Oberdorster 2007
Oberdorster 2007
Oberdorster 2007
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The rapid expansion of nanotechnology promises to have great benefits for society, yet there is increasing concern that
human and environmental exposure to engineered nanomaterials may result in significant adverse effects. That is why the
field of nanotoxicology dealing with effects and potential risks of particulate structures B100 nm in size has
emerged, growing significantly over the past decade from long-standing foundations of well established knowledge on the
toxicology of fibrous and non-fibrous particles and the interactions of viruses with cells. This review places nanoparticles
in the context of conventional particle toxicology and so includes references to other types of particles, such as silica and
asbestos, which have been extensively studied and can provide useful lessons relevant to newly engineered nanoparticles
(NP). Discoveries of nanoparticle-specific concepts of toxicology related to their small size and large specific surface area
go back to the early parts of the past century, although the distinctive biological effects and kinetics of NP were not
recognized until the last decade of the past century. Today, the propensity of NP to cross cell barriers, enter cells and
interact with subcellular structures is well established, as is the induction of oxidative stress as a major mechanism of
nanoparticle effects. In addition to the significance of small size and surface area of NP, uncovering the impact of many
other physico-chemical characteristics in particular NP surface properties for initiating effects in the mammalian
organism and the environment is now an active area of research. The article aims to cover hazards relevant to humans,
provides an introduction to some of the newly emerging literature on fate and behavior of NP in the environment, as well
as describing their ecotoxicology in a variety of species. Major milestones in the research leading to our present
understanding of nanotoxicology and the potential risks of NP to humans and the environment are summarized. These
risks are likely to be different for different nanomaterials, ranging from perceived and very low for most, to real and very
high for some. There are many questions that remain to be addressed, and we foresee for the future a continuing
extended research in nanotoxicology. A full understanding of the hazard of NP will make a major contribution to the risk
assessment that is so urgently needed to ensure that products that utilize NP are made safely, are exploited to their full
potential and then disposed of safely.
Keywords: Nanotoxicology, nanoparticle, oxidative stress, fullerene, human and environmental health
Correspondence: Günter Oberdörster, University of Rochester, Dept. of Environmental Medicine, Medical Center Box 850, 575 Elmwood
Avenue, Rochester, NY 14642 USA. Tel: 1 585 275 3804. Fax: 1 585 256 2631. E-mail: gunter_oberdorster@urmc.rochester.edu
Primary Particle
Agglomerated Aggregates
Figure 1. ‘Primary nanoparticles can agglomerate (coagulate) to form clusters, but may also aggregate (fuse; sinter) during generation and
then in turn can agglomerate additionally. Some mass-produced engineered nanoparticles (e.g., carbon black; TiO2) are generated partly as
aggregates and subsequently agglomerate (Bansal et al. 1993; Beaucage et al. 1999; IARC 2006).
understanding have come together, from the accu- would be unthinkable without this history and it is
mulation of knowledge during the development of within this historical context that we place nanotox-
modern particle toxicology, that enabled the current icology in this article.
paradigm to be developed. Thus the behaviour of
nanoparticles can be understood within a perspec-
Virology as precursor
tive that has embraced the toxicology of metal
fumes, radionuclides, nuisance dusts, rat lung over- In some sense, nanoparticles may resemble viruses
load, the toxicology of silica, asbestos and synthetic (18 500 nm structures), not only in size but also with
vitreous fibers and more recently from the toxicology respect to interactions with cells (Oberdörster et al.
of air pollution particles (PM10 particles below 2005). A most recent article by Douglas and Young
10 mm). In addition virology and other sciences have (2006) discusses in detail ‘a new expanded role [of
contributed to our understanding (Figure 3). These viruses] as nanoplatforms with applications in mate-
are alluded to in various sections of this document. rials science and medicine’. Indeed, accumulated
The current paradigm of nanoparticle toxicology knowledge gleaned from virology research over the
Number of Citations
1990 1995 2000 2005
Figure 2. PubMed January 2007: Number of publications/year searching for ‘ultrafine’ or ‘nanoparticles’ and ‘toxicity’ or ‘health effects’.
Toxicology of nanoparticles: A historical perspective 5
Silica Radionuclide
T he ro le of pa r ticle s urface Toxicology
reactivit y and its capacity T h e role o f par tic le
for modification chemistry and biokinetics
last 100 years might be considered a valuable basis for did not emerge until later in the 20th century, in
today’s research on the interactions of nanoparticles 1990. Before that, the pioneering work of Drinker et
with cells and the living organism. Beijerinck in 1898 al. (1927a, 1927b) has shown induction of acute
suggested a ‘contagium vivum fluidum ’ (virus) as cause respiratory distress (metal [zinc] fume fever), during
of the tobacco mosaic (TM) disease in plants. Only occupational exposures of workers in zinc smelting
with the invention of the electron microscope in the operations. At this time it was unknown that metal
1930s was it possible to visualize viruses as nano-sized fumes consist of ultrafine particles, which can
structures for the first time (Kausche et al. 1939; rapidly agglomerate to form larger particles. The
Ruska et al. 1940). Stanley (1935) and Bawden and highly acute inflammatory potential in the respira-
Pirie (1937) characterized the TM virus as a physi- tory tract of another ultrafine particle, fumed silica,
cochemical entity (crystalline protein nucleic acid was reported by Gardner in 1938 and later studied
complex), and Bodian and Howe (1941) described a in more detail in experimental animals by Jötten and
nose to brain translocation of 30 nm poliovirus via Klosterkötter (1952). Again, the ultrafine size of the
the olfactory neuron in chimpanzees. Eventually, in particles was not considered as an important attri-
the 1950s and 1960s with the advance of transmission bute that might contribute to their effect; even the
electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray diffraction, it 1966 International Commission on Radiological
was possible to determine the fine structure of Protection (ICRP) lung particle deposition model
viruses. Since then, there is accumulating informa- considered the mechanism of diffusional deposition
tion on viral mechanisms for entering cells and their only down to particle sizes of 0.1 mm. Anthropogenic
interactions with subcellular structures, as described athmospheric nuclei mode particles (ultrafine parti-
recently in an excellent review by Smith and Helenius cles) from emissions of internal combustion engines
(2004), including viral entry into cells via clathrin- have been described and characterized by Whitby
mediated or caveolae-mediated pathways, their in- et al. (1975), thereby raising attention of atmo-
tracellular endosomal and caveosomal movement spheric scientists and aerosol physicists to this class
and entry into the cell-nucleus via 39 nm nuclear of particles. Subsequently, the 1994 ICRP model
pore complex (Panté & Kann 2002). Indeed, viral included detailed information about ultrafine parti-
capsids are considered a valuable tool or carrier cle deposition in all regions of the respiratory tract
(Trojan horses) for targeted delivery of drug mole- (Figure 4). This was based in large part on the
cules for pharmaceutical and materials applications ground-breaking experimental work in humans on
(Douglas & Young 2006), and the propensity of deposition of inhaled ultrafine particles in the lower
engineered nanoparticles to endocytose and transcy- respiratory tract by Willie Stahlhofen’s group in
tose appears to be due to much the same mechanisms. Germany (Schiller et al. 1986) and David Swift’s
studies in the human upper respiratory tract in the
U.S. (Swift et al. 1992, 1994). These deposition
studies coincided with the realization that ultrafine/
With regard to non-viral nano-sized particles, the nano-sized particles have unique toxicological prop-
realization that the very small size of particles can be erties as described later in this paper. For respiratory
associated with distinct and special biological effects toxicologists, these deposition studies are of great
6 G. Oberdörster et al.
1 .0
Deposition Fraction
Nasal Pharyngeal
0.0001 0 .001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Diameter (mm)
I m p a ct ion
Diffu sion
Sed im en t a t ion
Figure 4. The fractional deposition and mechanism of deposition of inhaled particles of different sizes in each region of the human
respiratory tract based on the ICRP Model (1994) assuming nose breathing.
