Psychopharmacology For Non Psychiatrists
Psychopharmacology For Non Psychiatrists
Psychopharmacology For Non Psychiatrists
for NonPsychiatrists
A Primer
Psychopharmacology for Nonpsychiatrists
Daniel P. Greenfield
Psychopharmacology for
A Primer
Daniel P. Greenfield
Clinical Professor of Neuroscience (Psychiatry)
Seton Hall University
Short Hills
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As with my previous volumes, this
Primer is dedicated to my family,
children, and grandchildren (now
six of them!), and to the colleagues,
students, and friends who shared
their interests and experiences with
me over the years, and gave me the
database for this book.
– Daniel P. Greenfield
Clinical Foreword
viii Clinical Foreword
with psychiatric conditions unfortunately find themselves interacting with the jus-
tice system, Dr. Greenfield concludes with useful considerations related to the inter-
section of mental health and the law.
Many areas of the country are experiencing an acute shortage of mental health-
care providers. This shortage is greatly exacerbated by the opioid abuse crisis and
the COVID-19 pandemic our nation faces. Primary care providers will increasingly
find themselves in a position of needing to initiate and monitor psychopharmaco-
logic therapy. Dr. Greenfield’s extensive experience has allowed him to create an
easily readable book that will serve as a welcome information source as these clini-
cians work to develop a sound therapeutic plan for their troubled patients.
x Legal/Forensic Foreword
Author’s Disclaimer
I have attempted to ensure that the information, details, facts, and discussions con-
tained in this book are accurate and up to date as of the time of its publication, and
consistent with applicable clinical practice and practice standards. However, phar-
macology, psychopharmacology, and clinical practice generally are dynamic fields,
constantly changing and advancing, so that particular points in this Primer may not
apply in a particular case or cases. For these reasons, the reader is encouraged to
supplement their knowledge by consulting applicable sources and references,
including books, textbooks, articles, monographs, electronic databases (such as the
Physician’s Desk Reference, or the PDR), other Internet sources, and other such
resources. A number of such sources are given in the Selected References section of
this Primer, as well as other references and sources cited in this book.
In that context, in the three legal/forensic chapters (Chaps. 10, 11, and 12) espe-
cially, the information conveyed should not be construed or taken as legal advice,
which, not being an attorney or legal professional, the author is not competent to
give, and which can be given only by a licensed attorney or qualified legal
During the time I am writing this Preface, the world is struggling with the COVID-19
pandemic crisis of 2020. We all hope that when the crisis is over, the world will
return to “normal” (whatever that is!), and that this crisis, or another such cata-
clysm, will not happen again.
But for this book, that fact and the age of the author of this book are relevant in
two ways:
1. During the COVID-19 crisis, we did less. Less travel, less complex entertain-
ment, less activity, less congregating, less consumption, and the like. A regres-
sion, in a way, to slower and simpler times. The obvious exceptions to this
observation were those who had to work in dangerous conditions: first respond-
ers and direct-care healthcare professionals; food production and service work-
ers; and the workers in the facilities, shops, and stores which provided essential
products and services to consumers.
2. In my 40-plus years of clinical practice, and historically before that, I have seen
the evolution of psychiatric practice and psychopharmacology through several
dramatic quasi-paradigm shifts. I have seen organized psychiatry’s view of itself
and the public’s view of the profession change dramatically. And, of late, those
views of the profession have become intertwined with their views of psycho-
pharmacology (or, more properly, “psychopharmacotherapy,” as discussed later
in this book).
Concerning point (1), the notion of “doing more with less,” as we will see in the
practical notion of a conservative and minimalist approach to psychopharmacology
expressed in this book and in the “deprescribing” climate of today, is being learned
in the COVID-19 crisis. This lesson will likely prove to be a useful global caution-
ary tale. The lesson from this metaphor for psychopharmacology, likewise, is “do
more with less.” That lesson will be an ongoing theme throughout this book.
xvi Preface
In this vein, the often-quoted, somewhat paraphrased, words of Harvard Medical School/
Massachusetts General Hospital child psychiatrist and Professor of Psychiatry, Leon Eisenberg,
MD, in about 1995 ring true: “Let’s not allow the brainlessness of psychiatry in the 1930s through
1950s be replaced with the mindlessness of psychiatry in the 1980s and 1990s…”
Preface xvii
The foregoing leads logically to the question “Why write (or read) yet another
textbook of psychopharmacology?”
The answer is straightforward. It recognizes and accepts that the professional
literature in psychopharmacology is awash with encyclopedic and scholarly tomes
and articles, in turn abounding in information, details, protocols, flow charts, data,
tables, figures, studies, and the like. These sources provide incredibly detailed and
often unnecessary, inapplicable, or even untranslatable information for the practitio-
ner working with, say, anxious and/or depressed patients—the “common colds” of
Therefore, the answer to the question posed above is that this present Primer is
intended for: (1) The prescribing “front-line” practitioner, including Physician
Assistant (PA); Advanced Practice Nurse/Nurse Practitioner (APN/NP);
Psychologist with prescribing privileges (in a jurisdiction in which that occurs),
and other such professionals, this book is intended as a practical and useful guide
applicable to their practices; (2) Other mental health professionals, counselors,
therapists, and practitioners who do not themselves prescribe, but whose patients/
clients are prescribed psychotropic medications by others, or might benefit from
them, this book is intended as a guide to psychopharmacology and “psychophar-
macotherapy” (i.e., the therapeutic use of psychopharmacologic agents and medi-
cations); (3) Teachers, educators, and academic/school administrators whose
students and staff may need mental health evaluations and/or treatment, and/or
who might benefit from such evaluations and/or treatment; (4) Nonpsychiatric
physicians or dentists whose practices, as many do, involve psychopharmacother-
apy; (5) Prescribing health care professionals—such as naturopaths, homeopaths,
physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech/language therapists, recre-
ation therapists, and many others—this book is intended as a concise practical
guide to psychopharmacology for their patients/clients who are currently on psy-
chotropic drugs or who might benefit from psychopharmacotherapy; (6) Legal and
other professionals who are not themselves healthcare professionals, but who
interact with healthcare professionals, this book is intended to provide a practical
and user-friendly basic understanding of psychopharmacology and psychophar-
macotherapy; and (7) Students and trainees in all of these areas and professions,
this book is intended as a concise guide and practical handbook of psychopharma-
cology and psychopharmacotherapy. The only healthcare professionals for whom
xviii Preface
this present book is not intended are practicing and research psychiatrists, and
psychiatry trainees (residents). However, medical students interested in psychiatry
would likely find this book a useful vade mecum and examination prepara-
tion book.
Table P.2 (p. xviii) summarizes the individuals for whom this book is intended.
This Primer is organized in four parts, as also indicated in its Table of Contents:
Part I, “Essentials of Psychopharmacology and Psychopharmacotherapy,” is the
“Basic Principles of Pharmacology, Psychopharmacology, and
Psychopharmacotherapy” (Chap. 2); “The Four ‘Major Anti-s’” (Chap. 3); “The
Sixteen ‘Minor Anti-s’” (Chap. 4); “Illicit Substances and Drugs” (Chap. 5); and
“Botanicals, Herbals, Nutraceuticals, and (Dietary) Supplements (“Natural
Products”)” (Chap. 6).
Part II, “Therapies That May Involve Psychopharmacology/Psychopharma
cotherapy,” provides a succinct overview of selected and representative types of
psychotherapy and counseling in contemporary psychiatry and psychology. This
Part is geared toward all of the potential readers of this book. The chapters in
this Part recognize that, despite the current psychiatric orientation toward largely
psychopharmacologic treatment in psychiatric practice, there is more to “psy-
chopharmacotherapy” than simply “pharmacology.” The orientation endorsed in
this book is toward a conservative and minimalist approach to psychopharmaco-
therapy, and that “putting the therapy back into psychopharmacotherapy”
(S.L. Feder, private communication, 1979) is a worthwhile goal. “An Overview
of Therapies in Mental Health Care” (Chap. 7) introduces the two broad catego-
ries of psychotherapeutic treatment in psychology, specifically “psychological”
and “somatic,” and outlines subcategories of treatment within those two broad
categories. “Psychotherapies and Counseling” (Chap. 8) and “Somatic Therapies
(Somatotherapies)” (Chap. 9) present and discuss examples of those types of
Preface xix
Recognizing that no prescribing practitioner can be “all things to all people,” this
book, and this Part in particular, address referrals and consultations for non-
pharmacotherapeutic interventions from a variety of practitioners and profes-
sionals. The emphasis throughout this Primer, in that vein, is on interdisciplinary
and holistic treatment approaches to individuals with the conditions and con-
cerns presented and discussed in this book.
Part III, “Forensic and Legal Applications of Psychopharmacology/
Psychopharmacotherapy,” draws on this author’s long experience in various
aspects of forensic psychiatry and recognizes both the extent and usefulness of
knowledge on a legal professional’s part of psychopharmacotherapy in its myr-
iad potential applications in the law. “Overview” (Chap. 10) gives a survey of
these applications. “Selection and Use of Experts: Five Questions” (Chap. 11)
and “Evaluating Versus Treating Doctor/Therapist: A Word to the Wise” (Chap.
12) both focus on practical and sometimes problematic areas that frequently
occur for trial attorneys and legal professionals generally.
Part IV, “Synthesis and Conclusions” (Chap. 13), pulls together salient points
reviewed in this book in order to assist the reader in the practical psychopharma-
cotherapeutic treatment of patients/clients.
Last, for the purposes of this Preface, I emphasize that this Primer is not intended
as a comprehensive or encyclopedic research or reference source, or as a guide or
cookbook for actual prescribing of the psychotropic medications discussed in the
Primer. For that purpose and for such detailed information, the reader is directed to
the applicable detailed Selected References listed at the end of this Preface. I also
reemphasize two points made in the Author’s Disclaimer earlier in this book, namely
that (1) Although I have attempted to ensure accuracy and current information in
this Primer, in the rapidly-changing field of psychopharmacology, some informa-
tion will necessarily be outdated by the time this volume is published. The inter-
ested and questioning reader is advised and encouraged to supplement or expand
their information from this Primer by consulting the Selected References, compa-
rable works, electronic databases, Internet sources, and the like; and (2) Since this
book is also not intended as a textbook or manual for the psychopharmacotherapeu-
tic treatment and management of patients/clients with psychiatric disorders, the
reader is also advised to consult their healthcare professional/treatment provider for
treatment advice. Similarly, this Primer does not purport to provide formal legal
advice or counsel, which can only be given by a qualified legal professional.
A Note On References
Rather than burdening the reader with excessive and detailed references and cita-
tions in this Primer, given below are particularly useful selected references. In addi-
tion, other specific references and citations will be given in parentheses throughout
the Primer. For further information and details about any topics presented and
xx Preface
discussed in this book, the interested reader is referred not only to the following list
of selected references, but also to applicable textbooks, monographs, electronic
databases, print articles and materials, Internet sources, and other applicable
Selected References
Black DW, Andreasen NC. Introductory textbook of psychiatry. 6th ed. American
Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.; 2014. (A solid basic textbook of psychiatry.)
Multiple Authors. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental health disorders
(DSM-5). 5th ed. American Psychiatry Association, Inc.; 2013. (This book is the
controversial “bible” for primarily American and Canadian psychiatric
The comparable international work to the DSM-5 is currently the 2019 International
classification of diseases (ICD-10). 10th ed. World Health Organization. (The
ICD-11 was due for adoption in 2020.)
Frances A. Saving normal: an insider’s revolt against out-of-control psychiatric
diagnosis, big pharma, and the medicalization of ordinary life. Harper Collins
Publishers; 2013. (The subtitle says it all! See Chap. 4 in this Primer.)
Ghaemi SN. Clinical psychopharmacology: principles and practice. Oxford
University Press; 2019. (A scholarly, detailed, and lengthy overview of psycho-
pharmacology, also covering social practice and research/methodologic aspects
of the field.)
Hales RE, Yudofsky ST, Roberts LW, editors, et al. The American Psychiatric
Publishing textbook of psychiatry. 6th ed. American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.;
2014. (A standard, detailed encyclopedic textbook tome, for reference. A seventh
edition is available, copyright 2019, with updated coverage in a number of areas.)
Harrington A. Mind fixers: psychiatry’s troubled search for the biology of mental
illness. W.W. Norton and Company; 2019. (A historical and scholarly review of
the topic, including some of the same topics as Saving Normal listed above.)
Puzantian T, Carlat DJ. Medication fact book for psychiatric practice. 6th ed. Carlat
Publishing, LLC; 2020. (A very useful “cookbook” for psychotropic prescribing,
conveniently organized and presented for the practitioner.)
Watters E. Crazy like us: the globalization of the American psyche. Free Press;
2010. (Psychiatric diagnostic issues similar to those in Saving Normal, with an
international focus.)
Weil A. Mind over meds: know when drugs are necessary, when alternatives are
better—and when to let your body heal on its own. Little, Brown and Company;
2017. (A balanced and holistic approach to pharmacology and psychopharma-
cology by the popular “guru” of these fields.)
Preface xxi
With the surfeit of internet resources, websites of all imaginable types and quality,
and numerous related electronic sources of information and data, the reader, clini-
cian, researcher, and member of the public—patient/client or not—may easily
become confused about where to go and what to accept in learning psychopharma-
cology and psychopharmacotherapy. In this vein, a productive way to navigate the
bewildering array of such sources consists of dividing them into several catego-
ries, viz.
1. Refereed (“peer-reviewed;” “juried”) scientific, technical, and professional jour-
nals, newsletters, and the like, including e-journals, e-newsletters, and other
open-source e-publications. Selected examples include:
• Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology (peer-reviewed independent profes-
sional journal)
• Experimental & Clinical Psychopharmacology (peer-reviewed professional
journal of the American Psychological Association)
• Journal of Psychopharmacology (peer-reviewed professional journal of the
British Association for Psychopharmacology)
• Psychopharmacology (Berlin/Heidelberg; Springer Publications)
2. Government and academic/research institutions, publications and e-publications,
and associated websites. Selected examples include:
• National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) website, affiliated institutes, pro-
grams, centers, websites, and publications (electronic and print)
• National Institute on Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse (NIAAA) website, affili-
ated institutes, programs and centers, and websites and publications (elec-
tronic and print)
• National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) website, affiliated institutes, cen-
ters, programs and websites, and publications (electronic and print)
• Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse (CCSA), affiliated programs and publi-
cations (electronic and print)
• National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University
(NCASACU), programs and publications (electronic and print)
3. Journals, magazines, societies, and associated websites. Selected examples
• Psychology Today
• Scientific American
• Scientific American Mind
xxii Preface
xxvi Contents
Chapter 1
Introduction: Epidemiologic Triangle
Model, Diagnosis, Psychiatric Diagnosis,
and Other Necessary Preliminaries
For present purposes in addressing the need to have a basic understanding of the
DSM-5 for discussing substantive aspects of psychopharmacology/psychopharma-
cotherapy, the following excerpts from the “Cautionary Statement for Forensic Use
of DSM-5” (about the inapplicability of adopting the DSM-5 wholesale for forensic
psychiatric purposes) are instructive:
Although the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria and text are primarily designed to assist clinicians in
conducting clinical assessment, case formulation, and treatment planning, DSM-5 is also used as
a reference for the courts and attorneys in assessing the forensic consequences of mental disor-
ders. As a result, it is important to note that the definition of mental disorder included in DSM-5
was developed to meet the needs of clinicians, public health professionals, and research investi-
gators rather than all of the technical needs of the courts and legal professionals… the use of
DSM-5 should be informed by an awareness of the risks and limitations of its use in forensic
settings… These dangers arise because the imperfect fit between the questions of ultimate con-
cern to the law and the information contained in a clinical diagnosis… [for example]… having
the diagnosis in itself does not demonstrate that a particular individual is (or was) unable to
control his or her behavior at a particular time… (page 25 of the DSM-5)
Put more concisely, in the context of forensic psychiatry (see Part III of this
book), the presence of a DSM-5 diagnosis does no more to pinpoint a particular
disability (level of functioning, or symptomatology, for example) than does the
presence of that diagnosis to pinpoint a specific etiology, causes or mechanism of
action, for that diagnosis. This is an important concept in psychopharmacology/
psychopharmacotherapy and will be developed and revisited throughout this book.
Recognizing and accepting these limitations and restrictions in psychiatric diag-
nosis, however, the basis for the several “anti” categories of psychopharmacologic
agents in this book (see Part I) will be the DSM-5, owing to its widespread accept-
ability and use in the psychiatric community. In this regard, the reader must be
aware of and careful about what one prominent psychiatric insider and commenta-
tor has called “diagnostic inflation.” This concept refers to increasing apparent prev-
alence (presence, or frequency), of given psychiatric disorders and conditions based,
in part, on DSM definitions and diagnostic criteria in successive editions of the DSM
over the years, regardless of the underlying neurobiological mechanism of action,
causes, or etiology of the disorder at issue. This concept is particularly relevant to
psychopharmacology/psychopharmacotherapy in terms of the reasons, or clinical
indications, for prescribing given agents for particular disorders. If, for example, the
apparent prevalence of a psychiatric disorder in a given population increases because
of a change—a broadening or widening—in DSM-5 diagnostic criteria (whether or
not that change reflects a true increase in that prevalence), then the prescribing clini-
cian will necessarily prescribe a given psychopharmacologic/psychopharmacother-
apeutic agent for more patients or for a broader range of patients with related
diagnoses than if the DSM diagnostic change had never occurred. This “inflation”
has been identified for a number of psychiatric disorders, including attention-deficit
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), eating disorders (anorexia and bulimia), and post-
traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), among others.
With all these caveats, Table 1.1 lists the current major categories of psychiatric
disorders as given in the DSM-5.
In the next part of this book—the core of the book—I will present and discuss
substantive and practical aspects of psychopharmacology/psychopharmacotherapy.
4 1 Introduction: Epidemiologic Triangle Model, Diagnosis, Psychiatric Diagnosis…
A Note on References
Rather than burdening the reader with excessive and detailed references and cita-
tions in this Primer, given below are particularly useful selected references. In addi-
tion, other specific references and citations will be given in parentheses throughout
the Primer. For further information and details about any topics presented and dis-
cussed in this book, the interested reader is referred not only to the following list of
selected references but also to applicable textbooks, monographs, electronic data-
bases, print articles and materials, internet sources, and other applicable resources.
Selected References
• Black DW, Andreasen NC. Introductory textbook of psychiatry. 6th ed. American
Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.; 2014. (A solid basic textbook of psychiatry.)
• Multiple Authors. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental health disorders
(DSM-5). 5th ed. American Psychiatry Association, Inc.; 2013. (This book is the
controversial “bible” for primarily American and Canadian psychiatric
• The comparable international work to the DSM-5 is currently the 2019
International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10). 10th ed. World Health
Organization. (The ICD-11 was due for adoption in 2020.)
• Frances A. Saving normal: an insider’s revolt against out-of-control psychiatric
diagnosis, big pharma, and the medicalization of ordinary life. Harper Collins
Publishers: 2013. (The subtitle says it all! See Chap. 4 of this Primer.)
A Note on References 5
With the surfeit of internet resources, websites of all imaginable types and quality,
and numerous related electronic sources of information and data, the reader, clini-
cian, researcher, and member of the public—patient/client or not—may easily
become confused about where to go and what to accept in learning psychopharma-
cology and psychopharmacotherapy. In this vein, a productive way to navigate the
bewildering array of such sources consists of dividing them into several catego-
ries, viz.
1. Refereed (“peer-reviewed;” “juried”) scientific, technical, and professional jour-
nals, newsletters, and the like, including e-journals, e-newsletters, and other
open-source e-publications. Selected examples include:
• Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology (peer-reviewed independent profes-
sional journal)
• Experimental & Clinical Psychopharmacology (peer-reviewed professional
journal of the American Psychological Association)
• Journal of Psychopharmacology (peer-reviewed professional journal of the
British Association for Psychopharmacology)
• Psychopharmacology (Berlin/Heidelberg; Springer Publications)
6 1 Introduction: Epidemiologic Triangle Model, Diagnosis, Psychiatric Diagnosis…
Concerning concepts and terms in human biology and medicine, the most funda-
mental life science underlying all of the sciences discussed in this chapter is physi-
ology. The term derives from the Greek “physio-” meaning “nature,” and “-logia”
meaning “study of.” As a basic clinical science, human physiology encompasses the
physical and chemical functioning of the normal human organism, unaffected,
unchanged, and uninfluenced by disease, licit or illicit substances, “xenobiotics”
(foreign substances, from the Greek, “xeno-” meaning “foreign,” and “-biota”
meaning “living things”), or other such entities.
In contrast, pharmacology (from the Greek, “pharmakon” meaning “drug”)
refers to the science of the effects on the human organism of foreign substances or
agents (i.e., not normally found in the organism or in any of its organ systems or
subsystems). Toxicology (from the Greek, “toxikon” meaning “poison”) is gener-
ally considered a parallel science, or sub science, of pharmacology. Its relationship
to pharmacology was captured some 500 years ago in the words of Paracelsus
(Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim, a sixteenth-century
Swiss physician and natural philosopher who lived from 1493 to 1541), known as
the “father of toxicology,” who wrote that “…all substances are poisons; there is
none which is not a poison. The right dose differentiates a poison from a remedy…”
(Klaassen K, et al. Introduction. In Casarett and Doull’s toxicology. 4th ed. McGraw-
Hill; 1990.)
Finally, psychopharmacology (from the Greek “psyche-” meaning “soul”) is the
branch of pharmacology which deals with pharmacologic agents, drugs, or medica-
tions which act on (psychoactive) or influence (psychotropic) the mind (or in more
current neuroscientific terminology, the brain and nervous system; see above).
Concerning basic principles of pharmacology and psychopharmacology from
the perspective of what happens to active psychopharmacologic agents, or drugs/
medications, when they interact with the human host who is taking them, in any
environment in which that individual is taking these agents (i.e., the Epidemiologic
Triangle model as discussed in Chap. 1), three concepts are of considerable
Basic pharmacology distinguishes in this context between pharmacokinetics (“What the body
does to the drug: absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion”) and pharmacodynamics
(“What the drug does to the body: inhibition, facilitation, synergy, or competition between or
among drugs at target and receptor sites; drug–drug, drug–food interactions”). In these areas, the
hepatic cytochrome oxidase P-450 (CYP) system metabolizes different pharmacologic agents in
different ways, requiring the prescriber to know about these ways in terms of drug–drug interac-
tions. Some drugs, for example, operating on certain CYP systems, will competitively accelerate
the metabolism of other drugs, making it necessary to prescribe higher doses of the affected agent
to obtain the desired effect. The opposite can also occur, in which one drug will competitively
inhibit the metabolism of other drugs, making it necessary to prescribe lower doses of the affected
agent to obtain the desired effect. These CYP system relationships are generally well known and
well documented (in hard-copy tables and electronically) for psychotropic medications, and the
prescriber of prospective psychotropic agents should be aware of these potential drug–drug inter-
actions before prescribing any such medication.
2 Basic Principles of Pharmacology, Psychopharmacology, and Psychopharmacotherapy 11
1 = sigmoid; 2 = therapeutic window
12 2 Basic Principles of Pharmacology, Psychopharmacology, and Psychopharmacotherapy
3. Pharmacologic Interactions
The third fundamental concept in pharmacology, for present purposes, is phar-
macologic interactions. This concept recognizes that once a pharmacologic agent
(i.e., drug; medication) is in the body (see footnote 1), chemical interactions with
other substances in the body can influence that agent’s actions and effectiveness
and may require upward or downward changes in doses of that agent (drug/medi-
cation) for it to have its desired effects. The most commonly described such inter-
actions are with other drugs (called “drug–drug interactions,” or DDIs), with food
(called “drug–food interactions” or DFIs), or with underlying medical conditions
(such as absorption and metabolic disorders, including malabsorption, diabetes
mellitus, and renal insufficiency disorders). The practical implications of these
interactions include the potential need for adjustment in doses of a medication in
order for it to have its desired and expected response.
