2011 Fall Newsletter

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New Hope International Church | Fall 2011 1


A record turnout, perfect weather,
wonderful teaching, warm fellowship,
and the presence of God all marked
New Hope International Churchs 2011
Camp. An annual gathering for New
Hope and related churches in North
America, camp enables members to
spend more time with one another and
in the presence of God during morning
and evening services. This years
camp started on Saturday evening and
ended on Tuesday evening. Still, many
people commented that this was not
long enough.
Does New Hope have a suggestion
box? wrote Jesse McDaniel on
Facebook. Because Id like to suggest
more revival services and more camps!
Camp offered something for everyone.
Asked about her favorite thing during
camp, Cora Supasatit, age 6, replied,
Getting to ride bikes with other kids.
As with previous years, the Family
Fun Day was especially memorable,
especially with the competition to show
team spirit by body and face-painting.
The Blue Team, led by Phil Fischer,
won the competition, which included
an electricity game, a water balloon
toss, and dance competition.
Teaching on a theme of fruitfulness,
Pastor Lao launched into a series
of messages exhorting people to
live spiritually productive lives. The
theme is built on Jesus message to
A Fruitful Church Camp
Continue on page 6:
A Fruitful Church Camp
Crosswords Newsletter is a quarterly
publication of New Hope International
Church. The goals of Crosswords are to
communicate the heart of the pastor,
the vision and goals of the church, and
important church news, testimonies and
events in order to create a sense of family
and unity amongst the church members.
If you would like to receive a copy of
Crosswords Newsletter in the mail, please
contact the church offce at (206) 2751042.
Mission Update
Spreading Gods word across the nations
via church planting, CD ministry and
broadcast media. Pg. 3
River of Blessing Church
Mary Kay Smith stories of River of
Blesslng 0hurch ln 1apan and L^. lg. 45
Outreach Picnic
Summers Outreach Picnic that involves
cookoff competltlon. lg. 7
Testimony from Ai Pi
Ai Pi shares how God healed her and
brought her family back together. Pg. 8-9

Creativity in the Classroom
Gini Hebron shares creative ways to
teach at our Sunday School Service.
Pg. 10
Blue Team led by Phil Fischer
FAL L 2011

2 New Hope International Church | Fall 2011
Greetings in the Name of our Lord
Jesus Christ,
Pastor Da and I would like to thank
everyone for serving the Lord with us
falthfully. we can see the fulfllment
of the promise of God regarding unity
wlth our own eyes (lsalm 133:13). ln
the past two years, we have all been
working together in unity for the gospel
and the Lord has poured out many
blessings into His churches. More
souls have been saved. Many people
were delivered from demonic power.
More brothers and sisters have joined
us. More churches have been birthed
and planted by the Holy Spirit. I want
to thank the Lord for His grace, mercy
and blessing.
I want to thank the Lord for the wonderful church camp. This was one of the best
camps we have ever had. The fellowship was strong and full of love. The Presence
of the Lord was awesome. I am glad that God has brought many new friends from
California and Asia. God is good to us in deed. I am already looking forward to
attend the camp of 2012.
Please pray that we will continue to reach out to the nations, bring more souls in
the kingdom and be fruitful. We will continue to build strong loving Biblical families
in many cities and nations. God has opened the door for us to go to Germany
next year as well as Japan. A team of brothers and sisters are working hard to
make sure that the Word of God will be heard in our congregations and also for
Japanese and Mandarin speaking people. I am thankful to see the spiritual growth
of our brothers and sisters in His church. Remember this: hundreds of people are
jolnlng us ln other states, ln Thalland and 1apan to fulfll the Great 0ommlsslon
with us. Please pray for the churches in Arizona, Los Angeles, San Diego, Thailand
and Japan. This is an exciting time to bear much fruit for the Lord Jesus. Let us
serve Him together in unity, love and faith. Let us run the race to the end.
I pray that the tangible presence of God will be stronger and stronger in our midst
and miracles will happen on a regular basis. Please join different prayer groups
in our city. Prayer is very important. I also want to encourage all of you to be a
part of small fellowship groups at different homes. You will grow faster when you
also serve in a small group and participate in the group. You can use your gifts,
resources and talents to produce fruit in other peoples lives.
