Errata - LOTR Armies 08.23
Errata - LOTR Armies 08.23
Errata - LOTR Armies 08.23
Q: If the rider from atop a Warg, Fell Warg, or similar is Q: Is the Great Beast of Gorgoroth a Battlefield Target or a Siege
slain, and the mount passes its Courage test to remain on the Target? (p.146)
battlefield, does it keep the Cavalry keyword even though it is A: As it has the Monster keyword and is not mentioned in
no longer a Cavalry model? (p.120) the list of Siege Targets, it is a Battlefield Target. Its Howdah
A: No, as it is no longer a Cavalry model. is also a Battlefield Target.
Q: When the rider of a Warg Rider is slain and the Warg passes Q: If the Balrog or Watcher in the Water hits a War Beast,
its Courage test to stay on the board, does the Warg retain the its Howdah, or a model riding in the Howdah with their Fiery
Mordor or Angmar keyword (depending on what list it was Lash or Tentacles special rule respectively, what happens? (p.151
taken from)? (p.120 & 131) & p.159)
A: Yes. A: If the War Beast or Howdah is hit then it will suffer
the hit as normal, but will not be moved into base contact
Q: If Gûlavhar is already wounded and slays an enemy model with the Balrog or Watcher in the Water. A model in the
in combat before making all his Strikes, does he regain Wounds Howdah will be moved as described in the rules for the
and therefore Attacks immediately, and can therefore use them Fiery Lash or Tentacles.
in the same combat? (p.127)
A: No. Gûlavhar will only gain Wounds by slaying models Q: If the Balrog or Watcher in the Water hits a Cavalry model
at the end of a combat he is involved in. with their Fiery Lash or Tentacles special rule respectively, is the
whole model dragged into the fight or just the part that was hit?
Q: If Gûlavhar suffers any Wounds whilst making Attacks (p.151 & 159)
(such as from Haldir’s One Final Blow special rule, or Sharku’s A: Both rules state the model, so it will be the whole
Riding Dagger) which results in its Wounds being reduced, will model.
its Attacks be reduced before making any more Strikes? (p.127)
A: If Gûlavhar is making its Strikes all in one go then this Q: If the Balrog suffers multiple Wounds from attacks that
will have no effect on the number of Attacks Gûlavhar would normally kill it outright, will it take half its total number
makes. However, if Gûlavhar makes its Strikes individually of wounds from each successful attack or half in total as per its
and has its Wounds reduced before it has finished making Demon of the Ancient World special rule? (p.151)
all its Strikes then its Attacks will immediately be reduced. A: It will take half from each, so it will take two attacks
This may result in Gûlavhar having to immediately stop with the ability to kill the Balrog outright to do so.
making Strikes.
Q: If the Balrog or the Watcher in the Water hits a model with
Q: Gûlavhar’s Strength of Body, Strength of Will special rule their Fiery Lash or Tentacles special rule respectively, and by
states that his Attacks and Courage are equal to his remaining dragging them into combat by the shortest possible route would
Wounds. How does this interact with special rules that increase also put the dragged model into base contact with another
or decrease a model’s Courage value (such as Harbinger of Evil friendly model, will that friendly model also count as being in
or a war horn) or Magical Powers that permanently affect a combat with the dragged model? (p.151 & 159)
model’s Courage value (such as Drain Courage)? (p.127) A: Yes.
A: Gûlavhar will still be affected by special rules that increase
or decrease his Courage value as normal. In these instances, Q: Can the Watcher in the Water displace models so that they
work out what Gûlavhar’s Courage value would be (equal are forced off the edge of a cliff? (p.159)
to his remaining Wounds) and then apply the modifier of A: Yes, the model will take falling damage as normal.
the special rule in question; so, if Gûlavhar had his full 4
Wounds remaining, and was affected by the Harbinger of Q: Can the Watcher in the Water displace models so that they
Evil special rule, his Courage value would be 3. Gûlavhar are forced off the edge of the board? (p.159)
cannot be affected by Magical Powers that permanently A: No.
affect his Courage value (such as Drain Courage).
Q: Can the Watcher in the Water shoot models it is Engaged in Q: There are some models in the Isengard army list that do not
combat with? (p.159) have the Isengard keyword, such as the Orcs and Dunlendings.
A: Yes. Additionally, the Watcher will not need to take an Does this means they do not benefit from the Isengard Army
In The Way roll to see if it hits itself. Bonus? (p.166)
A: Correct. The Orcs (being from Mordor) and the
Q: Can the Watcher in the Water target mounts directly with its Dunlendings (being from Dunland) are not from Isengard,
Tentacles shooting attack? (p.159) and as such do not have the Isengard keyword, and
A: Yes. therefore do not benefit from the Isengard Army Bonus.
