Study of The Differences of West and East

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Study of the Differences of West and East Culture in the "Shanghai Noon"

Film by Tom Dey.

Anis Mugni
University of Indraprasta PGRI

Abstract: Study Of The Differences Of West And East Culture In The

"Shanghai Noon" Film By Tom Dey. The purpose of this study was to
determine the differences between western culture and eastern culture in
Tom Dey's “Shanghai Noon” film. Western culture is the collection of
literature, science, politics, and artistic and philosophical principles that
distinguish it from other civilizations. The series of traditions and
knowledge in general have been collected in the west. This term has also
been associated with countries in the Americas and Australia, Europeans are
considered to be contributors to the original elements of Western culture.

Keywords: Differences in Western and Eastern Culture in Tom Dey's

Shanghai Noon Film

Culture is a way of life that sometimes translated into "culture" in

develops, is shared by a group of Indonesian.
people, and is passed down from Louise Damen (1987: 53) once wrote
generation to generation. Culture is in her book entitled Culture Learning: The
made up of many complex elements, Fifth Dimension in the Language
including religious and political Classroom, that culture studies various
systems, customs, languages, tools, human patterns or models to live like the
clothing, buildings, and works of art. pattern of everyday life. These patterns
Culture has its own meaning and and models cover all aspects of human
function. Culture (also called culture) social interaction. Culture is the main
comes from Sanskrit, namely buddhayah, adaptation mechanism of mankind.
which is the plural form of buddhi (mind In a culture there is a meaning to be
or reason) defined as matters relating to conveyed to the community, where a
the mind and human reason. culture must describe the
In English, culture is called culture, identity/characteristic of a place/owner of
which comes from the Latin word, Colere, that culture. The role of communication is
which means to cultivate or work. It can needed to maintain sustainability and to
also be interpreted as cultivating land or introduce a certain culture to a wider
farming. The word culture is also realm. Many cultures are unknown or
unknown to the wider community due to a
lack of introduction or communication to elements such as customs, language,
outside areas, which causes an unknown clothing and others . Culture will affect
culture. This causes a lot of culture to human thoughts and behavior in everyday
quickly disappear/extinct which is being life, for example, patterns of behavior,
eroded by new cultures that are more language, social organization, art, and
communicative and easy to understand. others.
The cultural differences between the
In general, cultural classification is
west and the east are reflected by many
carried out collectively such as Asian
factors which at the same time characterize
culture, European culture, and African
each of them in the pattern of life. Many
culture which consists of cultures from
things that westerners think are common
countries that are geographically located
turn out to be very unethical for easterners.
on these continents. The concept of "East"
Eastern culture is a culture that developed
and "West" is also known in the culture.
in Asia in particular such as China while
This classification refers to the eastern part
western culture is a culture that developed
of the world and the western part of the
in Europe and America such as the United
world with their respective characteristics
States, Germany and England.
that contradict each other so that it looks
Cultural similarity in perception will
binary here.
allow giving meanings that tend to be
West and East are not only different similar to a particular social reality or
geographically, but culturally or culturally, event. As we have different cultural
the people also have their own culture. backgrounds, it will naturally affect the
What is considered normal for Westerners, way and practice we communicate, many
for Easterners can be very different. aspects/elements of culture can influence a
Eastern culture and Western culture are person's communication behavior. The
two cultures that exist in the world. Its influence arises through a process of
existence in society can create a work of perception and meaning of a reality.
art. East and West are two different Film is one of the many forms of mass
cultures. media that is able to provide entertainment
value to the community when people are
East refers to Asia, while the west
tired of community activities in carrying
refers more to countries located on the
out the routines of daily life. Film acts as a
Continent of Europe and America. While
means of communication used to spread
culture is formed from many complex
entertainment that presents stories, events,
music , drama , humor and other technical and also entertainment for the audience.
offerings to the general public (Sumarno, The meaning of the film as a
1996: 13). representation of the reality of society, for
Film is an actualization of the Turner (Irawanto in Sobur, 2013: 127), " is
development of people's lives at that time. different from the film merely as a
From time to time, films have developed, reflection of reality. As a reflection of
both from the technology used and the reality, films only transfer reality to the
themes raised. However, the film has screen without changing that reality. And
recorded a number of cultural elements if as a representation of reality, films can
behind it. In an industrial society setting, shape and re-present the existing reality
the development of the films that are based on codes and ideological studies of
circulated is influenced by the needs of the culture.
audience market, where the themes raised Film is also seen as a language that
in the film are not far from stories that tell generalizes meanings through systems,
about populist problems. The background namely cinematography, sound, editing,
of the theme of populist films cannot be and so on, all of which work like language.
separated from the spirit of the industry Furthermore, by placing the film as a
which demands to attract as many viewers communication into a large system that
as possible, so that it is not uncommon for generalizes meaning means that the film
some of the story themes of industrial itself is a "culture". The notion of culture
films to have a story spirit that is easily is understood as a process that constructs
digested by the audience, and does not people's lives. Systems that produce
heed the ethical issues and conflicts that meaning or awareness, especially systems
require a lot of reason or knowledge that is and media representations that present as
difficult to digest. an image of culture.
Films can be said to be the In general, the existence of films
embodiment of all the realities of life that reflects the social and cultural conditions
are so widespread in society, and films are of each country. Through films, we can
also able to foster imagination, tension, learn about existing cultures. Be it the
fear and emotional clashes in the audience, culture of society or even a culture that is
as if they feel and become part of the story foreign to us. And we get to know how the
in the film. In addition, the content of the culture is presented, especially through a
message in the film can also raise aspects film. According to Siagan (2010: 1), films
of social criticism, science, norms of life
can be said to have the most influence on information about the research subject and
human life. the behavior of the research subject in a
Currently, there are many foreign certain period. Descriptive qualitative
films with different cultural backgrounds research seeks to describe all existing
in their respective countries. For example symptoms or conditions, namely the state
The Great Wall , My name is Khan and of symptoms according to their existence
Shanghai Noon . The three films highlight at the time the research was conducted.
western and eastern culture. Not only Descriptive qualitative research looks
highlighting western and eastern culture in more from the point of view of the
general, these films include more specific substance of meaning or the meaning of
cultures, such as martial arts and the the point of view of the research subject.
culture of each region or country. In this study, the type of research used
From the title of the film mentioned only used media text analysis, because the
above, the film "Shanghai Noon" by Tom media used in this study was in the form of
Dey tells of a Chinese man who flies to the Youtube video virtual media .
Wild West to save a princess who has been In addition to using a descriptive
kidnapped. He teams up with train robbers qualitative approach, this research also
and they must fight a Chinese traitor & his uses a sociological approach to literature,
corrupt boss . In the film, there are also namely an approach to literature that
many things that can be used as lessons, considers social aspects (Sapardi Djoko
one of which is related to differences in Damono, 1984: 2). This research is about
western culture and eastern culture. the social problems experienced by Jackie
Chan and Owen Wilson in the film
Shanghai Noon . Therefore, the approach
Research is a systematic activity
that will be used is a sociological
intended to add new knowledge to existing
knowledge to find a truth that is in
accordance with the targets and objectives. This research technique is carried out
In the world of research, there are various with data analysis techniques, data
types of research including quantitative reduction, data presentation and drawing
and qualitative research. conclusions
The approach used in this research is
descriptive qualitative research, namely
research that is intended to collect
Penyajian Data

