Call Descriptions SSD

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Circle Left / Circle Right - 8 dancers............................................................................................................4
Circle Left / Circle Right - 4 dancers............................................................................................................4
Circle Left / Circle Right - 2 dancers............................................................................................................5
Forward and Back (1) From circles.............................................................................................................5
Forward and Back (2) From lines................................................................................................................6
Couples Promenade - All............................................................................................................................7
Single File Promenade................................................................................................................................8
2 Couples Promenade (Full, ½, ¾)..............................................................................................................9
Arm Turns...................................................................................................................................................9
Allemande Left (1) Dancers holding left hands or face to face................................................................10
Allemande Left (2) Dancers are not face to face......................................................................................10
Right and Left Grand.................................................................................................................................11
Left-Hand Stars / Right-Hand Stars (1) In the Center...............................................................................11
Pass Thru...................................................................................................................................................12
Wheel Around...........................................................................................................................................12
Grand Square............................................................................................................................................13
Slide Thru..................................................................................................................................................14
Courtesy Turn............................................................................................................................................14
Four Ladies Chain (Regular & ¾)...............................................................................................................15
Half Sashay................................................................................................................................................15
Ladies In, Men Sashay...............................................................................................................................16
Ladies Chain..............................................................................................................................................17
California Twirl..........................................................................................................................................17
Bend the Line (1) From One-Faced Lines..................................................................................................18
Wheel and Deal (1) From One-Faced Lines..............................................................................................18
U-Turn Back...............................................................................................................................................19

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Dive Thru...................................................................................................................................................20
Weave the Ring.........................................................................................................................................20
Square Thru (1,2,3,4…)..............................................................................................................................21
Star Thru...................................................................................................................................................22
Left-Hand Stars / Right-Hand Stars (2) With Outside Couples to Inside Couples....................................24
Lead Right / Lead Left...............................................................................................................................24
Veer Left / Veer Right...............................................................................................................................25
Chain Down the Line.................................................................................................................................25
Bend the Line (2) From Two-Faced Lines..................................................................................................25
Wheel and Deal (2) From Two Faced Lines..............................................................................................26
(Named Dancers) Circulate.......................................................................................................................26
Couples Circulate......................................................................................................................................27
Couples Trade...........................................................................................................................................27
(Named Dancers) Trade............................................................................................................................28
Reverse Wheel Around.............................................................................................................................28
Left Square Thru (1,2,3,4…).......................................................................................................................29
Right and Left Thru...................................................................................................................................30
Sweep a Quarter.......................................................................................................................................31
Ending Swing with a twirl.........................................................................................................................31
Circle to a Line...........................................................................................................................................32
Reverse Flutterwheel................................................................................................................................32
Around 1 or 2 to a Line.............................................................................................................................33
Around 1 or 2 and Come into the Middle.................................................................................................34
Split Two...................................................................................................................................................34
Double Pass Thru......................................................................................................................................35
First Couple Go Left/Right, Next Couple Go Left/Right............................................................................35
Star Promenade........................................................................................................................................36

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Step to a Wave..........................................................................................................................................36
Dosado to a Wave.....................................................................................................................................36
2 Hand Circle Half to a Wave (Single Circle To A Wave)...........................................................................37
Alamo Style...............................................................................................................................................37
Swing Thru................................................................................................................................................38
Pass the Ocean..........................................................................................................................................39
Left Swing Thru.........................................................................................................................................40
Centers In..................................................................................................................................................41
Cast Off ¾..................................................................................................................................................41
Ferris Wheel..............................................................................................................................................42
Partner Trade............................................................................................................................................42
Trade By....................................................................................................................................................43
Box the Gnat.............................................................................................................................................43
Single Hinge (Hinge)..................................................................................................................................44
Couples Hinge...........................................................................................................................................44
Touch ¼.....................................................................................................................................................45
Single File Circulate (Column)...................................................................................................................45
All 8 Circulate............................................................................................................................................46
Tag the Line (In/Out/Left/Right)..............................................................................................................47
Half Tag.....................................................................................................................................................47
Split Circulate............................................................................................................................................48
Box Circulate.............................................................................................................................................49
Cross Run..................................................................................................................................................49
Cross Fold..................................................................................................................................................50
Scoot Back.................................................................................................................................................50

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LEFT Touch ¼.............................................................................................................................................51
Wrong Way Grand....................................................................................................................................52
Wrong Way Promenade...........................................................................................................................53

Circle Left / Circle Right - 8 dancers

Starting formation: Squared Set, in facing Circle Of 8

Dance action: Join hands, make a ring and circle in the indicated direction (left is the default if no
direction was given). The amount to circle may be a specified distance or until the next command is

Styling: As dancers join hands (couple handhold) to form a circle, they face slightly left or right as
directed. All dancers walk forward with joined hands; elbows bent comfortably so that hands are above
the elbow. Some regions dance 8-dancer circles with a walking step with no turning motion of the body.
Other regions dance 8-dancer circles with a grapevine step, with the body and arms turning left and

Comments: The command "Circle", without a direction, is a shorthand for Circle Left. It is mainly used in
Singing Calls. When circling, "Reverse" or "Go the Other Way" can be used to tell the dancers to stop
and circle in the other direction.

Circle Left / Circle Right - 4 dancers

Starting formation: Facing Couples

Dance action: Join hands, make a small ring and circle in the indicated direction (left is the default if no
direction was given). The amount to circle may be a specified distance or until the next command is
given. When the action is complete, the dancers end, again, as the same facing couples rotated

Styling: As dancers join hands (couple handhold) to form a circle, they face slightly left or right as
directed. All dancers walk forward with joined hands; elbows bent comfortably so that hands are above
the elbow. The grapevine step is not recommended in 4-dancer circles.

Comments: The command "Circle 4", without a direction, is a shorthand for Circle Left. It is mainly used
in Singing Calls.

When circling, "Reverse" or "Go the Other Way" can be used to tell the dancers to stop and circle in the
other direction.

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Circle Left / Circle Right - 2 dancers
Starting formation: Facing Dancers

Dance action: Join hands and circle in the indicated direction (left is the default if no direction was
given). The amount to circle may be a specified distance or until the next command is given. When the
action is complete, the dancers end, again, as the same facing dancers rotated appropriately.

Styling: As dancers join hands, they face slightly left or right as directed. Dancers rotate with joined
hands; elbows bent comfortably so that hands are above the elbow.

Typically, with a man and woman doing the action, men's palms are up, and women's palms are down.
When the same genders are doing the action, everyone’s right-hands are palm up and left-hands are
palm down.

Comments: The command "Circle 2", without a direction, is a shorthand for Circle Left.

The commands "Circle with…" or “Single Circle,” are shorthand for Circle 2

Forward and Back (1) From circles

Starting formation: Squared Set, in facing Circle Of 8

Dance action: Dancers join hands with those next to them, walk forward 3 steps, pause, walk backwards
3 steps, and pause.

Styling: Each dancer steps forward and pauses while bringing the free foot forward and touching it to
the floor without transferring weight. Each dancer steps back beginning with the free foot and pauses in
preparation for the following command.

Comments: It is common for dancers to express their excitement by exclaiming “Woo” or similar as they
come together.

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Forward and Back (2) From lines
Starting formation: Lines

Dance action: Dancers join hands with those next to them, walk forward 1 step, pause, walk backwards
1 step, and pause.

Styling: Each dancer steps forward and pauses while bringing the free foot forward and touching it to
the floor without transferring weight. Each dancer steps back beginning with the free foot and pauses in
preparation for the following command.

As couples or lines meet in the center, the end dancers may touch or clap their outside hands palm to
palm (palms flat, fingers pointed upwards).

Comments: Some callers clue the dancers with phrases like "Balance Up and Back" or "Rock Forward
and Back", and otherwise expect 8 steps.

Forward and Back is also used as a signal from the caller to any square that has broken down that it can
get started again by making normal Facing Lines and joining the sequence in progress.

It is becoming increasingly common for some callers to call Forward and Back from lines facing out. The
dance action is the same except the Styling of touching/clapping hands is omitted.

Starting formation: Facing Dancers

Dance action: In a smooth circular path, dancers walk forward, passing right shoulders, sidestep to the
right, back up, passing left shoulders, to return to their starting position (facing).

Mantra/Reminder: Right, Behind, Back Up.

Styling: Arms are in natural dance position. Some new dancers dance Dosado with their arms crossed in
front of them. While this indicates that the dancer has been exposed to square dancing in the past, it is
not the recommended contemporary styling.

Parts: 3-part call

Comments: The command "Dosado Your Corner" is a shorthand for "Face Your Corner; Dosado". The
same for "Dosado Your Partner"

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Couples Promenade - All
Starting formation: Right and Left Grand Circle (only with men facing promenade direction and women
facing wrong way promenade direction), Squared Set, Left-Hand Two-Faced Lines

Dance action: If necessary, adjust to a Promenade formation as follows:

• As a couple will turn to face promenade direction (counterclockwise)

• From a Right and Left Grand Circle, women turn around in a comfortable direction while men step
forward (and to the inside) to form normal couples in promenade direction.

As a unit, each couple walks in a circular path around the center of the set.

On the command "Promenade Home" the couples promenade to the man's home position. Couples end
by turning as a unit to face the center of the set. If directed to Keep Walking, couples continue walking
until the next command is given.

Styling: When all Promenade, the inside dancer's (men’s) distance from shoulder to shoulder should be
less than 6”.

