2023 ST Alipius Annual Action Plan

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Open to God's presence, St Alipius is a Catholic learning community of excellence, equity and

​As a Christ-centred educating community, St Alipius Parish School:
● Celebrates a rich TRADITION of Catholic beliefs, values, practices and history.
● Nurtures the WHOLE PERSON identifying and developing individual competencies to ensure we
all aspire to be the best we can be.
● Develops and nurtures strong RELATIONSHIPS that give witness to the Good News of Jesus.
● Provides a curriculum that is INCLUSIVE, relevant, stimulating and challenging.
● Promotes EMPATHY as the lens through which we encounter each other and members of our
wider communities.
● Leads students into deep inquiry; rigorously seeking the WISDOM that makes a positive
difference in their world.
● Is a CELEBRATING community, inspired by hope and a positive vision for the future.
● Is committed to ensuring the SAFETY of all students in our care.

Three Key Priorities (from our 2020 Review)

1. In order to improve student growth and achievement, we will engage and challenge students at
their point of need.
2. We will empower students to have agency in their world.
3. Our staff see themselves as learners on a journey of continuous improvement.
Priority One Goal: To use our 170th Anniversary to re-examine our Catholic
school identity so that it gives authentic expression to our Catholic
Catholic Culture tradition, while recontextualising it for these times and into the

Key Aspects of CHECS: Breakdown of Priority

Catholic School Culture: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 Intended Outcomes:

- Increased focus on recontextualising Scripture
- Shared whole school approach to assessing and reporting in RE
Community Engagement: 2.1, 2.2 - To provide inspiration and practical structures to strengthen our
Catholic Culture and to make Religious Education visible.
Leadership & Stewardship: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4
Key Improvement Strategies:
- Termly Catholic Culture meetings
Learning and Teaching: 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5
- Continuation of the Laudato Si Student Action Group
- Development of RE curriculum Scope and Sequence documents
Wellbeing: 5.1, 5.2, 5.3
- Prayer Scope and Sequence
- Scripture Scope and Sequence
- Use of RE Google site (staff)
- Use of units of work shared by REC
- Learning intention and success criteria being used in RE
- Evidence of Scripture in classroom (eg. displays, work samples)
- Use of rich assessment tasks for reporting and assessing in RE
- Inclusion of annotated RE work samples on Seesaw
- Student driven social justice initiatives and fundraising
- Catholic Social Teaching principles
- Connecting to Mercy Place (Mercy charism)
- Analysis of 2022 ECSI data (using to drive improvement)
- Providing opportunities for students to explore spirituality and
prayer as reflected in our wellbeing and identity (what is at our
- Planning and celebration of 170 years of Catholic Education

- Jason (Religious Education Leader)
- Leadership
- Catholic Culture Team
- All staff


Improvement Suggestions for Catholic School Culture


Term 1 Term 1 Reflection

- ECSI Survey completed
- Continued development of Scope and Sequences (Prayer and The Scope and Sequence has been presented to staff and has been
Scripture documents) received well. Staff appreciate having some guidance in regards to what
- Termly Laudato Si Student Action Group meetings scriptures to teach, and what year levels to ensure the same story isn’t
- Termly PLT focusing on RE being repeated.
- Preparation for 170th year celebrations (PLT on Wednesday
22nd Feb). 170th celebrations included a mass that was well attended, and
culminated in a Ballarat East Community Day. This was a good change
to celebrate ‘who we are’ as a Catholic school.

Term 2 Term 2 Reflection

- Termly Laudato Si Student Action Group meetings
- Termly PLT focusing on RE Emily has set up our Laudato Si group, with a representative from each
- Focus on RE assessment and reporting in preparation for learning community. Meetings occur regularly and are well attended by
Semester 1 reports (including annotated work samples on students. Student voice has led to the implementation of a Trash Free
Seesaw) Tuesday initiative.

Term 3 Term 3 Reflection

- Termly Laudato Si Student Action Group meetings
- Termly PLT focusing on RE Jason has been working with teachers to utilise the Three Worlds
approach to RE instruction and Scripture.

Term 4 Term 4 Reflection

- Termly Laudato Si Student Action Group meetings
- Termly PLT focusing on RE
- Focus on RE assessment and reporting in preparation for
Semester 2 reports (including annotated work samples on
Priority Two Goal: To work collaboratively with staff to move towards the systematic
embedding of a Visible Learning pedagogy at St Alipius. This goal
Visible Learning
seeks to develop ‘assessment capable learners’ and to improve learning
outcomes by addressing ALL at point of need.

