LAB MANUAL Final - Updated 19.04.2023 - 082217
LAB MANUAL Final - Updated 19.04.2023 - 082217
LAB MANUAL Final - Updated 19.04.2023 - 082217
Part A
Part B
Estimation of Total Hardness of Water by
1 Complexometric Method Using EDTA 37
Evaluation of Dissolved Oxygen by Winkler’s method
2 and hence assessment of quality of water. 42
3 Determination of percentage of Iron in corrosion products. 46
Estimation of percentage of Copper in brass alloy by
4 iodometric method 53
5 Faraday’s law verification by using Electrodeposition of
Cu/Ni/Zn on stainless steel. 56
6 Construction of Daniel cell 59
Part C – Demo
1 Flame Photometric metal ions detection 63
2 Determination of optical band gap of materials 67
3 Dye sensitized solar cell 70
General Instructions and Laboratory Rules
22. Before leaving the laboratory, make sure your work area is clean and dry and ensure
that all gas, water, vacuum, and air valves are completely turned off.
23. Never hesitate to ask questions especially if there is any question concerning proper
operating procedure. Be sure that you understand every instruction before
Laboratory work involves the use of several chemicals that are potentially hazardous.
Toxic chemicals can enter the body by ingestion, skin absorption, and inhalation.
You are required to do the following before working with any chemical substance:
1. Read the MSDS of each chemical to be used carefully. There must be a file in the
lab containing the MSDS’s of the all the chemicals used in the laboratory. Please
obtain the relevant MSDS if not in the file before working with the particular
2. Fill in the form, supplied, stating that you have read the relevant MSDS’s of the
chemicals to be used.
3. This form must be signed by yourself and the lab supervisor.
4. Read the label and instructions on the chemical container carefully
5. Make sure all the correct PPE are used when working with any chemical substance.
6. Return materials used in the storage facility.
7. Label sample material and store safely.
Laboratory Records:
1. Computers dedicated to the operation of an instrument should not be used for any
private work or the storing of private information for example music.
2. Follow the correct operating procedure for each instrument.
3. It is your responsibility to report malfunctioning equipment.
4. Do not use equipment that malfunctions or in your opinion may endanger yourself or
your colleagues.
Laboratory Safety Rules
Personal Protective Equipment
Always wear safety goggles when working in the Lab.
Always wear gloves when working in the Lab.
Always handle hot objects with thermal gloves.
Always wear shoes that completely cover and protect your feet.
Always wear Lab coat and long pants when working in the Lab.
Always use a Face shield, safety goggles and cryogenic gloves when working with
cryogenic liquids.
Inspect cylinders for leaks and check support brackets regularly for strength and
Move cylinders using hand trucks/trolley designed for the purpose
Report leaks or any damage to supervisor/safety officer immediately.
Part - A
Estimation of Iron by Potentiometric Sensor
Potentiometric estimation of Mohr’s salt (Ferrous ammonium sulphate, FAS) in a given sample
solution using 0.5 N K2Cr2O7 solution
Titration of Mohr’s salt solution with K2Cr2O7 solution is a redox titration, in which, FeSO4 of
Mohr’s salt is a reducing agent and K2Cr2O7 an oxidizing agent. Inert electrode in redox system acts
as indicator electrode and its potential is a function of ratio of concentration of reduced species to
the concentration of oxidized species.
Mohr’s salt solution acidified with dil H2SO4 is taken in a beaker and a platinum electrode is
inserted. The potential of this indicator electrode (redox electrode) is measured wrt a reference
electrode (calomel electrode) using potentiometer.
Thus the potential of this electrode is determined by the ratio [Fe3+] . The formal potential
(standard potential under the specified experimental conditions) of this system is +0.68V in
1 M H2SO4 w.r. to SHE.
Fe2+ ions are oxidized to Fe3+ ions by the addition of dichromate solution.
Cr2O72– + 14 H+ + 6Fe2+ 6Fe3+ + 2Cr3+ + 7H2O
Dichromate ions are reduced to Cr 3+ ions by Fe2+ ions. Thus the ratio [Fe2+]/[Fe3+] gradually
decreases and hence EFe+2/ Fe+3 gradually increases in accordance with the Nernst equation till the end
point. After the end-point, dichromate remains in the solution, due the conversion of all Fe2+ ions into
Fe3+ ions. Hence the potential of the redox electrode is determined by Cr2O72- / Cr3+ couple instead of
Fe2+ / Fe3+ couple after the end-point. The formal potential of Cr 2O72– / Cr3+ system is about +1.3 V
in 1 M H2SO4 w.r. to SHE. Hence a steep change in the electrode potential results at the end-point.
Reduction reaction of Cr2O72- / Cr3+ system is
Cr2O72– + 14 H+ + 6e– → 2Cr3+ + 7H2O
Potential of the electrode is given by the Nernst equation
E = E0 –
Cr+6/ Cr+3 Cr+6/ Cr+3
Potential increases gradually after the end-point with the addition of dichromate in accordance
with this equation.
It is not possible to measure single electrode potential experimentally. A galvanic cell must be
formed by coupling a indicator electrode with a reference electrode (like saturated calomel
electrode). The resulting cells can be represented as:
Potential of the reference electrode remains constant during the titration. Hence emf of the cell
changes with the potential of the indicator electrode, gradually before and after the end-point and
steeply in the neighborhood of the end point. End-point of the titration is determined by plotting a
differential graph of E / V versus volume of potassium dichromate.
Add 1 TT of dil. H2SO4 into a 100 mL beaker containing the given Mohr’s salt solution. Immerse
calomel electrode and platinum electrode assembly and record potential. Add 0.5 mL of 0.5N
K2Cr2O7 each time from the burette and record the corresponding potential. After sharp increase in
the potential (corresponds to equivalence point), take 4 more readings.
Plot a differential graph of (E / V) versus volume of K2Cr2O7 and determine the equivalence
point that corresponds to the volume of K 2Cr2O7 at which, (E / V) is maximum. From the normality
and equivalence point of K2Cr2O7, the normality & amount of Mohr’s salt is calculated.
Volume of given Mohr’s salt solution = ------ mL
Normality of K2Cr2O7 = 0.5 N
Vol. of EMF ∆V ∆E ∆E / ∆V
K2Cr2O7 (mL.) E (mV) (V2–V1) (E2–E1)
0.5 0.5
1.0 0.5
1.5 0.5
2.0 0.5
2.5 0.5
3.0 0.5
3.5 0.5
4.0 0.5
4.5 0.5
5.0 0.5
5.5 0.5
6.0 0.5
6.5 0.5
7.0 0.5
7.5 0.5
8.0 0.5
8.5 0.5
9.0 0.5
9.5 0.5
10.0 0.5
Normality of Mohr’s salt solution, NM =
K2 Cr2 O7 K2 Cr2 O7 7
22 7 2 2 7
Mohr 's salt
= .......................... N
Amount of Mohr’s salt solution in the given solution(A) = N Mohr’s salt X Eq.wt. of FAS(392)
= ............................. g / dm3
Verification of Beer-Lambert’s Law by
detection of Copper by spectroscopy.
