A Review of Solar Powered Water Pumping Systems

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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 87 (2018) 61–76

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A review of solar-powered water pumping systems T

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Mansur Aliyu , Ghassan Hassan , Syed A. Said , Muhammad U. Siddiqui , Ali T. Alawami ,
Ibrahim M. Elamind
Mechanical Engineering Department, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, 31261 Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
Center of Research Excellence in Renewable Energy, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, 31261 Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
College of Engineering, University of Dammam, 31451 Dammam, Saudi Arabia
Electrical Engineering Department, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, 31261 Dhahran, Saudi Arabia


Keywords: Diesel-powered pumps are widely employed in farming and grassland irrigation. However, there can be pro-
Solar-powered water pumping system blems of reliability and availability where fuel supply is erratic and expensive, high maintenance cost, and short
Photovoltaic water pumping system life expectancy. These and recent concerns for the environment associated with the diesel engines call for a
Irrigation viable alternative source of power for irrigational water pumping. Renewable energy sources have gained a lot of
Grassland degradation
attention as a replacement for fossil fuels or as a supplement in hybrid systems. Solar-powered (photovoltaic)
Carbon capture and storage
systems are one of the viable alternatives that have attracted considerable attention in this regard. They have
been deployed in many remote regions for various applications, ranging from rural electrification and com-
munity water supplies to irrigation and livestock water supplies. Although photovoltaic (PV) systems generally
have a high investment cost, it has many features which make it attractive as an alternative source of power for
water pumping. It is clean, as it produces no carbon emission, it generates no noise, and it has low operational
and maintenance cost. This manuscript presents a detailed intensive review of solar-powered water pumping
systems as reported in the literature to serve as a quick reference to researchers and engineers who are working
or interested in the subject.

1. Introduction environment, researchers became more focused on developing stand-

alone water pumping systems that could be powered by renewable
Water is a necessity for surviving. It is needed for drinking and sources of energy.
domestic uses, and it is required for large-scale irrigation, con- Several renewable sources of energy can be used for water
struction, and power production. Water plays a significant role in pumping. However, solar photovoltaic (PV) turned out to be the
the development of any country. The quality of life in any country suitable one. While being clean and naturally available, solar en-
greatly depends upon the quantity and quality of available water ergy has been proved to have a direct relationship between its
resources in that country. It is estimated that an average of five availability and water demand [3]. The solar intensity is high in
liters of fresh water is required per person per day for daily survival many locations where the electric grid does not reach and there is a
[1]. Although a large amount of high-quality water is present in the high need for water.
world, often it is not available at locations where it can be readily Photovoltaic panels use solar energy to directly generate elec-
used. This raises the need to pump high-quality water from its tricity which could be used to power the electricity-operated water
source to the locations where it is in demand. For this purpose, pumps. For the past several years, researchers have been focusing
water pumps have been in use for decades. on the development of efficient solar-powered water pumping sys-
The majority of the commercially available water pumps run on tems [4]. These systems have been proven reliable even in severe
electricity or Diesel oil. Conventionally, electricity mostly generated by weather conditions such as snowfall [2], and the recent search re-
burning fossil fuels has been supplied from the national grids. This vealed that the largest PV system installed in the world is Tengger
presented a problem for supplying water to remote areas which cannot Desert Solar Park in China with 1500 MW installed capacity. Many
be connected directly to a national grid station [2]. Also, with the aspects of solar-powered water pumping systems have been in-
realization of the negative impacts of burning fossil fuels on the vestigated, such as its overall efficiency, the efficiency of its

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: samsaid@kfupm.edu.sa (S.A. Said).

Received 22 March 2017; Received in revised form 29 August 2017; Accepted 14 February 2018
1364-0321/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Aliyu et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 87 (2018) 61–76

2.1. Solar collection system

The solar collection system plays a vital role in the performance of

the SPWPS [7]. Several aspects of solar collection system have been
studied in the literature that has a direct effect on the overall efficiency
of the SPWPS. These aspects involve the effect of PV configuration, use
of tracking and concentrating collectors, and water spraying of the PV
panels. Also, performance degradation due to shadows and prolonged
usage of PV panels have been studied.

2.1.1. Effect of photovoltaic configuration

The performance of solar PV powered water pumping systems
strongly depends upon the configuration of PV array. Photovoltaic
configuration refers to the series-parallel arrangement of PV modules in
the collector array. Several PV modules can be connected in series
whereas several series modules can be connected in parallel to achieve
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of a generalized solar powered water pumping system.
the desired current and voltage from the array. In this regard, Boutelhig
et al. [8] used outdoor measured data to analyze the performance of
solar photovoltaic water pumping systems at Ghardaia, Algeria, for
varying PV panel configurations. They reported an optimum PV panel
individual components, its economic viability, and its size optimi- configuration of 2 × 2 modules for a 300-W water pump and 2 × 1
zation. In economic terms, the problem associated with the use of modules for a 130-W water pump with an efficiency of 12.5% and 12%,
fossil fuel such as availability, transportation cost, price, and effect respectively. Benghanem et al. [9] studied various PV configurations to
on the environment while the reduction in PV panel prices due to optimize the performance of solar-powered helical pump that delivered
advancement in the PV technology; adds on increasing the feasi- 22 m3 of water per day. Their experimental results indicated an op-
bility of using solar-powered water pumping systems [5]. Control, timum configuration of 8 × 3 modules and 6 × 4 modules. Hamidat
maintenance, and data acquisition have yet been other aspects of et al. [10] developed a computer algorithm to evaluate the performance
research. Carbon sequestration in terms of decrease in the CO 2 of solar PV pumping system for varying PV configurations. The results
emission, due to the use of such systems, have also been under in- of their analysis indicated the best-suited configurations of 7 × 3
vestigation recently. Hence, this paper conducts a critical intensive modules and 7 × 4 modules for operating a 750-W water pump in-
review of the published research on the solar-powered water stalled in Algeria with an efficiency of PV system ranging from
pumping systems. 30−35%.

