AAES HLAD MiningBrochure
AAES HLAD MiningBrochure
AAES HLAD MiningBrochure
Helping you go to extremes
ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems helping you to go to extreme requirements for the
mining industry. For tough conditions in the mining industry we offer a range of strong
solutions from our industry leading product brands; Megadoor and ASSA ABLOY.
We offer a great deal of experience with automated loss (or gain) and provide a viable working
mining doors. We have successfully provided doors environment for demanding tasks. The choice of
to the mining industry globally. Robust design a translucent fabric door, helps minimize carbon
and high quality have ensured reliable, long-lasting footprint and provides natural ambient light in
results. the indoor working environment. The choice
of a high-speed door, with opening speeds of
Meeting the toughest needs up to 48” (1.2 m) per second can help maintain
The mining industry requires doors that can temperature control and save on energy costs.
withstand corrosive and dirty environments, high-
wind conditions and extreme temperatures. In ■■ Safety – Our doors ensure safe operating
addition to meeting these needs, we are able to conditions and minimal maintenance demands.
fulfill a range of other important expectations: Our doors are equipped with built-in safety
monitoring systems and designed with
■■ Design and function – We offer cost-effective mechanical safety arrestors and other fail-safes,
solutions to functional and architectural which protect workers and maintain the lifelong
demands, while accommodating increasingly operational quality of the door.
large mining vehicles. We also offer doors that
can withstand accidental impact and remain
■■ Energy efficiency – Our doors minimize heat
ASSA ABLOY as word and logo are trademarks owned by the ASSA ABLOY Group. 3
Megadoor vertical lifting fabric doors
The Megadoor vertical lifiting fabric door is Rugged and ready
designed to operate in the toughest environments, Like all Megadoor mining doors, it has corrosion-
opening and closing quickly and smoothly many resistant components with few moving parts. And
times a day. Considered to be the most energy- it comes with the patented Megadoor lifting belt
efficient door on the market, it withstands not system, which needs no lubrication and requires
only extreme temperatures, but also high-wind very little maintenance.
conditions, dirt, sand and grit.
Of course, no environment is more demanding than
Safe and cost-effective to operate, the door requires a mine’s wash bay. We provide a standard Wash Bay
little maintenance and creates a better working Package that includes sealed limit boxes, motor
environment for your employees. covers, NEMA 4X (corrosion-resistant) control panels
and corrosion-resistant materials. (The NEMA 4X
Tough reliable doors corresponds to the European standard IP56.)
Suited to both new construction as well as
retrofits, the Megadoor vertical lifting fabric door
The Megadoor vertical lifting fabric
can be customized to answer a wide variety of door offers:
access needs. For rapid and reliable operation, the ■■ Fast, reliable operation under any conditions
door can be designed around an existing crane ■■ Patented safety arrestors
and crane rails. Translucent fabric can be used to ■■ Excellent air tightness and resistance to high
let in natural light, which improves the working winds
environment and saves energy. There are also ■■ Strong components with high corrosion
multiple control alternatives, including PLC and resistance
self-diagnostic panels, as well as control panel ■■ Long operating lifetime and low operating cost
enclosures designed for environments like wash ■■ Minimal maintenance requirements and easy
bays. repair
■■ High safety level and easy operation
Virtually no configuration limits ■■ Multiple control alternatives, including remote
The flexible design also means there are no operation
practical limits to the size and configuration. As haul
trucks get ever bigger, you can design your doors
around the vehicles they will serve – with maximum
space utilization.
ASSA ABLOY high-performance rubber doors
The high performance ASSA ABLOY VR2000 door Built for maximum endurance
puts you in control, reducing unplanned downtime The ASSA ABLOY VR2000 has chemical- and
caused by accidents and harsh conditions. Easy corrosion-resistant panels and frames to ensure
to learn and operate, they offer high speeds and superb durability and performance. They feature
reliability in the most severe environments. That a thick, two-layer SBR rubber panel with limited
helps you cut maintenance and energy costs lifetime warranty, which protects against temperature
– without compromising safety or operational extremes from -40°F (-40°C) to over 180°F (82°C).
efficiency. This strong panel, combined with heavy-duty side
frames and a patented Windlock guide system,
Increase productivity and decrease energy costs provides resiliency against damage, harsh conditions
With opening speeds of up to 48” (1.2 m) per and high wind loads of up to 110 mph.
