi- data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination
oid addiction ranges from 36 to 50% [71, 75]. Surveys (2005–2010) demonstrated that 28.6% of adults with
diagnosed diabetes reported they had not had a health profes-
Economic Impact of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy sional check their feet for sores or irritation in the past year
[88]. Similarly, data from the Centers for Disease Control and
The US health care burden of diabetic peripheral neuropathy Prevention showed that the age-adjusted percentage of adults
is substantial, estimated to be $10.9 billion per year overall with diagnosed diabetes who received a foot exam in the last
[76]. As much as 27% of direct medical costs related to dia- year was only 67.5% in 2010 [89]. Although there was an ~
betes may be related to peripheral neuropathy [76]. The 20% increase in the percentage of foot exams performed for
Curr Diab Rep (2019) 19:86 Page 5 of 8 86
adults with diabetes between 1994 and 2010 [89], there is still Association about the workup and management of diabetic
substantial room for improvement. As of 2014, the Centers for
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