Pastor Da and I love all of you and believe that God will continue to change you
from glory to glory and use you powerfully in this generation. We pray that our
children and youth will be strong mighty soldiers of Jesus. Keep up your zeal and
run wlth the fre of God.
Love in Christ,
Pastor Lao
Main Campus 10 a.m. English Service
Main Campus 2:30 p.m. Thai Service
North Campus 10 a.m. English Service
^dmlnlstratlve 0ffces
12508 Lake 0lty way NL #210,
Seattle, w^ 98125
(206) 2751042
Main Campus
9170 SL 64th Street,
Mercer lsland, w^ 98040
North Campus
Mountlake Terrace High School
21801 44th ^venue w,
Mountlake Terrace, w^ 98043
Varun and Da Laohaprasit Senior Pastors
Caesar and Naly Prelow North Campus Pastors
Tyson and Peishih Supasatit Assistant Pastors
Sam and Carlin Yoophum Thai/Lao Pastors
Kenny and Malee Tsai Worship Pastors
Arash Dehghan Pastor
Neal and Maryjo Calkins Elders
Yong and Tai Tsai Elders
Brenda Supasatit Childrens Pastor
Jonathan and Joanne Shea Campus Pastors
PJ Hancock Youth Pastor
Victor and Lorena Fonseca Spanish Speaking
Tal Tsal 0ffce Manager
PJ Hancock Building Management/
Children Ministry
Ps.Brenda Supasatit Children Ministry
Phirat Supasatit Evangelism
Yong Tsai Management
Ps.Caesar Prelow Maturity and Care Groups
Jane Plant Missions
Tai Tsai Prayer and Intercession
Ps.Tyson Supasatit Young Adult Ministry
Ps.PJ Hancock Youth Ministry
Phil Fischer Public Relations
Steve Judd Service Manager
Brendan Aye Multimedia

Staff: Jocelyn Anderson, Bryan Calicdan, Patricia
Fonseca, Gini Hebron, Ira Gunawan, Manami
Robeson, Mary Kay Smith, Saan Saeteurn, Karen
Tokita, Ps. Tyson Supasatit, Aaron Tokita, Charis
Tsai, Choklatit Khueankaew (Toy)
From Our Pastor
New Hope International Church | Fall 2011 3
International. He invited New Hope
to produce recorded teachings in
Mandarin Chinese, which he would
help to distribute among the churches
in China. To date, Ps. Lao has worked
with Gary Zhou, Laura Wang, Peishih
Supasatit, and others to produce the
frst few of the 18 Lessons teachings
in Mandarin.
Work also continues to proceed in
Japan. Over the summer, several
people from Japan visited New Hope
and recelved confrmatlon from God
about the need for a revival church
in that country. Ps. Lao continues to
work with the Hirokawa sisters to
produce recorded teachings in the
Japanese language.
Please pray for all these efforts. Pray
that God will guide our church in
helplng to fulfll the Great 0ommlsslon.
Over the past few months, missions
work at New Hope International Church
has steadily continued while new
horizons open for future work. New Hope
continues to send leaders to minister
to the new River of Blessings Church in
San Diego, which is comprised mostly
of Thai converts. The new church in Los
Angeles, also called River of Blessings
Church, continues to expand rapidly.
Ps. Sam Sapcharoenlert notes Gods
blessings for the new church, as they
were able to put together a full worship
team after just the frst few Sundays.
Many young people have joined the
church there.
Ps. Lao traveled to Thailand in early
August where he ministered in Korat, a
city in the northeast part of the country,
and at weekend services in Bangkok. A
sponsor in Seattle with media contacts
in Thailand has secured a 10:00
11:00 a.m. Sunday morning time slot
on a major broadcast TV channel in
Thailand. This means that Ps. Laos
sermons recorded in the afternoon
Thai service at New Hope will be
broadcast in Thailand as well.
In late July, Ps. David Kiteley and his
wife from Shiloh Church in Oakland
visited New Hope. Ps. Kiteley recently
ministered to house church leaders
from China at a meeting in Hong
Kong; he is also the North America
Director for Revival Chinese Ministries
Mission Update
4 New Hope lnternatlonal 0hurch | Fall 2011
River of Blessing Church in Los Angeles
is a fairly new member of the New
Hope International family. Ps. Sam
Sapchoenlert has known Ps. Lao for
many years. For a time, their lives moved
in separate directions. The Fire of God
brought them together again. Ps. Sam
heard Ps. Laos CDs describing the
Fire of God. He wanted to know more.