The following promenade position alternatives assume a normal couple. Dancers’ left hands are joined
in front, with the woman’s left hand, palm down, resting on the man’s left hand, palm up. Some
common alternatives for placement of the right hands are:

• Skaters position (CALLERLAB recommended): Right hands are similarly joined with the man’s right
forearm over the woman’s left forearm.
• Skirt Skater’s position 1: The man’s right arm is behind the woman’s back, right hands joined at
the right side of the woman’s waist.
• Skirt Skater’s position 2: The man’s right hand is placed in the middle of her lower back while the
woman’s right hand holds and works her skirt.
• Varsovian position: The woman's right arm is bent, and her hand is palm up near her shoulder
while the man's right arm is behind her, his right-hand palm down in her right palm.
• Couples hand hold: Right hand palm up, left hand palm down when couples are sashayed or same

Ending with a twirl: Promenades may be ended with a twirl when there is no immediate next dance
action. When the couple is at the correct place, the man stops walking and signals the end of the
promenade by raising his left hand over the woman's head, with a cupped hold around her left hand, as
the women continues forward and ducks under and to her right in a clockwise twirl. As she completes
the turn to face her partner, he transfers her left hand from his left hand to his right hand. They then
adjust to side-by-side couple’s position.

The twirl is at the woman's option. – The woman can signify this by resisting raising her left hand over
her head to twirl.

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Comments: Especially in singing calls, if Promenade Home is less than a quarter of the way around the
set, dancers should promenade past home and full around the square.

The previous call can blend into Promenade. For example, from Facing Lines, Reverse Flutterwheel,
Promenade Home

Single File Promenade

Starting formation: In facing Circle Of 8, Squared Set, Left-Hand Columns

Dance action: When some dancers are designated from a Squared Set (e.g., Ladies Single File
Promenade), they will initially step forward into the center.

Designated dancers turn, if necessary, to face promenade direction (right) and move forward around the
center of the set, in single file (one behind another). The next call determines when the dancers stop
and what they do next.

Styling: In Single File Promenade man's arms are held in natural dance position; woman's hands on skirt,
working with the natural swinging motion.

When only some dancers promenade single file, the inactive dancers counter dance, i.e., make room for
them, returning to their position after the others have passed.

Parts: May be concurrent with other dancers if others are directed to move.

Comments: If dancers facing out are designated to Single File Promenade (e.g., Heads Pass Thru,
Promenade Single File), they step forward and promenade outside.

Dancers moving individually and in the opposite direction from Promenade is called Wrong Way Single
File Promenade (e.g., Walk Around Your Corner; See Saw; four boys Wrong Way Single File Promenade

Some callers use fractions with Single File Promenade (e.g., Heads Single File Promenade ½). The
dancers will stay in this single file formation until the next command is given.

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2 Couples Promenade (Full, ½, ¾)
Starting formation: Squared Set

Dance action: Named couples promenade around the outside of the set unless directed otherwise.

Couples walk the designated amount and end by turning as a unit to face the center of the set.

Styling: When designated dancers Promenade a specified distance from a Squared Set the couple
handhold is acceptable.

Parts: May be concurrent with other dancers if others are directed to move.

Comments: On Heads (or Sides) Promenade ½, the Sides (or Heads) momentarily step toward the center
of the set (counter dance) to make room for those promenading. On Heads (or Sides) Promenade ¾ or
¼, the Sides (or Heads) step into the center and remain there.

Arm Turns
Starting formation: Facing Dancers, Mini-Wave

Dance action: Dancers join indicated forearms and walk forward around each other. The amount of turn
can be specified as a fraction or implied by the next call.

Styling: The hand hold for calls defined with Arm Turns is a Forearm hold except in Mini-Wave
formations which do not imply a specific handhold.

Comments: From a Mini-Wave the distance to turn is often specified by a fraction.

Releasing holds and stepping forward is not technically a part of this call but the next call may imply the
necessity to do that.

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Allemande Left (1) Dancers holding left hands or face to face
Starting formation: Eight Chain Thru, Left-Hand Ocean Waves, Right and Left Grand Circle, Alamo Ring
(men facing in), Trade By plus ends face each other.

Dance action: Dancers holding left arms or facing dancers Arm Turn by the left until the men are facing
promenade direction and the women are facing wrong way promenade direction. Release and Step

Styling: Forearm handhold

Parts: 2-part call

Comments: The command "Allemande Left Your Corner" can be a shorthand for "Face Your Corner;
Allemande Left".

Allemande Left (2) Dancers are not face to face

Starting formation: Eight Chain Thru, Left-Hand Ocean Waves, Right and Left Grand Circle, Alamo Ring
(men facing in), Trade By plus ends face each other.

Dance action: As necessary, dancers individually turn in place up to 90 degrees to face their corner, so
that the men are facing wrong way promenade direction and the women are facing promenade
direction. Arm Turn by the left until the men are facing promenade direction and the women are facing
wrong way promenade direction. Release and Step Thru.

Styling: Forearm handhold

Parts: 2-part call

Comments: The command "Allemande Left Your Corner" can be a shorthand for "Face Your Corner;
Allemande Left".

Square dancing has had a long history of occasionally requiring dancers to search out and locate their
corner (often by individually turning in place in flow direction or continuing the last command a little
longer) before doing the Allemande Left.

Callers may assist on an Allemande Left that requires some or all the dancers to turn 360 degrees by
calling, for example, "Allemande Left a Full Turn Around" or "Allemande Left all the way around to your

While Allemande Left is intimately associated with Allemande Left Your Corner, the dance actions were
written without reference to Corner. A phrase like "Allemande Left Wrong Corner " or "Allemande Left
This Corner" is occasionally used as a way for the caller to clarify to the dancers that an Allemande Left is
desired, and that the caller understands that the dancers don't all have their original corners.

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Right and Left Grand
Starting formation: Right and Left Grand Circle, Eight Chain Thru, Trade By plus the ends Face In

Any of the above in which some or all dancers have stepped to a mini-wave, or any formation in which
dancers may conveniently turn up to 90 degrees so the men face promenade direction, women face
wrong way promenade direction, and the formation is now one of the above.

Dance action: If necessary, men turn up to 90 degrees to face promenade direction and women turn up
to 90 degrees to face reverse promenade direction. Dancers blend into a circular formation as they Right
Pull by, Left Pull By, Right Pull By, Left Pull By.

Mantra/Reminder: Count hands “1, 2, 3, 4”

Styling: Handshake holds are involved only to initiate pull-by movements, and released immediately, no
twirls. Arms should be held in natural dance position.

Parts: 4-part call

Comments: Men particularly should stand tall and resist the temptation to lean over and stretch out
their hand to the next person. Just a comfortable extension of the arm and hand is all that is necessary.

Dancers should be sure to release hand holds at the proper time and not hang on or they will be pulled
out of position.

Left-Hand Stars / Right-Hand Stars (1) In the Center

Starting formation: Facing Couples, Squared Set, in facing Circle Of 8

Dance action: The designated dancers form a star by stepping forward as necessary and placing the
appropriate hand in the center of the formation. Forming the star may require a dancer to individually
turn in place to adjust.

Dancers turn the star by walking forward in a circle around the center of the star with designated hands
retaining their connection. The distance traveled may be specified in fractions of a star full around, or
until some condition is met.

If the following call is not specified or doesn’t apply to a dancer(s), they return to the position from
where they began the move. Otherwise, the next call indicates how Stars are completed.

Styling: Palm star hand hold has center hands palms together with fingers pointed up (often done by
ladies or mixed stars). Pack-saddle Star hand hold has center hands holding the wrist of the person in
front of them (often done by men only stars).

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Comments: The stars described above are 4-dancer stars. Stars of 3 or more dancers are also proper.

Pass Thru
Starting formation: Facing Dancers

Dance action: Dancers move forward, passing right shoulders with each other and end back-to-back.

Mantra/Reminder: “Right Shoulder”

Parts: 1-part call

Comments: Can be done from ocean wave in some instances

Callers may use a phrase like "Boys on A Diagonal, Pass Thru", where the boys adjust to face each other,
execute the action, and readjust.

Pass Thru is proper from a Couple facing an individual Dancer. In this case, the Dancer splits the couple,
having the effect of passing one dancer right shoulders and the other dancer left shoulders.

Wheel Around
Starting formation: Couples

Dance action: Couples, working as a unit, turn around to the left (180 degrees). The left- side dancer
backs up while the right-side dancer moves forward. The pivot point is the handhold between the two

Mantra/Reminder: Boys back up

Styling: Dancers use a couple handhold or maintain the handhold from the previous call. They adjust the
handhold as they finish if required by the next call.

Parts: 1-part call

Comments: When four couples are promenading and two couples Wheel Around, extra action is
required. For example, in “Promenade, Keep Walking; Heads Wheel Around,” the Sides stop
promenading while the Heads Wheel Around, and all adjust to Facing Lines.

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Grand Square
Starting formation: Squared Set

Dance action: The designated dancers turn to face their partner. All dancers then perform the following
series of steps, each of which takes one beat of music. These are steps to the beat and NOT just walking.

Step (count 1), Step (count 2), Step (count 3), Step-Turn In (count 4)
Step (count 5), Step (count 6), Step (count 7), Step-Turn In (count 8)
Step (count 9), Step (count 10), Step (count 11), Step-Turn In (count 12)
Step (count 13), Step (count 14), Step (count 15), Step-Pause to Reverse (count 16)
Step (count 17), Step (count 18), Step (count 19), Step-Turn In (count 20)
Step (count 21), Step (count 22), Step (count 23), Step-Turn In (count 24)
Step (count 25), Step (count 26), Step (count 27), Step-Turn In (count 28)
Step (count 29), Step (count 30), Step (count 31), Step-You’re Home (count 32)

On "Step (1), Step (2), Step (3), Step (4)" dancers who are facing nose-to-nose take 4 steps backwards
away from each other. Dancers who are facing across the square take 4 steps forward until they are
nose-to nose.

On the 4th Step-Turn In dancers turn in place 90 degrees during the step to face another dancer nose-
to-nose or across the square. Like the other Steps, this takes one beat.

This continues for each group of 4 steps.

On "Step-Pause to Reverse" dancers take the 4th Step and then prepare to reverse directions without
turning. The next “Step” will be in the opposite direction, as dancers start to retrace their steps.

On "You're Home" those dancers designated to "face" at the start of the call face back in, making a
squared set. The others take the last (fourth) Step and freeze in place.

