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Admin,+Journal+Manager,+Debby+Mulia+Octavia+ (74 84)
Admin,+Journal+Manager,+Debby+Mulia+Octavia+ (74 84)
This study aims to analyze the effect of Leverage (DER), Profitability (ROA),
Company Size (Size) and Financial Distress (Z-Score) Against Accounting
Conservatism in Bank Sub-Sector Service Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock
Exchange in 2017-2020.
The type of quantitative research conducted using secondary data with a
population of all Bank Sub-Sector Service Companies listed on the IDX in 2017-2020
obtained 88 samples using the purposive sampling. The data analysis techniques
used were descriptive statistical tests, classical assumption tests (normality test,
multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation), multiple linear regression
analysis and hypothesis testing (coefficient of determination test, t statistical test and
F statistical test) with software SPSS-25.
The results showed that partially Leverage (DER) (X1), Company Size (Size)
(X3), and Financial Distress (Z-Score) (X4) has no effect while Profitability (ROA)
(X2) has an effect on Accounting Conservatism. Simultaneously the variables
Leverage (DER), Profitability (ROA), Company Size (Size) and Financial Distress (Z-
Score) together have an effect on Accounting Conservatism.
Keywords : Debt to Equity Ratio, Return on Assets, Size, Z-Score and Conacc
Versi Online Tersedia di :
| eISSN. 2828-0822 |
Versi Online Tersedia di :
| eISSN. 2828-0822 |
Indonesia which is still increasing, it must restructuring. One of the factors is because
be immediately controlled so that before the Covid that spread in Indonesia,
economic problems in the country can be some debtors had already experienced
resolved immediately. According to a financial problems. The cash flows of
statement by Sutrisno Iwantono as the debtors were increasingly disrupted after
Head of Public Policy of the Indonesian the pandemic occurred and they turned
Employers' Association (Apindo), the into bad loans because they failed to be
slow handling of the pandemic has restructured. Third Party Funds or
resulted in uncertainty and reduced abbreviated as DPK grew high and
expectations of business actors in increased by up to 8% as a result of many
encouraging economic and business people saving in precaution in the face of
activity. Entrepreneurs continue to try to difficult uncertainty during the Covid-
stay afloat in the face of difficult situations .policies write-offfor loans that have
due to the pandemic even though they are entered the bad category for a period of
in difficult conditions. time. As an example, Bank BCA's NPL
Table 1.1 was recorded which in June 2019 rose
Conditions of National Banking Health Level significantly from 1.4% to 2.1% in June
During the Covid-19 Pandemic 2020. The precautionary principle that
bankers firmly adhere to as a precaution is
carried out by strengthening and
anticipating arisk profile, the principles
ofgood corporate governanceor GCG,
profitability and bank capital so that the
allowance for impairment losses (CKPN)
is always maintained and can overcome
various economic shocks in the future that
are difficult to predict. OJK added that it
has received new authority to deal with
the impact of the weakening of the
(source : (Nisaputra, financial services sector due to the Covid-
2020)) by forcing banks to merge and will
impose sanctions or a maximum fine of
Based on the table data above, the IDR 1 trillion for banks that intentionally
Financial Services Authority or commonly refuse or ignore and hinder consolidation.
abbreviated as OJK as a member of the (source: (Nisaputra,
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision 2020))
(BCBS) stated that the level of health For According to research results from
national banking, it is still within strong (S. Sulastri & Anna, 2018), (A. Sulastri et
limits in the midst of the Covid that is al., 2018) and (Purwasih, 2020) that
hitting Indonesia. However, it was quoted Leverage has a significant effect on
from a newspaper in Jakarta that the Non- Accounting Conservatism. According to
Performing Loans (NPLs) of the majority research results from (Salim, Prima
of large banks experienced an increase in Apriwenni, 2019) and (Haryadi et al.,
the first semester of 2020 despite having 2020) that Leverage does not have a
carried out a fairly large credit
Versi Online Tersedia di :
| eISSN. 2828-0822 |
The size of a company shows the amount occurred by being willing to sacrifice
of resources controlled by the company. something to reduce or eliminate risk.
Company size can be observed from the Accounting conservatism is intended to
number of assets owned by the company protect users of financial information from
and can be measured by the logarithm of rising earnings and to ensure that all
total assets (Susanto & Ramadhani, 2016). potential liabilities are recorded as soon as
they are realized. (Rabbani, 2021). The
Financial Distress official definition of Accounting
Financial distress is a situation of Conservatism is contained in the Glossary
insufficient operating cash flow in a of Concept Statements No. 2 FASB
company to satisfy current obligations, (Financial Accounting Statement Board) in
both credit trading and interest expenses (Savitri, 2016) defines conservatism as a
and the company is forced to take prudent reaction to the uncertainty
corrective action. Financial distress inherent in the company in the future to
restructuring financial of the company try to ensure that it takes into account the
because deteriorating financial conditions uncertainties and risks in the business
can affect the failure or cancellation of a environment.
contract for creditors and equity investors
(Dr. Ir. Agus Zainul Arifin & Aziz, 2018). RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
Financial distress or commonly known as Research Variables
financial difficulties is a description of the The dependent variable used in this study
condition of a company's failure to pay off is accounting conservatism proxied by
its debts that are due and accompanied by CONACC while the independent variable
the elimination or reduction of dividend used is the leverage proxied by Debt to
payments. Continuous profit movement Equity Ratio (DER), profitability as
in a negative or often loss direction can proxied by Return on Assets (ROA), firm
indicate this condition (Dr. Agus S. Irfani, size which is proxied by size and financial
2020). distress is proxied by Z-Score.
d. Autocorrelation Test
The results of the normality test above
obtain the Asym value. Sig. (2-tailed)
of 0.200 is greater than the 0.05 level of
significance, which means that the data
is normally distributed.
b. Multicollinearity Test
Versi Online Tersedia di :
| eISSN. 2828-0822 |