Module Outlines
Module Outlines
Module Outlines
Practice of Innovation A
(First Edition: 2018)
This guide enjoys copyright under the Berne Convention. In terms of the Copyright Act, no 98 of
1978, no part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any other information storage
and retrieval system without permission in writing from the proprietor.
Table of Contents
Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 3
Using this Module Outline ........................................................................................................... 4
This Module on Learn................................................................................................................... 5
Icons Used in this Document and on Learn ................................................................................. 6
Module Resources........................................................................................................................ 7
Module Purpose ......................................................................................................................... 15
Module Outcomes...................................................................................................................... 15
Assessments ............................................................................................................................... 16
Module Pacer ............................................................................................................................. 18
Glossary of Key Terms for this Module ...................................................................................... 42
Welcome to Practice of Innovation A.
Businesses operate in a chaotic environment - one that demands doing things differently rather
than sticking to the status quo. Innovation is therefore of utmost importance for companies to
continue to survive and should infiltrate everything they do.
The goal of this module is to apply innovation within an organisational context. It will introduce
you to the current business environment and the subsequent need for innovation. It will then
move on to understanding how innovation gets integrated through an organisation, followed by
the role that culture and subsequently leadership plays, in making an organisation deliver
successfully on its innovation goals.
LU1: Innovation
importance to
LU2: Innovative
management in
LU3: Innovative
• This document does not reflect all the content on Learn, the links to different resources,
nor the specific instructions for the group and individual activities.
• Your lecturer will decide when activities are available/open for submission and when these
submissions or contributions are due. Ensure that you take note of announcements made
during lectures and/or posted within Learn in this regard.
• A Module Pacer.
• An assessment brief.
• A list of prescribed material.
• A variety of additional online resources (articles, videos, audio, interactive graphics, etc.)
in each learning unit that will further help to explain theoretical concepts.
• Critical questions to guide you through the module’s objectives.
• Collaborative and individual activities (all of which are gradable) with time-on-task
estimates to assist you in managing your time around these.
• Revision questions, or references to revision questions, after each learning unit.
Kindly note:
• Unless you are completing this as a distance module, learn does not replace your
contact time with your lecturers and/or tutors.
• PINN6222 is a Learn module, and as such, you are required to engage extensively
with the content on the Learn platform. Effective use of this tool will provide you
with opportunities to discuss, debate, and consolidate your understanding of the
content presented in this module.
• You are expected to work through the learning units on Learn in your own time –
especially before class. Any contact sessions will therefore be used to raise and
address any questions or interesting points with your lecturer, and not to cover every
aspect of this module.
• Your lecturer will communicate submission dates for specific activities in class and/or
on Learn.
Icon Description
A list of what you should be able to do after working through the learning unit.
Sections where you get to grapple with the content/theory. This is mainly
presented in the form of questions which focus your attention and are aimed at
helping you to understand the content better. You will be presented with online
resources to work through (in addition to the textbook or manual references) and
find some of the answers to the questions posed.
Module Resources
Prescribed • Camillus, J. C. (2016) Wicked Strategies : How Companies Conquer
Material (PM) Complexity and Confound Competitors. Toronto: Rotman-UTP
for this Module Publishing. Available at EBSCOHOST:
ct=true&db=nlebk&AN=1336705&site=ehost-live [Accessed 23
June 2022].
• Flemm, R. 2020. Systems Thinking, Episode #1 What are Wicked
Problems and why should I care? [Online]. Available from:
ny%20root%2Dcauses%20to%20consider. [Accessed 23 June
• Kolko, J. 2012. Wicked Problems: Problems Worth Solving. [Online].
Available at:
_worth_solving# [Accessed 23 June 2022].
• Dan, F.R. and Siang, T.Y. 2020. What is Design thinking and why is it
so popular? [Online]. Available at: https://www.interaction-
so-popular [Accessed 23 June 2022].
• Dunne, D. 2018. Design Thinking at Work : How Innovative
Organizations Are Embracing Design. Toronto: Rotman-UTP
Publishing. Available at EBSCOHOST: https://search-ebscohost-
1944369&site=ehost-live&scope=site [Accessed 23 June 2022].
Under section 2, why organisations implement Design Thinking
• Peek, S. 2021. Creativity is not innovation (but you need both).
[Online]. Available from:
innovation.html [Accessed 23 June 2022].
• Balster, J. 2018. Change is constant. Manage it well. [Online].