Mantra/Reminder: “1, 2, 3, turn, 1, 2…”

Styling: Adjacent dancers who walk forward or backward together should use a couple’s handhold. A
wide variety of embellishments may be encountered.

Parts: Concurrent parts call

Comments: At all times during Grand Square, every dancer is facing another dancer either nose-to-nose
or across the square. The caller may designate the number of steps to take (e.g., "Grand Square, 6

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Slide Thru
Starting formation: Facing Dancers

Dance action: Pass Thru and Men Face Right, Women Face Left.

Alternate action: Men face right and slide left; Women face left and slide right.

Mantra/Reminder: “Boys Right, Girls Left”

Styling: Arms in natural dance position. Hands should be rejoined in the appropriate position (Couple or
Hands Up handhold) immediately for the next call.

The turn can be blended with the Pass Thru to finish with a sidestep or dodging motion.

Parts: 2-part call

Comments: Can be done from an ocean wave in some instances

Courtesy Turn
Starting formation: Normal Couples (only Basic and Mainstream), Facing Dancers (Man & Woman only
at Basic and Mainstream

Dance action: A couple works as a unit (side-by-side) and turns around with the left-side dancer backing
up and right-side dancer walking forward. The turning point is halfway between the dancers. Facing
dancers blend into a Normal Couple as they perform this action.

The amount of turning is governed by the following rules below or may be given explicitly. If the rules
are contradictory or none apply, then the amount must be given explicitly.

1. A couple that has other dancers behind it turns 180 degrees to end facing the other dancers.
2. Dancers working on the outside of the set turn to end facing the center of the set.
3. If an inactive, outside man is facing in, with an active woman coming towards him, then the
couple turns to face the direction in which the inactive man had been facing.

Styling: The woman's left hand (palm down) and man's left hand (palm up) are joined.

Right hands are placed according to the woman's choice. If she places her right hand behind her right
hip, palm out, then the man places his right hand in hers without grasping it. If she does not place her
right hand behind her right hip, then the man places his right hand in the small of the back.

Comments: The turning amount can be given explicitly either by the final facing direction (e.g., "to face
back in"), or the total distance, or both (e.g., "Centers go a full turn around to face the outside 2"). The

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phrase "and A Quarter More" can be used to indicate that the couple turns an extra 90 degrees,
generally ending in a Right-Hand Two-Faced Line.

Four Ladies Chain (Regular & ¾)

Starting formation: Squared Set, in facing Circle Of 8

Dance action: All four women Right-Hand Star ½ (or ¾, if designated). All Courtesy Turn to face the
center of the set.

Mantra/Reminder: “RH Star, Courtesy Turn”

Styling: Each man releases his partner and sidesteps to the right while turning his right shoulder slightly
toward the center of the formation blending into the Courtesy Turn. Women use a palm or fingertip

Parts: 2-part call

Comments: Four Ladies Chain is improper if any couple is sashayed or same sex. Some callers use Four
Ladies Chain from normal facing lines. This is danced as if all couples were directly facing the center of
the set except that it ends in the same facing lines.

Half Sashay
Starting formation: Couples

Dance action: Dancers exchange places without changing facing directions. Dancer on the right-side
slides to the left while the dancer on the left steps back, side steps to the right, then steps forward,
ending as a couple.

Mantra/Reminder: “Slide Right in Front of Left”

Styling: Dancers use a normal couple handhold, pulling slightly toward each other as they initiate the
sashay movement. As the dancers complete the call, they catch hands to end in a couple handhold.

Comments: The command "Half Sashay Once and a Half" is proper and ends in tandem dancers

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Starting formation: Couple, in facing Circle Of 8

Dance action: From a couple, the dancer on the right (or the directed dancer) "rolls" across in front of
the other dancer, turning a full 360 degrees to end on the other side, as the other dancer steps back, to
the right and then forward to move smoothly into the vacated position. At the completion of the call,
the dancers have exchanged positions.

From an in facing Circle Of 8 of alternating men and women, unless otherwise directed, the women roll
left across and in front of the men.

Mantra/Reminder: “Roll Right in Front of Left”

Styling: For the purposes of this Styling, assume a normal couple and that the woman is being rolled

Hands held in normal couple handhold maintaining good arm tension and connection throughout.

When the preceding dance action is a Courtesy Turn, the hand connection is slightly different. Dancers
already have left hands joined in front. This connection is maintained throughout most of the Rollaway.
Near the end, the lady lets go with her left hand and joins her right hand with the man's left hand.

From a circle in motion, the man interrupts the circling action by stepping back and then forward, while
the woman uses the momentum of the circle to accomplish the roll-across action.

Comments: In the past, "Rollaway" has also been called "Rollaway with A Half Sashay". This is no longer

The command "Rollaway Once and a Half" is proper and ends in Facing Dancers.

Ladies In, Men Sashay

Starting formation: In facing Circle Of 8 of alternating men and women

Dance action: From a Circle Left, the ladies step forward and pause while the men continue to move to
the left, behind, and past one lady. The ladies immediately step back and rejoin hands in a circle with the
men. From a Circle Right, the men move to the right.

Mantra/Reminder: Boys keep moving.

Styling: Men's hands in slightly up position ready to rejoin the women in the circle.

Comments: Used for occasional variety, any dancers can be asked to go "In" while the others "Sashay".

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Ladies Chain
Starting formation: Normal Facing Couples

Dance action: Women step toward each other and does a Right Pull By (or Right-Hand Star ½). Each man
Courtesy Turns the woman coming toward him to end in Facing Couples.

Mantra/Reminder: “Right Pull By, Courtesy Turn”

Styling: Each man releases his partner and sidesteps to the right while turning his right shoulder slightly
toward the center of the formation blending into the Courtesy Turn.

Parts: 2-part call

Comments: From a squared set with the men at home, Head Ladies Chain is danced by those currently
at the Heads position, even if this involves the original Side women

California Twirl
Starting formation: Normal Couples only

Dance action: Dancers raise joined hands to form an arch. The woman ducks under in a tight left-turning
semicircle, while the man arches over and past the woman in a slightly wider right-turning semicircle.
Dancers will have exchanged places, passing right shoulders, and are both facing in the opposite

Styling: Man and woman use a loose hand grip. Outside hands are in natural dance position.

For smoothness, the joined hands should move backward slightly while being raised to form the arch;
this will give the dancers an initial turning motion toward each other. The woman knows where her
head and hands are, so she should lift her own hand far enough to avoid her head. If she is not
comfortable raising her arm, or if the man's arms are not long enough, the dancers should slide out of
the handhold, and gesture with fingertips at an imaginary arch. The man's hand should be used to aid
the woman's stability as she provides her own momentum. Hands should be adjusted to couple
handholds after completion of the call.

Comments: It is important that the man does not bring down the arch too quick as it can painfully
"wind" or "crank" the woman’s arm.

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Bend the Line (1) From One-Faced Lines
Starting formation: One-Faced Lines, Two-Faced Lines

Dance action: Each half of the line (couple) works as a unit and wheels 90 degrees toward the center of
the original line, with the hand hold between them acting as the pivots.

Mantra/Reminder: Centers back up / Fold in

Styling: As ends move forward, the centers back up, equally. Use a couple handhold. In the event a new
line is formed, immediately join hands in the new line.

Comments: Typically done from lines facing out but can be done from lines facing in

Wheel and Deal (1) From One-Faced Lines

Starting formation: One-Faced Lines

Dance action: Each couple works as a unit and the two parts of the action are blended and danced as
one smooth motion. The couple on the left steps forward. Then each couple wheels 180 degrees toward
the center of the original line, with the original center dancers acting as the pivots about which the
couples turn. The couple that started on the right ends in front of the other couple.

Mantra/Reminder: Right hand couple (wheel) in first.

Styling: Use couple handholds. Center dancers should use the joined handhold to gently guide the end
dancer to circle around them.

From a One-Faced Line, it is a common counter-dance action for the couple on the right (now in front of
the original left-hand couple) to take a small step forward after the turn, especially from lines facing in.

Comments: To assist in understanding this call, here are some helpful facts:

• Dancers wheel toward the center of the line (like Bend the Line)
• Each couple ends facing the opposite direction from which they started

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U-Turn Back
Starting formation: Individual dancer

Dance action: The dancer does an individual about-face turn (180 degrees) in place, turning toward
partner unless the body flow dictates otherwise. If alone the dancer turns toward the center of the set.
If the solo dancer is facing directly toward or away from the center of the set, the turn may be in either

Mantra/Reminder: “About Face”


Isolated dancer: Arms in natural dance position.

Adjacent dancers connected with a handhold: Release the handhold, perform the dance action, and
reconnect with the appropriate handhold (couple or mini wave). Couples promenading in Skater's
position can U-Turn Back without releasing handholds by turning towards each other.

Starting formation: Promenade, Star Promenade, Single File Promenade, Wrong Way Promenade

Dance action: The designated dancers turn out in a small 180-degree arc towards the outside of the set
to continue in the opposite direction.

Mantra/Reminder: “Turn Out”

Styling: If necessary, release the handhold. Continue with arms in natural dance position.

Parts: 2-part call

Comments: Backtrack requires a forward motion before the Backtrack and a forward motion (in the
other direction) after the Backtrack

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Dive Thru
Starting formation: Facing Couples (at least one of which is normal)

Dance action: One normal couple makes an arch by raising their joined hands, while the other couple
ducks under the arch. Both move forward. The couple making the arch does a California Twirl.

Unless otherwise specified, it is the center couple who makes the arch, and the outside couple who
ducks under (dives).

Mantra/Reminder: Centers arch.

Styling: The couple making the arch uses a loose handhold. Stand far enough apart to allow another
couple to dive under. It is permissible for dancers making the arch to part hands momentarily if it is
uncomfortable to reach over diving dancers.

The couple making the arch should keep the arch, if possible, and blend smoothly into the California
Twirl, rather than dropping their hands and then raising them again. The couple diving under uses
couple handhold. Bend low enough and stay close enough to partner to move comfortably underneath
the arch.

