LP HRM Lessons 1 5

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Personnel or human resource management is a relatively new field in the Philippines. It

was only in the early 1950's that is gradually gained acceptance and recognition in private
business and industry.

Three conditions needs to exist:

1. Top management must be convinced that personnel management is needed in its

business operations.
2. Qualified personnel administrators must be available.
3. Personnel administrators must demonstrate their capacity to contribute to the
company's objectives and goals.

Personnel Management Association of the Philippines ( PMAP )

- is a nationwide organization of all the personnel managers and human resource

practitioners in the country which was established to uphold the profession to the fullest.

Activities of Personnel Management Association of the Philippines ( PMAP )

1. Training and development personnel administrators through seminars, lectures,

workshops, meetings, national conferences and holding tripartite conferences pertaining to
personnel management and industrial relations.
2. Participation in public hearings to voice support of, or opposition to, proposed legislation
affecting business and industry.
3. Dissemination information to upgrade personnel management , offering technical advice
through its special committees and library facilities.
4. Establishment of a public relations program aimed at informing the public about the
nature of personnel work.


- To grow and thrive in today's competitive environment, organization must deal with
many and diverse changes.
- The organization is made up of people
- The main goal is to provide goods and services effectively

143 Narra St., Mountview Subdivision, Tanauan City, Batangas

Contact Nos.: (043) 778-6352 | (043) 778-6893
- People are vital to an effective personnel management program
- The effective utilization of manpower can help add and create value


1. The challenge of the global community

- organizations are increasingly finding out that to survive they must compete with
organizations not only in the place of operation but the global business community.
2. The stockholders challenge
- the key to success in today's business environment is to meet the investor's needs and
those of the other stockholders.
3. The challenge for productivity
- the global technology is increasing the challenge to greater productivity


1. Human resources and capabilities
2. New technology and opportunities
3. Efficient work structure and company policies allow employees and technology to

The organization's competitive advantage depends on the strength of the above linkage.
- Organizations must deal successfully with these challenges to create and maintain value.
- human resource management must face these challenges to motivate and develop a
well-trained and committed work force.


1. Increasing complexity of business operations
- the post-war period saw the birth of big corporations where the volume and variety of
operations and the size of the labor force demanded specialization in management.
2. Government regularizations and labor laws promulgated in recent years
- in order to safeguard the worker's interests, especially those related to wages, working
conditions, job security and health , the government deemed it wise to enact a number of
labor laws and government regulations.
3. Growth of labour unions
- The passage of Industrial Peace Act of 1953 otherwise known as the Magna Carta of
Labor, triggered the organization of labor unions and the strengthening of the worker's
bargaining power.
4. Influx of new concepts in management
- The employee welfare concept is not new, but its nature has changed from one of
paternalism to that of employee's rights through practices that have become


- as the function of management, concerned with promoting and enhancing the
development of work effectiveness and advancement of the human resources in the

143 Narra St., Mountview Subdivision, Tanauan City, Batangas

Contact Nos.: (043) 778-6352 | (043) 778-6893
- accomplished through proper planning, organizing, directing, coordination and
controlling of activities related to procurement, development, motivation and
compensation of employees to achieve the goals of the enterprise.


A science is a systematic accumulation of facts, their analysis and interpretation, and
their use to arrive at a satisfactory conclusion. Personnel management is a science because
it involves the systematic gathering of data derived from surveys, statistics, interviews and
Art is proficiency in the practical application of knowledge acquired through study,
experience or observation. Personnel management is an art since it involves the making of
sound decisions.


The personnel or human resource manager, who is a member of the top executive group,
is responsible for the formulation of personnel policies and programs which will serve as
the foundation for an efficient personnel administration in a company for it to realize its
goals and objectives and allow the employees to develop their individual career goals.


1. Help management achieve company objectives and goals in the management of its
human resources.
2. Assist top management in formulating sound policies, programs and rules and after
approval, administer them fairly and efficiently.
3. Assist line supervisors and managers in providing employees with a satisfactory with
environment and in promoting harmonious relationships with the employees and the
4. Make managers and supervisors aware of their full responsibilities in the management
of human resources by providing them with technical help needed to handle employee
5. Help train and develop the human resources of the company in order to equip them
with skills and knowledge required in accomplishing their jobs efficiently.
6. Help promote understanding and good relationship by opening the lines of
communication between management and employee thereby creating an atmosphere
where workers can be happy and proud to belong to the organization.
7. Identify management problems that can be resolved and opportunities that can be
realized through improved effectiveness in personnel management.
8. Assist management and supervisors in handling labor relations , problems, utilizing his
knowledge and competence on labor laws, government regulations and court decisions on
labor relations.
9. Assist the company in promoting good morale and motivation among its human
10. Assist in crisis management and organizational development.

