Peri-Operative Anaphylax

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published: 29 May 2019

doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.01117

Peri-Operative Anaphylaxis—An
Investigational Challenge
Siraj A. Misbah 1* and Mamidipudi Thirumala Krishna 2,3
Department of Clinical Immunology, Oxford University Foundation Hospitals NHS Trust, Oxford, United Kingdom,
Department of Allergy and Immunology, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham,
United Kingdom, 3 Institute of Immunology and Immunotherapy, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom

Patients with suspected peri-operative anaphylaxis (POP) require thorough investigation

to identify underlying trigger(s) and enable safe anesthesia for subsequent surgery. The
changing epidemiology of POP has been striking. Previous estimates of the incidence
of POP have ranged between 1:6,000 and1:20,000 anesthetics, but more recent data
from France and the United Kingdom suggest an estimated incidence of 1:10,000.
Other important changes include a change in the hierarchy of well-recognized triggers,
with antibiotics (beta-lactams) supplanting neuromuscular blockers (NMB) as the leading
cause of POP. The emergence of chlorhexidine, patent blue dye, and teicoplanin as
important triggers have also been noteworthy findings. The mainstay of investigation
revolves around critical analysis of the time-line of events leading up to anaphylaxis
coupled with judicious skin testing. Skin tests have limitations with respect to unknown
predictive values for most drugs/agents and therefore, knowledge of background
Edited by:
Cordula M. Stover, positivity in healthy controls, test characteristics of individual drugs and the use of
University of Leicester, non-irritant concentrations is essential to avoid both false-positive and false-negative
United Kingdom
results. Specific IgE assays for individual drugs are available only for a limited number of
Reviewed by:
Joana Vitte,
agents and are not a substitute for skin testing. Acute serum total tryptase has a high
Aix-Marseille Université, France specificity and positive predictive value in IgE-mediated POP anaphylaxis but is limited
Cristina Petrisor,
by its moderate sensitivity and negative predictive value. Planning for safe anesthesia
Iuliu Hat.ieganu University of Medicine
and Pharmacy, Romania in this group of patients is particularly challenging and consequently anesthetists
*Correspondence: need to be alert to the possibility of repeat episodes of anaphylaxis. Because of the
Siraj A. Misbah limitations of current investigations for POP, collecting systematic data on the outcome
of repeat anesthesia is valuable in validating current investigatory approaches. This paper
Specialty section: reviews the changing epidemiology of POP with reference to the main triggers, and the
This article was submitted to investigation and outcome of subsequent anesthesia.
Molecular Innate Immunity,
a section of the journal Keywords: peri-operative anaphylaxis, tryptase, skin tests, neuromuscular blockers, antibiotics, mast cell
Frontiers in Immunology disorders, outcome of repeat anesthesia

Received: 18 January 2019

Accepted: 02 May 2019
Published: 29 May 2019 INTRODUCTION
Peri-operative anaphylaxis (POP) is a serious and unpredictable iatrogenic adverse effect
Misbah SA and Krishna MT (2019)
Peri-Operative Anaphylaxis—An
associated with substantial morbidity. Fatalities associated with POP are rare but occur in a
Investigational Challenge. significant minority of patients. In a recent audit of POP in the United Kingdom involving
Front. Immunol. 10:1117. administration of 3 million anesthetics over a 12 months period, 10 deaths, and 40 cardiac
doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.01117 arrests were documented in 266 patients developing anaphylaxis of grade 3–5 severity (1).

Frontiers in Immunology | 1 May 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 1117

