Com 80
Com 80
Com 80
35 50 35
15.8 17.2
90 180 120
ComFlor 80 Span table - Normal Weight Concrete
Deck Thickness (mm)
Props Span Fire Slab Mesh Bar 0.9 1.2
Rating Depth Type No Total Applied Load (kN/m2)
3.5 5.0 10.0 3.5 5.0 10.0
1 hr 150 A142 0 3.70 3.22 2.41 4.10 3.57 2.67
Simple 1 hr 160 A252 0 4.08 3.90 2.75 4.36 4.28 2.99
span 1.5 hr 160 A252 0 3.75 3.17 2.35 3.92 3.36 2.51
No Temporary props
slab & 2 hr 170 A393 0 4.00 3.46 2.42 4.29 3.41 2.48
deck 1 hr 150 A193 0 4.16 - - 4.44 - -
1 hr 150 A142 1 4.16 4.16 4.16 4.44 4.44 4.44
1 hr 150 A142 0 4.29 3.85 2.94 4.70 4.10 3.10
Double 1.5 hr 160 A252 0 4.10 3.94 2.98 4.68 4.07 3.10
span slab 2 hr 170 A393 0 3.97 3.92 2.93 4.55 3.93 2.98
& deck 1 hr 150 A193 0 4.28 4.28 - 5.06 - -
1 hr 150 A142 1 4.28 4.28 4.28 5.06 5.08 -
Quick Reference All spans are shown in metres and are based on Construction of 1.5kN/m2 is taken into account in accordance
Tables: supported unpropped conditions. Load: with BS5950: Part 4 no allowance has been
made for heaping of concrete during the casting
The load/span table above shows typical
of the slab.
spanning condition for the ComFlor 80 profile.
For variations of slab depth, loading conditions Deflection: Construction stage L/130 or 30mm (ponding
(including point loads), support conditions and has been taken into account).
the use of lightweight concrete we recommend
Fire Insulation: the minimum slab thickness indicated in each
the use of the Comdek software, available from
table satisfies the fire insulation requirements of
BS5950: Part 8.
Spans: Spans are measured centre to centre of support,
support width is 150mm in tables.