importance, showing that deposition of inhaled have six decades later for solid nanoparticles. Even
ultrafine particles (B100 nm) is apparent in all the documentation 30 years later by DeLorenzo
regions of the respiratory tract, but that it is size- (1970) of 50 nm silver-coated gold particles moving
dependent: Very high in the upper respiratory tract from the nasal olfactory mucosa via the olfactory
for sizes below 10 nm, high also in the tracheobron- nerve to the olfactory bulb in squirrel monkeys did
chial region for 5 10 nm particles, and for 20 nm not find wide recognition by toxicologists. This
particles in the alveolar region (Figure 3). finding was not recognized as being of significance
In addition to total regional deposition, site- for in vivo disposition of inhaled nano-sized parti-
specific dosimetry, as it applies to particles, can be cles, and instead being considered as an experimen-
traced to the studies of Brody et al. (1984, 1985) and tal tool in using nanogold to visualize cellular
Warheit et al. (1984) who emphasized the extent of structures. Similarly, Katz et al. (1984) and Adams
deposition of asbestos fibers of small aerodynamic and Bray (1983) used latex and polystyrene particles
diameter in the centriacinar region (terminal airways (20 500 nm) to demonstrate retrograde and ante-
and proximal alveoli). This focused attention on the rograde movement of these particles in the axons of
characteristics of this highly fragile part of the lungs neurons. Czerniawska (1970) also used nanogold
and the relative importance of the slow clearance particles to demonstrate perineuronal translocation
mechanism (phagocytic cells of the immune system) from submucosal injection sites of the olfactory
in this region compared to that of the mucociliary mucosa in rabbits to the cerebrospinal fluid space
escalator of the larger airways, in contributing to the bathing the brain. Again, no indication of its
accumulation of local dose. The high dose encoun- potential toxicological significance was given.
tered in the centriacinar region is well documented In 1971, however, Berry et al. suggested that their
in pathology studies showing black dust accumula- observation of 30 nm intratracheally-instilled gold
tion in the terminal and respiratory bronchiolar walls particles crossing the alveolar-capillary barrier and
of coal miners at autopsy (Churg & Green 1999). accumulating in blood platelets in rats should be of
With regard to the recognition of the toxicological relevance for transporting the smallest air pollutant
potential of ultrafine particles, studies on cell uptake particles, such as tobacco smoke, to distant organs.
and translocation are of prime interest since this is a They concluded that this ‘might predispose to
most distinctive difference of these particles com- platelet aggregation with formation of microthrombi
pared to larger particles. Although research by atheromatous plaques,’ a hypothesis that has been
Bodian and Howe (1941) focused on neuronal posited lately for inhaled ultrafine particles and is
pathways of infection of poliovirus (as it turned out now tested experimentally in the field of health
having a size of a 30 nm particle) and discovered the effects of particulate air pollution as part of a larger
olfactory translocation route for this virus from the mechanistic scheme (Figure 5). Since then, a
nose to the brain in chimpanzees, they could not, of number of investigators in the post-1990s area
course, foresee the potential importance it would (see below) have shown in experimental animals
Toxicology of nanoparticles: A historical perspective 7
Particle translocation
M ed i a t o r s N P A e ro s o l
Figure 5. The potential consequences of exposure to NP via inhalation. Modifying factors may include age, gender, disease state, genetics
and exposure to co-pollutants. *Note that once NP gain access to the CV system by any route of entry, the consequences are likely to be
that, indeed, translocation of nanoparticles across activities of very small amounts of translocated
the alveolar capillary barrier can occur in both particles.
directions, although it is dependent on size and In the 1980s, rodent inhalation studies with
surface chemistry of the particles (Table II). Trans- ultrafine zinc-oxide particles by Mary Amdur’s
location rates, though, appear to be low. Recent group were performed. Characterization of the
human studies performed with inhaled 99mTc-la- particle size by TEM showed the primary particle
beled ultrafine ( 100 nm) particles and detection size to be between 40 and 50 nm, and the agglom-
by g-camera imaging are more controversial, show- erated particles induced significant pulmonary in-
ing either significant translocation to blood and liver flammatory responses with acute onset at exposures
(Nemmar et al. 2002) or none (Brown et al. 2002; in the mg/m3 range (Amdur et al. 1982; McCarthy
Mills et al. 2006); this discrepancy is very likely due et al. 1982). Although these were the first toxicolo-
to uncertainties of the stability of the radioactive gical inhalation studies using size characterized
label in vivo caused by variation in the oxidation of ultrafine particles, a lack of a comparison to larger
the Technetium during operation of the Technegas particles did not allow conclusions to be drawn
generator a sealed system (the carbon particles are about the importance of particle size for eliciting an
not detected, only the label can be traced) and by adverse response in a target organ. Later, additional
the limits of g-camera to detect the low radio- animal and clinical human exposure studies with
5 20 nm Gold, albumin coated yes via caveolae Mehta et al. , 2004
8 nm Gold, albumin coated yes via ‘‘vesicles’’ Konig et al., 1993
8 nm Gold, albumin coated yes via caveolae Heckel et al ., 2004
18 nm Iridium yesa Extrapulm. org. Kreyling et al , 2003
30 nm Gold yes Platelet? Berry et al., 1977
35 nm Carbon yes Liver Oberdörster et al ., 2002
60 nm Polystyrene, pos charge ?b Thrombus, early Nemmar et al., 2002
Silva et al ., 2005
60 nm Polystyrene, neg charge ?b No thrombus Nemmar et al., 2002
80 nm Iridium yesa Extrapulm. org. Kreyling et al ., 2002
240 nm Polystyrene, lecithin yes Monocyte Kato et al., 2003
240 nm Polystyrene, uncoated no Kato et al ., 2003
400 nm Polystyrene no Nemmar et al ., 2004
minimal; bindirect evidence
Surface coating (chemistry) charge, size govern translocation.
8 G. Oberdörster et al.
these zinc-oxide particles were performed by this results the authors suggested an increased pulmon-
group, resulting in acute pulmonary and systemic ary toxicity of ultrafine particles and concluded that
symptoms of zinc fume fever (Gordon et al. 1992). ‘particles of 0.02 0.03 mm in diameter penetrate
The fever-inducing effects of the inhaled ZnO more easily than particles of ca . 0.2 0.5 mm’ and
nanoparticles may indicate the potential of these that ‘dusts can be highly toxic to the lung if they
small particles to produce extra-pulmonary/systemic consist of ultrafine particles and are persistent in the
effects because the ultrafine particles themselves lung’ so that ‘occupational exposure standards for
may have translocated across the alveolo-capillary ‘nuisance’ dusts should be reconsidered to take into
barrier to other sites in the body as mentioned account such possibly damaging effect of ultrafine
above. However, given that ZnO fume particles have particles.’
a very short retention halftime in the lung on the Based on results of additional studies with carbon
order of 610 hours (Oberdörster et al. 1979; and TiO2 particles of different sizes, this same group
Teague & Raabe 1980; Gordon et al. 1992) due to reported two years later their findings that the
dissolution in the acidic milieu of the phagolysosome elicited pulmonary response ‘correlated best with
in alveolar macrophages, a direct systemic ZnO the surface area of the retained particles rather than
particle effect should not be assumed. Other possi- their mass, volume, or numbers’, and concluded that
bilities exist, such as the role of soluble components ‘the increased pulmonary toxicity of ultrafine parti-
of the particles (in this case ionic zinc) becoming cles is related to their larger surface area and to their
blood-borne and affecting distant sites as well as increased interstitial access’ (Oberdörster et al.