Misbah and Krishna Peri-Operative Anaphylaxis

While the majority of patients were successfully treated, many TABLE 1 | Etiology of peri-operative anaphylaxis—changing epidemiology.
patients experienced anxiety associated with abandoned surgery
Laxenaire et al. Mertes et al. Harper et al. BJA
for cancer and the physical and psychological burdens of a stay BJA 2001 JACI 2011 2018 (5)—data
in intensive care. Of the 266 patients experiencing POP in the (7)—data on 467 (4)—data on on 192 British
UK audit, 144 (54%) required critical care, with over half of French patients 1816 French patients
this group requiring vasopressors or inotropes (1).This paper is patients
based on a critical but narrative review, with reference to the
NMBs 69.2% 58% 33.8%
changing epidemiology of POP and offers pragmatic, evidence-
Latex 12.1% 19.6% Nil
based guidance on its investigation. It should not be regarded as
Antibiotics-β lactams, 8.0 12.8% 48.9%
a systematic review.
Chlorhexidine Nil Nil 9.3%
EPIDEMIOLOGY Patent blue dye Nil Nil 5%
Colloids 2.7% 3.4% 1.5%
Historically, the reported incidence of POP has varied between Hypnotics 3.7% 2.3% –
1;6,000 in Norway (2) and 1:20,000 in Australia (3). However, Opioids 1.4% 1.6% –
more recent data from France (4) and the UK (5) suggests an
estimated incidence of 1:10,000.These results are largely based on
retrospective analysis of data on patients investigated following administered intravenously in rapid succession and difficulty in
an episode of POP. A prospective cross-sectional study in 12 differentiating the hemodynamic effects of anesthetic drugs from
hospitals over a 2 weeks period in a single region of the UK anaphylaxis. Added to this is the inherent difficulty in detecting
suggests a confirmed incidence of 1:2297, with 1:353 patients the cutaneous features of anaphylaxis in a fully draped patient.
fulfilling national referral criteria for anaphylaxis, suggesting While anaphylaxis may occur at any time during anesthesia, it
significant under-ascertainment and under-reporting (6). is most likely to occur at induction (11). The clinical features of
Alongside an increase in incidence of POP, the changing POP are no different to that seen when anaphylaxis occurs in
epidemiology with regard to identified underlying triggers is a non-anesthetic setting, but severe hypotension is universally
striking (Table 1). The traditional position of neuromuscular observed because of the intravenous route of administration
blockers (NMB) as the top-ranked group has now been displaced of most drugs. Bronchospasm is less common, but is likely to
by antibiotics (5). While beta-lactam antibiotics have been a be more pronounced and intractable in patients with airways
well-recognized trigger in previous series (4, 7), after NMBs, the disease (11).
emergence of teicoplanin in the UK as a major cause rivaling The clinical diagnosis of anaphylaxis is aided by measurement
co-amoxiclav has hitherto been under-recognized and reflects its of serial serum total tryptase in the immediate aftermath of
increasing use in patients with a label of penicillin allergy (5). a reaction. Acute serum total tryptase measurements correlate
Co-amoxiclav and teicoplanin accounted for 17.3 and 13.5% of well with IgE-mediated reactions. In a retrospective analysis of
all cases of POP, and comprised 89% of all cases of antibiotic- POP, an absolute tryptase level of >15.7 mg/L or a percentage
induced anaphylaxis. Having been absent in previous major series change of >141% was associated with a positive predictive value
on POP (4, 7), the increasing importance of chlorhexidine as of 80% for identifying IgE-mediated anaphylaxis (8). Despite its
a major allergenic trigger is confirmed with it occupying third undoubted utility it is disappointing to note that serial tryptase
rank (after NMBs and antibiotics) as a cause of POP in the UK measurements were only undertaken in 34–67% of patients in
audit (5). The other new allergen described in the UK during surveys of POP in the UK (9, 12). Given its short half-life of
the last decade is Patent blue dye, accounting for 5–6% of cases ∼2 h, tryptase levels should normalize at 24 h in virtually every
(5, 6). The disappearance of latex in the UK National Health patient with POP. A persistently elevated baseline tryptase (≥11.4
Service as a cause of POP reflects the widespread adoption mcg/l) at 24 h in a patient with POP is a possible clue to an
of latex-free measures in the operating theater and the wider underlying clonal mast cell disorder (9, 13) or constitutionally
hospital environment (5, 8). Despite the recognition of new elevated alpha-tryptase due to gene duplication associated with
triggers such as chlorhexidine and patent blue dye, successive hyper alpha tryptasaemia syndrome (14).
series have identified a significant proportion of patients (27–
48%) in whom no trigger is found despite comprehensive
investigation (8–10). Providing advice for this group of patients is ETIOLOGIC AGENTS
particularly challenging and highlights the limitations of current
investigatory approaches. Neuromuscular Blockers
The major role of NMBs as a cause for POP has already
been highlighted in the section on Epidemiology. Both
RECOGNITION OF ANAPHYLAXIS DURING depolarizing (suxamethonium) and non-depolarizing NMBs
ANESTHESIA (benzylisoquinolines and aminosteroids) are capable of
triggering POP via an IgE-mediated or non-IgE mediated
There are particular challenges in the recognition of anaphylaxis pathways. Evidence for IgE-mediation is based on the
in an anesthetic setting because of the multiplicity of drugs demonstration of a positive skin tests and/or drug-specific IgE

