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Sys Rev Pharm 2020;11(9):347-362

A multifaceted review journal in the field of pharmacy

An Empirical Examination of the Effect of TQM Practices

on Hospital Service Quality: An Assessment Study in
UAE Hospitals
Ahmad Aburayya*, Muhammad Alshurideh, Amina Al Marzouqi, Osama Al Diabat, Alanood Alfarsi, Roberto Suson,
Mohammad Bash and Said A. Salloum

Quality and Excellence Officer, Quality & Corporate Development Office, Dubai Health Authority, Dubai, UAE (Email
Associated Professor, Department of Management, College of Business Administration, University of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE
Assistant Professor, Acting Dean, College of Health Sciences, University of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE (Email
Practice Development Consultant, Practice Development Department, Dubai Health Authority, Dubai, UAE (Email
Specialist Registrar, Health Centers Department, Dubai Health Authority, Dubai, UAE (Email
Development Education, College of Education and Technology, Cebu Technological University (Cebu), Philippines (Email
Senior Financial Analyst, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan, (Email
Research Institute of Sciences and Engineering, University of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE, (Email

Nowadays, the ability to deliver excellent quality to customers is key to an Keywords: Total Quality Management, Hospital Service Quality, Quality
organization’s survival and global competitiveness. Essentially, delivering Improvement Strategy, Quality performance, SERVQUAL, Patient Satisfaction,
excellent quality increases customer satisfaction and enhances the Dubai Hospital Services Sector.
productivity of institutions. The implementation of quality improvement
initiatives, such as Total Quality Management (TQM), is one way that Correspondence:
organizations are seeking to deliver quality services to customers. The main Ahmad Aburayya
aim of this resaerch paper is to examine the impact of TQM elements on Quality and Excellence Officer, Quality & Corporate Development Office,
hospital service quality in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), focusing on Dubai Health Authority, Dubai, UAE
accredited hospitals in Dubai. The empirical data was collected via a self- Email:
administered questionnaire using the drop-off technique. Senior hospital
employees filled questionnaires examining two variables: TQM and hospital
service quality. Of the 480-questionnaire distributed, 292 usable
questionnaires were analyzed, yielding a response rate of 60.8%. Descriptive
and inferential statistical analysis methods were used to analyse the data using
principle component analysis, Pearson correlation coefficient, and multiple
regression analyses. The results in this study reinforce the positive effects of
organization culture, continuous improvement, customer focus, teamwork
and participation, process management, and top management commitment, as
independent variables, on improving the quality of services delivered by
hospitals as the dependent variable. It was also found that among the eight
TQM implementation factors, organization culture expresses the strongest
effect on hospital service quality with highest coefficient value of 0.373. The
research paper has contributed to the current TQM literature regarding the
association between TQM factors and hospital service quality that will deliver
significant knowledge to hospital managers, to enhance their existing TQM
practices and successively improve service quality.

INTRODUCTION excellent quality enhances the performance of the

The business world has changed over the past decades. In organization and increases consumer satisfaction
particular, globalization has increased competition within (Sheikholeslam & Emamian, 2016). Implementation of
the manufacturing and service sector (Suson & Ermac, quality strategies such as Total Quality Management
2020). Competition is nowadays considered to be more (TQM) is one-way organizations are seeking to provide
challenging than any other time before (Yeng et al., 2018; quality services to the consumers (Obeidat et al., 2012;
Aburayya et al., 2020c; Alshurideh et al., 2020; Alzoubi et Toke & Kalpande, 2020).
al., 2020; Suson et al., 2020a). The new challenges mean The basis of TQM is to develop organizational culture and
that businesses must also change to deal with competition attitude, which are committed to satisfying the needs of
(Alshurideh, 2019; Alshurideh et al., 2019). One approach the customer by delivering services that match the
organization can adopt to become competitive is to demands of the customers (Talib et al., 2020). Notably, this
restructure the operations, culture and adopt systems that management practice started in the 1950s but has gained
are customer focused to deliver quality and meet the in popularity since 1980s (Oakland, 2014). In the
satisfaction of the clients (Alshurideh et al., 2012; Oakland, management circles, TQM acronym is used widely within
2014; Kurdi et el., 2020). Therefore, the ability to deliver the management it is a buzzword. The focus of the practice
excellent quality to the customers is a key to surviving and is quality, with defects and wastage in the processes being
being globally competitive (Al Dmour et al., 2014; eliminated or minimized (Biadoun et al., 2018). Notably,
Sheikholeslam & Emamian, 2016). Importantly, delivering this gives the organizations efficiency and cost benefits

347 Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy Vol 11, Issue 9, Sep-Oct 2020

Aburayya et al. /An Empirical Examination of the Effect of TQM Practices on Hospital Service Quality: An
Assessment Study in UAE Hospitals

