Group 2 B
Group 2 B
Group 2 B
What is Copyright?
It intends to protect original works of authorship including literary works, musical works, graphic works,
architectural works, and artistic expressions. Fundamentally, copyright is a law that gives you ownership
over the things you create.
Copyright Infringement
What Is Paraphrasing?
When you paraphrase, you use your own words to express something that was written or said by
another person.Putting it into your own words can clarify the message, make it more relevant to
your audience , or give it greater impact.
Used correctly, summarizing and paraphrasing can save time, increase understanding, and give
authority and credibility to your work.
Carefully read the text that you want to paraphrase. Highlight, underline or note down important
terms and phrases that you need to remember.
Find equivalent words or phrases (synonyms) to use in place of the ones that you've picked out. A
dictionary, thesaurus or online search can be useful here, but take care to preserve the meaning of
the original text, particularly if you're dealing with technical or scientific terms.
3. Put the Text into Your Own Words
Rewrite the original text, line by line. Simplify the grammar and vocabulary, adjust the order of the
words and sentences, and replace "passive" expressions with "active" ones (for example, you could
change "The new supplier was contacted by Nusrat" to "Nusrat contacted the new supplier").
4. Check Your Work
Check your work by comparing it to the original. Your paraphrase should be clear and simple, and
written in your own words. It may be shorter, but it should include all of the necessary detail.
Paraphrasing: an Example
Despite the undoubted fact that everyone's vision of what constitutes success is different, one should spend
one's time establishing and finalizing one's personal vision of it. Otherwise, how can you possibly
understand what your final destination might be, or whether or not your decisions are assisting you in
moving in the direction of the goals which you've set yourself?
We all have different ideas about success. What's important is that you spend time defining your version of
success. That way, you'll understand what you should be working toward. You'll also know if your decisions
are helping you to move toward your goals.
What Is Summarizing?
If you intend to publish or circulate your document, it's important to seek permission from the
copyright holder of the material that you've paraphrased or summarized. Failure to do so can leave
you open to allegations of plagiarism, or even legal action.