Q: If the Watcher in the Water suffers any Wounds whilst Q: The Isengard Army Bonus states that models with the
making Attacks (such as from Haldir’s One Final Blow special Isengard keyword do not take Courage tests for being Broken
rule, or Sharku’s Riding Dagger) which results in its Wounds until they have suffered 66% casualties. How does this affect
being reduced to 3 or less, will its Attacks be reduced to 3 before Scenarios that award Victory Points for an opponent’s force
making any more Strikes? (p.159) being Broken? (p.166)
A: If the Watcher in the Water is making its Strikes all in A: Although models benefiting from the Army Bonuses do
one go then this will have no effect on the number of not take Courage tests for being Broken, the army itself is
Attacks the Watcher in the Water makes. However, if the still Broken and will award Victory Points as normal.
Watcher in the Water makes its Strikes individually and
has its Wounds reduced to 3 or less before it has finished Q: If a model within 6” of Gríma Wormtongue declares a
making all its Strikes then its Attacks will immediately Heroic Action without spending Might (such as through the
be reduced to 3. This may result in the Watcher in the use of the Master of Battle (X+) or a special rule in their
Water having to immediately stop making Strikes as it will profile), how many Might do they have to spend due to Gríma’s
already have made 3 (or more). Wormtongue special rule? (p.168)
A: None as no Might points are being spent to declare the
Q: Can the Watcher in the Water use Might to increase its Heroic Action.
roll to arrive on the board for its From the Deep special rule?
(p.159) Q: If an Isengard army is Broken, but has not yet suffered 66%
A: No. casualties, then models with the Isengard keyword do not
take Courage tests for being Broken, but those without do as
Q: Can the Watcher in the Water still use its Tentacles special per the Army Bonus. In this situation, can an Isengard Hero
rule if it has moved over half its Move allowance that turn? still make a Courage test for being Broken in order to use their
(p.159) Stand Fast! special rule to allow Warrior models without the
A: Yes, though it will still suffer the -1 penalty for moving Isengard keyword to stay and fight? (p.166)
and shooting. A: Yes, however, should they fail their Courage test they will
still be removed as a casualty, so be careful when opting to
Q: Can models finish their move on top of a Moria Goblin make these Courage tests!
Drum? (p.161)
A: No, but they may attempt to jump over it. Q: Do Uruk-hai Scouts that are upgraded to be Mauhúr’s
Marauders still gain the Woodland Creature special rule from
Q: Bat Swarms (and other flying models) now have a Move the Isengard Army Bonus? (p.166)
allowance of 3". Why is this? (p.163) A: Yes, they are still Uruk-hai Scouts after all.
A: The Fly special rule is what gives these models their 12"
move; this is to give them a Move allowance for when they Q: Do Uruk-hai Drummers gain the Woodland Creature special
walk should you ever need it. rule from the Isengard Army Bonus? (p.166)
A: Yes.
Q: If a Bat Swarm that is under the effects of the Channelled
version of the Shroud of Shadows Magical Power is Engaged in Q: If an enemy model charges Gríma and wins the fight, can
a fight, do the models they are Engaged with halve their Fight they strike his horse if Gríma is mounted? (p.168)
value twice (once for Blinding Swarm and once for the Magical A: No.
Power) or just once? (p.163)
A: They will only halve their Fight value once (rounding Q: If an enemy model Commands Gríma to Charge an
down). enemy model, will this cause Gríma to have revealed his true
allegiance? (p.168)
Q: How many models does a Warg Marauder count as for the A: No, as this Charge was not voluntary.
purpose of building an army and Bow Limit? (p.164)
A: Like all Cavalry models, it will count as a single model. Q: If Gríma Wormtongue is charged by a model riding a War
As it is armed with an Orc bow it will also count as a Camel, does he still suffer a Strength 4 hit from their Impaler
model towards your Bow Limit. special rule even if he has not been revealed yet? (p.168)
A: Yes.
Q: Once his force is Broken, can Uglúk use his Head Taker
special rule to pass any Courage test, or just one for being
Broken? (p.169)
A: Just the Courage test for being Broken.