143 Narra St., Mountview Subdivision, Tanauan City, Batangas

Contact Nos.: (043) 778-6352 | (043) 778-6893
1.Common misconception about his role and functions.
2.Inadequate recognition by management of the proper role of the personnel manager in
the organization.
3.In the area of Labor relations.
4.Jealousy of the other executives regarding the personnel manager's duty and authority


1. The traditional personnel image
- Disrespect for the position and those who perform it
- The low position in the organization
- Lack of expertise in performing their functions
the weak position of personnel departments caused them to suffer during times of
budget cutting. the function of the Department is indirect and most often unrecognized. It is
difficult to see the relationship of the undertaking comprehensive job enrichment effort
and improved profits. Under this arrangement, the personnel Department is one of the
areas to be cut in hard times in one of the last to be increased when conditions improved.

2. The changing image of the Human Resources Functions

With the advancement in technology and the higher qualifications for employment, the
position of the human resource Department in the organization got the boast of higher
recognition an importance. Organization now recognize the important role played by
human resources in the company's profit index.
Organizations are now aware that attention should be given to their important assets.
That is the labor force and together with this is the advancement of the human resource
Department role. Companies now look at human resources practices as a means to
profitability, quality and other business goes through enhancing and supporting business

The role of HR in the new Millennium organization

The new role that the HR Department performs includes out placements , labor law
compliance, record keeping, testing, compensation and some aspects of benefits
administration. The HR Department has to collaborate with other company executives on
employment interviewing, performance management, employment discipline and efforts to
improve quality and productivity.


1.Recruitment and employment
2.Interviewing, testing, recruiting and temporary employment
3.Labor coordination
4.Training and development
- orientation of new and temporary employees
- performance management training
- productivity enhancement

143 Narra St., Mountview Subdivision, Tanauan City, Batangas

Contact Nos.: (043) 778-6352 | (043) 778-6893
5. Wage and salary management
- job evaluation
- wage and salary survey
- executive compensation
6. Benefits administration
- vacation and sick leaves administration
- insurance
- stock plans
- pension plan
- retirement plan assistance programs
7. Employee service and recreations
- bus service
- canteens
- athletics
- housing and relocation
8. Community relations
- publication
- community project in relation
9. Record management
- employment record
- information system
- performance record
10. health and safety
- training
- safety inspection
- dental and medical services
- drug testing
11. strategic management
- collaborative planning
- outsourcing manpower research
- organizational planning

Roles of the personnel / human resource manager

- he plans, organizes, directs, controls and coordinates the activities of his departments
- he delegates some of his functions to his subordinates but check on them through
follow - ups
- he manages the work of the employees in his Department and trains them in
developing their skills for efficiency.

2. Administrative official
- he or his staff conducts or directs certain personal activities as provided or in the
policies and programs entrusted to the Department.
- he sees to it that labor laws and government regulations are properly complied with
- he should also know how a policy is made and administered

143 Narra St., Mountview Subdivision, Tanauan City, Batangas

Contact Nos.: (043) 778-6352 | (043) 778-6893
3. Adviser
- he serves as counselor, counselor guide and confidante to management supervisors and
- to be competent, he must keep himself informed about employee attitudes and
behavior and be abreast of treads in the industrial relations field which may affect his
4. Coordinator
- he brings into action all activities, regulates and combines diverse efforts into a
harmonious whole and harmonizes the work of various personnel in his Department and
the related function in other departments.
5. Negotiator
- he is the representative of the management in negotiating labor contracts or to attend
negotiations with unions in an advisory capacity
- as a negotiator an administrator of the labor contract, he must understand the nature,
significance and methods of collective bargaining
6. Educator
- he conducts or administers company’s training program
- he is very much involved in the management of employee development programs of his
7. Provider of services
- he provides services to all employees and helps them obtain facilities with government
agencies like SSS, Phil health, which can make their employment more satisfying
8. Employee counselor
- he's knowledge and training in human relations in the behavioral Sciences plus his
familiarity with Company operations, puts him in the best position to counsel employees
9. Promoter of community relations
- he must be well informed of the activities and developments in the environment where
the enterprise operates
- he is called by the management in helping the company project favorable and positive
image to the company
10. Public relations man
- his functions require him to deal with the general public, which includes the
employees, the unions, and the community

Personal qualities of the personnel manager

1.Can communicate effectively, both orally and in writing .
2.Possesses an above average intelligence.
3.Enjoys working with people.
4.Grasps the implication of a given situation, understand individual attitudes and the
problems of the employees and of the employer.
5.Aggressive, mature and capable of giving sound advice that will be in the best interests of
both the employer and the employee
6.Possesses the integrity, industry encouraged to earn the respect of the employees and his

143 Narra St., Mountview Subdivision, Tanauan City, Batangas

Contact Nos.: (043) 778-6352 | (043) 778-6893
7.Possesses a pleasing personality and personal warmth and should be approachable .