Parts: Concurrent parts call

Comments: While the smallest starting formation is listed, Dive Thru is almost always called from an
Eight Chain Thru formation, ending in a Double Pass Thru formation

Weave the Ring

Starting formation: Right and Left Grand Circle

Dance action: Dancers blend into a circular formation as they pass right shoulders, pass left shoulders,
pass right shoulders, pass left shoulders.

Mantra/Reminder: Count shoulders “1, 2, 3, 4”

Styling: Dancers lead with their right shoulder as they pass the dancer on the right, then with the left
shoulder as they pass the dancer on the left.

Parts: 4-part call

Comments: Attention should be paid to keeping the circle a reasonable size (i.e., not too large)

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Square Thru (1,2,3,4…)
Starting formation: Facing Couples

Dance action: Complete as many of these actions as specified (if not indicated, 4 hands is the default):
(“Face partner” means to make a ¼ turn in place to face in or dancer’s momentary partner).

• Right Pull By (Square Thru 1 has been completed)

• Face partner and Left Pull By (Square Thru 2 has been completed)
• Face partner and Right Pull By (Square Thru 3 has been completed)
• Face partner and Left Pull By (Square Thru 4 has been completed)

Mantra/Reminder: Count hands

Styling: With the Pull By the hands are released as each dancer passes each other to avoid guiding one
another to turn the wrong way (don’t hang on).

As in Right and Left Grand, dancers should make their opposite hand available for their next Pull By (or
the next call). On each Pull By, as dancers pass, they should be precisely facing Head or Side walls.

In some areas, it is common for inactive dancers to clap while others execute this call. This should be
done with caution as it can make it hard for dancers to hear the following command.

Parts: Multiple parts call

Comments: In some instances, this can be done from an ocean wave.

The movement can be continued beyond 4 hands (e.g., Square Thru 5).

In addition to normal facing couples, the action can be done from sashayed and same-sex couples.

Alternate commands:

• “Half Square Thru” can be used for Square Thru 2

• “Square Thru ¾" can be used for Square Thru 3
• “Square Thru” can be used for Square Thru 4

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Star Thru
Starting formation: Facing Dancers (man facing woman)

Dance action: Star Thru is similar to Slide Thru, but with hands. Man places his right hand against
woman's left hand, palm to palm, to make an arch. As the dancers move forward the woman ducks
under the arch and turns to her left ¼, while the man arches over and past the woman and turns to his
right ¼.

Mantra/Reminder: Boys right, girls left.

Styling: Hands are joined in raised position at approximately eye level with fingers pointed up to form an
arch. As the call is completed, the hand grip should be readjusted to couple handhold.

Comments: The man's hand should be used to stabilize as the woman provides her own momentum

Starting formation: Facing Dancers (man facing woman)

Dance action: Dancers step forward and slightly to their left to a ballroom hold and rotate clockwise as a
unit. As dancers end the swing, the woman continues turning to her right (unrolling along the man's
right arm) until she is facing the same direction as the man.

Mantra/Reminder: Right hip to right hip

Styling: The actual Styling varies depending on which kind of step is used.

For both the walking and buzz step swing, the man's Styling is the same: left arm bent at the elbow,
palm slightly up, right hand flat on her left shoulder blade. The man should be careful not to dig the
fingertips of his right hand into the soft part of the woman's back near her left kidney.

Walking Step Swing: The woman places her left palm on the outside of the man's right upper arm, being
careful to keep her hand relatively flat so she doesn't grip his arm. She should lift her left elbow a bit, so
she is not clamping down on his elbow. This is also an acceptable position if the man is significantly taller
than the woman. In both swings, the right hand is palm down on the man's left hand.

Walking Step Footwork: Short walking steps clockwise around the central pivot point between the
two dancers.

Buzz Step Swing: This is a faster swing. The woman places her left palm on the man's right shoulder
blade, and she holds her left elbow slightly up, supporting herself without clamping down on his elbow.
In both swings, the right hand is palm down on the man's left hand.

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Buzz Step Footwork: Right foot moves forward in small clockwise circle around the pivot point
between the two dancers while the left foot pushes, as in a scooter motion. Right foot is always in
front of left.

Each dancer is responsible for holding himself up. Dancers will feel a slight leaning back into the
partner's arms, although this lean should not be exaggerated.

Ending the Swing: It is the man’s responsibility to end the swing at the proper time, so that the couple
faces in the proper direction for the next call.

When he is facing the correct direction, the man signals the end of the swing by stopping his motion
while releasing his left hand. The woman continues her motion as she rolls off the man's right arm to
form a side-by-side couple. They then adjust their handhold for the next position (couple handhold or
promenade handhold).

Swings may also the ended with a twirl which will be described elsewhere.

Comments: In some instances, this call may be done from an ocean wave.

Some dancers get dizzy when swinging. Be aware of your partner's needs.

When two dancers who are swinging are of quite different weights (e.g., an adult man swinging a child),
it is rude and dangerous to cause the lighter dancer to leave the ground.

There should be little to no vertical motion while swinging (i.e., no bouncing or hopping).

In a swing, dancers are neither side-by-side with right hip to right-hip, nor precisely facing. Instead, they
are offset one step to the left from facing and at a slight angle with the woman's nose facing the man's
right shoulder.

If a couple is not facing one another and are asked to Swing, they should turn to face and Swing.

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Left-Hand Stars / Right-Hand Stars (2) With Outside
Couples to Inside Couples
Starting formation: Facing Couples, Completing a Star with Outside Couples

Dance action: This slightly adjusted application is similar with the designated dancers forming a star with
the outside couples by placing the appropriate hand in the center of the formation.

Dancers still turn the star by walking forward in a circle around the center of the star with designated
hands retaining their connection. The distance traveled may be specified in fractions or full around

The following call then typically asks designated dancers to execute a move in the center. Those dancers
should orient themselves to the center of the square (away from the star) to complete the next call. The
dancers that are not specified or that the next move doesn’t apply to, should return to the position from
where they began the move or to couples on the outside of the formation facing in (toward the center
of the star).

Styling: Palm star hand hold has center hands palms together with fingers pointed up (often done by
ladies or mixed stars). Pack-saddle Star hand hold has center hands holding the wrist of the person in
front of them (often done by men only stars).

Comments: If, after the initial Star with the outside dancers, the subsequent call is for designated
dancers to make a Star with the opposite hand, it may be helpful for the designated dancers to hold up
the indicated hand as they complete the first Star in preparation of making the new Star.

Lead Right / Lead Left

Starting formation: Couples

Dance action: Directed couple(s), working as a unit, move forward along a 90-degree arc to face the
couple (or wall) to their right or left as specified.

Styling: A couple handhold is maintained throughout the call. Outside hands in normal dance position.

Comments: This call is almost always done from a Squared Set, ending in an Eight Chain Thru formation
with active couples facing other dancers at the end of the call.

However, when done from Facing Couples, the ending formation is Back-to-Back Couples

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Veer Left / Veer Right
Starting formation: Facing Couples, Two-Faced Lines

Dance action:

From Facing Couples, each couple works as a unit and moves forward and in the given direction to finish
in a Two-Faced Line.

From a Two-Faced Line, the given direction must be toward the center of the line. Each couple works as
a unit and moves forward and in the given direction to finish in Back-to-Back Couples.

Styling: All dancers use couple handhold. Outside hands in normal dance position.

Chain Down the Line

Starting formation: RH 2 Faced Lines (center women holding right hands, LH Ocean Waves (center
women holding right hands)

Dance action: Centers Turn ½ (trade) By the Right while ends adjust as necessary. Then the ends
Courtesy Turn the centers to finish in Facing Couples.

Mantra/Reminder: Girls Trade, Curtesy Turn

Styling: From RH 2 Faced Lines, men make eye contact with the approaching woman as they blend into
the Courtesy Turn. From LH Ocean Waves, men turn in to face the approaching woman as they blend
into the Courtesy Turn.

Parts: 2-part call

Comments: At SSD, Chain Down the Line starts only with women as centers and men as ends because
Courtesy Turn is restricted to men turning women

Bend the Line (2) From Two-Faced Lines

Starting formation: Two-Faced Lines

Dance action: Each half of the line (couple) works as a unit and wheels 90 degrees toward the center of
the original line, with the hand hold between them acting as the pivots.

Mantra/Reminder: Centers back up / Fold in

Styling: As ends move forward, the centers back up, equally. Use a couple handhold. In the event a new
line is formed, immediately join hands in the new line.

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Wheel and Deal (2) From Two Faced Lines
Starting formation: Two-Faced Lines

Dance action: Each couple works as a unit and the two parts of the action are blended and danced as
one smooth motion. Each couple steps forward and then wheels 180 degrees toward the center of the
line, with the original center dancers acting as the pivots about which the couples turn. Couples end
facing each other.

Styling: Use couple handholds. Center dancers should use the joined handhold to gently guide the end
dancer to circle around them.

Comments: To assist in understanding this call, here are some helpful facts:

• Dancers turn toward the center of the line (like Bend the Line)
• Each couple ends facing the opposite direction from which they started

(Named Dancers) Circulate

Starting formation: Ocean Waves, Two-Faced Lines, Columns

Dance action: Designated dancers (Boys, Girls, Centers, Ends, Leaders, Trailers, etc.) move forward to
the next dancer position, following their circulate path.

• Dancers looking out of the formation walk in a 180-degree arc and finish in the next position on
the other side, looking in.
• Dancers looking in (or at someone) walk forward one dancer position.

Mantra/Reminder: Stay in your path.

Styling: Arms should be held in natural dance positions and ready to execute the next call.

Comments: The call "(Named Dancers) Circulate" is usually used from Ocean Waves or Two-Faced Lines.

In some instances, dancers on a circulate path may NOT be going in the same direction. Dancers who
meet when going in opposite directions along the same path should pass right shoulders.

Circulate is sometimes used from unusual formations. Dancers still move forward to the next dancer
position, following an unusual circulate path.

