Dey's Bst-Xii - Notes and Sample Papers For 2024 Exam
Dey's Bst-Xii - Notes and Sample Papers For 2024 Exam
Dey's Bst-Xii - Notes and Sample Papers For 2024 Exam
CBSE Examination 2024
Concept of Management but at a higher production cost. In this case, the manager was
Definitions of Management effective but not so efficient, since for the same output, more
“Management is the process of designing and maintaining an inputs (labour cost, electricity costs) were used.
environment in which individuals, working together in groups, At times, a business may concentrate more on producing goods
efficiently accomplish selected aims.”
— Harold Koontz and Heinz Weihrich
with fewer resources i.e., cutting down cost but not achieving
“Management is defined as the process of planning, organising,
the target production. Consequently, the goods do not reach
actuating and controlling an organisation’s operations in order the market and hence the demand for them declines and
to achieve coordination of the human and material resources competitors enter the market. This is a case of being efficient
essential in the effective and efficient attainment of objectives.” but not effective since the goods did not reach the market.
— Robert L. Trewelly and M. Gene Newport
Characteristics/Features of Management G2IP MCD
“Management is the process of working with and through others
to effectively achieve organisational objectives by efficiently using 1. Management is a Goal oriented process: Every organisation
limited resources in the changing environment.” — Kreitner has a set of basic goals which are the basic reason for its
existence and unites the efforts of different individuals in
Management is the process of getting things done with the the organisation towards achieving these goals.
aim of achieving goals effectively and efficiently. 2. Management is Pervasive: The activities involved in
• 'Process' means functions/activities of management to get managing an enterprise are common to all organisations,
things done, i.e. planning, organising, staffing, directing and whether economic, social or political. These activities are
controlling. performed at all levels – Top, middle and lower and in all
• Effectiveness: Being effective or doing work effectively the departments of all type of organisations.
basically means finishing the given task. Effectiveness 3. Management is a Continuous process: The process of
in management is concerned with doing the right task, management is a series of continuous, composite but
completing activities and achieving goals. In other words, it separate and ongoing series functions. These functions are
is concerned with the end result. simultaneously performed by all managers all the time.
• 'Efficiency' means doing the task correctly and with 4. Management is a Dynamic function: Management is a
minimum cost. dynamic function and has to adapt itself to the changing
environment. In order to be successful, an organisation
Top Tip must change itself and its goals according to the needs of
There is a kind of cost-benefit analysis involved and the the environment.
relationship between inputs and outputs. 5. Management is an Intangible force: Management is an
• If by using less resources (i.e., the inputs) more intangible force that cannot be seen but its presence can
benefits are derived (i.e., the outputs) then efficiency be felt in the way the organisation functions. The effect
has increased. Input resources are money, materials, of management is noticeable when targets are met and
equipment and persons required to do a particular task. employees are happy and satisfied.
• Efficiency is also increased when for the same benefit 6. Management is a Group activity: An organisation is a
or outputs, fewer resources are used and less costs collection of diverse individuals with different needs. Every
are incurred. member of the group has a different purpose for joining the
Obviously, management is concerned with the efficient organisation but as members of the organisation they work
use of these resources, because they reduce costs and towards fulfilling the common organisational goal.
ultimately lead to higher profits. This requires team work and coordination of individual effort
in a common direction. At the same time management
Effectiveness versus Efficiency should enable all its members to grow and develop as needs
These two terms are different but they are interrelated. For and opportunities change.
management, it is important to be both effective and efficient. 7. Management is Multi-dimensional: It involves three
Effectiveness and efficiency are two sides of the same coin. But dimensions: Management of work, Management of people,
these two aspects need to be balanced and management at Management of operations.
times, has to compromise with efficiency. For example, it is • Management of work means translating the work in
easier to be effective and ignore efficiency i.e., complete the terms of goals to be achieved and assigning the means to
given task but at a high cost. Suppose, a company’s target achieve it.
production is 5000 units in a year. To achieve this target the • Management of people means dealing with employees
manager has to operate on double shifts due to power failure as individuals with diverse needs and behaviour as well
most of the time. The manager is able to produce 5000 units as dealing with individuals as a group of people.
iv EXAM HANDBOOK Business Studies XII Shree Radhey Publications (Subhash Dey)
• M
anagement of operations means managing a Functions: (i) To coordinate the activities of different
production process which involves transforming inputs departments according to the overall objectives of the
into desired output for consumption. organisation. (ii) To be responsible for welfare and survival of
Objectives of Management the organisation. (iii) To analyse the business environment and
1. Organisational or Economic Objectives its implications for the survival of the firm. (iv) To formulate
• Survival–Management must earn enough revenues to overall organisational goals, and framing strategies for their
cover cost for the survival of the business. achievement. (v) To be responsible for all the activities of the
• Profit–Management has to ensure that business earns profit business and for its impact on the society.
which is essential for covering cost and risk of the business. 2. Middle Level Management consists of divisional/
• Growth–Management must exploit fully the growth departmental heads, such as Production Manager, Marketing
potential of the organization. Indicators of growth are Manager, Operations Manager, Plant Superintendent, etc.
increase in sales turnover, capital investment and number Functions: (i) To interpret the policies framed by top
of products and employees. management. (ii) To ensure that their department has the
2. Social Objectives: It involves the creation of economic value necessary personnel. (iii) To assign necessary duties and
for various constituents of society like using environment- responsibilities to the employees. (iv) To motivate employees
friendly methods of production, providing basic amenities of their respective departments to achieve the desired
like schools and health care for community, giving objectives. (v) To cooperate with other departments for smooth
employment opportunities to the disadvantaged sections of functioning of the organisation.
the society, etc. 3. Operational or Supervisory Management consists of
3. Personnel Objectives: Personnel objectives of management Supervisors and Foremen.
aim at satisfying the needs of the employees such as financial Functions: (i) To oversee the efforts of the workforce. (ii) To
needs by giving them competitive salary and perks, social interact with the actual workforce and pass on the instructions
needs such as peer recognition, and higher level needs such of the middle management to the workers. (iii) To ensure that
as personal growth and development. the quality of output is maintained and wastage of material is
Importance of Management minimized. (iv) To ensure safety standards are maintained.