because they cannot only produce products of high quality quality. In the past, there has been an attempt to study the
but also cut on the costs of rework and wastages. The concept of TQM within healthcare, but there are gaps that
method allows collaboration between management and are yet to be filled (Talib et al., 2011a; Mosadeghrad,
employees (Ghannajeh et al., 2015). The collaboration 2014; Chiarini & Baccarani, 2015; Lashgari et al., 2015;
ensures incessant development of quality in the provision Alqasimi, 2017; Halis et al., 2017). This research study
of services (Talib, 2013; Al Shurideh et al., 2019). further is trying to offer pertinent information on
Consequently, managers widely accept TQM as an implementing TQM in healthcare particularly hospitals
essential method of instituting change in an organization and aims to measure the effects of implementing it on
to enhance quality (Sweis & Alsayyed, 2019). Another hospital service quality. Therefore, the results and
contribution of TQM is that its play an energetic role in recommendations of this study will help in improving
developing organization’s management practices quality management practices in UAE hospitals.
(Khadour et al., 2016; Schakaki &Watson, 2017; Talib et
Healthcare leaders have already adopted the concept of Total Quality Management (TQM)
TQM, which has its background in industrial production. The exact time when the concept of quality emerged is
In the healthcare, the philosophy of TQM is based on difficult to determine. However, most consider the
management and leadership practices that commit to development of large-size industrial companies as the
continuous improvement of the quality. It can provide period when quality or its awareness gained prominence.
energy and motivation for improvement of service In essence, companies needed to guarantee the quality of
delivery in the healthcare (Brown, 2010; Alshurideh et al., products to the consumers. While the idea of quality had
2019). The global trend to adopt TQM is aimed at gradual no definite timeline when it was introduced, TQM
improvement of the quality of healthcare services so that development is well elaborated (Oakland, 2014). The
they meet the expectations of the patients and ensure application of the process was first adopted in Japan.
efficient use of the available resources to enhance care However, the development of the theoretical concepts for
outcomes. The implementation of the TQM systems within its application was developed in the US. The wave of TQM
the healthcare can help to enhance the safety of the gained popularity in the mid-1980s. However, many of the
patients. In addition, implementation of TQM will help ideas underlying the TQM principles were developed in
healthcare organizations improve performance and adopt the earlier years, especially in the 1950s and 1970s
cost-effective management practices (Al Attal, 2009; (Oakland, 2014). In the mid-1990s, the role of the TQM in
Schakaki & Watson, 2017; Biadoun et al., 2018; Jaiswal et the management became clear. Importantly, organizations
al., 2019). For example, every year approximately 200,000 started seeing the approaches as crucial to building a
persons in the US decease because of medical errors competitive advantage. Notably, while different parts of
(Aburayya et al., 2019a). However, implementing TQM the world started implementing TQM, the use was more
stands to minimize the errors and improve the satisfaction spread in the developed countries. The main motivation
of the patients. In particular, TQM will help in developing for employing TQM was the efficiency that it offered. For
a focused patient system, which is safe and efficient thus example, it reduced lead times, cut defects and reworks
improving the satisfaction levels of the patient (Jaiswal et thus helping companies to reduce the running costs and
al., 20120; Talib et al., 2020). While TQM has been shown provide quality products to the market (Evans & Lindsay,
to be effective in introducing a dramatic improvement in 2017). Therefore, companies adopted TQM as a means of
the healthcare, they have been noted as difficult to becoming competitive, profitable, flexible and meeting the
implement. The success of the TQM would require that satisfaction of the customers (Talib et al., 2016). The global
healthcare managers take training on a wide range of economy in the twenty-first century means that business
business management models (Mosadeghrad, 2013). must find ways of cutting cost and delivering quality to the
Organizations seeking to implement TQM must embark on customers. The use of TQM offers one such opportunity for
understanding the factors that affect its success. Notably, business to build capacity through which they can
by understanding the potential factors, organizations are compete in a global market. In particular, the use of TQM
more likely to predict problems that may arise in the gives business flexibility and a way of guaranteeing quality
implementation process and thus develop mitigation to the customers (Pyzdek & Keller, 2013).
measures. Typically, organizations that spend the time to The definitions of TQM are diverse. TQM therefore has
understand the cultural aspects that have an effect on TQM many definitions, of which one of the most widely used is
implementation stand a better chance to succeed (Al that presented by Oakland (2014, p. 30) “A comprehensive
Shdaifat, 2015; Schakaki & Watson, 2017). A approach for improving competitiveness and flexibility
comprehensive review of TQM literature in hospitals through planning, organizing and understanding each
shows that there is a need to dig a deep insight on activity, and involving everyone at each level. TQM
delineating the elements related with their effective ensures that the management adopts a strategic overview
application in the Gulfstream region and especially in UAE of quality and focuses on prevention rather than
(Khadour et al., 2016; Alqasimi, 2017; Schakaki & Watson, inspection”. In other words, it as a detailed strategy for
2017; Aburayya et al., 2019a). Therefore, this study is a developing the effectiveness of an organization via
contribution to filling this gap, therefore supporting involving all the people involved in understanding the
healthcare providers and decision makers to perform the process. Overall, the focus of the adoption of this strategy
TQM program successfully in UAE hospitals. In this regard, is to focus on prevention than inspection. Another
this paper deliberates those elements and its impacts on important note from this definition is that the focus of
healthcare services in UAE healthcare facilities with a TQM is an improvement of the whole process rather than
focus on Dubai Health Authority (DHA), which runs public the constituent parts. The focus is on the customer to meet
hospitals in Dubai. In healthcare, there is a genuine their expectations through continuous improvement in
theoretical and practical need to analyse the association quality. In essence, It is evident in the contemporary TQM
concerning TQM implementation and hospital service

348 Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy Vol 11, Issue 9, Sep-Oct 2020

Aburayya et al. /An Empirical Examination of the Effect of TQM Practices on Hospital Service Quality: An
Assessment Study in UAE Hospitals