The skills needed by today's each are professionals

1. A higher degree of knowledge on management practices and processes. He would need

this to collaborate with other line managers.
2. The HR practitioner is a service provider to other line managers. He must possess a high
degree of human and public relations.
3. A great knowledge of human psychology and social relations. It is a great asset to
effective coordination.
4. He is a consultant on Labor Relations. A working knowledge of Labor laws and
regulations is of great advantage.
5. As a management practitioner. A thorough knowledge of management and its relations
to effective organization is a must for all each or managers to plan out the strategic
approaches to problems and their solutions.
6. A community relations officer.

Career advancement or other professional options for the personnel manager

1. College professor
2. Vice president of the company
3. Chief executive officer
4. Politician

Career path to human resource management

1. Entrance level
- Assisting in interviewing applicants
- giving tests and scoring test results in personality inventory another skills test
- assisting in employee orientation and training programs
- record keeping
2. Supervisory level
- skills in writing job descriptions, job analysis and job evaluations
- knowledge of employee benefit programs related to vacation and sick lives, pensions
and other mutual benefits
- he must have acquired the skills in interviewing applicants and counselling employees
- skills in testing and interpreting test results and making recommendations as to the
fitness of applicants
- A job evaluation in which administration skills and relating pay to the differences in job
- skills in determining training needs and develop training modules and conducting the
- skills in basic research related to manpower planning

143 Narra St., Mountview Subdivision, Tanauan City, Batangas

Contact Nos.: (043) 778-6352 | (043) 778-6893
3. The managerial level
a. leadership and conceptual ideas visioning
b. analytical of the facts as basis for decision-making
c. compliance administration and control
d. interpersonal teamwork

143 Narra St., Mountview Subdivision, Tanauan City, Batangas

Contact Nos.: (043) 778-6352 | (043) 778-6893

1. Briefly discuss the emergence of personnel management as “ one of the newest

specialized branches of management”.
2. Why has no formula been found yet to solve problems involving individual employees or
the unions?
3. Explain why supervisors and department heads should regard the personnel manager as
a friend and not an enemy.
4. In an organization, who may be called managers? Why?

143 Narra St., Mountview Subdivision, Tanauan City, Batangas

Contact Nos.: (043) 778-6352 | (043) 778-6893
5. Explain the difference between personnel management and personnel department.


1. Do you consider personnel and human resources management to be the concern of all
levels of management?


2. What should be the status of the personnel manager within the organization? What
should be the nature of his authority to enable him to discharge his duties efficiently?


143 Narra St., Mountview Subdivision, Tanauan City, Batangas

Contact Nos.: (043) 778-6352 | (043) 778-6893
3. What training will help make a personnel manager effective?


143 Narra St., Mountview Subdivision, Tanauan City, Batangas

Contact Nos.: (043) 778-6352 | (043) 778-6893


Human resource planning (HRP ) is the process of systematically reviewing human resource
requirements to ensure that the number of employees matches the required skills. It is the process
of matching the internal and external supplies of people with job openings anticipated in the
organization over a specific period of time. Some organizations continue to provide lip service to
these important functions. Nevertheless, presently HRP is increasingly being recognized as an
important component of human resource management.

What is strategic planning ?

Strategic planning is the determination of the overall organizational purpose and goals and
how they are to be achieved. Human resources the integral component of a strategic plan, which
greatly affects productivity and organization performance. After the strategic plans have been
formulated, human resources strategic planning is to be undertaken. Along these lines, strategies
are reduced to specific quantitative and qualitative human resource plans. The HRD shall
determine the total manpower component to execute the planned strategic activities.

Two important components of the human resource planning

1. Requirement
- forecasting human requirements involves determining the number and types of employees
- the level of skills has to be determined and much with the plan operations
- the analysis will reflect various factors such as production plans, and changes in
productivity together with the introduction of new technology if there is any

2. Availability
- when employee requirements have been analyzed, the firm determines whether there is a
surplus or shortage of manpower
- if there is a surplus, waste must be instituted to reduce the number of employees

Aspects of human resource planning

1. Systematic forecasting of manpower needs

- on the basis of business conditions and forecasts manpower needs are planned and
monitored closely

143 Narra St., Mountview Subdivision, Tanauan City, Batangas

Contact Nos.: (043) 778-6352 | (043) 778-6893
2. Performance management
- analyzing, improving and monitoring the performance of each employee and of the
organization as a whole

3. Career management
- determining, planning and monitoring the career aspiration each individual in the
organization and developing them for improved productivity

4. Management development
- assessing and determining the developmental needs managers for future succession

Advantages in using the elements of HR planning

1. Through a systematic planning of human resources, a company can be better assisted in

attaining its goals and objectives.
2. It helps the company determine its manpower needs and provides a method of meeting them.
3. It can be an effective means of planning the development and growth of the employees.
4. It can assist in placing the employees properly in jobs where they can maximize the use of
their skills and potentials.
5. It can assist the company to attract and retain better qualified employees.