Awareness of these interactions will allow the prescribing practitioner to
understand better the potential issues involved in individuals’ psychiatric disor-
ders which are being treated by psychotropic medications. In such situations, the
variety of factors described in the Epidemiologic Triangle model should be con-
sidered, including drug–drug interactions (in the host), the living situation of the
host (environment), the dose–response characteristic of drugs and medications
(agents), and the interactions of all of these factors.
For present classification purposes, the initial division of pharmacologic agents will
be into non-psychotropic and psychotropic agents, recognizing that a variety of
undesired (“side”) effects of a psychiatric, neuropsychiatric, or neurologic nature
(e.g., dizziness, fatigue, lethargy, transient sensory disturbances, depression, mal-
aise, and others) may occur with both of these broad classes of pharmacologic
agents. The vast majority of both psychotropic and non-psychotropic medications
are prescribed by non-psychiatric physicians (primary care physicians, internists,
obstetricians-gynecologists, surgeons, orthopedics, and others) and other healthcare
providers who may prescribe medications and drugs (e.g., physician assistants,
advanced practice nurses, psychologists with prescribing privileges, and others).
This is the case simply because there are so many more nonpsychiatrist providers
prescribing these agents than there are psychiatrists.
Non-psychotropic medications may be further classified in several ways,
including the organ system they are intended to affect (e.g., cardiovascular drugs;
pulmonary drugs) and the disease they are intended to treat (e.g., antineoplastic
[anticancer] medications; antidotes for poisoning), with some overlap between the
two (e.g., antituberculosis drugs as an example of an anti-infectious agent which
primarily affects pulmonary, or lung function, by virtue of the main site of infection
of the tuberculosis-causing bacteria). Tables 2.1 and 2.2 give examples of medica-
tions/drugs in these two subclasses of non-psychotropic medications.
Examples of side effects of members of both of these classes of non-psychotro-
pic medications are given in Table 2.1.
Classes of Pharmacologic and Psychopharmacologic Agents 13
“Approval by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) implies that available evidence shows
that a drug is safe and effective for the specific indication (disease or symptom) for which it is
tested…” whereas the term off-label as currently used “…commonly refers to prescribing cur-
rently available medication for an indication (disease or symptom) for which it has not received
FDA approval…[that it is] not the same as experimental or research use… Once a drug is FDA-
approved for a specific indication, legally it can be used for any indication…” (Furey K, Wilkins
K. AMA Journal of Ethics, 2016). As will be discussed later in this Primer, many available psy-
chotropic agents are frequently prescribed off-label today. Practically speaking, these prescribing
patterns are so much the case, for example, that there is a specific section for each of the entries for
specific psychotropic medications in Puzantian and Carlat’s Medication Fact Book (see Selected
References, in the Preface of this book) is for “off-label uses.”
Classes of Pharmacologic and Psychopharmacologic Agents 15
Table 2.4 Examples of illicit (and divertible; see Chap. 5) psychotropic agents
Amphetamines and related compounds (sympathomimetics)
Alcohol (ethanol)
Heroin and other opioids
Hallucinogens (“psychotomimetic”)
Inhalants (especially nitrates)
Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)
Marijuana (cannabinol and related compounds)
MDMA (“ecstasy”) and other “designer drugs”
Phencyclidine (PCP)
16 2 Basic Principles of Pharmacology, Psychopharmacology, and Psychopharmacotherapy
Anti-addiction agents
Anti-aggression agents
Antianxiety agents (anxiolytics; minor tranquilizers)
Anti-appetite agents (anorexiants)
Anticonvulsant agents (antiseizure agents; antiepileptic drugs [AEDs])
Anti-dementia agents (cognition enhancers)
Antidepression agents (mood elevators; thymoleptics)
Anti-feeding and eating agents
Anti-hyperactivity agents (psychostimulants)
Anti-impotence agents
Anti-insomnia agents (sedative-hypnotics)
Antimanic agents (mood stabilizers and thymoleptics)
Anti-obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCD) agents
Antipain agents (analgesics)
Antipanic agents
Antiparkinsonian agents
Antipseudobulbar affect agents
Antipsychotic agents (neuroleptics; major tranquilizers)
Antisex agents
Antitrauma agents
Three Additional Classes 17
Three heterogeneous types of drugs and medications whose members are frequently
encountered in clinical and legal/forensic practice which have considerable overlap
with the more discrete and unitary 20 subclasses of “Anti-Agent” medications dis-
cussed above and in Chaps. 3, 4, and 5 of this book are “Over-the-Counter (OTC)
Agents;” “Anticholinergic Agents;” and “Botanicals, Herbals, Nutraceuticals, and
(Dietary) Supplements” (BHNSs). These agents do not “fit” conveniently into the
other categories or classes presented in this book, and will therefore be discussed as
separate categories.
1. Over-the-Counter (OTC) Drugs and Medications
Over-the-Counter (OTC) drugs and medications are a heterogeneous collec-
tion of wide-ranging agents, many of which have psychoactive properties, and
some of which are marketed as psychotropic medications. The only feature com-
mon to these agents, for present classification purposes, is that they are available
without prescription, and in that sense—for present purposes—may be consid-
ered as comparable to botanicals, herbals, nutraceuticals, and (dietary) supple-
ments (BHNSs; see Chap. 6). The regulation of OTC preparations by the Federal
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) periodically permits what the National
Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association calls a “prescription-to-OTC switch,”
which is generally of considerable financial advantage to the pharmaceutical
company that manufactures the switched medication. Bases for such switches
include a switch of the medication itself with respect to OTC status and switch
approval of a reduced dose level of a medication (such as cimetidine, or
Tagamet®, for treatment of gastric hyperacidity). Since these switches may
occur with medications which have psychoactive effects and DDIs and DFIs
with both psychoactive and non-psychoactive undesired (“side”) effects, it
behooves prescribers, and anybody else evaluating medical and clinical records
(e.g., forensic experts) to be aware of the potentially confounding symptomatic
effects OTC medications and drugs may have on patients. Put more simply,
when possible, a drug and medication history should always be taken from the
evaluee, including both prescribed and OTC medications.
2. Anticholinergic Drugs and Medications
In terms of the anatomy and physiology of the human nervous system,3 like
all nerve cells in the nervous system generally, those of the parasympathetic
Very briefly, the human nervous system may be classified into two pairs of dichotomous catego-
ries. Anatomically, the nervous system consists of the central nervous system, or “CNS” (the
brain and spinal cord) and the peripheral nervous system, or “PNS” (all other parts of the nervous
system outside the brain and spinal cord). Physiologically, and functionally, the nervous system
consists of the voluntary nervous system and the involuntary, or autonomic nervous system
(ANS). The voluntary nervous system mediates and coordinates involuntary human activities such
as digestion, salivation, heart activity, and many others. In many body functions—such as breath-
ing—voluntary and involuntary components exist and overlap and are mediated and coordinated
with both voluntary and involuntary input. Anatomically, the ANS consists of two subsystems, the
18 2 Basic Principles of Pharmacology, Psychopharmacology, and Psychopharmacotherapy
sympathetic nervous system (SNS)—which speeds up involuntary body activities—and the para-
sympathetic nervous system—which slows down involuntary body activities. The central portion
of the ANS is found in two chains of nerve collections, or “ganglia,” located parallel to and on
either side of the spinal cord and vertebral column, and in the other ganglia and peripheral nerves
located throughout the body. The central part of the ANS is located within the brain and spi-
nal cord.
Three Additional Classes 19
aware of the litigant’s drug and medication history (licit and illicit), if applicable,
as well as the litigant’s present drug and medication use, if applicable.
3. Botanicals, Herbals, Nutraceuticals, and (Dietary) Supplements
The last category of psychopharmacologic agents and substances discussed
in this book is also a broad one, and also encompasses overlap among subcatego-
ries. This category consists of Botanicals, Herbals, Nutraceuticals, and “Dietary”
Supplements (BHNSs), which are reviewed in greater detail in Chap. 6. Several
common features characterize this group of four types of substances. All are
considered “natural” and many are plant-based; none is regulated by the FDA as
drugs and medications in this country; and none is represented to the public as a
medication or pharmacologic treatment for a medical condition. Definitions of
each of these four members of this varied category of substances are:
• Botanicals are plant products, or derived from plants, and are available with-
out prescription from supermarkets, health food and nutrition stores, pharma-
cies and drug stores, catalogs and internet sources, and other commercial
• Herbals—a term to be contrasted with that of a book containing the names
and descriptions of plants, usually with information on their properties—
refers to plants and plant extracts used by consumers and practitioners in
health care in the fields of “botanical medicine,” “medical herbalism,” “herbal
medicine,” “herbology,” and “phytotherapy.”
• Nutraceuticals, or Nutriceuticals, are, according to Webster’s College
Dictionary (Webster’s College Dictionary, 2000), “…food[s] or natural
substance[s] that contain or [are] supplemented with ingredients purported to
have health benefits.” The word itself is a condensation of “nutrition” and
“pharmaceutical” (from the Latin, “druggist,” originally “poisoner”), intended
to convey the therapeutic value of such compounds.
• (Dietary) Supplements, also called “food supplements” and “nutritional
supplements,” are preparations which are intended to supplement an individ-
ual’s diet. These supplements consist of vitamins, minerals, herbs, or other
botanicals (excluding tobacco and tobacco products), amino acids, fatty
acids, fiber, or other nutrients that are not consumed in sufficient quantity in
the diet (DHEA, pregnenolone [a steroid hormone], and the pineal hormone
melatonin are marketed as dietary supplements in the United States).
For both clinical and legal practitioners, for present purposes, similar feelings of
discomfort, dysphoria, anxiety, irritability, depression, and other such symptomatol-
ogy may also result from the use of BHNSs in a variety of circumstances, even
though public perception of these substances is that they are beneficial and benign
(Blendon R, et al. Annals of internal medicine. American College of Physicians;
2001). For that reason, as with all situations involving drugs and/or medications, the
practitioner should be aware of patients’ (or litigants,’ for the legal professional)
BHNS history and current use, if applicable, as well as of the patient’s or litigant’s
drug and medication history and current use (licit and illicit), if applicable. As with
20 2 Basic Principles of Pharmacology, Psychopharmacology, and Psychopharmacotherapy
drugs and medications, a thorough history of the patient’s or litigant’s BHNS use
and history are basic requirements for any clinical or legal professional in this area.
The following two aphorisms apply to two important concepts for all pharmaco-
logic agents, respectively, viz.:
Drugs don’t work in patients who don’t take them…
— C. Everett Koop, MD, Former U.S. Surgeon General (1982–1989)
The Powerful Placebo
— Title of JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) article in 1955 by
H. K. Beecher
healthcare provider should be that their patient is not taking the medication as
prescribed, or at all. Other possibilities include an improper dose, insufficient
duration of the medication, drug–drug or drug–food interactions with the medi-
cation, treating the patient for an incorrect diagnosis for the prescribed medica-
tions, or some combination of all of these possibilities.
2. Placebo/Nocebo
Given the subjective and “anti-manifestational” nature of the symptomatol-
ogy to be addressed by psychopharmacologic agents, no discussion of them
would be complete without some attention to “placebos” (from the Latin: “I will
please”) and “nocebos” (from the Latin: “I will harm”). Both terms refer to
effects—desirable and undesirable, respectively—attributed to otherwise inert
and inactive substances which were not anticipated or expected. Placebos have
been recognized for many years, used in general medicine (sometimes with
questionable ethics, which will not be further discussed here) for some 200 years,
and recognized specifically in psychiatry for about 60 years. The use of placebo
methodology in pharmacologic study design as an indication of negative activity
(i.e., in comparison with the active drug, or agent, under study) has also been the
standard approach to such studies for many years, although recent findings have
documented neurophysiologic activity producing specific neuropsychiatric
effects in an otherwise presumably “inert” agent. (Weimer K, Colloca L, Enck
Prof. P. Placebo effects in psychology: mediators and moderators. In Lancet
psychiatry. 2015, March.
“Placebos” and “Nocebos” in the context of psychiatry and psychopharma-
cology will each be discussed, in turn, below.
Concerning placebos in psychiatry and psychopharmacotherapy, with subjective symp-
tomatology such as pain, anxiety, and depression, the role of the “placebo effect” and in
that sense, a positive expectation of symptom relief, must always be taken into account in
the clinical assessment of a patient’s response to a trial of a new medication or treatment
intervention. If a patient does not experience expected and anticipated symptom relief, then
compliance/adherence, or other issues (see above) may be at play, or the patient may harbor
a surreptitious or unknown negative attitude (nocebo effect; see below) toward the
Concerning nocebos in psychiatry and psychopharmacotherapy, perhaps the most practical
way to characterize the negative expectations of patients for whom a medication may prove
to have a “nocebo effect” can be appreciated in the old saw often heard from patients: “I
don’t want to be on any medication. I don’t even take an aspirin when I have a headache…”
While this saw may be a prevalent sentiment among patients, an actual nocebo effect from
a specific medication needs to be carefully evaluated on an individual basis, as a practical
matter, as part of the differential diagnosis for such unsuccessful medications.
Telemedicine and telepsychiatry are here to stay, even before the COVID-19 pan-
demic, and especially since the pandemic began. Recognition of the advantages of
this means of patient care, especially in underserved settings (e.g., rural, correc-
tional, emergency departments, dense urban areas, and the like), has resulted in the
near doubling of telepsychiatry services in the U.S. mental health facilities from
2010 to 2017 (Frank B, Peterson T, Gupta S, Peterson T. Telepsychiatry: what you
need to know. In Current psychiatry. 2020, June.
try/article/222686/coronavirus-u pdates/telepsychiatry-w hat-y ou-n eed-k now).
Concerning psychopharmacotherapy, the relaxation, both formally and informally,
of some requirements for mental health patient care owing to the exigencies of the
COVID pandemic has led to modification, in this writer’s view, of one of the “sacred
cows” of prescribing, namely face-to-face examination (including physical exami-
nation) of prospective patients for whom psychopharmacotherapy may be consid-
ered as part of their treatment plan.
Without purporting to offer the final word in a changing practice environment
with multiple moving parts, I echo the caveat given in the above article in Current
Psychiatry concerning medicolegal aspects of telemedicine, telepsychiatry, and
even forensic (consulting and correctional)4 telepsychiatry.
…When conducting telepsychiatry services, clinicians need to consider several legal issues,
including federal and state regulations, as well as professional liability…[and that]…Because
state laws related to telepsychiatry are continuously evolving we suggest that clinicians
continually check these laws and obtain a regulatory response in writing so there is ongoing
documentation… (Joshi KG. Telepsychiatry during COVID-19: understanding the rules. In
Current psychiatry. 2020, June.
For present purposes, “consultation” forensic psychiatry in contrast to “therapeutic” forensic psy-
chiatry refers to the application of principles of clinical psychiatry and human behavior in crimi-
nal, civil, and family areas of the law. “Therapeutic” psychiatry refers to clinical treatment of
individuals in civilian settings (mental health centers, hospitals, and so forth); or in custodial set-
tings (jails, prisons, federal penitentiaries, and the like, also known as “correctional psychiatry” (in
the United States) and “prison psychiatry” (in the United Kingdom).
A Note on References 23
A Note on References
Rather than burdening the reader with excessive and detailed references and cita-
tions in this Primer, given below are particularly useful selected references. In addi-
tion, other specific references and citations will be given in parentheses throughout
the Primer. For further information and details about any topics presented and dis-
cussed in this book, the interested reader is referred not only to the following list of
selected references but also to applicable textbooks, monographs, electronic data-
bases, print articles and materials, internet sources, and other applicable resources.
Selected References
• Black DW, Andreasen NC. Introductory textbook of psychiatry. 6th ed. American
Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.; 2014. (A solid basic textbook of psychiatry.)
• Multiple Authors. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental health disorders
(DSM-5). 5th ed. American Psychiatry Association, Inc.; 2013. (This book is the
controversial “bible” for primarily American and Canadian psychiatric
• The comparable international work to the DSM-5 is currently the 2019
International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10). 10th ed. World Health
Organization. (The ICD-11 was due for adoption in 2020.)
• Frances A. Saving normal: an insider’s revolt against out-of-control psychiatric
diagnosis, big pharma, and the medicalization of ordinary life. Harper Collins
Publishers: 2013. (The subtitle says it all! See Chap. 4 in this Primer.)
• Ghaemi SN. Clinical psychopharmacology: principles and practice. Oxford
University Press: 2019. (A scholarly, detailed, and lengthy overview of psycho-
pharmacology, also covering social practice and research/methodologic aspects
of the field.)
• Hales RE, Yudofsky ST, Roberts LW, et al., editors. The American Psychiatric
Publishing textbook of psychiatry. 6th ed. American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.;
2014. (A standard, detailed encyclopedic textbook tome, for reference. A seventh
edition is available, copyright 2019, with updated coverage in a number of areas.)
• Harrington A. Mind fixers: psychiatry’s troubled search for the biology of mental
illness. W.W. Norton and Company; 2019. (A historical and scholarly review of
the topic, including some of the same topics as Saving Normal listed above.)
• Puzantian T, Carlat DJ. Medication fact book for psychiatric practice. 6th ed.
Carlat Publishing, LLC; 2020. (A very useful “cookbook” for psychotropic pre-
scribing, conveniently organized and presented for the practitioner.)
• Watters E. Crazy like us: the globalization of the American psyche. Free Press;
2010. (Psychiatric diagnostic issues similar to those in Saving Normal, with an
international focus.)
24 2 Basic Principles of Pharmacology, Psychopharmacology, and Psychopharmacotherapy
• Weil A. Mind over meds: know when drugs are necessary, when alternatives are
better—and when to let your body heal on its own. Little, Brown and Company;
2017. (A balanced and holistic approach to pharmacology and psychopharma-
cology by the popular “guru” of these fields.)
With the surfeit of internet resources, websites of all imaginable types and quality,
and numerous related electronic sources of information and data, the reader, clini-
cian, researcher, and member of the public—patient/client or not—may easily
become confused about where to go and what to accept in learning psychopharma-
cology and psychopharmacotherapy. In this vein, a productive way to navigate the
bewildering array of such sources consists of dividing them into several catego-
ries, viz.
1. Refereed (“peer-reviewed;” “juried”) scientific, technical, and professional jour-
nals, newsletters, and the like, including e-journals, e-newsletters, and other
open-source e-publications. Selected examples include:
• Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology (peer-reviewed independent profes-
sional journal)
• Experimental & Clinical Psychopharmacology (peer-reviewed professional
journal of the American Psychological Association)
• Journal of Psychopharmacology (peer-reviewed professional journal of the
British Association for Psychopharmacology)
• Psychopharmacology (Berlin/Heidelberg; Springer Publications)
2. Government and academic/research institutions, publications and e-publications
and associated websites. Selected examples include:
• National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) website, affiliated institutes, pro-
grams, centers, websites, and publications (electronic and print)
• National Institute on Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse (NIAAA) website, affili-
ated institutes, programs and centers, and websites and publications (elec-
tronic and print)
• National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) website, affiliated institutes, cen-
ters, programs and websites, and publications (electronic and print)
• Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse (CCSA), affiliated programs and publi-
cations (electronic and print)
• National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University
(NCASACU), programs and publications (electronic and print)
3. Journals, magazines, societies, and associated websites. Selected examples
• Psychology Today
A Note on References 25
• Scientific American
• Scientific American Mind
As a practical matter, in researching particular topics electronically in psycho-
pharmacology/psychopharmacotherapy, the logical rule—as with everything else—
is to search for topic(s), keyword(s), and the like on a search engine, then to narrow
the search with entries given by the search engine. An important factor to keep in
mind here is the reliability, accuracy, and quality of the source: Sources from (1) and
(2)—above—are considered more reliable than those in (3), generally. Those in (3),
in turn, are generally considered more reliable than personal blogs, newsletters,
product websites, company websites, and the like.
Chapter 3
The Four “Major Anti-s”
Table 3.1 Prevalent psychiatric disorders and their “anti” psychopharmacotherapeutic agents: the
four “major anti-s”
Antianxiety Agents
The first of the four most common psychiatric disorders and their psychopharmaco-
therapeutic treatment are “anxiety disorders.”
In Chap. 2 of this book, reference was made to the DSM-5 as an organizing prin-
ciple for the 20 “anti” categories of psychotropic medications endorsed in this
Primer. Reference was also made to the DSM-5 as an imperfect document, not truly
“carving nature at her joints” (à la Plato) with respect to mental illness diagnoses.
This latter point had been made earlier in a landmark New York Times article on
January 18, 2015 on “Redefining Mental Illness” by T.R. Luhrmann, as follows:
…For decades, American psychiatric science took diagnosis to be fundamental. These cat-
egories—depression, schizophrenia, post-traumatic stress disorder—were assumed to repre-
sent biologically distinct diseases, and the goal of the research was to figure out the biology
of the disease. That didn’t pan out. In 2013, the Institute’s [National Institute of Mental
Health] director, Thomas R. Insel, announced that psychiatric science had failed to find
unique biological mechanisms associated with specific diagnoses. What genetic underpin-
nings or neural circuits they had identified were mostly common across diagnostic groups…
…And so the Institute has begun one of the most interesting and radical experiments in
scientific research in years… Under a program called Research Domain Criteria, all
research must begin from a matrix of neuroscientific structures (genre, calls, circuits) that
cut across behavioral, cognitive, and social domains (acute fear, loss, arousal). To use an
example from the program’s website, psychiatric researchers will no longer study people
with anxiety; they will study fear circuitry…
For present purposes in this book, however, psychiatric research has not reached
the point of having psychopharmacology geared toward ameliorating or resolving a
dysfunctional “matrix of neuroscientific structures” which were not “common
across diagnostic groups.” For now, prescribers of psychotropic medications must
settle for the admittedly sloppy and imprecise mélange of overlapping manifesta-
tional (i.e., not causal, or etiologic; see Chap. 1) clusters of symptomatology on
which the DSM-5 is based. As pointed out earlier, most currently used psychotropic
medications are intended to counter, reduce, ameliorate, or be “anti” to symptom-
atology resulting from designated disorders. Hence, the 20 “anti” categories of psy-
chotropic medications is the classification system that is used in this book.
Starting with what have been called the “common colds” of psychiatry—“Anxiety”
and “Depression,” often with overlapping symptomatology common to both—Table
3.2 presents psychotropic medications commonly used as “anxiolytics,” “sedative-
hypnotics,” or “antianxiety drugs,” or (in older terminology) “minor tranquilizers.”1
Note that by virtue of overlapping symptomatology treated by different classes of
psychotropic medications, several types of psychotropic medications may be used for
the same clinical indication2 (e.g., SSRI antidepressants for anxiety relief).
So-called in the 1960s and 1970s to contrast these agents with “major tranquilizers” or antipsy-
chotic medications, used to treat “major” psychoses, not “minor” neuroses. Note that the word, or
concept, of “neurosis” is not endorsed as a level of symptomatology or as a diagnostic category and
does not appear in the DSM-5.
Often “off-label,” or not as a formal recognized and approved clinical indication by the Food and
Drug Administration (FDA). A substantial proportion of psychotropic medications are prescribed
in this way, by both nonpsychiatrists and psychiatrists. (See Chap. 2.)