Available from:
constant-manage-it-well [Accessed 23 June 2022].
• Boyles, M. 2022. The importance of creativity in business. [Online].
Available from:
creativity-in-business [Accessed 23 June 2022].
• Beswick, C., Bishop, D. and Geraghty, J. (2015) Building a Culture of
Chapter 2:
• introduction.
• Know thy self the cultural assessment ; Innovation maturity
(up to the 4 x 4 model) AND strategic innovation decision.
Chapter 3:
• if it’s not on the top team’s agenda, it’s not going to be in the
• building leadership team agreement – are you ready?
• building leadership team agreement – collaboration and risk
• building leadership team agreement – personal acceptance
• building leadership team agreement – ownership
Chapter 4:
Chapter 4 and 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
• Chapter 2:
employee-engagement-definition [Accessed 23 June 2022].
• Sinclair, S. 2021. 5 Barriers to employee engagement (and how to
overcome them). [Online]. Available from:
engagement [Accessed 23 June 2022].
• Abbamonte, K. 2022. 17 most effective employee engagement
strategies for 2022. [Online]. Available from:
[Accessed 23 June 2022].
Recommended Please note that a number of additional resources and links to resources
Readings, are provided throughout this module on the Learn platform. You are
Digital, and Web encouraged to engage with these as they will assist you in mastering the
Resources various objectives of this module. They may also be useful resources for
completing any assignments. You will not, however, be assessed under
examination conditions on any additional or recommended reading
Module You will find an overview of this module on Learn under the Module
Overview Information link in the Course Menu.
Module Purpose
The purpose of this module is to develop students’ knowledge and understanding of the
various dimensions of innovation in an organisational context from a macro and micro
perspective. It examines the role of leadership in creating an organisational culture in
support of innovation.
Module Outcomes
MO1 Assess the need for innovation in current business environments.
Differentiate between innovative organisational cultures and non-innovative
Critically examine the drivers, barriers, and enablers of innovation within an
organisation to create an innovation value chain.
MO4 Analyse the key success factors of an innovative organisation.
MO5 Evaluate the role of leadership in an innovative organisation.
Integrated Curriculum Engagement (ICE)
Minimum number of ICE activities to complete 4
Weighting towards the final module mark 10%
Project 1
Weighting 30%
Duration 10 hours
Total marks 100
Learning Units covered LU1 & LU2
Project 2
Weighting 25%
Duration 10 hours
Total marks 100
Learning Units covered LU2 & LU3
• Consult your brief for this Summative Project, which will provide you with a
breakdown of the various tasks that you will have to complete for this summative.
• The projects will all build upon one another and culminate in the Summative Project
so do not fall behind in your formative submissions.
Module Pacer
Code Programme Contact Sessions Credits
PINN6222 BASB2, BBB2, BCM2, 48 + 5 Learn Hours
PINN6222p BSB2p, BCM2p 36 + 5 Learn Hours
PINN6222w BAS2w 12 15
Learning Unit 1 Innovation: The Bigger Picture
In this learning unit, we briefly highlight pertinent concepts. We will highlight systems
thinking, wicked problems, as well as the principles of design thinking, all of which still relate
to problem solving in relation to the business context. We will also investigate the current
business environment to identify why innovation is so important for companies’ today.
If you are a contact student, you will likely spend six sessions on this learning unit.
If you are a part-time student, you will likely spend six sessions on this learning unit.
If you are a distance student, you will likely spend three weeks on this learning unit.
Please work through all Themes on Learn, together with the relevant sections of your
prescribed source/s.
Ensure that you are familiar with all the innovation related concepts. Focus particularly on
design thinking, wicked problems and systems thinking. Lastly, make sure you can explain
why innovation is so important in today’s business environment.
ving# [Accessed 23 June
The first learning unit reminded you of why innovation is needed from a problem-solving
perspective, but more importantly, why it’s important in business. It is the only way to make
sure you stay successful in an ever-changing business environment. This learning unit will
take it one step further, by investigating the different aspects which should be considered in
managing innovation within an organisation.
Theme one will focus on the elements that enables, drives, or stand in the way of innovation.
Theme two will then delve into why innovation management is important within the context
of theme one, with theme three then unpacking how it can be done.
If you are a contact student, you will likely spend 14 sessions on this learning unit.
If you are a part-time student, you will likely spend 10 sessions on this learning unit.
If you are a distance student, you will likely spend three weeks on this learning unit.
Please work through all Themes on Learn, together with the relevant sections of your
prescribed source/s.