Ps. Lao was invited to speak at another
church in LA. Ps. Sam, his wife, Sung
and several other CD fans attended the
revival service. Afterward, the CD fans
came together and decided to form a
church community. They began meeting
on Jan 1.
The group searched for a suitable
meeting place for Sunday service. They
received a good offer from a new Hilton
Hotel in San Gabriel. Sung made the
decision to sign the contract. She drew
strength and dlrectlon from lsalah 43:2:
When you pass through the waters I will
be with you and through the rivers, they
shall not overwhelm you; when you walk
thrcugh the hre ,cu sha|| nct be burned...
She had peace in her heart about signing
the contract.
The hotel provided generous hours,
from 8:00 to 6:00, and a free room for
childrens ministry. Someone donated
enough money to pay rent for the frst
three months. Fortyfve people showed
up for the frst servlce. Some left
because they did not fully believe in the
Flre of God. The frst week, ls. Sam was
the only musician. The second week a
piano player showed up. The third week,
a bass player came and the fourth week,
a drummer.
Many people in the church are Thai. Ps.
Lao visits every three months and core
team members receive pastoral support
from him. The church evangelizes by
giving out Ps. Laos CDs. The focus of
the church is discipleship and building a
frm foundatlon.
River of Blessing Church
River of Blessing members are vocal in
support of their church. Boonlai Vencura
likes being a member of a church family
and knowing Jesus in a familiar way. Her
husband, Curtis, says that New Hope is
the frst fellowshlp where he can brlng
his friends and not be embarrassed that
they wont be accepted.
Kesarin Bumroongnangam appreciates
the Holy Spirit moving in the church. Nora
Hui loves the worship, especially the fact
that it is non-traditional and the Holy Spirit
is present. Kun Junn spent several years
in another church, building membership
up to thlrtyfve people. ^t New Hope she
has seen thlrtyfve members the frst
year. She is also seeing family members
saved and is praying for more to be saved
and healed.
lf you ever fnd yourself ln the Los
Angeles area, stop in to visit The River of
Blessing Church!
Los Angeles
New Hope lnternatlonal 0hurch | Fall 2011 5
Rlvers of blesslng are also fowlng ln
Japan. Rie Hirokawa came from a Christian
background in Japan. Her parents built a
Christian church and operated with the
same pastor for fourteen years. That
pastor left last March. From December to
March, Rie was studying to pass her MD
board exams. However, she was not able
to pass her exam in Japan. She prayed
about what to do next and she decided to
come to Seattle to continue her studies.
At the end of January, she attended a
revlval servlce. ^t frst, lt seemed strange
to her. God revealed to her that in order
to love God more and serve people
better, the Fire of God was needed. She
began attending services at New Hope
International Church.
Rie planned to take her medical exam
at the end of February and then go
back to Japan. She wanted to begin her
residency this year. However, a woman
strongly advised her, Dont take the test.
Then God revealed Himself to her, saying,
Everything is from Me. Surrender your
plan. That was when Rie decided to go
to Los Angeles with Ps. Lao.
The earthquake and tsunami struck
Japan and Rie was able to see her home
country from a third person perspective.
She knew that she needed to help
and she went to northern Japan as a
medical volunteer.
God confrmed thls work to her from
lroverbs 3:2627. For the Lord will be
,cur ccnhdence and w||| keep ,cur fcct
from being caught. Do not withhold good
from those to whom it is due, when it is in
your power to do it. After her volunteer
work was fnlshed, Rle found that she
was drained and not able to preach well
or pray in tongues. She asked for Gods
grace and decided to go to Thailand for
revival service. She came back renewed
and began to pray again and preach with
new power. She brought a prophecy from
Thailand to bring the Fire of God to Japan.
Since that time, Rie visited a church
member and prayed for her family. Fire
came. She prayed with two more people
and they became overwhelmed by the
Holy Spirit. Renewal and revival began
to break out in the church called River
of Blessing. Rie now leads worship
and preaches every other week. The
church has about twenty members. Four
members recently attended our Warm
Beach Camp: Rie, Esther Hirokawa,
Noriko Yamaguchi and Fumihiko Sasaki.