literature that improvement of the quality is a key work in the healthcare. The NDPQIH which has 21 experts
philosophy underpinning the application of TQM (Dale, on healthcare from different organizations stated that the
2003; Kreitner, 2004; Slack et al., 2007; Beckford, 2010; TQM techniques could be practically applied in the
Montgomery et al., 2011; Aloe & Gorantiwar, 2013; healthcare (Aburayya et al., 2019a). In general, TQM
Oakland, 2014; Evans & Lindsay, 2017; Biadoun et al., implementation is expected to bring positive effects on the
2018; Talib et al., 2020). Importantly, TQM seeks to healthcare particularly for hospitals (Al Attal, 2009;
introduce a quality improvement in all the stages of a Baidoun et al., 2018). Following the expected benefits of
process and all levels of an organization. However, to TQM, many hospitals in the developed world have
guarantee success, organizations seeking to implement implemented it (Baidoun et al., 2018). For example, results
TQM needs to understand its principles and tools from different studies suggest that TQM can help in solving
developed by people like Deming and Juran to ensure challenges in healthcare (Miller et al., 2009; Talib et al.,
success. Importantly, TQM should be viewed as part of 2011a; Lashgari et al., 2015; Varma, 2015; Chiarini &
organization culture. Baccarani, 2016; Schakaki & Watson, 2017). Moreover,
While the concepts of TQM are based on industrial healthcare organizations that have implemented TQM
production, and rely on the ideas and teachings of pioneers have already enjoyed some benefits. For example, the
like Deming, TQM practices have also found favour in organizations have enjoyed greater efficiency,
service sectors (Prajogo, 2005; Maram, 2008; Talib, 2013; improvement in the quality, productivity, and improved
Akhtar et al., 2014). The fundamental difference between quality and satisfaction of the patients (Lashgari et al.,
the manufacturing and service sectors revolves around the 2015; Talib et al., 2020).
tools and techniques which are used, and the The review of the contemporary TQM literature in the
heterogeneity of the respective outputs (Talib & Rahman, healthcare sector indicates that TQM factors are vary from
2012). These fundamental variances among industrial and one author to another (Mosadeghrad, 2014; Biadoun et al.,
the service industry inform the expectation that applying 2018, Aburayya et al., 2019a). In order to give a broader
TQM in the service context would raise a range of perspective of TQM implementation in this study, a
challenges (Parshuram, 2015). This has led businesses in comprehensive review of healthcare division TQM critical
the service sector to explore ways through which to successes factor treatises after 2010 was carried out. To
implement quality management practices, as a means of this end, several electronic databases were searched, for
meeting customers’ expectations. Over time, TQM has instant the Social Science Research Network, and the Web
been successfully implemented in the service sector, of Knowledge. The search strategy for the identification of
which has helped businesses to improve productivity and the articles included searching for phrases such as TQM
deliver services that satisfy their customers (Talib, 2013; strategy and quality management. The other terms that
Weckenmann et al., 2015; Aladwan & Forrester, 2016; were used in the search included TQM practices and
Zylfijaj & Pira, 2017; Alhashmi et al., 2020). The body of barriers, quality improvement initiatives and
literature examining TQM implementation in the service applications. The outcomes of the search were further
industry has recently increased. Notably, the emergence of narrowed to keywords such as TQM, QM and TQM
new knowledge highlights the continuous growth of practices. The refinement resulted in 376 hits. From the
techniques employed for the successful application of articles selected in the hits, they were further narrowed
quality practices within the service division. The majority down to empirical or review studies on the factors and
of these studies, which focus on TQM implementation in practices influencing TQM application in the healthcare
the service sector, examine the ways in which practices organization. Further search of TQM application in the
can be used to help increase an organization’s competitive healthcare led to another 289 to be excluded. Through a
advantage (Talib et al., 2013; Al Qahtani et al., 2015; Kim, systematic review, only 87 articles were included in the
2016; Al Falah, 2017; Alshurideh et al., 2019). study. The 87 articles were further analysed for their
The importance of implementing quality management methodology of study and findings. The process resulted
strategies is extensively acknowledged (Gimenez-Espin, in a 44 single case study, 11 project papers, 15 papers on
2013; Fu et al., 2015; Aladwan & Forrester, 2016; Aamer commentary and short articles. In total 17 articles
et al., 2017; Baidoun et al., 2018). In essence, the consisting of 12 empirical studies and 5 reviews were
healthcare facilities desire to own efficient systems at included in the systematic review. In this study, eight TQM
managerial and clinical levels to improve the process and factors were recognized, namely Top Management
quality of medical services (Mosadeghrad, 2014). An Commitment (TMC); Teamwork and Participation (TWP);
efficient system must also accommodate continuous Employee Training and Education (ETE); Recognition and
improvement of the quality; ensure resources are used Reward (RR); Process Management (PM); Continuous
optimally and setting strategies of addressing problems Improvement (CI); Organization Culture (OC); and
when they arise (Al Attal, 2009; Aburayya et al., 2019b). Customer Focus (CF).
The objective of implementing TQM in the healthcare Hospital Service Quality
industry is the same as within banks, hotels, advertising, Quality has become a crucial aspect for high customer
and other sectors (Talib et al., 2012a): its primary goal is industries such as hospitals. In essence, building a
to improve performance and increase efficiency (Talib et reputation of quality services to the customers could be
al, 2012a; Baidoun et al., 2018). Moreover, implementing key to supporting companies in the service industry build
TQM focuses on meeting the expectations of customers, a competitive advantage and maintain long-term
who, in this case, are patients. The patient must feel profitability (Punnakitikashem et al., 2012). Importantly,
satisfied with the quality of the medical services and care the emphasis on quality among industries in the service
that they receive. In addition, optimal use of available sector underpins its importance in helping to improve the
resources must be exhibited, to ensure the best care business performance (Alghamdi, 2018). Customers
outcomes for patients (Aburayya et al., 2019a). In the demand quality, and thus companies have to adopt
healthcare setting, TQM application has followed the systems that help meet the expectations of the customers
successful pilot studies that showed that the model could (Punnakitikashem et al., 2012). Quality comes from the

349 Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy Vol 11, Issue 9, Sep-Oct 2020

Aburayya et al. /An Empirical Examination of the Effect of TQM Practices on Hospital Service Quality: An
Assessment Study in UAE Hospitals