Ensure that you can critically discuss the integration of innovation within an organisation
with the help of an innovation management system before you move on to the next learning
Johnsson, M. 2017.
Innovation enablers for an
innovation teams – a review.
Journal of innovation
management: 5(3): 75 –
121. [Online]. Available
from: diva-
[Accessed 16 May 2022]. 1.4
Previous knowledge on
innovation enablers AND
3.1. organisational
Available from:
02089983 [Accessed 23 June
Theme 2: Innovation management Prescribed Material (PM)
LO4: Discuss the concept of innovation Henry, H. (2015) Everyday
management. Innovation : A Practical
LO5: Explain the key areas that should be Guide to Establishing and
considered in innovation Operating an Innovation
management. Management System in Your
LO6: Assess the importance of having an Business. [New York]: Oak
innovation management system or Tree Press. Available at:
approach. https://search-ebscohost-
[Accessed 23 June 2022].
• Chapter 1: some
initial thoughts; why
management is
important in any
Nieminen, J. 2018.
Innovation management –
the ultimate guide. [Online].
Available from:
[Accessed 23 June 2022].
[Accessed 23 June 2022].
• chapter 3: an
innovation matrix;
establishing what you
want out of the
• chapter 4: Setting
goals, objectives, and
a dynamic mission for
your team; chapter 5:
horizons in ‘where
and when to
• chapter 6: Sourcing
ideas; How are ideas
• chapter 6: Project
De la Kethulle de Ryhove, J.
n/d. What is the 3-horizon
model and how can you use
it? [Online]. Available from:
you-use-it/ [Accessed 23
June 2022].
matrix/ [Accessed 23 June
One of the foundational elements which the whole Learning Unit 3 rests on, is having a
culture within the organisation that enables innovation. This learning unit will therefore
focus on unpacking the concept of culture from a business perspective.
If you are a contact student, you will likely spend 14 sessions on this learning unit.
If you are a part-time student, you will likely spend 10 sessions on this learning unit.
If you are a distance student, you will likely spend three weeks on this learning unit.
Please work through all Themes on Learn, together with the relevant sections of your
prescribed source/s.
You might find it challenging that the culture creation section, overlaps with the innovation
management system, even though different terminology is used. Ensure that you can make
the connection between innovation integration from a business perspective and its direct
impact on the culture of a company.
Wong, K. 2020.
Organisational cultures:
definition, importance, and
development. [Online].
Available from:
definition/. [Accessed 23
June 2022]. 2021.
Chapter 2:
• introduction.
• Know thy self the
cultural assessment ;
Innovation maturity (up
to the 4 x 4 model)
AND strategic
innovation decision
Chapter 3:
• building leadership
team agreement –
Chapter 4:
Chapter 4 & 5:
• Employee engagement
• Intro (Ch5)
• Developing
engagement (Ch5)
• Engagement plan (Ch5)
• Innovation agents
• Developing i-agents
• Communication plan –
verbal communications
• Communication plan –
social media and
collaboration tools
• Communication plan –
other platforms (Ch5)
• Engagement plan –
surveys, feedback ad
engagement platforms
• Engagement plan –
immersive engagement
• Creating the
communication plan
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
In this learning unit, we will focus on the impact that leadership can have on an
organisation’s culture. We will then examine why building connections amongst people is of
utmost importance, followed by the last theme which will focus on ways in which employee
engagement may be encouraged and/ or discouraged by leaders and managers in an
If you are a contact student, you will likely spend 14 sessions on this learning unit.
If you are a part-time student, you will likely spend 10 sessions on this learning unit.
If you are a distance student, you will likely spend three weeks on this learning unit.
Please work through all Themes on Learn, together with the relevant sections of your
prescribed source/s.
You might find the integration between culture and leadership confusing at first, as it
overlaps, even though they again don’t use the same terminology. Ensure you can make the
connection between how innovation, culture and leadership integrate.
Schooley, S. 10 ways to
become a better leader.
[Online]. Available from:
[Accessed 23 June 2022].
o A culture of
o Disconnection: a
culture of control or a
culture of
Abbamonte, K. 2022. 17
most effective employee
engagement strategies for
2022. [Online]. Available
strategies [Accessed 23
June 2022].
• Chapter 5: taking
action - connecting
through vision,
value, and voice
(NOTE: think of
these as additional
tactics that leaders
can implement to
drive employee
engagement – to get
the company to
deliver on what it
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