2.1.2. Effect of tracking and concentrating collectors

2. Research advances in solar-powered water pumping systems Tracking and concentrating collector systems can enhance the
energy efficiency of the PV panels. Caton [11] studied various cases
With increasing awareness about the emerging energy crisis in the of single-axis and double-axis tracking while comparing them with
world, solar-powered water pumping systems (SPWPS) have been a real fixed collectors. The authors reported that vertical axis tracking
focus of interest of researchers for decades. There are various possible resulted in the best performance among various single axis tracking.
designs for developing SPWPS. However, the most common is the one They also reported a 17.6% increase in solar collection due to
that involves PV panels [6]. Fig. 1 shows a schematic diagram of a double axis tracking on an hourly basis. It was also reported that
generalized SPWPS. It is composed of a power collection system, power there is an insignificant improvement in the performance between
conditioning unit, water pump, and a water reservoir. The power col- seasonal and monthly tracking systems. While the tracking systems
lection system mostly involves the PV panels that collect solar energy increase the solar collection and thus the efficiency of the system,
and converts it to electrical energy. The generated electricity is nor- they also increase the cost due to the addition of a complex tracking
mally DC while most of the water pumps available on the market re- system. Thus, it is imperative to justify the increase in performance
quire an AC electrical input. Therefore, there is a need to condition the against the cost of adding a tracking system. Campana et al. [12]
generated power from the power collection system so that it can power studied the economic aspect of introducing a dual-axis tracking
up the water pump. A water pump is installed in the water source. It system for solar-powered water pumping system. The authors re-
pumps the water from the source to a water reservoir located at a ported that, although the tracking system could increase the per-
higher elevation from the ground level. The elevation difference from formance, yet the fixed collector system still proves to be more cost-
the water pump to the inlet of the water reservoir is known as the pump effective. On the contrary, Bione et al. [13] reported that solar
head. This pump head is an important parameter in designing the tracking systems are more cost effective with a cost reduction of
pumping system. 19% when compared to fixed collector system. However, they also
Recently a lot of research has been focused on increasing the overall reported that the most cost effective method is the utilization of V-
efficiency of SPWPS. In this regard, all the basic components of SPWPS trough concentrators that could reduce the cost by 48%. A similar
have been studied independently to develop a system with increased result was also reported for the use of optical concentrators which
overall efficiency. The research advances, in this field, have been fo- reported a cost reduction of more than 50% when compared to fixed
cused on solar collection system, water pump, pump head, control collectors [14].
systems, and data acquisition system, and the maintenance of these
components and systems. 2.1.3. Effect of water spray
It is known that the cell temperature significantly affects the