1. Management increases Efficiency: The aim of a manager Functions of Management POS DC
is to reduce costs and increase productivity through better 1. Planning: Planning is the function of determining in advance
planning, organising, directing, staffing and controlling the what is to be done and how it is to be done. This implies
activities of the organisation. setting goals in advance and developing a way of achieving
2. Management helps in achieving group Goals: Management them efficiently and effectively. Planning cannot prevent
is required not for itself but for achieving the goals of the problems, but it can predict them and prepare contingency
organisation. The task of a manager is to give a common plans to deal with them if and when they occur.
direction to the individual effort in achieving the overall goal 2. Organising: Organising is the management function of
of the organisation. assigning duties, grouping tasks, establishing authority and
3. Management creates a Dynamic organisation: All allocating resources required to carry out a specific plan.
organisations have to function in an environment which is Organising function examines the activities and resources
constantly changing. People in an organisation generally required to implement the plan. It decides who will do a
resist changes. Management helps people adapt to these particular task, where it will be done, and when it will be
changes so that the organisation is able to maintain its done.
competitive edge. 3. Staffing: Staffing simply stated, is finding the right people
4. Management helps in achieving Personal objectives: A for the right job. Staffing is to make sure that the right
manager motivates and leads his team in such a manner people with the right qualifications are available at the right
that individual members are able to achieve personal goals places and times to accomplish the goals of the organisation.
while contributing to the overall organisational objective. Staffing is also known as the human resource function and it
Through motivation and leadership the management involves activities such as recruitment, selection, placement
helps individuals to develop team spirit, cooperation and and training of personnel.
commitment to group success. 4. Directing: Directing involves leading, influencing and
5. Management helps in the development of Society: motivating employees to perform the tasks assigned to
Management helps in the development of society by them. Motivation and leadership are two key components
providing good quality products and services, creating of direction. Motivating workers means creating an
employment opportunities, adopting new technology for environment that makes them want to work. Leadership is
the greater good of the people and leading the path towards influencing others to do what the leader wants them to do.
growth and development. Directing also involves communicating effectively as well as
Levels of Management supervising employees at work.
5. Controlling: Controlling is the management function
1. Top Level Management consists of Chief Operating Officer,
of monitoring organisational performance towards the
Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Finance Officer, Director,
attainment of organisational goals. It involves establishing
Chairman, President, Vice-President, etc.
NOTES & Sample Papers for CBSE 2024 Exam EXAM HANDBOOK Business Studies XII v
standards of performance, measuring current performance, 3. Professional association: There are several associations
comparing this with standards and taking corrective action of practising managers in India, like the AIMA, that have
where any deviation is found. laid down a code of conduct to regulate the activities of
Management as an Art their members, but, there is, however, no compulsion for
Art is the skillful and personal application of knowledge to managers to be members of such associations. So, presently
achieve desired results. this feature of profession is not fully present in management
Management is an art because of the following reasons: 4. Ethical code of conduct: AIMA has devised a code of conduct
1. Existence of theoretical knowledge: As in art, in management for Indian managers but there is no statutory backing for
too, there is a lot of literature available in various areas of this code. So, presently this feature of profession is not fully
management which the manager has to specialise in. present in management.
2. Personalised application: Like in any art, in management too, 5. Service motive: The basic purpose of management to help
a manager applies his acquired knowledge in a personalised the organisation achieve its goals by providing good quality
and unique manner. products at reasonable prices, thereby, serving the society,
3. Based on continuous practice and creativity: Management is being increasingly recognised. So, presently this feature of
satisfies this criteria as manager gains experience through profession is not fully present in management.
regular practice and becomes more effective. Like any other It can be concluded that management is not a full fledged
art, a manager after studying various situations, formulates profession like legal, accounting or medical professions
his own theories for use in a given situation. because it does not meet the exact criteria of a profession.
Management as a Science Coordination – The essence of management
Science is a systematised body of knowledge that explains The process by which a manager synchronises the activities of
certain general truths or the operation of general laws. different departments is called coordination.
Definitions of Coordination
Management is a science but not an exact science. The reasons are:
“Coordination is balancing and keeping together the team by
1. Systematised body of knowledge: Like science, management ensuring suitable allocation of tasks to the various members and
is a systematised body of knowledge with its own theories seeing that the tasks are performed with harmony among the
and principles that have developed over a period of time. members themselves.” — E.F.L. Brech
2. Principles based on observation and experimentation: “Coordination is the process whereby an executive develops an
orderly pattern of group efforts among his subordinates and secures
Like science, management principles are derived through
unity of action in the pursuit of common purpose.” — McFarland
observation and repeated experimentation. However,
“Coordination is the orderly synchronising of efforts of subordinates
since management deals with human beings the outcome to provide proper amount, timing and quality of execution so that
of these experiments are not capable of being accurately their united efforts lead to the stated objectives, namely, the
predicted. So, this feature of science is not fully present in common purpose of the enterprise.” — Theo Haimann
management. Coordination is not a separate function of management. It is
3. Universal validity: Principles of management like principles the force that binds all other functions and thus called the
of pure science provide managers with certain standardised essence of management.
techniques that can be used in different situations. However, • The process of coordinating the activities begins at the
since they have to be modified according to a given situation, planning stage in which the top management plans for the
their application and use is not universal. So, this feature of entire organization.
science is not fully present in management. • At the organizing stage, the organizational structure is
developed as per plans.
Top Tip • The staffing function is performed to fill the positions
Management is both an art and a science. developed in the organization structure.
• The practice of management is an art. • Directing is then required to ensure that these plans are
• However, managers can work better if their practice executed accordingly.
is based on the principles of management. These • Controlling function ensures that the discrepancies between
principles constitute the science of management. actual and planned activities are taken care of.
Management as an art and a science are therefore not Characteristics/Features of Coordination DU PCR I
mutually exclusive, but complementary to each other. 1. Coordination Integrates group efforts by unifying diverse
interests into purposeful work activity.
Management as a Profession SWEEP 2. Coordination ensures Unity of action by acting as a binding
All the features of profession are not fully present in management:
force between departments and ensuring that all action is
1. Well-defined body of knowledge: The subject of
aimed at achieving the goals of the organisation.
management is taught at different institutions to provide
3. Coordination is a Continuous process as it starts at the
management education.
planning stage and continues till controlling.
2. Restricted Entry: There is no restriction on anyone being
4. Coordination is a Pervasive function as it is required in all
appointed as a manager in any business enterprise.
types of organisations, in all the departments and at all
So, presently this feature of profession is not present in
vi EXAM HANDBOOK Business Studies XII Shree Radhey Publications (Subhash Dey)
5. Coordination is the Responsibility of all managers at the have their own individual goals. Coordination is necessary
top, middle and operational level. to harmonize individual goals and organizational goals.
• Top level managers need to coordinate with their Coordination ensures that all individuals work towards the
subordinates to ensure that the overall policies are duly common goals of the organization.
carried out. 2. Functional differentiation: Functions of organization are
• Middle level management coordinates with both the top divided into departments — finance, production, marketing
level and first line managers. or human resources. All these departments are inter-
• Operational level management coordinates the activities of dependent. However, there may arise conflict among them.
its workers to ensure that work proceeds according to plans. Coordination is needed to ensure unity of action to avoid
6. Coordination is a Deliberate function as every manager has inter-departmental conflicts.
to coordinate the efforts of different people in a conscious 3. Specialisation: Modern organizations have high degree of
and deliberate manner. specialization and employ a number of specialists. This leads
Need and Importance of Coordination to conflict as some specialists do not like to take advice
1. Growth in size: As organizations grow in size, the number of or suggestions from others. Coordination is required to
people employed by the organization increases. Individuals reconcile their differences in approach.
differ in their habits of work, needs and behavior and may
Chapter 2
Principles of
Concept of Principles of Management management and labour union have entered into an
Principles of management are general guidelines for agreement whereby workers have agreed to work overtime
managerial decision making and behaviour. without any additional payment to revive the company
• Management principles are not as rigid as principles of pure out of loss. In return, the management has promised to
science. They deal with human behaviour and, thus, are to be increase wages later. Both workers and management must
applied creatively given the demands of the situation. honour their commitments.
