7 Cast Aluminum Alloys EXEMPLO 21
7 Cast Aluminum Alloys EXEMPLO 21
7 Cast Aluminum Alloys EXEMPLO 21
Example 21:
Failure of a Sprocket Drive Wheel in a Tracked All-Terrain Vehicle (Ref 44). A sprocket drive
wheel in a tracked all-terrain vehicle failed. The part was sand cast in alloy LM6M of British
Standard (BS) 1490 (alloy A413.0).
The wheel, approximately 380 mm (15 in.) in diameter, showed extensive cracking around each
of the six bolt holes and evidence of considerable deformation in this region of the wheel.
Sections were taken from the cracked region and prepared for metallographic examination, and
the structures were typical of modified aluminum-silicon alloys. Some variations in the fineness
of the silicon eutectic were apparent, presumably as a result of various chilling rates.
The structure also contained a relatively high concentration of a thin, platelike constituent
(appearing as needles in the cross sections shown in Fig. 65).
The usual platelike constituent found in these alloys is known as β(Al-Fe-Si), and the amount
present is proportional to the iron content.
In this case, the etching reaction of the needles did not correspond to that of β(Al-Fe-Si), and it
was presumed that other minor impurities, such as copper and manganese, were also present. In
fact, many of the plates had a duplex structure, as shown at higher magnification in Fig. 66,
which is from a section through a crack. Figure 66 also shows the strong influence that the plates
had on the path of the fracture.
Drillings were taken from the wheel and submitted for chemical analysis, and the
composition of the wheel was within specification limits.
The iron content, although below the specified maximum, was higher than usual for this
class of material and may have had a deleterious effect on the ductility of the alloy.
Four tensile test pieces, 75 mm (3 in.) long and 6.4 mm ( ¼ in.) in diameter, were taken
from the flange between the bolt holes, and the results of tensile tests are shown in
Table 5, together with the minimum specified properties for separately cast test bars of
alloy LM6M.
Table 5 Tensile test results for alloy LM6M (BS 1490) from failed sprocket drive
There is no provision in BS 1490 for testing bars from castings, but, in North America, it
is common for the minimum specifications in the casting to be 75% of the ultimate
strength and 25% of the elongation of the corresponding separately cast test bars.
Using that criterion, the properties of the sprocket wheel would be considered
satisfactory in alloy LM6M. Tensile testing showed that the casting was as strong as
could be expected for this alloy.
However, somewhat better ductility might have resulted if the iron content had been
lower and, consequently, less of the embrittling, platelike constituent had been present.
However, the extensive cracking and evidence of substantial deformation in the region
around each of the six bolt holes indicated that failure of the part resulted from gross
More extensive deformation before fracture would have been of little or no value.
Most probable cause is that overload resulted in considerable deformation and cracking
and thus ultimate failure, although iron contents may have contributed to crack
susceptibility (Ref 44).
However, several other elements have low solubility and result in acicular phases in the
microstructure. In addition, when the β(Al-Fe-Si) phase was not indicated, the
specimens were not repolished and etched with different etchants, as part of standard
phase-identification procedure for aluminum alloys.
ASM Metals HandBook Volume 11 - Failure Analysis and Prevention
Cast Aluminum Alloys Pag 311
Also, the possibility of energy-dispersive spectroscopy or wavelength-dispersive
spectroscopy analysis in the SEM should have been considered. It is not clear that a
cleaner alloy, based on the incomplete analysis, is a conclusive recommendation.
43. S. Ensha and A. Kumar, Premature Torquing Failures of Cast A356 Aluminum
Actuators, Handbook of Failure Analysis Case Histories, Vol 1, ASM
International, 1992 p 47–50;
44. W.A. Pollard, Failure of a Sprocket Drive Wheel in a Tracked All-Terrain Vehicle,
Handbook of Failure Analysis Case Histories, Vol 2, ASM International, 1993 p 58–60.