Rie is now working in Japan. She is a
physician practicing general medicine
and continuing to serve in the church.
Thank you to Michael and Nita Veevalu,
Samuel, Samra and Shane-Alan Tino,
Milko Diaz, Amanda William-Lewis,
Nisa and Aiden Lash, Sarai and Ethan
Hancock. They volunteered their time
to move rubber mulch and reinstalled
landscape fabric on the playground.
Facilities Update
6 New Hope International Church | Fall 2011
hls dlsclples ln 1ohn 15, where he
tells them, I am the vine, you are the
branches. Ps. Lao taught from this
and other scriptures that Christians
must be connected to God through his
Holy Spirit in order to live fruitful lives.
These messages will continue on
Sunday mornings for several months
and eventually become available on
the churchs iTunes feed.
New Hope Elder Maryjo Calkins
noted that this years early morning
prayer saw the most attendance ever
and indicated an increased spiritual
fervency among the church. For many
people who attended camp for the frst
time, it was a life-changing experience.
Those who attended the last service
on Tuesday evening will certainly
remember the passionate testimony
of the young man from Los Angeles,
exclaiming how the previous several
days had made a profound impact on
his life.
More people attended this years camp
than any other year. Camp attendance
was swollen with members from new
churches in Los Angeles and San
Diego, as well as from New Hopes
sister church, Desert Revival Church,
in Gilbert, Arizona. People also traveled
Continue from page 1:
A Fruitful Church Camp
More people
attended this
years camp
than any
other year.
from Massachusetts, Minnesota, and
Alaska to join the camp. Overseas
visitors included people from sister
churches in Japan and Thailand.
We all look forward
to next years camp!
New Hope lnternatlonal 0hurch | Fall 2011 7
New Hope Warm
Clothing & Blanket
Winter is coming and it can be cold
out there! The Evangelism Team is
providing an opportunity to give to
those in need.
We are placing collection boxes
in the main lobby where our
members and guests can donate
new or gently used blankets,
throws, gloves, mittens, hats,
socks or knit scarves. New socks
are highly valued donations in
the winter. Please note that
this is not a general clothing
donation; only bring items
mentioned that can be used in
cold weather.
For questions, contact:
Ps. Brenda Supasatit,
Evangelism Team member
at bsupasatit@msn.com.
Summertime is outreach time at New Hope International Church. Cloudy skies
and misty rain did not deter North Campus members from holding their summer
outreach picnic at McCollum Park on July 16. Jenny Hu, Tammy and Steven Yap and
Monique Edwards organized the event. Arthur Hu provided musical entertainment.
The church provided fried chicken and subway sandwiches. Members also brought
potato salad and other favorite Asian and American picnic dishes. Nearly 30 guests
from Heatherwood apartment complex in Mill Creek stopped by for fellowship
and food.
The Mercer Island Campus hosted its own summer picnic outreach on August
27th at Luther Burbank lark on the lsland. The hlghllght of the event was an
Iron Chef Cook-off featuring four chefs and three sous chefs. Phil Fischer
partnered with Brendan Aye. Their specialty dish was Mississippi Brisket. Ps.Tyson
Supasatit and Toy Khueankaew teamed up to prepare garlic chicken and Mexican
roasted corn.
Kevin Hsu worked solo, preparing special burgers with his own secret sauce.
Da Siriupthom and her partner, Seven, cooked up a combination of Asian and
American food called, Japanese Garden. Competitors were given one hour to cook
up their specialties. Lee Rich, Ps. Kenny Tsai and Ps. PJ Hancock acted as judges
and picnic guests sampled the culinary creations and voted for their favorites.
Chefs were rated in individual categories such as creativity, presentation and taste.
The crowd favorite for taste was Kevin Hsu. First prize for overall performance went
to Da Siriupthom. Phil Fischer captured second prize. Third place went to Kevin
Hsu and fourth to Ps. Tyson Supasatit. Ps. PJ Hancock also doubled as a chef,
preparlng burgers for the overfow crowd of church members and guests. lt was a
great summer for New Hope International Church!