Frontiers in Immunology | 2 May 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 1117

Misbah and Krishna Peri-Operative Anaphylaxis

in serum. The ability of NMBs to trigger mast cell degranulation or probable teicoplanin-induced peri-operative anaphylaxis were
via the newly described MRGPRX2 receptor (15) raises the negative on skin tests (25). Based on a case-series at a single
possibility that some cases of NMB anaphylaxis where evidence institution over a 29 months period involving 18,800–19,600
of IgE-mediation cannot be demonstrated are due to activation patients who received teicoplanin, the rate of anaphylaxis was
of this G-protein coupled receptor. calculated at a frequency between 1:2088 and 1:1,655 (26).
While the frequency of anaphylaxis with individual NMBs has Two other important findings have emerged from the UK
not been systematically quantified, analysis of recent data from national audit of POP (5). The use of a test dose in patients
the French Pharmacovigilance Database ranked suxamethonium with a pre-operative history of penicillin allergy may itself trigger
and rocuronium as the agents most frequently implicated in a reaction and did not reduce the severity of anaphylaxis. The
causing NMB anaphylaxis (16). Similar results were noted in use of test doses, should therefore, be discouraged. Secondly,
the recent UK audit of POP, which identified suxamethonium, the common practice of administering antibiotics after induction
rocuronium, and atracurium (in decreasing order of frequency) of anesthesia runs the risk of antibiotic-induced anaphylaxis
as the most likely NMBs to trigger anaphylaxis (5). The lack of a being aggravated by general or neuraxial anesthesia. Changing
history of previous exposure and the clear female preponderance the timing of administration of antibiotics to before induction
in any series of NMB anaphylaxis may potentially be explained by of anesthesia would potentially be advantageous by reducing the
evidence of cross-reactivity between the quarternary ammonium severity of antibiotic-induced anaphylaxis, should it occur.
ions present in hair dyes, cosmetics and NMBs (17), though
it would be challenging to pinpoint a precise sensitizing event. Chlorhexidine
Exposure to quarternary ammonium ions via Pholcodine cough Although chlorhexidine is now well-recognized as a cause of POP
mixture coupled with laboratory evidence of potentiation of occurring in 9.3 and 9.6% of cases in the UK (5) and Denmark,
IgE antibody responses to NMB and marked epidemiological respectively (27), it remains a neglected allergen, frequently
differences in the frequency of NMB anaphylaxis between overlooked as a possible trigger. In the UK audit, despite it
Sweden (very low rate of NMB anaphylaxis) and Norway (high being the third most common cause of POP, chlorhexidine
rate of NMB anaphylaxis), led Norway to ban pholcodine was only suspected as a trigger in approximately a quarter
in 2007 (18). While the pholcodine hypothesis has attracted of confirmed cases. While intra-vascular (via coated central
great interest, the presence of cross-reactive IgE antibodies to venous catheters) and or intra-mucosal exposure (via lubricating
ammonium ions in a range of different drugs including some gel for urethral catheters) remains the predominant route of
local anesthetics, opioids, doxycycline, and quinolones suggests exposure, pure cutaneous contact may also trigger anaphylaxis
multiple routes to sensitization (19, 20). A detailed analysis of (28, 29). Both skin prick testing and specific IgE measurement
the evidence around the pholcodine hypothesis was performed are reliable investigatory tools exhibiting high levels of sensitivity
by the European Medicines Agency in 2011 and concluded there and specificity, exceeding 90% (27, 30). In cases where intra-
was insufficient evidence to recommend a Europe-wide ban (21). dermal testing is required, it is important to use a non-irritant
Since then, further data on the impact of pholcodine withdrawal concentration (NICs) to avoid false-positive results (31).
on the incidence of NMB-associated anaphylaxis in Norway Patent blue dye, used for sentinel node biopsy during cancer
suggests a fall in the number of cases of anaphylaxis of grade 4–5 surgery was identified in 5% of cases in the UK survey of POP
severity over a 6 year period (22). Interestingly, while 5 deaths (5). A previous multi-center UK study also highlighted blue dye
due to NMB-related anaphylaxis occurred in a 2 year period anaphylaxis in ∼6% of cases (8). Blue dye can be potentially
immediately before and after the ban, none were recorded during missed as a culprit since it is administered intradermally by
the subsequent 2 years. surgeons and not routinely listed on drug charts by anesthetists.
Mertes et al. reported a median time of 30 ± 6 min to anaphylaxis
Antibiotics following blue dye administration and highlighted interference
The place of beta-lactam antibiotics in the form of amoxicillin with pulse oximetry measurements and possible refractoriness
or co-amoxiclav as the leading antibiotic trigger for POP has to treatment (32). Skin tests are valuable in underpinning
recently been supplanted in the UK by teicoplanin (5). Whether sensitization. Cross-reactivity with methylene blue is rare and
this is an observation that’s likely to be replicated in other should be tested as a potential safe alternative in those with
countries is unclear. The choice of teicoplanin appears to be proven patent blue allergy.
linked to patient-reported penicillin allergy, which is known to
be spurious in over 90% of cases and highlights the importance Miscellaneous Triggers
of initiatives to undertake penicillin de-labeling for effective anti- A range of other drugs have been identified as triggers for POP
microbial stewardship (23). The feasibility of undertaking pre- including, Ondansetron, propofol, aprotinin, protamine, and
operative penicillin allergy de-labeling, without the need for skin ibuprofen in a small number of cases. Previous concerns about
testing in “low risk” patients, has recently been shown to be an a possible increase in the risk of propofol allergy in patients with
effective strategy (24). a history of egg allergy have proven to be unfounded (33). This
While there is increasing awareness of teicoplanin allergy observation coupled with the rarity of propofol allergy attests
amongst anesthetists, confirmation of allergy is challenging to its overall safety. Where a trigger is not identified following
because of the limited sensitivity and lack of standardization of standard investigation, the possibility of other “hidden” allergens
skin tests. In a recent series, 5 of 14 patients with either definite such as ethylene oxide should be considered (34).