Latin word, quails, which means ‘what kind of’ (Baporikar, Several studies on TQM implementation confirmed the
2017). Nabaho et al. (2017) argues that quality is an proposition that the successful employment of TQM helps
abstract and elusive concept, with different meanings and to improve firms’ performance and enhance their
interpretations. Usually, the definition of the quality productivity (Al Qahtani et al., 2015; Shafiq et al., 2017;
differs depending on the perspective and the context it is Pattanayak et al., 2017; Abu-Mahfouz, 2019) and leads to
taken. Consequently, quality has been referred to as improve organizational service quality (Oakland, 2014).
excellence (Peters & Waterman, 1982), value For the effective implementation of the TQM philosophy
(Feigenbaum, 1991), conformance to specifications that will eventually lead to quality improvement of the
(Crosby, 1992; Oakland, 2014) and satisfying the provided healthcare service. This study identified eight
customer (Parasuraman et al., 1985). Notably, quality is elements that were derived for the TQM literature and
recognized by several authors as exceeding client’s considered necessary. The elements are TMC, TWP, ETE,
requirements through assuring the ability of RR, PM, CI, OC and CF.
organization’s service and process are meeting its design Literature review underscores the significance of the
specifications (Ojasalo, 2010; Punnakitikashem et al., senior management in the successful application of TQM.
2012; Mosadeghrad, 2011; Oakland, 2014; Aburayya et al., The leadership given by the senior management is a vital
2020a). determinant of success in implementing TQM (Talib et al.,
While the definition of service quality across the literature 2011a; Faloudah et al., 2015; Al Damen, 2017, Baidoun et
is non-uniform, it is even more varied when considered al., 2018). The top management support TQM by showing
from the standpoint of healthcare. In essence, it is hard to commitment to the application of the practices in different
define within the healthcare context (Mosadeghrad, organized activities (Al Damen, 2017). Without strong
2011). For instance, service quality definition within the leadership commitment, the implementation of TQM may
healthcare context is made difficult owing to the fact that face difficulties (Mosadeghard, 2013). Usually, the TMC
its features such as simultaneity of use, indescribability influences the attitude of the employees towards the
and heterogeneity (Ladhari, 2009). Service quality application of TQM. In healthcare, the sustenance of the
meaning in the healthcare industry is even more difficulty leadership and employee training is deemed imperative to
because of the nature of the services, the diverse the success of TQM (Salaheldin & Mukhalalati, 2009). TMC
professionals and ethical practices underpinning performs as the core driver for TQM implementation to
healthcare delivery (Eiriz & Figueiredo, 2005). improve service quality and satisfy their customers (Rad,
Mosadeghard (2011) noted that one of the most 2006; Ngambi, 2015). As noted by Deming (1986), top
healthcare service quality definition indicated in the management responsible to provide an effective training
literature is that the healthcare services whose aspects plan and education programs to the employees for
and characteristics meet up with determined creating a culture of continuous process of learning. In
specifications. In this regard, it is identified as hospitals, the role of top management should be to
“conformance to specifications”. Consequently, quality in improve the performance of hospital staff, which leads to
this research paper is demarcated as conformance to develop hospital service quality (Neetha et al., 2016).
specifications. Accordingly, service quality is Particularly, several empirical studies examine the
acknowledged as conformance to service specifications or impacts of TMC on service quality. In facts, many
requirements. researches evidence support the widely accepted view
To conclude with, the use of the above defifintion in that the top management positively affects service quality
defining service quality is best because it is (Twaissi, 2008; Abusa, 2011; Idris, 2011; Ooi et al., 2011;
straightforward in assessment (Ojasalo, 2010; Oakland, Talib et al., 2011b; Al Qahtani et al., 2015; Ngambi, 2015).
2014). In other words, evaluation of service quality only The TWP programs have been introduced by several
requires that the services that are provided be compared organizations with the expectation that the quality of
against the set standards and specifications to see whether services provided by them will be improved as an outcome
there is conformance (Alshurideh et al., 2018; Al Kurdi et from those programs. For instance, several reputable US
al., 2020). Notably, conformance to specified standards organizations such as U.S. Air and Federal Express have
has become important in the era of globalization. Notably, applied employee teamwork and participation to improve
this helps companies to benchmark their services against service quality (Aburayya et al., 2019a). Notably, the
those provided by the peers in the other parts of the world organizations who seek to improve their services quality
(Ettorchi-Tardy et al., 2012). The specifications or the and meet customers’ expectations should motivate their
standards are interpreted from the needs of the staff to dynamically participate in various quality
customers. Therefore, according to Oakland (2014), when management activities (Oakland, 20014). Accordingly,
customers are satisfied with a good or service, it implies Organizations should rely on the ability of utilize all
that the set of requirements were met. Notably, this employees’ skill to improve productivity, enhance
approach of quality from the perspective of meeting performance and obtain customer satisfaction (Talib et al.,
customer needs is also implied in several quality 2013). Many of quality authors such as Deming and
improvement models (MBNQA, 2010). However, others Crosby highlighted the importance of employee’s
have developed a more robust view of quality. For involvement and participation at all organization levels to
instance, Feigenbaum (1991) considers service quality to improve service quality and gain business performance. in
be multi-dimensional encompassing aspects such as essence, even non-managerial staff are significantly
trustworthiness, responsiveness, courtesy, and contributing to the service quality improvements when
maintainability of a service. He argued that quality is they are involved in decision-making processes (Sadikoglu
dynamic in nature due to the fact that clients’ beliefs and & Zehir, 2010). The effect of TWP on service quality and
values are subject to change. organizational performance has been a topic of several
Theoretical Model of TQM Implementation on researches in many service industries with the belief that
Hospital Service Quality teamwork and participation positively affect service

350 Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy Vol 11, Issue 9, Sep-Oct 2020

Aburayya et al. /An Empirical Examination of the Effect of TQM Practices on Hospital Service Quality: An
Assessment Study in UAE Hospitals