Five steps to human resource planning

1. Determining the workload inputs based on the corporate goals and objectives
- Once the company's objectives are known, the operating executives can determine what they
are responsible for in the common endeavor of attaining the corporate goals.
Some factors that should be considered in determining work inputs;

A. business development and assumptions

B. corporate planning
C. economic forecasts
D. changes in plans and products
E. new product lines
F. mergers and consolidations

2. Studying the jobs in the company and writing the job description and job specifications.

3. Forecasting of manpower needs

a. determination of the number and skills of people required for the work
b. forecasting manpower needs comes next after determining the work input, and is known as
the planned and logical method of determining both quantitatively and qualitatively the
employees needed to man the work inputs to enable the company to attain its goals.

143 Narra St., Mountview Subdivision, Tanauan City, Batangas

Contact Nos.: (043) 778-6352 | (043) 778-6893
4. Inventory of manpower

a. an analysis of the present manpower complement of the company to determine whether it

has enough or less or more personnel than required.
b. This is fourth step in the planning process is the inventory of available current manpower .

The net result of this operation is that you either find:

a. enough manpower
b. excess in the number of available manpower, but lacking the skills required
c. the number of available manpower is insufficient, and the skills are also inadequate to meet
the needs of the work inputs.

5. Improvement plans
- determination of the appropriate steps to implement the HRP in order to ensure that the
company has the right number and write quality of people, property assigned to jobs for which
they are most useful

Planning techniques in HR Management

1. Skills inventory
- this approach involves the listing of all the skills possessed by the workforce and they are
made to relate to the requirements of the organization

2. Ratio analysis
- This is the technique where in the personnel who are promotable to the higher positions are
identified together with their backup or understudy

3. Cascade approach
- under this approach the setting of objectives flows from the top to bottom in the
organization so that everyone gets a chance to make his contribution

4. Replacement approach
- under this approach, HRP is done to have a body of manpower in the organization that is
ready to take over existing jobs on a one to one basis within the organization

5. Commitment planning approach

- this technique involves the supervisors and personnel in every component of the
organization on the identification of manpower needs in terms , skills, replacements, policy,
working conditions and promotion so that human resource in the organization may be up to the
challenge of current and future operations

6. Successor planning approach

- the approach known as successor planning takes into consideration the different components
of the old plan and increase them

143 Narra St., Mountview Subdivision, Tanauan City, Batangas

Contact Nos.: (043) 778-6352 | (043) 778-6893
Common weaknesses in human resource planning
1. Overplanning
2. Technique overload
3. Bias for the quantitative
4. Isolation of the planners
5. Isolation from organizational objectives
6. Lack of line supervisors’ inputs

Four basic terms of manpower forecasting

1. Long term trend

- long-term forecasting is usually done for a period of five years or more depending on the
company operations and customer demands
2. Cyclical variations
- this refers to reasonable and predictable movement that occur over a period of one year or
- This cyclical movement may be due to economic conditions, political instability, peace and
order, loss in customer demands and societal pressures
3. Seasonal variations
- this is a reasonable prediction change over a period of one year
- this covers firms who manufacture seasonal products and hire temporary workers for
temporary increase in demand like Christmas and other special occasions
4. Random variations
- this is one occasion where there is no special pattern and it is quite difficult to predict or
- the HR practitioner must be careful in his manpower forecast specially in the hiring of

Human resource forecasting techniques

1. The zero - base forecasting approach

- It uses the organization's current level of employment as the starting point for determining
future staffing needs
2. The bottom up approach
- this forecast uses the progression upward methods from the lower organization units to
ultimately provide the aggregate forecast of employment needs
3. Use of predictor variables
- this method uses the past employment levels to predict future requirements
4. Simulation
- it is a technique for the testing of alternatives on mathematical models representing the real
world situation

143 Narra St., Mountview Subdivision, Tanauan City, Batangas

Contact Nos.: (043) 778-6352 | (043) 778-6893
The important elements in strategic human resource planning

1. Organizational goals
- the human resource planning process should be tide up with the organizational strategic
2. Human resource forecast
- the second element in the planning process is the forecasting of human resource needs based
on business strategies, production plans and the various indicators of change in technology and
the organization's operating methods
3. Employee information
- the third element in the planning process is maintaining accurate information concerning
the composition, assignments and capabilities of the current workforce
4. Human resource availability projections
- the fourth element of the human resource planning process is estimating the number of
current employees and those that could be available in the future
5. Analyzing and evaluating human resource gaps
- the fifth element in the human resource planning process is comparing what is needed with
what is available in terms of numbers, mix, skills and technologies

This type of analysis should help management address issues such as:

A. Are there imbalances developing between projected human resources needs and availability?
B. What is the effect of current productivity trends and pay rates on the work force levels and
costs ?
C. Do turnover problems exist in certain jobs or age levels?
D. Are there problems of career blockage an obsolescence?