Frontiers in Immunology | 3 May 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 1117

Misbah and Krishna Peri-Operative Anaphylaxis

INVESTIGATION OF SUSPECTED from both benzylisoquinoline and amino-steroid families on the

PERI-OPERATIVE ANAPHYLAXIS basis of their least propensity to trigger histamine release is a
viable alternative approach, given the high negative predictive
The investigation of POP requires close attention to detail value of NMB skin tests (9, 41). Based on the need to identify a
and critical analysis of the time-line of events before and safe NMB panel for routine and emergency anesthesia, the UK
after anaphylaxis. This information should be extractable Royal College of Anesthetists has recommended the following
from the anesthetist’s letter of referral and anesthetic charts. drugs as an optimum minimum panel for testing: the suspected
However, in view of the illegibility of hand-written charts, trigger plus suxamethonium, rocuronium, and atracurium (or
completion of a pro-forma template describing the reaction is cisatracurium) (42).
particularly important. A suitable example is the referral template Despite the high negative predictive value of skin tests,
recommended by the Royal College of Anesthetists in the UK anaphylaxis has been rarely documented with NMBs chosen on
(35). The timing of onset of adverse events during an episode of the basis of negative skin tests (43, 44), thus underlining the
POP provides useful clues to the underlying trigger (Table 2). importance of utmost vigilance during repeat anesthesia.