quality (Tsaur et al., 2004; Jones et al., 2008; Al Attal, 2009; of CI (Singh & Singh, 2015). CI strategy is a systematic
Talib et al., 2013; Boakye, 2015). approach, which involves everyone in the organization to
Employees are valuable assets of an organization and the ensure higher productivity, better service quality, fewer
key to Success (Alshraideh et al., 2017; As' ad et al., 2018). breakdowns, motivating working environments and
Well-educated employees will always lead to better enhancing safety (Tripathi, 2005). Sila and Ebrahimpour
performance (Al Ettayyem & Al Zu’bi, 2015). In fact, (2003) emphasize the significance of enhancing the
education and training can lead to improve employees’ quality of service in organizations throughout the process
knowledge, which will significantly influence their skills of implementing TQM. Many researches indicated the
and have an important impact on organization’s significant role of CI in improving the quality of services
performance (Salloum et al., 2020 a&b; Alshurideh et al., delivered to the consumers (Samat et al., 2006; AL Attal,
2019). Notably, training and education can offer an 2009; Himanshu, 2009; Gorji, 2011; Singh & Singh, 2015;
opportunity for communication organizations’ strategy Kim, 2016).
and means of performing job. Consequently, employees’ OC has a vital role in accomplishing quality goals (Kunkel
commitment to service quality may be improved (Samat et et al., 2007). Notably, reputable institutions have robust
al., 2006). In addition, quality of training provided by quality cultures that enhance CI in all areas of operation.
organization is the best way to develop quality of services OC exemplifies collective beliefs and values that may affect
(Khanfar, 2011). Essentially, training and education can quality of services, and which could be employed for
lead in improving performance and minimizing work quality improvement (Hann et al., 2007). Several
mistakes. Thus, this will help to improve service quality academic works have been carried out to explore the
and obtain customer pleasure, which are the fundamental relationship between OC and service quality (Hann et al.,
target to the organization management (Akhtar et al., 2007; Mathew, 2007; Twaissi, 2008; Ababaneh, 2011; Cho
2011). Organizations across the world striving for a good et al., 2013). For example, Ababaneh (2011) investigated
and healthy business status. Better performance of staff empirically the impact of OC on service quality in
can make organization successful. Particularly, Human Jordanian hospitals. The study findings indicated that OC
resource processes are connected to the employee has a positive effect on service quality dimensions.
attitude and job satisfaction, which in return can affect Generally, the results have inferences for the field of
organization performance and customer satisfaction (Ooi quality management and concluded that innovative
et al, 2009). To successfully support organizational quality culture in hospitals is clearly improve the quality of
efforts, a well-designed recognition scheme is an healthcare services. The focus on the customers is seen as
imperative factor in constantly inspiring the anticipated essential for the long-term growth and performance of the
behavior in the direction of supporting morale and business. Nowadays, it is obvious that an institution’s
motivating employee involvement. Furthermore, survival relies heavily on its capability to please
institutions required to perform an employee recognition consumers and meet their expectations through
and reward program which intensely links organizations’ improving the quality of services they provided (Oakland,
performance with financial benefits (Duberg & Mollen, 2014; Baidoun et al., 2018). Importantly, collecting,
2010; Kopelman et al., 2011; James et al., 2015). The views evaluating and reacting to client complaints on a service is
above were supported by Kopelman and Gardberg (2011) crucial to improve service quality and reducing consumer
who concluded that one approach to improve service dissatisfaction. In addition, it is very clear that
quality is through employee recognition and reward comprehensively assessing client complaint information
programs. leads to improve service quality (Uusitalo et al., 2008).
PM is concerned with a structural attitude in which all the Notably, the main goal of any CF effort is to achieve
organizations’ assets are utilized in effective way to attain consumer satisfaction (Samat et al., 2006; Siddiqui &
targeted performance, increase service quality level and Rahman, 2007; Miyagawa & Yoshida, 2010; Talib et al.,
gain consumer satisfaction (Talib et al., 2011b; Abedaziz, 2013). In an empirical study, Talib et al. (2013) concluded
2015). In an empirical study, Kim (2016) conducted a that CF showed a positive relationship with quality
study in Korea to provide an intermediate step to performance. Furthermore, the strategy to focus on
understanding the complex connection between quality customer satisfaction considerably influences service
strategies and consumer satisfaction. Results shows that quality (Miyagawa & Yoshida, 2010). Based on above
quality program can be initiated via PM. A paper published discussions, the following hypotheses were proposed:
in 2015 written by Al Qahtani et al investigated the H1: TMC has a positive effect on hospital service quality.
influence of TQM factors and practices on organizational H2: TWP has a positive effect on hospital service quality.
performance. In their study, they identified eight TQM H3: ETE has a positive effect on hospital service quality.
practices that include PM. Their findings indicate that H4: RR has a positive effect on hospital service quality.
when an institution applies TQM in appropriate way, then H5: PM has a positive effect on hospital service quality.
its performance will be generally improved from H6: CI has a positive effect on hospital service quality.
numerous sides such as service quality, enhance business H7: OC has a positive effect on hospital service quality.
and customer satisfaction. The study findings further were H8: CF has a positive effect on hospital service quality.
supported by Talib et al. (2011b) who indicated that PM Based on the above eight hypotheses, a research model of
among TQM practices positively affects service quality. CI TQM elements and hospital service quality was framed,
is deliberated as an elementary conception to organization which is presented in Figure 1.
success. Effective TQM approaches depend on the concept

351 Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy Vol 11, Issue 9, Sep-Oct 2020

Aburayya et al. /An Empirical Examination of the Effect of TQM Practices on Hospital Service Quality: An
Assessment Study in UAE Hospitals











Figure 1. Research Framework

Note: Top Management Commitment (TMC); Teamwork were used to gather primary data from respondents
and Participation (TWP); Employee Training and deployed a self-administered technique. In this study, the
Education (ETE); Recognition and Reward (RR); Process ethical approval letter, which allowed this study to
Management (PM); Continuous Improvement (CI); conduct surveys in the DHA’s workplace, was issued by the
Organization Culture (OC); and Customer Focus (CF). Dubai Scientific Research Ethics Committee (DSREC).
Hospital Service Quality (HSQ). Having received this approval, hospital visits were
conducted, to ensure the researcher and members of
METHODOLOGY hospital management were properly acquainted. Hospital
This study adopted the distinctive paradigm in line with management were informed that a confidential box had
positivism and conceptualized theoretical model based on been prepared within each department, into which
the extensive analysis of TQM literatures using secondary participants could drop their completed questionnaires.
research, then moving to testing hypotheses via primary Indeed, to emphasise the commitment to confidentiality,
data, hence, this research paper has relocated from theory the researcher had sole access to these secure boxes. The
to data. The study used a quantitative research strategy sample unit includes all administration and clinical senior
based on a survey study design to test the formulated staff at DHA hospitals (e.g., hospitals CEOs, director of
hypotheses to investigate the relationship between TQM department, head of section, head of unit, quality
elements and hospital service quality. Questionnaires managers, clinical and non-clinical supervisors and quality

352 Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy Vol 11, Issue 9, Sep-Oct 2020

Aburayya et al. /An Empirical Examination of the Effect of TQM Practices on Hospital Service Quality: An
Assessment Study in UAE Hospitals