M. Aliyu et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 87 (2018) 61–76

performance of PV collectors. Higher solar insolation leads to high lifespan, high speed, and power. Although the performance of
collector temperature, which results in a decrease in the energy commercially available electricity-operated water pumps is well
conversion performance of PV collector system. Mahjoubi et al. known, some researchers studied the work of electricity-powered
[15] developed an analytical model to estimate the cell temperature water pumps. Belgacem [22] evaluated the performance of sub-
for varying solar insolation and ambient temperature. The authors mersible centrifugal pumps for solar powered water pumping. They
reported that, at an average ambient temperature of 25 °C, the in- reported a subsystem efficiency ranging from 20% to 30% for the
dividual PV cells could reach a temperature of as high as 45 °C. water pumps installed at four different sites in Tunisia.
Kordzadeh [16] reported a solution that involves covering the PV Instead of using commercially available water pumps, Wade and
array with a thin film of water to reduce the operating cell tem- Short [23] optimized the design of a linear actuator to be used as a
perature. They reported a decrease in cell temperature of approxi- water pump system. They presented a design that utilized the cur-
mately 30 °C due to the use of water film resulting in more than 60% rent from the PV panel to flow through copper winding thus indu-
increase in the output water flow rate at the low nominal operating cing a magnetic flux in the metallic core made up of iron causing it
power of the array. However, they also reported that at high to move upward Fig. 2. The upward motion of the iron core pro-
nominal operating power, the water film is not effective. On the duced the pumping action for water in a piston cylinder arrange-
other hand, Abdolzadeh and Ameri [17] suggested intermittent ment Fig. 3. They reported an acceptable agreement between the
spray of water rather than using thin water film for reducing the PV optimized results and the experimental data. The results of their
cell temperatures. The results of their analysis indicated an increase analysis indicated an efficiency of 7.8% with a supply current of 6A
in the output water flow rate ranging between 15% and 30% for to the actuator.
varying pump heads.
2.2.2. Heat operated water pumps
2.1.4. Performance degradation Water pumps that require heat input to operate are known as
Several other factors have also been studied in the literature that heat-operated pumps. Commercially, heat operated pumps are not
negatively affects the performance of a solar PV system. A promi- available and the technology is still in the phase of development
nent factor among these is the effect of shading. Mohammedi et al. [24]. Heat-operated pumps do not present the feasibility of in-
[18] measured the productivity of various array configurations tegrating with the solar PV panels. Rather, these pumps are con-
under partial shading in Bejaia, Algeria. They reported a maximum nected to solar thermal collection systems. Most of the research
of 35% drop in the efficiency of an array configuration with two reported in this field is in the phase of theoretical simulation and
panels shaded in each row. The results of their measurement in- laboratory setting experiments. In this regard, Date and Akbarzadeh
dicated that several partially shaded panels resulted in a higher [25] proposed a new thermodynamic power cycle for operating a
drop in efficiency than a single completely shaded row. Another solar thermal powered water pump. They suggested the condensa-
factor reported in the literature, that negatively affects the perfor- tion and evaporation of a working fluid within a piston cylinder to
mance of PV panels, is the degradation due to the prolonged op- produce suction and delivery of water through the pump respec-
eration of PV system. In this regard, Kaunmuang et al. [19] assessed tively. The results of their theoretical simulation indicated a pump
the performance of PV pumping systems in Thailand after a decade efficiency of 9% when operated with a temperature difference of
of operation. They reported that around 45% of the PV pumping 60 °C between the condensation and evaporation processes. They
systems failed in prolonged operation. However, for most of the also analyzed the possibility of coupling their developed pump
failed units, the failure was attributed towards blockage of pumps design with the solar pond. Another theoretical simulation study
and pipes rather than the operation failure of PV panels. Another was reported by Prasad et al. [26]. They suggested the desorption
study was carried out by Chandel et al. [20] on the effect of PV and absorption of hydrogen for expansion and contraction thereby
module output power degradation on the performance of solar producing delivery and suction of water through the pump, re-
water pumping system. The study involved indoor and outdoor tests spectively. The results of their theoretical simulation indicated a
for monocrystalline silicon PV under 28 years of exposure to the pump efficiency ranging from 15% to 35% when operated at a
environment. They reported a PV power output degradation of temperature ranging from 50 to 90 °C at a pump head ranging from
about 1.4% per year. Table 1 shows the PV configurations and 20 to 100 m.
factors affecting the performance of SPWPS. An experimental study on heat operated water pumps were re-
ported by Spindler et al. [27]. They developed a prototype of the
2.2. Water pumps solar thermal powered water pump that operated on organic Ran-
kine cycle with R113 used as the working fluid. The pump was
An efficient water pump remarkably contributes to the overall operated by the expansion of working fluid in the turbine that re-
performance the pumping system. Water pumps have been reported ceived the working fluid after boiling and superheating via solar
in the literature can be broadly categorized based on the type of thermal energy. They reported system efficiencies in the range of
energy input as electricity-operated and heat-operated water 6–9%. Roonprasang et al. [28] reported the use of a solar water
pumps. pump in solar water heater system. The pump was operated by
steam generated by solar energy.
2.2.1. Electricity operated water pumps
Water pumps that require an electrical input to operate are 2.3. Pump head
known as electricity-operated water pumps. Most of the commer-
cially available water pumps lie in this category. Such pumps pre- The pumps head has a significant effect on the overall efficiency
sent a natural feasibility for the solar PV powered water pumping as of the SPWPS. In this regard, Benghanem et al. [29] studied the
the output of PV panels can be more easily used as input to the effects of varying pump head on the overall performance of the
pumps via a DC/AC converter [21]. The advantages of DC over AC pumping system. They tested pump heads ranging from 50 to 80 m.
pump include portability and energy efficient while AC has a longer The results of the analysis indicated that increasing pump head

M. Aliyu et al.

Table 1
Summary of the array configurations and effect of tracking and spraying on SPWPS performance.

Authors Site/Location Study Technique PV array configurations Tracking Spraying Efficiency of PV Comment
system (%)