second, the ASSA ABLOY VR2000 door allows you to
increase productivity and decrease energy costs. It The ASSA ABLOY VR2000 is engineered to cycle
is is built to withstand accidental impact and remain hundreds of thousands of times, adding a lifetime of
operational: after a hit, the break-away bottom value to your top and bottom line.
beam can be reset easily and quickly. The ASSA
ABLOY VR2000 door has the fewest moving parts The ASSA ABLOY VR2000 offers:
for a door of its size and is the only one that can be ■■ Fast opening speed of 48” (1.2 m) per second
repaired easily without special tools. ■■ Ability to take a hit – breaks away without
damage and can be repaired easily
The ASSA ABLOY VR2000 is available up to 50’ ■■ Lifetime warranty on the rubber curtain
wide opening or modified for underground mining ■■ Exclusive continuous Windlock panel design
operations, where it needs to operate against for a near airtight seal
continuous airflow and high pressure differentials. ■■ Resistance against extreme wind pressures of up
to 110 mph
■■ Rugged design to handle the most extreme
■■ The fewest moving parts for low maintenance
Safety, quality and peace of mind
ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems brings the mining industry high-quality automated
entrance solutions designed for increased safety, efficiency and productivity.
Our high-performance ASSA ABLOY rubber doors We offer world-leading products and services,
have through-beam photo eyes that detect objects backed by more than half a century of engineering
in the doorway and safely open the door before experience and a wealth of application expertise.
contact. In addition, they have a fail-safe electric
bottom edge. Even the slightest contact will cause Ideal for rugged applications
the door to automatically reverse to the open ■■ Wash bays
position. The Albany RR1000 can even be equipped ■■ Truck shops
with our smart light curtain safety system that ■■ Loading docks
eliminates contact with objects in the doorway. ■■ Maintenance facilities
■■ Parking garages
■■ Transportation centers
■■ Distribution facilities
■■ Wastewater management
■■ Utilities
Direct-drive door
operates without springs
or counterweights
Proof in action
Wabush Mine Labrador, Canada bays. To utilize every inch of space, the doors
Winter temperatures at the Wabush Mine were mounted on the building’s exterior.
average –23°F (–30°C), and sometimes even The low door profile ensured an easy fit,
lower, coupled with strong winds. Mine officials and windload capabilities assured smooth
wanted to do everything possible to provide operation even in high-wind conditions.
tolerable indoor working conditions for their
employees – both in the mine and at facility’s Wabush Mine discovered additional
buildings. benefits. The Megadoor double-layer fabric
construction insulates against cold winds,
Haul trucks were part of the problem. creating a warmer environment for employees
Originally the mine used 65-ton trucks, then – especially those working near the door.
170-ton, and later 200-ton. To accommodate The design also reduces the tremendous
larger truck sizes, openings at the Vehicle noise produced by the haul trucks’ 2000 hp
Maintenance Building were enlarged, engines. Previously, employees could not hear
while the support columns limited door each other talk. The sound-damping effect
opening clearance to only 15” (38 cm). With is noticeable enough to give employees much
openings this big, it is very difficult to provide needed relief.
comfortable working conditions within the
building. “Mine management is very pleased with the
Megadoor installation,” says A. J. MacLean,
Wabush Mine installed four Megadoor vertical Wabush Project Engineer responsible for the
lifting fabric doors set only 4” (10 cm) apart, door installation. “We have a new bank of doors
because they operate consistently and reliably, that performs well above expectations, as well
and because they could open and close at least as more satisfied employees!”
30 times each day as required by the service
Proof in action
Osisko Mining Corporation, Abitibi, Canada The reliable break-away feature on the ASSA
The Osisko Mining Corporation focuses ABLOY VR2000 doors was key in Osisko’s
on acquiring, exploring, developing and selection. These doors can handle a head-on
mining gold properties. Their flagship project impact. After a hit, the strong rubber curtain
is the Canadian Malartic gold mine located on the ASSA ABLOY VR2000 is operating
in the Abitibi mining district, which currently quickly, without any special tools, allowing
represents the single biggest gold reserve in mining operations to continue uninterrupted.