delivery staff). As recommended by Sit et al. (2009), those further show that (31-40) and (41-50) age clusters
staff are a worthy origin of information concerning quality accounted for over two-thirds of the sample 72.20%. In
practice within any organization. The extent of this study respect to the participants’ education level, the results
is in Dubai and the time of survey was from 16th of indicated that the majority of the respondents were well
September 2019 to 11th of October 2019. These hospitals educated, where most of them hold postgraduate degrees
were distributed throughout one of the main UAE cities, (47.20%). In relation to the respondents’ current working
namely Dubai, where most of Dubai population live department profile, the outcome illustrates that the
around them. Due to inability to get the list of sampling majority of the study sample 67.80% were working in the
frame in those hospitals, the convenience-sampling clinical affairs department, while 32.20% of them were
technique was adopted in this research. In essence, working in the administrative affairs department. The
convenience sampling is considered as the cheapest and results reveal further that the majority of the respondents
the least time-consuming sampling technique and has easy 55.00% were senior staff, which indicate that they are
access to a big enough sample (Malhotra et al., 2006). good enough to deliver significant quality practices
Moreover, it is very common in research because it is “- information.
well- convenient” (Malhotra et al., 2006). In this research Measurement Model Analysis (MMA)
paper, 480 questionnaires were delivered to the hospital The study developed 2 instruments to gather primary data
senior staff based on their number in each hospital. Of the from senior employees at DHA’s hospitals to examine the
480-questionnaire distributed, 292 usable questionnaires proposed research framework. The Measurement Model
were analyzed, yielding a response rate of 60.8%. Analysis (MMA), which concerns the reliability and
This study has developed a different set of items for validity of the instrument were estimated before
gauging TQM and hospital service quality constructs to examining the assumed model in this study. In essence,
enable the proposed research model to be empirically hypothesis testing in this research paper can be conducted
tested. In this regard, 55 items were used for computing only based on the reliable and valid measurement scales.
TQM constructs. A broadly designed 5-point Likert scale In this study, there were eight measurement scales for
was applied for recording responses extended from 1, gaging the eight TQM implementation constructs, and one
specifying “strongly disagree”, to 5, specifying “strongly measurement scale for gaging the hospital service quality
agree”. In addition, a 13-item Service Quality (SERVQUAL) construct for DHA’s hospitals. In this study, each of the
scale established by Parasuraman et al. (1988) was used measurement scale has a number of items to estimate it.
to gauge hospital service quality. The adopted scale The SPSS 25 reliability and validity programs were
consisted of five dimensions, including responsiveness, employed individually for the items of each scale. Table 1
reliability, tangibles, empathy and assurance. The lists Cronbach’s alpha and principal component analysis
SERVQUAL dimensions were gauged based on a 5-point for different TQM implementation and hospital service
Likert scale extended from 1, representing “strongly quality scales. The table reveals that the reliability
disagree”, to 5, representing “strongly agree”. Finally, as Cronbach’s alpha coefficients ranged from 0.842 to 0.976,
this study was considered as a quantitative research, the indicating that some scales were more reliable than
Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25, others. In relation to the principal component analysis,
which is extensively employed in quantitative studies was each scale was estimated separately. The detailed results
employed to process the data. In terms of ‘quantitative are also listed in Table 1, which evidently reveals that all
analysis’, many statistical methods are employed to test of the items had high factor loadings greater than 0.50 on
proposed hypotheses, in order to draw conclusions about all TQM and hospital service quality constructs. In
a population. In this study, the methods of inferential data principal component analysis, the factors which have
analysis that were included to test the proposed eigenvalues greater than 1 are considered significant. In
hypotheses were correlation analysis and multiple this study, all factors with eigenvalues less than 1 are
regression analysis. The hypotheses were examined at two considered insignificant and should be disregarded. The
significance levels: α =.01 and α = 0.05. In estimating factor analysis revealed that all items of each of the TQM
measurement instruments, Cronbach alpha and principle and hospital service scales formed a single factor,
component analysis were employed to evaluate whether according to the rule that the eigenvalues are greater than
measurement constructs were reliable and valid. 1, which are listed in the table below (Table 1). Therefore,
the rotated solution of Varimax or Quartimax cannot be
DATA ANALYSIS performed. Accordingly, the instruments developed for
Characteristics of Participants measuring TQM implementation elements and hospital
A total of 292 hospital senior employees have participated service quality constructs were judged to be reliable and
in this study, where 61.20% of respondents were female valid.
while the rest 38.80% of them were male. The results

Table 1. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient & Principle Component Analysis

Item Cronbach’s Eigenvalues& TQM Factor Loadings

No. alpha (%) of Variance F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8
8 0.918 5.097 With .825
(63.714) % of .838
variance. .759

353 Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy Vol 11, Issue 9, Sep-Oct 2020

Aburayya et al. /An Empirical Examination of the Effect of TQM Practices on Hospital Service Quality: An
Assessment Study in UAE Hospitals

7 0.909 4.560 With .802
(65.136) % of .878
variance. .765
6 0.897 3.982 With .736
(66.364) % of .784
variance. .891
4 0.842 2.733 With .869
(68.320) % of .917
variance. .726
8 0.923 5.210 With .813
(65.119) % of .848
variance. .855
10 0.931 7.372 With .684
(73.725) % of .621
variance. .858
7 0.897 4.331 With .788.
(61.868) % of 830
variance. .813
5 0.907 3.667 With .869
(73.346) % of .860
variance .772
Item Cronbach's Eigenvalues& Hospital Service Quality Factor Loading
No. Alpha (%) of Variance
13 0.934 7.648 with .683
(77.446) % of .644
variance .767

354 Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy Vol 11, Issue 9, Sep-Oct 2020

Aburayya et al. /An Empirical Examination of the Effect of TQM Practices on Hospital Service Quality: An
Assessment Study in UAE Hospitals

Causal Model Analysis (CMA)

This section aims to test the hypothesized theoretical (HSQ) (r=.887). This was expected since TQM hospitals
model which consists of eight leading hypotheses framed require a focus on organizational culture to improve the
by this study, where all of them are associated to the quality of services that they provided. The second highest
individual effect of the eight TQM elements which are correlation between the independent and dependent
independent variables on the hospital service quality as variables is between continuous improvement (CI) and
dependent variable. In this study, the proposed study’s hospital service quality (HSQ) (r=.840) followed by
model consists of eight TQM factors and one hospital customer focus (CF) and hospital service quality (HSQ)
service quality factor and has eight hypotheses that will be (r=.820), process management (PM) and hospital service
tested simultaneously by employing multiple regression quality (HSQ) (r=.767), teamwork and participation
analysis using SPSS 25. Table 2 below shows that there is (TWP) and hospital service quality (HSQ) (r=.765), top
a significant correlation between all the independent management commitment (TMC) and hospital service
variables and dependent variable at 0.01 level. The table quality (HSQ) (r=.738), employee training and education
further shows that the highest correlation between the (ETE) and hospital service quality (HSQ) (r=.720),
independent and dependent variables is between recognition and reward (RR) and hospital service quality
organization culture (OC) and hospital service quality (HSQ) (r=.512).


