THERMAL BRIDGING has been around forever, though it hasn’t always been known
by that name and has only somewhat recently become a consideration in the U.S.
Simply put, thermal bridging is the transfer of extreme heat or cold through a build-
ing envelope via a “bridge,” typically a metal element. While all materials transfer heat
or cold to a certain degree, metals do so with much more efficiency. Problems can
occur when this transmission produces undesirable hot or cold spots in a building,
increasing HVAC demands or creating condensation issues.
While building designs themselves can minimize the effects of thermal bridging,
there are often situations where structural steel must penetrate the building envelope.
Luckily, multiple manufacturers now offer structural thermal break products to address
the issue in steel buildings.
There are some structural issues that must be considered before using any of these
materials. The AISC Specification for Structural Steel Buildings (ANSI/AISC 360) refer- Geoff Weisenberger (
ences the RCSC Specification for Structural Joints Using High-Strength Bolts. Section 3.1 is the senior editor of Modern Steel
of the RCSC Specification states, “Compressible material shall not be placed within Construction.
the grip of the bolt.” Also note that the commentary to Section 1.1 of the RCSC Specifi-
cation states, “These provisions do not apply when material other than steel is included
in the grip…” The designer of a joint utilizing a thermal break material should ensure
that the connection including the fasteners will perform as expected with the thermal
break in place in the grip.
Modern Steel Construction
“Structural thermal breaks are relatively new in con-
struction terms, and inevitably it takes time for the both
the design realm and supply chain to get up to speed with
addressing the issue of energy loss and condensation risk
associated with linear and point thermal bridging,” says
Stephen Blundell, Technical Director of Structural Ther-
mal Break Connections with thermal break manufacturer
Farrat. “The introduction of structural thermal breaks has
been driven by regulation, and for designers it is relatively
straightforward to identify and address thermal bridging.”
“Thermal bridging causes three main problems in
buildings,” says Brent Chancellor, PE, PhD, New York
City/Mid-Atlantic regional sales manager with SchÖck
North America, another maker of thermal break products.
“A condensation/mold problem, thermal energy loss and
a thermal comfort problem. Thermal energy loss is the
root cause of the other two problems. When a steel canopy
beam, for example, penetrates the building envelope, the
surface temperature on the beam inside the building can
dip below the dew point and, given moderate air moisture,
condensation can form on the beam. Eliminating this con-
densation possibility by stopping thermal bridging through
the building envelope is one of the most important reasons
to use a structural thermal break.”
There are many opportunities for thermal bridging to
take place in a building in terms of elements and assem-
blies. “The list of thermal bridging elements is large and
goes beyond the well-understood balcony scenario,” notes
Blundell. “We have supplied structural thermal breaks for
the following building elements across the world: balco-
nies, façade system connections to the primary frame,
Fabreeka’s TIM system. shading and entrance canopies, roof plant room columns,
external balustrading, connections of external to internal
primary building elements, isolation of substructure and
basement structure elements, external staircases, fall-pro-
tection systems, window-cleaning gantry rail systems, con-
nections to existing structures and external signage.”
“No matter what type of building element/penetration
you’re dealing with, it is important that the structural ther-
mal break is installed within the insulated envelope, or fail-
ing that it is on the warm side of the insulation and the insu-
lation is extended from the insulated envelope around the
connection,” Blundell continues. “From a constructability
point of view, it is important on occasions to create a stub
that would otherwise not be required in steel construction
to allow the floor, façade or roof construction to progress
ahead of the final connection to the external element.”
So why has it finally become a big deal? Chancellor ex-
plains: “Energy has been very cheap in the U.S. for a long
time. Often, developers are focused on first cost and not nec-
essarily what will create a high-performance building. Since
energy is much more expensive in Europe, many European
countries have been addressing thermal bridging problems
by specifying structural thermal breaks for decades. How-
ever, U.S. energy codes are changing. If your project follows
the prescriptive path of the International Energy Conservation
Code (IECC) 2015/ASHRAE 90.1-13, then you are now re-
quired to address thermal bridging and achieve continuous
insulation on the building envelope.”
And thermal bridging is an area where structural engineers Schöck’s Isokorb thermal break pad between two steel members.
can absolutely play a role. “As structural engineers, we often
think that insulating the building envelope is the architect’s or
mechanical engineer’s domain,” says Chancellor. “However,
structural engineers can have a significant impact on the en-
ergy efficiency and sustainability of the building by working
with architects to prevent thermal bridging from structural
members—shelf angles, canopy beams, balcony beams, rooftop
dunnage, etc.—that penetrate the building insulation layer. By
providing and specifying structural thermal breaks, structural
engineers can significantly reduce energy loss and condensation
problems in the building.”
According to Chancellor, structural thermal breaks should be
placed so that they are in line with the insulation on the rest of the
building envelope. This placement location means that the defi-
nition of continuous insulation in IECC 2015/ASHRAE 90.1-13
will be met. To incorporate a structural thermal break in a canopy
beam, for example, the beam will be cut at the building envelope
and end plates will be shop welded to form a butt end plate mo-
ment connection, and a structural thermal break will be installed
between the two end plates.
