Electronics Abbreviations
Electronics Abbreviations
Electronics Abbreviations
Electronics Abbreviations
0.1 Abbreviations
A Amperes, amps.
App Peak-to-peak amperes
AA Anti-Aliasing
AAAC All Aluminum Alloy Conductor
AAC All Aluminum Conductor
AACSR Aluminum Alloy Conductor Steel Reinforced
AAF Anti-Aliasing Filter
ABC Aerial Bundled Conductors or Cables
AB switch Air Break switch
AC Alternating current or voltage
A/C Air Conditioning
ACAR Aluminum Conductor Alloy Reinforced
ACB Air Circuit Breaker
ACCB Air Case Circuit Breaker
ACDB Alternating Current Distribution Board
ACSR Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced
ACVS Air Conditioning & Ventilation System
ADC Analog to Digital Converter
AF Audio Frequency or Audible Frequency
AFC Automated Frequency Control
AFC Available Fault Current
AFCB Arc Fault Circuit Breaker
DB Distribution Board
DC Direct Current or Voltage
DCDB Direct Current Distribution Board
DCS Distributed Control System
DE Drive End of a shaft
DEMUX Demultiplexer, Single input into multiple out-
DFT Discrete Fourier Transform
DIA Diameter
DIMM Dual-In-line Memory Module
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung means German
Institute for Standardization
DIP Dual-in-Line Package
DIPS Dual-In-Line Sockets
DLD Digital Logic Design
DLL Delay Locked Loop
DMA Direct Memory Access
DMM Digital Multimeter
DMS Data management system
DMT Definite minimum time
DNC Do Not Connect
DO fuse Drop Out Fuse
DOL Direct-on-line starting of induction motors.
DOS Disk Operating System
DP Double Pole or Distribution Panel
DPDT Double Pole, Double Throw
L1, L2, L3, N Notation for line and neutral voltages and cur-
LUT Look Up Table
LUX Level of illumination
LVDT Linear Variable Differential Transformer
m Length or dimension in meters, or month
mA Current in milli-amperes
MAD Mean Annual Discharge
man or (M) Manual operation
mbar Milli-bar
MB Megabyte, a computer date storage unit
MBB Make-before-break
MBF High-pressure mercury, with phosphor coating
MBFR High-pressure mercury, with phosphor coating
and internal reflector
MBI High-pressure discharge with metallic halides
MBIF High-pressure discharge with metallic halides,
with phosphor coating
MBR Double-ended linear arc tube
MBTF Combination of MBF lamp and a filament lamp
MC Metal Clad Cable
MCB Miniature circuit breaker.
MCC Motor control center
MCCB Moulded case circuit breaker
MCM Multi-Chip Module
MCP Motor Circuit Protection
Tran., Tx Transformer
TRS Tough Rubber Sheathed
TTL Transistor-Transistor Logic
TVS-Diode Transient Voltage Suppression Diode
Tx Transmitter
U Voltage, also used for energy
UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver and Transmit-
UC, U/C Undercurrent
UCP Unit control panel
UDS Uniform Drawing System
UEL Upper explosive limit
UF, U/F Under frequency
UG Under Ground
UHF Ultra high frequency
UI, U/I Undercurrent
UJT Unijunction Transistor
UL, U/L Under load
UL Underwriters Laboratory (USA)
UVLO Under voltage lockout
UNO Unless noted otherwise
UPS Uninterruptible power supply unit
USART Universal Synchronous and Asynchronous Re-
ceiver and Transmitter
USB Universal Serial Bus
UTP Unshielded Twisted Pair