Expt. No. 2 Date:.........................
Estimation of copper present in the given copper sulphate solution using a photoelectric
When a monochromatic light of intensity I0 is incident on a transparent medium, a part of light
is absorbed by the media (Ia), a part of light is reflected (Ir) and the remaining part of light is
transmitted (It) i.e.,
I0 = Ia + Ir + It
For a glass-air interface, Ir is negligible
I0 = Ia + It
Lambert’s law
The intensity of transmitted light decreases exponentially as the thickness of the absorbing
medium increase arithmetically
Beer-Lambert Law is the combination of the two laws stated above.
Beer-Lambert Law
It –abc
I0 = 10
OR I0 = 10 =T
T is called transmittance of the light absorbing transparent solution sample t x 100 = %. T is
called percent transmittance.
Inversing the above ratio and taking log we get
log 0 = abc = ∈bc = A
Where ‘a’ is extinction coefficient, when concentration ‘c’ is expressed in g/L and ∈is the molar
extinction coefficient when concentration c is expressed in mol/L and b is the path length.
A is called absorbance (or optical density) of the light absorbing transparent solution sample.
This law can also be stated as absorbance of a monochromatic light is directly proportional to
path length and concentration of homogeneous absorbing medium.
For a given substance Î is constant at a given wavelength, and also the path length ‘b’ is constant for
a given cuvette. Therefore A a C. Hence, a plot of absorbance against concentration of the solution gives
a linear graph passing though the origin, there by verifying the Beer-Lambert’s Law.
A series of standard solution of copper Sulphate and test solution is added with ammonia to get
blue cuprammonium sulphate complex [Cu(NH3)4]SO4.H2O and is diluted to a definite volume. The
absorbance of each of these solution and test solution is measured at 620 nm, since the complex
shows maximum absorbance at this wavelength. The absorbance values are plotted against the
volume of copper sulphate solution to get a calibration curve and the volume of test sample is
determined from the graph.
Add accurately 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 mL of given copper sulphate solution from a 50 mL burette
into five separate 50 mL standard flasks. Further, add 5 mL ammonia to each flask and also into the
50 mL standard flask containing the test solution, make upto the mark with distilled water and shake
well. Prepare blank solution by adding 5 mL ammonia to an empty 50 mL standard flask and make
upto the mark with distilled water.
Blank solution is taken in a cuvette and placed in the photoelectric colorimeter. The variable
diaphragm is adjusted to get zero absorbance at 620 nm. Measure the absorbance of all standard
solutions and test solution using the same cuvette at 620 nm. A graph of absorbance (OD) versus
volume of CuSO4 is plotted and the volume of test solution is determined.
Amount of Cu2+ ions present in the given test solution =….. ………….. mg
Amount of Cu2+ present per mL of the solution = 1.018 mg
Amount of penta hydrate copper sulphate present in 1mL = (4 x 63.54) / (1000 x 249.54) mg
= 1.018 mg
= ................. mg
Graph :
Estimation of concentration of Acid mixture by
Conductometric sensor
Expt. No. 3 Date:.........................
Conductometric estimation of strong & weak acids from their mixture using standard sodium
hydroxide solution.
Reciprocal of resistance (R) is conductance (L) and is measured in Siemens (Mho’s) i.e.
L =1/R
A conductivity cell consists a pair of platinized foils of definite average area “a” fixed at a
definite distance “l” apart. Thus l/a of a given conductivity cell has a definite value and it is known
Specific Conductance is the conductance of an electrolyte solution, placed between two parallel
electrodes 1 cm. apart and area of cross section 1 cm2.
Equivalent Conductance is the conductance of the solution due to all the ions produced by
dissolving one-gram equivalent weight of a solute in one litre of a solution.
Molar Conductance is the conductance of the solution due to all the ions produced by dissolving
one-gram Molecular weight of a solute in one litre of a solution.
Consider for instance, the titration of a mixture of a strong acid (HCl) and a weak acid
(CH3COOH) against a strong base (NaOH) which takes place in two steps.
In the beginning, highly mobile H+ ions are replaced by less mobile Na + ions and hence the
specific conductance of the solution decreases sharply till the complete neutralization of HCl (V1).
Afterwards, CH3COOH undergo neutralization and completes at V2. The marginal increase in
specific conductance from V1 to V2 is due to the formation of CH3COONa, which is a stronger
electrolyte than acetic acid.
Specific conductance of the solution is plotted versus volume of NaOH added. The intersection
of first two straight lines corresponds the neutralization of HCl and the intersection of second and
third straight lines corresponds to neutralization of CH3COOH.
The conductivity cell is dipped in a beaker containing given acid mixture. Burette is filled with
standard NaOH solution. Connect the conductivity cell to the conductivity meter and initial specific
conductance is recorded. Add 0.5 mL of NaOH from the burette each time and corresponding specific
conductance is recorded. Initially, specific conductance decreases sharply, then increases marginally
and further increases significantly. Take 6 readings from the point where a significant increase in the
specific conductance is observed.
Plot a graph of specific conductance versus volume of NaOH. From the graph, find
neutralization points of HCl (V1) and acetic acid (V2 - V1) and calculate the amount of strong and
weak acids present in the mixture.
Amount of HCl in a dm3 of the solution Amount = ….. ………….. g
of CH3COOH in a dm3 of the solution = ….. ………….. g
Graph :
X-axis, 1 cm = 1 mL
Y-axis, 1 cm = 1 S/cm
V1=.......mL V2=.......mL
Volume of NaOH
Volume of NaOH required to neutralize HCl ( V1) = ....................... mL (from the graph)
=................. N.
Amount of HCl in a dm3 of the solution = NHCl × Equivalent weight of HCl (36.5)
= .................. g
Volume of NaOH required to neutralize CH 3COOH ( V2 - V1) = ..................... mL (from the graph)
= [(V - V ) x N ]/V
Normality of CH3COOH ( NCH3COOH ) 2 1 NaOH mixture =
=................. N.
Amount of CH COOH in a dm3 of the solution = N × Equivalent weight of CHCOOH(60)
= .................. g
Determination of pH/pKa of solutions using
glass membrane electrode
Determination of pKa of a given weak acid using pH meter
A weak acid, like acetic acid dissociates in its aqueous solution partially as follows
The equilibrium constant for the above reaction is
Ka =
The solution is considered to be very dilute and the activity of water in very dilute solution is
assumed to be constant.
Taking ‘–log’ on both sides
When acetic acid (titrand) is titrated with NaOH solution (titrant), pH of the titrated solution increases
in accordance with the above equation; since concentration of sodium acetate, (CH 3COO -) increases and
concentration of unreacted acetic acid, [CH3COOH] decreases as the titration progresses.