• Management principles are guidelines for managerial 4. Unity of command: Each employee in an organisation
decisions or actions whereas management techniques are should receive orders from one superior only and he
procedures or methods, which involve a series of steps to be should be responsible to only one superior. If this principle
performed to accomplish desired goals. is violated “authority is undermined, discipline is in jeopardy,
Fayol’s Principles of Management order disturbed and stability threatened.”
1. Division of work: Work can be performed more efficiently if Aim: It prevents dual subordination.
it is divided into specialised tasks. A trained specialist who Implications: It affects an individual employee.
is competent, is required to perform each job leading to 5. Unity of Direction: All the divisions/units of an organisation
specialization which results in efficient and effective output. should be moving towards the same objectives through
2. Authority and Responsibility: Managers require authority coordinated and focused efforts. Each group of activities
equal to responsibility. An organisation should build having the same objective must have one head and one plan.
safeguards against abuse of managerial power. At the same This ensures unity of action and coordination.
time, a manager should have necessary authority to carry Aim: It prevents overlapping of activities.
out his responsibility. For example, a manager enhances the Implications: It affects the entire organisation.
production target from 500 units to 700 units per month but 6. Subordination of individual interest to general interest:
the authority to draw raw material was not given by him. The The interests of an organisation should take priority over the
production manager should not be blamed if he could not interests of any individual employee. The larger interests of the
achieve the revised production target. He should have the workers and stakeholders are more important than the interest
necessary authority to carry out his responsibility. of any one person. A manager can ensure this by his exemplary
3. Discipline: Discipline refers to the obedience to behaviour. For example, he should not fall into temptation of
organizational rules and employment agreement. It requires misusing his powers for individual/ family benefit at the cost
good superiors at all levels, clear and fair agreement and of larger general interest of the workers/ company.
judicious application of penalties. Example: Suppose 7. Remuneration of employees: It states that the remuneration
of employees should be just and equitable. Employees
NOTES & Sample Papers for CBSE 2024 Exam EXAM HANDBOOK Business Studies XII vii
should be paid fair wages, which should give them at least a 13. Initiative: Initiative means thinking out and executing the
reasonable standard of living. At the same time it should be plan within the prescribed limits of authority. It states that
within the paying capacity of the company. This will ensure the workers should be encouraged to develop and carry
good relations between workers and management. out their plans for improvement in the organisation. A good
8. Centralisation and Decentralisation: The concentration of company should have an employee suggestion system
decision-making authority by the top management is called whereby initiative/suggestions which result in substantial
centralisation whereas its dispersal among more than one cost/time reduction should be rewarded.
person is known as decentralisation. 14. Esprit De Corps: It states that management should promote
In general, large organisations have more decentralisation a team spirit of unity and harmony among employees to
than small organisations. According to Fayol, “There realise organisational objectives. Otherwise, it will result in
is a need to balance subordinate involvement through a loss of coordination. A manager should replace ‘I’ with
decentralisation with managers’ retention of final authority ‘We’ in all his conversations with workers to foster team
through centralisation.” spirit. This will give rise to a spirit of mutual trust and
9. Scalar chain: It refers to chain of authority and belongingness among team members. It will also minimise
communication that runs from top to bottom and should the need for using penalties.
be followed by the managers and the subordinates. It Taylor’s Scientific Management – Principles
facilitates smooth flow of communication and unity of Scientific management means knowing exactly what you want
command in the organisation. This chain should not be men to do and seeing that they do it in the best and cheapest way.
violated in the normal course of formal communication. 1. Science not rule of thumb: Taylor believed that there was
However, in case of any emergency, a shorter route named only one best method to maximise efficiency. This method
‘gang plank’ may be used to avoid delay in communication. can be developed through scientific study and analysis of
For example: There is one head A who has two lines each element of a job and should substitute ‘Rule of Thumb’.
of authority under him, B-C-D and L-M-N. If C has to This standard method then should be followed throughout
communicate with M who is at the same level of authority, the organisation.
then he has to transverse the route C-B-A-L-M due to the 2. Harmony Not Discord: There should be complete harmony
principle of scalar chain. However, if there is an emergency, between the management and the workers. Management
then C can directly contact M through gang plank. should share gains of the company with the workers;
A and workers should work hard and be willing to embrace
change for the good of the company. This requires ‘Mental
revolution’ on the part of both management and workers.
Both management and the workers should transform their
thinking. Both should realise that they require one another.
L 3. Cooperation, not individualism: This principle is an
extension of principle of ‘Harmony, Not Discord’. There
C M should be complete cooperation between the management
and the workers instead of individualism. According to
Taylor, there should be an almost equal division of work
and responsibility between workers and management. The
management should work almost side by side with the
Scalar Chain Gang Plank workers helping, encouraging and smoothing the way for
them. For all important decisions taken by the management,
10. Order: It states that there should be a place for everything workers should be taken into confidence. The management
and everyone in an organization and that everything or should be open to any constructive suggestions made by the
person should be found in its allotted place. This will lead employees and suitably reward them.
to increased productivity and efficiency. 4. Development of each and every person to his/her greatest
11. Equity: Equity states that there should be no discrimination efficiency and prosperity: This principle is concerned with
against anyone on account of sex, religion, language, caste, efficiency of employees which could be built in right from
belief, nationality etc. It emphasises kindliness and justice the process of employee selection. The work assigned to
in the behaviour of managers towards the workers. This will employees should suit their capabilities. They should be
ensure loyalty and devotion. given the required training to increase their efficiency.
12. Stability of personnel: Employees, once selected, should be Efficient employees would produce more and earn more. This
kept at their post for a minimum fixed tenure and be given will ensure greatest efficiency and prosperity for both the
reasonable time to show results. It will help to minimize company and the workers.
employee turnover and maintain organizational efficiency. Any Techniques of Scientific Management
adhocism will create instability/insecurity among employees. 1. Functional Foremanship: Functional foremanship is
They would tend to leave the organization. Recruitment, an extension of the principle of division of work and
selection and training cost of new employees will be high. specialisation. It is a technique which aims to improve the
quality of supervision at shop floor by putting a worker under
viii EXAM HANDBOOK Business Studies XII Shree Radhey Publications (Subhash Dey)
eight specialist foremen. In this technique, planning is separated Total wages of Worker B = 99 × 3 = `297
from execution. Taylor suggested four foremen for planning and Difference in output produced = 2 units
four foremen for execution. Difference in wages = `107.