Boutelhig et al. [8] Ghardaia basin, Experimental 2 × 2 & 2 × 1 Isofoton PV modules powered No No 11.40 – 12.50 Comparison of different configuration showed that
Algeria DC submersible pump of 300 W (Water Max Shurflo submersible pump powered by two modules in
A64) & 130 W (Shurflo) respectively the parallel arrangement is preferable for domestic use
for head less than 35 m.
Benghanem et al. Madinah, Saudi Experimental 6S X 3P, 6S X 4P, 8S X 3P and 12S X 2P modules No No 58.40 8S X 3P and 6S X 4P were the suitable configurations
[9] Arabia powered DC helical pump (SQF2.5–2) of 900 W of PV array to operate DC helical pump (SQF2.5–2)
which delivered 22 m3/day.
Hamidat et al. [10] Bechar and Mathematical 7S X 3P, 6S X 4P, 7S X 4P and 6S X 5P modules No No 34.73 (max.) Applicability of PV water pumping system is possible
Tamanrasset stations, modelling powered AC asynchronous surface motor pump for small-scale irrigation and low head application in
Algeria of 750 W Algerian Sahara regions.
Caton [11] Ying, Ghana Simulation Monocrystalline Si, 72 cells, 125 mm square Yes (single and No – Using either of the single or dual axis tracking
powered Helical rotor pump of 900 W (max.) dual axis) methods could result into reduction in capital costs,
array size, or provide an extra edge in satisfying future
rise in water flow demands due to unexpected weather
or growth in the community.
Campana et al. [12] Xining, China Modelling and Array area of fixed and tracking systems are 20 Yes (dual axis) No 14.3 Fixed collector system can still prove to be more cost-
simulation and 15 m2 respectively and pump of 1.5 kW effective.
Bione et al. [13] Recife, Brazil Experimental Eight 53Wp modules connected serially Yes No – It was revealed that a cost reduction of 19% and 48%
powered AC asynchronous submersible motor could be achieved when a tracking and concentrating

pump of 1.5 HP and 10 stages centrifugal pump systems are considered respectively as compared fixed
Whitfield and U.K. Experimental Optical concentrator and conventional piston Yes (with No – Concentrating collectors can halve the electricity cost.
Burton [14] pump optical system)
Mahjoubi et al. Medenine, Tunisia Modelling Monocrystal of 100 Wc, 24 V, and 65 Wc,12 V No No 14 The forecast PV-cell temperatures display a good
[15] of array areas of 85 and 21 m2 powered AC agreement with the measured data with root mean
submersible pumps of 7.5 and 1.2 kWh square error (RMSE) of 2.6%.
Kordzadeh [16] Kerman, Iran Experimental Three panels, each of 36 cells powered PS150 No Yes (in form of 10.5–13.5 (with Decrease in cell temperature due to the usage of water
Boost Lorentz pump with a DC motor continuous thin film and without water film thereby increasing the efficiency.
of water) film)
Abdolzadeh and Kerman, Iran Experimental Two PV cells (45×2 W) powered positive No Yes 13.5 Spraying increase the output water flow rate.
Ameri [17] displacement surface pump with a DC motor
Mohammedi et al. Bejaia, Algeria Experimental 6 S X 3 P modules of 55 W each powered DC No No ~6 Shading reduces the efficiency of PV array.
[18] motor pump (helical rotor pump)
Kaunmuang et al. Thailand Assessment Units wattage ranged between 750 and 1400 No No 2.5–3.5 The failure of PV pumping systems is likely to be
[19] Wp powered AC submersible pumps attributed to; inverters breakdown which results in a
motor-pumps breakdown, and piping systems rather
than PV panels. Adequate protection of inverters from
moisture, insect nesting, and temperature build-up
need to be ensured. Proper installation and
maintenance are required to prevent the motor-pumps
units and piping systems blockages by sediments.
Chandel et al. [20] Himachal Pradesh, Experimental 12 Mono-c-Si PV modules powered DC No No – The rate of PV degradation is found to be increasing by
India centrifugal surface pump (373 W) 1.4% per year.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 87 (2018) 61–76
M. Aliyu et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 87 (2018) 61–76

Fig. 2. Diagram showing actuator with conical active surface [23].

decreases the overall efficiency of the system. Similar results were

reported by Odeh et al. [30], they reported that doubling the pump
head causes a 61.5% drop in the overall efficiency of the pumping
system. Hamidat et al. [10] obtained similar results after in-
vestigating the performance of solar PV powered water pumping
system against varying water heads under the Sahara climate. They
reported that such water pumps are economically more suitable for
low pump heads. The drop in efficiency at higher pump heads can
make the overall system economically unfeasible. The pump spe-
cifications and heads for some locations are shown in Table 2.

2.4. Control systems

An important parameter that considerably affects the l perfor-

mance of the water pumping system is the effective and efficient
design of its control system. Campana et al. [31] proposed a control
system (Fig. 4) that oversized PV water pumping. The control
system interacts between water supply and demand to supply the
exact amount of water required. It manages water supply keeping
into account the water and groundwater response. It results in en-
ergy optimization and water saving. Another control system was Fig. 3. Diagram showing pump, with the sign of fluid flow and valve operation [23].
proposed by Sallem et al. [32] which used fuzzy management al-
gorithm to control the connection period between PV panels, bat-
tery, and water pump. The authors reported an increase in more 2.5. Data acquisition system
than 5 h of water pumping due to the utilization of such control
system. Data Acquisition System is yet another important parameter in the
operation of SPWPS. In this regards, Mahjoubi et.al [33] developed a

M. Aliyu et al.

Table 2
Summary of pump specifications and heads for selected sites and locations.