When the acid is titrated to reach half of the equivalence point,
and hence pH = pKa
Weak acid can be titrated potentiometrically, using a pH sensitive Glass Electrode as an indicator
electrode and reference electrode (either Ag/AgCl electrode or saturated calomel electrode), both being
connected to a pH meter to measure the pH of the titrand after each addition of NaOH solution from a
burette. Plot a differential graph of ∆pH / ∆V versus volume of NaOH and find the volume of NaOH that
corresponds to maximum ∆pH / ∆V value as equivalence point. Plot another graph of pH versus volume
of NaOH, and find out pH correspond to half equivalence point is pK a of weak acid.
The pH meter should be standardized using a buffer solution of known pH in order to set the pH
meter to read the pH of the titrating solution directly from the meter as accurately as possible.
Immerse glass electrode and reference electrode assembly into a 100 mL beaker containing the
given weak acid, connect to pH meter and record pH of the sample. Add 0.5 mL of NaOH each time
from the burette and record the corresponding pH. After sharp increase in the pH (corresponds to
equivalence point), take 4 more readings.
Plot a differential graph of pH / ∆V) versus volume of NaOH and find out equivalence point.
Plot another graph of pH versus volume of NaOH and determine pK a, which corresponds to the pH
value at half equivalence point.
pKa of the given weak acid = ……….…………..
Vol. of ∆V ∆pH
pH ∆pH / ∆V
NaOH (mLs.) (V2–V1) (pH2–pH1)
0.5 0.5
1.0 0.5
1.5 0.5
2.0 0.5
2.5 0.5
3.0 0.5
3.5 0.5
4.0 0.5
4.5 0.5
5.0 0.5
5.5 0.5
6.0 0.5
6.5 0.5
7.0 0.5
7.5 0.5
8.0 0.5
8.5 0.5
9.0 0.5
9.5 0.5
10.0 0.5
Graphs :
X-axis, 1 cm = 1 mL
Y-axis, 1 cm = 1 pH
pH=pKa =.........
Volume of NaOH
Preparation of semiconducting (CuFe2O4)
nanoparticles and characterization
Expt. No. 5 Date:.........................
1. Introduction
Copper ferrite (CuFe2O4) nanoparticles are one of the most considerable or promising metal-
oxide nanomaterials due to their novel magnetic properties. Hence, they were used successfully in
various applications like photo catalyst, Ferro fluids technology, high-energy density magnetic
recording, magnetic imaging, biomedical drug delivery systems, biosensors, data storage, magneto-
optical devices, gas sensors, and other magnetic applications.
In general ferrites have the chemical formula of MFe2O4 (M= Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu etc.) and have
outstanding electrical, optical, catalytic, and magnetic properties. Typically, copper ferrite (CuFe 2O4)
is an important effective material like other spinel ferrites.
Schematic representation of the experimental procedure.
3 UV-Visible spectra of copper ferrite(CuFe2O4) NPs:
Fig.1(A) UV-Visible spectra for CuFe 2O4 and (B) Energy band gap
calculated graph for CuFe2O4.
The copper ferrite nanoparticle was characterized by UV–visible absorption
spectroscopy. The UV–visible absorption spectra of the prepared CuFe2O4 NPs dispersed in
ethanol solution and scanned in the wavelength between 200–800nm range, show the
maximum absorbance at 402nm (fig1(A)) and we found the energy band gap of CuFe 2O4 at
3.06eV (fig1(B)).
XRD pattern of copper ferrite CuFe2O4 NPs
Table showing size of the nanomaterial:
Preparation of Conducting Polyaniline Thin film
by Electropolymerization
Chemicals required: Aniline and H2SO4 were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. All
chemicals used were analytical grade. The monomer aniline was distilled under reduced
pressure and stored in the refrigerator (about 4 C) before use. All aqueous solutions were
prepared using double distilled water.
Electro polymerization of aniline: At first, before each scan the Pt electrode was prepared to
ensure a reproducible surface by polishing, rinsing with distilled water and then
electrochemically cleaned by cyclic voltammetry in 1 M of H 2SO4 solution until a
reproducible voltammogram was obtained. The electro polymerization of the aniline was
performed on a PGZ 301 Potentiostat/ Galvanostat with a three-electrode system, containing
a Pt wire (0.2 cm2) as the working electrode, a saturated calomel electrode (SCE) as a
reference electrode and glassy carbon as a counter electrode. All potentials recorded are
referred to this reference electrode. PANI films were prepared on the platinum working
electrode by the cyclic voltammetry in 1 M H2SO4 solution containing aniline at room
temperature (20°C). After the electro-polymerization of the aniline, the PANI electrode was
repeatedly washed with doubly distilled water.
The potential range applied for the
electrodeposition is +0.75V to +1.5V,
maximum deposition takes place at +1.5V.
[The electrodeposition of Polyaniline (PANi) at +1.50 V was 2.5 times faster than at +1.0V
and 23 times faster than at +0.75V. The thin compact PANi film is a promising material to
be used in electrochromic windows due to its good adhesion, transparency and
The synthesized PANI is characterized by FTIR, the model FTIR of PANI is given below.
Part - B
Estimation of total hardness of water
Estimation of total hardness of give water sample using standard EDTA solution
Water which does not produce lather with soap solution readily, but forms a white curd, is called
hard water. On the other hand, water which lathers easily on shaking with soap solution is called soft
water. Hardness of water may be divided into two classes.
1. Temporary or carbonate hardness is caused by the presence of dissolved bicarbonates of
calcium, magnesium and other heavy metals and the carbonate of temporary hardness is
removed by boiling.
2. Permanent or non-carbonate hardness is due to the presence of chlorides and sulphates of calcium,
magnesium, iron and other heavy metals. Permanent hardness is not removed by boiling.
Temporary and permanent hardness together are called total hardness. Hardness is expressed in
parts of CaCO3 equivalents per million parts of water, i.e. ppm or mg of CaCO 3 equivalents per litre
or dm3 of water, i.e. mg/L.
EDTA is ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid
EDTA, H4Y (H4C10H12O8N2) is insoluble in water whereas, its disodium salt, Na 2H2Y is readily
soluble. For hardness estimation, 0.025 M solution is used.
Molarity = g of EDTA / Litre
Molarity x Mol.wt.
g of EDTA / 250 mL =
= 0.025x372.24
= 2.3265 g.
EDTA combines with all bivalent metal ions in 1:1 ratio and forms highly soluble complex
ions. Thus when EDTA solution is added to hard water, Ca 2+ and Mg2+ ions combine with EDTA and
form highly soluble complex ions.
Na2H2Y + Ca2+ → Na2CaY + 2H+
Removal of H+ ions produced, increases the stability of the complex ions formed. This is
achieved by maintaining pH of the solution in basic range using an appropriate buffer solution.
Eriochrome Black – T (EBT) is a suitable indicator for this titration. It is a triprotic acid (H3D).
It dissociates remarkably easily giving the first H+ ion and hence exists as H2D- in its solutions.
