This document discusses Target Off Block Time (TOBT) and Target Start Up Approval Time (TSAT) as part of Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM). It provides the following key points:
1) TOBT is the target time an aircraft will be ready for pushback/departure, and must be kept updated within 15 minutes of the expected off block time (EOBT) in the flight plan.
2) TSAT is published 30-40 minutes before the TOBT and is the target time for start-up approval to coordinate departures and arrivals.
3) Aircraft must request start-up within 5 minutes of the TOBT, otherwise
This document discusses Target Off Block Time (TOBT) and Target Start Up Approval Time (TSAT) as part of Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM). It provides the following key points:
1) TOBT is the target time an aircraft will be ready for pushback/departure, and must be kept updated within 15 minutes of the expected off block time (EOBT) in the flight plan.
2) TSAT is published 30-40 minutes before the TOBT and is the target time for start-up approval to coordinate departures and arrivals.
3) Aircraft must request start-up within 5 minutes of the TOBT, otherwise
This document discusses Target Off Block Time (TOBT) and Target Start Up Approval Time (TSAT) as part of Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM). It provides the following key points:
1) TOBT is the target time an aircraft will be ready for pushback/departure, and must be kept updated within 15 minutes of the expected off block time (EOBT) in the flight plan.
2) TSAT is published 30-40 minutes before the TOBT and is the target time for start-up approval to coordinate departures and arrivals.
3) Aircraft must request start-up within 5 minutes of the TOBT, otherwise
This document discusses Target Off Block Time (TOBT) and Target Start Up Approval Time (TSAT) as part of Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM). It provides the following key points:
1) TOBT is the target time an aircraft will be ready for pushback/departure, and must be kept updated within 15 minutes of the expected off block time (EOBT) in the flight plan.
2) TSAT is published 30-40 minutes before the TOBT and is the target time for start-up approval to coordinate departures and arrivals.
3) Aircraft must request start-up within 5 minutes of the TOBT, otherwise
TOBT : Target Off Block Time (Aircraft ready time)
• The TOBT and EOBT must be kept up to date all time up to start up request in order to maintain FPL valid. • Update TOBT with Ramp Agend. • If TOBT differs more than 15 min from EOBT (ATC FPL) OCC needs to file a delay message. • TOBT can also be moved forward if you are fully ready Push back and Start-UP Start-Up and Pushback clearances are issued taking into account TOBT and TSAT.
Following rules apply:
• The Aircraft needs to be fully ready for start at TOBT • The Flight crew should request Start-up approval and en-route clearance TSAT +/- 5 min. TSAT : Target Start Up Aproval Time • Clearance Delivery issues the start-up and en-route clearance depending on TSAT and the current traffic situation. • Will be published 30-40 min prior to the valid TOBT • The Pushback/Taxi clearance has to be requested not later than 5 min • Target time for start up approval after start-up approval has been issued • Used to coordinate Departure and Arrival sequence • In case of delays Clearance Delivery has to be informed, otherwise the • Be ready and make a call to Delivery within +/- 5 min of TOBT TOBT will be canceled and needed to be re-issued Airport CDM Review
Non Regulated CTOT Flights (NO Slot)
• 30 – 40 min prior TOBT the system generates a TSAT If no Start-up is requested at TOBT +/- 5 min, the TSAT will be invalid and TOBT must be updated
Regulated CTOT flights (SLOTS given)
TSAT will be generated based on CTOT and will be published ASAP. Start-up request has to be done +/- 5 min to TOBT, if Start-up is not requested at TOBT +5min TSAT will be invalid. Take into account that Start-up normally will not be issued anymore when TSAT and TSAT +5min to prevent CTOT non compliance during taxi as determined by ATC. Airport CDM Review