Strategy evaluation and control

The final component to the strategic management process is that of strategy evaluation and
control. It is extremely important for the company to constantly monitor the effectiveness of both
the strategy and the implementation process. The monitoring makes it possible for the company
to identify problem areas and either revise existing structures or strategies or revise new ones. In
this process, we see emergent strategies appear as well as the critical nature of human resources
in competitive advantage.

Human resource role in providing competitive advantage

1. Emergent strategies
Consist of strategies that evolved from the grassroots of the organization and can be thought
of as what the organizations actually do. Most emergent strategies are identified with the people
in lower level of the management hierarchy. It is usually the lower level rank and file employees
who provide ideas for new markets, new products and new strategies being at the front line of
operations. HRM should make sure that the information is systematically arranged and should
contain the data needed

143 Narra St., Mountview Subdivision, Tanauan City, Batangas

Contact Nos.: (043) 778-6352 | (043) 778-6893
2. Intended strategies
Are the results of the rational decision-making by the top management as they develop
strategic plans. It is a pattern of plans that integrates an organization's major goals, policies and
action sequences in a cohesive whole. The new focus on strategic HRM role is directed primarily
on intended strategies . The task is to formulate business related issues relevant to strategy
formulation and then development of HR systems that can aid in the implementation of the
strategic plan .

Human resource information system (HRIS)

HRIS is any organized approach to obtaining relevant and timely information on which to be
human resource decisions. An effective HRIS is crucial to sound human resource decision-
making . It is designed to provide information that is SMART.

1. Systematic
- information must be systematically arranged and contain the needed data
2. Management oriented
- information are essential tools for effective manpower planning, retention, development, and
separation of employees
3. Applicable
- the data and information stored in file must be applicable in making human resource
decisions. Irrelevant data must be discarded. Information must be updated from time to time to
be relevant to the current manpower needs requirements . A manager must be able to rely on the
accuracy of the information provided
4. Result oriented
- the results from the information and the decisions derived must be both acceptable to
management and the employees’ concern. The end results must contribute to greater company
productivity and employees’ satisfaction
5. Time bound
- relevant human resource information are necessary for effective decision-making. The need
for timely decisions are crucial to the effective management of human resources

HRIS Also produces and forecasts several important reports related to business operations.
1. Routine reports
- these are human resource data summarized on scheduled basis, like current manpower
status, regular employees, contractual employees , supervisors and managerial employees on a
regular payroll
2. Exception reports
- this information may contain confidential data that are available only for managerial
decision-making and needs immediate attention. This may pertain to violations of existing
company rules and procedures, policies and management programs.
3. On demand reports
- management may demand some reports for analysis. This may pertain to productivity index,
individual performance records, and other information they may lead to downsizing and other
personnel actions

143 Narra St., Mountview Subdivision, Tanauan City, Batangas

Contact Nos.: (043) 778-6352 | (043) 778-6893
4. Manpower forecast
- applies to predictive models based on specific situations . This may cover increase or
decrease in manpower requirements due to seasonal demand or increased customer orders,
human resource managers must be able to provide timely information and ready manpower to
answer the need of the company operations

Software application for HRM

1. Staffing applications
Common applications used in the area of staffing include the following :
a. applicant recruiting and tracking
b. DOLE reporting requirements
c. Developing a master employee database
d. staffing applications for decision-making

2. Human resource planning applications

This involves company specific applications in determining future employee turnover,
growth rate and promotion patterns and other personal movements.

A. Workforce profile analysis

B. Workforce dynamic analysis
C. Human resource planning for decision-making
D. Performance management applications
E. Training and development applications
F. Compensation and benefits applications

143 Narra St., Mountview Subdivision, Tanauan City, Batangas

Contact Nos.: (043) 778-6352 | (043) 778-6893

________ 1. Strategic planning is the determination of the overall organization purpose and
goals and how they are to be achieved.
________ 2. Human resource planning is the process of systematically reviewing human
resource requirements to ensure that the number of employees match the required skills.
________ 3. The tow important components of human resource planning are requirement and
________ 4. Long term forecasting refers to reasonable predictable movements that occur
over a period of one year or more.
________ 5. Random variation is an occasion where there is no special pattern and is quite
difficult to predict or determine.
________ 6. The final component to the strategic management process is that of strategy
evaluation and control.
________ 7. Intended strategies consists of strategies that evolve from the grassroots of the
organization and can be thought of as what the organizations actually do.
________ 8. Emergent strategies are the results of the rational decision making by top
management as they develop strategic plans.
________ 9. Routine reports are human resource data summarized on a schedule basis like
current manpower status, regular employees, contractual employees, supervisors and
managerial employees on a regular payroll.
________ 10. On demand reports are reports for analysis. This may pertain to productivity
index, individual performance records and other information that may lead to downsizing
and other personnel actions.