Outreach Picnic
8 New Hope International Church | Fall 2011
About a year ago, on October 21st, Ai
Pi started vomiting after feeling intense
nausea. Everything she saw was
spinning and she felt like she was going
to lose consciousness. The pain in her
head was so bad that she could not
move. The ambulance came and took
her into the ER at Overlake Hospital
that night. The doctors performed
scans and tests but could not see
anything wrong. They administered
medications, which seemed to help at
times. About 32 hours later, Ai became
unresponsive and could not breathe
on her own. Doctors intubated her and
took another scan; it was then obvious
that she had a stroke!
A few weeks prior
Ai was giving her coworker, Josie Chen,
a rlde home from work. Both are flght
attendants with the same airline and
they had recently served aboard a
plane together. lt was the frst tlme
they met and worked together.
While getting acquainted, Ai told Josie
that she was recently dlvorced wlth a 5
year old boy.
Its a very long story, Ai said. God put
it on my heart to talk to Ai, says Josie,
a member of New Hope International
Church, but I was afraid to talk about
church and God too much for I was
afraid that shed think I was weird or too
religious. So I just told her that I was
happy that I found a good church.
Josie felt that it was a shame that
they didnt know Jesus during their
marriage. She believed that the
marriage would not have been broken
if they had Christ in their lives.
A week and a half before the stroke
Ai was trying hot yoga for the second
time, during which, she felt a sharp
pain on the right side of the head and
unrelenting headaches afterwards. It
was the worst headache of my life!
Ai recalls. She knew something was
wrong so she went to urgent care a few
days later but the doctors could fnd
nothing wrong. She then went to see
her family practitioner a few days after
that and they looked no further still
thinking there was nothing wrong and
just prescribed more medications. The
headaches continued for over a week.
Fast forward, to the morning of
October 23rd, 36 hours after arriving in
the ER
Ai lay unconscious in the hospital bed
with a major stroke. Ps. Lao happened
to be on-call that morning and
performed an emergency operation
on her head. He took out dead brain
material from her cerebellum and
put in a drain because her brain was
swelling. Two days later, the drain
stopped and Ai became unconscious
again! Ps. Lao wasnt on-call that day
but squeezed her into his surgery
schedule wlth 5 other patlents and put
a drain on the other side of her head.
Ai was close to death at the time I saw
her, shares Ps. Lao, After I put in the
second drain, I walked in for the last
check up and her cousin was standing
in the ICU room. The Holy Spirit told me
to pray for Ai in front of her cousin. This
is unusual for a neurosurgeon to do in
the patients room. But in my heart, the
Lord had a special love for her. I prayed
and committed her into the hands
of God.
A few days after the stroke, Josie
was scheduled to fy wlth ^l agaln
but noticed she was on sick leave.
She began to wonder if she had said
something to offend her. Months later,
she learned that Ai was out on an
extended sick leave. She passed a
message to Ai via her manager, asking
if she needed any help especially with
her son, Aidan. I have a son around
the same age, says Josie. But that
message was never passed on to Ai.
Ai spent three weeks at Overlake
Hospital. The stroke affected her
vision, speech, swallowing and gait
(walklng). She then spent two weeks at
Virginia Mason for rehabilitation. When
she came home, she still had double
vision, a feeding tube and needed a
walker to get around. She would have
to go through months of healing and
rehabilitation. It was then that she
began searching for something
for God.
Ai had found out in rehab, when she
was more conscious, that her ex-
husband, Kenny Luke, had stayed with
her in the hospital from the beginning.
Ai and Kenny had divorced a year and
a half prior and she could not believe
what he had done for her. Ai was very
touched by his love and kindness.