effects of inflammatory mediators from the lung 1992). They also pointed out the importance of
passing systemically to other sites. In the latter the particle surface area concept for ‘so-called
regard temperature homeostasis is controlled by nanophase materials which include powders of
the brain and involves a number of pyrogenic metals, ceramics and ceramic-based composites
cytokines such as interleukin-1 (IL-1), tumor ne- being developed for new uses in the electronics
crosis factor (TNF), interleukin-6 (IL-6). Thus, an industry consisting of particles in the ultrafine size
obvious concept emerging from these studies is that range’ and which are ‘designed on an atomic scale,
local conditions at the portal-of-entry have to be i.e., relating atomic configuration to macroscopic
carefully evaluated with regard to their impact on properties’ so that ‘proportionally more atoms or
particle biopersistence and subsequent fate as nano- molecules are located at particle surfaces’. They
particle or as dissolved constituent. For example, a concluded that ‘toxic responses to new technology
low biopersistence of nano Zn-oxide and nano Mn- metal compounds may not be extrapolated from
known metal toxicology’ (Oberdörster & Ferin
oxide in the alveolar region (alveolar macrophages)
of the lung can be contrasted with a neutral pH in
the upper respiratory tract (Lundbong et al. 1985;
Johnson 1994). Oxidative stress as a mechanism of action of
nanoparticles at the cellular level
1990 2000 As described before, the occurrence and physio-
chemical characteristics of ambient airborne ultra-
Identifying nanoparticles’ toxic potential
fine particles (nuclei mode) has been reported in the
As mentioned in the previous section, despite several 1970s by Whitby et al. (1975). With this knowledge
early experimental studies with solid nano-sized and with increasing awareness about an association
(ultrafine) particles which showed their transloca- between health effects (increased hospital admis-
tion beyond the respiratory tract and also demon- sions and acute mortality due to respiratory and
strated inflammatory pulmonary responses, it was cardiovascular conditions) and traffic-related parti-
not appreciated that these effects were especially culate air pollution (EPA 2004) coupled with the
strong for ultrafine particles. A first side-by-side above-mentioned and new experimental findings of
comparison of the pulmonary inflammatory effect a greater effect of ultrafine particles, an ultrafine
and retention of ultrafine and fine particles of TiO2 particle hypothesis of air pollution particles was
(20 nm and 250 nm) and of Al2O3 (20 nm and formulated in the mid 1990s by Oberdörster et al.
500 nm) was reported in two companion publica- (1995): They suggested that ‘ultrafine particles
tions by Ferin et al. (1990) and Oberdörster et al. always present in the urban atmosphere . . . play a
(1990). They observed a significantly greater pul- role in causing acute lung injury in sensitive parts of
monary inflammation and interstitial translocation the population’. The new studies contributing to this
from the same mass of ultrafine than fine particles hypothesis were carried out with airborne ultrafine
when intratracheally instilled in rats. Based on these particles (CMD 20 nm) generated by heating
Toxicology of nanoparticles: A historical perspective 9
PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) which caused 100% group suggested a number of oxidative stress-indu-
mortality in rats when inhaled for 15 min at a mass cing mechanisms when nanoparticles interact with
concentration of 50 mg/m3. Concurrently, Seaton et cells (Figure 6).
al. (1995) proposed a mechanistic hypothesis stating By 1998 Donaldson et al. performed studies on
that ‘ultrafine particles are able to provoke alveolar the pulmonary toxicity of ultrafine and fine particles
inflammation, with release of mediators capable, in and suggested particle surface area as a dose metric
susceptible individuals, of causing exacerbations of to assess pulmonary effects, and they in addition
lung disease and of increasing blood coagulability, pointed out that surface area ‘provides the opportu-
thus also explaining the observed increases in nity for surface chemistry to have a profound effect,
cardiovascular deaths associated with urban pollu- particularly free radicals or transition metal
tion episodes.’ mediated Fenton chemistry, leading to the genera-
In the late 80s and early 90s there was a surge in tion of oxidants’. Thus, a number of particle
mechanistic particle research aimed at asbestos and parameters such as size, surface area and surface
the synthetic vitreous fibers as substitutes. Oxidative chemistry, especially oxidative stressing activity,
stress by asbestos fibers was advanced as a factor in were identified in the 1990s as key dosemetric
their ability to cause cell damage and disease as early parameters for nanoparticle toxicology. Today, the
as 1975 (Gabor & Anca 1975). However Mossman importance of these, as well as additional particle
and Landesman (1983) and Mossman et al. (1986) parameters (e.g., charge, crystallinity, coating and
refined the oxidative stress hypothesis for asbestos biopersistence), has been well accepted as important
and placed it in a pathogenesis paradigm that still determinants of nanoparticle toxicity. Knowledge
prevails today and then demonstrated the role of about only one or two characteristics of nanoparti-
anti-oxidants in ameliorating asbestos effects (Moss- cles (size alone; surface reactivity or surface area
man et al. 1990). Others demonstrated the ability of alone) is not sufficient to interpret their biological/
anti-oxidants like glutathione to ameliorate the toxicological effects, so that the multitude and
harmful effects of asbestos (Quinlan et al. 1994; interplay of all has to be considered (Oberdörster
Faux et al. 1994; Donaldson & Golyasnya 1995). In et al. 2005; Warheit et al. 2006).
mainstream molecular medicine, the link between Since the initial hypotheses by Oberdörster et al.
oxidative stress and inflammation and the role of the (1995) and Seaton et al. (1995), epidemiological
oxidative stress-responsive pro-inflammatory sys- studies have shown an association between number
tems, including transcription factors such as AP-1 concentrations of ambient particles (reflecting ultra-
and NF-kB grew alongside these developments fine particles) and cardiac and vascular health effects
(Schreck et al. 1992; Meyer et al. 1993) and were in people with compromised cardiovascular systems
rapidly incorporated into a central role for oxidative (Peters et al. 2004, Rückerl et al. 2006). Details of
stress-driven inflammation in the pathogenesis of the mechanisms underlying the Seaton hypothesis
asbestosis (Janssen et al. 1995; Gilmour et al. 1997). for ultrafine and fine particle effects with respect to
In the meantime, oxidative stress had been identified induction of acute phase responses and direct access
as a likely common pathway for the adverse effects of of particles from the lung via translocation to the
other harmful particles including crystalline silica blood circulation (Figure 5) are presently studied by
(Kennedy et al. 1989) and coal mine dusts (Dalal et several groups.
al. 1991; Vallyathan et al. 1993).