Further dissociation of H2D- is pH dependent as shown below
H D–2
H+ + HD2– H+ + D3–
Red 5.3 – 7.3 Blue 10.5 – 12.5 Yellow – Orange
It exists as HD2- in the pH range 7-11, exhibiting blue colour. Many metal ions like, Mg2+, Ca2+
etc form red coloured soluble complex ions with HD2-.
HD2– + Ca2+ Ca HD
Blue Red
Hence EBT is known as a metal ion indicator. These complexes are less stable than the EDTA
complexes of the corresponding metal ions.
When EBT indicator is added to hard water at pH 10, HD2- of the indicator forms red complex
ion with a small fraction of Ca 2+ and Mg2+ depending upon the quantity of indicator used. When
EDTA is added to this solution, it complexes all the free Ca 2+ and Mg2+ ions present. Ca2+ and Mg2+
ions combined with the indicator start reacting with EDTA, when the solution does not contain free
Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions. When enough EDTA is added to react with all the Ca2+ and Mg2+ combined with
the indicator, free indicator, (HD2-) is set free. This happens at the end-point and hence colour changes
from red to blue.
Preparation of standard solution of disodium salt of EDTA
Weigh accurately the given amount of disodium salt of EDTA crystals and transfer into a 100 mL
standard flask. Dissolve the crystals by adding 5 mL ammonia solution and then add distilled water upto
the mark and shake well for uniform concentration. This solution is taken in a 25 ml burette.
Preparation of standard solution of EDTA
= .......................... M (X)
Burette : Standard EDTA salt solution.
Trial No. 1 2 3
1000 cm3 of 1 M EDTA = 100 g of CaCO3 (Mol. wt of CaCO3 is 100)
∴ ‘VEDTA ’ cm3 of ‘X’ MEDTA = 1000 g of CaCO3.
= ......................... g (Y)
Y x106
106 cm3 of Hardwater contains = 25 ppm of CaCO3.
Evaluation of Dissolved Oxygen by Winkler’s
method and hence assessment of quality of water.
Expt. No. 2 Date:.........................
AIM: To estimate the amount of dissolved oxygen in the given sample of water by
Winkler’s iodometric method & waste water by Chemical Oxygen demand method.
Principle: Dissolved oxygen (DO) determination measures the amount of dissolved (or
free) oxygen present in water or wastewater. Aerobic bacteria and aquatic life such as fish
need dissolved oxygen to survive. If the amount of free or DO present in the wastewater
process is too low, the aerobic bacteria that normally treat the sewage will die. DO is
determined by the titrimetric method developed by Winkler.
1. Dissolved molecular oxygen in water is not capable of reacting with KI, therefore an
oxygen carrier such as manganese hydroxide is used. Mn(OH) 2 is produced by the action
of KOH on MnSO4.
2. Mn(OH)2 so obtained reacts with dissolved molecular oxygen to form a brown
precipitate of basic manganic oxide, MnO(OH) 2.
3. MnO(OH)2 then reacts with concentrated sulphuric acid to liberate nascent oxygen.
4. Nascent oxygen results in oxidation of KI to I 2.
5. This liberated iodine is then titrated against standard sodium thiosulphate solution using
starch as an indicator.
6. Thiosulphate reduces iodine to iodide ions and itself gets oxidized to tetrathionate ion.
(Refer the reactions below.)
2NaOH + MnSO4 Mn(OH)2 + K2SO4 ...(1)
2Mn(OH)2 + O2 2MnO(OH)2 ...(2)
MnO(OH)2 + H2SO4 MnSO4 + 2H2O + [O] ...(3)
2KI + H2SO4 + [O] K2SO4 + H2O + I2 ...(4)
I2 + I- I3- ...(5)
2S2O32 — + I3— 3I— + S4O62 — ...(6)
PART A: Preparation of Sodium thiosulphate solution
A known weight of sodium thiosulphate crystals given in a weighing bottle is weighed and
transferred into a 100 ml standard flask. It is dissolved with water and then made upto the
mark. The solution is shaken thoroughly to obtain uniform concentration. The normality of
sodium thiosulphate solution is calculated.
PART B: Estimation of dissolved oxygen (DO):
Transfer about 300 ml of water sample into a clean glass stoppered bottle. Add 3 ml of
manganous sulphate (MnSO4) solution carefully by dipping the tip of the pipette below the
surface of water. Add 3 ml of alkaline potassium iodide solution. Stopper the bottle and
shake well and allow the precipitate to settle down. Now add 1 ml of concentrated Sulphuric
acid and mix well until the precipitate dissolve completely. Pipette out 100 ml of this
solution into a clean conical flask and slowly titrate against standard sodium thiosulphate
solution using starch indicator near the end point. Let the volume of Sodium thiosulphate
be V ml.
1. Do not allow air to trap while sampling water during BOD analysis.
2. Dip the tip of the pipette just at the bottom of the BOD bottle and gently release the reagents.
3. Take care that the chemicals do not flow out from the bottle while shaking/swirling.
4. Observe the colour changes during the BOD reaction, if any.
Wt. of weighing bottle + Sodium thiosulphate crystals = w1 =____________ g
Wt. of empty weighing bottle = w2 = ____________ g
Wt. of Sodium thiosulphate crystals W = (w1 – w 2) =
______________ g.
= .......................... N (X)
Burette : Sodium thiosulphate solution
Conical Flask : 100cm3 of the solution after dissolution of precipitate.
Indicator : Starch solution – added towards the end point
End point : Blue to colourless.
Volume of Na2S2O3
solution added in cm3
1000 mL of 1N Na2S2O3 = 8 g oxygen.
‘V’ mL of ‘X’N Na2S2O3 = (V×X×8) / 1000 g oxygen per 100 mL water sample
= V × X × 8 mg oxygen per 100 mL water sample
= V × X × 8 × 10 mg oxygen per 1000 mL water sample
= V × X × 8 × 10 mg oxygen per 1000 mL water sample.
Determination of percentage of iron in corrosion
Expt. No. 3 Date:.........................
Estimation of percentage of iron in a given sample of haematite solution using potassium
dichromate solution.
Haematite is an important ore of iron containing mainly ferric oxide (Fe2O3) and a small amount
of silica (SiO2). A known weight of the ore is digested with hydrochloric acid and the insoluble
residue mainly containing silica is removed by filtration. The filtrate is diluted to 250 mL and is
supplied for the estimation. Ferric salts are oxidizing agents and they do not react with another
oxidizing agent like K2Cr2O7. FeCl3 must be reduced to ferrous chloride (FeCl2) which is a reducing
agent and hence reacts with K2Cr2O7 as
FeCl3 is quantitatively reduced to FeCl2 by adding a slight excess of stannous chloride (SnCl2)
solution in hot condition in the presence of concentrated HCl. Unreacted SnCl 2 is destroyed by
adding saturated mercuric chloride (HgCl2) solution. Resulting solution containing FeCl2 is titrated
with a standard solution of K2Cr2O7 prepared, using potassium ferricyanide, K3[Fe(CN)6] as external
indicator. When a tiny drop of solution from the flask containing ferrous, Fe2+ ions is mixed with a
tiny drop of K3[Fe(CN)6] solution on a wax paper, a blue ppt forms. The blue ppt is considered to
be ferrous ferric cyanide, Fe3 [Fe(CN)6]2 complex.