Key Aspects of CHECS: Breakdown of Priority

Catholic School Culture: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 Intended Outcomes:

- Improvement in student outcomes, as indicated through
summative assessments (e.g. PAT testing)
Community Engagement: 2.1, 2.2 - Students show agency in their learning (becoming ‘Assessment
Capable Learners’)
- Educators use explicit teaching practices in their classrooms,
Leadership & Stewardship: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4
which are also reflected in their planning documents
- Developing a climate of trust where staff and students are able to
Learning and Teaching: 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5 give/receive feedback
- Building of staff capacity in giving and receiving feedback
- Systems and process are in place to sustain Visible Learning
Wellbeing: 5.1, 5.2, 5.3
practices (e.g. through Master Plan document)
- Empower students to become assessment capable learners.

Key Improvement Strategies:

- Ongoing commitment to Visible Learning professional
development for all staff
- Regular meetings (PLT/Teams) that focus on the implementation of
Visible Learning pedagogy and theory
- Impact Coaches are further developed to provide support and
feedback to Learning Communities
- Building staff capacity to gather, analyse and use data effectively
- Collection and analysis of ongoing evidence/data to determine
next steps (eg. Capability Assessment, Mindframes survey, student

- Staff engagement in VL professional development days
- Implementation Plans completed and regularly reviewed/updated
by Impact Coaches
- Impact Coaches engagement in VL Impact Coach day
- Leadership engagement in Leadership Evidence Into Action days
- Mindframes Survey (Term 3)
- School Capability Assessment (Term 4)
- Ongoing collection and analysis of school data
- Systems embedded - walkthroughs, feedback, Professional
Learning Plans, etc

- The school Visible Learning Team
- Impact coaches (Lee, Jason, Nicole, Belinda, Josh, Jaci)
- The Leadership Team

- Mindframes Survey 1 (2021)
- Mindframes Survey 2 (2022)

Term 1 Term 1 Reflection

- Impact Series professional development (facilitated by Corwin) All staff have completed professional development plans - this has been
Monday 30 January 2023 sent through to Jaci, using a proforma to guide goal setting.
- Impact Coach Day 3 Jaci has had discussions with staff around goals and is organising
Friday 17 March, 2023 professional development, where applicable.
- Completion of staff Professional Learning plans (linked to AAP Impact Coaches continue to build capacity in giving feedback, in
-VL) preparation for walkthroughs etc.
- Meeting Agenda for PLT and Teams meetings Weekly Teams meetings have been regular, with little interruption.
- Impact Coach work within classrooms and Learning

Term 2 Term 2 Reflection

- Leadership Into Action day (Leadership Team only) Team dynamics are causing some challenges with Teams meetings on
Monday 1 May, 2023 a Friday.
- Meeting Agenda for PLT and Teams meetings We will be using the Tell Them From Me survey late Term 2 to gather
- Impact Coach work within classrooms and Learning data around academics and wellbeing.

Term 3 Term 3 Reflection

- Impact Series professional development (All staff) Annual Review Meetings have taken place for all staff, are are currently
Monday 10th July- CLOSURE DAY being used to guide arrangements for 2024 (eg. FTE requests etc).
- Annual Review Meetings for all staff Meeting Agenda for PLTs has reflected requests from staff for more
- Meeting Agenda for PLT and Teams meetings teaching and learning focused meetings. Data conversations have
- Impact Coach work within classrooms and Learning also been taking place, both inside PLT and in team planning sessions.
communities Impact Coaches are in the process of organising first feedback
sessions with staff.

Term 4 Term 4 Reflection

- School Capability Assessment

Thursday 19 October, 2023
- Meeting Agenda for PLT and Teams meetings
- Impact Coach work within classrooms and Learning
- Summative testing (eg. PAT testing) - Effect size calculation
Priority Three Goal: To continue to work towards being a school that leads the way in
Cultural Responsiveness and Cultural Safety. We will offer a learning
Cultural Responsiveness
environment where every student's cultures, languages, and life
experiences are acknowledged, validated, and celebrated.

Key Aspects of CHECS: Breakdown of Priority

Catholic School Culture: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 Intended Outcomes:

We aim to have:
Community Engagement: 2.1, 2.2 - Culturally responsive teachers
- Culturally responsive curriculum
- Culturally responsive classrooms
Leadership & Stewardship: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 - A Culturally responsive school

Learning and Teaching: 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5 Key Improvement Strategies:
- An audit of learning spaces. Who do we see on our walls? What don’t
Wellbeing: 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 we see?
- Cultural conversations continued (Shu and Jon)
- Cultural survey for all families
- Staff will take action in developing their own cultural awareness
through self reflection and professional development.
- Celebration of other cultures within our school

- Continued growth in enrolments of students from diverse
- Continued community engagement and participation in decisions
that affect them.
- Increased confidence in staff in creating culturally responsive


- Cultural Responsiveness Team

- Leadership team
- Staff team




Term 1 Term 1 Reflection

- Audit of learning spaces Jordie has been employed as our Indigenous Support worker, and is
- Cultural surveys sent out to all families currently employed two days a week to support our Aboriginal students.
- Calendar of celebrations developed
- Termly Cultural Responsiveness Team meeting

Term 2 Term 2 Reflection

- PLT with Shu and Jon
- NAIDOC Week Planning underway for NAIDOC week - this will be celebrated at St
- Termly Cultural Responsiveness Team meeting Alipius in the first week of Term 3.
Our Indigenous students have been invited to speak at the Ballarat Town
Hall in regards to Indigenous Voice to Parliament referendum.