Authors Site/Location Study Technique Pump Specification Pump Head System Efficiency Comment
(m) (%)

Belgacem [22] Kairouan, Tunisia Experimental 4 pleuger submersible pumps connected to AC 65 – 112 3.7 (max.) The system is reliable and the overall efficiency exceeding 3% which is
asynchronous motors of 1.5 kW each comparable to the highest efficiencies reported.
Wade and Short [23] UK Design and modelling Pumping system consists of electromagnetic 4.0 − 5.0 7.8 To be considered for commercial purpose further research is required.
Date and Akbarzadeh North Victoria, Theoretical The components include piston-cylinder 7.7 6.6 – 6.7 The thermal water pump showed an ideal overall efficiency of around 40% of
[25] Australia arrangement and heat exchanger that of Carnot for acetone as the working fluid and the temperature difference
of 60 °C.

Prasad et al. [26] India Mathematical Supplied power is in form compressed 100 (max.) ~4.0 For a heat operated water pumping system, a temperature of 100 °C can be
modelling hydrogen used to pump water up to the head of 10 m.
Spindler et al. [27] Germany Experimental – 3.2 − 5.0 6–9 Both temperature and electrical input have an influence on a system
Roonprasang et al. [28] Thailand Experimental Self-pumping due to change in vapor pressure 1.0 2.0 7–13 (thermal) Although the efficiency of the conventional system is higher the current
system is more economical.
Benghanem et al. [29] Madinah, Saudi Experimental DC submersible helical pump 50 − 80 4.41 (head of 80 m) Water production and system efficiency increased as the PV array size is
Arabia increased
Odeh et al. [30] Ritem, Jordan Numerical modelling AC centrifugal pump 12 − 42 1.49 – 3.86 Increasing the pump head reduces the system performance also, oversizing of
PV array faintly increases the cost of water unit Meanwhile undersized steeply
increases the cost of water unit.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 87 (2018) 61–76
M. Aliyu et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 87 (2018) 61–76

Fig. 4. The strategy of the control system [31].

data acquisition system that can measure and analyze the operational the system (SPWPS) performance. Badescu [36] developed a tran-
data gathered from the pumping system. Different techniques of data sient model for the year-round operation of a solar photovoltaic
transmission such as radio, general packet radio service, and satellite powered water pumping system equipped with both water storage
were used. The data acquisition system was tested in Tunisia and the and electric storage. The developed model was studied for a water
data was analyzed and shared through the internet. Similarly, Ben- pumping system at Bucharest, Romania. The transient model in-
ghanem and Hadj Arab [34] developed a design of universal data ac- cluded PV cell model coupled with PV array model, an electric
quisition system for Algeria that can be easily accessed through a battery model, water storage tank model and a meteorological data
central server. model. The author reported that the pumped water storage is higher
in the winter season compared to the summer season. Another study
2.6. Maintenance using TRNSYS was carried out by Odeh et al. [30] to predict the
SPWPS performance. The study results suggested that, rather than
Proper maintenance ensures equipment durability and long life. basing the design of SPWPS on instantaneous insolation, it is only
Thus, maintenance is also important in the operation of SPWPS. In this essential to base it on average daily, monthly or yearly insolation
regard, Benbelkacem et al. [35] proposed the utilization of an aug- value since the water storage will compensate the instantaneous
mented reality technology for maintenance of large solar photovoltaic deviations. Martire et al. [37] developed a prediction model for
powered water pumping stations. The authors developed a tracking estimating output parameters of a solar photovoltaic powered water
method that locates the maintenance staff at the workplace and then pumping system with continuous tracking. The authors developed a
virtually overlay the objects. They reported an increased flexibility, polynomial form of correlations based on experimental data to
reduction of risks of accidents and time saving due to the use of their predict the flow output and efficiency of water pumps. The authors
proposed method. predicted the performance of a PV water pumping system installed
at Djidjan, Malia with a variation of less than 7% between the
3. System sizing prediction measured and predicted data. Jafar [38] developed a methodology
for estimating the water flow rate output from PV pumping system
The system sizing of SPWPS is based on a number of elements, such powered by solar energy. His model estimated the water flow rate
as the PV array configuration, storage tank capacity, and life cycle cost output as a function of solar input and pumping head. The author
analysis. In fact, a poor sizing of the storage tank and/or PV array simulated the results of the developed model and reported that the
configuration would affect the system reliability and develop a defi- variation between the estimated output and measured values were
ciency in daily water demand. less than 8%. Ould-Amrouche et al. [39] presented a model for the
motor-pumps subsystems characterization so as to accurately pre-
3.1. Models for solar-powered water pumping systems prediction dict output water flow of PV pumping installations. The model di-
rectly expressed the output water flow (Q) as a function of input
3.1.1. Sizing based on water output power (P) for various total heads. They reported that PV pumping
As solar irradiation varies along the year so as water production systems presented lowest annual cost as compared to diesel-fueled
will fluctuate as well. It is necessary to develop models that predict installations.

M. Aliyu et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 87 (2018) 61–76

Fig. 5. Regions with installed solar water pumping systems (SWPS).