Data reduction

Gambar 3. SEQ Gambar_4
Gambar \* ARABIC
3.1 Teknik 1 Teknik Data
Pengumpulan Pengumpulan

Data collection is an important part of that the data is strictly selected based
the research process. So central is the role on certain criteria. Meanwhile , other
of data collection that the quality of irrelevant data were removed. This is
research depends on it. In this activity, the done so that the data collection process
researcher will devote all of his energy to runs systematically, avoiding odd ways
his abilities, especially the mastery of the of working (Siswantoro, 2010: 73-74).
theory or concept of structure, to retrieve In the analysis process, there are three
the required data according to the main components in the research. The
structural parameters. The accuracy of data three components include:
acquisition depends entirely on the 1. Data reduction is defined as the
researcher, therefore the data collection process of selecting, focusing on
process does not take place all at once, simplifying, abstracting, and
instead there will be a repetition process in transforming "rough" data that
which the researcher will move back and emerges from written notes in the
forth in an effort to obtain a better level of field.
data accuracy. 2. Presentation of data, as a collection
The operational way of of structured information that gives
collecting data is called data reduction the possibility of drawing
or data selection. The act of reducing conclusions and taking action.
data is none other than selecting data 3. Drawing conclusions and
by focusing on the data needed verification, conclusions in this study
according to predetermined criteria or were obtained from data that had
parameters. This means that not all been processed and analyzed in the
data is bought up entirely. The truth is previous stage. In this stage, the
technique of inductive inference is the three “axes” of the coil during data
used, namely the technique of collection, then moves back and forth
drawing conclusions that looks at between reduction, presentation, and
problems from specific data to conclusion/verification activities during
obtain general conclusions. the research. Researchers coded the data,
Data reduction, data presentation, and in data reduction leading to new ideas to
drawing conclusions/verification are the be included in the presentation of the data.
three main things that are intertwined Data recording requires further data
before, during, and after data collection in reduction. After that, researchers can make
parallel, to build general insights called preliminary conclusions, after which
“analysis”. In this research, the three types researchers can take action to test these
of analysis activities and data collection conclusions (Miles, Matthew B and A.
activities are cyclical and interactive Michael Huberman, 2009: 20).
processes. The researcher moves between