The four foremen for planning and their role: As per Taylor, this loss of `107 should be enough for the
(i) Instruction card clerk: To draft instructions for the workers. inefficient worker (worker B) to be motivated to perform better.
(ii) Route clerk: To specify the route of production. 7. Standardisation and simplification of work
(iii) Time and cost clerk: To prepare time and cost sheet. Standardisation is the process of setting standards for every
(iv) Disciplinarian: To ensure discipline. business activity – standardisation of process, raw material,
The four foremen for execution and their role: time, etc. Objectives: (i) To reduce a given line or product
(i) Speed boss: To be responsible for timely and accurate to fixed types, sizes and characteristics. (ii) To establish
completion of the job. standards of excellence and quality in materials. (iii) To
(ii) Gang boss: To keep machines and tools ready for establish standards of performance of men and machines.
operation by the workers. (iv) To establish interchange ability of manufactured parts
(iii) Repair boss: To ensure proper working conditions of and products.
machines and tools. Simplification of Work is a technique to eliminate unnecessary
(iv) Inspector: To check the quality of work. varieties, sizes and dimensions of products. It leads to reduced
inventories and increased turnover to reduce costs.
Nature/Characteristics/Features of Management Principles
1. General guidelines: Principles of management are guidelines
to action but do not provide readymade, straitjacket
solutions to all managerial problems since real business
situations are very complex and dynamic.
2. Formed by practice and experimentation: Principles of
2. Method Study: The objective of method study is to find out management are derived by observation, experimentation
one best way of doing the job and includes all activities from and personal experience of managers.
procurement of raw materials till the final product is delivered 3. Universal applicability: Principles of management apply to
to the customer. It helps to minimize the cost of production, all types of organisations, at all levels and at all times.
improve the quality and maximize satisfaction of the customer. 4. Flexible: They are not rigid but are flexible and can be
3. Motion Study: It is a technique to study the movements which modified by the manager when the situation so demands.
are undertaken while doing a well defined job. The movement 5. Contingent: Application of principles of management is dependent
could be productive, incidental and unproductive. Motion upon the prevailing situation at a particular point of time.
study seeks to eliminate unnecessary and wasteful movements 6. Behavioural: Management principles aim at influencing
so that it takes less time to complete a job efficiently. behaviour of human beings.
4. Time Study: It is a technique to determine the standard 7. Cause and effect relationships: Principles of management
time i.e. the time taken by a worker of reasonable skill and establish cause and effect relationship so that they can be
efficiency to perform a well-defined job. Standard time is fixed used in similar situations in a large number of cases.
for the whole of the task by taking several readings. Objective Significance of Management Principles TOP SMS
of time study is to determine the number of workers to be 1. They Provide the managers with useful insights into real world
employed, and determine labour costs. situations by learning from past mistakes and conserving time
5. Fatigue study: Fatigue Study determines the amount and by solving recurring problems quickly. Principles adds to their
frequency of rest intervals in completing task. The rest knowledge and understanding of managerial situations and
intervals help the workers to regain stamina and work again circumstances.
with the same capacity resulting in increased productivity. 2. They help in Optimum utilisation of resources as the
There can be many causes for fatigue like long working wastages associated with trial and error approach can
hours, doing unsuitable work, bad working conditions etc. be reduced. They help in effective administration as the
6. Differential piece wage system: It is a technique which decisions are free from personal bias.
differentiates between efficient and less efficient workers. 3. They help managers in Scientific/thoughtful decision-
Taylor wanted to reward the efficient workers. So he making because decisions based on principles are free from
introduced different rate of wage payment for those who bias. They are based on the objective assessment of the
performed above standard and for those who performed situation.
below standard. 4. They help in Meeting changing environment requirements as
Example: Standard output (per worker per day) = 100 units. they can be modified according to the needs of environment.
Wage rate I = `4 per unit (for output >= 100 units) 5. They help in fulfilling Social responsibility by responding to
Wage rate II = `3 per unit (for output < 100 units). the demands of the public.
Worker A produced 101 units and Worker B 99 units. 6. They are used as a basis for management Training, education
Total wages of Worker A = 101 × 4 = `404 and research.
CBSE Business Studies XII
2024 Examination
Write impersonally. In other words, do not use ‘I’ or ‘We’ in your answers. For example, do not write — “I don’t
agree with the statement.” Rather you must write — “The given statement is not correct.”
The following table shows a list of key directive words which are most likely to occur in CBSE Business Studies
XII examination questions. You should read these carefully and understand what each means. However, always
consider the weightage of the question. Write your answers as per the word-limit prescribed by CBSE.
Directive Words The examine is supposed to:
Name/Identify/Which Write the name of the concept/term only
State Make clear
List/Enumerate/State Write the statements without giving heading
Explain/ Describe Give the heading and then explanation/description with reasons and examples, if
Comment Give your reasoned opinions on
2 BUSINESS STUDIES XII EXAM HANDBOOK Shree Radhey Publications (Subhash Dey)
Remember the weightage of the units. This helps you when you are not able to find the unit from which a
particular question has been put up.
Unit Weightage
I. Nature and Significance of Management, Principles of Management and Business 16 marks
II. Planning and Organising 14 marks
III. Staffing, Directing and Controlling 20 marks
IV. Financial Management and Financial Markets 15 marks
V. Marketing and Consumer Protection 15 marks
Total 80 marks
To score 100% marks, the presentation of answers is as much important as their content.
Write the main heading in capital letters. (Use dark and bold pen like Pilot V10)
Underline the headings with pencil.
Explanation/description from next line of heading.
Attempt all parts of a question together.
Give answer in points, as far as possible, rather than in paragraphs. Use bullets for the points.
Leave one line space between two headings
Attempt all questions of 3 marks, 4 marks and 6 marks from new page.
During last 20 minutes of revision, first of all make sure that you have attempted all the questions and written
Question Number for each answer. If any question(s) left, attempt it first. Don’t leave it even if you don’t know the
proper answer. Remember that writing something is always better than leaving it at all. Then, read your answers
one by one underlining the key lines using pencil.
To conclude, it is very important for you to be well-organised and to be able to plan ahead if you are to score 100% marks
in CBSE Business Studies XII Examination. Revision should be an ongoing process, not just a last-minute activity you
carry out just before a written examination. A lack of time and an inability to understand the relevance of directive words
are the most common causes of under performance. I know Board examinations create a lot of anxiety among students.
Everyone expects good performance so as to get admission in a college of repute. My advice to you is:
To work hard and give your 100%. Remember: Success will never lower its standard to accommodate you. You have to
raise your standard to achieve it. For every bird, God provides food but not in their nest.
Always believe in yourself. Don’t give up. One thing keep in mind: You are something! Because God does not create garbage.
Always remember God. Without Him, your all efforts are in vain! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = 0. But if you put 1 before these zeros,
you get 1 crore (10000000). We human beings are zeros without Him! And 1 is God!