3.1.2. Sizing based on PV pumping system components design computational algorithm were the most common design methods.
Solar water pumping systems size depends on the system com- Olcan [42] developed an analytical model to determine the capacity
ponent such as PV solar system, pumping system, and storage and size of PV pumping system components. A computational al-
system. The pumping system's performance can be predicted gorithm used to design the proposed model regarding the cost in-
through system components design. Many models have been de- dicators and reliability. The model was able to forecast the op-
veloped for sizing PV pumping systems prediction. Ebaid et al. [40] timum values of water supply when it was tested for trees irrigation
designed a standalone PV system to operate the submersible pump field in Turkey. Also, a new hybrid mathematical simulation model
for 25 years operation period. Both Peak Sun Hours and Worst was presented by Glasnovic and Margeta [43]. The authors took
Month Analysis Methods were considered in the design. Based on into consideration all relevant elements of the system as well as
the design, 62% of the PV array was adequate to produce con- their characteristics which include: boreholes, crops, irrigation
tinuous water flow rate of 288 m 3 /h. The usual sizing procedure method, PV water pumping system, local climate, and soil for the
involves designing every component individually and measuring optimization of PV irrigation pumping systems. The obtained best
the effect on the overall integrated system performance. nominal electric power using the model for the PV generator was
Hamidat and Benyoucef [41] studied the performance of PV comparatively lesser than when other models are used.
pumping system designed to supply drinkable water to the dis- During the design of the solar based system, it is necessary to
persed and remote villages in the northern and southern part of consider seasonal variation which influences solar radiation
Algeria. The procedures of their adopted methodology were based amount. Using this consideration, Yesilata and Firatoglu [44] ex-
on PV array peak power, tank capacity, total head, and water amined the differences in the output power of a PV pumping system
consumption profile. The authors reported that PV pumping system as a result of variation in solar radiation correlations so as to enable
performance strongly depends on PV array peak power and total precise system sizing. Out of the three recognized correlations
head. considered, Liu and Jordan's correlation was found to be the most
Some multi-objective models are used in the sizing of the suitable for the site design. Moreover, the designed model can es-
pumping system not only for predicting the water production but timate water discharge based on different time period such as an-
also for optimal sizing prediction. Mathematical simulation and nually, monthly and hourly.

M. Aliyu et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 87 (2018) 61–76

parameters that influence the cost of the system were battery storage
size, PV array size, and water tank size, and it was indicated that
minimizing the PV array size determines the optimum cost. Life cycle
cost optimization was conducted to achieve minimum cost in order to
meet specific water requirement.
Loss of Power Supply Probability (LPSP) is a new method used
for water pumping system cost optimization prediction. Using LPSP
method, Bouzidi [48] utilized the volumetric ratio of water deficit
to the required water to size and optimize the photovoltaic array
and storage vessel of a solar photovoltaic powered water pumping
system. The authors conducted a case study for a solar powered
pumping system installed at Saharan region, Adrar in Algeria with a
water requirement of 60 m3 per day and a pump head of 45 m. The
results of the simulations indicated that large size of PV array is
required to meet certain water requirement with small storage
vessel. The authors reported that, for minimum cost, the optimized
size of the storage vessel should be in a range of 50–75% of the daily
water requirement. Also, LPSP concept was used to utilize the
probability of insufficient water supply to size and optimize the
photovoltaic array and storage vessel of a solar photovoltaic pow-
ered water pumping system [49]. The authors carried out the life
cycle costing for a 400 W solar water pumping system installed at
Ghardaia, Algeria, to economically optimize it. The results in-
dicated that with large storage vessels, the comparatively small size
of PV array needs to meet certain water requirement.

4. Installed solar-powered water pumping systems

Fig. 5 shows installations of SPWPS throughout the world.

Solar-powered water pumping systems have been becoming in-
creasingly essential in isolated, remote and nonelectrified populated
areas, where either the grid accessibility is hard to maintain or rela-
tively high cost to implement [50]. Examples of installed SPWPS in a
different region of the world as shown in Fig. 5 are discussed in the
following sections.

4.1. The Middle East and Africa

Fig. 6. The flow chart of the general procedure [65].
Solar power may be a particularly viable alternative to fossil
fuels due to the high level of the sunshine in the Middle East and
North Africa (MENA) regions. Remoteness from the electrical
Amer and Younes [45] used a simple algorithm to estimate the long- transmission national grid and poor road connections are among the
term solar pumping system performance regardless of battery storage driving reasons for rural energy development [51]. Omer [52]
system. The input algorithm used monthly average insolation only. studied the potential of using solar energy to power small scale
Though the method reduces the computational effort which might have water pumping systems in rural areas of Sudan. He suggested that
arisen if the hourly average were to be used. The predicted values developing of solar water pumping systems must be invested on,
differed from measured ones by about 5%. encouraged and implemented on a full scale. Mokeddem et al. [53]
investigated the performance of a simple, directly coupled dc PV
3.2. Sizing prediction based on cost analysis powered water pumping system for a period of 4 months. The
system included a centrifugal pump, dc motor, and 15 kWp PV
The economic analysis is pertinent with system size optimization to array. They reported that the efficiency of the motor–pump was
provide the affordable price of power produced. The life cycle cost around 30%. Yahya and Sambo [54] designed and installed a solar
(LCC) is the most common economical approach used for system size water pumping system to replace an existing electrical powered
prediction. system in Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Nigeria. The system was
The possibility of applying solar energy to supply water to the iso- installed and satisfactory results were obtained. For 800 W/m2 solar
lated or rural areas from deep wells influenced by the installation cost. radiation and 34 °C ambient temperature, a pumping rate of 2.6 m 3 /
The difficulties associated with the installation of the grid systems to h was achieved.
such areas were studied by Ramos and Ramos [46]. The study indicates Some of the SPWPS development was conducted in the Middle
that the investment and water costs decline with an increase inad- East by the performance investigation of several underground water
missible lack of water or loss of load and autonomy. Anis and Nour [47] pumping stations, designed and constructed a photovoltaic
investigated the switched mode PV pumping system design to establish pumping system. Hrayshat and Al-Soud [55] investigated the pos-
the best design that leads to minimum cost. It was noticed that the basic sibility of using solar pumping system in 10 sites installed at