TMC Pearson Correlation 1 .661** .600** .437* .652* .639** .683** .556* .738**
* * *

TWP Pearson Correlation .661* 1 .722** .539* .748* .671** .725** .702* .765**
* * * *

ETE Pearson Correlation .600* .722** 1 .530* .659* .644** .699** .743* .720**
* * * *

RR Pearson Correlation .437* .539** .530** 1 .408* .415** .574** .469* .512**
* * *

PM Pearson Correlation .652* .748** .659** .408* 1 .724** .754** .760* .767**
* * *

CI Pearson Correlation .639* .671** .644** .415* .724* 1 .789** .756* .840**
* * * *

OC Pearson Correlation .683* .725** .699** .574* .754* .789** 1 .705* .887**
* * * *

CF Pearson Correlation .556* .702** .743** .469* .760* .756** .705** 1 .820**
* * *

HSQ Pearson Correlation .738* .765** .720** .512* .767* .840** .887** .820* 1
* * * *

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Table 2. Correlation between Variables

The results of the multiple regression analysis that eight TQM independent variables predicting the one hospital service quality
dependent variable are presented in Table 3.
Table 3. Multiple Regression Analysis of TQM Factors with Hospital Service Quality
Model Summary

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate

1 .937a .879 .873 .19968
a. Predictors: (Constant), Customer Focus, Recognition & Reward, Top Management Commitment, Teamwork &
Participation, Continuous Improvement, Employee Training & Education, Process Management, Organization Culture


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 49.318 8 6.165 154.616 .000b
Residual 6.818 171 .040

311 Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy Vol 11, Issue 9, Sep-Oct 2020

Aburayya et al. /An Empirical Examination of the Effect of TQM Practices on Hospital Service Quality: An
Assessment Study in UAE Hospitals

Total 56.136 179

a. Dependent Variable: Hospital Service Quality

b. Predictors: (Constant), Customer Focus, Recognition & Reward, Top Management Commitment, Teamwork &
Participation, Continuous Improvement, Employee Training & Education, Process Management, Organization Culture


Unstandardized Standardized Collinearity

Coefficients Coefficients Statistics
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig. Tolerance VIF
1 (Constant) .050 .135 .372 .710
Top Management .155 .035 .178 4.411 .000 .436 2.293

Teamwork & Participation .132 .046 .138 2.861 .005 .304 3.287
Employee Training & .010 .045 .010 .224 .823 .346 2.893

Recognition & Reward .015 .021 .025 .718 .474 .600 1.667
Process Management .137 .061 .124 2.247 .026 .232 4.319
Continuous Improvement .307 .056 .296 5.499 .000 .246 4.068
Organization Culture .346 .053 .373 6.469 .000 .214 4.682
Customer Focus .187 .051 .199 3.676 .000 .243 4.109
a. Dependent Variable: Hospital Service Quality

Table 3 reveals that the regression model proves a robust fitness at R-value of 0.937 and R-squared of 0.879, which indicating
that 87.9% of the variation in hospital service quality explained by TMC, TWP, ETE, RR, PM, CI, OC and CF. The ANOVA table
shows an F-statistic= 154.616 (p-value = 0.000) indicating that the multiple regression model with independent variables of 8
TQM implementation is significant at 1% level in predicting the variability of hospital service quality. Thus, the regression
model is a good fit of the data.
Table 3 shows the Beta coefficient of each independent variable and its significant level. The table above indicates that five of
the TQM implementation elements include TMC, CI, OC, CF and TWP show the significant effect on hospital service quality at
the 1% significant level. In addition, Table 3 indicates that one of the TQM implementation elements include PM show the
significant effect on hospital service quality at the 5% significant level. Among the eight TQM implementation elements, OC
expresses the strongest effect on hospital service quality with highest coefficient value of 0.373 ( = 0.373, t = 6.469, ρ < 0.01).
CI, CF, TMC, TWP and PM represent the relative smaller effects with coefficient values of CI: = 0.296, t = 5.499, ρ < 0.01; CF:
= 0.199, t = 3.676, ρ < 0.01; TMC: = 0.178, t = 4.411, ρ < 0.01; TWP: = 0.138, t = 2.861, ρ < 0.01; PM: = 0.124, t = 2.247,
ρ < 0.05, respectively. ETE and RR TQM elements, however, are the only independent variables which do not indicate the
significant effect on hospital service quality at the 5% level (ETE: = 0.010, t = 0.224, ρ > 0.05; RR: = 0.025, t = 0.718, ρ
>0.05). Accordingly, the result of model analysis concluded that H1, H2, H5, H6, H7 and H8 are accepted. Thus, TMC, TWP, PM,
CI, OC and CF have significant positive effects on hospital service quality. On the other hand, the result of model analysis
concluded that H3 and H4 are rejected. Thus, ETE and RR do not have significant positive effects on hospital service quality.
Results of testing the first developed theoretical model in this study can be seen in Figure 2.

356 Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy Vol 11, Issue 9, Sep-Oct 2020

Aburayya et al. /An Empirical Examination of the Effect of TQM Practices on Hospital Service Quality: An
Assessment Study in UAE Hospitals

Figure 2. Results of Testing Research Framework








CF (0.199)

DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION productivity (Al Qahtani et al., 2015; Shafiq et al., 2017;
The main aim of this research paper was to measure the Abu-Mahfouz, 2019) and leads to improvements in
effects of implementing TQM elements on hospital service organizational service quality (Oakland, 2014). The
quality. Generally, the results of the multiple regression hypothesis that employee TWP has a positive effect on
analysis indicated that TQM has a significantly positive hospital service quality was confirmed by the data
effect on hospital service quality. In this study, eight TQM (p<0.01) with Beta coefficient value effect of 0.138. Thus,
elements were identified, namely TMC, TWP, ETE, RR, PM, the findings in this study support that higher employee
CI, OC, and CF. TWP practices leads to higher level of service quality. This
The questionnaire outcomes showed that TMC has reflects that the DHA’s management has a comprehensive
positive effects on hospital service quality (P<0.01) with understanding of the value of involving employees in their
Beta coefficient value effect of 0.178. The findings indicate hospitals to improve hospital service quality. In addition,
that DHA top executives are obviously committed to the this result indicates that the DHA’s management invested
TQM implementation in their hospitals which reflect that on the development of their employees and so succeed to
they are aware of the significant role of TMC in applying appreciate the significance of their employees as a
TQM to enhance the quality level of services provided by valuable asset to the hospitals. In essence, it is helpful for
their hospitals. In essence, it is the responsibility of patients to place confidence toward the quality of services
leadership in hospital to learn quality-related concepts, when healthcare staff were involved to address quality
actively participate in quality management problems and encouraged to report their own working
accomplishments and determine the hospital’s vision and problems they find in other areas. Therefore, DHA’s
strategy and the way to achieve these responsibilities. hospitals rely on the ability and the participation of their
Furthermore, hospital’s top management has an service providers to deliver high quality service. The
important role in managing hospital staff and enabling results of this study are also in contrast with the findings
them to elucidate quality problems. However, results of of other studies (Tsaur et al., 2004; Jones et al., 2008;
the present study indicate a strong effect of implementing Sadikoglu & Zehir, 2010; Talib et al., 2013; Boakye, 2015).
TMC practices on service quality, which are consistent The questionnaire survey data did not support the
with TQM studies. Previous extensive studies have hypothesis that ETE has a positive effect on service quality.
confirmed that the effective implementation of TMC leads The relationship between ETE from one side and hospital
to improve organizations performance and enhance service quality from another side is found to be positive