Antianxiety Agents 29
ment, and to return for a follow-up visit in two weeks. The patient returned as scheduled,
appearing calmer, well-rested, energetic, and with a 5-pound weight loss. She told the PA
“Ever since I started giving the medication to my husband, I’ve felt 1000% better. Thank you
so much!”
AB, a 48-year-old prominent local academic psychiatric APN has had a longstanding his-
tory of stress-related panic disorder (see Chap. 4, also) which had begun abruptly (i.e., her
first “herald attacks”) in her 30s. Her attacks were associated with public speaking at aca-
demic events (conferences, symposia, meetings, and the like). At first, she accepted psycho-
pharmacotherapy alone (“monotherapy”) with alprazolam (Xanax®) but became dependent
on it after a few months. She then began a course of exercise and cognitive behavioral
therapy (CBT), supplemented with paroxetine (Paxil®), which had recently received FDA
approval for that indication. This combination—as is often the case, given synergistic inter-
active effects of different types of therapy and different classes of psychopharmacologic
agents—was and has been effective for AB for years, and she has successfully incorporated
the exercise part of her anti-panic (see Chap. 4) regimen into her daily activities.
Antidepressant Agents
A large number of psychotropic agents constitutes the second major “anti” subclass
of psychopharmacotherapeutic medications, viz., “antidepressant agents.” Also
known historically as “mood elevators” and “thymoleptics,” the biochemically based
classifications of medications in this subclass have varied over the years, as have the
approved indications for “antidepressant” agents. This point is especially true con-
cerning the overlap of anxious and depressive symptomatology in presumably
“depressed” individuals’ (for whom antidepressant medications work well for such
patients’/clients’ symptoms) anxiety, and concerning both the general ineffectiveness
for depressive symptoms in bipolar disorder and the induction of mania (the “switch
process”) in depressed patients/clients antidepressant medications may produce.
However, for present purposes, I will use predominant current nomenclature for
the several types of antidepressant medications potentially prescribed by readers of
this Primer. These include (1) Cyclic compounds (tricyclic, tetracyclic, heterocy-
clic, and polycyclic, referring to the biochemical molecular ring structures of these
medications); (2) Mono-amino oxidase inhibitors (further divided into MAOa
inhibitors, and MAOb inhibitors, depending on their pharmacologic properties; (3)
Reuptake inhibitors of various types (Table 3.3); (4) Other miscellaneous prepara-
tions; and (5) Combination preparations. Without reiterating details and nuances of
the DSM-5 classifications and subclassifications, the main clinical indication for
these antidepressant medications is major depressive disorder (“unipolar depres-
sion”), persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia), and other variants, but not bipo-
lar depression (see below).
Table 3.3 delineates the several types of reuptake inhibitors among antidepres-
sant agents, and Table 3.4 summarizes the overall subclasses of “antidepressant”
psychopharmacotherapeutic medications.
Antidepressant Agents 31
With the wide variety of types and classes of psychopharmacologic entities com-
prising the “Antidepressant Agents,” and the overlapping symptomatology among the
various imprecise diagnostic categories to be treated by these agents, their use may be
associated with a wide variety of undesirable (“side”) effects. These effects, in turn,
may be difficult to separate from symptomatology attributable to the condition being
presumably treated, from symptomatology attributable to other co-occurring (comor-
bid) conditions or from a combination of all of these potential sources of undesirable
effects. As with the earlier “Antianxiety Agents” section of this present chapter, I will
not reiterate details of types and subtypes of the DSM-5 classification of depressive
disorders: The reader is referred to applicable parts of the DSM-5 for that information.
Two case vignettes both illustrate psychopharmacotherapeutic approaches to
individuals with major depressive disorder and with a variant of depression, respec-
tively, and also illustrate a frequent mistake made in the treatment/management of
such individuals.
AJ, a 62-year-old widow, presented to her psychiatric PA with chief complaints of a three-
month history of initial and terminal insomnia, anorexia, and a seven-pound weight loss,
pervasive “blues” improving somewhat as the day progressed, and a pervasive sense of worth-
lessness and hopelessness. The onset of these symptoms coincided with the death of her
husband, with some feelings of blame and guilt that “the marriage could have been better.” AJ
had experienced a similar episode 23 years before, with the death of her mother; that short-
lived episode remitted spontaneously, with counseling/psychotherapy treatment. AJ’s older
sister had been psychiatrically hospitalized in her 30s for a serious depressive illness, and
responded well to a series of 10 electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) treatments. AJ’s psychiatric
PA prescribed supportive psychotherapy with a young empathetic female social worker and a
clinical trial of trazodone (Desyrel®), both to address AJ’s depression and her insomnia. After
about three to four weeks of this combined treatment, AJ felt better and more optimistic, had
more energy, slept better, and heaped praise on her psychotherapist and her psychopharmaco-
therapist for “helping me so much, the combination of both of you. I’ve even gone back to
yoga.” AJ’s improvement continued over the next nine months, to the present.
XY, a 37-year-old single stockbroker, remarked to his dentist that he had been experiencing
“the blues” over about the past four months. This was possible concomitant with a down-
turn in his work, but “probably not. I’ve been through that before.” His dentist referred him
to a practicing prescribing clinical psychologist,3 a “friend of a friend.” That psychologist
took a history, and prescribed fluoxetine (Prozac®), in that XY did not describe problems
with insomnia. At first, XY told his psychologist that he felt “a little better.” After about two
weeks, however, XY did not keep an appointment, telephoned the psychologist two days
later that “on a whim I picked up a woman in a bar, bought a Ferrari, drove to Minnesota,
had the greatest sex ever, and I never want to come back.” He eventually did return and
This appointment took place in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, where licensed psychologists are per-
mitted by law to prescribe psychotropic medications (i.e., “prescribing privileges”) under certain
circumstances and conditions. As of this writing, five states, Guam, the Indian Health Service (of
the U.S. Public Health Service), and the U.S. military permit prescribing privileges for psycholo-
gists with specific training in psychopharmacology. The states are Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana,
and New Mexico, with efforts underway in additional states to grant psychologists’ prescribing
34 3 The Four “Major Anti-s”
revealed his history of several manicky episodes “a few years back,” to his psychologist,
who discontinued her patient’s fluoxetine (Prozac®). The psychologist continued counsel-
ing/psychotherapy with XY, and eventually placed him on a clinical trial of lithium (see
below), with the help of XY’s primary care physician. XY returned to a baseline level of
euthymia (normal range of mood and activity level) after a few weeks.
The first case (“AJ”) is a straightforward example of a history and proper diag-
nosis of major depressive disorder, effectively treated with antidepressant psycho-
pharmacotherapy and supportive counseling/psychotherapy. It also illustrates the
trend in contemporary mental health care for counseling/psychotherapy with
patients/clients as done by counselors and therapists of a variety of types (see Part
II of this book) and for psychopharmacotherapy, as done by primary care NPs, PAs,
physicians, and other prescribers.
The second case (“XY”) illustrates the “switch process,” in which antidepressant
medication triggered a manic episode in an individual with a variant of depression
called bipolar depression: In that situation, an individual’s depressive episode (gen-
erally more common in individuals with bipolar disorder; see below, “Antimanic
Agents”) is part of the cycle pattern of mood fluctuation in bipolar disorder, and
may respond to an antidepressant “push” by transitioning into a manic episode. This
is what happened with XY, whose prior history of manic episodes and bipolar dis-
order had not been known to his treating psychologist until after his manic episode.
In concluding this section of this chapter, I emphasize the protean and variable
types of chemical compounds that constitute “antianxiety agents” and “antidepres-
sant agents.” In addition to this resulting in multiple, overlapping, and variable
undesirable (“side”) effects, it also results in multiple uses and indications for these
medications, both off-label and FDA-approved. Table 3.5 illustrates some of
the latter.
Table 3.5 Approved (FDA) indications for uses of SSRIs and other drug classes
Major depression
Citalopram (Celexa®), escitalopram (Lexapro®), fluoxetine (Prozac®), paroxetine (Paxil®), and
sertraline (Zoloft®); TCAs; SNRIs; MAOIs; others
Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Fluoxetine, fluvoxamine (Luvox®), paroxetine, and sertraline
Social anxiety disorder (social phobia)
Fluoxetine, paroxetine, and sertraline
Panic disorder
Paroxetine and sertraline; benzodiazepines (alprazolam [Xanax®]; clonazepam [Klonopin®];
Generalized anxiety disorder
Escitalopram and paroxetine; benzodiazepines (all)
Post-traumatic stress disorder
Paroxetine and sertraline; benzodiazepines (not all)
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder
Fluoxetine and sertraline
Bulimia nervosa
Adapted from Black and Andreasen (2014)
Antimanic Agents 35
Antimanic Agents
The reader is referred to the DSM-5 for further details and information about the classification,
course, natural history, and progression of bipolar disorder.
Antipsychotic Agents 37
Antipsychotic Agents
Antipsychotic agents are also known as neuroleptics (from the Latin, “neuro-lysis”
meaning “nerve-breaking”); “major tranquilizers” (an inaccurate term, based his-
torically in contrast with “minor tranquilizers,” or anxiolytics, as described above.
The term “major tranquilizer” suggests that the principal effect of these medications
is to sedate or “tranquilize” the patient/client taking them, in contrast to reducing or
eliminating psychotic symptomatology); or—more recently, using a designation
based on the presumed predominant biological mechanism of action of these
agents—“dopamine blockers.”
Antipsychotic agents are for the treatment of symptoms of thought disorders, or
psychosis, the hallmark of which is symptomatology out of contact with reality.
Such symptoms include so-called “positive symptoms” (e.g., delusions, defined as
fixed and false beliefs which cannot be altered by logic or persuasion; hallucina-
tions, defined as false de novo perceptions and sensations—in contrast to “illu-
sions,” which are perceptual distortions based on misinterpretations of actual
stimuli, i.e., based on something, agitation, paranoia, occupational deterioration,
and the like); and “negative symptoms” (apathy, withdrawal, depression, pessi-
mism, and the like). These “negative” symptoms are said to be more effectively
treated with the relatively recent type of antipsychotic medications called “atypical
antipsychotics,” or “second-generation” antipsychotics (SGAs) than with the older,
traditional, conventional or “first-generation” antipsychotics (FGAs). These
psychotic-level symptoms can also be associated with a wide range of underlying
conditions, psychiatric and other.
Concerning the notion of “out of contact with reality,” the concept of “neurotic”
and “psychotic” levels of functioning is useful. “Neurotic”—a term derived from
psychoanalytic theory, now considered outmoded by many, and not used in the
DSM-5—refers to a level of functioning in which the patient/client is troubled, for
example, tired, worried, anxious, tense, sad, and so forth, but functioning ade-
quately: “Neurotics build castles in the air” (i.e., neurotic-level functioning).
“Psychotic,” on the other hand, refers to a level of functioning because of psychotic
symptomatology which is not adequate: “Psychotics live in them” (i.e., psychotic-
level functioning).
38 3 The Four “Major Anti-s”
By way of illustration, the following case vignette includes such concerns in the
treatment of psychotic-level patients as choice of medication, monitoring clinical
progress, compliance/adherence, psychosocial issues, and others:
PR is a 57-year-old married, white female who works part-time as a librarian’s assistant in
her hometown of Everywhere and whose husband has worked in vehicle maintenance for
the local Department of Public Works for the past 22 years. The couple has three children,
ages 17, 23, and 25, of whom the youngest—a daughter—is still living at home. The family
has lived in the same three-bedroom rented apartment for ten years. PR has a 23-year his-
tory of schizophrenic disorder (diagnosed then as “schizoaffective schizophrenia”), ques-
40 3 The Four “Major Anti-s”
tionably associated with the birth of her second child and has been hospitalized in psychiatric
facilities five times during those years.
Psychiatric treatment over the years has consisted of supportive psychotherapy—usu-
ally with a private psychiatrist—on an infrequent basis, neuroleptic medications, and sup-
port from her family.
The patient was hospitalized most recently the previous November for four weeks in a
private facility following a period of rapid decompensation associated to some extent with
losses in her life (specifically, her daughter’s plans to leave home to attend college and her
referral to a new psychiatrist after her previous psychiatrist of 10 years moved to California).
Her hospitalization was uneventful and she was discharged in stable condition; the only
possible problem during her hospitalization was the presence of mild rigidity, cog-wheeling
in her arms and a slightly stiff gait; she was discharged on 2 mg. of benztropine mesylate
(Cogentin®) by mouth, twice a day, which did not seem to be initially effective in manage-
ment of these signs of extrapyramidal syndrome (EPS).
On February 11, 2011, PR was taken to the emergency room at Everywhere General
Hospital at 11:00 p.m. by the Everytown Rescue Squad in a highly delusional and agitated
state, with the additional findings of delirium: Disorientation (in all four parameters), com-
plete memory loss, and a perception of “wiggly things crawling all over my body” (formi-
cation). Additional history was obtained from her husband regarding her
pharmacotherapeutic management: Her new psychiatrist, Dr. Best, had been “juggling
medications” for the past several months in an effort to arrive at the best combination for
her and the patient herself had probably been inadvertently overdosing herself for the past
several weeks. The patient had been increasingly forgetful and withdrawn over the past
three weeks; the patient’s current medication consists of 4 mg. of Risperdal®, by mouth,
three times a day, and 6 mg. of benztropine mesylate (Cogentin®), by mouth, twice a day—
increased over the months in an effort to control what Dr. Best felt was PR’s increasing
EPS. Dr. Best has been on vacation for one week.
A Note on References
Rather than burdening the reader with excessive and detailed references and cita-
tions in this Primer, given below are particularly useful selected references. In addi-
tion, other specific references and citations will be given in parentheses throughout
the Primer. For further information and details about any topics presented and dis-
cussed in this book, the interested reader is referred not only to the following list of
selected references, but also to applicable textbooks, monographs, electronic data-
bases, print articles and materials, internet sources, and other applicable resources.
Selected References
• Black DW, Andreasen NC. Introductory textbook of psychiatry. 6th ed. American
Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.; 2014. (A solid basic textbook of psychiatry.)
• Multiple Authors. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental health disorders
(DSM-5). 5th ed. American Psychiatry Association, Inc.; 2013. (This book is the
controversial “bible” for primarily American and Canadian psychiatric
• The comparable international work to the DSM-5 is currently the 2019
International classification of diseases (ICD-10). 10th ed. World Health
Organization. (The ICD-11 was due for adoption in 2020.)
• Frances A. Saving normal: an insider’s revolt against out-of-control psychiatric
diagnosis, big pharma, and the medicalization of ordinary life. Harper Collins
Publishers; 2013. (The subtitle says it all! See Chap. 4 in this Primer.)
• Ghaemi SN. Clinical psychopharmacology: principles and practice. Oxford
University Press; 2019. (A scholarly, detailed, and lengthy overview of psycho-
pharmacology, also covering social practice and research/methodologic aspects
of the field.)
• Hales RE, Yudofsky ST, Roberts LW, editors, et al. The American Psychiatric
Publishing textbook of psychiatry. 6th ed. American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.;
2014. (A standard, detailed encyclopedic textbook tome, for reference. A seventh
edition is available, copyright 2019, with updated coverage in a number of areas.)
• Harrington A. Mind fixers: psychiatry’s troubled search for the biology of mental
illness. W.W. Norton and Company; 2019. (A historical and scholarly review of
the topic, including some of the same topics as Saving Normal listed above.)
• Puzantian T, Carlat DJ. Medication fact book for psychiatric practice. 6th ed.
Carlat Publishing, LLC; 2020. (A very useful “cookbook” for psychotropic pre-
scribing, conveniently organized and presented for the practitioner.)
• Watters E. Crazy like us: the globalization of the American psyche. Free Press;
2010. (Psychiatric diagnostic issues similar to those in Saving Normal, with an
international focus.)
A Note on References 43
• Weil A. Mind over meds: know when drugs are necessary, when alternatives are
better—and when to let your body heal on its own. Little, Brown and Company;
2017. (A balanced and holistic approach to pharmacology and psychopharma-
cology by the popular “guru” of these fields.)
With the surfeit of internet resources, websites of all imaginable types and quality,
and numerous related electronic sources of information and data, the reader, clini-
cian, researcher, and member of the public—patient/client or not—may easily
become confused about where to go and what to accept in learning psychopharma-
cology and psychopharmacotherapy. In this vein, a productive way to navigate the
bewildering array of such sources consists of dividing them into several catego-
ries, viz.
1. Refereed (“peer-reviewed;” “juried”) scientific, technical, and professional jour-
nals, newsletters, and the like, including e-journals, e-newsletters, and other
open-source e-publications. Selected examples include:
• Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology (peer-reviewed independent profes-
sional journal)
• Experimental & Clinical Psychopharmacology (peer-reviewed professional
journal of the American Psychological Association)
• Journal of Psychopharmacology (peer-reviewed professional journal of the
British Association for Psychopharmacology)
• Psychopharmacology (Berlin/Heidelberg; Springer Publications)
2. Government and academic/research institutions, publications and e-publications,
and associated websites. Selected examples include:
• National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) website, affiliated institutes, pro-
grams, centers, websites, and publications (electronic and print)
• National Institute on Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse (NIAAA) website, affili-
ated institutes, programs and centers, and websites and publications (elec-
tronic and print)
• National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) website, affiliated institutes, cen-
ters, programs and websites, and publications (electronic and print)
• Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse (CCSA), affiliated programs and publi-
cations (electronic and print)
• National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University
(NCASACU), programs and publications (electronic and print)
3. Journals, magazines, societies, and associated websites. Selected examples
• Psychology Today
44 3 The Four “Major Anti-s”
• Scientific American
• Scientific American Mind
As a practical matter, in researching particular topics electronically in psycho-
pharmacology/psychopharmacotherapy, the logical rule—as with everything else—
is to search for topic(s), keyword(s), and the like on a search engine, then to narrow
the search with entries given by the search engine. An important factor to keep in
mind here is the reliability, accuracy, and quality of the source: Sources from (1) and
(2)—above—are considered more reliable than those in (3), generally. Those in (3),
in turn, are generally considered more reliable than personal blogs, newsletters,
product websites, company websites, and the like.
Chapter 4
The Sixteen “Minor Anti-s”
The term “minor” in the context of this Primer is not intended to be synonymous
with “trivial” or “unimportant.” For an individual afflicted with any of these condi-
tions, the associated symptomatology and distress can be serious, or “major.”
Rather, the term “minor” as used in this system of “Major,” “Minor,” “Anti” psycho-
pharmacotherapeutic is intended as a reflection of the prevalence of the conditions
treated by their various “Anti” agents, and the frequency of prescribing profession-
als treating these conditions. In that sense, the unifying factor of the “Anti” classifi-
cation scheme, or taxonomy does not pertain to common, or linked, pathophysiology
of the conditions treated by the “Anti” agents, nor to common, or linked, mecha-
nisms of action of the “Anti” agents themselves. Rather, as also discussed in Chap.
1, the unifying factor of the several “Anti” agents discussed in this Primer is the
manifestational symptomatology from the underlying diagnosis, reduced or elimi-
nated by the particular “Anti” agent.
The importance of an accurate diagnosis cannot be underestimated in this con-
text, especially in view of the considerable overlap of symptomatology among dif-
ferent psychiatric conditions (The “differential diagnosis” of psychotic-level
symptoms, for example, in schizophrenia and Parkinson’s disease—discussed in
upcoming sections of this Primer—illustrate this point.)
Anti-addiction Agents
Chap. 5) are relatively young, having begun with the use of disulfiram as an aversive
agent to the pharmacologic treatment of alcoholism in the 1950s. This was followed
by methadone in the 1960s and going forward, as a blocking agent to the euphori-
genic effects of heroin and other opioids (i.e., not as an analgesic—“Anti-pain”—
medication; see below in this chapter). Subsequent pharmacologic aversive,
antagonistic, or blocking agents were developed over the ensuing years, for a vari-
ety of addictions and dependencies, such as nicotine addiction, addiction to heroin
and other opioids, cocaine addiction, and alcoholism, in the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s.
In addition to chemical dependencies (“Substance Use Disorders,” in DSM-5
parlance), the several fields of addiction treatment have come to recognize the so-
called “Behavioral (i.e., not chemical) Addictions” as involving the same types of
neurobiological mechanisms of action as chemical dependencies, and therefore a
legitimate focus of attention for the fields of addiction treatment. Table 4.1 gives
examples of the “Behavioral Addictions.”
For present purposes—with the exception of some eating and feeding disor-
ders—the principal overall treatment approach for the “Behavioral Addictions” is
behavioral. This may include the various behavioral therapies (see Chaps. 7 and 8),
family therapy, and psychopharmacotherapy with anti-depressant medications (e.g.,
some SSRIs for bulimic disorders, both FDA-approved and off-label), especially in
situations where depression is present. Otherwise, since psychopharmacotherapy
beyond symptomatic relief is not generally a significant part of the treatment of
behavioral disorders, no further discussion of psychopharmacotherapy for behav-
ioral disorders will follow.
However, the notion of symptomatic relief of “target symptoms” associated with
the addictions and their often comorbid, or co-occurring, conditions, leads to the
classification of “Anti-addiction Agents” into two parts. They are (1) psychophar-
macotherapy to address, or counter, or block mechanisms of action of specific drugs
of abuse and (2) psychopharmacotherapy of “target symptoms” attributable to drugs
of abuse. The former approach is called medication-assisted treatment, or MAT, and
the latter approach includes the types of psychopharmacotherapy covered in
this Primer.
The rationale behind pharmacotherapy for the addictions involves the use of psy-
chotropic agents as a substitute (i.e., a pharmacologic competitor agonist) for the
addictive substance, with a more desirable main effect and side effect profile than
that of the substance of abuse. Substituting methadone for street heroin is one exam-
ple. Such drugs may also serve as a partial substitute (a partial agonist) for the
addictive substance, such as nicotine replacement polacrilex gum. They might also
serve as an antagonist, or blocking agent (to counter undesirable effects of the
addictive substance, induce withdrawal or a withdrawal-like state, initiate detoxifi-
cation, and produce an aversive experience for the user); examples are disulfiram
(Antabuse®), naloxone (Narcan®), or naltrexone (Revia®) for opioid use. These
drugs might also serve as anti-withdrawal agents (to reduce the discomfort and like-
lihood of convulsions, seizures, and delirium tremens); examples include benzodi-
azepines and anti-anxiety drugs and anti-convulsants to treat alcohol and other
sedative-hypnotic withdrawal. Another use of these types of drugs is as anti-craving
agents to reduce the drive and compulsion of an addict to seek the desired drug or
medication. Finally, these drugs might serve as psychotropic medications or drugs
to treat symptoms arising from comorbid, or co-occurring, psychiatric disorders in
the substance-abusing patient with such psychiatric disorders.
Table 4.2 displays the above points in terms of the pharmacologic properties and
mechanisms of action, along with examples of these medications. Table 4.3 presents
specific anti-addiction agents in terms of their roles and indications in current con-
cepts of medication-assisted treatment (MAT).
48 4 The Sixteen “Minor Anti-s”
Table 4.3 Medication-assisted For opioid addiction (opioid use disorder or OUD)
treatment (MAT) Methadone
Naltrexone (IR and L-A [Vivitrol,® injectable])
Buprenorphine (Subutex®; Suboxone®
[buprenorphine + naloxone]; other short- and
long-acting preparations)
For alcohol addiction (alcohol use disorder or AUD)
Disulfiram (Antabuse®)
Acamprosate (Campral®)
Naltrexone (Revia®)
For smoking (tobacco products)
Nicotine replacement therapy (patches, polacrilex
gum, others) and vaping replacement therapy
Varenicycline (Chantix®)
Bupropion (Zyban® for smoking, specifically)
In therapeutic work with addicts and alcoholics, several practical points ought to
be made:
• The heterogeneous agents and medications that comprise this class vary widely
in their own pharmacologic actions and properties and may initially be associ-
ated with any side effect that can affect the central nervous system (CNS). The
healthcare practitioner should know if the patient/client is taking or has taken any
of these medications in order to assess whether symptoms attributed to other
experiences may in fact be due to medication effects.