“Talk with your architect about the thermal performance
requirements of the structural thermal break,” he suggests.
“Typically, to be thermally effective, the structural thermal
break will need be 2 in. to 3 in. thick. In fact, if the thermal Halfen’s HIT steel-to-steel thermal connection (left) and a detail of its
break is not thick enough, the thermal bridging problem can FK4 masonry façade support system as attached to HSS framing (right).
be made worse due to the increased area of the end plate rela-
tive to the beam area.”
How and where a break product is used also matters. “En-
gineers must consider the loads applied on the pad, says, Luis
De Jesus, engineering manager of another thermal break manu-
facturer, Fabreeka. “Some of our thermal break materials are
only intended for low loads and no moments while our standard
TIM product is intended for high loads and moment connec-
tions, which may be overkill on light-duty applications.”
“The thickness of the thermal break must be determined
by considering the entire envelope of the building,” De Jesus
continues. “There is a thickness where a thermal break cost can
be offset by the energy savings, but that can only be done by
considering the entire envelope of the building and running a
thermal analysis. Typically the thickness will need to be ½ in.
Farrat bolt connection with
or greater for the main plate, and all washers are ¼ in. thick.” thermal break plate.
“In our experience, design teams are very familiar with the
performance requirements of the building envelope—planar
elements like façades, windows, roofs and such—but not lin-
ear or point thermal bridges,” says Blundell. “Point thermal
bridging requires 3D thermal modelling analysis and the
model must include all the building fabric around it. We find
that this analysis is often overlooked and considered too ex-
pensive to undertake, and often any decision is left until late
and invariably with the supply chain to resolve. Where it is
undertaken, it is often driven by regulatory or client require-
ments, where the detail poses significant condensation risk
or where there are many identical details, which will have a
significant impact on the building energy model.”
How bad is the problem? The effects can be rather signifi-
cant. It has been demonstrated that heat flow through building
details can be underestimated by almost 70%, according to Rob
Haley of Armatherm, which makes thermal break products.
mally speak-
ing, the goal is of
course to reduce heat flow
out of the building thermal enve-
lope to reduce energy consumption,” he
says. “It starts by calculating more accurate R-
and U-values of building walls, roofs and foundations. As the energy codes
change to include higher R-values, more accurate design must be done to
determine what the actual, effective R-values of wall and roof assemblies
really are. In the past, thermal bridges have been ignored or overlooked
because the thought process was ‘It’s only a small area, how much energy
could possibly be lost?’ However, heat does not flow as a function of area
in parallel paths but rather in multiple directions, so the total heat loss
coming out of a wall due to thermal bridging is much higher than previ-
ously thought. So it starts with better analysis and whole-building energy
modeling to determine the overall heat loss of a building, which includes
the effects of thermal bridging.”
“In addition to preventing heat loss in connections,
structural thermal breaks also help to push the dew point outside of the
building envelope. This is important in buildings where the relative hu-
midity is higher than normal and the dew point is easy to achieve when
internal material surfaces cool to temperatures below the dew point, creat-
ing condensation.”
While 70% is an extreme case, notes De Jesus, there are buildings where
this is possible. “A building with many balconies and canopies is a good ex-
ample of a large thermal bridging problem,” he says. “In order to determine
payback on the thermal break a thermal analysis of the building envelope
must be done. Remember: Every building is substantially different.”
So what makes a good thermal break product? Structural speaking,
says Haley, thermal break materials must have low thermal conductivity
as well as high strength. Materials that deflect and creep considerably
should not be used in steel framing connections or wall attachments even
if they have a low conductivity value—and of course, there must be no
compromise in the structural integrity of the connections. He also notes
that all of Armatherm’s thermal break materials have been evaluated
and tested in shear and moment connections to prove
that the materials do not compromise connections. In
addition, bolt force and rotation have been evaluated
within these connections to satisfy RCSC design re-
quirements for “filler” plates.
Another consideration is how thermal breaks affect
the rest of a structural system. “If the structural ther-
mal break is a shelf angle or canopy beam, there is little
to no impact on the rest of the structure when you use
a structural thermal break,” notes Chancellor. “How-
ever, there are other situations where using a structural
thermal break will need to be accounted for in the de-
sign of the structure. For example, if structural thermal
breaks are used in beams that are part of the lateral
force-resisting system, then the change in beam stiff-
ness and the capacity of the beam connection need to
be considered in the structure’s design.”