357 Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy Vol 11, Issue 9, Sep-Oct 2020

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Assessment Study in UAE Hospitals

(0.720) but insignificant (p > 0.05). This reveals that ETE CI practices within their hospitals. In fact, this was
practices do not have a great role to play in ensuring expected for the reason that CI is deliberated as a
hospital service quality. Although the positive relationship rudimentary thought to organization success (Singh &
and its direction of the influence was predicted, the lack of Singh, 2015). Consumer desires are not static. A distinctive
significance of this relationship is relatively unexpected. service feature that is considered innovative today will be
Various possible reason could be that the effectiveness of considered just routine tomorrow. The idea of CI is central
ETE practiced in the service organizations are more to the concept of TQM (Buchbinder & Shanks, 2007;
focused on the skills not on the delivery of service itself. Alolayyan et al., 2011; Talib et al., 2011a; Ali & Alolayyan,
The main objectives of education and training programs in 2013). CI, when coupled with quality management
the service organizations are to improve employees’ skills systems, can help improve the delivery of care to the
and enhance their commitment rather than the delivery of patients (Aburayya et al., 2019a). The results in this study
service itself (Suson et al., 2020b). Thus, employees had are in line with TQM literature, for example, Samat et al.
the capacity to do their jobs better. Similarly, the lack of (2006), Himanshu (2009), Gorji (2011), Singh and Singh
monitoring and auditing the current training programs (2015), and Kim (2016).
applications in regard to the outcome of the services Among the TQM factors in this study, the findings
provided in the hospitals might lead to disconfirm the indicated that OC had the strongest effect on hospital
positive impact of ETE on service quality. The results in service quality with Beta coefficient value effect of 0.373.
this study are not in line with TQM literature There is a strong indication that the DHA’s management
(Chartrungruang et al., 2005; Khanfar, 2011; Talib et al., considered the OC factor as a key determinant of success
2013; Tariq et al., 2016; Yala, 2018). The relationship in TQM implementation to improve the quality of services
between RR and hospital service quality is found to be within their hospitals. Notably, the success of quality
positive (0.512) but insignificant (p > 0.05). This reveals improvement activities is anticipated to rely greatly on OC
that RR practices do not have a great role to play in practices (Ginsburg, 2003). Several scholars on OC such as
ensuring hospital service quality. A number of reasons Laforet (2016) and Gillespie et al. (2007) have the same
might lead to this disconfirmation. First, the descriptive opinion that strong culture in the organization is very
statistics indicated that RR factor has recorded the lowest important to enhance the performance of the employees
level of TQM implementation compared with other TQM which leads to increase the overall performance of the
factors with a mean of 3.317. The presence of other TQM organization. “Culture is the organizational DNA” (Belias
elements such as OC and CI elements which have been et al., 2015). This was supported by the study findings
implemented in a very high level and had a great which indicate that hospitals are providing high level of
influential power on service quality might lead to make services quality via emphasizing high cohesion and morale
less influential power of RR on service quality. Second, RR in the hospital, creating an atmosphere where staff respect
activities encourage staff to increase their satisfaction and freely help each other, encouraging employees to be
level and commitment rather than focus on how to deliver innovative, emphasizing acquiring new resources,
services. As noted by Aburayya et al. (2019a), reward emphasizing on quality goals accomplishment, placing
activities have a positive indirect effect on quality through great importance on efficient planning of healthcare
the effect of employee satisfaction. Therefore, rewards service delivery and following the established rules,
simply appear to make employees happy and to stop them policies and procedures by health workers. Finally, the
from being dissatisfied, but they do not seem to have an findings in this study support that higher CF practices lead
impact on employees’ performance or on the way how to to higher level of service quality. The study findings
deliver services (Njanja et al., 2013). Third, the DHA indicated that most of the CF practices in TQM
bonuses scheme is used to reward employees’ implementation in the DAH’s hospital were implemneted
performances during the year under appraisal, so it can be in a very high level to improve the services provided by the
expected that not all the staff been rewarded for this year. hospitals and to obtain their patients satisfaction. CF is the
This explains why there is no difference in perception of degree to which an organization is committed to meeting
reward in regard to service quality for those health the expectations of the customers, to use customers in
workers who have received it and those who have not. In designing goods or services so that they meet their needs
addition, staff who did not received it will consider and wants (Al Damen, 2017). The focus on the customers
improving so that they can get it next time. Although the is seen as essential for the long-term growth and
findings in this study are not in line with TQM literature performance of the business (Oakland, 2014; Baidoun et
(Duberg & Mollen, 2010; Kopelman et al., 2011), some few al., 2018). In essence, it is no doubt that the main goal of
studies supported the study findings (Njanja et al., 2013; any consumer focus activity is to increase the level of
James et al., 2015). service quality and pursue consumer happiness, which are
The findings in this study support that higher PM practices supported by many studies (Siddiqui a& Rahman, 2007;
lead to higher level of service quality. This reflects that the Miyagawa & Yoshida, 2010; Ooi et al., 2011; Talib et al.,
majority of the DHA’s managers are paid considerable 2013).
attention to PM practices and improvement to make sure This research paper contributes to the literature
that their services achieved the purposes for which they concerning the association between TQM practices and
were planned to match the requirements of process. service quality. Consequently, it advances theory building
Several studies in TQM literature are in contrast with relating to TQM in the healthcare context. In addition, it
current study results (Sit et al., 2009; Gorgi, 2011; Talib et offers future scholars with an extensive and
al., 2011b; Abedaziz, 2015; Kim, 2016). Among the TQM comprehensive understanding of TQM factors, which can
factors identified in this research paper, the results advise the expansion of more effective and empirically
revealed that CI recorded the second highest effect on grounded models that explicitly address TQM success
hospital service quality with Beta coefficient value effect of factor. Furthermore, the developed model might serves as
0.296. The reported findings in this study indicate that the a guideline for DHA managers, by presenting successful
hospital managers are aware of the importance of applying factors that can facilitate service quality. Finally, this study

358 Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy Vol 11, Issue 9, Sep-Oct 2020

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Assessment Study in UAE Hospitals

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