I’ll feel pleasure to solve any of your queries/doubts related to the subject through Whatsapp Number 9810475716
Finally I pray the Supreme Divine to bestow the best of blessings on you!
Your servant
B.Com. (Hons.), M.Com. (DSE), M.A. (Economics), PGDBA (Finance), B.Ed, PGD in Labour and Administrative Laws
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• Consecutive four years’ Economics topper of Delhi University
• Resource Person and Educationist conducting Workshops/Seminars of Teachers and Students in Schools and Colleges
• Founder of ‘Shree Radhey Publications’ and ‘DEY’SEDU.COM’
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Question Papers
2023-24 and 2022-23
Q.1 The Board of directors of Medex Pharma Ltd. decided to issue debentures worth 40 lakhs in order to finance a major Research and
Development project. This would increase the Debt Equity ratio from 1 : 1 to 2 : 1.However, at the same time it would increase the
Earnings per share. The reason that will justify the above situation is: (1 mark)
(a) Unfavourable financial leverage, as the financial risk will be higher.
(b) Unfavourable financial leverage, as return on investment is lower than the cost of debt.
(c) Favourable financial leverage as debt is easily available
(d) Favourable financial leverage, as return on investment is higher than cost of debt
Q.2 A bottle of Anti-dandruff shampoo mentions — ‘Clean your hair and get rid of dandruff in one squeeze’. The Product related
decision is: (1 mark)
(a) Branding (b) Product quality
(c) Packaging (d) Labelling
Q.3 With the presence of women in the workforce, there has been a shift towards formal wear, increased demand of electronic gadgets
and increase in demand of cosmetics. The related dimension of business environment referred in the above lines is: (1 mark)
(a) Technological environment (b) Social environment
(c) Political environment (d) Economic environment
Q.4 Name the function of marketing which is effective in bringing repeat sales from the customers and developing brand loyalty
for a product. (1 mark)
(a) Standardization and grading (b) Promotion
(c) Customer support services (d) Packaging and labelling
Q.5 SEBI calls for information and issues a show cause notice to stock exchange and its officials seeking explanation and conducting
audit and enquiry. Which function is SEBI performing? (1 mark)
(a) Regulatory function (b) Development function
(c) Protective function (d) Both (a) and (c)
Q.6 Identify the point of significance of management illustrated in the picture. (1 mark)
4 BUSINESS STUDIES XII EXAM HANDBOOK Shree Radhey Publications (Subhash Dey)
(a) Management helps in achieving group goals (b) Management helps in achieving personal objectives
(c) Management helps in development of society (d) Management increases efficiency
Q.7 The allocative function of Financial market helps in ________.
(a) Bringing transparency in trading procedure (b) Earning higher rate of return to household sector
(c) Better functioning of depository (d) Determining the prices of securities
Q.8 IND Dyechem Ltd. is a chemical manufacturing company producing dyes and pigments both for domestic and international
market. It has enjoyed a considerable market share but lately, it has been facing problems in terms of target sales and customer
satisfaction. This is due to the reason that new entrants have emerged with better technology and competitive pricing. The Chairman
of the company addressed this issue in the departmental meeting. The production head, Mr. Kamble, advised the Chairman
to revamp the system and take immediate necessary actions to rectify the problem so that sales are achieved as per the plans.
Identify the relevant function of management being discussed here. (1 mark)
(a) Organising (b) Staffing
(b) Controlling (d) Planning
Q.9 Choose the incorrect statement about pricing objectives as a factor affecting the price of a product. (1 mark)
(a) If a firm’s objective is to maximize profits in the short run, it should charge maximum price for its products.
(b) If a firm’s objective is to capture market share, it should keep low price of its product.
(c) If a firm wants to attain product quality leadership, it should charge lower prices.
(d) If a firm is facing problems in survival due to stiff competition, it may offer discount on its products.
Q.10 Assertion (A): Management is concerned with efficient use of resources.
Reason (R): For management both efficiency and effectiveness need to be balanced.
(a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of Assertion (A).
(b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is not the correct explanation of Assertion (A)
(c) Assertion (A) is true but Reason (R) is False
(d) Assertion (A) is False but Reason (R) is True (1 mark)
Q.11 Concentration of decision making functions at the apex of management hierarchy is called __________. (1 mark)
(a) Decentralisation (b) Delegation
(c) Organisational structure (d) Centralisation
Q.12 Some employees have been assigned the job of measuring the output in an objective and reliable way. They are applying
different techniques for achieving this aim. Some of these are personal-observation, sample-checking etc. They are also keeping
the units of measurement same as that of the units in the standards.
Name the step of ‘Controlling process applicable in the above paragraph. (1 mark)
(a) Analysing deviations (b) Comparing actual performance with standards
(c) Establishing standards (d) Measurement of actual performance
Q.13 Statement I: For products requiring long term storage like agricultural products, the warehouses are located near to the market.
Statement II: Higher the level of inventory, higher will be the level of service to customers but the cost of carrying the
inventory will also be high.
(a) Statement I is true and II is false (b) Statement II is true and I is false
(c) Both the statements are true (d) Both the statements are false (1 mark)
Q.14 Mr. Vivek is working as the General Manager of Oshin Hotels Ltd. Mr. Vivek observed that Government was taking a special
interest in the Tourism industry as this sector is an important source of foreign exchange and employment promotion. On the
basis of this news, the company decided to set up hotels at several tourist places. Oshin Hotels Ltd. established 50 hotels before
other companies considered this issue. Very soon, this brand Oshin Hotels Ltd. became well known in the market. Identify the
importance of business environment described here. (1 mark)
(a) It enables the firm to identify opportunities and getting the first mover advantage.
(b) It helps the firm to identify threats and early warning signals.
(c) It helps in tapping useful resources.
(d) It helps in improving performance.
Q.15 Name the function of management that acts as a means for translating plans into action. (1 mark)
(a) Planning (b) Directing
(c) Organising (d) Controlling
Q.16 Statement I: Electronic holdings can be converted into physical certificates with the process of dematerialisation. (1 mark)
Statement II: There is no danger of theft, loss or forgery of share certificates in dematerialisation.
(a) Statement I is true and II is false (b) Statement II is true and I is false
(c) Both the statements are true (d) Both the statements are false
Q.17 ‘Pace.’ is a reputed Chartered Accountant firm which renders services to big MNC’s. The Chartered Accountants of the firm
are required to travel to Delhi and NCR for which they use company’s cars. The firm decided to convert its Petrol cars to
Electric cars in order to improve the quality of life of people. Identify the dimensions of business environment. (1 mark)
(a) Political and Legal environment (b) Legal and Social environment
(c) Technological and Political environment (d) Social and Technological Environment
Q.18 Match the following tools of promotion with their explanation and choose the correct option (1 mark)
A. It is undertaken by some identified person /company who makes efforts and bears the cost of it. 1. Personal selling
B. It plays an important role at the awareness stage and develops product preferences with the aim of 2. Sales Promotion
making sale.