production in Canada. The Malartic gold mine
boasts proven reserves of 10.7 million ounces The Malartic mine is located in northern
(303 million grams) of gold. Quebec where winds are fast, frequent and
intense. The mine sits atop a hill and faces
When Osisko began construction on the north, catching the brute force of these high
Malartic gold mine, they looked for door that winds. Osisko needed resilient doors with tight
would be able to withstand harsh working seals to hold up against this high level
conditions. The ASSA ABLOY rubber door of wind pressure. Albany RR1000 doors can
was selected for a variety of applications withstand winds of up to 110 mph (209
throughout the facility. They were installed on km/h), giving Osisko the ability to continue
the mechanical garage for large mining trucks, operations even in harsh weather conditions.
in the wash bay, and also on the concentrator. With fast opening speeds and a near airtight
By end of 2010, a total of 30 Albany high seal, the doors keep the mine and its crew on
performance doors had been installed to schedule by allowing traffic to move freely and
continue uninterrupted. safely.
Vertical lifting fabric doors
Opening speeds
6”–11” (15–30 cm) per second
Door dimensions
Max. height Dimensions unlimited
Max. width Dimension unlimited. We have delivered a door with 502’ (153m) width
Safety features
Safety arresters Connected to each end of the bottom section. The lifting belt is connected to the safety
Bottom beam Safety edge on the bottom of the door
Door panel
Door leaf Polyester, 1100 dtex with plasticized PVC coating
Fabric colors Choice of 8 standard RAL colors
Door components
Header box Contains the gear motor, the belt drum, lifting belts, pulleys and limit switch boxes
Guide rails Made from extruded aluminum. Wind load is transferred to the vertical guide rails by the
horizontal aluminum sections of the door leaf
Bottom seal Heavy-duty EPDM bottom rubber, oversized to help seal on uneven surfaces
Control and drive systems
Belt system Consists of one lifting belt that can withstand corrosion, dust and dirt
PLC For the setting of timers, automatic functions and safety functions. The PLC is programmed
and configured before delivery
Arctic Weather Controls Includes severe-duty motor with synthetic (cold-weather) oil, heated brake and thermostat.
Package Heating element for control panel and push-button station available as an option
Wash Bay Package Fiberglass or stainless-steel clamp-down control panel enclosure and sealed (splash-resist-
ant) limit box enclosures. Heavy-duty NEMA 4X push-button station available as an option
Wind load Up to 75 PSF (3.6 kPa). Higher wind loads may be available on request
High-performance rubber doors
Opening and closing speeds
Opening speed Up to 48” (1.2m) per second (size dependent)
Closing speed Approximately 24” per second (size dependent)
Door dimensions
Max. height 35 ft (10,668 mm)
Max. width 30 ft (9,144 mm)
Min. height 6 ft. (1,829 mm)
Min. width 6 ft. (1,829 mm)
Safety features
Photo eye Standard
Safety light curtain Full through-beam light curtain up to six feet tall (optional)
Wireless safety system No coil cords
Door panel
SBR rubber panel 2 layers of Styrene Butadiene Rubber (SBR) with polyester cord center. Breaking strength
1100lbs/in/ply. Available in black or tan color.
EPDM rubber panel Optional. Available in blue or gray color.
Door components
Springless system Direct drive unit
Side frames Self-supporting, heavy duty 3/8” painted steel (depending on door model)
Idler 6 5/8” diameter steel tube (depending on door model)
Door roll 8 5/8” diameter steel tube. Complying with ASTM A513 (depending on door model)
Bottom Bar Impact resistant bottom beam
Manual Egress Chain hoist
Control and drive systems
ACS 50 Contacter Standard, 1-speed contactor control (VFD panel available)
Input Voltage 208-240 V, 440-480 V, 575-600 V
Motor 3.35-Hp, 3 phase, 60 Hz
Protection NEMA 4, UL/cUL listed
Wind resistance
Windlock and guide system Independently tested to resist static winds of 110mph (minimum 100 mph or 26 psf at max
ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems is a leading supplier of entrance automation solutions
for efficient flow of goods and people. Building on the long-term success of the Besam
and Megadoor brands, we offer our solutions under the ASSA ABLOY brand.
Our products and services are dedicated to satisfying end-user needs for safe, secure,
convenient and sustainable operations. ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems is a division
within ASSA ABLOY.
assaabloyentrance.us • assaabloyentrance.ca
(800) 927-6342
sales.us.megadoor@assaabloy.com Please enter ASSA ABLOY Entrance
assaabloyentrance.us • assaabloyentrance.ca in the channel’s search field.