Skin Testing Drug Provocation Testing

In view of the limited repertoire and sensitivity of currently The principles underlying the use of drug provocation tests
available specific IgE assays, skin tests remain the most important (DPT) in the investigation of POP are no different to that in
investigatory tool for exploring the role of NMBs as a trigger any other area of drug allergy. Whilst supervised graded DPT
for POP. Given the significant rate of background skin test are regarded as a gold standard in the diagnosis of drug allergy,
positivity in the general population for many NMBs (36), its these are not routinely undertaken in the context of general
reliability is crucially dependent on the use of appropriate, anesthetic drugs, to NMBs in particular. They can however, be
NICs, particularly for intradermal tests. In choosing the type considered in selected patients following a careful risk-benefit
of skin test, comparative data on skin prick vs. intradermal analysis, for antibiotics, opiates/opioids, chlorhexidine, latex and
tests in 212 consecutive adult patients with suspected anesthetic local anesthetic agents to narrow down on the list of possible
allergy, reveals a high degree of concordance between both culprits. The use of DPT in the investigation of suspected
routes at 93% (37). In practice, therefore, either route would reactions to NMBs requires even more careful consideration
be reliable for the majority of cases but reserving intradermal because of the need to use the intravenous route and the greater
testing for those drugs which prove to be negative on prick risk of potentially fatal anaphylaxis as opposed to an oral DPT.
testing would help reduce the risk of false-positive results with For the vast majority of patients experiencing NMB-associated
the intradermal route. The British Society for Allergy and Clinical anaphylaxis, the identification of a safe alternative following
Immunology (BSACI) recommends “neat” stock concentrations skin testing allows these patients to be safely re-anesthetized. In
of drugs/agents alongside a 1:10 dilution (38). A positive result those rare instances where patients are skin test positive to all
with the “neat” and 1:10 dilution makes it less likely to be NMBs tested, it may be necessary to undertake an intravenous
an irritant response. More detailed, comprehensive information DPT in an experienced unit in an intensive care or anesthetic
on optimal non-irritant concentrations for skin prick and setting. However, it is important to emphasize the lack of
intradermal testing is provided in a position paper by the consensus on undertaking DPT for NMB agents. Guidelines
European Network on Drug Allergy (ENDA) and the European from ENDA/EAACI and the French Society for Intensive Care
Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) (39). (SFAR) do not recommend performance of DPT for NMB
Although many guidelines recommend skin testing with all agents (45). More recent guidelines from the Spanish Society for
NMBs (38, 40), with the aim of identifying an agent that is Allergy and Clinical Immunology echoes this stance and only
skin test negative, such a blanket approach increases the risk recommends DPT in very exceptional circumstances (46). The
of producing false-positive results, with attendant difficulties in current literature on DPT for NMB is confined to a single abstract
test interpretation, and identification of a safe alternative NMB. from the Danish Anesthesia Allergy Center, which suggests that
In addition to the index NMB, selection of a range of NMBs low dose provocation with NMB agents with negative or doubtful
skin tests is safe but should still be regarded as a high risk
procedure, which should be confined to highly specialized centers
(47). It would be premature, therefore, to regard DPT for NMB
TABLE 2 | Timing of onset of anaphylaxis as a clue to underlying etiology. agents as a widely accepted procedure.
Immediately after Intra-operative At close to completion
induction of surgery/during Testing for Drug-Specific IgE
recovery Testing for specific IgE to complement but not as a substitute
for skin tests is of value to a limited range of drugs. For
Neuromuscular blockers Antibiotics Rectal non-steroidal antibiotics, drug-specific IgE assays are limited to the major and
anti-inflammatory agents
minor determinants (Penicillin V and Penicillin G) of penicillin,
Antibiotics Colloids Opiates
amoxicillin and ampicillin (48). These tests have poor predictive
Opiates Chlorhexidine Reversal agents
values and should not be requested without skin tests. The lack
– Dyes/contrast media –
of a specific IgE assay to Teicoplanin poses a major problem in

Frontiers in Immunology | 4 May 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 1117

Misbah and Krishna Peri-Operative Anaphylaxis

FIGURE 1 | Flow chart for investigation of peri-operative anaphylaxis.

TABLE 3 | Rate of repeat anaphylaxis.

