Physics IA Checklist Criteria-2
Physics IA Checklist Criteria-2
Physics IA Checklist Criteria-2
Student Name: Session:
Total %
Exploration Analysis Evaluation Communication
Mark Awarded:
n.b. Marks are given on a best-fit approach based on the levels awarded for each aspect of a given criteria. Refer to the criteria pages for a more detailed breakdown.
“I confirm that this work is my own work and is the final version. I have acknowledged each use of the words or
Candidate declaration:
ideas of another person, whether written, oral or visual.”
Signed: Date:
P e r s o n a l e n g a g e m e n t
This criterion assesses the extent to which the student engages with the exploration and makes it their own. Personal engagement may be recognized in different attributes and skills. These
could include addressing personal interests or showing evidence of independent thinking, creativity or initiative in the designing, implementation or presentation of the investigation.
Exploration Personal significance Intiative
0 The student’s report does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
The evidence of personal engagement with the The justification given for choosing the research question There is little evidence of personal input and initiative in
1 exploration is limited with little independent thinking, and/or the topic under investigation does not the designing, implementation or presentation of the
initiative or insight. demonstrate personal significance, interest or curiosity. investigation.
The evidence of personal engagement with the The justification given for choosing the research question There is evidence of personal input and initiative in the
2 exploration is clear with significant independent thinking, and/or the topic under investigation demonstrates designing, implementation or presentation of the
initiative or insight. personal significance, interest or curiosity. investigation.
P1.1 Arguments and discussion show intelligent RQ of question is based on prior research, Novel or innovative approach to address the
P2.1 P3.1
use of citations, not reliance on them. but does not repeat it. research question
P1.2 Arguments consider data, published data Methodology uses known methods, but
and observations together, not as separate P2.2 RQ based on personal interests P3.2 adapts them to the investigation with good
entities. reason.
The discussion uses theory/citations beyond Explores related research from reliable
the research question to explain anomalies P2.3 RQ is relevant to local issues. P3.3 sources (publications, journals, etc) or
and trends, if necessary and relevant. online simulations for comparison
n.b. Unlike other criteria personal engagement there just has to be point of evidence against an aspect, it does not have to comprehensively meet all mark points.
E x p l o r a t I o n
This criterion assesses the extent to which the student establishes the scientific context for the work, states a clear and focused research question and uses concepts and techniques
appropriate to the Diploma Programme level. Where appropriate, this criterion also assesses awareness of safety, environmental, and ethical considerations.
Mark Safety, ethics and environmental
Research question Background Method
0 The student’s report does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
A n a l y s i s
This criterion assesses the extent to which the student’s report provides evidence that the student has selected, recorded, processed and interpreted the data in ways that are relevant
to the research question and can support a conclusion.
Raw data Data processing Impact of uncertainty Interpretation of processed data
0 The student’s report does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
Data collected is relevant Calculations to determine Random and systematic Patterns and trends in
A1.1 and appropriate to answer A2.1 DV carried out, if A3.1 uncertainties included and A4.1 graphed data described
the RQ. necessary. justified (linear, exponential, etc)
Random and systematic Propagation of
Min. 5 increments over a Equation of trendline
A1.2 A2.2 uncertainties included and A3.2 uncertainties in processed A4.2
suitable range of the IV. stated with uncertainty
justified data correctly carried out
Min. 5 repeats is Discussion of size of
Sample calculations of Outliers identified and
E v a l u a t i o n
This criterion assesses the extent to which the student’s report provides evidence of evaluation of the investigation and the results with regard to the research question and the accepted
scientific context.
Mark Limitations of the data and sources Suggestions for improvements and
Conclusion Scientific context
of error extension
0 The student’s report does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
C o m m u n i c a t i o n
This criterion assesses whether the investigation is presented and reported in a way that supports effective communication of the focus, process and outcomes.
Mark Aspect
awared Presentation Structure Focus Terminology and conventions
0 The student’s report does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
3 The presentation of the investigation is The report is well structured and clear: The report is relevant and concise The use of subject-specific terminology
clear. Any errors do not hamper the necessary information on focus, thereby facilitating a ready and conventions is appropriate and
understanding of the focus, process and process and outcomes is present and understanding of the focus, process and correct. Any errors do not hamper
4 outcomes . presented in a coherent way. outcomes of the investigation. understanding.