______ 1. Is the process of systematically reviewing the human resource requirements to ensure
that the number of employees match the required skills.
A. Strategic planning
B. Human resource planning
C. Curriculum planning
D. Short-term planning
______ 2. The determination of the overall organization purpose and golas and how they are to
be achieved.
A. Strategic planning
B. Human resource planning
C. Curriculum planning
D. Successor planning
______ 3. A planning techniques approach which involves the listing of all the skills possessed
by the workforce which are made to relate to the requirements of the organization.

143 Narra St., Mountview Subdivision, Tanauan City, Batangas

Contact Nos.: (043) 778-6352 | (043) 778-6893
A. Strategic planning
B. Human resource planning
C. Curriculum planning
D. Short-term planning
_______ 4. This is a technique wherein the personnel who are promotable to the higher position
are identified together with their backup or understudy.
A. Skills inventory
B. Ration analysis
C. Cascade approach
D. Replacement approach
_______ 5. A plan is likely to fail through an inherent weakness of having covered too many
aspects of personnel management at the very early stage of Human Resource Planning in the
firm or government office.
A. Technique 0ver- load
B. Over planning
C. Bias for quantitative
D. Isolation of planners
_______ 6. The use of so many techniques sometimes leads to the gathering of so much
information. Then the techniques do not get to be applied effectively. This makes the techniques
serve as the trap rather than the means for action.
A. Over planning
B. Techniques over load
C. Bias for quantitative
D. Isolation of planners
______ 7. It is the process of combining the factors for attaining a changed situation in the
establishment of condition in the physical or social environment.
A. Controlling
B. Planning
C. Directing
D. Organizing
______ 8. An aspect of Human Resource Planning which states the basis of business conditions
and forecasts; manpower needs are planned and monitored closely.
A. Performance management
B. Systematic forecasting of manpower needs
C. Career management
D. Management development
______ 9. An aspect of Human Resource Planning of analyzing, improving and monitoring the
performance of each employee and of the organization as a whole.
A. Management development
B. Performance management
C. Career management
D. Systematic forecasting of manpower needs
______ 10. An aspect of Human Resource Planning of assessing and determining the
development needs of managers for future succession requirements.
A. Performance management
B. Management development

143 Narra St., Mountview Subdivision, Tanauan City, Batangas

Contact Nos.: (043) 778-6352 | (043) 778-6893
C. Career management
D. Systematic forecasting of manpower needs


1. Discuss the personal qualities of the human resource manager that are essential in
the success of a company.

143 Narra St., Mountview Subdivision, Tanauan City, Batangas

Contact Nos.: (043) 778-6352 | (043) 778-6893


Thousands of graduates are added to the nation's workforce every year. These
graduates come either from high school or college. The high school graduates are seeking
manual labor both in industry and in the agricultural sectors. College graduates are
seeking employment based on the course they have taken. Unfortunately, our country
cannot provide them employment for lack of jobs available, both in government and in
the private sectors, in view of this the labor market is wide open to the industry and other
business enterprises.

Meeting needs of human resources

Recruitment is the process of attracting the best individuals to join the company on a
timely basis in sufficient numbers and meeting the qualification requirements, thereby
encouraging them to apply for the jobs in the organization.
The process starts as soon as the need for additional personnel is identified. It is ideally
the result of good human resource planning period this process will thoroughly review
and analyze the manpower requirements. In case the results of the analysis revealed that
the vacancy should be filled up , then the human resource Department will announce the
need for the manpower. To serve the best interests of the company, the recruitment
officer must identify the knowledge, skills and abilities that individual applicant must
possess in order to tackle the duties and responsibilities in the vacant position. The
reference for the qualification requirements is in the existing job description.



- These are the qualified candidates from the company and within the ranks of its
present employees
- they have the advantage of boosting the morale of the other employees and
encouraging them to perform well
- the employees look forward to the brighter future, as management recognizes the
performance of the employees within the organization
- career development or career mobility opportunities are provided
- promotions from within generate a chain effect since they lead to other vacant
positions that may also be filled up from within the organization

143 Narra St., Mountview Subdivision, Tanauan City, Batangas

Contact Nos.: (043) 778-6352 | (043) 778-6893
- the hiring from the outside source is a management option
- if it thinks that no one from within among the next rank of employees can
successfully perform the job or deliver the required output, then hiring an outsider would
be inevitable
- This could also be resorted to when the new vacant position requires added skills due
to the introduction of new technology and the need is immediate and necessary
- another reason why management may resort to hiring from outside is the culture of
conflict among employees who are vying for a new position
- this practice of hiring from outside is resorted to by banishment to eliminate
dissensions among internal employees competing for promotions