The generalization of the ‘oxidative stress hypoth-
Immunogenicity of nanoparticles
esis’ to nanoparticles occurred in the mid-90s when
the Edinburgh group was describing the oxidative An important finding of immune-modulatory effects
potential of PM10 (Gilmour et al. 1996) and had of engineered nanoparticles in the late 1990s was
evoked the ultrafine component as a key component first reported by Erlanger’s group at Columbia
of PM10 in driving the adverse cardiovascular effects University. This group showed that C60 fullerenes
of PM10 (Seaton et al. 1995). Using the ultrafine and have antigenic properties when functionalized with
fine TiO2 used by Oberdörster and Ferin in their serum albumin or derivatives of lysine, thereby
earlier studies, Donaldson et al. demonstrated that acting as a hapten which can induce antibodies after
the ultrafine TiO2 had greater oxidative activity than i.p. injection in mice (Chen et al. 1998). They
the larger but respirable TiO2 (Donaldson et al. showed the resulting IgG response was directed at
1996). The Edinburgh group went on to demon- the fullerenes. Subsequently, Erlanger et al. (2005)
strate increased oxidative stressing activity of a found that the C60 specific monoclonal antibodies
number of ultrafine/nanoparticles including carbon also recognized and specifically bound to single
black (Stone et al. 1998), polystyrene beads (Brown walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT). They directly
et al. 2001) and metals (Zhang et al. 1998). This imaged the antibodies on SWNT using atomic force
10 G. Oberdörster et al.
Figure 6. Hypothetical cellular interactions of NP. The diagram shows the potential effects of NP with emphasis on potential oxidative
stress induced effects and their consequences. (A) Particle-associated characteristics induce lipid peroxidation, intracellular oxidative stress
and increased cytosolic calcium ion concentration; (B) NP may be actively endocytosed via different mechanisms, including caveolae,
clathrin coated pits, or receptor mediated mechanisms. In phagocytic cells phagocytosis triggers activation of NADPH oxidase and
generation of ROS; (C) Particles and their associated metals, as well as oxidative stress, can activate the EGF receptor; (D) Oxidative stress,
receptor activation and increased calcium ions activate transcription of pro-inflammatory genes via transcription factors such as NF-kB; (E)
NP may enter the cell by passive diffusion and remain non-membrane bound from where they may enter mitochondria; (F) and disrupt
normal electron transport leading to oxidative stress. (G) Free particles may also enter the nucleus via the nuclear pore complex and interact
with the genetic material. (H) Lipid peroxide-derived products such as 4-hydroxy nonenal form DNA adducts that may lead to genotoxicity
and mutagenesis. (Note that particle and cell structures are not to scale).
microscopy. This work raises the question of poten- materials. A general concern for both proponents
tial immune responses elicited when functionalized and opponents of nanotechnology is the unknown
nanoparticles come into contact with the organism potential of some nanomaterials for causing harm to
and acting as sensitizing agents. human health and environment; however, whereas
advocates point to the many benefits that nanotech-
nology will bring (Roco 2003a, 2003b; The Royal
Post 2000
Society 2004; US Nanotechnology Initiative 2002;
The new millennium has seen increasing numbers of European Commission 2005; Malsch & Oud 2004),
studies with engineered nanomaterials (dendrimers, its adversaries view it as so unpredictably dangerous
quantum dots, carbon nanotubes, metals, etc.) that any use poses indeterminate social and environ-
addressing questions of their kinetics, effects and mental risks and must not proceed in the absence of
underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms de- well-supported risk assessment and societal under-
rived from in vitro and in vivo studies. This was standing. Improved understanding of the factors
largely driven by rapid growth of the number of likely to make nanomaterials hazardous is essential
nanotech companies producing new nanomaterials to solving this dilemma, and the reality is likely to be
with novel properties and applications in diverse different for different nanomaterials, ranging from
fields, ranging from engineering, diverse consumer the safe and innocuous for most to the highly toxic
products, energy production, environmental appli- for some.
cations, and nanomedicine. Both positive and nega- Indeed, a number of studies have been published
tive aspects were highlighted to either promote (e.g., over the past five years demonstrating significant
‘green nanotechnology’) or bedevil (e.g., morator- toxicity of different nanomaterials, be they carbon
ium on nanotechnology) uses/applications of nano- nanotubes, metal nanoparticles, fullerenes, quantum
Toxicology of nanoparticles: A historical perspective 11
dots, etc. (Lam et al. 2004; Warheit et al. 2004; Although high dose studies can provide useful
Sayes et al. 2004; Hoshino et al. 2004; Derfus et al. information, caution has to be exercised when
2004; Kirchner et al. 2005; Shvedova et al. 2005). extrapolating results or mechanisms to the in vivo
However, for a full understanding of risk, exposure situation.
and toxicokinetic data are both missing, as these are Several of the above-mentioned reviews also point
required to combine with hazard data to begin to out the need for toxicological testing specifically
understand risk; such extra studies are urgently geared towards nanomaterials, and many confer-
needed. ences and workshops, nationally and internationally,
On the other hand, many experimental studies have been sponsored by regulatory bodies and
have evaluated the potential of nanomaterials to be scientific societies to discuss this as an urgent need.
used for therapeutic or diagnostic purposes (Vicent This is reflected in reports from such meetings (e.g.,
& Duncan 2006). Such studies suggest that the Scientific committee on emerging and newly identi-
properties of nanoparticles make them useful for fied health risks of The Royal Society 2004; Inter-
beneficial medical applications by allowing the national Life Sciences Institute [ILSI] 2005;
ability to cross barriers (Gulyaev et al. 1999) as Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly
well as access to specific tissue and intracellular Identified Health Risks [SCENIHR] 2005; National
locations. Furthermore, some of the properties Nanotechnology Initiative [NNI] 2006); however, it
known to be responsible for toxicity, can also be appears that these reports are not followed by
exploited in a controlled manner for therapeutic appropriate action, thus creating the impression
purposes, e.g., in the killing of pathogens (silver that there may be just too many of these meetings
nanoparticles [Baker et al. 2005]) or tumour cells without serious follow-up action. On the other hand,
(haematite [Ito et al. 2004]). While the potential for they help to spread a greater awareness of the
uncontrolled adverse effects may slow advances in potential for nanomaterials to be both beneficial
nanomedicine, it has been possible to develop but also possibly harmful if we do not act pro-
polymer therapeutics to market with improved actively to address toxicity issues in order to allow
drug efficacy and reduced side effects for che- the safe development of new nanoparticles. Such
motherapeutic agents (Vicent & Duncan 2006). awareness is necessary both to prevent disasters due
Improved understanding of the risk factors related to premature applications without having recognized
to nanomaterials in the body will aid the future adverse effects of nanomaterials, and to realize the
development and exploitation of a wider variety of maximum potential of a safe and sustainable nano-
nanomedicines. technology.
There has been an upsurge of recent reviews Nanoparticle specific effects related to their un-
which have summarized our present understanding ique surface and size characteristics have been
of ultrafine/nanoparticle toxicology (Donaldson et reported in increasing numbers in recent years
al. 2002; Borm & Kreyling, 2004; Hoet et al. 2004; (Figure 2), and only some can be mentioned in
Kreyling et al. 2004; Biswas & Wu 2005; Donaldson this brief historical overview. It should be pointed
et al. 2005; Oberdörster et al. 2005; Donaldson et al. out, though, that several discoveries made and
2006; Lam et al. 2006; Nel et al. 2006). These reported decades ago have only now been ‘redis-
reviews discuss to different degrees fundamental covered’, and the significance of the earlier studies
concepts of the toxicology of nano-sized particles for the toxicology of nanoparticles is now being
or are also focused on very specific aspects of one recognized. Examples are the translocation of nano-
group of nanoparticles, and the reader is referred to gold particles across the alveolo-capillary barrier in
these articles for more information on mechanistic either direction observed 3 decades ago (Berry et al.
and other aspects. It should be noted, however, that 1977); and described again recently (Heckel et al.
toxicological information on nanomaterials needs to 2004); the neuronal translocation pathway of viruses
consider actual human exposure levels. Any parti- (nano-sized particles) and of nanogold from the nose
culate material, whether nano-sized or larger, will to the olfactory bulb (old studies: Howe & Bodian
give rise to adverse effects at high enough doses. 1940; DeLorenzo 1970; new studies: Oberdörster et
Unfortunately, doses or exposure concentrations of al. 2004; Elder et al. 2006); or the localization of
nanomaterials that are used in in vitro or in vivo nanogold particles in mitochondria after entry into
toxicological studies are most often extraordinarily cells following in vivo exposure in the 1970s
high, and also delivered as a bolus (extremely high (DeLorenzo 1970; Gopinath et al. 1978) and
dose rate), so as to have no or limited relevancy to recently demonstrated in vitro in macrophages with
real or anticipated human exposures. Despite this, a ambient ultrafine particles, thereby inducing oxida-
critical discussion of dose and dose rate that were tive stress and severe mitochondrial damage (Li et al.
used is mostly lacking in peer-reviewed articles. 2003).
