Zbook 19-Tma-Progressions 52e5ca
Zbook 19-Tma-Progressions 52e5ca
Zbook 19-Tma-Progressions 52e5ca
by Anne Whitaker
Editor’s Note: This is a lightly edited version of the author’s fering a means of determining the timing, and understanding
original article with the same title, which first appeared in the the meaning, of significant developmental points in that indi-
May/June 2017 issue of the AA Journal. vidual’s unique unfolding journey.
In this article, I am not proposing to reinvent the
“I would love to live like a river flows, carried by the astro-wheel by offering detailed tuition on what SPs are, how
surprise of its own unfolding.” to calculate them, work with them, and relate them to what-
— John O’Donohue ever transits may be in operation at any given time. There is
plenty of information of that type available on the Web, as a
onsider this surprise. Astrology textbooks tell you that quick Google search will reveal.
the planets from Jupiter outwards move so slowly by Instead, my aim is to offer a personal reflection on
progression that their shifts are of no consequence. secondary progressions, continuing in the same spirit as the
On the very day in June 2016 that my 3rd-house Jupiter opening paragraph above. I’d like to share my clients’ experi-
moved by secondary progression from its hitherto lifelong ences of those mysterious symbolic tools, as well as my own.
occupancy of Scorpio into Sagittarius, I was offered a large My observations are also offered to experienced practitioners
library of astrology books from a university lecturer whose in such a way that they can take a moment to step back from
wife, a keen student of astrology, had recently died. In an- their astro-toolkit and be freshly awestruck by the essential
other case, “Phoebe,” a participant in the 1997–98 research Mystery which SPs evoke. Most of all, I’d like to intrigue and
I did on Jupiter–Uranus conjunctions, started piano lessons for inspire readers who are fairly new to astrology to begin their
the first time and became very interested in fashion/image in own journey into this misty, awesome territory.
1997 — the year her natal Neptune in Libra went direct by
secondary progression. No doubt readers could add their own
examples of progressed planetary effects, which supposedly
are of no consequence! Secondary Progressions offer a
Introduction means of determining the timing,
I am very well aware that there are several ways of pro- and understanding the meaning,
gressing a horoscope, which are no doubt valid. However,
traditional secondary progressions, or SPs as I shall now call of significant developmental points
them for short, are the only type which have consistently
spoken to me with great accuracy. These are calculated by
in an individual’s journey.
moving the planetary positions in the ephemeris for the day
of birth forward one day for every year of a person’s life, of-
APRIL/MAY 2019 — 53
Secondary Progressions my summing-up notes: “A most interesting reading with a re-
markable young woman, who despite a very difficult early
life and teenage years has managed to turn her life around.”
The two dominant SP features symbolically structuring
whatever you wish to term it. I have written about this before Pearl’s life’s unfolding are the progressed New Moons and
and described my feeling then of having been “brushed by her chart’s ruling planet, Mercury, noting its shifts of sign, as
the wing of a great Mystery.” well as its retrograde and direct motion.
Recently, whilst thinking about this article, I recalculated Her first progressed New Moon, at 5° Libra in the 6th
that set of progressions, just in case I had somehow made a house, came at age four. (See Chart 1, below.) At the same
mistake all those years ago. The result was the same. age, progressed Mercury moved from Libra to Scorpio, also
in the 6th house. She hit puberty at that unusually early age,
Progressed Planets and and stated that “I was overwhelmed by a power I had no idea
the Progressed New Moon how to handle.” She was treated with hormone injections.
When I am preparing for an in-depth astrology reading, Unsurprisingly, family, social, and school difficulties arose
I routinely do an “SP scan” through the ephemeris: Planets from this. Family life was turbulent, they moved around a lot,
going retrograde, then direct some years later, usually reveal and her parents separated whilst she was growing up.
significant phases in a person’s life. Take “Antonia,” for ex- Pearl’s progressed Mercury went retrograde in Scorpio
ample, aged 61 when we met two years ago. She has been when she was twelve (chart not shown), a point at which she
living in Scotland for many years. Her Venus went retro- became “a total nightmare” to herself and her family, getting
grade by progression at age 18, at which time she “escaped”
from a difficult family life in another part of the United King-
dom. At age 59, when Venus went direct, she began to feel
Inner Wheel greater
Progressed planets going Outer Wheel
the pull back to her home country, as well as feeling
openness to people and to the possibility ofNatala significant
Chart rela- retrograde, then direct some years
SA in Long
tionship, after having been single for a numberSep 23of1981, Wed
years. Feb 16 1986, Sun
8:55 pm BST -1:00
I also note years where there was a progressed
later, usually reveal significant
12:00 pm BST -1:00
Northampton, England
Moon (when the progressed Sun and Moon 52°N14' 000°W54'
conjoin). De-
Geocentric phases in a person’s life.52°N14'Geocentric
00° ¾
3 4 † 39'
rent transits, can give a vivid picture of †05°
¸ 00'
†05° ¶
an unfolding life. Here is what I wrote in S
00' 48'
23° „ „
¸ 44'
00° 08°
‚ †
29' É ¶¼ 00°
Chart 1: Bi-wheel. Œ
ƒ 16° …
Inner wheel and house cusps: Pearl
10° 29°
¼ 39'
Outer wheel: Progressed to age 4 ƒ 35' É 21°
Compliments of:
Charts use Placidus houses and the True Astrologer
Node.Linda Kaye
28° ƒ 18'
APRIL/MAY 2019 — 55
Secondary Progressions Conference Calendar
continued from p. 55 continued from p. 59
Studies Certificate, and we moved house so that I could work August 30 – September 3, 2019: NCGR Conference
from home. I also acquired a half share in two small children 2019, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. For info: URL: https://
(still with me, now grown up, both very Uranian) and a very www.geocosmic.org/ncgr-conference-2019
elderly cat.
Who needs transits? November 22–25, 2019: Annual Sedona Vedic Astrology
Conference, Poco Diablo Resort, Sedona, Arizona, USA.
Chart Data and Sources For info: tel. (928) 282-6595; URL: https://www.sedona
“Pearl” is not the client’s real name, and birth data are confidential. Source:
“Pearl’s” mother. Rating: A.
January 16–20, 2020: 23rd Federation of Australian
Note: “Pearl” read and approved her case study prior to my finalising this Astrologers Conference, “Astrological Crossroads and Con-
article. The other clients briefly quoted have also been given fictitious names,
having granted me permission to present brief “clips” of their life stories —
junctions,” Melbourne, Australia. For info: URL: https://
apart from “James” whose horoscope and notes were shredded before 2001, www.faainc.org.au/faa-conference-2020/
when I gave up my practice for several years. My grandparents’ names are
their own. September 6–15, 2020: Save the Date! ISAR 2020
Conference, Westminster Westin Hotel, Denver, Colorado,
© 2017, 2019 Anne Whitaker — all rights reserved USA.
APRIL/MAY 2019 — 65