Updated Resume
Updated Resume
Updated Resume
Mobile No: 9880265825
Skype ID: errohan91
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rohan-sunny-kilikunnel-a9b18a102/
Year of
Course University/Board Institute Class
Industrial Manipal Manipal Institute of
2015 First class
Pollution University Technology
Marthoma Public
12th C.B.S.E School 2009 First class
Marthoma Public
10th C.B.S.E School 2006 First class
Project title- Collection and transportation of Solid waste, Street Sweeping waste
(including Street Sweeping Activities), Horticulture Waste and Collection and Storage of
Domestic Hazardous Waste to the Designated Processing Facility /Dump site/ Deposit
Centre-Client: Greater Chennai Corporation along with Swatch Bharath Mission
Strategic Assessment of Solid Waste Management Services and Systems with a focus on Plastic
waste and Marine litter October 2020-January 2021 (Client: Deloitte)
Ward wise survey at Bangalore regarding dry waste collection transportation and disposal
Identify any faults in working condition of waste collecting vehicle.
Report preparation of each site visit.
Sustainability park 30 TPD capacity, electronic city, Bangalore (May 2020-October 2020) Client:
Electronic City Industry Township Authority (ELCITA)
Observation and understanding the work of 300 tones capacity wet waste plant
SOP preparation of each plant
Remedies for reduction of fly nuisance and smell nuisance,
observation report,
identify the pH, teleoperation of windrow.
Measurement of oxygen in each windrow using oxygen meter
Study of each windrow and compost produced.
Procurement of machines
Selection of type of treatment to be carried out
Comparison of each machines
Report preparation.
BBMP Sweeping of Road by Mechanical Road Sweeping Machine (January 2019-May 2020)
Project title “Decentralized wastewater treatment - global innovation for sustainable rural
communities”. This project deals with developing a simple decentralized wastewater treatment at
Berambadi government school.
Major role in this project was to conduct sampling and to conduct basic parameters for the sample
which include BOD, COD, TSS, Alkalinity, Hardness, Faecal coliform, E-coli, Ortho-phosphate,
Total phosphate, Ammonical nitrogen, nitrates, E-coli, TOC and total coliform.
Was working on the project titled 4S(Small Scale Sanitation Scaling)-up which was funded Bill
and Mallinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) and CDD Banglore, EAWAG (Switzerland), BORDA
(Germany) are its partners.
Following are the objectives and work carried out
To investigate the technical, financial, management and environmental performance of
existing small-scale sanitation systems.
To develop a cause-impact framework for the success and failure of small-scale sanitation
To carry out a simplified comparative cost-benefit analysis
To determine in which contexts a small-scale approach is optimal and sustainable
To translate research results into recommendations for project planning, program
development and future investment.
My work was to visit and conduct basic assessment study across India. Basic assessment includes
interviewing the manager, operator and user of site. Interview was conducted by questioner in the
form of an app named Kobo-toolbox. Systems were evaluated on basis of treatment type and its
efficiency which has a capacity of 5.4-700 KLD. A total of 150 sites were visited by our team out
of that I have visited 102 sites across India and conducted survey.
After that an in-depth and comprehensive analysis were carried out for understanding the current
status of sanitation systems. This analysis include physico- chemical parameters such as BOD,
COD, MPN, TN, TDS, TSS, And nutrients such as phosphates, nitrites, nitrates etc. By working
in this project, I gained much knowledge in detailed sampling (grab and composite) and
experimental analysis which helps me in developing strong technical skills in the field of
Wastewater technology.
This is my PG project work which was done externally. The main objective of this project is to
determine the rate of the corrosion and also to check whether the given rare earth compound can
be used in industry were the corrosion rate is high. The determined corrosion rate is compared
with another salt to check whether synergistic effect takes place or not. The given rare earth metal
and salt comparison is carried to determine which has corrosion rate.
These experiments were carried out to determine corrosion rate weightloss measurment,
Spectroscopy study, Chronological studies, Electrodynamic polarization studies, Electrodynamic
impedence measurement and Depletion.
Bring together Indian industry, technology providers, investors and waste management
companies both domestic & international on single platform to deliberate on techno-
business solutions towards keeping India clean in a sustainable manner and encourage the
adoption of 3R practices.
To encourage and facilitate participation of technology providers, having intention to keep
city clean by bring out best available technologies to manage waste.
To identify best available technologies across the globe in solid waste management, with
the aim of making cities unpolluted.
To provide an opportunity to city authority to interact with global technology providers
and explore possibilities to develop techno-business partnership to make the city clean
from waste.
Honor select industries, start-ups and Municipal Corporation with CII 3R Awards in waste
minimization & recycling; and innovation in generating minimum/ zero waste products.
Basics of GIS and Remote Sensing for Water and Sanitation October 2020-November 2021
Software known: Auto Cad, Sigma plot, Origin 8, Q-GIS, SFD diagram
Office suite: MS-office.
E-waste management
Wet waste treatment
Bio-gas studies and design
Automatic composter
Composting process
Waste to energy
Waste management
Wastewater treatment its various technology and uses
Faecal Sludge Treatment Plant (FSTP)
Procuration of instruments and devices
Dealing with suppliers and providing the apt technology
Solid waste management
Road sweeping machine
Inception report preparation
Detailed project report (DPR)
Report preparation
Corrosion control and maintenance in pipeline
Selection of machines for waste segregation
Key Performance Index
I hereby declare that all the details furnished here are true to the best of my knowledge.