12 G. Oberdörster et al.
deter mine
Figure 7. Concepts of differential absorption. The physicochemical properties of NP that influence adsorption of body proteins or lipids
from different body compartments and that subsequently determine the fate of NP in the body. Adapted from Muller and Heinemann
Toxicology of nanoparticles: A historical perspective 13
There are numerous other examples of continuing investigated for use in optics and superconductors
advances in our basic understanding about the (Da Ros et al. 1999) and for drug delivery (Vogelson
kinetics and effects of nanoparticles, and it appears 2001). Recently a number of cosmetic products such
that it is not possible based on findings with one as face creams that contain C60 nanoparticles have
specific engineered nanoparticle to derive general- entered the market (Halford 2006) . C60 particles
ized conclusions that all nanoparticles will follow the have already begun production on a large scale with
same pattern of uptake and induce the same effects. the opening of Mitsubishi’s first fullerene plant in
There are too many variables, not only size, but Japan which aims to produce fullerenes by the ton
surface characteristics (chemistry, charge, porosity, (Tremblay 2003).
etc.), persistence of coating and others that influence A number of studies have shown that the C60
NP effects and kinetics. For example, results of fullerene has antioxidant actions. For example,
state-of-the-art retention studies with inhaled radio- Wang et al. (1999) demonstrated that lipid soluble
active iridium nanoparticles showing less than 1% and water soluble C60 derivatives prevented super-
translocation from lung deposits to other organs oxide and hydroxyl radical initiated lipid peroxida-
(Kreyling et al. 2003; Semmler et al. 2004) or of tion to a greater extent than the natural antioxidant,
more than 10% of deposited Mn-oxide nanoparti- vitamin E. In rats Gharbi et al. (2005) found that
cles on the nasal olfactory mucosa to the CNS (Elder C60 was able to prevent CCl4 induced liver toxicity,
et al. 2006) may or may not be applicable to other supporting the theory that C60 is an antioxidant.
nanomaterials. A better understanding is needed Xiao et al. (2005), using electron spin resonance
about the interplay of factors contributing and (ESR) also found that chemically generated hydroxyl
affecting uptake and disposition from deposits in radicals were quenched by PEG-modified and hy-
the respiratory tract or from other portals of entry. droxyl fullerenes. Fiorito et al. (2006) demonstrated
As another example, the most recent first report of that C60 fullerenes and single wall carbon nanotubes
penetration of differently charged quantum dots (SWNT) failed to induce the production of NO by
(hydrodynamic diameter 14 35 nm) across the stra- the J774 murine macrophage cell line. These studies
tum corneum of the skin (Ryman-Rasmussen et al. together suggest that far from being toxic, C60 and
2006) shows that, indeed, these engineered nano- its derivatives could actually be of beneficial health
particles can reach epidermis and dermis where they effect.
might interact with cells of the immune system In contrast a number of other studies have
(macrophages, dendritic cells) or be subjected to presented data suggesting that C60 and its derivatives
specific translocation pathways via lymph and blood actually have prooxidant and toxic effects. Sayes
vessels or even sensory nerves (Oberdörster et al. et al. (2004) looked at the effects of treating three
2005). In a subsequent study this group observed the cell lines with nano-C60 prepared in THF. The
penetration of amino acid functionalized fullerenes nano-C60 was cytotoxic to all three cell types at
(35 nm) across the stratum corneum to the stratum doses above 50 ppb, with LC50 ranging from 2 50
granulosum of the skin, using a flexed porcine skin ppb depending on the cell type. Treatment of the
model (Rouse et al. 2007). This finding confirms cells with nano-C60 was shown to induce membrane
earlier recommendations by Tinkle et al. (2003) that damage and the production of peroxyl radicals. The
simulating in vivo conditions of skin flexing is a role of oxidative damage was confirmed as addition
significant methodological improvement over a static of L-ascorbic acid prevented membrane damage. A
skin model in vitro. However, a better mechanistic number of ecotoxicology studies have also used
understanding is needed before extrapolating these THF as a solvent to disperse C60, but it has been
results of skin penetration to other NP. suggested that the THF may alter or enhance
toxicity of the nanoparticles (see below), and so
this data requires some careful consideration. Kamat
Fullerene toxicology
et al. (1998) also used rat liver microsomes to
C60 (Buckminster fullerene) was first discovered by demonstrate oxidative damage to lipids induced by
Kroto et al. (1985) and describes 60 linked carbon C60 following photosensitisation. The relevance of
atoms in a highly stable icosahedron structure, this model is questionable since the liver tissue
consisting of 60 vertices and 32 faces (12 pentagonal would not normally be exposed to UV light.
and 20 hexagonal). The term fullerene now applies
to molecules composed entirely of carbon that form
High aspect ratio nanoparticles (HARN)
spheres or tubes. Some features of C60 mean that it
is potentially of great value to a number of industries There has been considerable interest in the fibrous,
and in medicine. For example the use of C60 is being high aspect ratio nanoparticles (HARN) given the
14 G. Oberdörster et al.
previous experience with asbestos. Asbestos is a term cycling and generate ROS (Kagan et al. 2006;
used to describe a range of crystalline fibrous silicate Shvedova et al. 2005) like asbestos (Shen et al.
minerals classified as serpentines, containing the 1995). Multiwall carbon nanotubes can be visua-
single type chrysotile asbestos, and the amphiboles lized as stacks of single nanotubes, one inside the
that contains crocidolite, amosite, tremolite and other. There are a number of other HARN including
anthophyllite. Of these, chrysotile (white asbestos) nanowires, nanorods (Chen & von Mikecz 2005),
has been the most-used commercially. It has been nanobelts (Wang 2004) nanosprings (Bell et al.
suggested that asbestos is a nano material and hence 2006), etc. It should be noted that nanoparticles
the first commercially-used HARN (Royal Society readily agglomerate and nanotubes form ‘nanoropes’
and Royal Academy of Engineering 2004) since the as the individual nanotubes twist around each other,
chrysotile asbestos fibrils are B100 nm in diameter. forming larger fibrous structures (Maynard et al.