M. Aliyu et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 87 (2018) 61–76

Fig. 7. Four scenarios of PV systems [66].

different locations in Jordan. The sites were divided into three 4.3. The Asian
groups based on the amount of output water and for the same water
head (around 20 m). Four sites produced 62% of the overall water The development in PV water pumping systems leads to
amount. Three sites were classified as promising with 29% water economy development in rural areas [50]. The general trend of
output. The rest were considered to be poor with only 9% water solar water pumping system development in Eastern Asia was to
output. For Jordan, the pumping factor ranged from 39 to 50.5 was provide small sectors with fresh water and to predict the future
used, which ease the photovoltaic generator design procedure and dissemination levels [62]. In India, it was reported that such SPWPS
calculations [56]. were suitable to irrigate small application and minor drinking water
Ghoneim [57] developed a computer program to simulate the demand where conventional energy sources are unavailable or ex-
performance of a PV water pumping (PVWP) system under the cli- pensive [63]. Akker and Lamba [64] discussed the installation of
matic conditions of Kuwait. The components considered in the si- 1000 small SPWPS at different regions in Punjab, India. The project
mulation program were a centrifugal pump, a DC motor and PV was funded by the Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency
array accompanied with extreme power point tracker. The eco- for 10 years with 2.5% interest rate. One hundred and seventy-five
nomic feasibility of the system was evaluated using life-cycle cost PV pumping systems were installed in five regions within three
method. It was observed that; water head is an important parameter months. All system equipment were made in India. Twenty-four PV
to be considered in economic feasibility evaluation of PVWP modules were enough to drive two HP centrifugal pump to pump
system. The proposed PVWP system was less expensive compared to 140,000 L of water/day. 98% of the pumping systems were working
the orthodox fuel (diesel) system, and the variations in tilt angle up with high performance after one year of their operation. Setiawan
to a latitude of ± 20° had a significant effect on the performance of et al. [65] reported on a solar water pumping system as water
the system. supply source for a small village in Indonesia. The system was de-
signed and installed to lift water from a 218.34 m′ head. The flow
4.2. Europe and Western Hemisphere chart of the overall procedure is shown in Fig. 6. The PV panels
were used to power two submersible pumps providing continues
Fluctuating oil prices motivated the countries in the west to develop water flow rate of 0.9 l per second.
PV pumping systems so as to ascertain the utilization of PV pumping Studies on the economic feasibility of PV water pumping sys-
systems to satisfy both potable water and irrigation requirements in tems are reported in the literature. Business models were developed
remote areas [58]. Kaldellis et al. [59] reported that PV pumping sys- for both farmland and grassland conservation. Zhanga and Yan [66]
tems substantially contributed to the fulfillment of water consumption studied the present and enhanced business models that focus on the
requirements of remote areas and at the same time provided an en- applications of PV in China, their availability, limitations, and ac-
vironmentally friendly solution. The authors also investigated the cessibility. Their economical values were addressed and four dif-
ability of PV pumping systems to produce additional electricity to meet ferent scenarios on PV systems were compared. It was argued that
loads other than pumping water through an optimal sizing approach the scenario in which the solar water pumping system integrated
[60]. The authors reported that an electricity can be produced in ad- with the interface, which combined solar energy generation im-
dition to 400 L/h of water being pumped by a 610 Wp of PV pumping plementations, agricultural products, environmental co-benefits
configuration. etc. as shown in Fig. 7 gave a possible innovation business model for
In Sonora, Northwest Mexico, the prices of PV module reduced by the considered PV systems.
80% while the diesel price increased dramatically to 250% over the last
decade [5]. The solar pumping has the lower cost (long term) compared 5. Solar-hybrid water pumping system
with diesel pumps [5]. Reca et al. [61] conducted a feasibility study on
the installation of standalone direct PV pumping system for irrigating The term “hybrid” in the power industry implies a system with
the greenhouses in Mediterranean. Two different operations considered multiple energy sources. In water pumping system these multiple
for the analysis were irrigating with; only one sector and multiple energy sources may include solar, wind, electricity and fossil fuel.
sectors of irrigation. The components of the PV pumping system were The hybrid system has the advantage of improving the reliability of
mathematically modeled and a computer program was developed for the system since there is more than one energy source to comple-
simulating the performance of the irrigation system. The results showed ment one another [67–69]. The viability of hybrid systems has been
that the optimal operation of the system can be achieved with only one investigated by several researchers on the basis of economics,
sector and becomes more profitable when there are four or more sectors simplicity etc [70]. Vick and Neal [71] analyzed the performance of
per hectare. a water pumping system powered by a hybrid wind turbine (900 W)

M. Aliyu et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 87 (2018) 61–76

Table 3
Summary showing the regions and applications of SPWPS.