3FeCl2 + 2K3[Fe(CN)6] → Fe3 [Fe(CN)6]2 + 6KCl
When the indicator drop fails to produce blue colur with a drop of reaction mixture mark the end
point due to non-availability of Fe(II) ions.
(iii) A silky white ppt must be produced on adding HgCl2. If the ppt does not appear, the solution
does not contain unreacted SnCl2 and hence reduction of FeCl3 is incomplete. On the other
hand, if a black ppt of finely divided mercury is produced, the solution contains too much
unreacted SnCl2.
SnCl2 + Hg2Cl2 → 2 Hg + SnCl4
Finely divided mercury, being a good reducing agent, reduces K2Cr2O7. In either case, the
solution must be rejected and the reduction must be repeated with fresh ore solution and a
solution containing slight silky white ppt. should only be used for titration.
(iv) The solution must be diluted to a large volume before titration in order to minimise the loss
of iron in the drops removed from the solution for testing with the drops of indicator to detect
the end-point.
= ........................ N.
(External indicator)
End point : No blue ppt or green colour on mixing a drop of titrated solution with a
drop of indicator.
Trial No. 1 2 3
Weight of haematite ore in 250 ml. of the given solution, a = …………….g
Normality of iron in haematite ore solution, NFe
= K2Cr2O7 K2Cr2O7
= ……………. N.
X = ……………. g.
= X 100
Percentage of iron in the given haematite ore sample
= …………….
Estimation of percentage of Copper in brass
alloy by iodometric method
Expt. No. 4 Date:.........................
Aim: To determine the percentage of copper in the given brass sample using standard
sodium thiosulphate solution.
Principle: Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. When brass dissolves in conc. nitric acid
copper forms copper nitrate when the reacting brass solution is treated with KI with slight
acidic conditions. Copper reduces KI to iodine and copper is precipitated as cuprous
iodide. The liberated iodide is treated with sodium thiosulphate using starch indicator. The
volume of sodium thiosulphate consumed corresponds to the iodine liberated which is in
turn is equivalent to copper nitrate.
Cu(NO3)2+2NH4OH Cu(OH)2 +2NH4NO3
Cu(OH)2+KI → Cu2I2 +I2
I2+Na2S2O3 Na2S4O6+NaI
Chemicals Required: Brass sample, Conc. HNO3, urea, NH4OH, acetic acid, 10% KI,
Sodium thiosulphate, Starch indicator.
Observations and Calculations:
b) Estimation of brass:
Burette reading 1 2 3
Initial reading
Final reading
Volume of Na2S2O3
Agreeing value = ________ml (Y)
= ……………………..
= ……………………
Construction of Daniel Cell
Principle: In a Daniel cell electrons flow from zinc electrode to copper electrode through an
external circuit, while metal ions form one half cell to the other through the salt bridge. Here
current flows from copper electrode to zinc electrode that is cathode to anode via an external
Reagents required:
Copper wire
1M Zinc sulfate
Zinc wire
Procedure: Prepare 1M of copper sulfate CuSO4 solution and 1M of zinc sulfate ZnSO4
solution. Connect the solutions with a piece of fabric treated with 1M KCl solution. Connect
a zinc Zn wire to the black crocodile clip, and a copper Cu wire to the red crocodile clip.
Immerse the metal wires in the vials: put the Zn wire in the vial of ZnSO 4 solution and the
Cu wire in the vial of CuSO4 solution. Connect the two ends to the ammeter for detection of
current or connect the two ends to a led.
Theory: In the Daniel cell, copper and zinc electrodes are immersed in a solution of
copper(II) sulfate and zinc sulfate, respectively. At the anode (negative electrode), zinc is
oxidized as per the following half reaction:
At the cathode (positive electrode), copper is reduced as per the following reaction:
These processes result in the accumulation of solid copper at the cathode and the corrosion
of the zinc electrode into the solution as zinc cations.
Use of Salt bridge:
A salt bridge acts as an electrical contact between the two half cells.
It prevents mechanical flow of solution, but it provides a free path for the migration
of ions, to maintain an electric current through the electrolyte solution. It prevents
the accumulation of charges.
A salt bridge helps in maintaining the charge balance in the two half cells.
A salt bridge minimizes or eliminates the liquid junction potential.
Faraday’s law verification by using
Electrodeposition of Cu/Ni/Zn on stainless steel.
To verify the Faraday’s law by using electrodeposition of Cu/Ni on Stainless steel substrate
Electrodeposition is a simple and a soft method for direct deposition of materials on the
conductive substrate. This is widely used for modification surfaces, protection of reactive surfaces,
metal finishing and in device fabrications. This method use the electrochemical cell which should
have minimum two electrodes and electrolyte.
Faraday’s Law
First Law: The mass of a substance liberated at an electrode is directly proportional to the charge
passing through the electrolyte. The mass of a substance altered at an electrode during electrolysis
is directly proportional to the quantity of electricity transferred at that electrode. Quantity of
electricity refers to the quantity of electrical charge, typically measured in coulomb.
Q – Charge = i.t
Z – Electrochemical equivalent
Faraday’s Second Law of Electrolysis states that “the mass of a substance deposited at any
electrode on passing a certain amount of charge is directly proportional to its chemical equivalent
weight.” Or “when the same quantity of electricity is passed through several electrolytes, the mass
of the substances deposited are proportional to their respective chemical equivalent or equivalent
weight”. Mathematically it can be represented as follows
w∝ E
It can also be expressed as – w1/w2=E1/E2
The equivalent weight or chemical equivalent of a substance can be defined as the ratio of
its atomic weight and valency.
The cathode is reinserted in the cell and a different current I2 is passed for the same time t. The
mass m2 of the deposit is obtained. It is found that –
m1/m2 = I1/I2
so, m α I … … … (1)
m3/ m4 = t1/ t2
so, m α t … … … (2)
Verify Faraday’s First law by passing different quantities of electricity in the same solution and
calculating the ratio of masses of the formed materials at the cathode or dissolved from the anode
and comparing these ratios of the passed quantities of electricity.
Increasing the mass of substance at the cathode by increasing of quantity of electricity passed in
solution, we find that m ∝ Q.
Electrodeposition of metals
Here the metal ions are reduced by applying negative potential or cathodic current. The reduction
potential depends on various factors like, concentration of metal ions, conductivity of the medium,
temperature. Supporting electrolytes are used to reduce the resistance of the solution. They should
not interfere in the electrochemical reduction in the given potential window. Usually the ionic salts
like NaCl, Na2SO4 dissolved in water is used as supporting electrolyte.
