Asesmen Diagnostik Kognitif FAHRI Z KELAS VIII SUMIGO
Asesmen Diagnostik Kognitif FAHRI Z KELAS VIII SUMIGO
Asesmen Diagnostik Kognitif FAHRI Z KELAS VIII SUMIGO
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Choose one of the four choices that you think is the right answer then cross (x) on your chosen
1. The part of speech that names a person, 6. Andy ___ my gold fish every day.
animal, place, thing, or idea is … a. feed c. to feed
a. Adjective c. Verb b. feeds d. feeding
b. Noun d. Pronoun
7. I ___ my breakfast every day at 6.00 AM.
2. The part of speech that is a word used to a. eat c. eaten
replace a noun or show possession is a… b. ate d. to eat
a. Adjective c. Verb
b. Noun d. Pronoun 8. Ms. Jenny ___ not wok because she has a
3. The part of speech that describes a noun or a. is c. does
pronoun is … b. do d. are
a. Adjective c.Verb
b. Noun d. Pronoun 9. Leony ___ a pretty girl.
a. is c. are
4. The part of speech that expresses an action b. does d. do
or states of being is …
a. Adjective c. Verb 10. They ___ a test every week.
b. Noun d. Pronoun a. Is c. has
b. Does d. have
5. She has coloring pencils in ___ bag.
The possessive pronoun on the underlined
line is…
a. It c. her
b. His d. my