Amphibole fibers can be around 100 200 nm in 2004).
diameter. Carbon nanotubes represent one of the fastest-
A detailed history of asbestos cannot be presented developing nanoparticle materials with production
here, but asbestos has been in use as an insulating set to increase rapidly as a consequence of the useful
material since 500 BC according to archaeological properties of this material (Donaldson et al. 2006).
finds in Finland and the reader is referred to specific As mentioned above, carbon nanotubes have a
reviews by Selikoff and Lee (1978). A full under- tendency to form tangles and ropes; however these
standing of the asbestos hazards did not become may also deagglomerate in the lungs due to the
apparent until studies on synthetic vitreous fibers activity of surfactant. A number of material science
(SVF) brought them together with asbestos within a studies utilize surfactants to deagglomerate nano-
single ‘fiber paradigm’. This paradigm highlighted tubes for imaging and characterization purposes
the importance of length and biopersistence. Length
(Blackburn et al. 2006; Lisunova et al. 2006). This
was important because, above a key length, the fibers
would suggest that in the lung nanotubes have
cannot be adequately phagocytosed by the alveolar
the potential to exhibit the properties of other
macrophages, preventing clearance and so the dose
high aspect ratio particles such as asbestos. Nano-
accumulates. Biopersistence is also important be-
tubes are HARN and may therefore act either like
cause long fibers that are biosoluble weaken, break
nanoparticles and/or like fibers (Donaldson et al.
and become short enough to be cleared and so do
not persist in the milieu of the lungs. Insulation
For example, the pulmonary toxicity of single-
wools, rock and slag wool and chrysotile asbestos are
walled and multi-walled carbon nanotubes delivered
all low-biopersistence fibers whilst crocidolite asbes-
at high doses and dose rates to the lower respiratory
tos is a highly biopersistent fiber. The overall
tract of rats and mice induced a high acute inflam-
conclusions from many studies were that the two
factors of length and biopersistence dominated the matory response with granuloma formation and
pathogenicity of respirable mineral and vitreous fibrosis as late effects (Lam et al. 2004; Warheit et
fibers. Importantly, in this context, long fibers are al. 2004; Jia et al. 2005; Muller et al. 2005;
greater than approximately 20 mm. Shvedova et al. 2005). Inhalation studies at low
The final emergence of a paradigm for the concentrations with slow build up in the lungs have
mechanism of pathogenicity of mineral and vitreous not yet been published. Nevertheless, the present
fibers might therefore be thought to have set the results indicate at least for high doses that carbon
scene for a useful paradigm for applying to fibrous nanotubes are potentially toxic to humans, and that
nanomaterials. However, it is by no means certain strict hygiene measures should be taken to limit
that fibers other then asbestos or SVF fibers adhere exposure during their manipulation (Muller et al.
to this model since the new nano-fibers are made of 2005). At the same time, in vitro studies on
a wide range of materials. These new high aspect fibroblasts showed that with increasing degree of
ratio nanomaterials are presently dominated by the sidewall functionalization of single-walled carbon
carbon nanotubes. These are currently increasing in nanotubes their toxicity decreases (Sayes et al.
scale of production and are set to reach enormous 2006), similar to what Colvin’s group had observed
global quantities in the early part of the 21st century earlier with functionalized vs. underivatized C60
(Donaldson et al. 2006). The carbon nanotubes are fullerenes (Sayes et al. 2004).
comprised largely of carbon, the structure being In the present context there are two important
essentially a single seamless cylinder of graphite in questions to address: (i) Does asbestos behave like a
the case of a single walled carbon nanotube. It is nanoparticle?, and (ii) Do man-made HARN behave
important to note that they can be contaminated by like asbestos? These questions are addressed in detail
other metals such as iron, which can undergo redox below.
Toxicology of nanoparticles: A historical perspective 15
(1) Does asbestos behave like a nanoparticle? If chemical events that occur in cells and tissue
asbestos were to act like a nanoparticle then, fluids, where oxidations are possible in a
on current understandings of nanoparticle potentially highly catalytic environment.
toxicity its surface area would be the most
accurate descriptor of its pathogenicity. In fact The role of length in determining CNT toxicity is
it has been suggested (Timbrell 1982) that yet to be investigated, although there is at least one
surface area correlates well with pulmonary study purporting to study it. However, long CNT in
fibrosis caused by asbestos and might be a this case were only 820 nm and short CNT were
good dose metric for that endpoint. However, 220 nm long. Both of these samples are less than
the most important descriptor of fiber patho- 1 mm and would not even be classified as fibers in a
genicity is length and biopersistence, as de- workplace, far less approach the 20 mm length range
scribed above (Davis et al. 1986). It would be considered ‘long’ in the current fiber paradigm. In
anticipated that short fibers act like particles fact, as might be expected neither sample proved
and at a high enough surface area dose would very effective at inducing TNFa production by cells
induce inflammation. Certainly the non-fibrous in vitro nor causing inflammation when implanted
particulate in some SVF samples have been subcutaneously (Sato et al. 2005).
held responsible for surface-area related rat As mentioned above, chrysotile fibrils consist of
lung overload, that complicated the interpreta- nanofibers which are of low biopersistence in lungs
tion of studies involving mixed exposures to (Bernstein et al. 2003a, 2003b). Carbon nanotubes
long biopersistent fibers plus large amounts of are a few nm (single-walled) or a few hundred nm
non-fibrous particles (Brown et al. 2005). (multi-walled) in diameter and so can approach the
(2) Do HARN behave like asbestos? If the same dimensions of asbestos. It is worth noting that singlet
paradigm for asbestos and vitreous fibers was CNT (and probably some asbestos fibers) may not
operative for HARN, then any biopersistent be visible by conventional imaging used to quantify
HARN longer than about 20 mm might cause lung burden and so could confound attempts to
fibrosis, cancer, pleural changes and mesothe- quantify the dose if they were present in the lungs
lioma, if the fiber number is sufficient and as singlets, which is doubtful. The ‘length hypoth-
fibers are not phagocytizable. The current esis’ needs to be rigorously tested by using CNT that
paradigm of fiber pathogenicity does not dis- approach 20 mm in length. The strategy for assessing
criminate between different compositions of the pathogenicity of ‘long CNT’ should recognize
long biopersistent fibers, except in-so-far as endpoints from classical fiber pathogenicity such as
composition determines biopersistence. There durability, biopersistence, persistent inflammation
are instances of two long biopersistent fiber and cell proliferation (Warheit et al. 1995); Donald-
types erionite (Wagner et al. 1985) and SiC son et al. 2004). Chronic studies should emphasize
(Davis et al. 1996) showing special proclivity to carcinogenic and mesothelioma endpoints in the
cause mesothelioma for reasons that were not lungs and positive controls would include amphibole
easily explained, since they were not especially asbestos. Pleural mesothelioma is a key endpoint to
long or more biopersistent than amphiboles. study but is a rare tumour even in animal experi-
The chemical basis of the enhanced pathogeni- ments; however hamsters have been shown to be a
city of these two fibers has not been elucidated. species especially susceptible to mesothelioma
This suggests that some fiber types may possess (McConnell et al. 1999) and so hamster studies
surface or chemical reactivity that imparts may be considered. Since some types of CNT appear
added pathogenicity over and above what to be flexible and have the ability to bend or curl up
would be anticipated for long biopersistent to form a more compact particle that is an agglom-
fibers. We do not know if CNT or any other erate (Maynard et al. 2004; Shvedova et al. 2005)
HARN could have this potential but there is the rigidity of CNT may be a factor in driving
substantial ability to derivatize and change the toxicity, since CNT rolled into a ball could be more
CNT surface and alter simple measures of easily cleared by phagocytic cells and may not be like
toxicity (Sayes et al. 2006). Carbon particles rigid asbestos fibers at all. In the latter case the
would not normally be anticipated to have overall length is less important in producing fru-
specially active surfaces, however, due to their strated phagocytosis, a key process in fiber patho-
small size, nanoparticle carbon black, com- genicity. It is possible that nanotubes may prove
posed of degenerated graphitic crystallites, is especially fibrogenic as large granulomas have been
able to generate more oxidative stress in vitro described in rodents exposed by instillation (Lam
than fine carbon black (Wilson 2001). This et al. 2004; Warheit et al. 2004). However, these
paradox may be explained by the complex were instillation studies where the nanotubes may
16 G. Oberdörster et al.
well have agglomerated into large tangles, producing essential to estimate or determine the combination
an abnormal response and so an inhalation study is or total exposure. This does not assume that all
urgently required to determine the pathogenicity by nanoparticles are of equal risk or hazard, but that a
physiological exposure routes and CNT aerosols risk assessment must be generated that is based upon
resembling workplace conditions. a combination of the different types of nanoparticles
most prevalent in the environment.
