Module 04 - PcVue and Project Concepts
Module 04 - PcVue and Project Concepts
Module 04 - PcVue and Project Concepts
PcVue and
project concepts
n Run PcVue using various shortcuts,
n Collect the traces,
n Create a new PcVue project,
n Manage the Application Explorer.
1. Introduction 3
1.1. PcVue version 3
1.2. Files used in this module 3
1.3. Third party software used in this module 3
2. Project concepts 4
2.1. Deploy a project 4
3. Run PcVue 5
3.1. Shortcuts 5
3.2. Command line 7
3.3. Create a project 8
3.4. What is running? 10
3.5. Traces & logs 13
4. PcVue architecture 15
5. The Application Explorer 16
5.1. Main features 16
5.2. What can be configured from the Application Explorer?17
6. Reminder 20
Each project is contained within a Windows folder. All project folders are located in the
root folder that you specified during the set-up or the one specified in the command line
(if using the –b switch).
Figure 1
Because each project is self-contained within its own folder, deployment is very easy. You
have only to copy the project folder to the target computer - that’s all!
3.1. Shortcuts
The ReadMe file contains important information about the latest changes and in
particular any new features that are not included in the main help.
l Web Deployment Console. Not part of PcVue itself (described in Module 17 – WebVue
l Core management console: For managing PcVue when running as a Windows service.
l License utility: Launch the software used to manage the license (described in Module
03 – Versions policy and Licensing).
l Map cache creator. Launch the Map Cache Creator (used in conjunction with the Map
l Sample project: Run a demo project, which highlights the features of the HMI and the
l -b "C:\PcVue Projects" is an option indicating to PcVue the path of the projects folder.
This folder is the one you selected during set-up.
Option Description
PcVue opens a dialog box for the user to select the project.
This option is recommended for the designer.
-b “Folder_path” PcVue uses the projects located in the folder “Folder_path”.
PcVue automatically loads the project project_name. This
-p project_name
option is recommended on site.
Exercise 1.
Select the PcVue shortcut on your desktop. Check the options configured by default.
Run PcVue. (In the Select Project dialog, select Demo_en then OK).
For our training we are going to create a new project named TRAINING.
l If you do not have any protection key, Select Start in demonstration mode.
l Switch off PcVue by pressing the F10 key or by selecting the menu File/Exit or clicking
the icon .
Now a new project has been created. We can see a new folder: “C:PcVue Pro-
The list of the folder structure is described in the Help file here:
Figure 5
[B] PcVue Event viewer. Shown here for clarity but normally hidden behind the PcVue Work-
space. (See the Traces chapter.).
[D] HDS icon located in the System Tray. (See the Archives Module – HDS).
[A] and [B] are managed by sv32.exe process. [D] is managed by HDS.exe process. In some
circumstances, you can also have AIExplorer.exe process that will manage things during
project development, Data Exports generation or user management. You can see these pro-
cesses in the task manager details:
l SV Core Daemon - The service that manages the Supervisor, and the HDS, when run-
ning as a service.
l SV Core Session Host - The service that manages the Supervisor when used in a
Remote Desktop Session.
Figure 7
The PcVue Event Viewer is a vital tool because it is the place where all important inform-
ation is displayed.
When something is not working as you expect you must check the Event Viewer.
It should be your first recourse. F7 shortcut.
If you check this folder you can see many other files, like Audit.Counters.0001.txt… They are
recording valuable counters, by default every 30 minutes, in order to detect memory leaks,
handles leaks, GDI leaks… These traces and logs are useful for helping our developers to
analyse any problem.
If you have a crash you must send the complete Log Files and Dump Files
folders to our Technical Support.
PcVue sends messages to Windows Event viewer and also supports sending mes-
sages and logs to other systems with the SYSLOG protocol.
PcVue is modular software running several processes. Each process is in charge of a func-
tion. The following diagram shows the processes and features.
Figure 8
The Application Explorer is a new way to manage the configuration of a PcVue application.
It replaces the old style one-at-a-time configuration dialogs with a tool that allows you to
visualize the configuration of the entire application in one Windows Explorer style view.
Figure 9
[C] : Task pane. Displays tasks relevant to both the selected configuration folder and the
item selected in the contents pane.
[D] : Configuration window. The main configuration window from where the configuration
tree is navigated and the configuration modified.
[F] : Contents pane. Displays the contents (either configuration sub folders or configuration
items) of the folder selected in the configuration tree.
[G] : Tool bar. Displays icons representing the tasks relevant to both the selected con-
figuration folder and the item selected in the contents pane. In general, a copy of what is
displayed in the task pane.
[H] : Behaviors pane. Only displayed when the Variables Tree is selected in the con-
figuration tree. Displays any associated behavior for the variable selected in the contents
pane. (Events, trending etc.).
[I] : Behaviors tool bar. Only displayed when the Behaviors Pane is displayed. Displays icons
that represent the tasks that add, modify and delete variable behaviors
l General
l Labels
l Online printers
l File references
l Data connections
l Communication
l Data acquisition - OPC, DDE, LNS, BACnet, DNP3, IEC 104, IEC 61850 &
l Variables
l Populations
l Alarm synthesis
l Archives
l DataBasics
l Trend Groups
l Actions
l Events
l Cyclics
l Function keys
l User accounts
l Users
l Profiles
l Data analysis
l Data export
l Libraries
l Local libraries
l Shared libraries
l Geographical data
l Zones
l Geo-tags
Exercise 1.
To open and become familiar with the operation of the Application Explorer
a. Open the Application Explorer using the main menu command Con-
figure.Application Explorer.
l The command line in the PcVue shortcut can be configured with different options.
l PcVue traces are available in text files contained in Log Files folder.