• A patient/client taking these medications for treatment of addiction may or may
not be adherent/compliant with the treatment regimen. Depending on the extent
of such adherence/compliance, nonspecific CNS symptomatology (such as dis-
comfort, depression, agitation, excitement, irritability, and so forth) may be the
result of complete or partial nonadherence/noncompliance and may erroneously
be attributed to other experiences. It behooves the healthcare practitioner not
only to inquire about whether the patient/client is taking prescribed anti-addiction
medications but also about the extent to which the patient/client is taking the
medication as prescribed.
• Finally, given the chronic and relapsing nature of the addictions and the nonspe-
cific psychological/psychiatric symptomatology associated with relapses, such
symptomatology in those situations may be erroneously attributed by the p atient/
client to life events and experiences, to prescribed medications, or to a combina-
tion of both, rather than to the true cause of such symptomatology—namely a
relapse into active addiction and its accompanying symptoms.
50 4 The Sixteen “Minor Anti-s”
Anti-aggression Agents
As a practical matter, most aggression and violence associated with psychiatric dis-
orders, however broadly interpreted, are not amenable to psychopharmacotherapeu-
tic intervention. Aggression and violence are not psychiatric/neuropsychiatric
“diseases” or “disorders” per se, but in certain cases, they may be signs/symptoms
of underlying psychiatric disorders themselves. In those disorders in which aggres-
sive and violent intentions, tendencies, or behaviors are, or may be, manifestations
of the psychiatric conditions themselves, then psychopharmacotherapeutic inter-
vention may be indicated. For that reason, proper diagnosis of a potential underly-
ing psychiatric condition—as is always the case in clinical practice of any type—is
paramount. Table 4.4 presents psychiatric disorders and conditions in which aggres-
sion and violence may be part of the clinical picture.
Anti-appetite Agents
Since the publication of an earlier version of this section of this chapter in 2009, the
fields of clinical nutrition, primary care medicine, and mental health care have
evolved considerably to include diet and exercise, weight control, appetite suppres-
sion, treatment of obesity and eating disorders, holistic medical care, complemen-
tary and alternative medicine (CAM; see Chap. 6 of the Primer), and other
related topics.
A full discussion of these areas is well beyond the scope of this section of the
chapter. In this section, however, I will focus on currently used medications for
appetite management, in the context of a comprehensive and holistic approach to
weight management. In the words of a prominent holistic dental practitioner, “If
you diet, exercise, floss your teeth regularly, and don’t smoke, you’ll live forever!”
Appetite suppressants, “anorectics” or “Anti-appetite Agents” for present pur-
poses, are the sixth of the 20 “Anti-s” in this classification system. As the name
suggests, these medications are intended for use in weight loss and weight manage-
ment. Within the “Anti” class are essentially two subtypes, (1) stimulants/psycho-
stimulants (e.g., amphetamines and related compounds) and (2) metabolic agents
(e.g., orlistat [Xenical®]). Table 4.6 presents these two subtypes and prescription
and OCT medications currently available.
Anti-appetite Agents 53
The use of these medications for weight management and control has been con-
troversial over the years, in large part due to the potentially addictive properties of
psychostimulants and their legal status as Controlled Dangerous Substances (CDS)
for most of them, with abuse and diversion potential. Nevertheless, to the extent that
such psychopharmacotherapeutic agents are indicated and used for weight manage-
ment, current professional acceptance in healthcare dictates that these medications
be used on a short-term basis as part of a comprehensive, balanced clinical program
of diet, exercise, good sleep, hygiene, good dental care, and other such healthy prac-
tices. The non-stimulant appetite suppressants—Qsymia® (phentermine and topira-
mate), Saxenda® (liraglutide), Contrave® (naltrexone/bupropion), and the OTC and
other such preparations—are considered appropriate for long-term use.
Since a common feature of the stimulant/psychostimulant medications is their
stimulating (speeding) quality, patients/clients should be educated about that pre-
dominant effect when these medications are prescribed and followed over time.
In the sections of this chapter on “Anti-ADHD Agents” and in Chap. 5 stimu-
lants/psychostimulants will be discussed further.
54 4 The Sixteen “Minor Anti-s”
For an even more iconoclastic and vehement treatment of these topics, see Watters E. Crazy like
us: the globalization of the American psyche. Free Press; 2010.
Anti-attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Agents 55
For practical purposes, anti-ADHD agents may be classified into three subcate-
gories, viz., (1) Methylphenidate and congeners; (2) Dexmethylphenidate (the dex-
tro-isomer of methylphenidate); (3) Mixed amphetamine salts (MAS); and (4)
Non-stimulant medications. The paradoxical effects of the stimulants/psychostimu-
lants on children and adults with ADHD—the calming and organizing effects on the
aggressive, irritable, distracted, and disorganized features, whether the inattentive,
hyperactive, or combined types of ADHD—are counterintuitive, and are the basis
for the positive results often seen in ADHD psychopharmacotherapy. Table 4.7 lists
medications commonly used for ADHD psychopharmacotherapy, according to the
three subcategories just noted.
Table 4.8 Phases of bipolar disorder treated with anti-convulsants and other agents
Phase of illness Psychopharmacotherapeutic approach
Manic episodes Anti-psychotic agents, enhanced with mood stabilizers (e.g., risperidone
[Risperdal®] with lithium, and lorazepam [Ativan®] as needed)
Bipolar Symbyax® (fluoxetine [Prozac®] and olanzapine [Zyprexa®]), quetiapine
depression [Seroquel®], lurasidone [Latuda®], and cariprazine [Vraylar®], (FDA-
approved); lithium compounds, lamotrigine [Lamictal®], and aripiprazole
[Abilify®], with augmentation with bupropion [Wellbutrin®], probably least
likely to cause a manic switch (off-label use)
Bipolar Lithium, lamotrigine [Lamictal®], valproic acid [Depakote®], carbamazepine
treatment [Tegretol®]
Anti-dementia Agents
Known also as “cognition enhancers,” these agents are intended to slow the progres-
sion of dementing diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, especially in the elderly
population. Generally, such slowing will last 6–12 months, after which the decline
in memory and progression of other secondary signs and symptoms (such as agita-
tion, restlessness, wandering [“sundowning”], irritability, hostility, dysphonia,
mood swings, and depression) will resume. At that point, the efficacy of using
another anti-dementia to re-establish a plateau in memory loss in unclear. If the
course of treatment is interrupted, cognitive decline will be accelerated and not
likely to regain the previous level of cognitive functioning if resumed.
Recognizing the prevalence and difficulty of both the primary memory decline
and the secondary signs and symptoms of dementing diseases, Table 4.10 presents
the principal classes of medications useful in ameliorating these signs and symp-
toms, along with their mechanisms of action and clinical indications. Some of these
classes and medications have already been discussed, and others will be discussed
later in this Primer.
Table 4.11 presents a list of miscellaneous agents of a variety of types potentially
useful in a myriad of ways for treating patients with dementias.
58 4 The Sixteen “Minor Anti-s”
Table 4.10 Anti-dementia agents useful for primary and secondary signs and symptoms of
Class of medication Examples Clinical indications
1. Primary signs and symptoms (memory loss)
Cholinesterase inhibitors Donepezil (Aricept®) Mild, moderate, severe Alzheimer’s
(and some with other dementia (dose-dependent)
cholinergic actions) Galantamine (Razadyne®) Mild to moderate Alzheimer’s
Rivastigmine (Exelon®) Mild to moderate Alzheimer’s and
Parkinsonian dementia
Rivastigmine (Exelon Mild to moderate Alzheimer’s and
Patch®) Parkinsonian dementia
N-Methyl-D-aspartate Memantine (Namenda®) Moderate to severe Alzheimer’s
(NMDA) receptor dementia
antagonists Memantine ER (Namenda Moderate to severe Alzheimer’s
XR®) dementia
Memantine ER/donepezil Moderate to severe Alzheimer’s
(Namzaric®) dementia (for individuals on both
medications, a combination single-
dose agent)
(2) Secondary signs and symptoms
Selective serotonin Escitalopram (Lexapro®) Agitation, hostility, irritability,
reuptake inhibitors Sertraline (Zoloft®) restlessness
(SSRIs) Agitation, hostility, irritability,
Serotonin-norephedrine Mirtazapine (Remeron®) Insomnia, depression
Benzodiazepines (see Lorazepam (Ativan®) and Use on a short-term basis; associated
“Antianxiety Agents”) other short-acting agents with excess sedation, memory loss;
low doses
Anti-psychotics (see Risperidone (Risperdal®): Low-dose; be aware of the FDA
“Anti-psychotic Agents”) not in Parkinson’s patients “black box” warning (2005) against
use of anti-psychotics in the elderly
because of increased risk of stroke
Quetiapine (Seroquel®), Only for treating psychotic symptoms;
clozapine (Clozaril®), or monitor carefully
pimavanserin (Nuplazid®)
for Parkinson’s patients
Serotonin-norephedrine Gabapentin (Neurontin®) Manicky symptomatology;
agonists Lamotrigine (Lamictal®) stabilization and calming; monitor
Oxcarbazepine (Trileptal®) carefully for lithium and other toxicity
Valproic acid (Depakote®)
Lithium preparation
Adapted from Puzantian and Carlat (2020)
Anti-dementia Agents 59
Last—but probably most important for these frail demented individuals, consid-
ering the potential adverse (“side”) effects of the wide range of “anti-dementia”
medications—the treating professional should practice nonpharmacologic interven-
tions first, such as individual and group counseling/psychotherapy (especially for
depressed individuals with dementia), art and music therapy, recreation therapy,
habilitation therapy, and others.
The following case vignette illustrates several principles of psychopharmaco-
therapy with individuals with dementia, discussed below.
LG is an 88-year-old widowed primary care physician, a resident in an upscale nursing
home, in reasonably good health for his age. Over a period of weeks, LG developed confu-
sion, uncertainty, and depression. One evening, he “sundowned” into another male resi-
dent’s room, whom he did not know well and with whom he did not have a previous
relationship. He told the nurse who retrieved him from the other resident’s room that he had
been “distracted, that’s why I went into Joe’s room that night.” LG had been on donepezil
(Aricept®) for about three months, with stabilization of his prior forgetfulness. He was
referred to the house physician assistant (PA).
The history that the PA obtained from LG and his daughter included several depressive
episodes on LG’s part in the 30 years since his wife’s death, some treated with tricyclic
anti-depressants, some not, and all associated, directly or indirectly, with grief and sadness
for the loss of his wife. His daughter’s impression was that LG generally responded well to
anti-depressant psychopharmacotherapy. The PA started LG on a clinical trial of mirtazap-
ine (Remeron®). Over the next several weeks, LG’s mood cleared as did his periods of
confusion and forgetfulness. In formal counseling sessions with a staff nurse (“…who
reminds me of my daughter…”) also helped LG maintain his mood and daily functioning.
He attributed his clinical improvement, in part, to his “…sleeping better with the Remeron®.
Thank you, doctor…”
This case vignette illustrates (1) The need to make one change at a time when
multiple psychotropic agents are used. In this case, LG’s donepezil (Aricept®) was
maintained with the mirtazapine (Remeron®), leading to the impression that LG’s
clinical improvement was due, at least in part, to his sedating anti-depressant (i.e.,
mirtazapine; Remeron®). This further leads to the impression that (2) LG’s forget-
fulness was actually a symptom of pseudodementia (depressive symptoms
60 4 The Sixteen “Minor Anti-s”
presenting as dementia, especially in the elderly) and not the worsening of a dement-
ing process. The vignette also illustrates (3) The need to take a full history. LG
himself was not cognitively capable of giving the history to the house PA that his
daughter could. That history, in turn, prompted the PA to think of pseudodementia
in the differential diagnosis of LG’s condition, and to prescribe mirtazapine
(Remeron®). The diagnosis turned out to be correct, and the psychopharmacother-
apy to be helpful.
Anti-feeding/eating Agents
Anti-impotence Agents
Until the 1990s, the mainstay of treatment for sexual dysfunction was counsel-
ing/psychotherapy of a variety of types including cognitive behavior therapy (or
CBT; see Chaps. 7 and 8) and the behaviorally oriented Masters and Johnson cou-
ples approach (using exercises such as “sensate focus” to heighten couple’s sexual
awareness); as well as counseling/psychotherapy, from the 1960s and 1970s.
In 1998, however, a vasodilator (PGE inhibitor) named sildenafil (Viagra®)
received FDA approval for treating erectile dysfunction, and a new era of pharma-
cotherapy for sexual dysfunction began. Over the years, a raft of new agents for
sexual dysfunction in men appeared and gained popularity. As recently as 2015,
flibanserin (Addyi®) was FDA-approved for hypoactive sexual desire disorder
(HSDD, per DSM-5) in premenopausal women. Table 4.14 presents these “anti-
impotence” agents and their current clinical indications.
Two additional agents, testosterone and cannabidiol (CBD), are worth mention-
ing. The former agent, testosterone, is available by prescription when clinically
indicated, in a variety of types, preparations, and routes of administration. Clinical
indications are hypogonadism and low serum testosterone; studies do not suggest
clinical benefit in the presence of normal testosterone levels, notwithstanding media
and other hype to the contrary.
Cannabidiol (CBD), available over-the-counter and in a variety of facilities, is a
non-euphorigenic compound in marijuana, recently touted to be useful in pain man-
agement, anxiety and depression, sexual dysfunction, and a number of other condi-
tions (see Chap. 5). Mechanisms proposed for the purported effectiveness of CBD
in sexual dysfunction include a general relaxing and disinhibiting effect of sexual
tension and performance anxiety, and a vasodilation effect in genital areas, not
unlike the vasodilation of sildenafil (Viagra®) and other such medications. As of this
writing, however, effectiveness of CBD in sexual dysfunction has not been demon-
strated, to my knowledge, in formal studies (which, as a practical matter, are not
required by the FDA for off-label use of medications and non-regulated products).
The jury is still out on this question!
Last, for present purposes and focusing on medications and drugs (psychotropic,
medical, and illicit) as potential causes of sexual dysfunction, the prescribing
healthcare professional should approach individuals with sexual dysfunction as they
would use a common-sense clinical approach: Take a careful and detailed history
and drug history; include these several types of agents, when applicable, in a dif-
ferential diagnosis of the basis, or cause, of the sexual dysfunction; and develop an
investigation and treatment plan based, at least in part, on these data.
64 4 The Sixteen “Minor Anti-s”
Anti-insomnia Agents
Even though sleep disorders are at least as prevalent in the community as anxiety,
depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia, their designation as a “Minor”
Anti-agent in this particular book is simply because most pharmacologic interven-
tion for insomnia, specifically, is not made by psychiatrists or other prescribing
mental health professionals but rather by primary care practitioners.
Other sleep-wake disorders (i.e., in addition to insomnia) exist, which are classi-
fied in the DSM-5 as what may be called “primary” sleep disorders (insomnia disor-
der, hypersomnolence disorder, excessive daytime sleepiness [EDS], and
narcolepsy), i.e., sleep disorders per se; breathing-related sleep disorders (obstruc-
tive sleep apnea hypopnea, central sleep apnea, and sleep-related hypoventilation);
circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorders; and parasomnias (characterized by abnor-
mal behavior, physiological events, or odd experiences in association with sleep,
sleep-wake transitions, or sleep architecture stages: “parasomnia,” from the Greek,
translates as the “opposite” of “sleep”). In this vein, sleep medicine is an enormous
field, with pulmonologists, neurologists, and sleep medicine specialists. (Sleep
medicine is a specific specialty recognized and monitored by the American Board
of Medical Specialties, or ABMS.) Specialists are taking the lead in the care, treat-
ment, and research of these disorders, with diagnostic sleep centers/laboratories
widely available for polysomnographic sleep studies. Pharmacotherapeutic inter-
ventions are available for most of these sleep disorders and conditions.
For present purposes, this chapter focuses on pharmacotherapy of insomnia, the
most prevalent (whether as a formal DSM-5 disorder or a treatment symptom) of
these sleep disorders, with “anti-insomnia agents,” or “hypnotics.”2 For information,
details, and pharmacotherapeutic recommendations concerning these other sleep
disorders, the reader is referred to works cited in the Selected References in Chap.
1 of this Primer.
In recognizing the potential cause of insomnia for any given individual with that
prevalent condition, the “primary” and “secondary” distinctions are a useful
approach to treatment, psychopharmacotherapeutic or not.
First, if an individual’s insomnia is not caused by a specific diagnosable sleep disorder with
a specific pharmacotherapeutic intervention, then “sleep hygiene” should be the start of any
treatment plan. That term involves such practices as avoiding the use of stimulating sub-
stances such as tea, caffeinated coffee, spicy food, nicotine, alcohol (which can produce a
stimulating withdrawal 6–8 hours after ingestion), exercise, and others, at bedtime; restrict-
ing bedtime to sleep (and sex) only, not to include extensive reading, computer work, stren-
uous exercise, and the like; regular exercise (but not strenuous exercise at bedtime), good
diet and weight control; low light, comfortable sheets, and other such amenities to enhance
the sleep environment; and relaxation exercises and behavioral interventions (such as CBT
for insomnia, or CBT-I) before sleep.
“Hypnotics,” as opposed to “sedatives,” the latter for inducing calmness during the day (see Chap.
3, section “Antianxiety Agents”).
Anti-insomnia Agents 65
Anti-obsessive-compulsive Agents
The following case vignette illustrates “classic” OCD in an individual whose life
trajectory was characteristic of this disorder, and whose treatment was unremark-
able, and—fortunately—helpful.
JZ is a 28-year-old former accounting student, living for the past two years with his girl-
friend, working as a bookkeeper with a small manufacturing company, and an individual
who had always taken pride in his meticulous and careful work. Over about a six-month
period, he became increasingly careful and rigid in his personal and professional life,
engaging in taking long showers and washing his hands as often as he could, and in fre-
quently checking and rechecking light switches, faucets, moving furniture to right-angle
positions, and in other such compulsive behaviors. These compulsions reached the point at
which JZ’s girlfriend at first suggested, and then insisted, that he consult a healthcare pro-
fessional for help.
JZ consulted a psychiatric APN (advanced practice nurse), who referred him to a local
psychologist, who in turn treated him with a CBT-desensitization program. This program
seemed to help for a few weeks. However, after that, JZ’s symptoms and signs increased to
the point that he felt paralyzed at work, and unable to do much at home except for shower,
wash his hands, and check light switches. He re-consulted the APN, who prescribed fluox-
etine (Prozac®), initially 20 mg. in the morning. Over several months, the APN increased
his dose to 80 mg. and continued to follow him as an outpatient. JZ’s signs/symptoms
remitted gradually over several months, and he was able to return to a reasonable approxi-
mation of his earlier life.
Over the years, JZ remained stable and productive with his combined therapy, maintain-
ing his fluoxetine (Prozac®) on an ongoing basis, with periodic “refreshers” of his CBT-
desensitization therapy with the psychologist. Periodically, JZ and his APN attempted to
reduce his dose of Prozac®, invariably resulting in a return or exacerbation of his OCD
Eventually, JZ accepted that he would be on Prozac® “for a long time,” and no longer
questioned his treatment plan. By then, he and his girlfriend had married and had a child.
JZ managed the additional stresses of these major life changes well, without an exacerba-
tion of his OCD symptomatology.
This vignette illustrates several features of the ongoing treatment of OCD includ-
ing the need to rule out possible underlying medical causes or influences on JZ’s
OCD condition, the effectiveness of combined modalities of therapy with his condi-
tion, the need to maintain both modalities of treatment in this chronic condition, the
need to maintain high doses of fluoxetine (Prozac®), and the need for communica-
tion and coordination among treating professionals.
Anti-pain Agents 69
Anti-pain Agents
opioids especially when taken with other agents, and death, either inadvertently or
on purpose. As with hallucinogens (psychedelics), healthcare professionals pre-
scribed these agents conservatively and sparingly (see also, Chap. 4 concerning
hallucinogens/psychedelic agents).
However, in the 1990s and the early 2000s, with the advent of “pain as the fifth
vital sign” (an approach and campaign which has since been discontinued), the
more liberal use of opioid psychopharmacotherapy was seen as a swing of the pre-
scribing pendulum, and the prescribing of opioids for benign chronic pain syn-
dromes became more acceptable in the healthcare community.
Then, with the onset and worsening of what has been referred to variously as the
current “opioid epidemic,” or “opioid crisis” in the early 2010s, the pendulum of
opioid prescribing practices has swung back to conservative approaches, and more
careful scheduling and tracking of opioids and related compounds (e.g., Federal and
State “Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs,” or PDMPs). A number of different
factors has been considered responsible for the uptick of licit and illicit opioids and
related drugs and drug-related deaths during this time frame, including the far-
reaching effects of the “pain as a fifth vital sign” movement, the ready availability
of potent opioids (such as Fentanyl® and Carfentanyl®), the sense in the general
population that licit and illicit drugs can resolve problems in living, and so forth.
These points will be discussed further in Chap. 5.
“Central” vs. “peripheral” pain refers to the cause and pathophysiology of differ-
ent pain syndromes. “Central” pain syndromes refer to those that arise in the CNS
itself (recognizing that any pain sensation can be modulated, elaborated, or modi-
fied by higher centers of the brain, since pain is, at its core, a neurologic phenome-
non) or are modified by CNS influences. “Peripheral” pain syndromes, in contrast,
refer to those that originate in somatic tissue damage and are medicated through
afferent nervous pathways to central brain areas. The concept of using psychotropic
agents (in contrast to strictly analgesic agents), such as anti-convulsants (see above),
to influence and modify pain perception is based on this distinction. The following
two tables (Tables 4.18, and 4.19) further illustrate these points.
Finally, for present purposes, the dichotomous distinctions in pain syndromes
presented in Table 4.18 are actually the same, the first (“real” vs. “imagined” pain)
couched in the common-sense terminology often perceived by individuals who
work with real-world patients/clients in pain, and the second couched in more tech-
nical terminology. As a practical matter, whether pain is “real” or “not real” is a
For examples of analgesic medications, their doses and dosing schedules, and
other such information about the various non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs
(NSAIDs), opioids, non-opioids, and other agents in this table, the reader is referred
to applicable textbooks, monographs, internet services, electronic databases, and
the like.
For purposes of this chapter, several specific psychotropic medications for two
specific syndromes, peripheral neuropathic pain syndromes and fibromyalgia—
both with significant psychiatric components—will be reviewed next.
First, concerning peripheral neuropathic pain syndromes, two psychotropic
medications of two different classes—duloxetine (Cymbalta®), an anti-depressant,
and pregabalin (Lyrica®), a novel anti-convulsant—have FDA-indications and off-
label uses in these areas. Duloxetine (Cymbalta®) is approved for diabetic periph-
eral neuropathic pain, fibromyalgia, and other chronic musculoskeletal pain
syndromes (and other off-label chronic pain disorders). Pregabalin (Lyrica®) is
approved for diabetic peripheral neuropathic pain, neuropathic pain associated with
spinal cord injury, postherpetic neuralgia, and fibromyalgia (and other non-pain
indications, including partial complex seizures, generalized anxiety disorder, and
withdrawal from benzodiazepines and alcohol; these last three are off-label uses).