Once nanoparticles are released into the environ-
Interactions of nanoparticles with the
ment there is a requirement to understand their fate
and transport, in order to determine in which
The awareness of a potential negative impact of environments the particles are most likely to occur
nanomaterials on the environment has also become or even accumulate, and hence which organisms are
central to the discussion of nanomaterial safety: ‘ . . . most likely to be exposed. Currently a search of any
a growing public debate is emerging on whether the publication database, for the terms nanoparticles,
environmental and societal costs of nanotechnology environment and fate or transport, yields very few
outweigh its many benefits’ (Colvin 2003). The publications. There is however a large collection of
diverse array of products containing nanoparticles publications relating to naturally occurring colloids,
inspires the certainty that nanoparticles will be their composition and behaviour. Colloids are stable
released into the environment in significant quan- suspensions of organic or inorganic particles with
tities, presently with unknown consequences. In fact, diameters between 1 and 1000 nm (although precise
this is not a problem of the future, currently released definitions vary between sources), and hence such
nanoparticles include those used in consumer pro- research is incredibly relevant to the environmental
ducts that are washed into waste water and disposed fate and behaviour of nanoparticles. Colloids have
of via land-fill sites, as well as nanoparticles that are previously been studied because of their role in the
intentionally released, such as those used for the transport of adsorbed contaminants in subsurface
remediation of polluted land (e.g., zerovalent iron environments (McCarthy & Zachara 1989). In 1989
NP [Zhang 2003]). Tratnjek et al. (2006) recently McCarthy called ‘attention to the potentially critical
reported that such particles were typically between but poorly understood role of colloids in facilitating
10 and 100 nm, although in laboratory conditions contaminant transport’. This complements the sug-
they often agglomerate into larger particles. At the gestions that nanoparticles may adsorb endogenous
current time the impact of particle agglomeration on molecules in the human body as described in
toxicity is not understood; many of the toxicology previous sections (Müller & Keck 2004) (Figure
studies in rodents and cell lines have used agglom- 7). This would suggest, that lessons relating to the
erated and aggregated rather than mono-dispersed behaviour of nanoparticles in different environments
particles, and such studies indicate that even in the must be communicated widely in order to allow
agglomerated forms the smaller particles are more extrapolation to other situations and hence a rapid
potent in many respects (see previous sections). advancement of experimental design and under-
When considering the potential risk associated standing.
with nanoparticle release into the environment, we A full history of the science of environmental
need to consider both exposure and hazard. For colloids is beyond the scope of this article, but is
substances purposefully released into the environ- reviewed elsewhere by Kanti and Khilar (2006). To
ment, such as the zerovalent iron described above, quote from Kanti:
estimations of exposure concentrations for various
organisms can be obtained. However, for substances Until some two decades ago, it was believed that
that are unintentionally released, exposure assess- only the soil liquid and gaseous phases were
ment is extremely difficult, not least because of the mobile and could facilitate the transport of
large number of currently unidentified release chemicals and nutrients in subsurface flow. It is
sources, including both domestic and industrial. now generally accepted that also part of the soil
There is a tendency within our article to use the solid phase is mobile under different geochemical
generic term ‘nanoparticle’ when referring to parti- conditions and that mobile organic and inorganic
cles of less than 100 nm in at least one dimension. soil particles, colloidal in nature may facilitate or
But as described previously, the array of nanoparti- retard the contaminant transport.
cles currently available and under development is
immense. When assessing exposure of organisms to A large proportion of the naturally occurring
nanoparticles in the environment, it is likely that colloid particles are composed of clay minerals,
initial studies will focus on nanoparticles of a specific oxides of Fe and Al, silica and/or natural organic
chemical composition, but over time it will be matter (Kanti & Khilar 2006). Elimelech (1994)
Toxicology of nanoparticles: A historical perspective 17
investigated the effect of particle size on the kinetics show increased deposition due to impaction and
of particle deposition onto surfaces, including other sedimentation (Figure 4).
particles, both theoretically and experimentally. This The techniques, models and knowledge currently
study used positively charged latex particles and available in relation to colloid behaviour, are all
negatively charged glass beads ranging from 0.08 applicable to engineered nanoparticles and will
2.51 mm diameter, and demonstrated that as particle provide a useful knowledge base on which to
size increased deposition into a packed bed column investigate such environmental issues. For example,
increased. This would suggest that in the environ- atomic force microscopy (AFM) has been used to
ment larger particles are less mobile within porous characterize freshwater natural aquatic colloids
media such as soil, due to their propensity to deposit (Lead et al. 2005), allowing identification of fibrils
or adsorb onto surfaces, and hence become trapped 10 nm in diameter and 100 nm or more in length, as
(Elimelech 1994). More recently, Zhuang et al. well as spherical colloids 30 50 nm in diameter.
(2005) studied amphiphillic (both hydrophilic and Techniques such as flow filed-flow fractionation (FI
hydrophobic) colloids due to their prevalence in the FFF) and size exclusion chromatography (SEC)
environment in the form of ‘microorganisms, man- coupled to UV-absorbance (UVA) and inductively
ufactured nanoparticles, proteins and natural occur- coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) have
ring mineral colloids with organic matter coatings’, been used to investigate colloidal binding of con-
and found that as particle size increased from 20 taminants such as U and Ni in water extracts of
420 nm, the deposition or retention within a porous sediments collected from rivers (Jackson et al. 2005).
media decreased, reaching a minimum value at Despite the current lack of knowledge relating to
around 100 nm. Above 100 nm retention within which environments, and hence which organisms,
the porous media increased again, suggesting that are most likely to be exposed to nanoparticles, the
mobility of amphiphillic nanoparticles within a toxicological impact of nanoparticles on a range of
porous media is not linearly related to particle size organisms has started to emerge. Such studies
already span the breadth of microorganisms, plants,
at this lower size range (Figure 8). Interestingly, this
invertebrates and vertebrates, although relatively few
deposition behaviour of nano-sized colloidal struc-
publications are available within each category.
tures in soil is to some extent similar to the
One of the first such studies was published by
deposition behaviour of inhaled particles in the
Oberdörster (2004) and involved treating large
respiratory tract (Figure 4), which for the smallest
mouth bass fish with nC60 (0.5 and 1 ppm for 48
particles is governed by diffusion. This becomes less
h). The exposed fish were found to exhibit signs of
efficient with increasing size such that particles
lipid peroxidation in the brain which the authors
between 100 to 300 nm experience least deposi-
suggested could be due to NP transport to the brain
tion and remain airborne, whereas larger particles
as previously reported in mammals (DeLorenzo
1970), along with the lack of neural antioxidant
defence mechanisms that occur naturally in neural
tissue. However, the nC60 was prepared initially in
Matrix Deposition Rate
In order to investigate the role of THF in fullerene marine harpacticoid) of nC60 solubilized by stirring
toxicity, Zhu et al. (2006) in a subsequent study compared to earlier findings in different aquatic
exposed adult fat head minnow to nC60 (0.5 ppm) species with THF solubilized nC60. However, spe-
prepared either in THF or by stirring in water for cies differences in toxicity may also play a role.
