Final Paper On Pro-Life
Final Paper On Pro-Life
Final Paper On Pro-Life
The origins of the pro-life movement found its roots in a
among the American society and more especially for women who
To the eyes of many activists, the sexual revolution was seen as not
Movement as its activists argued that life begins at the moment of the
movement: the initial call for civil disobedience and non violent
movement and the call for “guerrilla legislation” by extremist pro-
In our paper, we shall focalize in these three trends and show how
In our last part, we will refer to Bill Moyer’s Doing Democracy : The
of Social Protest and Linda Stout’s Bridging the Class Divide to analyze
the failures of the movement and imagine new strategies for pro-life
Missouri. The room is small and modest, yet it seems to have reached
its full capacity. The audience is made up of young, old, white, black
people who are silently waiting for the man who stands on the stage
to speak. When he finally does, he makes himself heard through the
“ As I look upon this room, there is this voice in my head that tells me
that I’m not alone. And now you can tell yourself that you are not
alone, Roe v. Wade may have been a success for abortionists but we
still have God by our side. He give us the strength to keep on fighting
just like he filled the Civil Right activists with dreams and hopes of a
In his book, Bill Moyer emphasizes the role of the citizen as a person
who seeks the public good and “give the movement legitimacy in the
eyes of ordinary citizens”1. Most of the time, the citizen just like
similarities with the fight against the Apartheid in South Africa or the
First of all, they all cherish the Gandhian idea of civil obedience, that
is to say that all authority comes from the cooperation of the people
Doing Democracy : The MAP model for Organizing Social Movements, p.24
Second of all, many scholars agreed that to the eye of the public,
Martin Luther King was often seen as the charismatic leader of the
approved the general use of birth control pill for women and in 1965,
In 1968, Pope Paul IV issued Human Vitae that voiced the Catholic
sancticity of life.
A Catholic man named Kevin created The Pro-Life Non Violent Action
public: “Another photo shows two tiny, detacher arms and two
approaches her. As she asks several questions to Jane about her age
and her social condition, she points out that she is more than
Enemies of the Choice, p.11
No one would judge her over there; they just want to show her that
parents and you might be the one who would give them this chance.”
By 1970s, more than 100 abortion clinics had experienced sit-ins and
Catholic activists not only sought to appeal to the emotions, they also
By the end of the seventies, their activism seemed to have paid off
and with the 1976 Hyde Amendment that has eliminated abortion
The National Conference of Catholic Bishops issued a resolution to
As we enter, we saw thousands of people, all stood up, fidgety with all
God. As I look upon America today, I cannot help to see its impending
The end of the 1970s soon joined the Pro-Life Movement that had
We can notice that the Pro-Life Movement witnessed two radical
remained quite silent and did not get involved until the end of the
A survey showed that at the beginning of the 1980s, more than 60%
emerged the need for a “political climate to improve chances for the
The movement did not deny its Gandhian heritage but realized it that
eighties, the Pro-life movement was embracing the sixth stage: it had
activists over the years. It was then the good time to target at the
National Right to Life Committee in the extent that it could take direct
Moreover, contrary to the NRLC, the PAC was willing to speak out
American family and, at the same time, sponsoring legislation that
The newly political groups soon became known as the New Religious
Right that would bring inconsiderable votes for the “born again”
The Republican Party later wrote into its platform a plank supporting
Enemies of the Choice, p.165
Enemies of the Choice, p.169
supported the anti-choice agenda so as to have both the judicial and
“ The Roe decision created a huge well funded and well organized
Ronald Reagan replaced three of the justices that had supported Roe
V. Wade and among the three new ones was anti-Roe Justice Antonin
The high days of the Pro-Life Movement seemed to come when the
begins at conception.
to the integrity of Roe v. Wade and groups such as NARAL and NOW
Vietnam War.
The War on Choice, p.124
The tactics moved away from the idea of civil disobedience and
from 1988 to 1992 as for the use of hate mails and harassing calls.
abortion provider living in a suburban era with his wife and his two
kids. While they are all ready to have dinner, his wife Sophie* goes to
the mailbox and comes back into the house with two envelopes. One
She further adds “pro-life violence of the 1990s signaled a move
civil war? We saw in the above part that Pro-life organizations made
and politics.
the beginning of the 1990s, which led some activists to “vilify, harass
and intimidate when they could not change the laws legitimately” 8.
founded the American Life Lobby and joined Jerry Falwell’s Moral
They received financial and strategic help from the New Right and by
It is worth noticing that the organizations did not lose the religious
Killing For Life, p.4
The War on Choice, p.124
The leaders insisted that abortion was an apocalypse, “a revelation of
Even though some activists kept in touch with the original civil
whereas guerilla is radical, random and often violent and illegal”. The
More than the use of biological weapon Anthrax that needed the
Yet, the bombs were not only made to destroy buildings but also to
Killing for Life, p.2
Carol Mason emphasized that the violent trend within the pro-life
groups and they gained the alienation of the majority of the American
We can then draw the conclusion that the violence assimilated to the
Before drawing any conclusions on the future and the latest
Bill Moyer: “If we refer to my book, I would say that they were 3 main
factors: the use of media, the public opinion and their failure to focus
I agree with Gloria Feldt’s The war on choice in which she underlines
of the NRLC was invited and declared that Gunn’s murder was “as
how to influence people on who is the bad guy and who is the good
debate is frozen”10. To the eye of average Joe, Pro-life is unfortunately
The sixth stage of the MAP emphasizes that you have to win the
untouched and several polls have showed that Americans are not
At last, I would say that their alliance with other political groups that
nuclear family drove them away from their main issue and their main
target. You have to remain clear and focus on one issue to win public
As for violence…
the eyes of the public and even less when pro-lifers became to use
Linda Stout : “Regarding public opinion, I’ve already expressed in my
Most of the women in the Pro-life movement did not rely on Medicaid
Moreover, as a woman, I can say that the movement did not appeal to
powers of reasons.”
In 2003, President Push signed the “Partial Abortion Act” that was
education programs and lower federal courts were filled with anti-
choice judges.
Yet just as the prospects of legislative and judicial support for pro-life
We cannot deny it’s not influential in politics and we can’t affirm that
the movement is dead since it’s still active nowadays with the Health
Care Bill.
line behind God and man”. Since their bodies are at stake, they should
My last advice would be to use more wisely media and not to let
extremist that are surely not “pro-lifers” become the face of the
- Enemies of the choice: the right-to-life movement and its threat
to abortion by Andrew Merton