Second, fibromyalgia as a chronic pain condition is characterized by widespread
and chronic pain, fatigue, and cognitive impairment (“fibro fog”). For proper diag-
nosis, the presence of some of the 18 “tender points” designated by the American
College of Rheumatology, first in the 1990s, is no longer required. A number of
Anti-pain Agents 73
Table 4.21 World Health Organization Step 4: Invasive and minimally invasive
analgesic ladder treatments
Step 3: Opioids from moderate to severe
pain ± non-opioid agents ± adjuvants
Step 2: Opioids from mild to moderate pain
+ non-opioid agents ± adjuvants
Step 1: Non-opioids ± adjuvants
Adapted from Anekar A, Castella M. WHO
analgesic ladder (2020)
74 4 The Sixteen “Minor Anti-s”
significance of headaches as a public health concern, the rest of this section will
focus on the psychopharmacotherapy of migraine and cluster headaches. As a prac-
tical matter, a variety of analgesic and psychotropic medications have been used for
migraine prophylaxis (prevention) and for aborting migraine attacks. Table 4.22
lists such medications, non-psychotropic and psychotropic. As with other sections
of this chapter, for further information and details about migraine and other head-
ache pathophysiology, diagnosis, treatment, doses and dose scheduling, and the
like, the reader is referred to applicable textbooks, monographs, articles, internet
sources, electronic databases, and the like.
Although this section has focused on psychopharmacotherapy of different types
and syndromes of pain conditions, the beneficial role of psychotherapy/counseling,
behavioral intervention, weight control, exercise, and other such
CK is a 20-year-old male, who at age 10, while playing across the street from his house,
sustained a gunshot wound to his back. This injury left CK paraplegic, wheelchair- and
bed-bound, with an inconsistent sensory level between T8 and T0, where T10 was the site
of impact of the bullet in CK’s gunshot wound.
CK was electively admitted to the hospital for surgical correction of a back ulcer. CK
had a known and long history—both before and after his back trauma—of polysubstance
abuse and addiction. For this reason and to assist in CK’s medical management, the
Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry Service was consulted by CK’s treatment team.
At the age of 16, CK required the placement of surgical rods in his back in order to cor-
rect a progressive kyphosis. These rods were removed approximately 2½ years later, and an
abscess formed in the area of removal several months after that. CK developed a full-blown
decubitus which had not healed by the time of his elective admission, and which became
very large as a result of multiple infections. These infections required hospitalizations for
antibiotic therapy and debridement, and CK was noted during those hospitalization to have
been a management problem and demanding of analgesic medications (primarily opioids).
CK had been inactive at home for a number of years, despite a large and supportive fam-
ily. He had been treated with multiple pain medications at home, and he also acknowledged
using four to five Percodan® tablets every three hours, as well as two 5 mg. Valium® every
four to six hours, above and beyond the non-narcotic analgesic medications prescribed for
him by his family physician on a maintenance basis. In addition to his prescription drug
76 4 The Sixteen “Minor Anti-s”
supplementation with Percodan®, CK also supplemented his medication regimen with alco-
hol, marijuana, and illicit acetaminophen (Tylenol®) with codeine.
CK underwent myocutaneous and paraspinal flap closure of the decubitus during this
elective hospitalization. At the time that the Psychiatry Service was consulted for CK, his
prescribed medication regimen was Percocet® (two tablets every three hours as needed) and
Valium (5 mg. every six hours as needed) with Clinitron® therapy. CK’s nurses noted his
difficult and demanding behaviors, especially around his analgesic regimen. CK com-
plained that the prescribed medications (i.e., Percocet® and Valium®) were not holding him
for the full three hours for which they were prescribed.
Therefore, Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry was consulted for advice in managing and
medicating (pain medication) CK, particularly with regard to the evaluation of CK for a
trial of long-term (maintenance) opioid therapy.
Anti-panic Agents
Antiparkinsonian Agents
For an engaging account of these two branches of medicine during the American “Gilded Age,”
with a forensic bent, see Rosenberg CE. The trial of the assassin Guiteau: psychiatry and the law
in the gilded age. University of Chicago Press; 1968.
78 4 The Sixteen “Minor Anti-s”
Anti-sex Agents
diagnosis) are given in Table 4.24; a full discussion of these topics is well beyond
the scope of this Primer.
For present purposes, the general approach to treatment of individuals with para-
philias includes behavioral/counseling/psychotherapeutic (especially cognitive
behavior therapy or CBT, with specialized approaches in sex-offender-specific
treatment or SOST, for example), with psychopharmacotherapy. The latter includes
two broad pharmacotherapeutic classes of agents, viz., hormonal agents (for more
severely symptomatic individuals, generally) and psychotropic agents (for less
severely symptomatic individuals, generally). Each of these two categories may be
further divided into two sub-categories, as displayed in Table 4.25.
Anti-trauma Agents
The last of the sixteen “Minor Anti-agents” in this classification system are those
used to treat symptomatology of trauma, especially of post-traumatic stress disorder
(PTSD) and acute stress disorder (ASD), as articulated in the DSM-5. Like many of
the disorders and syndromes discussed in Chaps. 3 and 4, specific traumatic mani-
festational symptomatology corresponding exactly to traumatic stimuli, or stressors
do not exist in nature. For that reason, and in view of the protean manifestations of
A Note on References 83
A Note on References
Rather than burdening the reader with excessive and detailed references and cita-
tions in this Primer, given below are particularly useful selected references. In addi-
tion, other specific references and citations will be given in parentheses throughout
84 4 The Sixteen “Minor Anti-s”
the Primer. For further information and details about any topics presented and dis-
cussed in this book, the interested reader is referred not only to the following list of
selected references, but also to applicable textbooks, monographs, electronic data-
bases, print articles and materials, internet sources, and other applicable resources.
Selected References
• Black DW, Andreasen NC. Introductory textbook of psychiatry. 6th ed. American
Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.; 2014. (A solid basic textbook of psychiatry.)
• Multiple Authors. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental health disorders
(DSM-5). 5th ed. American Psychiatry Association, Inc.; 2013. (This book is the
controversial “bible” for primarily American and Canadian psychiatric
• The comparable international work to the DSM-5 is currently the 2019
International classification of diseases (ICD-10). 10th ed. World Health
Organization. (The ICD-11 was due for adoption in 2020.)
• Frances A. Saving normal: an insider’s revolt against out-of-control psychiatric
diagnosis, big pharma, and the medicalization of ordinary life. Harper Collins
Publishers; 2013. (The subtitle says it all! See Chap. 4 in this Primer.)
• Ghaemi SN. Clinical psychopharmacology: principles and practice. Oxford
University Press; 2019. (A scholarly, detailed, and lengthy overview of psycho-
pharmacology, also covering social practice and research/methodologic aspects
of the field.)
• Hales RE, Yudofsky ST, Roberts LW, editors, et al. The American Psychiatric
Publishing textbook of psychiatry. 6th ed. American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.;
2014. (A standard, detailed encyclopedic textbook tome, for reference. A seventh
edition is available, copyright 2019, with updated coverage in a number of areas.)
• Harrington A. Mind fixers: psychiatry’s troubled search for the biology of mental
illness. W.W. Norton and Company; 2019. (A historical and scholarly review of
the topic, including some of the same topics as Saving Normal listed above.)
• Puzantian T, Carlat DJ. Medication fact book for psychiatric practice. 6th ed.
Carlat Publishing, LLC; 2020. (A very useful “cookbook” for psychotropic pre-
scribing, conveniently organized and presented for the practitioner.)
• Watters E. Crazy like us: the globalization of the American psyche. Free Press;
2010. (Psychiatric diagnostic issues similar to those in Saving Normal, with an
international focus.)
• Weil A. Mind over meds: know when drugs are necessary, when alternatives are
better—and when to let your body heal on its own. Little, Brown and Company;
2017. (A balanced and holistic approach to pharmacology and psychopharma-
cology by the popular “guru” of these fields.)
A Note on References 85
With the surfeit of internet resources, websites of all imaginable types and quality,
and numerous related electronic sources of information and data, the reader, clini-
cian, researcher, and member of the public—patient/client or not—may easily
become confused about where to go and what to accept in learning psychopharma-
cology and psychopharmacotherapy. In this vein, a productive way to navigate the
bewildering array of such sources consists of dividing them into several catego-
ries, viz.
1. Refereed (“peer-reviewed;” “juried”) scientific, technical, and professional jour-
nals, newsletters, and the like, including e-journals, e-newsletters, and other
open-source e-publications. Selected examples include:
• Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology (peer-reviewed independent profes-
sional journal)
• Experimental & Clinical Psychopharmacology (peer-reviewed professional
journal of the American Psychological Association)
• Journal of Psychopharmacology (peer-reviewed professional journal of the
British Association for Psychopharmacology)
• Psychopharmacology (Berlin/Heidelberg; Springer Publications)
2. Government and academic/research institutions, publications and e-publications,
and associated websites. Selected examples include:
• National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) website, affiliated institutes, pro-
grams, centers, websites, and publications (electronic and print)
• National Institute on Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse (NIAAA) website, affili-
ated institutes, programs and centers, and websites and publications (elec-
tronic and print)
• National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) website, affiliated institutes, cen-
ters, programs and websites, and publications (electronic and print)
• Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse (CCSA), affiliated programs and publi-
cations (electronic and print)
• National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University
(NCASACU), programs and publications (electronic and print)
3. Journals, magazines, societies, and associated websites. Selected examples
• Psychology Today
• Scientific American
• Scientific American Mind
86 4 The Sixteen “Minor Anti-s”
The field of substance abuse, chemical dependency, drug and alcohol abuse, and
other such designations—all to be used interchangeably in this Primer—is a vast
one, for which a full and comprehensive review is well beyond the scope of this
volume. For that, the reader is referred to the Selected References at the end of the
Preface of this Primer and, as before, to applicable electronic databases, internet
sources, and the like.
Referring to Chap. 2 (“Basic Principles of Pharmacology, Psychopharmacology,
and Psychopharmacotherapy”) in this Primer and for purposes of this chapter, psy-
chotropic agents may be categorized in several ways:
1. One such way is in terms of the various psychiatric disorders, conditions, and
symptoms for which the agent is used in treatment. The four “Major Anti-s” and
the sixteen “Minor Anti-s” are examples of this system of categorizing
these agents.
2. Another way is in terms of whether use of the agents is licit (legal) or illicit
(illegal). These categories recognize considerable overlap among agents, in that
virtually any legitimate psychotropic agent—or any non-psychotropic agent, for
that matter—may be misused or abused. Conversely, some usually illicit drugs
may have licit indications, depending on their legal status (medical marijuana is
a good recent example of this).
3. “Lumpers” and “Splitters.” Lumpers: In terms of taxonomies, these individuals
seek to create broad categories or taxons of things, collecting multiple character-
istics and examples into few taxons. Splitters: In contrast, these individuals seek
to create narrow categories, or taxons of things, collecting narrow and few char-
acteristics and examples into many taxons. In the chemical dependency context,
Lumpers generally distinguish in terms of the broad psychoactive effects of
these drugs, for example: among stimulants, or psychostimulants; depressants;
and hallucinogens, or psychotomimetics. Examples are presented in Table 5.1.
Table 5.3 Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) and symptomatic treatment of addicts and
I. Agents That Treat Chemical Addictions Per Se
Medication-assisted treatments (MATs):
For opioid addiction (OUD)
Naltrexone (IR and L-A [Vivitrol®, Injectable])
Buprenorphine (Subutex®; Suboxone® [buprenorphine]) and other preparations
Naloxone (for emergency opioid overdose)
Clonidine (Catapres®)
Lofexidine (Lucemyra®)
For alcohol addiction (AUD)
Disulfiram (Antabuse®)
Acamposate (Campral®)
Naltrexone (Revia®)
For smoking (tobacco products) addiction
Nicotine replacement therapy (patches, polacrilex gum, others); “vaping” replacement
Varenicicline (Chantix®)
Bupropion (Zyban®, for smoking specifically)
II. Agents That Treat Symptomatology of Addicts and Alcoholics
(See Table 2.5 in Chap. 2, “The Twenty Licit Anti-Agents”)
90 5 Illicit Substances and Drugs
In 1970, the Controlled Substance Act (CSA) of the FDA created a series of five
categories of “dangerous drugs” on a sliding scale of five “Schedules” (I–V) from
those considered the most dangerous (Schedule I) to those considered the least dan-
gerous in terms of safety and abuse potential. These prescriptions were monitored
by the (then) Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs (BNDDs), later called the
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) of the Department of Justice of the United
States government. Review of the agents in these several categories in Table 5.4
indicates that while some agents are strictly “illicit” (i.e., CDS Schedule I) with “no
accepted medical use,” most—and most of the medications and agents discussed in
this Primer—can be both, depending on the circumstances under which they are
prescribed, whether prescribers follow acceptable federal and state guidelines (this
can be especially problematic in the case of medical marijuana, in which in a num-
ber of states this prescribing is legal under proper conditions, but in which the fed-
eral jurisdiction, marijuana1 remains illicit), and other such circumstances. For these
reasons, it behooves the health professional registered and authorized to prescribe
CDSs, “Scheduled Drugs,” or “Controlled Substances” (the terms are used inter-
changeably here) to know and to stay abreast of (1) the CDS law and regulations in
the state or other jurisdiction in which they practice and (2) the procedures and
processes of the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP), which provides
electronic searchable databases for tracking licit CDS patients and their prescrip-
tions, in the state or other jurisdiction in which they practice. The former can be
searched in the annual update of Title 21 Code of Federal Regulations (www.fda.
food-and-drugs) and the latter in the website for the PDMP Training and Technical
Assistance Center (
A word about “CBD” (cannabidiol) is pertinent here. Cannabidiol is a phytocannabinoid plant
product related to cannabis sativa, the psychoactive and psychotomimetic compound in marijuana
and hashish. Cannabidiol is one of many such related compounds and does not itself have
psychoactive effects on consumers; is not a prescription-only medication or a Controlled Dangerous
Substance; and is widely available in pharmacies, health food stores, and through the internet. It is
touted as beneficial for a multitude of health conditions, including pain syndromes, tension and
anxiety, general malaise, anorexia, and bulimia, and others, reportedly without dependency
potential or deleterious psychiatric symptomatology. This Primer does not take a position on the
usefulness (or not) of CBD, but it does note the widespread and burgeoning popularity of this
cannabinoid and recommends further searching and researching on the part of the interested reader.
Controlled Dangerous Substances (CDS) 91
DSM-5 Considerations
Concerning DSM-5 and other characterizations of the licit and illicit chemical
dependencies, Table 5.5 presents the core clinical features of the category of psychi-
atric disorders which the DSM-5 calls “Substance Use Disorders,” or SUDs. Going
beyond the features and diagnostic criteria for SUDs in the DSM-5, Table 5.6 gives
factors affecting an individual’s response to a given drug. These factors recognize
that such responses are determined by more than the drug, or agent itself: In effect,
these factors are an application of the Epidemiologic Triangle model discussed in
Chap. 1.
While a detailed discussion of what has been called the current “Great Opioid Crisis” is well
beyond the scope of this book, the excessive prescribing, diversion, and use of both licit and illicit
opioids, resulting in dramatic overdose mortality from 2014 to the present, has been identified as
one of most serious social and public health crises in the 2000s, on a par with the COVID-19
94 5 Illicit Substances and Drugs
clients is not indicated. These are individuals who have to learn to cope with life’s
stressors without chemicals (i.e., psychopharmacotherapeutic agents), for the most
part, not with them. Striking a balance between MAT and other psychopharmaco-
therapy comprises both the art and science of treating addicts and alcoholics.
This last point brings up the issue of the treatment setting for addicts and alcoholics.
Such settings range from outpatient counseling with a non-mental health profes-
sional (e.g., teacher, friend, priest, etc.) to medical inpatient services, with interme-
diate settings between those two poles, along with what is called a “continuum of
care” model. The ASAM (American Society of Addiction Medicine) Criteria pres-
ents a good conceptual model of this continuum. (See Table 5.7, as adapted from the
ASAM Criteria.)
A full discussion of treatment settings for the addictions, like other topics in this
book, is well beyond its scope. A particularly good reference for this topic, and
many others in this field, is the multi-authored (2018) ASAM Principles of Addiction
Medicine, Sixth Edition to which the reader is referred, along with electronic data-
bases, other books and articles, and internet sources, for further information and
No essay on illicit substances and drugs would be complete without some discussion
of the “host” (in the Epidemiologic Triangle model)—the patient/client—in this
context. In that vein, rather than presenting a case as such, Table 5.10 presents
salient features and hallmarks of a paradigmatic drug-seeking patient/client. The
interviewing/examining clinician needs to be aware of these potential “con-men/
women” and able to deal with them in a calm, compassionate, but firm manner. It is
not per se illegal to be duped, but it is illegal for a prescriber to continue prescribing
to the scammer.
Table 5.10 Simulated interview: behaviors and hallmarks of the drug-seeking patient/client
1. New patient, new physician (new practice)
2. From a long distance away
3. Very well dressed
4. Late (in the day) visit, without a scheduled appointment
5. Immediately before a holiday weekend
6. Young (22–50 years old)
7. Requests specific analgesics only
8. Describes “classic” pain syndrome
9. Gives “textbook description” of a known disease
10. Behavior is quiet when nobody is looking
11. Behavior is agitated and painful when somebody is looking (the “Pain Show”)
12. Lacks involuntary autonomic features associated with pain
13. Factitious (“faked”) vital signs where possible
14. Referral patterns are vague and evasive (doesn’t name the referring physician or give
plausible reasons for the referral)
15. Ingratiating, unctuous approach to the physician (“I heard you really cared about patients
with pain.”)
16. Paranoid, guilt-provoking attitude toward the physician (“If you don’t help me, you’ll force
me to get what I need on the street.”)
17. Occupational history is vague and evasive
18. History of doctor-shopping and multiple hospitalizations (when history is obtainable)
19. Knows psychopharmacology, and CDS in particular, very well
20. Offers payment in cash for visit
21. Blaming and “conning” the physician
22. Insists on “drug of choice”
23. Refuses to submit blood or urine samples for toxicology screen (TDS)
98 5 Illicit Substances and Drugs
A Note on References
Rather than burdening the reader with excessive and detailed references and citations
in this Primer, given below are particularly useful selected references. In addition,
other specific references and citations will be given in parentheses throughout the
Primer. For further information and details about any topics presented and discussed
in this book, the interested reader is referred not only to the following list of selected
references but also to applicable textbooks, monographs, electronic databases, print
articles and materials, internet sources, and other applicable resources.
Selected References
• Black DW, Andreasen NC. Introductory textbook of psychiatry. 6th ed. American
Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.; 2014. (A solid basic textbook of psychiatry.)
• Multiple Authors. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental health disorders
(DSM-5). 5th ed. American Psychiatry Association, Inc.; 2013. (This book is the
controversial “bible” for primarily American and Canadian psychiatric
• The comparable international work to the DSM-5 is currently the 2019
International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10). 10th ed. World Health
Organization. (The ICD-11 was due for adoption in 2020.)
• Frances A. Saving normal: an insider’s revolt against out-of-control psychiatric
diagnosis, big pharma, and the medicalization of ordinary life. Harper Collins
Publishers: 2013. (The subtitle says it all! See Chap. 4 in this Primer.)
• Ghaemi SN. Clinical psychopharmacology: principles and practice. Oxford
University Press: 2019. (A scholarly, detailed, and lengthy overview of
psychopharmacology, also covering social practice and research/methodologic
aspects of the field.)
• Hales RE, Yudofsky ST, Roberts LW, et al., editors. The American Psychiatric
Publishing textbook of psychiatry. 6th ed. American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.;
2014. (A standard, detailed encyclopedic textbook tome, for reference. A seventh
edition is available, copyright 2019, with updated coverage in a number of areas.)
• Harrington A. Mind fixers: psychiatry’s troubled search for the biology of mental
illness. W.W. Norton and Company; 2019. (A historical and scholarly review of
the topic, including some of the same topics as Saving Normal listed above.)
• Puzantian T, Carlat DJ. Medication fact book for psychiatric practice. 6th ed.
Carlat Publishing, LLC; 2020. (A very useful “cookbook” for psychotropic pre-
scribing, conveniently organized and presented for the practitioner.)
• Watters E. Crazy like us: the globalization of the American psyche. Free Press;
2010. (Psychiatric diagnostic issues similar to those in Saving Normal, with an
international focus.)
A Note on References 99
• Weil A. Mind over meds: know when drugs are necessary, when alternatives are
better—and when to let your body heal on its own. Little, Brown and Company;
2017. (A balanced and holistic approach to pharmacology and psychopharma-
cology by the popular “guru” of these fields.)
With the surfeit of internet resources, websites of all imaginable types and quality,
and numerous related electronic sources of information and data, the reader, clini-
cian, researcher, and member of the public—patient/client or not—may easily
become confused about where to go and what to accept in learning psychopharma-
cology and psychopharmacotherapy. In this vein, a productive way to navigate the
bewildering array of such sources consists of dividing them into several catego-
ries, viz.
1. Refereed (“peer-reviewed;” “juried”) scientific, technical, and professional
journals, newsletters, and the like, including e-journals, e-newsletters, and other
open-source e-publications. Selected examples include:
• Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology (peer-reviewed independent
professional journal)
• Experimental & Clinical Psychopharmacology (peer-reviewed professional
journal of the American Psychological Association)
• Journal of Psychopharmacology (peer-reviewed professional journal of the
British Association for Psychopharmacology)
• Psychopharmacology (Berlin/Heidelberg; Springer Publications)
2. Government and academic/research institutions, publications and e-publications,
and associated websites. Selected examples include:
• National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) website, affiliated institutes,
programs, centers, websites, and publications (electronic and print)
• National Institute on Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse (NIAAA) website,
affiliated institutes, programs and centers, and websites and publications
(electronic and print)
• National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) website, affiliated institutes,
centers, programs and websites, and publications (electronic and print)
• Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse (CCSA), affiliated programs and
publications (electronic and print)
• National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University
(NCASACU), programs, and publications (electronic and print)
100 5 Illicit Substances and Drugs
My dentist, a very holistic and preventive practitioner herself, has told me for years that with
“…diet, exercise, tooth flossing, and not smoking, you’ll live forever…”.
Table 6.1 Topics in holistic health and complementary and alternative medicine (CAM)
Aromatherapy Manual therapies and bodywork
Chiropractic Massage
Diet and weight control Meditation and mindfulness practices
Essential oil therapy Naturopathy and naturopathic medicine
Exercise (for depression and cognitive decline) Clinical nutrition
Herbal medicines Osteopathic manipulative techniques
Hydration (OMT)
Light therapy (for seasonal affective disorder, or Yoga and other forms of mind/bodywork
SAD; see Chaps. 3 and 9)
Since many products in the fields of holistic health and CAM are not regulated
by the FDA or other health-related oversight agencies, questions may arise of dose
equivalents, bioavailability of active ingredients, standardization among brands,
adulterants among products, and other such concerns in what may be termed “qual-
ity control” of these very varied products. So, as a practical matter—as with making
choices among a wide variety of psychotropic agents for the same clinical indica-
tion—the most sensible practice, in my view, is for patients/clients and their con-
sulting healthcare professionals to become familiar with a narrow group of specific
non-regulated agents and then stay with that particular agent and brand (e.g., St.
John’s wort, for depression).
Focusing on the four entities presented in this chapter, Table 6.2 gives defini-
tions, examples, and uses of these entities.