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Couples Circulate
Starting formation: Two-Faced Lines

Dance action: Each couple, working as a unit, moves forward to the next position, following their
circulate path.

• Couples looking out of the formation walk in a 180-degree arc and finish in the next position on
the other side, looking in.
• Couples looking in (or at someone) walk forward one dancer position.

Mantra/Reminder: Stay in your path.

Styling: All dancers maintain a couple handhold for Couples Circulate. Couples traveling the shorter
distance should adjust with shorter steps to coincide with those traveling the longer distance. Those
traveling the longer distance should not rush. Arms should be held in natural dance positions and ready
to execute the next call.

Comments: The call "Couples Circulate" is usually used from Two-Faced Lines.

In some instances, couples on a circulate path may NOT be going in the same direction. Couples who
meet when going in opposite directions along the same path should pass right shoulders, similar to Pass

Alternate commands:

• “Circulate” can be used for Couples Circulate from 2 Faced Lines

• “All 8 Circulate” can be used for Couples Circulate from 2 Faced Lines

Couples Trade
Starting formation: Two-Faced Line, One-Faced Line, non-adjacent Couples

Dance action: Couples, each working as a unit, exchange places by walking forward in a semicircle,
passing right shoulders of the right-side dancer if necessary. Couples end facing the opposite direction
from their original facing directions.

Styling: Each couple maintains their handhold. From a Two-Faced Line, center dancers also maintain
their handhold.

Comments: Two couples may Trade only when they are in the same line, facing the same or opposite
directions – not necessarily adjacent.

When four couples are in a 4-couple (tidal) line or (tidal) 2 faced line, “Couples Trade” is executed
separately by each outside couple with the adjacent inside couple.

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(Named Dancers) Trade
Starting formation: Mini-Waves, Couples, non-adjacent dancers

Dance action: Two designated dancers (Partners, Boys, Girls, Centers, Ends, Leaders, Trailers, etc.)
exchange places by walking forward in a semicircle, passing right shoulders if necessary. Dancers end
facing the opposite direction from their original facing directions.

Styling: From a Mini-Wave, dancers maintain their handhold.

Comments: Two dancers may Trade only when they are in the same line, facing the same or opposite
directions – not necessarily adjacent.

Trade, when used without designating dancers, means Everyone Trade.

When four dancers are in a 4-dancer line, 2 faced line or wave, “Trade” or Everyone Trade is executed
separately by each outside dancer with the adjacent inside dancer. Similarly, if six or eight dancers Trade
who are directly in a line, then pairs of dancers Trade, where the pairs are determined working from the
outside toward the center.

Reverse Wheel Around

Starting formation: Couples

Dance action: Couples, working as a unit, turn around to the right (180 degrees). The right-side dancer
backs up while the left-side dancer moves forward. Again, the pivot point is the handhold between the

Mantra/Reminder: Girls back up.

Styling: Dancers use a couple handhold or maintain the handhold from the previous call. They adjust the
handhold as they finish if required by the next call.

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Left Square Thru (1,2,3,4…)
Starting formation: Facing Couples

Dance action: Is similar to Square Thru except that it is started with the left hand. Complete as many of
these actions as specified (if not indicated, “4 hands” is the default): (“Face partner” means to make a ¼
turn in place to face in or dancer’s momentary partner).

• Left Pull By (Square Thru 1 has been completed)

• Face partner and Right Pull By (Square Thru 2 has been completed)
• Face partner and Left Pull By (Square Thru 3 has been completed)
• Face partner and Right Pull By (Square Thru 4 has been completed)

Mantra/Reminder: Count hands

Styling: With the Pull By the hands are released as each dancer passes each other to avoid guiding one
another to turn the wrong way (don’t hang on).

As in Right and Left Grand, dancers should make their opposite hand available for their next Pull By (or
the next call). On each Pull By, as dancers pass, they should be precisely facing Head or Side walls.

In some areas, it is common for inactive dancers to clap while others execute this call. This should be
done with caution as it can make it hard for dancers to hear the following command.

Parts: Multiple parts call

Comments: In some instances, this can be done from an ocean wave. The movement can be continued
beyond 4 hands (e.g., Square Thru 5). In addition to normal facing couples, the action can be done from
sashayed and same-sex couples.

Alternate commands:

• “Half Left Square Thru” can be used for Left Square Thru 2
• “Left Square Thru ¾" can be used for Left Square Thru 3
• “Left Square Thru” can be used for Left Square Thru 4

An extended application of Left Square Thru is “Left Square Thru, on the Third (or other) Hand...,” where
the Pull By action on the specified hand blends into the following call. For example:

• Left Square Thru, on the Third Hand Box the Gnat

• Left Square Thru, on the Third Hand Touch ¼
• Left Square Thru, on the Fourth Hand Left Allemande
• Left Square Thru, on the Fourth Hand Left Touch ¼

The extended application Left Square Thru 1 ½ (or 2 ½, etc.) includes half of the next Pull By and ends in
Ocean Waves

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Right and Left Thru
Starting formation: Facing Couples

Dance action: Right Pull by Then Courtesy Turn

Mantra/Reminder: Don’t turn out.

Styling: Dancers extend right hands to each other, and perform a Pass Thru action, releasing handholds
as they pass each other. A literal "pull" is neither required nor desired.

Parts: 2-part call

Comments: At SSD and Mainstream, Right and Left Thru can only be done with normal couples because
Courtesy Turn is restricted to men turning women

Starting formation: Facing Couples

Dance action: The right-side dancers (often the girls but not necessarily) leave their current partner and
Right Arm Turn with each other halfway to the opposite dancer (the one they were originally directly
facing). In a smooth continuous motion, they take couple hand holds and continue the Right Arm Turn as
a couple working as a unit to finish again as facing couples.

Mantra/Reminder: Girls go across, Pick up a guy.

Styling: Each dancer who is on the outside blends smoothly into a new couple by turning slightly to
become adjacent to the approaching dancer and reaching out to create a couple handhold. Some
dancers begin moving forward before contact is made and then walk slightly ahead of their new partner
so that the overall motion is smoother.

Comments: Some callers may say Ladies Lead, Flutterwheel. The extra words do not change the dance
action and are intended to be helpful. However, dancers should not anticipate and potentially confuse
this with Ladies Lead Dixie Style to A Wave.

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Sweep a Quarter
Starting formation: Facing Couples

Dance action: Working as a unit, couples Circle Right or Left ¼, except that each couple does not join
hands with the couple they are facing. The circling direction continues the motion that completed the
previous call.

Styling: Dancers use a couple handhold.

Comments: Sweep a Quarter is a suffix call. That is, its action depends on the preceding call.

As the previous call ends, each dancer's motion around the center of the Facing Couples formation must
be the same (either clockwise or counterclockwise).

Some common combinations are:

• Flutterwheel, Sweep a Quarter

• Ferris Wheel, Centers Sweep a Quarter
• (From Lines Facing Out) Wheel and Deal, Centers Sweep a Quarter
• Recycle, Sweep a Quarter
• Sweep a Quarter, Sweep a Quarter

Ending Swing with a twirl

Starting formation: Facing Dancers (man and woman)

Dance action: See “Swing” for Dance action.

Styling: See “Swing” for additional Styling information.

Ending the Swing with a twirl: Swings may be ended with a twirl when the next dance action is a
Promenade or there is no immediate next dance action.

It is the man’s responsibility to end the swing at the proper time, so that the couple faces in the proper
direction for promenade or no dance action (home).

When he is facing the correct direction, the man signals the end of the swing by raising his left hand over
the woman's head, with a cupped hold around her right hand, as the women ducks under and to her
right in a clockwise twirl. As she completes the turn to face her partner, he transfers her right hand from
his left hand to his right hand. He continues moving forward as she continues turning to adjust into
promenade position. Twirl takes extra time, space, and control.

Comments: The twirl is at the woman's option. – The woman can signify this by resisting raising her right
hand over her head to twirl.

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Circle to a Line
Starting formation: Eight Chain Thru

Dance action: Each group of facing couples Circle Left ½ (180 degrees). The left-side dancer in the new
outside couple releases the left handhold and slides sideways to the left to become the left end of a
One-faced Line (which faces the line formed by the other four dancers). All other handholds are
maintained. The other dancers continue circling, gradually blending into the One-Faced Line by
unwinding the circle. The final dancer replaces the unwinding action with a forward and left-turning
twirl, walking under an arch made with the adjacent dancer, similar in action to a California Twirl.

Mantra/Reminder: Circle Half, New Center Lady under

Styling: As dancers join hands (couple handhold) to form a circle, they face slightly left or right as
directed. All dancers walk forward with joined hands; elbows bent comfortably so that hands are above
the elbow.

The grapevine step is not recommended in 4-dancer circles.

Parts: 2-part call

Comments: This definition gives the approved way that Circle to a Line should be danced and styled.
There are other dance actions in popular use (with the same ending result). Dancers and callers should
be aware that they may encounter these variations and that this call requires cooperation to be danced

Reverse Flutterwheel
Starting formation: Facing Couples

Dance action: The left-side dancers (often the boys but not necessarily) leave their current partner and
Left Arm Turn with each other halfway to the opposite dancer (the one they were originally directly
facing). In a smooth continuous motion, they take couple hand holds and continue the Left Arm Turn as
a couple working as a unit to finish again as facing couples.

Mantra/Reminder: Boys go across, Pick up a gal.

Styling: Each dancer who is on the outside blends smoothly into a new couple by turning slightly to
become adjacent to the approaching dancer and reaching out to create a couple handhold. Some
dancers begin moving forward before contact is made and then walk slightly ahead of their new partner
so that the overall motion is smoother.

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Starting formation: Designated couples

Dance action: The dancers turn back-to-back and start walking away from each other in opposite
directions around the outside of the square until they meet another dancer. The call ends here unless
further instructions are given.

Mantra/Reminder: turn your back on your partner and listen for the next command.

Styling: Those not active move into the center to get out of the way of the actives.