The current values observed also depends on the extent of reduction reaction. The faster the rate of
the reaction the current increases substantially.
One mole of electrons is required for the reduction of one mole of ions. As we know, the Charge on
one electron is equal to
C and one mole of electrons is equal to
6.023×1023 electrons.
(6.023×1023)×(1.6021×10-19C)=96500 C
If we pass 1 Faraday of charge in an electrolytic cell, then 1gm of the equivalent weight of the
substance will get deposited
Prepare a 15 ml of 0.2 M Na 2SO4 solution in a clean cell/beaker. To this add the weight
corresponding to 0.2 M CuSO4 dissolve it completely. The stainless-steel plates thoroughly
cleaned and washed is used for the electrodeposition. Both anode and cathodes are SS substrate.
The cathode is cleaned, dried, weighed, and then inserted in the cell. A current I 1 is passed for a
time t. The current is measured by the ammeter. The cathode is taken out, washed, dried, and
weighed again. Hence the mass m1 of the substance deposited is obtained.
Estimation of Sodium Using
Flame Photometer
Expt. No. 1
Demo Date:.........................
Estimation of sodium present in the given solution using Flame Photometer.
Flame photometry is an atomic emission technique used for the detection of metals. If a solution
containing metallic salts is aspirated into a flame, a vapour, which contains metallic atoms is formed.
The electrons from the metallic atoms are then excited from ground state (E 1) to higher energy state
(En) where n = 2,3,4 ….7, by making use of thermal energy
of flame. From higher energy states these electrons will return
to the ground state by emitting radiations (En-E1 = h ν by
where n = 2,3,4…..7), which are the characteristic of
each element.
Flame photometer correlates the emitted radiations
with the concentration of these elements. It is a simple and
rapid method for the elements that can be easily excited
(Sodium and other alkali metals).
A flame photometer consists of a pressure regulator and
flow meter for fuel gases an automiser, a burner, an optical
system, a photosensitive detector and an output recorder. A
filter of the element whose concentration is to be determined, is inserted between the flame and the
detector. Propane gas is used as fuel and air or oxygen is used as oxidant. A Combination of these
two will give a temperature of 1900 OC. The whole analysis depends on the flow rate of the fuel,
oxidant, the rate of introduction of the sample and the droplet size.
The sample containing the analyte is aspirated into the flame through an automiser. Radiation
from the resulting flame is collected by the lens and allowed to pass through an optical filter, which
permits only the radiation characteristic of the element under investigation into the photocell. The
output from the photocell represents the concentration and nature of the element.
Transfer 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 cm3 of standard sodium solution into different 50 cm3 volumetric flasks
from a burette. Make up all the solutions using distilled water. Stopper the flaks and shake well to get
uniform concentration. To the test solution also add distilled water upto the mark and shake well. Switch
on the instrument, turn the gas supply on and light the gas at the burner. Adjust the air supply from the
compressor to 10 psi, using the pressure regulator knob. Place the sodium filter (589 nm) in position. Now
dip the capillary tube in a cell containing distilled water. The stream of air automised as a fine mist draws
up the liquid. Regulate the gas supply so that the colour of the flame completely turns to blue. Adjust the
flame photometer to zero by means of the zero control knob. Now feed the 100ppm sodium ion solution
and adjust the reading to hundred. Repeat the process to confirm the
accuracy of the calibration.
Feed the various sodium solutions prepared through the flame by spraying with automiser one
by one including the test solution. Note down the flame photometer readings. Plot a graph of flame
photometer reading against volume of the solution to form the calibration curve. Using the curve
obtained find out the volume of the test solution containing sodium ions and calculate the amount of
sodium ions in it.
Volume of the test solution = ......................... ml
= .................. mg.
Determination of band gap energy
from Absorbance/Diffused
Reflectance Spectroscopy
Theory: The bandgap is related to the electric conductivity of the material. Generally, there
is no bandgap for metals, larger band gap in Insulators and in case of semiconductors the band
is intermediate between metal and insulator. The band gap energy of a semiconductor
nanomaterial shows the energy required to excite an electron from the valence band to the
conduction band. A correct determination of the band gap energy is important in predicting
photophysical and photochemical properties of semiconductors. There are two different types
of band gap i.e., direct and indirect bandgap. When the momentum of electron is same for
both bands (valence band and conduction band) then it is direct band gap and when the
momentum of electron changes for VB and CB it is called Indirect bandgap.
Principle: When light shines onto a sample, it is reflected in all directions, some of the light
undergoes specular reflection at the sample surface. Different sample will reflect light in
different directions. The rest of the light is refracted as it enters the sample, where it is
scattered due to internal reflection, reflection from the surfaces of other powder grains, or
repeated refraction entry into the powder. Some of this scattered light is emitted back into the
air. As the diffuse reflected light is reflected or passes through the powder, it becomes weaker
if absorption by the powder occurs. This results in a diffuse reflected spectrum. However, in
regions where the powder exhibits strong absorption, most of the diffuse reflected light in
long light paths is absorbed, such that only the diffuse reflected light from short light paths is
emitted back into the air. Conversely, in bands of weak absorption, some light is not absorbed
even in long light paths and this diffuse reflected light is emitted to the air, resulting in stronger
peaks than the transmission spectrum. In such a diffuse reflectance spectrum, the absorbed
wavenumber positions are the same as the transmission spectrum. However, the relative
intensity between peaks differs from the transmission spectrum because the weak peaks in the
transmission spectrum become comparatively stronger in the diffuse reflectance spectrum.
The so-called K-M function (f(R∞)) derived by Kubelka-Munk is used for comparison to
transmission spectra or quantitative analysis.
a. The standard of the sample is placed in the sample holder in the primary slot which is used
as a reference.
b. The powdered sample is placed in the sample holder in secondary slot to measure the
absorbance / reflectance of a sample.
c. Set the range of UV-visible (200-800nm).
d. Select the absorbance or reflectance to be measured followed by baseline correction.
e. Click on measure to obtain a data.
f. Acquired data is calculated using Kumbelka-munk equation.
g. Plot wavelength vs calculated reflectance / absorbance to obtain a graph.
Similarly, for different wavelength the Kubelka-Munk function is calculated and F(R)hν
versus the Energy (hν) is plotted as given below. The band gap Eg is found to be 1.72eV.
Dye Sensitized Solar Cell
Materials required-
Fluoride-doped tin dioxide conductive glass (≥2 plates)
A source of organic dye (ex: raspberries)
- Titanium Dioxide Paste
- Acetic Acid
- Water
- Glass Stirring Rod
- Scotch Tape
- Graphite Pencil
- Liquid Electrolyte Solution
- Binder Clips
- Wires
- A Solar-powered Calculator (You will be removing the stock PV solar cell and replace it
with your assembled DSSC)
- Soldering Equipment
- A Multimeter or Vernier Lab Quest (with Voltage & Current Probe(s))
- Tungsten Halogen Lamp
- Testing Apparatus
For every solar cell you assemble, you will need an anode and a cathode. The anode will
contain the dye and titanium dioxide molecules. Photons will excite the dye molecules'
electrons, and the electrons will jump from the dye molecule to the titanium dioxide to the
glass anode through diffusion. The electrons will subsequently travel through a circuit that
connects the two electrodes and return to the cell through the glass cathode. To complete
the circuit, an interstitial electrolyte solution facilitates the flow of electrons back to the
anode's organic dye molecules.
