3.1 Design Brief
3.1 Design Brief
3.1 Design Brief
This report describes the design parameters, system requirements of the fire protection for
Main Building, and Other utility buildings. The objective is to design a fire protection system
which shall provide:
Foam System
As per Client requirement, entire facility to be designed per FM (Factory Mutual) standards.
Fire Protection system shall be designed and install as per Factory Mutual Guidelines (FMG)
Main Building 1
Chemical Mixing
Chemical Storage
Scrap Yard
Visitor’s Lounge
Locker Room
Code Requirements
Water supplies for Fire hydrant system (Internal & External) are required to be capable of
providing the water pressure and flow characteristics required by the systems being served.
Each riser should have separate four way for fill the water for respective riser in case failure
of the pumps.
As per NBC & Local Fire Authority, the external yard hydrants should be near to the building
face with maximum spacing of 45 meters between two hydrants.
As per FM requirements, the maximum spacing between two external hydrants should be 45
meters to 60 meters.
The yard hydrant system should be capable of delivering a minimum 900 LPM @ 3.5 Bars
The Internal fire hydrant station consisting of landing valve and swinging type hose reel
shall be provided.
Mezzanine floor Hydrant valve shall be placed near landing and for every 1000sqm interval.
Proposed Design
Fire Hydrant system shall be hydraulically designed to provide water flow at minimum
residual pressure of 3.5 Bar at outlet of most remote hydrant valve.
Each hydrant station shall be provided with Hose Box, Branch Pipe and RRL hoses
Internal Hose connection and hose station shall be unobstructed and shall be located near
to the staircase, opening to the common area. Shall house in the shaft of size 900mm x
1200 mm / with Hose Box of 750 x 600 x 250 mm as per site.
The hydrant risers shall be terminated with air release valve at the highest points to release
the trapped air in the pipe network.
The ring main at yard shall be isolated with OS & Y at suitable location
Four way Fire Brigade inlet connections shall be provided at entrance of the plant to fill the
ring mains of hydrant system in case of failure of pumps.
Four way Fire Brigade inlet connections shall be provided near Fire Tank to fill the Fire Tank.
The purpose of automatic sprinkler protection is to control the growth and spread of fire to
provide increased protection to occupants and the building structure.
FM Approved outside Screw & Yolk (OS & Y) type valves shall be used to isolate sprinkler
Proposed Design
The sprinkler system shall be hydraulically designed accordance with the above
Minimum Pressure : Not less than 1.8 bars for the remotest sprinkler.
Maximum Pressure : Not more than 12 bars for sprinkler system piping network.
The sprinklers in the building shall be fed from ICV located suitable location. Each ICV shall
be separate zone to be annunciated separately at Fire Control Room. The sprinkler piping
network for each zone suitable size OS & Y with Flow Switch, Flush line and drain line (with
Sight glass unit) assembly.
Main Building 1 – Low Bay Area Ground Floor (Coverage 7.5 to 9.0 sqmt, K240, Sprinkler
Spacing 2.4 to 3.6m Quick Response)
Distance between sprinklers are maintained within 2.1mtrs minimum to 4.6mtrs maximum.
Sprinklers are provided in AHU room, Toilets at the center aisle, Fire Pump room,
communication room etc.
FM approved isolation control valve with tamper switch arrangement shall be provided for
sprinkler riser at suitable location for alarming in case of fire.
Sprinkler piping is provided with effective drain by providing drain for cross mains &
Inspector Test connection lines from remotest sprinkler.
Ball valve of suitable size shall be provided for all drain lines.
Fittings – All Pipes starting from 25mm dia to 50mm dia shall be fitted with socket, weld
fittings of 3000Lbs. Where else for pipes 65mm dia & above to be fitted with butt weld
All fittings starting from 25mm to 50mm shall be socket welded type of IS approved type
and above 65mm dia shall be of grooved type of FM Approved.
Proposed Design
Independent electrical driven main fire pumps shall be used for hydrant and sprinkler
system. However the diesel engine driven & jockey pumps.
The hydrant & sprinkler pump shall be of 2850LPM@100m Head. The minimum pressure
required at farthest and remotest hydrant valve is 5 bars and pump head is calculated
Jockey pump for both hydrant and sprinkler systems shall be of 500LPM @120m head.
Diesel Engine driven pump for hydrant & sprinkler systems shall be of 9500 LPM @100m
The jockey pump shut down shall be automatic whereas the main pumps and diesel engine
for both the system shall have manual shut down.
Fire Pump test connection with flow measuring station shall be provided with piping t
recirculate the pump’s discharge to water supply tank or to the pump’s suction.
Water flow from hydrant pump system shall be allowed towards the sprinkler system but
under any condition sprinkler pumps flow shall not be allowed hydrant system.
Combined reservoir for sprinkler and hydrant system shall be located in perimeter of
building. The reservoirs shall be connected externally through suction header of fire
pumping system.
The effective capacity of reservoir shall be minimum 2,25,000 liters to supply system
demand for a minimum period of 30 minutes for sprinkler system and 60 minutes for
hydrant system, operating one system at a time.
The fresh water shall be supplied into fire reservoirs and the overflow of fire reservoirs shall
feed domestic water storage tank and to ensure that water does not stagnate in the fire
storage tanks.
When a sprinkler head, hose reel or hydrant valve opens, the pressure drop in respective
piping network which will be sensed by pressure switches installed in delivery header of
pumping system. This, in turn switches on the respective jockey pump automatically to
meet the water requirement. In case of further pressure drop, the system’s main pump will
start to meet the water supply requirement. The jockey pumps will start and shut off
automatically as per pressure adjustment, whereas the main pumps of both the system and
common diesel engine driven pump will have auto start and manual OFF feature.
Used as alternative sources of fire suppression in critical area like Data center.
Code Requirements
NFPA 2001 regulations are adapted for to design Gas suppression system.
Major Equipment’s
Electronic control head for master cylinder (s) and pressure operated control head for slave
cylinder (s) as releasing devices.
Mounting Brackets.
Discharge hoses.
Actuation hoses for slave cylinder(s).
Master cylinder adapter kit for slave cylinder system & any other required for the
completeness of the system
System Operation