- This is the process by which internal recruitment is accomplished
- every time a position becomes available it is posted in the company bulletin board
for the information of all interested parties
- qualified employees are given preference for promotion or transfer to another
- the information posted in the bulletin board should specify and contain the job
description: the Department where there is a vacancy, salary grade, work scheduled and
work conditions
- the deadline for applications should also be stated so that at the end of the
scheduled date, management may open the position to outsiders
- the Standard Time for job posting is a period of one week to two weeks


A. It creates an opening for a lower easy to fill position.
B. The morale of the employee is boosted.
C. Hidden talent may be uncovered and utilized.
D. It saves considerable time and money.
E. Employees are already familiar with the company policy and the job itself and
therefore less adjustment is necessary.


A. Supervisors and managers want to promote someone from their Department whom
they have groomed for the position.
B. Some management members may be upset with the employees who apply for jobs
outside their Department and tend to take such a move personally.
C. Losing an employee to job posting may mean having to wait for replacement that may
not be as good.
D. Some companies believe that it is better to bring new blood rather than recycling
existing ones.

143 Narra St., Mountview Subdivision, Tanauan City, Batangas

Contact Nos.: (043) 778-6352 | (043) 778-6893

A. The employee must have been with the company for at least one year and must be in
the current position for at least six months.
B. The employee must have a rating of very satisfactory before he can apply for the
posted vacant position.
C. The employee can only apply for not more than three times in one year.


- this method of recruitment is found to be effective in local situations
- it is one of the least expensive recruitment systems
- as soon as people learn that there's a job opening, the word is spread around
- the Department head tells other Department heads, the employee talks with other employees
and then it spreads out to the company's community of friends and families
- This is very common in a locality where there are few jobs available and more applicants
want to get employed



a. Regionalism may dominate over the company employees. Tagalogs will recommend those
from the same region, the Ilocanos will dominate if the one at the helm is an Ilocano or so on.
b. Pulling of strings and the padrino system may prevail in the hiring of employees that
discriminate against other applicants, who may be more qualified.

- One popular and often effective means soliciting applicants is advertising it through the
media, like newspapers, magazines, radio or television
- careful planning in terms of content, timing and location can generate a large response,
usually resulting in hiring.



A. For special skills, the ad must clearly stipulate the skills required.
B. In scouting for talent, the wording of the ad should be specific.
C. For applicants who want to know all about specifics, the ad must contain the duties
and responsibilities of the position.
D. Include the details where the applicant should send the resume’ or bio data or where to
apply personally if required.

143 Narra St., Mountview Subdivision, Tanauan City, Batangas

Contact Nos.: (043) 778-6352 | (043) 778-6893
E. Be direct and straightforward in working the ad.
F. Avoid cute and unprofessional phrases as it may reflect on the image of the
G. Hire an advertising agency if you're not sure of what to put in the ad.
H. For hiring of executive positions, the services of a consultancy agency may be


These are ads that do not reveal the identity of the company, instead they give a box number
where the resume' or pertinent papers will be forwarded. This is usually done to avoid
responding to a flood of phone calls or unwanted resume’s.


A. There might be a limited number of applicants for the hard to fill positions where you
want interested applicants to immediately get in touch with you.
B. Blind ads discourage some applicants to apply, as it may be the same company they
are working with.
C. Some applicants may have applied for the same position not too long ago and it is a
waste of time.


- These unsolicited applicants could be a possible source of outstanding employees. They are
not, however, treated very seriously but the human resource Department or the company
receptionist. Most often, the application letters or resume’s are put in the wastebasket or at times
put in file without even looking at the potential qualifications of the applicants.



A. Applications should be categorized into different skills or qualifications.

B. A day of the week must be scheduled for the interview of the applicants.
C. Unsolicited applications can also be reviewed with a list of openings in mind


- Colleges are undisputable sources of talent for an organization to top.
- Recent graduates are considered highly desirable for companies to select, groom and develop
recruits from top schools in the country.
- the records of the graduating students are available at the registrar's office and they are just
too willing to provide the information for companies who need their graduates.
- campus recruitment requires careful planning and preparation.

143 Narra St., Mountview Subdivision, Tanauan City, Batangas

Contact Nos.: (043) 778-6352 | (043) 778-6893
- The job fair an open house are popularly increasing as recruitment sources.
- The organization of the representatives of the company gathered and interview several
applicants over a period of one to two days in some specified fields
- brief interview are conducted during the job fair
- applicants submit resumes and bio data for immediate reference

- Some local government units have their placement offices look for possible employments
for their constituents
- the DOLE has also an agency that compiles applications for referral to the different
- the screen and refer many applicants usually for manual or unskilled positions
- these types of referrals are sometimes difficult to handle due to political pressures


- Radio and television are now used as mediums for manpower recruitment
- the coverage of the advertisement is of great magnitude, more qualified applicants can be
reached and could even tempt other applicants who are not actually looking for job.