Slowly add 20mL of an acetic acid solution (0.1675 mL CH3COOH per 99.8225 mL
water) to 12g of titanium dioxide powder. Slowly adding the acid, in addition to vigorously
mixing the solution, will ensure a uniform paste. It is recommended that you use a mortar
and pestle for this step.
Cover each of the FTO glass plate's four edges with a 2mm-thick piece of scotch tape (on
the conductive side, as determined by a multimeter). This will create an ultra-thin "bowl"
that will be filled with the titanium dioxide solution. Apply three drops of the TiO2
solution to your electrode, and spread evenly and gently with a glass stirring rod.
Anneal the glass plate with an oven (or other heat source) at 450C for 30 minutes.
Create a solution that contains dye molecules. This is done most easily with the juice from
frozen raspberries (which can easily be purchased in the frozen foods section of a
supermarket). The organic dye solution can be purified through filtration methods (Note,
however, my research team used very basic methods. We pulverized frozen raspberries
into a juice with a mortar and pestle. Afterwards, we squeezed this solution through a
cheesecloth, and this process removed the largest pieces of pulp.) Regardless, soak the
annealed electrode in your dye solution for ten minutes. (You should notice by then end of
this period that the color of your glass plate has changed as dye molecules covalently
bonded to the TiO2. This is the process known as sensitization. You should also be aware
that other dye solutions might require soaking for different lengths of time) Gently rinse
off the glass plate with water once and ethanol twice so that remaining pulp and sugars are
This process is rather self-explanatory. Just make sure that you are applying a complete
coating of graphite to the plate. This may take time depending on your pencil. (Figure 11)
To assemble this DSSC, place the carbon-coated side of your cathode on top of the dye-
coated side of your anode. Do not allow your glass plates to overlap completely, offset the
electrodes so that they fully line up horizontally but extend beyond each other's vertical
ends. The offset will allow alligator wires to clip into each of the electrodes, thus allowing
you to assemble a circuit. Secure your offset glass plates with binder clips on the two
horizontal sides that line up completely.
To insert the electrolyte solution between the two electrodes, apply the electrolyte liquid
along an offset edge in between the two glass plates. Then, open and close the binder clips
in an alternating fashion (one binder clip at a time, not both). This will cause the
electrolyte solution to be sucked up into the cell and be distributed evenly among the
graphite coating and TiO2/anthocyanin complex.
Connect your assembled DSSC to a multimeter via alligator clips and wires. After the
assembled circuit is complete, place your cell under an indoor light source---or along a
windowsill. (Warning: Placing your solar cell directly under the sun without the proper
protection will cause severe degradation. Do initial testing under light sources that do not
emit UV radiation). Record the maximum voltage and current produced by your solar cell.
Multiply these two figures to obtain the power output.
Power is simply the voltage potential multiplied by the current. So, for example, if my DSSC
produced 0.400 Volts and 250 microamps (0.000250A), the power output would be 0.1
milliwatt (0.0001 watt).
Experiment 1
Add 1 TT of dil. H2SO4 into a 100 mL beaker containing the given Mohr’s salt solution. Immerse
calomel electrode and platinum electrode assembly and record the potential. Add 0.5 mL of 0.5N
K2Cr2O7 each time from the burette and record the corresponding potential. After the sharp increase
in the potential (corresponds to equivalence point), take 4 more readings.
Plot a differential graph of (E / V) versus volume of K2Cr2O7 and determine the equivalence point
that corresponds to the volume of K2Cr2O7 at which, (E / V) is maximum. From the normality
and equivalence point of K2Cr2O7, the normality & amount of Mohr’s salt is calculated.
Experiment 2
Add accurately 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 mL of given copper sulphate solution from a 50 mL burette into
five separate 50 mL standard flasks. Further, add 5 mL ammonia to each flask and also into the 50
mL standard flask containing the test solution, make upto the mark with distilled water and shake
well. Prepare blank solution by adding 5 mL ammonia to an empty 50 mL standard flask and make
up the mark with distilled water.
Blank solution is taken in a cuvette and placed in the photoelectric colorimeter. The variable
diaphragm is adjusted to get zero absorbance at 620 nm. Measure the absorbance of all standard
solutions and test solution at 620 nm. A graph of absorbance (OD) versus volume of CuSO 4 is plotted
and the volume of test solution is determined.
Experiment 3
Plot a graph of specific conductance versus volume of NaOH. From the graph, find
neutralization points of HCl (V1) and acetic acid (V2 - V1) and calculate the amount of strong and
weak acids present in the mixture.
X-axis, 1 cm = 1 mL
Y-axis, 1 cm = 1 S/cm
V1=.......mL V2=.......mL
Volume of NaOH
Experiment No. 4
Immerse glass electrode and reference electrode assembly into a 100 mL beaker containing the
given weak acid, connect to pH meter and record pH of the sample. Add 0.5 mL of NaOH each time
from the burette and record the corresponding pH. After sharp increase in the pH (corresponds to
equivalence point), take 4 more readings.
Plot a differential graph of pH / ∆V) versus volume of NaOH and find out equivalence point.
Plot another graph of pH versus volume of NaOH and determine pK a, which corresponds to the pH
value at half equivalence point.
X-axis, 1 cm = 1 mL
pH Y-axis, 1 cm = 1 pH
pH=pKa =.........
Volume of NaOH
Experiment No. 5
Experiment No. 6
Electro polymerization of aniline: At first, before each scan the Pt electrode was prepared to
ensure a reproducible surface by polishing, rinsing with distilled water and then
electrochemically cleaned by cyclic voltammetry in 1 M of H 2SO4 solution until a
reproducible voltammogram was obtained. The electro polymerization of the aniline was
performed on a PGZ 301 Potentiostat/ Galvanostat with a three-electrode system, containing
a Pt wire (0.2 cm2) as the working electrode, a saturated calomel electrode (SCE) as a
reference electrode and glassy carbon as a counter electrode. All potentials recorded are
referred to this reference electrode. PANI films were prepared on the platinum working
electrode by the cyclic voltammetry in 1 M H2SO4 solution containing aniline at room
temperature (20°C). After the electro-polymerization of the aniline, the PANI electrode was
repeatedly washed with doubly distilled water.
Experiment - 1
From the volume of EDTA consumed, calculate the total hardness of the given water
Experiment - 2
Preparation of Sodium thiosulphate solution
A known weight of sodium thiosulphate crystals given in a weighing bottle is weighed and
transferred into a 100 ml standard flask. It is dissolved with water and then made upto the
mark. The solution is shaken thoroughly to obtain uniform concentration. The normality of
sodium thiosulphate solution is calculated.