Q: Once his force is Broken, can Uglúk use his Head Taker Q: Does the Golden King of Abrakhân’s Riches Beyond Renown
special rule to pass a Courage test, even if he is benefiting from special rule decrease an enemy model’s Courage value for the
the Isengard Army Bonus and the army has not yet suffered duration of the turn or the remainder of the game? (p.192)
66% casualties, in order to allow friendly Warrior models to A: The duration of the turn.
benefit from his Stand Fast!? (p.169)
A: No. Uglúk can only use Head Taker to pass a Courage Q: If a War Mûmak of Harad (or any other War Beast for that
test he would normally have to take for being Broken. matter) suffers the effects of Set Ablaze, are the Howdah and
the Crew also Set Ablaze? (p.194)
Q: If Sharku suffers a Wound, but then saves it by passing his A: No. A War Beast, its Howdah, and its crew, are all
Fate roll, does he get to make a strike against the enemy model considered to be separate for the purposes of the Set
for his Riding Dagger special rule? (p.170) Ablaze special rule.
A: No.
Q: Can the options for a War Mûmak of Harad be shattered by
Q: Does an Uruk-hai Berserker benefit from their Impervious to the Shatter Magical Power? (p.194)
Bow-fire special rule against throwing weapons? (p.176) A: No.
A: Yes, throwing weapons are still shooting attacks.
Q: How are models that cannot normally be directly affected
Q: When a bomb is dropped, can it be dropped only touching by Magical Powers that would prevent them from moving (such
one of the bomb carriers, or must it be dropped touching both? as Smaug or the Mumâk) affected by Special Rules that would
(p.178) make them suffer the effects of the Paralyse Magical Power, but
A: When the bomb is dropped, it must be placed touching that technically aren’t Magical Powers (such as a Mirkwood
both of the bomb carriers. The only exception is if one Spider’s Spider Web or Shelob’s Caught in a Web Brutal Power
of the bomb carriers is slain, in which case the bomb is Attack)? (p. 194)
dropped touching the remaining bomb carrier, as close to A: Models that cannot be prevented from moving (such as
where the slain bomb carrier was. Smaug or a Mûmak) will be unaffected by Special Rules
that make them suffer the effects of the Paralyse Magical
Q: Can a Demolition Charge be placed overlapping a model’s Power.
base? (p.178)
A: No. Q: Can models other than the Mûmak War Leader or a Mahûd
Beastmaster be placed on the forked section outside of the
Q: Does a single successful Fate roll prevent all Wounds suffered Howdah? (p.194)
from an Isengard Demolition Charge, or just one? (p.178) A: No, any other models that are riding the Mûmak must
A: Just one Wound per successful Fate roll. be placed within the Howdah.
Q: When a Demolition Charge detonates, do you measure from Q: Does the Sigils of Defiance option for the War Mûmak of
the centre of the charge or from the edges of the charge? (p.178) Harad affect the Mûmak as well? (p.195)
A: Measure from the edges of the Demolition Charge. A: Yes.
Q: Do models that do not technically charge, such as a Q: Can Mahûd Warrior models benefit from their Warrior
Khandish Chariot, need to take a Courage test if they wish to Pride Army Bonus if there is a friendly Mûmak War Leader on
try to run over a terrifying model? (p.189) Royal War Mûmak, a friendly War Mûmak of Far Harad, or
A: No. a friendly War Mûmak of Harad with the Mahûd Beastmaster
upgrade, in combat within 6” of them? (p.200)
Q: Can models that do not technically charge, such as a A: Yes. Although the Mahûd Hero isn’t technically in
Khandish Chariot, still try to run over enemy models if they are combat themselves, riding a Mûmak that is in combat is
part of a Heroic March? (p.189) still pretty inspiring!
A: Yes.
Q: If a model on a War Camel kills a model it charges with the
Q: If a model riding a Khandish Chariot is involved in a Impaler rule and then charges another model, will it inflict a
successful Heroic Combat, can it use its Chariot Charge in the Strength 4 hit on this model too? (p.203)
ensuing movement? (p.189) A: Yes.
A: Yes.
Q: If a model on a War Camel charges an enemy model across a
Q: Can a Khandish Chariot be knocked Prone via the Bash barrier, do they still cause a Strength 4 hit against the enemy as
special strike? (p.189) per the Impaler special rule? (p.203)
A: Yes. A: No. Cavalry models gain no benefits when charging a
model defending a barrier.
Q: Is the Golden King of Abrakhân’s two-handed weapon a
sword? (p.192) Q: If a model with the Impaler special rule charges a Cavalry
A: Yes. model and kills the mount on the charge, will it now gain
the Cavalry Charge bonuses as it is now fighting against an
Q: Can the Golden King of Abrakhân be supported by a model Infantry model? (p.203)
armed with a spear or pike that are on a 25mm base? (p.192) A: No, as the model initially charged a Cavalry model.
A: No.
Q: Can a Corsair Reaver within 6" of a Corsair Bo’sun choose
to automatically fail its Courage test for its Mindless Killers
special rule? (p.207)
A: Yes.
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