A. It is very costly, as the message has to be repeated to get the target audience.
B. The message must be convincing and should be done by a professional.
C. The message on the radio and television should be sincere and pleasing.
D. The name of the company must be repeated including the telephone number so that the
audience can remember where to contact the company.

- The Internet could become another source of employment opportunities.
- Company profiles and job placement could eventually come into the Internet.
- While this method is not frequently resorted to at the moment, it will come easy and
handedly in the future.


A. Application letters or resumes could immediately be sent to the company.
B. Immediate answers could be available through email.
C. Other necessary information could be available from the applicants.
D. Immediate needs of the company on manpower requirements could be answered in a
short time.
E. They are less costly and get immediate response.

143 Narra St., Mountview Subdivision, Tanauan City, Batangas

Contact Nos.: (043) 778-6352 | (043) 778-6893

Test I: Identification: Identify the recruitment method described in the following statements.
Choose your answer from the words listed inside the box.
Advertising media Government employment agencies
Campus/university recruitment Job fair/ open house
Career development system Job posting
Computerized record system Private employment agencies
Electronic recruiting Unsolicited application
Employee referral Word-of-mouth

_________________________1. A method of external recruitment in which a company places

an advertisement of the vacant position in the appropriate media.
_________________________2. The news about the hiring of new personnel for a vacant
position is spread from one person to another through oral communication.
_________________________3. The linking of the recruiting activities to the organization’s
strategic objectives.
_________________________4. The information regarding the personal details, qualifications
and work history of each employee are stored in the computer that allows the HR manager to
quickly locate potential candidates within the organization’s work force.
_________________________5. Advertising job openings to current employees via bulletin
boards, newsletters, personal letters or computerized posting programs.
_________________________6. The applicants approach the HR department seeking a job
without an appointment or they submit a written application letter or resume, or inquiring about
the job without reference to an advertisement . Applicants are often called the “ write ins “ and
“ walk ins “.
_________________________7. The company’s recruiters visit prestigious colleges/university
campuses to attract the best talent for positions requiring a college degree.
_________________________8. Placement officers of some local government units providing
possible employment for their constituents.
_________________________9. Privately run agencies that for a fee provide companies with
clerical blue collar, sales and technical personnel.
________________________10. the company organizational representatives gather to meet the
potential employees and vice versa over a period of one or two days some specified field.

Test II: TRUE OR FALSE. Write T if the statement is correct and F if the statement is incorrect
on the space provided.

_______1. The hiring from outside in the management option if he thinks no one from within is
_______2. The recruitment within the company will create the vacancy that could be sourced out
from the external source.
_______3. The success of job posting depends largely on how well it is designed and monitored.

143 Narra St., Mountview Subdivision, Tanauan City, Batangas

Contact Nos.: (043) 778-6352 | (043) 778-6893
_______4. Pulling of strings and the “ padrino “ system may discriminate against other
applicants who may be more qualified.
_______5. The time of the year affects the applicants’ response to the advertisement.
_______6. Use blind ads to encourage numerous applicants for the “ hard to fill positions”
_______7. The “ walk in and “ Write in “ applicants have always great chances to be hired.
_______8. Recruitments from the universities that produce quality graduates require no planning
at all.
_______9. Applicants with strong recommendations from politicians must be hired even if they
fail to meet the standard requirements.
_______10. Both government and private sectors have lots of jobs to offer to new graduates
based on the courses they have taken.



1. The town mayor of Sta. Catalina, where the plant of Ruiz manufacturing company is
located, sent to Mr. Ruiz, general manager, his private secretary and two former domestic
helper. The secretary and the maids arrived at the company compound in a police car and
the secretary told Mr. Ruiz that the two maids were compromiso recommendees of the
mayor. What would you do if you were Mr. Ruiz? If you were the personnel manager, what
would you do if the maids were referred to you by the general manager?

143 Narra St., Mountview Subdivision, Tanauan City, Batangas

Contact Nos.: (043) 778-6352 | (043) 778-6893
2. A relative of a good and trusted worker is applying for a job in your company. Another
applicant for the same job is better. Whom would you choose if you were the personnel
manager? Why?

143 Narra St., Mountview Subdivision, Tanauan City, Batangas

Contact Nos.: (043) 778-6352 | (043) 778-6893
143 Narra St., Mountview Subdivision, Tanauan City, Batangas
Contact Nos.: (043) 778-6352 | (043) 778-6893

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