Results and Discussion Difference

Shanghai Noon film, which raises No
The Western
Western and Eastern Cultures, has its own Eastern culture
uniqueness, especially in uniting
The language
differences in terms of blending into a
used is
harmonious whole. The language
The western and eastern culture used is more
presented by Tom Dey in the film inclined to
although during
Shanghai Noon is very clear. Eastern 1 English, and
the film's
culture with royal (Chinese) knick-knacks no one is
journey the
and Western culture with American fluent in
Chinese can
characteristics are combined into a very Mandarin
speak English
interesting unit.
The following researchers present
some of the differences between Western 2 The American The Chinese
and Eastern cultures contained in the film way of way of dressing
Shanghai Noon : dressing puts is more royal,
forward where they wear
Difference vehicles, and
No there are also
The Western means of
Eastern culture traditional
culture transportation,
ones, namely
European the country's
long robes and horse-drawn
fashion by civilization
fashion long carriages. This
dressing in a regarding
braided hair that indicates that
suit, shirt, hat, modernization
hangs back the country's
shall, vest has not yet
civilization is
The state order developing
The state order is governed and
The house
is managed by run by a
The house design that is
a government kingdom led by
design that is displayed in
led by the an emperor and
3 displayed in Eastern culture
president, but an emperor
Western is more
here there is no appears who sits 6
culture is more traditional, it
presidential on a throne and
modern even doesn't look like
figure commands a
though it looks a modern house
old school like in Western
The security culture
If Eastern
apparatus for
culture is more Table 4.1
Western Differences in Western and Eastern
of soldiers for
culture is Culture
4 the security
directed by the Judging from the differences that exist
apparatus of the
Sheriff as the in Western and Eastern Cultures are very
head of state obvious, however, there is nothing to be
security underestimated even though the Chinese
are in America to live.
5 The means of The means of
Director Tom Dey mixes and packs all
transportation transportation
of this that even though there are
used by used for Eastern
differences from both Western and Eastern
Westerners are culture are
cultures they can live together and take
more modern completely
care of each other without any hostility
despite the many differences between them
Descriptive qualitative research looks
Conclusion more from the point of view of the
Culture or culture comes from the substance of meaning or the meaning of
Sanskrit language, namely buddhayah, the point of view of the research subject.
which is the plural form of buddhi (mind In this study, the type of research used
or reason) which is defined as matters only used media text analysis, because the
relating to the mind and human mind, in media used in this study was in the form of
English culture is called culture which Youtube video virtual media .
comes from the Latin word colere , which Western and eastern cultures have
means to cultivate or work. can also be their own uniqueness and characteristics
interpreted as cultivating land or farming, that are shown in Tom Dey's film
the word culture is also sometimes often Shanghai Noon , presenting the differences
translated as "culture" in Indonesian. between them
So culture refers to various aspects of 1. Featuring two countries namely
life, this term includes ways of acting, America and China
beliefs and attitudes and also the results of 2. How to dress/appearance worn by
human activities that are unique to a the characters
particular society or population group. In 3. Speak Language to communicate
addition to the figures above, there are between characters
several anthropological figures who have 4. The races and tribes of the two
different opinions about the meaning of countries
culture. 5. Means of transportation and
The approach used in this research is 6. Community environment
descriptive qualitative research, namely The problems faced in the film
research that is intended to collect Shanghai Noon are problems resulting
information about the research subject and from personal interests, from the point of
the behavior of the research subject in a view of the two cultures presented in the
certain period. Descriptive qualitative film's sketches, they do not pose a problem
research seeks to describe all existing but complement each other.
symptoms or conditions, namely the state
of symptoms according to their existence
at the time the research was conducted.
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