Comments: While Separate is usually followed with instructions for walking around some number of
inactive dancers, the active dancers can also be directed to perform some other actions

Around 1 or 2 to a Line
Starting formation: after a Separate

Dance action: After a Separate, the active dancers walk around the outside of the set passing the
designated number of inactive dancers. The inactive dancers act as stationary objects (referred to as
goalposts) and do not change their facing direction. However, they should counter-dance as necessary
by stepping forward to allow the actives to walk comfortably around the outside, and then step slightly
backward as the actives pass. The active dancers pass each other as necessary, using right shoulders (as
in Pass Thru). The actives only count inactive dancers in determining how far to go.

When the active dancers walk around their last inactive dancer, they either squeeze in between the
inactive dancers (who move apart to make room) to become the centers of a line or stand outside the
inactive dancers to become the ends of a line.

Mantra/Reminder: Count the designated number of inactive dancers as they are passed.

Styling: Those not active move into the center to get out of the way of the actives.

Comments: While "Around 1" and "Around 2" are the most common, higher numbers are acceptable. In
all cases, the count is of inactive dancers passed by the active dancers. The final actions are sometimes
called "Squeeze In -- Make Lines" or "Hook on To the End -- Make Lines", respectively.

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Around 1 or 2 and Come into the Middle
Starting formation: after a Separate

Dance action: After a Separate, the active dancers walk around the outside of the set passing the
designated number of inactive dancers. The inactive dancers act as stationary objects (referred to as
goalposts) and do not change their facing direction. However, they should counter-dance as necessary
by stepping forward to allow the actives to walk comfortably around the outside, and then step slightly
backward as the actives pass. The active dancers pass each other as necessary, using right shoulders (as
in Pass Thru). The actives only count inactive dancers in determining how far to go.

When the active dancers pass their last inactive dancers, they will either squeeze in between and
through the inactive dancers (who move apart and back together to make room, as in the call Split 2, to
come into the center of the set and take the next call or will continue forward in a semicircle around
their last inactive dancers to end in the center of the set, ready to take the next call.

Mantra/Reminder: Count the designated number of inactive dancers as they are passed.

Styling: Those not active must counter dance. For example, moving forward to provide room when the
actives are on the outside, sliding apart and together when being split, and moving back in place to
finish on the outside.

Comments: While "Around 1" and "Around 2" are the most common numbers, higher numbers are
acceptable. In all cases, the count is of inactive dancers passed by the active dancers.

Split Two
Starting formation: Eight Chain Thru, Completed Double Pass Thru

Dance action: The active or directed dancers move forward between and past the two inactive dancers
(splitting them). The inactive dancers move apart to let them pass then move back together.

Mantra/Reminder: Go between them.

Styling: Inactive dancers counter-dance by moving apart and then back together.

Comments: While Split Two is usually followed with instructions to Separate and walk around some
number of inactive dancers, the active dancers can also be directed to perform some other actions

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Double Pass Thru
Starting formation: Facing Tandems

Dance action: Dancers move forward until all dancers have passed two other dancers. Dancers pass
right shoulders.

Mantra/Reminder: Pass 2 people.

Comments: In some instances, this can be done from waves.

Strictly, Double Pass Thru is a four-dancer call, but it is most commonly used from the eight-dancer
formation of a Double Pass Thru (which is two side-by-side Facing Tandems).

First Couple Go Left/Right, Next Couple Go

Starting formation: Completed Double Pass Thru

Dance action: Couples, working as a unit, walk forward in an arc in the indicated direction. The center
couple takes a step forward before following the second direction given.

If the couples are asked to go in opposite directions (e.g., First Couple Go Left, Next Couple Go Right),
they should keep their indicated arcs tight to end in side-by-side couples or a line of four facing in.

If both couples are asked to go in the same direction (e.g., First Couple Go Left, Next Couple Go Left) the
ending formation is a Promenade or Wrong Way Promenade, and the next call is usually Promenade.

Mantra/Reminder: stay together and make facing lines.

Styling: Use couple handholds. Dancers in each couple who are making the tighter turn serve as the
pivot point. If the next call is Promenade, adjust to a promenade handhold.

Parts: Concurrent parts call

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Star Promenade
Starting formation: 4-dancer star in the center of the set and 4 dancers around the outside of the set

Dance action: Directed dancers (e.g., men) form (or are already in) a star and turn it. When they
encounter the indicated dancer (e.g., partner) they become a couple, and promenade while retaining
the star.

Mantra/Reminder: Centers hang on, pick up Partner/Corner, arm around.

Styling: The centers use the same Styling as in Right- or Left-Hand Stars. Couples have their adjacent
arms around each other's waists.

Step to a Wave
Starting formation: Facing Dancers

Dance action: Dancers walk forward a small step and join right hands.

Mantra/Reminder: connect right hands.

Styling: Dancers should finish using Hands Up position with all adjacent dancers.

Comments: Usually Step to a Wave is called from Facing Couples, ending in a Right-Hand Ocean Wave.
Dancers can also be asked to step to a left-hand wave (e.g., Step to a Left-Hand Wave)

Dosado to a Wave
Starting formation: Facing Dancers

Dance action: Dosado (full around) and Step to A Wave

Mantra/Reminder: Dosado and a little bit more

Styling: Arms are in natural dance position. Dancers should finish using Hands Up position with all
adjacent dancers.

Some new dancers dance Dosado with their arms crossed in front of them. While this indicates that the
dancer has been exposed to square dancing in the past, it is not the recommended contemporary
Styling. Follow the Styling for Dosado and Step to a Wave.

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2 Hand Circle Half to a Wave (Single Circle To A Wave)
Starting formation: Facing Dancers

Dance action: 2 hand circle left halfway, drop hands and step to a wave.

Mantra/Reminder: Circle Left ½ way and Step to Wave

Styling: As dancers join hands, they face slightly left or right as directed. Dancers rotate with joined
hands; elbows bent comfortably so that hands are above the elbow.

Typically, with a man and woman doing the action, men's palms are up, and women's palms are down.
When the same genders are doing the action, everyone’s right-hands are palm up and left-hands are
palm down.

Dancers should finish using Hands Up position with all adjacent dancers.

Alamo Style
Starting formation: Eight Chain Thru, Left-Hand Ocean Waves, Right and Left Grand Circle, Alamo Ring
(men facing in), Trade By plus ends face each other.

Dance action: Dancers start an Allemande Left but continue the Arm Turn until the men are looking
toward the center of the square and the women are looking out. Maintain the left handhold and join
right hands with the adjacent dancer to form an Alamo Ring.

Styling: Bring both hands up at the same time, sliding smoothly out of the forearm grip of the Allemande
Left, to blend into the same Styling as Step to a Wave

Starting formation: Mini-Wave

Dance action: Each dancer steps forward on one foot, using moderate tension in their connection with
adjacent dancer(s), and pauses while bringing the other foot forward and touching it to the floor
without transferring weight. Each dancer steps back on the free foot and pauses while touching the
other foot beside it.

Mantra/Reminder: Forward and back

Styling: Dancers maintain handholds throughout the call. Dancers should go forward no farther than

Comments: Usually Balance is called from an Alamo Ring or an Ocean Wave

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Swing Thru
Starting formation: Right hand Ocean Waves, left hand Ocean Waves, Alamo Rings

Dance action: Those who can turn ½ (180 degrees) by the right; then those who can turn ½ (180
degrees) by the left.

Mantra/Reminder: Those who can, ½ right, ½ left.

Styling: Use Hands Up throughout the call. The first part of the call blends smoothly into the second

Parts: 2-part call

Comments: This call can be done from Facing Couples by simply stepping to a wave.

From a Tidal Wave, Swing Thru is danced in the Ocean Wave on each half; no dancers cross the center of
the Tidal Wave.

Starting formation: Mini-Waves, Couples

Dance action: Working in pairs, each designated runner works with a non-runner either to their
immediate right or left. The runner and non-runner exchange places as the runner walks forward in a
semicircle into the non-runner's spot (ending with the opposite facing direction), while the non-runner
side steps into the runner's spot without changing facing direction.

Mantra/Reminder: Who slides.

Styling: Hands should blend into the handhold required for the ending formation (i.e., Couple or Mini-

Parts: Concurrent parts call

Comments: direction may be given that indicates where the non-runner is relative to the runner (e.g.,
Swing Thru, Boys Run Right) but may not be necessary

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Pass the Ocean
Starting formation: Facing Couples (other formations beyond Mainstream/SSD)

Dance action: In a smooth and continuous motion, Pass Thru, Face Partner (in), Step to A Wave

Mantra/Reminder: Pass, face, step

Styling: The left-side dancers walk in a forward arc to the right to their ending position. The right-side
dancers walk forward to join left hands (hands up Styling) and turn ¼ with each other.

Parts: 3-part call

Starting formation: Double Pass Thru, ¼ Tag, Ocean Waves, ¾ Tag

Dance action: Walk forward from one tagging formation to the next. Where possible, handedness is
maintained. The successive formations are;

• Double Pass Thru to ¼ Tag (an ocean wave between 2 in-facing couples)
• ¼ Tag to (parallel) Ocean Waves
• Ocean Waves to ¾ Tag (an ocean wave between 2 out-facing couples)
• ¾ Tag to Completed Double Pass Thru

Mantra/Reminder: Move ahead to a new formation.

Styling: All dancers should have their hands in ready dancing position for the formation resulting from
the call (couple handhold or Ocean Wave hand position).

Comments: The resulting handedness (right hand or left hand) of any new ocean wave is the same is the
same handedness of any immediately previous ocean wave. From a Double Pass Thru, the resulting ¼
Tag is right-handed.

The command “Centers Step to A Wave” is the same as Extend from Double Pass Thru formation.

The command “Centers Step Thru” is the same as Extend from ¾ Tag formation.

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Left Swing Thru
Starting formation: Right hand Ocean Waves, left hand Ocean Waves, Alamo Rings

Dance action: Those who can turn ½ (180 degrees) by the left; then those who can turn ½ (180 degrees)
by the right.

Mantra/Reminder: Those who can, ½ left, ½ right.