Of course, all of this would be moot without factoring in
payback. Haley points to research showing heating energy
versus effective wall R-values, which include the effects of
thermal bridging in several U.S. cities, noting that it is ob-
vious that as the R-value decreases, the energy consump-
tion increases. “The key is to run this type of analysis with
and without thermal breaks to determine the energy cost
of operating a building, then subtracting the thermal break
costs and calculating payback,” he says. “This has been
done in several papers using concrete construction, where
currently the breaks are quite expensive and the payback
Here are brief descriptions of the structural thermal break offerings from the
companies mentioned in this article—as well as one non-structural product.
is quite long. In steel construc- Armatherm Fabreeka
tion however, the cost for a typi- Armatherm designs and manufactures low- Fabreeka-TIM is a load-bearing thermal
cal break is negligible compared thermal-conductivity/high-compressive- break used between flanged steel connec-
to the energy savings, especially in strength structural thermal break materials. tions. The primary benefit is that it main-
cladding connections where steel These materials have been used in more tains structural integrity while reducing
Z girts are replaced with our girts, than 7,000 structural steel framing connec- energy loss. Made from a fiberglass-rein-
improving the efficiency of a steel tions, transferring load in moment and shear forced laminate composite, it is available
stud wall by over 50%. conditions. Armatherm FRR material is made in several thicknesses: ¼ in., ½ in., ¾ in.,
Modeling is a necessity, notes of a reinforced thermoset resin, which is fire- 1 in. and 2 in. Fabreeka uses a water jet
Nick Cekine, PE, manager of resistant and has very limited creep under machine for precise cutting to any configu-
field engineering services with load, making it the ideal material for use in ration. The product can be supplied with
Halfen, another maker of ther- structural and facade thermal break connec- Fabreeka-TIM washers and Fabreeka bush-
mal break products. “The energy tions. It can be used anywhere a penetration ings that, when used together in a structur-
calcs for a building are typically or transition creates a thermal bridge in the al connection, greatly reduce the energy
handled by the architect,” he says. building envelope. Improvements in the ef- loss rate through conduction.
“We supply the necessary energy fective U-value of wall assemblies can be re-
calculation coefficients needed by alized by as much as 60% to 70%.
the architect to develop the build- Halfen
ing energy model. The thermal Halfen’s STS (steel-to-steel) connection,
coefficients are obtained by spe- Farrat part of the HIT insulated connection system,
cific testing done by third-party Farrat structural thermal break (FSTB) plates provides a thermal break for continuous
companies that are experts in the are high-performance thermal insulators used balcony elements, transferring bending
requirements. The architect uses between horizontal and vertical connections of moments and positive and negative shear
this information to develop the internal and external elements to prevent ther- forces while reducing heat loss by 50%
LEED required life-cycle cost mal or cold bridging. They provide a simple, compared to direct steel connections. The
analyses to determine whether economical and effective solution to meeting company’s FK4 system uses a steel bracket
their total building design will regulations by reducing heat loss and the risk and relieving angle to support a masonry
receive a LEED Platinum, Gold, of condensation. FSTBs are available in a num- façade while permitting continuous
Silver, etc. certification.” ber of grades, combining both low-thermal- insulation behind the angle. The system is
Now that it’s been noticed, conductivity and high-compression-strength able to accommodate thicker wall cavities
the issue isn’t going anywhere characteristics. Farrat TBK and Farrat TBL using a thinner and lighter material than
and will continue to play a factor Plates are available in a variety of thicknesses that of a traditional shelf angle.
in steel building design. and are precision-CNC-cut (2D and 3D) to suit
“The market for structural bespoke connection details. In comparison to
thermal breaks has grown every mechanical structural thermal break systems Tnemec
year,” says Cekine. “With the (modular), the Farrat solution provides the Tnemec’s Aerolon offers a non-structural
IECC incorporating newer and ability to create bespoke connections, which spray-applied thermal insulation option that
more stringent energy-conser- take up less space within the construction. combines high-performance coating tech-
vation requirements for build- nology with an insulating solid: aerogel.
ings, the market is expected to Aerolon is the first fluid-applied coating to
continue to grow. It should con- Schöck act as an effective non-structural thermal
tinue to provide increasing op- Schöck’s Isokorb modular-type structural ther- break, helping to regulate heat transfer and
portunities for steel fabricators mal break uses a pair of stainless steel bolts control condensation within and in-board of
to design, market and implement that pass through a pair of stainless steel the building envelope. With a low thermal
their solutions.” ■ plates. A small stainless steel hollow structural conductivity of 35 mW/mK, Aerolon helps
section (HSS) is welded between the two steel keep surface temperatures above the dew
For more information on the plates to ensure a rigid connection with no point, reducing condensation and inhibiting
topic of thermal bridging, visit creep concerns. Stainless steel has about 70% moisture inside walls. When applied to com- less thermal conductivity than carbon steel. mon thermal bridging areas—such as pass-
to view the document Thermal Multiple modules are used to carry the ten- through I-beams, fins, canopies, roof davits
Bridging Solutions: Minimizing sion and compression of the bending moment or window frames—the insulating coating
Structural Steel’s Impact on Build- force couple, as well as the shear in the con- reduces the thermal conductivity of the sub-
ing Envelope Energy Transfer. nection. A minimum of two modules is typi- strate, limiting the transfer of exterior tem-
cally used per connection, and the number of peratures through building penetrations.
modules increases as the loads at the connec- Visit
tion increase. The area between the modules for more information. You can also read
is filled in with rigid insulation to complete the more about the product in the December
insulated structural thermal break. 2016 article “A Fluid Solution,” available at
Modern Steel Construction