Term 3 Term 3 Reflection

- Termly Cultural Responsiveness Team meeting Jordie has resigned for family reasons, and this has created a voice in
- RAP Reviewed and submitted our cultural responsiveness space. We are currently exploring other
avenues for providing cultural connections for our Aboriginal students.

Term 4 Term 4 Reflection

- Termly Cultural Responsiveness Team meeting

- Cultural surveys completed for new Foundation students
Priority Four Goal:
The school moves toward having a deeper understanding of adverse
childhood experiences with a positive shift in staff attitudes and
behaviour when responding to the needs of students, parents and their
colleagues using The ReLATE model.

Key Aspects of CHECS: Breakdown of Priority

Catholic School Culture: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 Intended Outcomes:

- Students pro-actively manage their stress, name emotions, actively

Community Engagement: 2.1, 2.2 use regulation strategies
- Critical incidents are managed through trauma informed processes.
- The whole school has and uses stress management plans.
Leadership & Stewardship: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4
- Staff create a predictable, consistent, culturally appropriate
learning environment, informed by the knowledge of adverse
Learning and Teaching: 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5 childhood experiences.
- Students have the opportunity to feedback about how they are
feeling and what they may need from staff.
Wellbeing: 5.1, 5.2, 5.3
Key Improvement Strategies:

- Regular school implementation team meetings (SIT) occur with

documented actions, minutes, and responsibilities.
- Audits of the classes and grounds are undertaken to ensure there
are calming spaces and elements.
- Debriefing skills are developed at staff level
- Restorative Practice is reviewed/introduced
- Wellbeing Coordinator position created.
- Tell Them From Me survey introduced in 2023.
- Continued employment of a 1.0 FTE Pastoral Care Worker
- ReLATE Circles and classroom Tier 1 strategies (Mindfulness etc)


- All staff and students have a stress management plan.

- Stress management posters evidenced throughout learning and
administration spaces
- Staff participate in ReLATE Professional Development.
- Staff participate in Restorative Practices Professional Development.
- Students complete 2 ‘Tell Them From Me’ surveys per year.
- Formal debriefing processes are followed following critical


- The School Implementation Team (SIT Team)

- Kate Westbrook (Wellbeing Coordinator)
- Suzie Sullivan (Pastoral Care Worker)
- Leadership Team
- St Alipius school community


St Alipius ReLATE Logic and Design Plan 2022-2024


Term 1 Term 1 Reflection

- Stress Management Plan completed by all community members. Kate has led staff through a process to implement stress Management
- Learning Conference with parents. Plans (as Wellbeing Leader.
- Leadership will review Critical Incident procedures and Learning Conferences were held early Term 1, with a focus on meet the
communicate with staff..
teacher and forming connections.
- Two SIT meetings
SIT Team being reviewed as there are changes which will impact which
staff members are on the SIT team.

Term 2 Term 2 Reflection

- ReLATE Professional Learning day for all staff Kate (Wellbeing leader) and Suzie (Pastoral Care worker) meeting every
- Staff will participate in PD about Restorative Practices. Friday to connect together in the wellbeing space.
- Two SIT meetings ReLate Professional Learning day was a good refresher for staff around
- Tell Them From Me survey completed at the end of Term 2. trauma informed practices
Tell Them From Me survey completed, to be reviewed early Term 3

Term 3 Term 3 Reflection

- Two SIT meetings Tell Them From Me survey had some good insights. Kate and Jaci
- Community members will review/edit their Stress Management reviewing the wellbeing components of the survey. Student lunchtime
Plan groups established as a result of student feedback.

Term 4 Term 4 Reflection

- Two SIT meetings

- Tell Them From Me survey completed at the end of Term 4.
CHECS Reference
Vision and Mission

Catholic School Culture:

1.1: Religious Education
1.2: Enhancing Catholic School Identity
1.3: Social Action and Justice

Community Engagement:
2.1: Partnering With Families
2.2: Community Partnerships

Leadership & Stewardship:

3.1: Shared Leadership
3.2: Building Staff Capacity
3.3: A Culture of Continuous Improvement
3.4: Stewardship of Resources

Learning and Teaching:

4.1: Guaranteed & Viable Curriculum
4.2: Effective Teaching
4.3: Engaging Students in their Own Learning
4.4: Analysis & Use of Data
4.5: Coordinated Strategies for Intervention

5.1: Quality Relationships
5.2: Wellbeing Practice
5.3: Safe Learning Environment

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