I was very emotional, Ai recalls. I
did not know what to do. Aidan needed
his mom. I needed her. All I could do is
Testimony of Ai Pi
New Hope International Church | Fall 2011 9
SUND^Y, SLlT 425
Food Drlve (Mercer lsland)
7.30 lM Revlval Servlce
Lunch & Fellowshlp (Mercer lsland)
Lvangellsm (Bellevue 0lty lark)
14 lM larentlng 0lass (Mercer lsland)
Warm Clothes & Blanket Drive
Lunch & Fellowshlp (Mercer lsland)
Lvangellsm (westlake Mall DT Seattle)
MONDAY, OCT 10 - Columbus Day
7 lM Young leople Revlval Servlce at
Mercer Island Church
Lunch & Fellowshlp (Mercer lsland)
Lvangellsm (Bellevue 0lty lark)
Autumn Festival
Daylight Savings Time Ends
FRIDAY, NOV 11 - Veterans day
Lvangellsm (westlake Mall DT Seattle)
Lunch and fellowshlp (Ml)
THURSD^Y, N0v 2425 Thanksglvlng
SUND^Y, N0v 27
Lvangellsm (Bellevue 0lty lark)
7.30 lM Revlval Servlce
Christmas Banquet
Lunch & Fellowshlp (Mercer lsland)
Lvangellsm (westlake Mall DT Seattle)
Lunch & Fellowshlp (Mercer lsland)
SUND^Y, DL0 24
0hrlstmas Lve Servlce (Mercer lsland)
SUND^Y, DL0 25 0hrlstmas
SATURDAY, DEC 31 - New Years Eve
stand by her bedside and pray to God
that she would be able to see our son
grow up, said Kenny.
By mid-March, Ai was doing much
better. Josies statement, from months
ago, that she had found a good church
kept popping in her head. She then
contacted Josie wanting to know the
name of the church she had mentioned
when they frst met. 1osle also sald ls.
Lao was a neurosurgeon at Overlake
Hospital. The name sounded very
familiar to Ai but she did not remember
meeting Dr. Lao. She got goose bumps
and became very excited. His name
was then confrmed wlth Kenny and
they searched on YouTube to see his
face that, indeed, he was the same
doctor that did her surgeries. Ai and
her family had no clue that Dr. Lao
was also a pastor. She felt so much
excitement that she shared her story
with everyone she came across the
next few days.
Josie then invited Ai to a Revival
Night in late March, and Ai has been
attending New Hope ever since. The
church experience was very new to
her. She felt so welcomed by all the
members. Ai also started going to Ps
Das care group where she felt the
love and warmth from everyone in the
when l hrst saw 4| back |n March, her
condition was not good. She could not
walk well and had to lean up against
walls or objects. You could tell that she
had been through a major surgery. After
coming to Christ, now when I see her,
she is a brand new person. Since she
had Christ in her heart, it really shows
in her smile. She is a totally different
new person, says Josie.
Ps. Lao agrees, She is a new person
in my eyes. She was very sickalmost
dead. God has changed her so much.
I am so glad to see her and her family
saved now. God gets all the glory. We
are just His instruments. The Lord loves
her so much.
Ps. Lao and Josie were my angels. He
saved my life. Josie led me to Christ,
says Ai.
Today, Ai has almost completely
recovered from the stroke. I thank
God for healing me. Im so grateful for
how much Ive recovered. I still have a
little balance issue and dizziness but
besides that, I am good, she says.
^ddltlonally, they all (^l, Kenny and
^ldan), attend church together. We
are trying to make it work, says Ai, We
still have the same issues to work out
as before, but everything changes when
something like this happens. Priorities
beccme d|fferent. 4t hrst, l was angr,
that this happened, but something good
came cut cf |thnd|ng Ccd and hav|ng
our family back together again.
10 New Hope International Church | Fall 2011
in the Classroom
At New Hope International North
Campus, we have a wonderful group
of boys and girls that are advancing
through our classrooms each
year! It is my privilege as a
24 year old teacher to
help them learn about
God and His love in
the simplest terms.
Sunday School should
always be a fun and
creative place to
be. Sometimes the
curriculum presents
a challenge for me the
teacher; this year was no
exception. My lesson once again was
young King Josiah who challenged the
people to bring all the money they had
so the temple in Jerusalem could be
rebullt. The chlldren had fun flllng the
pretend boxes with lots of pennies, but
the very next week was the lesson of
Queen Esther. How I would have had
fun with that, I thought.
Vallye Edwards, one of our newest
Sunday School teachers for
this class, taught about
young Queen Esther. I
planted a little seed of
how she could pickup
some cheap fabric at
Value Village or Sears
and play dress-up
with all our little girls.
She willing took this
idea and went all out the
following week. The kids had
a blast playing dress-up and learning
about being princes and princesses in
Gods Kingdom.
She took pictures and they even got to
take their dress up crowns and gowns
home. Way to go, Vallye. Thanks for
making Sunday School so fun and
special for these little ones!