6 Botanicals, Herbals, Nutraceuticals, and (Dietary) Supplements (“Natural Products”) 103
Table 6.2 Botanicals, herbals, nutraceuticals, and (dietary) supplements, including overlapping
products and applications
Topic Definition Examples Applications
Botanicals Plant products used as Gin (juniper berry), Spices, flavor
additives anise, arugula enhancement, cooking
extract, orris root,
lemon peel, baobab,
Herbals Plant products used for Evening primrose Multiple uses as
(medicinal) prevention and/or treatment oil, St. John’s wort, antioxidants, nutritional
of disease, and for Asian ginseng, supplements, vitamins,
monitoring health; also chamomile, minerals, trace elements,
called “phytomedicines” echinacea, gingko, and many others
green tea, valerian,
yohimbe, and many
Nutraceuticals A food or fortified food Vitamins, minerals, Nutritional
(Bioceuticals) product milk, fortified dairy supplementation and
products, cereals, disease prevention
herbals, and many
Supplements A manufactured product for Glucosamine Cartilage and bone health,
(dietary) adding to the diet; to correct (cartilage and bone collagen health, dietary
deficiencies and maintain health), vitamin D, deficiency states, muscle
health, either from food calcium (bone loss, bodybuilding, and
sources or synthetic health), probiotics, others (Note: FDA rules
manufacture; in pill, fish oils, and many prohibit claims for
capsule, tablet, or liquid others actually treating these
form conditions)
Concerning products of these four types of current interest to mental health prac-
titioners and providers, specifically including products which have been shown to
be effective through randomized controlled trials (RCTs, the “gold standard” for
studies of safety and efficacy)—but rarely in terms of FDA approvals. Table 6.3
gives the clinical indication of some RCT-approved products, the category of the
product, and examples of the product.
104 6 Botanicals, Herbals, Nutraceuticals, and (Dietary) Supplements (“Natural Products”)
Table 6.3 Selected natural products proven effective through RCT testing
Clinical indication of the Category of the
product product Examples of the product
Depression (off-label) Vitamin (dietary L-methyl folate (Deplin®), a
supplement) “medical food” by prescription; folic
acid preparations (OTC)
Depression, PMDD, smoking Essential amino acid L-tryptophan; OTC preparations
cessation (all off-label) (dietary supplement)
Depression (unipolar, bipolar; Fatty acid (dietary Omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil); various
off-label); hypertriglyceridemia supplement) OTC preparations; Lavazza® for
(FDA-approved) hypertriglyceridemia
Depression, osteoarthritis Essential amino acid S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAME);
cirrhosis, fatty liver disease (all (dietary supplement) various OTC preparations
Depression, mild-to-moderate Botanical St. John’s wort; various OTC
(off-label) preparations
Depression for low vitamin D Nutraceutical (vitamin; Vitamin D; various OTC preparations
levels (off-label) dietary supplement)
Insomnia and jetlag symptoms Pineal gland hormone Pineal gland hormone, present in
(off-label) (dietary supplement) many foods; various OTC
Trichotillomania, nail biting, Semi-essential amino N-acetylcysteine (NAC); various
skin picking, OCD (all acid congener (dietary OTC preparations. Adjunctive to
off-label) supplement) SSRIs in OCD and related conditions.
Adapted from Puzantian and Carlat (2020)
A Note on References
Rather than burdening the reader with excessive and detailed references and cita-
tions in this Primer, given below are particularly useful selected references. In addi-
tion, other specific references and citations will be given in parentheses throughout
the Primer. For further information and details about any topics presented and dis-
cussed in this book, the interested reader is referred not only to the following list of
selected references but also to applicable textbooks, monographs, electronic data-
bases, print articles and materials, internet sources, and other applicable resources.
Selected References
• Black DW, Andreasen NC. Introductory textbook of psychiatry. 6th ed. American
Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.; 2014. (A solid basic textbook of psychiatry.)
• Multiple Authors. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental health disorders
(DSM-5). 5th ed. American Psychiatry Association, Inc.; 2013. (This book is the
controversial “bible” for primarily American and Canadian psychiatric
• The comparable international work to the DSM-5 is currently the 2019
International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10). 10th ed. World Health
Organization. (The ICD-11 was due for adoption in 2020.)
• Frances A. Saving normal: an insider’s revolt against out-of-control psychiatric
diagnosis, big pharma, and the medicalization of ordinary life. Harper Collins
Publishers: 2013. (The subtitle says it all! See Chap. 4 in this Primer.)
• Ghaemi SN. Clinical psychopharmacology: principles and practice. Oxford
University Press: 2019. (A scholarly, detailed, and lengthy overview of psycho-
pharmacology, also covering social practice and research/methodologic aspects
of the field.)
• Hales RE, Yudofsky ST, Roberts LW, et al., editors. The American Psychiatric
Publishing textbook of psychiatry. 6th ed. American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.;
2014. (A standard, detailed encyclopedic textbook tome, for reference. A seventh
edition is available, copyright 2019, with updated coverage in a number of areas.)
• Harrington A. Mind fixers: psychiatry’s troubled search for the biology of mental
illness. W.W. Norton and Company; 2019. (A historical and scholarly review of
the topic, including some of the same topics as Saving Normal listed above.)
• Puzantian T, Carlat DJ. Medication fact book for psychiatric practice. 6th ed.
Carlat Publishing, LLC; 2020. (A very useful “cookbook” for psychotropic pre-
scribing, conveniently organized and presented for the practitioner.)
• Watters E. Crazy like us: the globalization of the American psyche. Free Press;
2010. (Psychiatric diagnostic issues similar to those in Saving Normal, with an
international focus.)
106 6 Botanicals, Herbals, Nutraceuticals, and (Dietary) Supplements (“Natural Products”)
• Weil A. Mind over meds: know when drugs are necessary, when alternatives are
better—and when to let your body heal on its own. Little, Brown and Company;
2017. (A balanced and holistic approach to pharmacology and psychopharma-
cology by the popular “guru” of these fields.)
With the surfeit of internet resources, websites of all imaginable types and quality,
and numerous related electronic sources of information and data, the reader, clini-
cian, researcher, and member of the public—patient/client or not—may easily
become confused about where to go and what to accept in learning psychopharma-
cology and psychopharmacotherapy. In this vein, a productive way to navigate the
bewildering array of such sources consists of dividing them into several catego-
ries, viz.
1. Refereed (“peer-reviewed;” “juried”) scientific, technical, and professional jour-
nals, newsletters, and the like, including e-journals, e-newsletters, and other
open-source e-publications. Selected examples include:
• Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology (peer-reviewed independent profes-
sional journal)
• Experimental & Clinical Psychopharmacology (peer-reviewed professional
journal of the American Psychological Association)
• Journal of Psychopharmacology (peer-reviewed professional journal of the
British Association for Psychopharmacology)
• Psychopharmacology (Berlin/Heidelberg; Springer Publications)
2. Government and academic/research institutions, publications and e-publications
and associated websites. Selected examples include:
• National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) website, affiliated institutes, pro-
grams, centers, websites, and publications (electronic and print)
• National Institute on Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse (NIAAA) website, affili-
ated institutes, programs and centers, and websites and publications (elec-
tronic and print)
• National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) website, affiliated institutes, cen-
ters, programs and websites, and publications (electronic and print)
• Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse (CCSA), affiliated programs and publi-
cations (electronic and print)
• National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University
(NCASACU), programs and publications (electronic and print)
A Note on References 107
Current therapies or treatment approaches and modalities in mental health care may
be broadly divided into two categories, viz., (1) “Psychotherapies” and (2) “Somatic
Therapies.” For present purposes, these modalities may be summarized as follows:
• Psychotherapies focus on verbal, psychological, and cognitive interactions and
discussion, conscious and unconscious (i.e., of which the patient/client is and is
not overtly aware, respectively), between the treating professional and the
patient/client. Theoretically, these psychotherapeutic techniques bring about
symptom relief and personal change through that interactive process, whether
didactic (i.e., counseling, and giving advice), through insight on the patient’s/
client’s part, or through behavioral techniques (i.e., using specific techniques
based on learning theory to produce specific changes in undesired and dysfunc-
tional behaviors, thereby alleviating problematic symptoms). This therapeutic
approach relies heavily on the respective roles and expectations of the treated
(“patient/client”) and the treater (“therapist”): Those roles and expectations, in
turn, are described in technical terms as “transference” on the part of the treated
and “countertransference” on the part of the treater.
• Somatic therapies, on the other hand, follow the biomedical orientation of doing
something to or putting something (e.g., psychotropic medications) into a cli-
ent’s/patient’s body (“soma,” from the Latin) in order to bring about a desired
change in that individual’s mood state, cognition, emotion or affect, mental state,
and so forth, through manipulation of the patient’s/client’s physiology. Although
a patient’s/client’s attitude and emotional condition do influence their response
to the administration of such “somatic” interventions to some extent, the primary
effect in the patient/client is intended to be the physiologic change brought about
by the somatic intervention itself and not by the transference/countertransference
effects and interactions of the patient/client and treating professional.
As a practical matter, a myriad of psychotherapies and somatic therapies exists,
some frequently and infrequently practiced. A compendium of such treatments from
as long ago as 1980 identified over 250 different types of psychotherapies (Herink
R. The psychotherapy handbook: the A to Z guide to more than 250 different thera-
pies used today. New American Library; 1980) and a more recent text identified 12
such therapies in general use (Corsini RJ, Wedding D, editors. Current psychothera-
pies. 6th ed. Brooks Cole; 2000).
The purpose of this volume is not to provide a detailed or comprehensive review
of all types of psychotherapies and somatic therapies. However, for present pur-
poses, the reader should be aware of the place of psychopharmacology or—in treat-
ment terminology—“pharmacotherapy/psychopharmacotherapy” in the universe of
psychiatric and psychological treatments, given the focus of this book on one par-
ticular type of somatic treatment, namely “psychopharmacology.” (See Tables 7.1
and 7.2).
A Note on References
Rather than burdening the reader with excessive and detailed references and cita-
tions in this Primer, given below are particularly useful selected references. In addi-
tion, other specific references and citations will be given in parentheses throughout
the Primer. For further information and details about any topics presented and dis-
cussed in this book, the interested reader is referred not only to the following list of
selected references but also to applicable textbooks, monographs, electronic data-
bases, print articles and materials, internet sources, and other applicable resources.
Selected References
• Black DW, Andreasen NC. Introductory textbook of psychiatry. 6th ed. American
Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.; 2014. (A solid basic textbook of psychiatry.)
• Multiple Authors. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental health disorders
(DSM-5). 5th ed. American Psychiatry Association, Inc.; 2013. (This book is the
controversial “bible” for primarily American and Canadian psychiatric
• The comparable international work to the DSM-5 is currently the 2019
International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10). 10th ed. World Health
Organization. (The ICD-11 was due for adoption in 2020.)
• Frances A. Saving normal: an insider’s revolt against out-of-control psychiatric
diagnosis, big pharma, and the medicalization of ordinary life. Harper Collins
Publishers: 2013. (The subtitle says it all! See Chap. 4 in this Primer.)
114 7 A Selective Overview of Therapies in Mental Health Care
With the surfeit of internet resources, websites of all imaginable types and quality,
and numerous related electronic sources of information and data, the reader, clini-
cian, researcher, and member of the public—patient/client or not—may easily
become confused about where to go and what to accept in learning psychopharma-
cology and psychopharmacotherapy. In this vein, a productive way to navigate the
bewildering array of such sources consists of dividing them into several catego-
ries, viz.
1. Refereed (“peer-reviewed;” “juried”) scientific, technical, and professional jour-
nals, newsletters, and the like, including e-journals, e-newsletters, and other
open-source e-publications. Selected examples include:
• Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology (peer-reviewed independent profes-
sional journal)
• Experimental & Clinical Psychopharmacology (peer-reviewed professional
journal of the American Psychological Association)
• Journal of Psychopharmacology (peer-reviewed professional journal of the
British Association for Psychopharmacology)
• Psychopharmacology (Berlin/Heidelberg; Springer Publications)
A Note on References 115
In an insightful essay in The New York Times entitled “About That Mean Streak of
Yours: Psychiatry Can Only Do So Much (When Nastiness Is A Personality Trait,
Not A Sign of Mental Illness),” psychiatrist Richard A. Friedman offered the com-
ment that “It’s not fashionable in our therapy-friendly nation, where people who
behave obnoxiously are assumed to have a treatable psychiatric problem until
proven otherwise. Nothing in the human experience is beyond the power of psychia-
try to diagnose or fix, it seems.” He continues the essay by presenting several case
examples of people—patients, actually—who should be considered “bad,” not
“mad,” and concludes that “To put it another way, some medically ill patients can be
mean or bad just like anyone else, and this is not a problem for psychiatry to fix”
(Friedman R. “About That Mean Streak of Yours.” The New York Times, February
6, 2007).
For those legions of other troubled people, many different types of what current
parlance calls “mental health providers” are available to see to their needs, and
many different ways for those “providers” to accomplish that goal. Historically, one
of the earliest of those ways—after prehistoric neurosurgical techniques—was what
has variously been called “therapy,” “psychotherapy,” “talk therapy,” and “counsel-
ing.” Those types of mental health treatments are the subject of this chapter.
As described in Chap. 7 (“An Overview of Therapies in Mental Health Care”),
many different types of therapy are available to the disturbed public, far too many to
be treated in detail in this chapter. Therefore, distinguishing broadly, between “non-
behavioral” and “behavioral” (see Table 7.1) and between “individual” and “group”
psychotherapies, this chapter will present an overview of these therapies, focusing
on those used most prevalently in current mental health practice.
In current mental health practice, shaped and directed by such practical factors
as insurance reimbursement limitations, time limitations, non-availability in person
(due to the coronavirus social distancing as of this writing) and financial restric-
tions, many of these therapies are combined with others (such as pharmacotherapy),
in the interest of better and greater treatment outcomes and greater cost efficiency.
These so-called “combination approaches” have been mentioned in Chap. 3 and 4
and will be revisited in Chap. 13.
Non-behavioral Psychotherapies
Table 8.1 depicts a continuum going from those non-behavioral individual therapies
considered the least structured and didactic to those considered the most structured
and didactic, with examples of psychotherapies of intermediate levels of structure in
between. The following section elaborates on these individual non-behavioral
members (marriage and family therapy) to include individuals who start out as strang-
ers and whose initial common bond is membership in the group. Group settings in
non-therapeutic settings—work, school, clubs, professional societies, and so forth—
are ubiquitous, and although not always the case, membership in a cohesive and sup-
portive group can be very invigorating and enhancing for its members. Therapeutic
groups, or “support groups” in medical contexts, take advantage of this closeness and
have been shown over the years to help their members succeed and do well in life, even
in such non-psychological, medical, and somatic areas as increased breast cancer sur-
vival, increased malignant melanoma survival, and other types of cancer survival. A
variety of therapeutic groups is found in inpatient, outpatient, partial hospital, and other
treatment settings, involving patients (i.e., group members) with a wide array of psychi-
atric diagnoses and the full range of levels of impairment, or symptomatology (i.e.,
from fully functional—the “worried well”—to the overly and fully psychotic and dys-
functional). The core approaches to group psychotherapy in all of these types of groups
involve support and positive regard for the group and its members, attitudes of accep-
tance toward group members, cohesiveness of the group, encouragement by members
for other members to participate in the group process, and willingness of the members
to change as a result of that learning, among many other such features.
In this vein, although I will not discuss the effectiveness of a wide range and
variety of non-professionally led or supervised therapeutic groups—known as “self-
help” groups, or “recovery” groups, such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Gamblers
Anonymous (GA), Narcotics Anonymous (NA), Sexaholics Anonymous (SA),
Parents Without Partners, Compassionate Friends, Overeaters Anonymous (OA),
and many others—I emphasize and endorse their widespread availability, low or
non-existent cost, and widespread community acceptance, especially in the addic-
tive orders (see Chap. 5 in this Primer). The group therapy principles of cohesive-
ness, a common goal, acceptance of the group, willingness to learn from the group,
and many other such features also apply to these self-help groups.
I reiterate—a point made in Table 7.1 of Chap. 7 in this book—that schools and
modalities of psychotherapeutic treatment, non-behavioral and behavioral alike, are
numerous and that a detailed discussion of them is well beyond the scope and scale
of this book. For further information and details, the interested reader is referred to
applicable articles, electronic databases, internet references, textbooks, mono-
graphs, and the like in these areas.
Behavioral Psychotherapies
The common thread of behavioral therapies is the root of their treatment techniques
in psychological learning theory, including the “classical conditioning” paradigm of
the nineteenth century Russian physiologist, Ivan Pavlov and the twentieth-century
“operant conditioning” paradigm of the American psychologist, Burroughs F. (B.F.)
Skinner, and other approaches containing features of both. In these paradigms, the
effect of stimulating the organism (the patient/client or person, or “black box,” for
present purposes) is paramount, without the need for a detailed (or psychodynamic,
for present purposes) understanding of what happens in the “black box.” The
“organism” somehow processes stimuli, receiving them and turning them into pre-
dictable, measurable, and productive responses and behaviors. The behavior is
“modified” without the strong need to “understand” it on a psychological or neuro-
biological level.
According to both classical and operant conditioning paradigms, specific changes
in the initial stimulation subsequent “reinforcers” (reinforcing stimuli), whether
introduced from outside the organism or from within the organism, can shape sub-
sequent behaviors in the organism in desirable ways, if properly done.
An example of classical, or Pavlovian, conditioning is the temporal pairing of an
unconditioned stimulus (meat powder, which will cause a dog to salivate reflexively,
without any previous training) with a conditioning stimulus (the ring of a bell,
which will not cause a dog to salivate, but is the stimulus which is to become an
unconditioned stimulus in this experimental model): Given the right timing and
intensity (of the two stimuli) factors, the conditioning stimulus will link with the
unconditioned stimulus, cause the dog to salivate, become interchangeable with the
unconditional stimulus, and eventually replace the unconditioned stimulus
An example of operant, or Skinnerian conditioning of clinical mental health
significance, is the organism’s substitution through therapy and training of posi-
tively reinforcing internal stimuli for negative such stimuli, with resulting positive
effect, clinical improvement, and reduction of negative psychological signs and
symptoms. In a clinical application, Dr. Martin Seligman’s concept of “learned
helplessness” which “…postulates that past experiences of real helplessness imbue
the individual with the connection that future unpleasant situations will also be
124 8 Psychotherapies and Counseling
Currently, cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) is probably the most widely practiced
form of all behavioral psychotherapies. CBT derives from the work of psychiatrist
Aaron Beck, M.D. and his colleagues at the University of Pennsylvania, beginning
in the 1960s. As described by Beck and his colleagues, this “…cognitive model for
psychotherapy is grounded on the theory that there are characteristic errors in infor-
mation processing in psychiatric disorders, and that these alterations in thought pro-
cesses are closely linked to emotional reactions and dysfunctional behavior
patterns…” (Wright JH, et al. Cognitive therapy. In Hales RE, et al., editors. The
American Psychiatric Publishing textbook of psychiatry. APP, Inc.; 2008). Originally
formulated as treatment for depression, CBT has been extended over the years to
treat anxiety and panic disorders, phobias, psychoses, personality disorders, sub-
stance abuse disorders, eating disorders, bipolar disorders, and psychiatric symp-
tomatology (such as anxiety and depression) secondary to a wide variety of medical
conditions. A course of CBT starts with an interactive and problem-solving collabo-
ration between the patient and the therapist, in which negative percepts, stimulus
blocks to the patient’s well-being and self-image, interpersonal conflicts, and other
such problems and problem areas are identified (such “automatic thoughts” like “I
always freeze in a new social situation,” or “I can never please my partner”); made
explicit (through concrete and explicit assignments, such as keeping a log or com-
pleting a workbook); and systematically altered through various (cognitive) exer-
cises, active intervention and assistance by the therapist, and what has been called
“collaborative empiricism” in the therapist–patient relationship. CBT is usually a
short-term type of treatment, with concrete and specific goals identified, and behav-
ioral treatment approaches applied, and with follow-up and “booster” courses of
treatment as necessary, especially for patients with longstanding chronic conditions.
As with a number of other types of therapy, CBT is “manual-based,” with protocols,
algorithms, instructions, and other such structured devices included in print and
electronic instruction manuals for this therapy.
As a paradigm of behavioral approaches focusing on the “black box” of the
patient and on practical goals and results of treatment, CBT has become popular and
prevalent in a variety of mental health professions; has been extensively researched
over the years and shown to be effective for many patients/clients; and is widely
taught and practiced in many different mental health settings, both explicitly and as
a treatment model for eclectic approaches to mental health treatment, often in com-
bination with psychopharmacotherapy (see Chap. 13).
A variant of CBT which addresses a major public health problem—insomnia
(see Chap. 4: “Anti-insomnia Agents”)—is called cognitive behavior therapy for
insomnia, or CBT-I. Using the principles of CBT (e.g., cognitive restructuring and
psychoeducation) to start, this approach is considered a multicomponent type of
treatment, in that in addition to CBT, it uses such additional sleep-inducing and
sleep-maintaining techniques as stimulus (light, noise, ambient room temperature)
control; sleep hygiene; sleep restricting and structuring (e.g., fixed bedtimes and
126 8 Psychotherapies and Counseling
Hypnosis and hypnotherapy probably have the most colorful and intriguing history
of any school or type of psychotherapy, embodying both pre-scientific study and
applications (such as “animal magnetism,” Mesmerism, and parlor tricks—which
still find spellbound crowds of observers at parties and other such events) and scien-
tific applications. The mid-nineteenth century interest in states of split conscious-
ness led to the systematic study of sleep and somnambulism (Zilboorg G, Henry
G. A history of medical psychology. W.W. Norton and Company; 1941) by such
iconic clinicians as Jean-Martin Charcot, Pierre Janet, Hippolyte Bernheim, and
Sigmund Freud. These individuals used hypnosis as a means of studying these
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) 127
conditions, which later evolved to one of the two broad present-day applications of
hypnosis, viz., diagnostic interviewing.
Currently, the two major areas of use of hypnosis/hypnotherapy in mental health
are in diagnosis and therapy. In the latter applications, hypnosis/hypnotherapy may
be considered the most structured and directed of the behavioral therapies in the list
of Behavioral Psychotherapies in Table 8.2 (above). However, from the legal per-
spective (see Part III of this book), as a subset of the former diagnostic application
of hypnosis—specifically in the forensic application of the hypnotic interview in
detecting truth—the interest of the legal profession requires some knowledge of this
intriguing subject.
Going back to 1896—the year of the first admission of hypnotic testimony as
evidence in a court proceeding (Gravitz MA. First Admission (1846) of Hypnotic
Testimony in Court. In American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis. American Society of
Clinical Hypnosis; 2002)—hypnosis in the court room has fascinated onlookers,
even though, generally, courts have been uniformly unwilling to admit the testi-
mony of a person hypnotized while testifying. Requirements vary among venues
about the circumstances and conditions under which information obtained under
hypnosis may be admitted as evidence and how that information may be used in
court proceedings: It behooves the legal practitioner to be familiar with these
requirements in the venue in which such information might be used. However, from
the clinical perspective, recent guidelines (Maldonado J, Spiegel D. Dissociative
disorders. In Hales RE, et al., editors. The American Psychiatric Publishing text-
book of psychiatry. APP, Inc.; 2008) suggest that a series of 17 detailed steps be
followed by clinicians doing forensic hypnotic evaluations to be certain that proper
clinical, ethical, and legal practices are observed. These requirements include
obtaining the evaluee’s informed consent, maintaining neutrality (not advocacy)
during the evaluation, measuring the prospective subject’s hypnotizability objec-
tively, video recording all hypnotically-involved interactions, clarifying with eval-
uees the nature and scope of their expectations from hypnosis and others.
Advocacy and other such forensic/legal topics of interest to the mental health
professional and the legal professional are discussed in Part III.
