◦ A community is a group of people that live at the same place and share
some common characteristics. There are many types of communities
◦ The first standard feature of a community is locality. Communities are located
in the same area. To stretch the definition, online communities will be located
in the same area online. Locality matters for types of community, even when
the people in those communities may be physically separated.
◦ Sentiments are the second standard feature of all types of community. People
in a community will have a similar way of thinking. Sometimes even creating
specific mores for their community.
1. Interest
◦ Communities can be formed by people who are from the same profession or
undertake the same activities.
◦ For example - A community of young doctors. These communities are both
at national & international level.
5. Circumstance
The rural community
◦ The rural community can be characterized as a natural situation
◦ . Every society has a rural community,
◦ They have different culture or pattern and social life
◦ . People who have extreme similarities in objectives and ambitions of living
◦ Their living is natural, free will.
◦ Agriculture is a fundamental part of the identity of a rural community.
◦ People of rural communities have a higher degree of homogeneity in their character and more
face to face interaction with each other
◦ Necessary facilities such as schools, hospitals, police stations, etc. are mostly absent from such
a community life.
◦ A lack of proper infrastructure. They have to travel to the nearest city or town for access to
necessary facilities like medical care, etc.
Suburban communities
◦ Suburban communities are often perceived as intermediate to
rural and urban communities.
◦ They are more abundant in population as compared to the rural
community and less in number relative to an urban community.
◦ This communities are often out-lying a larger city. They have
limited resources and little political autonomy.
◦ Sub-urban areas are often referred to as single-family homes or
housing divisions that are closer to each other.
◦ Apartments are uncommon in a suburban community
An urban community
◦ An urban community is often perceived as the opposite of a rural community.
◦ The lifestyle of an urban community is highly impersonal, complex, and
heterogeneous in their identities and lifestyle.
◦ . There is a complex division of labour with specialization in professions
and jobs, which shapes up the identity of an urban community.
◦ Modern facilities and infrastructure are also central to urban communities.
◦ State officials and diplomatic activities are also fundamental to urban
◦ Urban communities are based on a larger population, and most often, urban
areas are overcrowded due to it.
◦ 1 What are the main social groups?
◦ 2. Compare the Primary group and secondary group ?
◦ 3. Compare formal group and informal l group?
◦ 4. What are the step of group cycle?
◦ 5. What are the four aspects of group behaviour?
◦ 6. How to control population?
◦ 7.What are the factors affecting social Problems? How can u contribute to
control them?
◦ 8. What are the types of social stratification?
◦ 9.What are the common features of community?
◦ 10.What are the types of community?