School should
always be a fun
and creative
place to be
New Hope International Church | Fall 2011 11
Hello everyone!
I thank God for each
of you because you
have been a blessing
to me. For three years
at NHIC, I grew a lot
spiritually, learning about the things I need
now to help my brother. I am talking about
the demonlc lnfuence, whlch ls so real. l
have on my heart to help a lot of people
from the psychiatric hospital where my
brother is for a short time. God gave me
good help through Ps. Fanel Serban; God
opened a door in this hospital for sick
people to come and confess their sins to
him. My brother is talking about doing the
same thlng when he`ll be fne. l am happy
because I am trained to lay on hands
and pray for people, by going with the
evangelism team in Seattle area. Hopefully
in the future we will see people being set
free and get out from this hospital for good.
I am happy to work for the Kingdom of God.
I am so thankful to Him because He is also
working in me and I want to worship Him,
the only true God. For now, I may want to
stay in this city, Brasov, for a few months
with my brother and I am so happy I have
found a good church. I miss the Revival
Services though. I am so thankful for NHIC
and for each of you because you prayed for
me and you showed me love. Every good
word you have said helped, or even telling
me to be quiet and listen to what Gods
saying was so much help. You, everyone
are wonderful people and I love you. I hope
I will visit you soon. I know NHIC will be
a bigger church. God has great plans for
many people to be set free in this church.
May God bless you abundantly. I cannot
forget you.
With love, your sister in Christ, Estera
Nita Tino & Michael Veevalu
We met in 1989 when we both visited our
families in American Samoa at my cousins
church choir. Michael was from San Francisco
and I was from Hawaii. We kept in touch for
about a year and half after my high school
and moved to Ohio for College. We went on
our own ways but we lost contact when I
moved back to Hawaii. So in November of
2010 Michael found me on Facebook and
invited me to be a friend and I accepted his
invitation. We started to talk again and were
good friends. Then later we talked about
courtship and when Michael came up in
1anuary to Seattle to make our courtshlp offclal, he proposed on 1anuary 8th for me to marry
him. I said yes and we planned the wedding from there. Michael went back to San Francisco
to tell his family and planned to move to Tacoma to his Uncles in February. We got married
1une 11th, 2011 at New Hope lnternatlonal 0hurch. 0ur 0ffclatlng lastor was lastor
Kenny Tsai.
The Lord has given us a burden for the young youth kids in our community and our church.
Also, he has given us a strong desire to continue to worship him all the days of our lives on
this earth in spirit and in truth.
Mayra Baylon & Cristian Rosas
Me and Cristian met in high school and we
knew each for about fve years. He was one
of my best friends at the time. We would talk
about anything; I would preach the gospel to
Cristian over the phone every now and then
but Cristian did believe in God but not in the
bible. Time passed, he meet my parents, we
had bible study at home, Cristian accepted
Christ, and I brought him to church. Our
mind set is to have bible studies with young
adults and let them know about Jesus and
now we are happily married!
Cruz Arthid Sakchala-
thorn. Born on Aug 12,
2011, Birth weight/
height is 6 lbs 12 oz,
20 1/2 in. Parents:
Chris & April Sakcha-
Melody P. Chaiseeha,
Born on Jun 30, 2011.
Birth weight/height is
5 lbs 14oz, 18.25 ln.
Parents: Jantana &
Rapeepat Chaiseeha
Theo Natthapat
Tangthanawirooot. Born
on May 8, 2011. Birth
welght/helght ls 7 lbs
83oz, 19.1 in. Parents:
Aod & Wee
Elijah Chaiseeha.
Born on Jan 28, 2011.
Birth weight/height
ls 7.28 lbs, 1.74 ft.
Parents: JJ Chaiseeha &
NidNoi Lapangkura
Luke Rakdee Ieumwananon-
thachai. Born on Saturday Sep
17, 2011. welght/Helght 7 lb
3 oz, 19 in. Parents: Pras-
sanee Sirisopana & Watta-
napong Ieumwananonthachai.
12 New Hope International Church | Fall 2011
New Hope International Church
9170 SL 64th Street
Mercer lsland, washlngton 98040
lLRMlT # 12
Forward Address Requested
Welcome to our New Hope Family
Join the Evangelism team
to reach out. We will be
making Christmas cards
to give to people.
DECEMBER 11, 2011

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