Study of The Differences of West and East
Study of The Differences of West and East
Study of The Differences of West and East
Data reduction
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3.1 Teknik 1 Teknik Data
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Data collection is an important part of that the data is strictly selected based
the research process. So central is the role on certain criteria. Meanwhile , other
of data collection that the quality of irrelevant data were removed. This is
research depends on it. In this activity, the done so that the data collection process
researcher will devote all of his energy to runs systematically, avoiding odd ways
his abilities, especially the mastery of the of working (Siswantoro, 2010: 73-74).
theory or concept of structure, to retrieve In the analysis process, there are three
the required data according to the main components in the research. The
structural parameters. The accuracy of data three components include:
acquisition depends entirely on the 1. Data reduction is defined as the
researcher, therefore the data collection process of selecting, focusing on
process does not take place all at once, simplifying, abstracting, and
instead there will be a repetition process in transforming "rough" data that
which the researcher will move back and emerges from written notes in the
forth in an effort to obtain a better level of field.
data accuracy. 2. Presentation of data, as a collection
The operational way of of structured information that gives
collecting data is called data reduction the possibility of drawing
or data selection. The act of reducing conclusions and taking action.
data is none other than selecting data 3. Drawing conclusions and
by focusing on the data needed verification, conclusions in this study
according to predetermined criteria or were obtained from data that had
parameters. This means that not all been processed and analyzed in the
data is bought up entirely. The truth is previous stage. In this stage, the
technique of inductive inference is the three “axes” of the coil during data
used, namely the technique of collection, then moves back and forth
drawing conclusions that looks at between reduction, presentation, and
problems from specific data to conclusion/verification activities during
obtain general conclusions. the research. Researchers coded the data,
Data reduction, data presentation, and in data reduction leading to new ideas to
drawing conclusions/verification are the be included in the presentation of the data.
three main things that are intertwined Data recording requires further data
before, during, and after data collection in reduction. After that, researchers can make
parallel, to build general insights called preliminary conclusions, after which
“analysis”. In this research, the three types researchers can take action to test these
of analysis activities and data collection conclusions (Miles, Matthew B and A.
activities are cyclical and interactive Michael Huberman, 2009: 20).
processes. The researcher moves between