Metacognitive Therapy
The New York Times Sunday Review on October 25, 2020—during the early onset of
the second wave of the pandemic in the United States—carried the following excerpt
from an editorial by columnist Nicholas Kristof covering the mental health impact
of the SARS-CoV-2 (or COVID-19) pandemic:
...More than 40% of adults reported in June [2020] that they were struggling with mental
health, and 13% have begun or increased substance abuse, a CDC study found. More than
one-quarter of young adults said they have seriously contemplated suicide.... (Kristof
N. America and the Virus: ‘A Colossal Failure of Leadership.’ In The New York Times.
2020, October 22.
Without taking a deeper dive into the epidemiologic and clinical aspects of what
is likely the most overwhelming biopsychosocial event in all our lifetimes, these
data underscore that healthcare providers of all types are being and will continue to
be called upon to minister to the needs of many of those currently impacted by the
130 8 Psychotherapies and Counseling
pandemic. This necessity will likely continue for many months to come, virtually
(i.e., via telemedicine and teletherapy) and/or live, and with psychopharmacother-
apy and/or counseling/psychotherapy.
Concerning pandemic-related psychotherapy and counseling, Osna Haller,
Ph.D., a clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst (see section “Non-behavioral
Psychotherapies”) articulated three approaches to this public health issue in a recent
guest lecture on October 22, 2020 given to physician assistant students attending the
author’s psychiatry course at Seton Hall University:
• Recognize and accept the varied and far-reaching effects of the COVID pan-
demic on the mental health of the entire population of the world.
• In psychotherapy and counseling, recognize and accept the resiliency of people
in coping with stressors of the pandemic and incorporate that resiliency into
• As in any clinical situation, evaluate the patient’s/client’s therapeutic needs and
conduct treatment accordingly, with (for example) modalities described in this
chapter, and/or with clinically indicated psychopharmacotherapy. (Haller,
O. Psychotherapy and Counseling during the COVID Pandemic. Unpublished
lecture. October 22, 2020).
In a phrase often seen and heard since the pandemic began, “We’re all in this
together.” The mental and physical damage which the pandemic has and will con-
tinue to wreak on all of us will continue to require the creative and hard work of
healthcare professionals of all types for many individuals for a long time into
the future.
A Note on References
Rather than burdening the reader with excessive and detailed references and cita-
tions in this Primer, given below are particularly useful selected references. In addi-
tion, other specific references and citations will be given in parentheses throughout
the Primer. For further information and details about any topics presented and dis-
cussed in this book, the interested reader is referred not only to the following list of
selected references but also to applicable textbooks, monographs, electronic data-
bases, print articles and materials, internet sources, and other applicable resources.
Selected References
• Black DW, Andreasen NC. Introductory textbook of psychiatry. 6th ed. American
Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.; 2014. (A solid basic textbook of psychiatry.)
• Multiple Authors. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental health disorders
(DSM-5). 5th ed. American Psychiatry Association, Inc.; 2013. (This book is the
A Note on References 131
With the surfeit of internet resources, websites of all imaginable types and quality,
and numerous related electronic sources of information and data, the reader, clini-
cian, researcher, and member of the public—patient/client or not—may easily
become confused about where to go and what to accept in learning psychopharma-
cology and psychopharmacotherapy. In this vein, a productive way to navigate the
bewildering array of such sources consists of dividing them into several catego-
ries, viz.
1. Refereed (“peer-reviewed;” “juried”) scientific, technical, and professional jour-
nals, newsletters, and the like, including e-journals, e-newsletters, and other
open-source e-publications. Selected examples include:
132 8 Psychotherapies and Counseling
A Note on References
Rather than burdening the reader with excessive and detailed references and cita-
tions in this Primer, given below are particularly useful selected references. In addi-
tion, other specific references and citations will be given in parentheses throughout
A Note on References 135
the Primer. For further information and details about any topics presented and dis-
cussed in this book, the interested reader is referred not only to the following list of
selected references but also to applicable textbooks, monographs, electronic data-
bases, print articles and materials, internet sources, and other applicable resources.
Selected References
• Black DW, Andreasen NC. Introductory textbook of psychiatry. 6th ed. American
Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.; 2014. (A solid basic textbook of psychiatry.)
• Multiple Authors. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental health disorders
(DSM-5). 5th ed. American Psychiatry Association, Inc.; 2013. (This book is the
controversial “bible” for primarily American and Canadian psychiatric
• The comparable international work to the DSM-5 is currently the 2019
International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10). 10th ed. World Health
Organization. (The ICD-11 was due for adoption in 2020.)
• Frances A. Saving normal: an insider’s revolt against out-of-control psychiatric
diagnosis, big pharma, and the medicalization of ordinary life. Harper Collins
Publishers: 2013. (The subtitle says it all! See Chap. 4 in this Primer.)
• Ghaemi SN. Clinical psychopharmacology: principles and practice. Oxford
University Press: 2019. (A scholarly, detailed, and lengthy overview of psycho-
pharmacology, also covering social practice and research/methodologic aspects
of the field.)
• Hales RE, Yudofsky ST, Roberts LW, et al., editors. The American Psychiatric
Publishing textbook of psychiatry. 6th ed. American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.;
2014. (A standard, detailed encyclopedic textbook tome, for reference. A seventh
edition is available, copyright 2019, with updated coverage in a number of areas.)
• Harrington A. Mind fixers: psychiatry’s troubled search for the biology of mental
illness. W.W. Norton and Company; 2019. (A historical and scholarly review of
the topic, including some of the same topics as Saving Normal listed above.)
• Puzantian T, Carlat DJ. Medication fact book for psychiatric practice. 6th ed.
Carlat Publishing, LLC; 2020. (A very useful “cookbook” for psychotropic pre-
scribing, conveniently organized and presented for the practitioner.)
• Watters E. Crazy like us: the globalization of the American psyche. Free Press;
2010. (Psychiatric diagnostic issues similar to those in Saving Normal, with an
international focus.)
• Weil A. Mind over meds: know when drugs are necessary, when alternatives are
better—and when to let your body heal on its own. Little, Brown and Company;
2017. (A balanced and holistic approach to pharmacology and psychopharma-
cology by the popular “guru” of these fields.)
136 9 Somatic Therapies (Somatotherapies)
With the surfeit of internet resources, websites of all imaginable types and quality,
and numerous related electronic sources of information and data, the reader, clini-
cian, researcher, and member of the public—patient/client or not—may easily
become confused about where to go and what to accept in learning psychopharma-
cology and psychopharmacotherapy. In this vein, a productive way to navigate the
bewildering array of such sources consists of dividing them into several catego-
ries, viz.
1. Refereed (“peer-reviewed;” “juried”) scientific, technical, and professional jour-
nals, newsletters, and the like, including e-journals, e-newsletters, and other
open-source e-publications. Selected examples include:
• Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology (peer-reviewed independent profes-
sional journal)
• Experimental & Clinical Psychopharmacology (peer-reviewed professional
journal of the American Psychological Association)
• Journal of Psychopharmacology (peer-reviewed professional journal of the
British Association for Psychopharmacology)
• Psychopharmacology (Berlin/Heidelberg; Springer Publications)
2. Government and academic/research institutions, publications and e-publications
and associated websites. Selected examples include:
• National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) website, affiliated institutes, pro-
grams, centers, websites, and publications (electronic and print)
• National Institute on Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse (NIAAA) website, affili-
ated institutes, programs and centers, and websites and publications (elec-
tronic and print)
• National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) website, affiliated institutes, cen-
ters, programs and websites, and publications (electronic and print)
• Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse (CCSA), affiliated programs and publi-
cations (electronic and print)
• National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University
(NCASACU), programs and publications (electronic and print)
3. Journals, magazines, societies, and associated websites. Selected examples
• Psychology Today
• Scientific American
• Scientific American Mind
A Note on References 137
For practicing attorneys, law professors, paralegals, and other legal professionals—
regardless of their work and specialties—properties and effects of “licit” (legiti-
mately prescribed by medical providers) and “street” (illicit substances or prescribed
medications diverted from their intended use) psychotropic agents may be relevant
to clients with psychiatric backgrounds and histories, to an understanding of clients’
mental states at different periods of time, and to clients’ ability to work with counsel
in a variety of ways. Table 10.1 presents a broad overview of these potential applica-
tions of psychopharmacology to the law.
To be more specific and to flesh out the extent to which psychopharmacology
figures in the law, a computer-based LexisNexis® Academic search, restricted to
10 years (1999–2009), of approximately 31,000 reported appellate cases in federal
and state jurisdictions1 of those cases, revealed a large number—about 6200, or
approximately 20% of the 31,000—in which psychopharmacologic drugs and med-
ications (as discussed in this Primer) are mentioned. Further research then revealed
that of those approximately 6200 cases, 670—or about 11%—involved psychophar-
macologic issues and concerns as important and significant elements of the case.
Using these data and this information, Table 10.2 gives a frequency distribution
for these reported cases of psychopharmacologic mentions according to the area of
the law in which they occur.
The bulk of the material in this chapter is drawn from an unpublished survey on “Applications of
Psychopharmacology in the Law.” Thanks go to Jeffrey Harris, Esquire, who conducted a good
deal of the research for this survey.
Conversely, Tables 10.3, 10.4, and 10.5 give frequency distributions for these
reported cases of areas of the law according to the three broad categories of psycho-
pharmacologic medications or drugs in which they occur:
• The “anti” class of medications (Table 10.3);
• Illicit drugs (Table 10.4); and.
• Botanical, herbal, nutraceutical, and (dietary) supplements agents (Table 10.5).
144 10 Overview
Table 10.5 Frequency distribution of reported cases by type of botanical, herbal, nutraceutical, or
(dietary) supplement agent, high to low order
Green tea 7 Kava kava 2
Aloe vera 5 Psyllium 2
Capsicum 5 Stevia 2
Ephedra (ma huang) 5 Arnica 1
Lycopene 5 Black cohosh 1
Magnesium 5 CoQ10 1
St. John’s wort 5 Echinacea 1
Chamomile 4 Evening primrose 1
Lecithin 3 5-methylfolate 1
Milk thistle 3 Garlic 1
Fatty acid 3 Gotu kola 1
Selenium 3 Lemon balm 1
Siberian ginseng 3 Passion flower 1
Cranberry 2 Senna 1
Dong quai 2 Valerian root 1
Ginseng 2
Given the wide range and number of reported legal cases significantly involving
psychopharmacology in only this 10-year period, and recognizing that these
reported cases represent only the “tip of the iceberg” of legal cases in which psycho-
pharmacology plays a role, it behooves the legal professional to have at least a pass-
ing understanding of psychopharmacology. That is the purpose and goal of this part
of this book: To present the busy legal professional with an easy-to-read, broad, not
overly technical, user-friendly, concise, and convenient Primer of psychopharma-
cology to give the professional a practical passing understanding of this potentially
daunting subject.
In addition, Chaps. 11 and 12 (“Selection and Use of Experts: Five Questions”
and “Evaluating Versus Treating Doctor/Therapist: A Word to the Wise”) present
and discuss these two important topics in litigation, in the context of psychopharma-
cologic issues and concerns. “Forewarned is forearmed!”
A Note on References
Rather than burdening the reader with excessive and detailed references and cita-
tions in this Primer, given below are particularly useful selected references. In addi-
tion, other specific references and citations will be given in parentheses throughout
the Primer. For further information and details about any topics presented and dis-
cussed in this book, the interested reader is referred not only to the following list of
selected references but also to applicable textbooks, monographs, electronic data-
bases, print articles and materials, internet sources, and other applicable resources.
146 10 Overview
Selected References
• Black DW, Andreasen NC. Introductory textbook of psychiatry. 6th ed. American
Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.; 2014. (A solid basic textbook of psychiatry.)
• Multiple Authors. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental health disorders
(DSM-5). 5th ed. American Psychiatry Association, Inc.; 2013. (This book is the
controversial “bible” for primarily American and Canadian psychiatric
• The comparable international work to the DSM-5 is currently the 2019
International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10). 10th ed. World Health
Organization. (The ICD-11 was due for adoption in 2020.)
• Frances A. Saving normal: an insider’s revolt against out-of-control psychiatric
diagnosis, big pharma, and the medicalization of ordinary life. Harper Collins
Publishers: 2013. (The subtitle says it all! See Chap. 4 in this Primer.)
• Ghaemi SN. Clinical psychopharmacology: principles and practice. Oxford
University Press: 2019. (A scholarly, detailed, and lengthy overview of psycho-
pharmacology, also covering social practice and research/methodologic aspects
of the field.)
• Hales RE, Yudofsky ST, Roberts LW, et al., editors. The American Psychiatric
Publishing textbook of psychiatry. 6th ed. American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.;
2014. (A standard, detailed encyclopedic textbook tome, for reference. A seventh
edition is available, copyright 2019, with updated coverage in a number of areas.)
• Harrington A. Mind fixers: psychiatry’s troubled search for the biology of mental
illness. W.W. Norton and Company; 2019. (A historical and scholarly review of
the topic, including some of the same topics as Saving Normal listed above.)
• Puzantian T, Carlat DJ. Medication fact book for psychiatric practice. 6th ed.
Carlat Publishing, LLC; 2020. (A very useful “cookbook” for psychotropic pre-
scribing, conveniently organized and presented for the practitioner.)
• Watters E. Crazy like us: the globalization of the American psyche. Free Press;
2010. (Psychiatric diagnostic issues similar to those in Saving Normal, with an
international focus.)
• Weil A. Mind over meds: know when drugs are necessary, when alternatives are
better—and when to let your body heal on its own. Little, Brown and Company;
2017. (A balanced and holistic approach to pharmacology and psychopharma-
cology by the popular “guru” of these fields.)
With the surfeit of internet resources, websites of all imaginable types and quality,
and numerous related electronic sources of information and data, the reader, clini-
cian, researcher, and member of the public—patient/client or not—may easily
A Note on References 147
This chapter will address each of these questions in turn, in a practical and com-
mon sense way. The chapter will also address questions and concerns from the
expert’s perspective about the litigation process.
Question 1. Do I actually need an expert? Why?
General legal requirements for use of experts are discussed in relation to Table 11.1.
Without reiterating the formal statutory or legal/evidentiary requirements for the
use of experts in the law, and skipping first to the broader perspective of practicality,
we are aware that in our increasingly complex and technical world, knowledge is
vital and expertise is crucial. When properly used, evidence offered by a qualified
expert in a forensic setting—hearing, trial, deposition—as a negotiating tool, in a
practical context, or in any other such way, may be a key to an attorney’s successful
representation of their client (see Table 11.2).
Table 11.2 Criminal and civil issues in which mental health experts may be used
Traditional criminal responsibility- Future dangerousness
reducing psychiatric defenses Miranda (constitutional rights) waiver
Legal insanity Mitigation of penalty (federal sentencing
Diminished capacity guidelines)
Intoxication Suicide
Irresistible impulse Transfer (waiver; referral issues for juveniles)
Sex offenses Employment law (sexual harassment;
Sex offenses discrimination; others)
Sexually violent predators (SVPs) and Personal injury (including sexual abuse)
sexually dangerous persons (SDPs) Professional liability (malpractice)
Community notification (Megan’s Law Mental health law (civil commitment, including
registrants) sexually violent predators (SVPs) and sexually
Domestic violence deviant predators (SDPs)
Malingering Toxic exposure
Arson Professional regulation
Competency to stand (proceed to) trial Will contests
Mitigation issues (death penalty) Dram-shop liability
Embezzlement Competency (civil)
Battered woman (spouse) syndrome Divorce
(syndrome evidence cases) Custody and visitation
Elder abuse
Adapted from Greenfield and Gottschalk (2009)
11 Selection and Use of Experts: Five Questions 151
A series of cases beginning in 1923 (see Table 11.3) broadened the acceptability
of scientific forensic experts considerably, making way for many different types of
forensic “experts.” In the legal context, a stricter interpretation of the words “expert
evidence,” “opinion evidence,” and “forensic expert” suggests that any type of
expert input can assist the court in a resolution of a question or issue.1 The legal
system has become increasingly dependent on experts providing their factual and
opinion evidence in fields ranging throughout the alphabet from “Accounting” to
The legal community has come a long way since the first recorded use, in 1783, of forensic evi-
dence and expert opinion.
152 11 Selection and Use of Experts: Five Questions
In addition to the traditional ways in which experts are used in litigation, several
less discussed but equally important uses of experts ought to be kept in mind by
attorneys. These include educating counsel in the area of the expert’s field; advising
counsel about strengths and weaknesses of the case from the expert’s perspective;
providing counsel with information and opinions about the opposing expert(s) when
possible and applicable; reviewing available records and materials about a case
(including the opposing expert’s written report, if available) and consulting with
counsel before issuing a written report; consulting with counsel and discussing with
counsel all applicable aspects of a case throughout the litigation process; and work-
ing with counsel in any other appropriate and acceptable way that counsel sees fit.
Of course, the opposite is true of the need for counsel to work closely with the
expert they have hired, including providing, in a timely manner, all essential materi-
als and documents for the expert to review; making time and being available to
discuss all applicable aspects of the case with the expert; and otherwise aiding the
expert in any other appropriate ways.
In the real world, such factors pertaining to prospective experts as expense, avail-
ability, quality and reputation, cooperativeness, and so forth will influence the attor-
ney’s decision about whether to retain an expert.
However, as a practical matter, the applicability of a variant of the well-known
attorney’s “smell test” (“If it doesn’t smell right, it probably isn’t.”) will likely be
useful for deciding whether to retain an expert for any given case: “If it smells like
I need an expert for this case, I probably do.” And merely because the expert does
not, in the end, testify in the case does not mean that the expert was not needed on
the case.
psychologist would create an “even playing field,” all other factors being equal.
However, such a psychologist pitted against an academic practicing physician/
clinical psychopharmacologist would likely be perceived, especially by a jury, as
“outclassed,” regardless of the quality of the psychologist’s expertise and ability
to testify persuasively and compellingly.
Other considerations exist, such as whether to select a local or out-of-town
expert; whether to select an experienced forensic expert—a “litigation consul-
tant”—or an experienced clinical or academic expert without considerable liti-
gation experience; and other such factors. These must necessarily be decided on
a case-by-case basis.
2. In addition to the “like begets like” principle (above) of expert selection, counsel
needs to know what types of experts are potentially available with expertise in
psychopharmacology and related areas. As a practical matter, such an expert will
often be found in the mental health profession, as well as in the scientific disci-
plines of pharmacology and toxicology and their forensic subdivisions. The
interested reader is referred to applicable books, monographs, electronic
databases, internet sources, and the like, recognizing that not all types of mental
health professionals discussed in this volume prescribe medications or deal
extensively with psychopharmacology.
Next comes selecting an expert, once the type of expert has been identified.
While an extensive discussion of all of the factors which might enter into selection
criteria for an expert is well beyond the scope of this book, some basic and practical
points should be considered. Among such factors are whether to select an expert
experienced in litigation or an experienced academic practitioner with little court-
room presence (to name one such dichotomy); whether to select an out-of-town
expert without ties to the professional and/or legal community in which the litiga-
tion takes place or a local expert (presumably with those ties); whether to select the
treating professional of a litigant (which I strongly do not recommend: See Chap.
12); whether to select a highly reputed “superstar” expert whom counsel does not
know; and other relevant common sense considerations.
To begin the search process for an expert, counsel is well advised to consult with
colleagues in the legal community for referrals. In that way, prospective experts will
have already been vetted to some extent. Failing in that approach or wanting to
expand the search, counsel could consult with any number of professional societies
(e.g., medical and medical specialty societies) whose members provide forensic
expert consultation services. Access to these sources can be either through the inter-
net or through print resources. Directories and forensic consulting services specifi-
cally designed to provide expert referrals for attorneys may be consulted, such as
those listed in a number of publications like the state-based Lawyers’ Diary directo-
ries, some of which are affiliated with state and national bar associations and legal
specialty societies.
The final step in the process of counsel’s selecting an expert witness is the reten-
tion of the expert. This step assumes that the proposed expert meets all of the neces-
sary professional qualifications and that from the interpersonal perspective, retaining
11 Selection and Use of Experts: Five Questions 155
counsel and the proposed expert can work together. The litigation process tends to
strain both nerves and relationships. Prior to actual retention, counsel should inter-
view their prospective expert both to discuss substantive aspects of the case at hand
and to screen the expert for psychological compatibility and ease of interpersonal
communication. Once the decision to retain is made, a formal written contractual
agreement should be entered into with the expert, which specifies terms, conditions,
scheduling issues, financial arrangements, and other such aspects of the attorney–
expert relationship. Sometimes attorneys will promulgate such a document; some-
times experts use their own; and sometimes expert consultation services use
contracts involving all three entities (i.e., the retaining attorney, the expert, and the
service). In any event, before the actual work by the expert begins, the terms, condi-
tions, and requirements of the expert’s consultation should be as clear as possible to
all concerned, to facilitate the working relationship between counsel and the expert.
In private sector cases, the expert is ultimately paid by the attorney’s client, albeit
indirectly. Since the expert forensic services provided are not clinical consultation,
evaluation, or treatment in nature but rather are consultative services to the client’s
attorney about the attorney’s client, payment to the expert should be made by the
attorney, through the attorney’s client trust or escrow account (this type of account
has a variety of names), directly to the expert, from monies paid to the attorney by
the attorney’s client with funds earmarked for costs associated with litigation. With
that practice, no question of a doctor–patient, psychologist–client, social worker/
counselor–client relationship or other such therapist–client treatment relationship
would arise. In public sector cases, the expert is usually paid directly by the retain-
ing agency. However, that agency may have arrangements with its clients in which
the clients pay some or all of the costs of representation and litigation (such as the
Office of the Public Defender in New Jersey, which charges non-indigent clients an
initial administrative fee and a subsequent hourly rate for attorneys’ and related
services). Experts are generally not paid by attorneys’ clients in the public sector
(such as Public Defender and Attorney General cases) or quasi-public agencies
(such as legal aid organizations).
Volumes2 could be written about the relationship between counsel and expert
once the expert’s consultation has begun. Without belaboring the obvious and
acknowledging that this relationship can be difficult for both, especially during trial
(or hearing, or deposition), four salient features deserve emphasis:
• The first is communication. Counsel and their experts should ascertain their
preferred mode of communication (i.e., telephone, email, fax, texting, or a com-
bination of these) and should maintain frequent communication with each
other—virtually constant during trial (or hearing, or deposition)—through that
mode. As any frustrated attorney or expert will confirm, violation of this rule will
For a not-too-serious treatment of these issues, see: Greenfield DP. A Practical Guide to Forensic
Mental Health Consultation Through Aphorisms and Caveats. Cognella Academic Publishing;
In Press.
156 11 Selection and Use of Experts: Five Questions
be at least troublesome and even infuriating for either counsel, the expert, or
both, and at worst, may jeopardize the outcome of the case.
• The second is preparation. As in any phase of the litigation process, the impor-
tance of thorough mutual preparation (by telephone, electronic contact, or in
person, although the last is usually preferable) by counsel and expert cannot be
• The third is consistency. The ups and downs of litigation can be very trying for
both counsel and their experts, and both may be pressed to depart from previ-
ously agreed upon parameters and elements of the arrangements between them.
This is not advisable, in my experience, no matter what the exigencies of the liti-
gation process may be.
• The fourth is flexibility. This is especially illustrated by the situation presented
by the current COVID-19 pandemic, in which virtual communication is neces-
sitated by social distancing requirements, whether or not the attorneys, experts,
and/or parties to litigation like that practice.
Question 4. Do I need an expert who can, and actually has, prescribed
psychotropic drugs or medications? And if yes, how do I go about selecting
that expert?