C. It helps in managing public opinion and company’s relation with the public on regular basis. 3. Advertising
D. It uses tools specifically designed to promote to customers, middlemen and to salespersons. 4. Public Relations
(a) A (3), B (1), C (4), D (2) (b) A (1), B (3), C (4), D (2)
(c) A (2), B (3), C (4), D(1) (d) A (2), B (4), C (1), D (3)
Q.19 From the following which is not a relevant feature of management as science: (1 mark)
(a) Principles are based on the basis of experimentation
(b) Systematized body of knowledge
(c) Based on practice and creativity
(d) Universal Validity
Q.20 The aim of demonetisation was not to____________. (1 mark)
(a) Curb corruption
(b) Reduce the prices of real estate
(c) Withhold the accumulation of black money generated by undeclared income
(d) Counterfeit the use of high denomination notes for illegal activities
Q.21 Captcha Ltd. is a construction company in which all the employees learn various ways of dealing with diverse situations from
their seniors. Company provides financial as well as non-financial incentives. This helps the employees to grow and develop
their abilities. The organisation behaves as a responsible constituent of society and always creates good quality products. It
has a positive image in the market. The training modules are excellent and the employees always try to find unique ways
of providing solutions in the context of rapidly changing business environment. This has helped the organisation to adjust
smoothly. Identify and state three points of importance of management being highlighted here. (3 marks)
Q.22 State any three reasons as to why controlling is regarded as an indispensable function of management. (3 marks)
Enumerate any three advantages of Management by Exception which is used by manager in analysing deviations. (3 marks)
Q.23 Resolutions Pvt. Ltd. is a publishing company. Its book on Business Studies for class XII is in great demand. As a result, the
employees in the marketing department are always racing against time as they have to work overtime and on holidays as well to
cater to the demand. The work stress has led to dissatisfaction among the employees of the marketing department.
(i) Name and explain the step of staffing process which has not been performed properly.
(ii) Also, explain the immediate next step in the process of staffing. (3 marks)
Q.24 State any three functions of Stock Exchange. (3 marks)
State the first three steps involved in the screen-based trading for buying and selling of securities. (3 marks)
Q.25 Explain the following features of Directing: (a) Directing initiates action (b) Directing is a continuous process (4 marks)
Explain the following leadership styles: (a) Autocratic leadership (b) Laissez Faire leadership (4 marks)
Q.26 State any four limitations of using internal sources of recruitment. (4 marks)
State any four commonly used sources of recruiting employees from outside the organisation. (4 marks)
Q.27 Mr. Akshay, a 20 year old college student purchased a book online from XYZ Pvt Ltd and when it was delivered, he noticed
that there was no MRP mentioned on it. He browsed the internet and found that the book was sold at different prices in
different places. He filed a case in District forum against the publisher. The court held in favour of Akshay and awarded a
compensation of 10,000.
(a) Identify and state the consumer right violated in the above case.
(b) Name and explain the right exercised by Mr. Akshay. (4 marks)
6 BUSINESS STUDIES XII EXAM HANDBOOK Shree Radhey Publications (Subhash Dey)
Q.28 Explain the following factors affecting the dividend decision of the company: (4 marks)
(a) Taxation Policy (b) Cash Flow Position
Q.29 Identify and state the various elements of communication highlighted in the following cases: (4 marks)
(i) Department ‘A’ has sent an encoded message to department ‘B’ through internet. What is the role of internet here?
(ii) Madhur is making gestures so that he can send a message to Ranbhir. What is Madhur doing here?
(iii) Ranbhir is trying to understand the message sent by Madhur by reading his gestures. What is Ranbhir doing here?
(iv) Kamesh picks up his phone and finds a message on it. He reads the message carefully. What is the role of Kamesh here? 4
Q.30 Dhaval Acharya, after acquiring a bachelor’s degree in Hotel Management joined his father’s chain of vegetarian restaurants in
Ahmednagar. Being young and enterprising, he suggested his father to add a new section of vegetarian bakery items which required
an investment of 5 crores. His father Mr. Aariketh Acharya suggested him to take the decision with caution and understood
everything comprehensively as bad decision may damage the financial fortune of business. Identify the decision suggested by Mr.
Aariketh Acharya. State by giving any three reasons as to why he must have advised his son to take decision with caution. (4 marks)
Q.31 (1) Explain any two techniques of Scientific Management from the following: (3 marks)
(a) Method study (b) Motion study (c) Time study
(2) Differentiate between Unity of Command and Unity of Direction on any three basis. (3 marks)
(1) Explain any two principles of Fayol from the following: (3 marks)
(a) Discipline (b) Order (c) Initiative
(2) Differentiate between contributions made by F.W.Taylor and Henry Fayol on any three basis. (3 marks)
Q.32 Explain the steps that are required to be performed by a manager before evaluating all possible courses of action in planning
process. (6 marks)
Explain how planning: (a) Reduces overlapping and wasteful activities (b) Establishes standards for controlling (c) Facilitates
decision making (6 marks)
Q.33 Read the statements given in point 1 and 2, answer the questions that follow: (6 marks)
(1) Tea is produced in Assam but is carried to customers not only in this state but also in other parts of the country.
(a) Identify and explain the function of marketing that enables the marketer to achieve its goals.
(b) Enumerate any two factors that marketer should take into consideration in order to analyse the identified needs.
(2) Paddy is grown during summer season but its demand and sale takes place throughout the year.
(a) Name and state the function of marketing which should be undertaken to reduce the gap between production and
consumption of Paddy.
(b) State by giving two reasons as to why proper discharge of this function is important.
Q.34 Diligent developers, a website design company in Bangalore is a startup initiative of Mr. Maniraj which aims at achieving a
profit margin of 10% in its first year. Mr. Maniraj appointed Mr. Advait as the Digital marketing Head, Mr. Kiyansh as the
head of Backend department and Mr. Nirved headed the Graphics Designing Department. Since each head was specialised
in specific skills, it resulted in increased efficiency and better coordination. However, problems arose when Mr. Advait started
considering group objectives superior to organisational objectives and stopped exchanging information with Mr. Kiyansh and
Mr. Nirved. The company had to bear the brunt of lack of coordination and was unable to achieve its objectives.
(a) Identify and state the organisational structure adopted by the company.
(b) State two benefits and two limitations of the identified structure highlighted in the above case. (6 marks)
1. (d) 2. (d) 3. (b) 4. (c) 5. (a) 6. (a) 7. (b) 8. (c) 9. (c) 10. (b)
11. (d) 12. (d) 13. (b) 14. (a) 15. (c) 16. (b) 17. (d) 18. (a) 19. (c) 20. (b)
21. (1) Helps in achieving personal objectives (2) Helps in the development of society (3) Creates a dynamic organisation (Explain)
23. (1)Estimation of manpower requirements (2) Recruitment (Explain)
27. (a) Right to be informed (b) Right to seek redressal (Explain)
29. (i) Media (ii) Encoding (iii) Decoding (iv) Receiver (Explain)
30. Hint: Capital budgeting decision
33. (1) (a) Transportation (b) • Nature of the product • Cost and location of target market
(2) (a) Storage or Warehousing
(b) • To ensure smooth flow of products in the market
• To protect against any unavoidable delays in delivery or meet contingencies in demand.