Styling: Use Hands Up throughout the call. The first part of the call blends smoothly into the second

Parts: 2-part call

Comments: This call can be done from Facing Couples by simply stepping to a wave.

From a Tidal Wave, Swing Thru is danced in the Ocean Wave on each half; no dancers cross the center of
the Tidal Wave.

Starting formation: Tandem dancers (leaders and trailers). Usually, Tandem Couples or a Box Circulate.

Dance action: Lead dancer walks in a full circle, turning out, away from their partner or center of the
formation, and ending up on the spot of the trailing dancer. The trailing dancer walks forward to take
the spot of the lead dancer.

Mantra/Reminder: Leaders out, Trailers up

Styling: When the trailing dancers form a Couple, they maintain a couple handhold. It is important that
the lead dancers initiate the roll out movement with a slight forward motion to allow sufficient room for
the trailing dancers to step forward comfortably.

Parts: Concurrent parts call

Comments: Zoom can be called form ocean waves or 2 faced lines but only ends should be specified and
can execute the action.

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Centers In
Starting formation: Completed Double Pass Thru, Eight Chain Thru.

Dance action: Without changing facing direction, the outside dancers sidestep apart to make room for
the center dancers to step forward in between them.

Mantra/Reminder: step between the leaders

Styling: Center dancers maintain their couple hand holds and as they step between the outside dancers
they take hands with them, as appropriate (couple handhold if facing the same direction or Ocean Wave
Styling if facing opposite directions)

Cast Off ¾
Starting formation: Mini-Waves, one-faced lines, two-faced lines

Dance action: From Ocean Waves or inverted lines, each half of the line works together as a Mini-Wave
and Turns ¾.

From one-faced or two-faced lines, each half of the line works together as a unit and turns away from
the center of the line for ¾ of a circle (270 degrees).

Mantra/Reminder: Count the quarter turns (3)

Styling: Dancers who are partners maintain current handholds (couples or mini wave) throughout the

Comments: The command “Cast ¾” is the same as Cast Off ¾. There are additional formations in
extended applications that his call can be done from.

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Ferris Wheel
Starting formation:

Dance action: Each Couple Steps Forward. Out-facing couples do their part of Wheel and Deal. In a
smooth, continuous motion, in-facing Couples form a momentary Two-Faced Line in the center, and
without stopping Wheel and Deal.


Styling: All dancers use couple handholds. For the in-facing couples, the dance action should be a
forward and wheeling action, with the end dancer leading the movement. The center dancer should
avoid “pulling the end dancer around” as the end dancer has a much longer distance to travel.

Parts: Concurrent parts call

Comments: Tight formations are especially important for this call. It is not necessary for the couples to
touch adjacent hands in the momentary two-faced line, but some popular Styling variations do involve
touching or slapping hands.

Partner Trade
Starting formation: Couples

Dance action: Two adjacent dancers (as a couple) exchange places by walking forward in a semicircle,
passing right shoulders. Dancers end facing the opposite direction from their original facing directions.

Mantra/Reminder: Pass right shoulders.

Styling: Dancers release their handhold before executing the action.

Comments: Partner Trade can only be done by couples where both dancers are facing the same

It is common to use Partner Trade rather than Trade for a Couple, but both are proper and have the
same effect.

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Trade By
Starting formation: Trade By (inside couples facing in, outside couples facing out)

Dance action: Centers Pass Thru while outsides Partner Trade

Mantra/Reminder: Pass and Trade

Parts: Concurrent parts call

Comments: In some instances, the center couples can do this call from an ocean wave

Box the Gnat

Starting formation: Facing Dancers (man and woman)

Dance action: Dancers join and raise their right hands to make an arch; these hands remain connected
throughout the call. In one smooth motion dancers exchange places and turn around:

• The woman turns left and goes (backs) under the arch.
• The man turns right and walks forward around the woman. At the end of the call, each dancer will
be standing in the other’s original position, and they will again be facing.

Mantra/Reminder: Right hands and switch places

Styling: There are two common hand holds specific to this call. The first involves hooking fingers with
both dancers’ thumbs pointed up. As they execute the action, their arms naturally roll over, so their
thumbs point down while their fingers remain hooked.

The second requires the lady to touch the back of her right hand to the man’s right palm. As they
execute the action, the lady’s hand swivels in the man’s palm ending in a hands up, palm to palm hand

Comments: In some instances, this call can be done from ocean waves or mini waves.

From a Mini-Wave, dancers smoothly adjust handholds into the one described above. Depending on the
handhold used in waves (which can vary regionally), this may require dancers initially to back up slightly.

The right hands are still joined at the completion of the action, and often the next call will begin with the
joined right hands.

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Single Hinge (Hinge)
Starting formation: Mini-Wave

Dance action: ½ of a Trade. Two designated dancers (Partners, Boys, Girls, Centers, Ends, Leaders,
Trailers, etc.) turn ¼ with their joined hands by walking forward in a tight semicircle.

Mantra/Reminder: ½ a trade/¼ arm turn

Styling: Dancers maintain their handhold

Comments: The command "Hinge" can be used for Single Hinge.

Single Hinge, when used without designating dancers, means Everyone Single Hinge

Couples Hinge
Starting formation: One-Faced Lines and Two-Faced Lines

Dance action: ½ of a Couples Trade.

From Two-Faced Lines: Couples, working as a unit, wheel ¼ with their center joined hands by walking
forward in a semicircle.

From One-Faced Lines: Working as a unit, The couple on the left steps forward. Then each couple wheels
¼ toward the center of the original line, with the original center dancers acting as the pivots about
which the couples turn.

Couples end in two-faced lines at 90 degrees from their original facing directions.

Styling: Each couple maintains their handholds

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Touch ¼
Starting formation: Facing Dancers

Dance action: In one smooth motion, Step to a mini-wave and turn ¼ by the right (Hinge or ½ of Trade)

Mantra/Reminder: Touch and Single Hinge

Styling: Hands Up (right hand palms together)

Parts: 2-part call

Comments: Though remarkably similar, Touch ¼ is always done from facing dancers while single hinge is
done from a mini wave

Single File Circulate (Column)

Starting formation: Columns

Dance action: All dancers move forward to the next position, following their circulate path.

• Dancers looking out of the formation walk in a 180-degree arc and finish in the next position on
the other side, looking in.
• Dancers looking in (or at someone) walk forward one dancer position.

Mantra/Reminder: Ends flip over.

Styling: Arms should be held in natural dance positions and ready to execute the next call.

Parts: Concurrent parts call

Comments: The call "Single File Circulate" is always used from Columns

In some instances, dancers on a circulate path may NOT be going in the same direction. Dancers who
meet when going in opposite directions along the same path should pass right shoulders.

Alternate commands:

• “Circulate” can be used for Single File Circulate from Columns

• “Column Circulate” can be used for Single File Circulate from Columns
• “All 8 Circulate” can be used for Single File Circulate from Columns

Circulate is sometimes used from unusual formations. Dancers still move forward to the next dancer
position, following an unusual circulate path.

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All 8 Circulate
Starting formation: Ocean Waves, Two-Faced Lines, Columns

Dance action: All dancers move forward to the next position, following their circulate path.

• Dancers looking out of the formation walk in a 180-degree arc and finish in the next position on
the other side, looking in.
• Dancers looking in (or at someone) walk forward one dancer position.

Mantra/Reminder: Stay in your path.

Styling: Arms should be held in natural dance positions and ready to execute the next call.

Parts: Concurrent parts call

Comments: The call "All 8 Circulate" is usually used from Ocean Waves, Two-Faced Lines, or Columns

In some instances, dancers on a circulate path may NOT be going in the same direction. Dancers who
meet when going in opposite directions along the same path should pass right shoulders.

Alternate commands:

• “Circulate” can be used for All 8 Circulate from Ocean Waves

• “All 8 Circulate” can be used for Couples Circulate from 2 Faced Lines
• “All 8 Circulate” can be used for Single File Circulate from Columns

Circulate is sometimes used from unusual formations. Dancers still move forward to the next dancer
position, following an unusual circulate path.

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Tag the Line (In/Out/Left/Right)
Starting formation: One-Faced Lines, Two-Faced Lines, Ocean Waves

Dance action: Each dancer turns 90 degrees, in place, to face the center of the line (i.e., turning toward
the far end of the line) and then walks forward, passing right shoulders with all dancers in the other half
of the line, until the last dancers in each half have passed each other (Double Pass Thru). If a facing
direction is given, each dancer then turns 90 degrees, in place, toward the specified direction.

Mantra/Reminder: Face the center of the line

Styling: Arms in natural dance position, hands ready to assume appropriate position for the next call.

Parts: 2–3-part call

Comments: Tag the Line is a 4-dancer call. After Tag the Line, the direction in (or out) means to turn
toward (or away from) the center of the set. The direction given may not be the same for all dancers,
(e.g., Tag the Line, Boys Face Left, Girls Face Right).

Half Tag
Starting formation: One-Faced Lines, Two-Faced Lines, Ocean Waves

Dance action: Each dancer turns 90 degrees, in place, to face the center of the line (i.e., turning toward
the far end of the line) and then walks forward, passing right shoulders until adjacent with the dancers
from the other half of the line, (half of a Double Pass Thru).

Mantra/Reminder: Face the center of the line, step to 2 waves

Styling: Arms in natural dance position, hands ready to assume appropriate position for the next call.

Parts: 2- part call

Comments: Half Tag is a 4-dancer call.

After Half Tag, there is no direction In, out, right, or left.

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Split Circulate
Starting formation: Ocean Waves, Columns

Dance action: Divide (“split”) the formation in half to adjacent boxes, dancers move forward to the next
position, following their circulate path.

• Dancers looking out of the formation walk in a 180-degree arc and finish in the next position on
the other side, looking in.
• Dancers looking in (or at someone) walk forward one dancer position.

Mantra/Reminder: Stay in your box.

Styling: Arms should be held in natural dance positions and ready to execute the next call.