A response to this question clearly should be based on the nature of the case for
which the expert is sought and may be considered an extension of the “like begets
like” principle articulated earlier in this chapter. For example, in civil malpractice
matters involving psychotropic drugs or medications, an expert—such as a practic-
ing physician—who can opine about prescribing from personal, professional expe-
rience would generally be preferable to one who has not.
On the other hand, in a product liability case involving complex statistical and
technical analysis, such consultation might be beyond the ability of a professional
who is predominantly a clinical practitioner. In that example, an academic or
industry-based expert would likely be preferable. Decisions of this type need to be
made on a case-by-case basis, with retaining counsel aware of the professional
capabilities, licensing authority, and experience of potential expert witnesses.
Locating such experts follows the same principles discussed earlier in this chapter:
Word-of-mouth recommendations, directories, previous experience and contact
with the proposed expert, professional societies, academic institutions, industry set-
tings, the internet, and other such referral sources.
Question 5. Can or should my expert do more (or less) than evaluate, offer an
opinion, and testify in a case?
Although any forensic expert’s advocacy position—to develop and offer an expert
opinion about someone of concern being evaluated, and to be an advocate for that
opinion, not for the person or the concern evaluated—in a case is different from the
retaining attorney’s position (to be an advocate for their client, who is evaluated by
the forensic expert), the expert may legitimately be called upon to do more in any
given case than simply evaluate an attorney’s client, develop, and write an opinion
about the forensic issues in the case at hand and testify about that opinion (when
testimony occurs). Table 11.1 alludes to this expanded view of the role of a forensic
expert, especially in terms of the last two bullet points (“…consulting with counsel
11 Selection and Use of Experts: Five Questions 157
and discussing with counsel all applicable aspects of a case throughout the litigation
process; and working with counsel in any other appropriate and acceptable way that
counsel sees fit…”).
As a practical matter, in my view, no expert should agree to consult on a case
without being willing to testify at trial, deposition, and/or hearing about their opin-
ion in that case. Conversely, no attorney should expect that their retained expert will
only consult and assist in a case short of (and not including) testifying in this case.
While most cases in litigation do not go to trial, the retaining attorney and retained
expert generally ought to assume that any given case will go to trial (and/or hearing,
and/or deposition), and should prepare accordingly, intensively or thoroughly: “It
comes with the territory.” Once a trial (and/or deposition, and/or hearing) is sched-
uled and likely to proceed, preparation begins. This process is described from the
expert’s perspective earlier in this chapter, and its importance cannot be overstated.
One particular point in this context which should be emphasized is the usefulness of
the expert’s written report as a guide, or “trial notebook” for their testimony. This is
a point discussed in detail in Writing Forensic Reports: A Guide for Mental Health
Professionals (p. 179 of that book).
In addition to thorough preparation and knowledge of the expert’s report, both
personal and professional characteristics are necessary to present persuasive and
convincing testimony in court, at a hearing, or at a deposition. It goes without saying
that the testifying expert should dress carefully and conservatively, but not over-
dress. The expert should speak slowly and deliberately, making “bullet points” on
direct examination which have been previously discussed and agreed upon by
retaining counsel and making them in such a way as not to be an advocate for retain-
ing counsel’s client: Again, the advocacy position of representing counsel is for
their client, whereas the advocacy position of the retained expert mental profes-
sional is about the retaining attorney’s client.
In testifying, the expert should use clear, understandable, and straightforward
language; present a friendly and informal—and not arrogant or distantly profes-
sional—demeanor; speak directly to the jury (in jury trials); present testimony in a
conversational and story-telling style in easily understood words and terms; and not
“speak down” to the court or the jury, no matter how technical or complicated the
testimony content may be. All of these points should be made to or known by the
expert during preparation for direct examination testimony, and the mental health
expert in their expanded role, as described above, should point out strengths and
weaknesses in their opinion and testimony, as relevant to the case.
All of the above are points relating to strategy which the mental health expert in
this expanded role should discuss with retaining counsel. Conversely, these are also
strategic points which retaining counsel should expect from their retained expert in
that expert’s expanded role.
Professional literature abounds with discussions and advice about the use of
mental health expert witnesses, but space limitations do not permit a comprehensive
review of this broad topic. The foregoing points, in broad strokes, have been particu-
larly practical and helpful to this author over the years of his forensic psychiatric
158 11 Selection and Use of Experts: Five Questions
Liability of Experts
This next section shifts from the lawyer’s perspective to the expert’s perspective.
Aside from feeling the stresses and strains of deadlines, testimony, and the myriad
of other potential problems generated for the forensic expert consultant in litigation,
two questions at the back of any expert’s mind are: (1) “Can I get into trouble from
performing this expert witness work?” and (2) “If I do, what kind of trouble will that
be?” In my experience, this is especially the case with mental health and other clini-
cians—licensed and regulated practitioners, generally, of any mental health or other
medical or related professional who treats patients/clients, in a formal doctor–
patient, or therapist–client relationship—who are not acting in that capacity in per-
forming forensic evaluations. Whether those clinicians are private practitioners,
full- or part-time academics, hospital or other institutional employees, or in any
other occupational or professional setting does not matter for these concerns. The
specter of being sued, whether for clinical treatment or forensic consultation, is
disturbing for any clinician or practitioner.
The response to the first question (“Can I get into trouble from performing this
expert witness work?”) is simple and straightforward: “Yes. Anything is possible.”
Without belaboring the obvious to a legal audience, in tort law, virtually any person
can be sued at any time for any reason at all. The more important question is whether
a potential civil suit against a forensic expert witness has standing and merit and
whether its basis is sound and likely to succeed against the expert.
The answer to the first question leads inexorably to the second: “What kind of
trouble will that be?” In other words, what are the potential sources of liability for
the forensic expert witness? While commentators agree that the traditional doctor–
patient treatment relationship does not apply for the evaluating/consulting forensic
expert, some requirements in the forensic expert–evaluee relationship do apply. In
“Liability of the Forensic Psychiatrist,” for example, Willick et al., describe the fol-
lowing conceptual framework (Table 11.4) for identifying sources of liability of
forensic experts, then present a series of examples which illustrate the framework,
specifically for forensic psychiatric experts. (Willick D, et al. Liability of the foren-
sic psychiatrist. In: Rosner R, editor. Principles and Practice of Forensic Psychiatry.
2nd ed. Taylor & Francis Group; 2009).
Some examples of forensic liability, given by Willick et al., are based on claims
of negligence, intentional torts, and federal civil rights actions.
As a practical matter, in the medical context, even though forensic third party
evaluations are not the same as consultations/evaluations in the treatment of patients,
“…The law considers both third-party evaluations and evaluations conducted for
treatment purposes to constitute the practice of medicine… case law does not dif-
ferentiate between them…” and a limited physician–patient relationship has been
articulated concerning duties of physicians (experts) toward third-party evaluees.
(Gold L, Davidson J. Do you understand your risk? Liability and third-party evalu-
ations in civil litigations. The Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and
the Law. AAPL. 2007).
A final area of potential liability and risk for forensic experts lies in alleged vio-
lations of applicable practice (e.g., medical, for physician) law and regulations, ethi-
cal codes, and practice guidelines. Actions in these areas may not directly or
inexorably lead to civil lawsuits, but they may lead to disciplinary actions or censure
by the expert’s legal licensing, registration, and regulatory agencies; professional
societies; specialty certification boards; or other such actions. One particular area of
concern in this regard pertains to healthcare professionals who engage in forensic
activities in jurisdictions in which they are not licensed in their health profession.
In addition to the customary protections for any forensic expert practitioner—
such as having adequate professional liability insurance, having a clear and written
understanding with retaining counsel about the parameters and requirements of the
forensic consultations (as also discussed above), having the forensic work done
pursuant to court order (with resulting quasi-judicial immunity) when possible, and
having a written confidentiality disclosure consent statement for each evaluation—a
practical rule-of-thumb defining professional malpractice (professional liability) for
the forensic expert consultant may be seen as a modification of the “Four Ds” in tort
law (“Duty” to treat; “Dereliction” in the “Duty,” resulting in; “Damages” to the
client, proximately or; “Directly” caused by the “Dereliction”) which constitutes
clinical malpractice: The forensic expert has a:
• “Duty” to apply the best scientific bases to their evaluation of the third-party
• If “Derelict” in that “Duty,” resulting in
• “Damages” to counsel’s case, there must be a proximate,
• “Direct” relationship between the “Duty” and the “Damages.”
In this vein, for forensic medical experts, some protection from potential legal
liability for consultations in which opinions are ultimately determined to be errone-
ous or inadmissible is found in endorsement of the concept that experts not be held
liable for such opinions as long as the opinions were based on a proper, sound, and
scientific evaluation.
160 11 Selection and Use of Experts: Five Questions
In this chapter, and as described in the Author’s Disclaimer Note (located near
the beginning of this book), the information given in the three forensic/legal chap-
ters of this Primer should not be construed or taken as legal advice, which as a non-
lawyer or legal professional, the author is not competent to give, and which can be
given only by an attorney or qualified legal professional.
A Note on References
Rather than burdening the reader with excessive and detailed references and cita-
tions in this Primer, given below are particularly useful selected references. In addi-
tion, other specific references and citations will be given in parentheses throughout
the Primer. For further information and details about any topics presented and dis-
cussed in this book, the interested reader is referred not only to the following list of
selected references but also to applicable textbooks, monographs, electronic data-
bases, print articles and materials, internet sources, and other applicable resources.
Selected References
• Black DW, Andreasen NC. Introductory textbook of psychiatry. 6th ed. American
Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.; 2014. (A solid basic textbook of psychiatry.)
• Multiple Authors. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental health disorders
(DSM-5). 5th ed. American Psychiatry Association, Inc.; 2013. (This book is the
controversial “bible” for primarily American and Canadian psychiatric
• The comparable international work to the DSM-5 is currently the 2019
International classification of diseases (ICD-10). 10th ed. World Health
Organization. (The ICD-11 was due for adoption in 2020.)
• Frances A. Saving normal: an insider’s revolt against out-of-control psychiatric
diagnosis, big pharma, and the medicalization of ordinary life. Harper Collins
Publishers; 2013. (The subtitle says it all! See Chap. 4 in this Primer.)
• Ghaemi SN. Clinical psychopharmacology: principles and practice. Oxford
University Press; 2019. (A scholarly, detailed, and lengthy overview of psycho-
pharmacology, also covering social practice and research/methodologic aspects
of the field.)
• Hales RE, Yudofsky ST, Roberts LW, editors, et al. The American Psychiatric
Publishing textbook of psychiatry. 6th ed. American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.;
2014. (A standard, detailed encyclopedic textbook tome, for reference. A seventh
edition is available, copyright 2019, with updated coverage in a number of areas.)
• Harrington A. Mind fixers: psychiatry’s troubled search for the biology of mental
illness. W.W. Norton and Company; 2019. (A historical and scholarly review of
the topic, including some of the same topics as Saving Normal listed above.)
A Note on References 161
• Puzantian T, Carlat DJ. Medication fact book for psychiatric practice. 6th ed.
Carlat Publishing, LLC; 2020. (A very useful “cookbook” for psychotropic pre-
scribing, conveniently organized and presented for the practitioner.)
• Watters E. Crazy like us: the globalization of the American psyche. Free Press;
2010. (Psychiatric diagnostic issues similar to those in Saving Normal, with an
international focus.)
• Weil A. Mind over meds: know when drugs are necessary, when alternatives are
better—and when to let your body heal on its own. Little, Brown and Company;
2017. (A balanced and holistic approach to pharmacology and psychopharma-
cology by the popular “guru” of these fields.)
With the surfeit of internet resources, websites of all imaginable types and quality,
and numerous related electronic sources of information and data, the reader, clini-
cian, researcher, and member of the public—patient/client or not—may easily
become confused about where to go and what to accept in learning psychopharma-
cology and psychopharmacotherapy. In this vein, a productive way to navigate the
bewildering array of such sources consists of dividing them into several catego-
ries, viz.
1. Referreed (“peer-reviewed;” “juried”) scientific, technical, and professional
journals, newsletters, and the like, including e-journals, e-newsletters, and other
open-source e-publications. Selected examples include:
• Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology (peer-reviewed independent profes-
sional journal)
• Experimental & Clinical Psychopharmacology (peer-reviewed professional
journal of the American Psychological Association)
• Journal of Psychopharmacology (peer-reviewed professional journal of the
British Association for Psychopharmacology)
• Psychopharmacology (Berlin/Heidelberg; Springer Publications)
2. Government and academic/research institutions, publications and e-publications
and associated websites. Selected examples include:
• National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) website, affiliated institutes, pro-
grams, centers, websites, and publications (electronic and print)
• National Institute on Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse (NIAAA) website, affili-
ated institutes, programs and centers, and websites and publications (elec-
tronic and print)
• National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) website, affiliated institutes, cen-
ters, programs and websites, and publications (electronic and print)
• Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse (CCSA), affiliated programs and publi-
cations (electronic and print)
162 11 Selection and Use of Experts: Five Questions
Table 12.1 “Pros:” reasons for the treating clinician to serve as expert witness
The treating clinician has had longer and more extensive contact with the patient/client/litigant
and “knows” the patient/client better than an evaluating forensic clinician
The treating clinician would be less expensive to employ as forensic expert than would be an
independent outside evaluating clinician
The treating clinician would be more invested as an advocate in the patient’s/client’s/litigant’s
legal matter than would be a neutral objective evaluating clinician
The practicing treating clinician might have more clinical experience—and therefore more
credibility—than an outside evaluating clinician
Table 12.2 “Cons:” reasons for the treating clinician not to serve as expert witness (but for the
evaluating clinician to serve as expert)
The outside evaluating clinician is not an advocate for the patient/client/litigant and can be
unbiased and objective in their evaluation and opinion
The outside evaluating clinician does not have an ongoing relationship and/or financial interest
in the outcome of the patient’s/client’s/litigant’s legal matter
The outside evaluating clinician will more likely have greater experience and credibility in
forensic evaluations than the treating clinician
A Note on References 165
Additional reasons and justifications both for and against treating clinicians’
serving as expert witnesses for their patients/clients can be marshaled, including
arguments pertaining to patient/client advocacy; psychodynamic and psychothera-
peutic conflicts; financial considerations and interests in the outcome of a legal mat-
ter; and treating clinician bias (i.e., advocacy).
In the final analysis, this writer is not aware of any formal or informal prohibition
against treating clinicians serving as forensic expert witnesses for their patients/
clients. However, in view of the “pro” and “con” points and other such arguments
presented and discussed in this chapter about that practice, the bottom line, or bal-
ance, requires that treating mental health professionals must be advocates for their
patients/clients, as attorneys must be for their clients. To ask such clinicians to do
otherwise by serving as a patient’s/client’s expert witness as well as that patient’s/
client’s therapist is fraught with potential biases and conflicts, and thus should be
avoided. A cautionary tale is raised by common sense and professional guidelines in
this practice: “A word to the wise.”
A Note on References
Rather than burdening the reader with excessive and detailed references and cita-
tions in this Primer, given below are particularly useful selected references. In addi-
tion, other specific references and citations will be given in parentheses throughout
the Primer. For further information and details about any topics presented and dis-
cussed in this book, the interested reader is referred not only to the following list of
selected references but also to applicable textbooks, monographs, electronic data-
bases, print articles and materials, internet sources, and other applicable resources.
Selected References
• Black DW, Andreasen NC. Introductory textbook of psychiatry. 6th ed. American
Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.; 2014. (A solid basic textbook of psychiatry.)
• Multiple Authors. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental health disorders
(DSM-5). 5th ed. American Psychiatry Association, Inc.; 2013. (This book is the
controversial “bible” for primarily American and Canadian psychiatric
• The comparable international work to the DSM-5 is currently the 2019
International classification of diseases (ICD-10). 10th ed. World Health
Organization. (The ICD-11 was due for adoption in 2020.)
• Frances A. Saving normal: an insider’s revolt against out-of-control psychiatric
diagnosis, big pharma, and the medicalization of ordinary life. Harper Collins
Publishers; 2013. (The subtitle says it all! See Chap. 4 in this Primer.)
166 12 Evaluating Versus Treating Doctor/Therapist: A Word to the Wise
With the surfeit of internet resources, websites of all imaginable types and quality,
and numerous related electronic sources of information and data, the reader, clini-
cian, researcher, and member of the public—patient/client or not—may easily
become confused about where to go and what to accept in learning psychopharma-
cology and psychopharmacotherapy. In this vein, a productive way to navigate the
bewildering array of such sources consists of dividing them into several catego-
ries, viz.
1. Referreed (“peer-reviewed;” “juried”) scientific, technical, and professional
journals, newsletters, and the like, including e-journals, e-newsletters, and other
open-source e-publications. Selected examples include:
• Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology (peer-reviewed independent profes-
sional journal)
• Experimental & Clinical Psychopharmacology (peer-reviewed professional
journal of the American Psychological Association)
• Journal of Psychopharmacology (peer-reviewed professional journal of the
British Association for Psychopharmacology)
• Psychopharmacology (Berlin/Heidelberg; Springer Publications)
A Note on References 167
Although intended as a fairly lame joke, this “case” actually illustrates a number
of important clinical points which have been emphasized from the beginning and
throughout this Primer. These points include:
• Proper diagnosis (Anxiety, in this case.)
• Clinically indicated medication (Benzodiazepine, in this case.)
• Use of other treatment modalities (Giving the medication to the patient’s hus-
band, in this case, “couples therapy,” in a sense. Not a conventional approach!)
• Awareness of compliance/adherence factors (Concerning the husband in
this case!)
• Awareness of the need for follow-up and proper interpretation of manifestational
criteria—Epidemiologic Triangle model—symptoms (“…calmer, well-rested,
energetic,” in this case)
• Follow-up is obviously essential, especially for expected changes in patients’/
clients’ conditions (This is unlike the situation in which a stable chronic condi-
tion—e.g., schizophrenia; hypertension—can be monitored “from a distance,” to
coin the phrase, every 2–3 months.)
These points bring to mind other technical points and caveats which are sum-
marized in Table 13.1.
All of the foregoing assumes that the prescriber is actually going to prescribe an
“Anti-Agent” (psychotropic) of some sort, often with recommendations for accom-
panying psychotherapy/counseling of some sort, based at least in part on the pre-
senting patient’s/client’s “chief complaint,” symptomatology, and history. In fact,
why bother to be able to prescribe—to undergo the time, effort, expense, and the
like to become qualified to prescribe these “Anti-Agents” and other medications—if
not intending and expecting to do just that? The answer to this logical question is
central to this last part of this book.
In the words of Dr. Allen Frances, “The easiest and most mindless part of psy-
chiatry is prescribing meds: be good at it, but not limited by it” (Psychiatric Times,
October 2019). That prescribing of psychotropic medications has skyrocketed in the
past 40-plus years is axiomatic, in part because, as the English writer and philoso-
pher, Aldous Huxley, put it: “Medical science has made such tremendous progress
that there is hardly a healthy human left;” in part because of the dramatic increase
in practitioners with prescribing authority; in part because of what Dr. Frances calls
“diagnostic inflation” through the DSM-III, DSM-III-R, DSM-IV, DSM-IV-TR, and
currently DSM-5, and what Ethan Watters, in the title of his book Crazy Like Us,
calls “The Globalization of the American Psyche”; in part because of the strong
13 Synthesis and Conclusions 173
A Note on References
Rather than burdening the reader with excessive and detailed references and cita-
tions in this Primer, given below are particularly useful selected references. In
addition, other specific references and citations will be given in parentheses
throughout the Primer. For further information and details about any topics pre-
sented and discussed in this book, the interested reader is referred not only to the
following list of selected references but also to applicable textbooks, monographs,
electronic databases, print articles and materials, internet sources, and other appli-
cable resources.
A Note on References 175
Selected References
• Black DW, Andreasen NC. Introductory textbook of psychiatry. 6th ed. American
Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.; 2014. (A solid basic textbook of psychiatry.)
• Multiple Authors. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental health disorders
(DSM-5). 5th ed. American Psychiatry Association, Inc.; 2013. (This book is the
controversial “bible” for primarily American and Canadian psychiatric
• The comparable international work to the DSM-5 is currently the 2019
International classification of diseases (ICD-10). 10th ed. World Health
Organization. (The ICD-11 was due for adoption in 2020.)
• Frances A. Saving normal: an insider’s revolt against out-of-control psychiatric
diagnosis, big pharma, and the medicalization of ordinary life. Harper Collins
Publishers; 2013. (The subtitle says it all! See Chap. 4 in this Primer.)
• Ghaemi SN. Clinical psychopharmacology: principles and practice. Oxford
University Press; 2019. (A scholarly, detailed, and lengthy overview of psycho-
pharmacology, also covering social practice and research/methodologic aspects
of the field.)
• Hales RE, Yudofsky ST, Roberts LW, editors, et al. The American Psychiatric
Publishing textbook of psychiatry. 6th ed. American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.;
2014. (A standard, detailed encyclopedic textbook tome, for reference. A seventh
edition is available, copyright 2019, with updated coverage in a number of areas.)
• Harrington A. Mind fixers: psychiatry’s troubled search for the biology of mental
illness. W.W. Norton and Company; 2019. (A historical and scholarly review of
the topic, including some of the same topics as Saving Normal listed above.)
• Puzantian T, Carlat DJ. Medication fact book for psychiatric practice. 6th ed.
Carlat Publishing, LLC; 2020. (A very useful “cookbook” for psychotropic pre-
scribing, conveniently organized and presented for the practitioner.)
• Watters E. Crazy like us: the globalization of the American psyche. Free Press;
2010. (Psychiatric diagnostic issues similar to those in Saving Normal, with an
international focus.)
• Weil A. Mind over meds: know when drugs are necessary, when alternatives are
better—and when to let your body heal on its own. Little, Brown and Company;
2017. (A balanced and holistic approach to pharmacology and psychopharma-
cology by the popular “guru” of these fields.)
With the surfeit of internet resources, websites of all imaginable types and quality,
and numerous related electronic sources of information and data, the reader, clini-
cian, researcher, and member of the public—patient/client or not—may easily
176 13 Synthesis and Conclusions
© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to 177
Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021
D. P. Greenfield, Psychopharmacology for Non-Psychiatrists,
178 Index
L Obsessive-compulsive and related disorders
Legal requirements for use of experts, per DSM-5, 67
150, 152 Obsessive-compulsive disorders, 67
Legal/forensic matters, experts in, 150 Off-label prescribing, 173
Legal system, 151 Opioid crisis, 70
Liability of experts, 158–160 Opioid epidemic, 70
“Licit” agents, 15 Over-the-Counter (OTC) drugs and
Licit and illicit psychotropic agents, 14 medications, 17
Licit drugs and medications, 14
Licit psychotropic agents, 16
Lithium compounds, 36 P
Lithium levels, 36 Pain conditions, categories, 70
Lithium psychopharmacotherapy, 37 Paraphilic disorders per DSM-5, 81
Long-acting injectable (LAI) Parkinsonian movement disorder, 79
antipsychotics, 41 Parkinsonism, 78
“Lumper” And “Splitter” Taxonomies of Patient/client adherence/compliance, 41
Drugs, 88 Peripheral neuropathic pain syndromes, 72
Lumpers, 87 Personality disorders, 51, 52
180 Index
Q Telemedicine, 22
Quarantining, 1 Theoretical dose-response curves, 11
Randomized controlled trials (RCTs), Voluntary nervous system, 17
103, 104
Rational-emotive behavior therapy
(REBT), 124 W
Research approach to psychiatric Weight management and control, 53
diagnosis, 173 World Health Organization analgesic
Research domain criteria, 28 ladder, 73