34. Hint: Functional structure
20 Sample Papers
for Practice
(with Answers)
BUSINESS STUDIES XII EXAM HANDBOOK Shree Radhey Publications (Subhash Dey)
Q.10 The purpose of the fourth test was too find out how much capability a person has to mix-up with other persons,
and whether he can influence other persons and get influenced by them. Which selection test is indicated in this
situation? (1 mark)
(a) Personality Test (b) Intelligent Tests
(c) AptitudeTest (d) TradeTest
Q.11 From the given lines, ‘Out of these, conditions of 15 applicants were not acceptable to the company.’ Letters of
regret, giving reasons, were sent to them. Which aspect of staffing is highlighted in the statement? (1 mark)
(a) Recruitment (b) Selection
(c) Training (d) Education
Q.12. Match the following: (1 mark)
(i) The leader encourages his subordinates to participate in decision (A) Autocratic leadership
(ii) The leader is dogmatic i.e. does not wish to be contradicted. (B) Democratic leadership
(iii) The leader does not believe in the use of power unless it is absolutely (C) Laissez faire leadership
(a) (i) – (A),(ii) – (B),(iii) – (C) (b) (i) – (C),(ii) – (B),(iii) – (A)
(c) (i) – (B),(ii) – (A),(iii) – (C) (d) (i) – (C),(ii) – (A),(iii) – (B)
Q.13 In an organisation all the employees take things easy and are free to approach anyone for minor queries and
problems. It has resulted in loss of secrecy and confidential information being leaked out. What system do you
think the manager should adopt to improve communication? (1 mark)
(a) Formal communication (b) Informal communication
(c) Oral communication (d) Written communication
Q.14 Vinber Ltd. set up a manufacturing unit at Bhiwadi at Himachal Pradesh to manufacture electric geysers and
supply them to dealers all over the country. Their production target was 500 geysers per week. It was decided by
the management that variation in production upto 10 units would be acceptable. At the end of the first week, the
production was 450 geysers. The next week, production increased to 470 geysers. A week later, production was 460
geysers. On investigation, it was found out that fluctuation in production was due to irregular supply of electricity.
Which step of the function of management highlighted above is not discussed? (1 mark)
(a) Measurement of Actual Performance
(b) Comparing Actual Performance with Standards
(c) Analysing Deviations for causes
(d) Taking corrective action if deviations go beyond the acceptable limits.
Q.15 Higher dividend per share is associated with: (1 mark)
(a) high earnings, high cash flows, unstable earnings and higher growth opportunities
(b) high earnings, high cash flows, stable earnings and high growth opportunities
(c) high earnings, high cash flows, stable earnings and lower growth opportunities
(d) high earnings, low cash flows, stable earnings and lower growth opportunities
Q.16 Public issue of shares and debentures have to be made under SEBI guidelines. Raising funds from banks and other
financial institutions require fulfillment of other norms. The relative ease with which these norms can be met or
the procedures completed may also have a bearing upon the choice the source of finance. The factor affecting the
choice of capital structure is ________. (1 mark)
(a) Stock market conditions
(b) Capital structure of other countries
(c) Regulatory framework
(d) Flexibility
Q.17 The directors of a company want to modernise its plant and machinery by making a new issue of shares to the
public. As the finance manager, advise the directors where to approach for new public issue of shares. (1 mark)
(a) Stock exchange (b) Money market
(c) Securities and Exchange Board of India (d) Any consultant
20 Practice Papers
Q.18 Which of the following is not a Regulatory function of the Securities and Exchange Board of India ? (1 mark)
(a) Regulation of take over bids by companies
(b) Levying fee or other charges for carrying out the purposes of the SEBI Act, 1992.
(c) Registration of collective investment schemes and Mutual Funds.
(d) Controlling insider trading and imposing penalties for such practices.
Q.19 Rasika Ltd. is a company which produces a variety of juices. A profitable business opportunity is seen by it in
the field of producing soft drinks. The marketing manager of the company, Piyush Rustogi has to take several
decisions, to achieve marketing success, such as : (1 mark)
— Whether the drink will be packed in glass bottles or plastic cans;
— What will be the name (brand name) of the drink;
— At what price it will be sold, i.e. at par with the price at which other competitive brands are sold or below it or
above it;
— What distribution network will be used to make the product available, e.g. hotels, restaurants, groceries shops,
kiosks selling cigarette, paan, etc;
— Whether the new soft drinks will be promoted by putting up advertisements in newspaper or magazine or on
radio or television; or say if newspaper, whether in a local newspaper or a national daily; whether in a paper of
regional language or an English daily, etc.
Identify the combination of variables chosen by the marketing manager of the company to prepare a new brand of
soft drinks.
(a) Product, Price, Place and Promotion
(b) Branding, Packaging and Labeling
(c) Advertising, Personal Selling, Sales Promotion and Public Relations
(d) Grading, Standardising and Marketing Planning
Q.20 Which of the following statement is true? (1 mark)
(a) Asserting oneself to ensure that one gets a fair deal, is the right of a consumer.
(b) ISI is the quality certification mark used in case of food products.
(c) The legal framework in India requires the manufacturers to provide the information such as ingredients of the
product, on the package and label of the product.
(d) A complaint can to be made to a District commission when the value of the good or service does not exceed
`1 crore.
Q.21 Identify by quoting the lines, the importance of business environment from the following: (3 marks)
(i) Maruti Udyog became the leader in the small car market because it was the first to recognise the need for small
cars in an environment of rising petroleum prices and a large middle class population in India.
(ii) Entry of new players in the market, which means more competition may make an enterprise think afresh
about how to deal with the situation.
(iii) Many studies reveal that the future of an enterprise is closely bound up with what is happening in the
environment. It really makes a difference in the performance of an enterprise.
Q.22 K&K Co. Ltd. is engaged in manufacturing machine components. The target production is 200 units daily. The
company had been successfully attaining this target until two months ago. Over the last few months it has been
observed that daily production varies between 150-170 units.
Identify any three possible causes for the decline in production and the steps to be taken to achieve the desired
targets. (3 marks)
Q.23 (a) Explain whether the following manufacturing concerns require large or small working capital:
(i) Bread, (ii) Sugar, (iii) Coolers (3 marks)
(b) Shyam wanted to start a business of selling handicrafts by getting in touch with the craftsmen in the rural
areas of Bengal. He wants to make a low investment in fixed Capital. Advise him in taking suitable decisions
regarding the Nature of Business, Scale of operations and Financing Alternatives (in a developed financial
market) that he needs to take for the purpose.
