2022-CAT-Grade 10-June Exam-Paper 2
2022-CAT-Grade 10-June Exam-Paper 2
2022-CAT-Grade 10-June Exam-Paper 2
TASK 3.2
• The invigilator should ensure that the learner has the necessary unique barcoded cover pages
available before the start of the exam session; it must be attached to the answer sheet
immediately after the completion of the examination. (Learners must provide their own barcoded
cover page.)
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June Examination 2022
G10 ~ Computer Applications Technology P2/2
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June Examination 2022
G10 ~ Computer Applications Technology P2/2
1.1 Which ONE of the following mouse actions will give you an additional select list?
A Double click
B Dragging
C Scrolling
D Right click
1.2 This software performs a specific task according to the needs of the user.
A System software
B Antivirus software
C Utility software
D Application software
1.3 Which ONE of the following is a file format associated with a sound file?
A exe
B jpg
C mp4
D pdf
1.4 Which ONE of the following does NOT logically belong with the other options given?
A Mozilla Firefox
B Windows 8
C Android
D Apple OS X
1.5 Which ONE of the following is NOT an example of a graphics file extension or
A bmp
B gif
C jpg
D rtf
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June Examination 2022
G10 ~ Computer Applications Technology P2/2
1.6 Which ONE of the following acts or operates as both an input and an output
A Speakers
B Printer
C Stylus
D Touchscreen
A storage
B permanent
C non-volatile
D volatile
1.8 Although _____, like computers, processors and software have, most of these
devices are designed and built to perform only one task.
A general-purpose devices
B dedicated devices
C multifunction devices
D non-dedicated devices
1.10 This type of program can be used to design, edit, format and print a document.
A Word processing
B Spreadsheet
C Presentation
D Database
(10 x 1) = [10]
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June Examination 2022
G10 ~ Computer Applications Technology P2/2
Match the descriptions in column B to the words/terms in column A. Only write the
correct letter (A–M) next to the question number (2.1–2.10), e.g. 2.11 N.
2.1 Information A Action on touchscreen to decrease image.
Process of transferring money between accounts via
2.2 Landscape B
the Internet.
2.3 EULA C Page in word processor that is wider than its length.
Input of wrong data into the computer result in wrong
2.4 Biometrical D
information as output.
The type of visual interface used in all modern
2.5 SD E software, associated with icons and a pointing device,
e.g. mouse.
Assignments and functions, grouped in tabs and
2.6 Pinch F
groups that is used in Office 2016 and Office 365.
A legally binding contract between a user and a
2.7 Ribbon G software company, which needs to be agreed to before
their software may be installed and used.
The physical parts of a computer we can touch and
2.8 GUI H
2.9 RSI I The result of processed data.
2.10 Hardware J This port enables fast data transfer for video feed.
Medical problem caused by the long-term use of input
devices that are not ergonomically designed.
A common type of storage or memory card used in
digital cameras.
Modern flash drives that have a built-in fingerprint
scanner for increased security.
(10 x 1) = [10]
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June Examination 2022
G10 ~ Computer Applications Technology P2/2
Are the following statements true or false? If the statement is false, correct the
underlined word(s) to make it true. Only write down the correct answer (true or false
and the correct statement) next to the question number (3.1–3.5), e.g. 3.6 False. The
keyboard shortcut for copy is Ctrl+C.
3.2 The F10 key on the keyboard usually opens the Help file for the program you are
working on.
3.3 A folder is a storage place or container in which you can store files or more folders
on disk.
3.4 The windows process means that the operating system is automatically loaded
when the computer is switched on.
3.5 Memory is a place on the computer where work is kept permanently. (5 x 1) = [5]
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June Examination 2022
G10 ~ Computer Applications Technology P2/2
4.1 Look at the specifications for a laptop below and answer the following questions:
4.1.3 Can you play music CDs on this laptop? Give a reason for your answer. (2)
4.1.5 Give the function and the name of the component advertised as ‘Intel Core
i7-451OU 2.4 GHz’. (2)
4.1.6 The monitor being advertised has the specifications 18.5” – 1920 x 1080.
Clearly explain the two specifications AND in which units is 18.5”
measured? (4)
4.2 The laptop has a limited number of USB ports, so plugging in a Bluetooth mouse is
not presently an option.
4.2.1 Which additional item would you need to allow more USB devices
to be connected to the computer? (1)
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June Examination 2022
G10 ~ Computer Applications Technology P2/2
4.2.3 The laptop has a built-in card reader. Give TWO advantages of
using a card reader to transfer photographs from the digital camera
to a computer. (2)
4.3 Your friend does not know what storage devices is. Explain to him what it is,
and give ONE example. (2)
4.4.3 What does it mean to set your printer to a default printer and
where would you find the setting? (2)
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June Examination 2022
G10 ~ Computer Applications Technology P2/2
5.1 You want to know more about the use of open-source software (OSS).
5.1.1 What are the TWO main advantages of open-source software? (2)
5.1.4 One of the programs your friend wants to install comes with the
choice of a single-user licence or a site licence. Explain fully the
difference between these two types of licence agreements. (2)
5.2 Operating systems are essential software for any type of computer.
Give THREE functions of an operating system. (3)
5.3 Provide the name of the operating system that is installed in the laptop from
question 4. (1)
5.6 Name the name of a utility program, included with the operating system,
that you could use to capture and copy a screenshot. (1)
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June Examination 2022
G10 ~ Computer Applications Technology P2/2
6.1 Briefly explain what a network is, with an appropriate example. (2)
6.3 How can having a network simplify backup strategies and help to avoid
unnecessary duplication of data? (2)
7.1 What are the FOUR steps in the processing cycle? (4)
7.3 Explain the difference between an ‘open’ and ‘closed’ question. (2)
8.1 Mention ONE reason for using a spreadsheet instead of word processor. (1)
8.3 What data type would you use to store the following data in a spreadsheet?
8.4 Why would you preview a document before you print it? (2)
8.5 Give TWO reasons for using the Save As command, rather than the normal
Save command, when saving an existing document. (2)
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June Examination 2022
G10 ~ Computer Applications Technology P2/2
9.3 Give TWO health tips to consider when using computers. (2)
9.6 Explain the acronym ‘RFID’ and explain how it operates. (2)
9.8 Briefly explain what the purpose of a file extension is and what problem
may arise if the file extension is accidentally changed or deleted. (2)
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