weeks. The nC60 prepared in THF induced 100% The lethality results of the studies published by
mortality within 6 18 h of exposure. In contrast, the Lovern and Klaper (2006) and Zhu et al. (2006)
nC60 generated by water stirring had no impact on both indicate that in the acute tests conducted on
lethality over the same time period. Sub-lethal Daphnia magna, the lethality of the nanoparticles
effects of the water-stirred nC60 still occurred and tested is relatively low. However, the sublethal effects
included lipid peroxidation in the gill and increased of nanoparticles on these species have not yet been
expression in the liver of the biotransformation studied. Preliminary results from the group of
isoenzyme family, CYP2. Again, this clearly demon- V. Stone (Rosenkranz et al. 2006) indicating accu-
strates the potential impact of the particle prepara- mulation within the gastrointestinal tract and other
tion technique on the results of such studies. body compartments, suggests that such research will
Some studies have also been published that have be needed in order to determine effects on beha-
investigated the effects of nanoparticles on aquatic viour, feeding and reproduction as well as accumu-
invertebrates. One of the first studies in this area was lation within the food chain. In addition, the
by Lovern and Klaper (2006), and used both nC60 particles adhere to the exoskeleton surfaces of the
and TiO2 (Degussa P25, 25 nm diameter) to treat exposed organisms, suggesting multiple routes of
Daphnia magna (water fleas). Again the study used exposure and absorption (Figure 9). Similar obser-
THF to disperse the particles, but this technique vations have been reported by Oberdörster et al.
was also compared with sonication in medium for 30 (2006), after exposure of Daphnia magna to nano-
min. The TiO2 and the nC60 particles were both iron particles. The effects of any nanoparticles on
found to be more potent at killing the organisms other aquatic or terrestrial invertebrates have not as
when prepared in THF than when prepared by yet been published.
sonication. For example, the LC50 of TiO2 prepared Oberdörster et al. (2006) investigated whether
in THF was 5.5 ppm, but for sonicated TiO2 gene array technology might act as a useful tool to
mortality never exceeded 11%, even at concentra- screen nanoparticle toxicity. They treated fathead
tions up to 500 ppm. In this study, the nC60 was minnow for 5 days with 50 ppm nano-iron particles
generally more potent at inducing lethality than the (70 nm diameter) composed of an iron oxide shell
TiO2. The question remains as to whether the with an elemental iron core. Brain, liver, gonads,
particles prepared in THF were more toxic because gills and other tissues showed that very few genes
they were better dispersed or because of THF were changed in the exposed animals suggesting at
induced toxicity. Similar results were obtained in the dose and in the conditions employed these
the above mentioned study by Zhu et al. (2006) particles were not effective at inducing toxicity in
using THF or water stirring solubilization of nC60 to the fathead minnow. However, before such conclu-
expose Daphnia magna . sions can be made further studies are required in
Recent studies by this group have avoided the these fish to determine the effects of different
potential for both THF and sonication to enhance particle concentrations as well as comparison with
nC60 toxicity, by preparing the particles by stirring in concentrations expected in the environment.
water alone (Oberdörster et al. 2006). They con- With respect to the effects of nanoparticles on
firmed a lower toxicity in freshwater invertebrates plants, very little work has been published. Yang
(Daphnia magna and Hyalella azteca as well as a and Watts (2005) have recently investigated the
Figure 9. Daphnia magna exposed to (a) 20 nm fluorescent carboxylated polystyrene beads (2.64 mg/l for 1 h), (b) 14 nm carbon black
(1 mg/l for 48 h) or (c) 25 nm TiO2 particles (1 mg/l for 48 h). Pictures provided by P. Rosenkranz and T. Fernandes.
Toxicology of nanoparticles: A historical perspective 19
substances with biocidal properties have these prop- terms of their behaviour in living organisms and in
erties enhanced when presented in a nanoparticulate soil and water. Improved understanding of the
form. However, there is insufficient evidence to kinetics of nanomaterials in the mammalian organ-
suggest that all nanoparticles have antimicrobial ism and the environment is essential in the develop-
effects, or in fact that all nanoparticles are toxic to ment of realistic and reliable hazard assessment.
any organism encountered in an exposed environ- However, studies should not be limited to optimisa-
ment. Research into the ecotoxicology of nanopar- tion of validated tests. Instead we also require an
ticles is in its infancy compared to the field of understanding of the mechanisms of uptake, toxicity
toxicology, and so much more work will be required and the potential for bioaccumulation/bioconcentra-
before any generalised statements can be made tion in different species. Much work is required to
regarding nanoparticle ecotoxicology. close the gap regarding our current understanding of
nanomaterial behaviour in human models versus the
environment, but information from human models
can be useful in informing study design in other
Undoubtedly, there will be a steady stream of new phyla.
findings to advance our understanding of mechan- There have been many conferences, meetings and
isms related to the toxicology and ecotoxicology of workshops organized by national and international
nanomaterials, some will show significant adverse organizations to discuss these and other issues, with
effects of certain materials raising new concerns as many calls for developing testing strategies, with
about human and environmental health and others only few proposals, followed though by far less
portraying a more benign nature of other different action. Many claims have been made on one hand
materials. At present, we lack a model to predict about the potential benefits of nanotechnology and
hazard or safety just based on the physicochemical on the other the potential risks. Only through the
characteristics of new nanomaterials that can be development of a sound evidence base in all aspects
used for risk assessment or for safe product design. of hazard and exposure assessment can we hope to
Likewise, there is little information about human generate an informed and reliable risk assessment.
exposure (both level and duration of exposure) of Quantitative risk assessment of nanomaterials
nanomaterials, and since risk is a function of hazard should be an important goal of the next chapter in
and exposure, knowledge of both hazard and ex- the history of nanotoxicology; this has now started.
posure are necessary to determine a risk. Experi-
mental findings of high as well as lack of toxicity Acknowledgements
(hazard) often are based on flawed study designs and
need to be viewed critically. Regulatory agencies, Support of G.O. is acknowledged through AFOSR
professional societies, NGOs and industry are in- MURI Grant (No. FA9550-04-1-0430), NSF
volved in developing and validating standard guide- SGER Grant (No. BES-0427262) and EPA PM
lines for toxicological and ecotoxicological testing Center Grant (No. RD-83241501). Support of K.D.
strategies of nanomaterials to pre-empt and avoid is via The Colt Foundation.
untoward surprises from intentional or unintentional
exposures to nanomaterials (e.g., SCENIHR 2004). References
Special attention should also be given to sensitive Adams RJ, Bray D. 1983. Rapid transport of foreign particles
parts of the population, i.e., people with compro- microinjected into crab axons. Nature 303:718 720.
mised organ systems or specific genetic disorders. Amdur MO, McCarthy JF, Gill MW. 1982. Respiratory response
These will predictably be more at risk, a lesson of Guinea pigs to zinc oxide fume. Am Ind Hyg Assoc J
43:897 889.
learned from population studies of ambient particu- Avakian MD, Dellinger B, Fiedler H, Gullet B, Koshland C,
late air pollution. Thus, including animal models of Marklund S, Oberdörster G, Safe S, Sarofim A, Smith KR,
compromised human conditions in future nanotox- Schwartz D, Suk WA. 2002. The origin, fate, and health effects
icology research should be an important goal to of combustion by-products: A research framework. Environ
cover this aspect of increased susceptibility, as was Health Perspect 110(11):1155 1162.
Aymonier C, Schlotterbeck U, Antonietti L, Zacharias P, Tho-
shown, for example, by an increased translocation of mann R, Tiller JC, Mecking S. 2002. Hybrids of silver
nanoparticles across tight junctions of the alveolo- nanoparticles with amphiphilic hyperbranched macromolecules
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