Number of patients undergoing Number with repeat anaphylaxis % Comments-identification of new

repeat anesthesia triggers

Thacker et al. (57) 57 3 5.2 NMB

Fisher et al. (58) 346 7 2.0 NMB - G,Latex- 1
Leysen et al. (41) 76 1 1.3 Inadvertent re-exposure to Chlorhexidine
via coated CVC
Fisher et al. (59) 183 0 0 –
Guyer et al. (13) 47 2 4.0 Mast cell disorders
Miller et al. (9) 70 3 4.0 Mastocytosis, gelofusine, chlorhexidine
Chiriac et al. (60) 92 2 2.1 NMB

the light of its emergence as a major trigger for POP and the Timing of Investigation
limitations of skin testing. The optimal timing of investigations following an episode of
While specific IgE assays to various NMB (suxamethonium, POP has been the subject of debate. Based on a theoretical
rocuronium, atracurium) are available, widespread use has been concern that skin testing immediately after the event may result
hampered by the lack of systematic validation and variation in false-negative results due to consumption of specific IgE and
in sensitivity (38.5–92%) and specificity (85.7–100%) (49). The mast cell refractoriness, some guidelines recommend that drug
utility of chlorhexidine-specific IgE to complement skin testing allergy investigation are performed at least 4–6 weeks after the
has already been discussed. event (53, 54). In practice, compelling clinical urgency following
Flow cytometric assessment of basophil activation (basophil abandonment of cancer-related surgery does mean that some
activation test; BAT) by detection of upregulated membrane patients are skin tested within a few days of anaphylaxis. Such
markers (CD63, CD203c) in response to ex-vivo activation an approach has been shown to be valid for many patients
by the suspected drug is a promising technique but exhibits (55, 56). However, it would be prudent to consider repeating
lower sensitivity in comparison with skin tests for NMBs (50). investigations a few weeks later, if skin tests are negative and the
Whether BAT will have wider application in other areas of drug culprit has not been identified. Figure 1 provides a flow chart of
allergy remains to be determined. The logistical challenges of the key steps involved in the investigation of POP.
transporting and testing a freshly collected sample, the need for
skilled personnel to run the assay coupled with restriction to a
few specialist laboratories has hampered its widespread adoption. OUTCOME OF REPEAT ANESTHESIA
However, BAT is likely to be of value in selected patients with
a compelling clinical history of anaphylaxis accompanied by an The limitations of currently available tools for drug allergy
elevated acute serum total tryptase where skin tests prove to be investigation results in a failure to identify a clear trigger in a
negative (51). This view has been strengthened by a subsequent substantial proportion of patients with POP (8–10). The choice
study in patients with NMB-associated anaphylaxis, where BAT of drugs for repeat anesthesia in such patients is particularly
exhibited a sensitivity of 77% and specificity of 76% (52). challenging. It would be reasonable in such cases to avoid

Frontiers in Immunology | 5 May 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 1117

Misbah and Krishna Peri-Operative Anaphylaxis

suspected triggers both in terms of its timing of administration, to avoid the morbidity and mortality associated with repeat
known cross-reactivity and propensity to trigger anaphylaxis. episodes of avoidable anaphylaxis. Failure to investigate does
Auditing the outcome of repeat anesthesia following drug result in repeat episodes (62) and carries significant medico-
allergy investigation provides quality assurance of investigatory legal implications.
methods and represents good clinical governance. Based on a Investigations should be restricted to specialist allergy
small number of studies, the rate of repeat anaphylaxis following centers with appropriate knowledge, skill and experience in
an index episode is estimated at 1–4% (Table 3). The emergence the investigation and management of drug allergy. Subject to
of undiagnosed mast cell disorders as an explanation for repeat substantial future advances in the investigatory tools available,
episodes of anaphylaxis is an important observation, highlighting the investigation of peri-operative anaphylaxis will remain
the need to consider bone marrow studies (61). dependent on clear documentation by anesthetists, obtaining a
clear time-line of events, judicious use of skin tests and allergen-
CONCLUDING REMARKS specific IgE and the exercise of astute clinical judgement.

This review has highlighted the high stakes surrounding the AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
investigation of peri-operative anaphylaxis and the frequent need
to make recommendations based on imperfect data. Despite the SAM was lead author of the manuscript and was responsible for
limitations of drug allergy testing, it is absolutely vital that all planning and writing the paper. MTK critically reviewed and
patients with suspected POP undergo thorough investigation co-authored the paper.

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