Git Cheatsheet
Git Cheatsheet
Git Cheatsheet
Command Description
git init Initialize a new Git repository.
git config --global "Your Name" Set your name.
git config --global "" Set your email.
git clone [url] Clone (download) a repository from an existing URL.
git status Check the status of your changes.
git add [file] Add a file to the staging area.
git commit -m "[message]" Commit your changes with a message.
git pull [remote] [branch] Pull (download) and integrate changes from a remote.
git push [remote] [branch] Push (upload) your commits to a remote.
git branch List all branches in the repo.
git checkout -b [branch-name] Create a new branch and switch to it.
git checkout [branch-name] Switch to an existing branch.
git merge [branch] Merge another branch into your active branch.
git log View commit history.
git diff View changes between commits, commit and working tree, etc.
git show [commit] Show changes made in a specific commit.
git stash Temporarily save changes that you don't want to commit yet.
git stash pop Apply stashed changes back to the working directory.
git clean -n Show what would be removed (dry run).
git clean -f Forcefully remove untracked files.
git remote -v List all remotes for the repository.
git remote add [name] [url] Add a new remote repository.
git fetch [remote] Fetch latest changes from remote without merging.
git rebase [branch] Reapply commits from one branch onto another.
git commit --amend Modify the last commit.
git rebase -i HEAD~[number] Interactively rebase recent commits.
git merge --no-ff [branch] Merge with a commit even if it's a fast-forward.
git cherry-pick [commit] Apply changes from a specific commit to the current branch.
git tag List all tags.
git tag -a [tagname] -m "[message]" Create an annotated tag.
git push [remote] [tagname] Push a specific tag to remote.
git bisect start Start bisecting to find a commit that introduced a bug.
git bisect good [commit] Mark a commit as good.
git bisect bad [commit] Mark a commit as bad.
git config --list List all Git configurations.
git config --global alias.[alias-name] [git-command] Create a Git alias.