Estimation of DO:
Burette : Standard Na2S2O3 Solution
Conical flask : 100mL water sample + 3 ml MnSO4 + 3ml Alkaline KI solution
Indicator : 2 drops of Starch towards the endpoint
Colour Change : Blue to colourless
Experiment - 3
Weight of K2Cr2 O7 X 10
Normality of K2Cr2O7 =
equivalent weight of dichromate (49.03)
Experiment 4
From the volume of Na2S2O3 consumed, calculate the amount Copper present in brass
Experiment 5
Procedure: Prepare 1M of copper sulfate CuSO4 solution and 1M of zinc sulfate ZnSO4
solution. Connect the solutions with a piece of fabric treated with 1M KCl solution. Connect
a zinc Zn wire to the black crocodile clip, and a copper Cu wire to the red crocodile clip.
Immerse the metal wires in the vials: put the Zn wire in the vial of ZnSO 4 solution and the
Cu wire in the vial of CuSO4 solution. Connect the two ends to the ammeter for detection of
current or connect the two ends to a led.
Experiment 6
Prepare a 15 ml of 0.2 M Na2SO4 solution in a clean cell/beaker. To this add the weight
corresponding to 0.2 M CuSO4 dissolve it completely. The stainless-steel plates thoroughly
cleaned and washed is used for the electrodeposition. Both anode and cathodes are SS substrate.
The cathode is cleaned, dried, weighed, and then inserted in the cell. A current I 1 is passed for a
time t. The current is measured by the ammeter. The cathode is taken out, washed, dried, and
weighed again. Hence the mass m1 of the substance deposited is obtained.
Model - Viva-Voce
Volumetric Analysis
9. How mass of substance in dm3 of solution related with Normality and Gram
equivalent weight?
Mass of substance in dm3 of solution = Normality × gram equivalent weight in dm3 of the
Part A
Potentiometric Sensor
1. What is potentiometric titration?
The estimation of substances in solution by measurement of emf is known as
potentiometric titration.
4. What is frequency?
It is the number of waves passing through a point per second. It is represented by í.
12. Why is ammonia added?
Ammonia is added to get cuprammonium sulphate [Cu(NH3)4SO4] (intense blue complex).
8. What are the advantages of conductometric titrations?
1. Accurate results with dilute solutions
2. Colored or turbid solutions can be titrated
3. Acid / base mixtures can be titrated
4. Useful for titrations in which there is no suitable indicator is available
1. What is Ka?
Ka is dissociation constant of a weak acid. e.g. dissociation of acetic acid,
K =
by pH = pKa + log
Here log =0
Hence, pH = pK a
12. Define pH ?
It is the negative logarithm to base 10 of hydrogen ion concentration.
pH = –log10 [H+]
10. Why ammonium chloride – ammonium hydroxide buffer is used in the determination
of total hardness of water?
NH4Cl –NH4OH buffer is used to maintain pH value of about 10 and helps EDTA to form
stable complex with Ca2+ and Mg 2+ ions.
11. Which is the indicator used in the determination of total hardness of water? Why
indicator show wine red colour along with hard water?
Erichrome black–T indicator is used in this experiment. Indicator combines with Ca 2+ and
Mg2+ ions present in hard water and forms wine red coloured complex.
12. What is the end point in the determination of total hardness of water?
Change of colour from wine red to clear blue mark the end of titration.
14. Ammonia solution is added during the preparation of EDTA solution, why?
Ammonia solution is added to increase the rate of dissolution of EDTA salt.
15. In EDTA titrations, near the end point, titration has to be carried out slowly, why?
The titrations involving EDTA are carried out slowly towards the end point, because the
rate of formation of the metal complex of EDTA is very slow.
8. Why does the colour of the indicator drop remain the same at the end point?
Only ferrous ions form intense deep blue colour complex with potassium ferricyanide. At the
end point, ferrous ions are not available because they get oxidized to ferric ions by K 2Cr2O7
and fails to produce change in colour for indicator.
Estimation of copper in brass alloy by iodometric method
1. What are the constituents of brass?
Brass is an alloy of copper. The chief constituents of brass are copper and Zinc
(Cu: 50-90%, Zn: 20-40%, tin, lead and Iron )
2. How is brass solution prepared?
Brass solution is prepared by dissolving the brass sample(brass foil) in
minimum amount of concentrated nitric acid
3. What is the purpose of adding urea to the brass solution?
Urea is added to expel to oxides of nitrogen from solution
4. Excess of nitric has to be removed before titration, why?
Presence of excess nitric acid, oxidizes iodine to iodic acid and also
decomposes sodium thiosulphate during titration and thereby introduces
error in burette reading.
5. Ammonium hydroxide is added to the brass solution, why?
Ammonium hydroxide is added to neutralize excess of nitric acid present in
the brass solution.
6. Why excess acetic acid is added to the brass solution?
Acetic acid is added to neutralize the excess of ammonium hydroxide and
slight excess of this acid makes the solution acedic and ensures 100%
availability of copper(II) ions.
Note: If, the added acetic acid is insufficient, the solution will be basic, then few
copper(II) ions will exists as [ Cu(NH3)4SO4] complex and are not available to react with
potassium iodide and introduce error in burette reading.
7. Why potassium iodide is added to the brass solution?
Addition of KI reduces cupric ions to cuprous ions, which precipitate out as
cuprous iodide and liberates Iodine equivalent to the amount of copper
8. On addition of KI, brass solution colour turns from blue to reddish
yellow, why?
Liberated I3+2 combines with Iodide ions and forms soluble reddish yellow
coloured I ions.
9. Why starch is preferred for iodometric titrations? Why it is added near
the end point?
Starch combines with iodine to form intense blue coloured complex and
helps in identifiying the availability of iodine during titration, starch is
added near the end point when the concentration of iodine is low, if we add
starch in earlier stage of the titration i.e (high iodine concentration), water
insoluble starch-iodine complex is formed and which makes the detection
of end point difficult.
10. How is liberated Iodine is estimated?
The amount of iodine liberated is estimated by titrating against standard
sodium thiosulphate solution using starch as an indicator.
Construction of Daniel cell
1.What is the anode in Daniel cell
1.What is the relation between the weight of deposit and current passed
Amount of current passed is directly proportional to the weight of the maerials
Flame Photometric Estimation of Sodium.
4. What are various events that occur when a solution containing metal ions
automised through a flame?
Following steps explain the sequence of events that occur during the experiment.
a) Liquid sample containing element is subjected to flame
b) Formation of liquid droplets
c) Evaporation of droplets resulting in the formation of residue
d) Decomposition of residue into neutral atoms
e) Formation of excited atoms and emission of radiation during deexcitation
f) Measurement of wavelength and intensity of emitted radiation by flame photometry