Parts: Concurrent parts call

Comments: In some instances, dancers on a circulate path may NOT be going in the same direction.
Dancers who meet when going in opposite directions along the same path should pass right shoulders.

Circulate is sometimes used from unusual formations. Dancers still move forward to the next dancer
position, following an unusual circulate path.

Starting formation: Couples, Mini-Waves

Dance action: The designated dancer steps forward and walks in a tight semi-circle toward the adjacent
dancer to end facing or behind that dancer. The non-designated dancer is inactive and does not move.

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Box Circulate
Starting formation: Box Circulate

Dance action: In their designated box (typically centers) dancers move forward to the next position,
following their circulate path.

• Dancers looking out of the formation walk in a 180-degree arc and finish in the next position on
the other side, looking in.
• Dancers looking in (or at someone) walk forward one dancer position.

Mantra/Reminder: Stay in your path/box.

Styling: Arms should be held in natural dance positions and ready to execute the next call.

Parts: Concurrent parts call

Comments: The call "Box Circulate" is usually used from Ocean Waves or Columns

In some instances, dancers on a circulate path may NOT be going in the same direction. Dancers who
meet when going in opposite directions along the same path should pass right shoulders.

Alternate commands:

• “Circulate” can be used for Box Circulate once the box has been specified

Circulate is sometimes used from unusual formations. Dancers still move forward to the next dancer
position, following an unusual circulate path.

Cross Run
Starting formation: One-faced Lines, Two-faced Lines, Ocean Waves

Dance action: Designated cross-runners (centers or ends only) walk forward in a semi-circle, crossing the
center line of the group of four, into the spot vacated by the farther non-runner (ending with the
opposite facing direction). Simultaneously each non-runner side steps into the spot of the closer cross
runner without changing facing direction.

Mantra/Reminder: Cross the center, who slides?

Styling: Hands should blend into the handhold required for the ending formation (i.e., Couple or Mini

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Cross Fold
Starting formation: One-Faced Lines, Two-Faced Lines, Ocean Waves

Dance action: Designated dancers step forward and walk in a semicircle, passing both the center of the
line and one dancer position, to end facing the position of the next dancer. Non-designated dancers are
inactive and do not move.

Parts: Cross the center

Comments: For Ends Cross Fold when the ends are facing the same way, they pass right shoulders with
each other. For Centers Cross Fold when the centers are facing the same way, they Half Sashay, blending
into a Fold to face the original far end position.

Scoot Back
Starting formation: Box Circulate, ¼ Tag

Dance action:

From Box Circulate: Trailers (in facers) Extend, Arm Turn ½ with adjacent arms, Extend. At the same
time, leaders (out facers) Box Circulate (flip over).

From a ¼ Tag: All Extend, Arm Turn ½ with adjacent arms, Extend. Styling: Those who Arm Turn ½ use a
forearm handhold.

Mantra/Reminder: Extend, Trade, Extend or Box/Split Circulate ½, Trade, Box/Split Circulate ½.

Parts: Concurrent parts call

Comments: From a left-handed formation, the Arm Turn is left-handed, and the Ending formation is left-

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Starting formation: Ocean Wave (at SSD & Mainstream)

Dance action: Described in two ways.

Explanation 1: In a smooth continuous motion, each end and adjacent center Hinge, leaders (out-facers)
fold, in single file, both walk forward to box circulate formations with those from the other end of the
wave, all face in. Ending as facing couples.

Explanation 2: Ends Cross Fold. At the same time, each Center Folds behind the adjacent (moving) End
and follows them, adjusting to finish side-by-side in Facing Couples.

Mantra/Reminder: “Hinge, Fold, Follow and Face” or “Cross Fold, Follow and Face”

Styling: As each End and adjacent Center begin to turn, they release their mini-wave handhold. They
smoothly establish a couple handhold once they are approximately facing the same direction.

Parts: Concurrent parts call

Comments: Centers walk a full circle to finish a small step back from where they started and beside the
dancer they followed

LEFT Touch ¼
Starting formation: Facing Dancers

Dance action: In one smooth motion, Step to a Left hand mini-wave and turn ¼ by the left (Hinge or ½ of

Mantra/Reminder: Left Touch and Single Hinge

Styling: Hands Up (Left hand palms together)

Parts: 2-part call

Parts: Concurrent parts call

Comments: Though very similar, Left Touch ¼ is always done from facing dancers while single hinge is
done from a mini wave.

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Wrong Way Grand
Starting formation: Wrong Way Grand Circle (men facing wrong way promenade direction, women
facing promenade direction)

Any formation in which dancers may conveniently turn up to 90 degrees so the men face wrong way
promenade direction, women face promenade direction, and the formation is then the above.

Dance action: Same as for Right and Left Grand (#8a), except the men go in wrong way promenade
direction and women go in promenade direction. Dancers blend into a circular formation as they Right
Pull by, Left Pull By, Right Pull By, Left Pull By.

Mantra/Reminder: Count hands “1, 2, 3, 4”

Styling: Handshake holds are involved only to initiate pull-by movements, and released immediately, no
twirls. Arms should be held in natural dance position.

Parts: 4- part call

Comments: Men particularly should stand tall and resist the temptation to lean over and stretch out
their hand to the next person. Just a comfortable extension of the arm and hand is all that is necessary.

Dancers should be sure to release hand holds at the proper time and not hang on or they will be pulled
out of position.

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Wrong Way Promenade
Starting formation: Wrong Way Grand Circle (with men facing wrong way promenade direction and
women facing promenade direction), Squared Set, Right-Hand Two-Faced Lines

Dance action: Like Promenade, except dancers go clockwise (i.e., in the opposite direction of

If necessary, adjust to a Wrong Way Promenade formation as follows:

• As a couple will turn to face wrong way promenade direction (clockwise)

• From a Wrong Way Grand Circle, women turn around in a comfortable direction while men step
forward (and to the outside) to form normal couples in wrong way promenade direction.

As a unit, each couple walks in a circular path around the center of the set.

On the command "Wrong Way Promenade Home" the couples promenade to the man's home position.
Couples end by turning as a unit to face the center of the set. If directed to Keep Walking, couples
continue walking until the next command is given.

Styling: When all Promenade, the inside dancer's (women’s) distance from shoulder to shoulder should
be less than 6”.

See Couples Promenade for promenade positions.

Comments: Especially in singing calls, if Wrong Way Promenade Home is less than a quarter of the way
around the set, dancers should promenade past home and full around the square.

The previous call can blend into Promenade. For example, from Facing Lines, Flutterwheel, Wrong Way
Promenade Home

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2 Hand Circle Half to a Wave..........................37 First Couple Go Left/Right, Next Couple Go
Alamo Style.....................................................37 Left/Right....................................................35
Allemande Left....................Also See Arm Turns Flutterwheel....................................................30
From face to face........................................10 Fold..................................................................48
From not face to face..................................10 Forward and Back
Arm Turn...........................................................9 From circles
Around 1 or 2 and Come into the Middle.......34 From lines..................................................5
Around 1 or 2 to a Line...................................33 Four Ladies Chain..........Also See Courtesy Turn
Backtrack.........................................................19 Regular
Balance............................................................37 ¾ 15
Bend the Line Grand Square..................................................13
From One-Faced Line..................................18 Half Sashay......................15, Also See Rollaway
From Two-Faced Lines................................25 Half Tag...........................................................47
Box the Gnat...................................................43 Hinge
California Twirl................................................17 Couples........................................................44
Cast Off ¾........................................................41 Single...........................................................44
Centers In........................................................41 Ladies Chain.............17, Also See Courtesy Turn
Chain Down the Line.......................................25 Ladies In, Men Sashay.....................................16
Circle Lead Left..........................................................24
2 dancers.......................................................5 Lead Right.......................................................24
8 dancers Left Square Thru.........29, Also See Square Thru
4 dancers...................................................4 Left Swing Thru.............40, Also See Swing Thru
Circle to a Line.................................................32 Pass the Ocean................................................39
Circulate Pass Thru.........................................................12
All 8.............................................................46 Promenade
Box..............................................................49 2 Couples.......................................................9
Couples........................................................27 All..................................................................7
Named Dancers...........................................26 Single File......................................................8
Single file Wrong Way.........53, Also See All Promenade
Column....................................................45 Recycle............................................................51
Split.............................................................48 Reverse Flutterwheel.32, Also See Flutterwheel
Courtesy Turn..................................................14 Reverse Wheel Around.......28, Also See Wheel
Cross Fold........................................................50 Around
Cross Run........................................................49 Right and Left Grand.......................................11
Dive Thru...............20, Also See California Twirl Right and Left Thru.........................................30
Dosado..............................................................6 Rollaway......................16, Also See Half Sashay
Dosado to a Wave...........................................36 Run..................................................................38
Double Pass Thru............................................35 Scoot Back.......................................................50
Ending Swing with a twirl.....31, Also See Swing Separate..........................................................33
Extend.............................................................39 Single Circle to a WaveSee 2 Hand Circle Half to
Ferris Wheel....................................................42 a Wave

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Slide Thru.........................14, Also See Star Thru Named Dancers...........................................28
Split Two.........................................................34 Partner........................................................42
Square Thru.....................................................21 Trade By.......43, Also See Partner Trade & Pass
Star Promenade..............................................36 Thru
Star Thru.........................22, Also See Slide Thru U-Turn Back.....................................................19
Stars Veer Left..........................................................25
In the Center...............................................11 Veer Right.......................................................25
With Outside Couples.................................24 Weave the Ring.......20, Also See Right and Left
Step to a Wave................................................36 Grand
Sweep a Quarter.............................................31 Wheel and Deal
Swing.........................22, Also See Ending Swing From One-Faced Lines.................................18
Swing Thru......................................................38 From Two-Faced Lines................................26
Tag the Line.....................................................47 Wheel Around.................................................12
Touch ¼.................................45, Also See Hinge Wrong Way Grand. .52, Also See Right and Left
Left..............................................................51 Grand
Trade Zoom...............................................................40

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