BUSINESS STUDIES XII EXAM HANDBOOK Shree Radhey Publications (Subhash Dey)
Q.24 (a) Radhika Ltd. is a natural and ethical beauty brand famous for offering organic beauty products for women.
The company uses plant based materials for its products and is the No.1 beauty brand in the country. It not
only satisfies its customers but also believes in overall protection of the planet.
Krishna Ltd., a company manufacturing refrigerators, takes all the marketing decisions from the point of
view of the customers. The market research reveals that the customers want features like double door in the
refrigerators and a separate provision for water cooler in it.
Identify the philosophies of marketing being followed by Radhika Ltd. and Krishna Ltd. Explain the difference
between the two philosophies on the basis of: (i) Focus (ii) Means. (3 marks)
(b) Zoom Udyog, a car manufacturing Co., has started its business with Zoom 800 and slowly launched Zoom-
1000, Wagon-Z, Swy-fy etc. and offered various services like after sale service, availability of spare parts etc.
Explain the three important decisions related to the element of marketing mix referred here.
Q.25 (a) Name the process of designing and maintaining an environment in which individuals, working together in
groups, efficiently accomplish selected aims. Explain its importance by giving any three points. (4 marks)
(b) Name the process whereby an executive develops an orderly pattern of group efforts among his subordinates
and secures unity of action in the pursuit of common purpose. Explain any three features of it.
Q.26 (a) Explain how the principles of management help in: (4 marks)
(i) thoughtful decision-making,
(ii) meeting changing environment requirements,
(iii) providing managers with useful insights into reality, and
(iv) optimum utilisation of resources and effective administration.
(b) Explain the following principles of management:
(i) Equity (ii) Science not Rule of Thumb
Q.27 An auto company C Ltd. is facing a problem of declining market share due to increased competition from other
new and existing players in the market. Its competitors are introducing lower priced models for mass consumers
who are price sensitive. C Ltd. sets its long-term objective to increase profits by 20% features
and new technological advancements. For this, the company raises `100 crore by issuing equity shares.
(a) Identify the type of plan the company is preparing.
(b) State its three dimensions by quoting the line from the above paragraph. (4 marks)
Q.28 ‘Madhav Ltd.’ is a company manufacturing textiles. It has a share capital of `60 lakh at the face value of `100 each. For
diversification into cement manufacturing, the company requires additional capital of `40 lakh. The finance manager
of the company, Gaurang as recommended that the company can raise funds of the same amount by issuing 10%
debentures of `10 each. Given that earning per share (EPS) of the company after diversification is `4 and tax rate is
40%, did Gaurang give a justified recommendation? Show your calculations clearly. (4 marks)
Q.29 Aditya Khosla, the Managing Director of ‘D.L.W. Ltd.’ and Rajesh Puri, the Finance Manager were discussing
about the avenues of investing the idle funds of the company. Aditya Khosa was of the opinion that money should
be invested in the capital market whereas Rajesh Puri, being more conservative, feels that it would be better if
the investment was made in money market. Since the economy was buoyant, the Managing Director convinced
Rajesh that they should take advantage of it and invest in the capital market to get good returns. Ultimately it was
decided to invest the idle funds in the capital market.
(a) What kind of instruments should the company buy?
(b) Why is the capital market expected to give a better return in a buoyant economy? State the reason.
(c) Why and how safe are the securities in this market as compared to money market? (4 marks)
Q.30 (a) Manuj bought a packet of chips from a local shopkeeper and found that the ingredients given on the label
were not legible. He complained about it to the company. The company sent a written apology stating that
they will make sure that existing packets are withdrawn from the market and new packets with legible labels
are soon made available.
State the consumer right which Manuj exercised. (1 mark)
20 Practice Papers
(b) Mohit purchased a smart phone for ` 30,000 from a mobile phone seller on his verbal commitment that the
smart phone will be replaced in case of any defect, within a span of six months. The phone started creating
technical issues in spite of proper maintenance and upkeep of the phone. The seller denied taking any action
on the complaint made by Mohit. Name the redressal agency under the Consumer protection Act where Mohit
can file his complaint. (1 mark)
(c) Aman a degree holder in Entrepreneurship came to know about Piplantri Village located in Rajasthan, where
in 2006 an initiative was started, in which 111 trees are planted every time a girl child is born. To keep termites
away from the trees the villagers have planted 2.5 million Aloe Vera plants around the trees. This has turned
the village into an oasis, as the planting of trees led to higher water levels. Aman decided to visit the village
to start a business unit, for the processing and marketing of Aloe Vera into juices, gels and other products.
However, on visiting the village Aman found that the villagers were suffering exploitation at the hands of local
merchants who were engaged in unscrupulous, exploitative trade practices like hoarding and black marketing
of food products and also selling unsafe, adulterated products to the villagers. After looking at their plight
instead of a business organisation he decided to set up an organisation for the protection and promotion of the
consumer interest of the villagers.
State any two functions that the organisation established by Aman will be performing. (2 marks)
Q.31 One of India’s largest IT solutions providers, Wipro Technologies, is taking on the likes of IBM and Accenture in
its effort to be included among the largest and most successful technology services companies in the world.
Restructuring Wipro was considered the most important step in becoming a global giant, driven by the goal
towards improved customer-orientation.
During the past few months, Wipro separated itself into several subsidiaries by product line: telecommunications,
engineering, financial services, etc. Each subsidiary brings in about $300 million in annual earnings and is self-
sufficient with their own accounting books, personnel and administrative functions.
(a) Which type of organisation structure is suitable for Wipro Technologies and why?
(b) State any two advantages and two disadvantages of the organisation structure recommended by you in (a).
(6 marks)
Q.32 (a) Explain briefly any one on-the-Job method of training and one off-the-Job method of training. Also state any
three benefits of training to the employees. (6 marks)
(b) Most of the senior positions of industry as well as commerce are filled by one of the method of external
(i) Identify the method of external recruitment and state its one advantage and one disadvantage.
(ii) Explain briefly any three other external sources of recruitment for casual vacancies of unskilled or semi-
skilled jobs.
Q.33 (a) Explain any six barriers to communication which result on account of use of wrong words, faulty translations,
different interpretations, etc. (6 marks)
(b) Explain the most popular classification of leadership styles based on the use of authority.
Q.34 ‘Various tools of communication are used by the marketers to promote their products.
(a) Why do companies use all tools at the same time?
(b) Name the most commonly used non-personal tool of promotion which is paid for by the marketer. Explain its
any two features.
(c) Which tool of promotion will primarily be used for the following?
(i) To promote or protect a company’s image or its individual products.
(ii) An existing product meant for mass usage by literate people.
(iii) To introduce a new product to a particular class of people through door-to-door visits.
(iv) To attract attention of the people by using incentives. (6 marks)
20 Practice Papers