Authors Location/Region Study Approach Application

Omer [52] Sudan, Africa Survey Domestic

Mokeddem et al. [53] Algeria, Africa Experimental Domestic and irrigation
Yahya and Sambo [54] Nigeria, Africa Experimental Domestic
Hrayshat and Al-Soud [55] Jordan, Middle East Survey Domestic
Hammad [56] Jordan, Middle East Experimental Domestic
Ghoneim [57] Kuwait, Middle East Simulation Domestic
Bennouna [58] Morocco, Africa Simulation Irrigation
Kaldellis et al. [59] Greece, Europe Experimental and simulation Domestic and irrigation
Kaldellis et al. [60] Greece, Europe Experimental and analytical Domestic
Reca et al. [61] Spain, Europe Analytical Irrigation
Akker and Lamba [64] India, Asia Survey Irrigation
Setiawan et al. [65] Indonesia, Asia Experimental Domestic
Zhanga and Yan [66] China, Asia Simulation Irrigation
Olsson et al. [85] China, Asia Analytical Irrigation and carbon sequestration
Campana et al. [86] China, Asia Analytical Irrigation (forage production)
Gao et al. [87] China, Asia Modelling Irrigation
López-Luque et al. [88] Spain, Europe Modelling and simulation Irrigation
Yu et al. [89] China, Asia Assessment Irrigation
Zhang et al. [90] China, Asia Modelling Irrigation
Campana et al. [91] China, Asia Optimization and modelling Irrigation
Manfrida and Secchi [92] Italy, Europe Simulation Power storage
Munir et al. [93] Iraqi-Syrian border, Middle East Design Domestic
Al-Ibrahim et al. [94] Madison, U.S.A Modelling Domestic
Alajlan and Smiai [95] Saudi Arabia, Middle East Experimental Desalination
Paredes-Sanchez et al. [96] Spain, Europe Design Mining
Yang et al. [97] China, Asia Analytical Carbon sequestration

individual systems at a pump head of 75 m. Ramos and Ramos [72]

proposed a hybrid solar plus wind-powered water pumping system
for Portugal. The authors compared the cost of stand-alone hybrid
water pumping system with the grid-connected water pumping
system both, with and without water turbine. The results of the
analysis indicated that a grid-connected hybrid solar and wind
water pumping system without a water turbine is the most eco-
nomical choice. They also reported that economically stand-alone
system is better than grid connected system alone if the water pump
is more than 31.6 km away from electric grid connection.
Purohit [73] developed a framework to evaluate the financial
status of four renewable energy technologies which were biogas,
producer gas-driven dual fuel engine pump, windmill pump, and
photovoltaic pump to operate water pumping system used for irri-
gation. Dual fuel pumps operated by biogas were the minimum cost
alternative for water pumping irrigation while the PV powered
pumps were relatively expensive compared with electric or diesel
pumps. The producer gas drove dual fuel engine pumps improved
the systems financially especially at higher capacity utilization
factor (CUF) when related to the windmill and PV pumps. The re-
sults indicated that the windmill pump unit cost of water delivered
depends on the design characteristics (rated wind speeds, cut-in,
Fig. 8. Designing and modelling methodology [12]. and cut-out) and wind resource at the site. Kumar and Kandpal [74]
developed a framework to utilize windmill pumps, solar photo-
voltaic pumps, twin fuel engine gas producer pumps and twin fuel
biogas built engine pumps for water pumping irrigation in India.
and solar Photovoltaic arrays (320 W, 480 W, and 640 W). They These pumping systems were affected by wind speed, incoming
compared the performance of the hybrid system against the in- solar radiation, and availability of ground water. Based on the
dividual (wind turbine and solar photovoltaic) system at Bushland, technical specification, cost and income of farmers, solar photo-
Texas. The results of the analysis indicated a peak pump efficiency voltaic pumps were the optimum choice to be established in India
of 47%, 51%, and 55% when using a hybrid system with 320 W, followed by windmill pumps. Hammad [75] conducted cost com-
480 W, and 640 W solar PV arrays respectively. They also reported a parisons for different types of water pumping systems. These sys-
28% increase in water pumping for the hybrid system compared to tems were the PV generation system, diesel generation system,

M. Aliyu et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 87 (2018) 61–76

electrical wind pumping system, and mechanical wind pumping pumping system.
system. The author reported that the PV generation system was the
most economical one at low capacities. Also, his result revealed that 6. Applications of solar-powered water pumping systems
the electrical wind pumping system was higher cost than diesel
system while the mechanical and photovoltaic pumping systems Utilization of solar energy in pumping water found several ap-
were the lowest cost ones. plications in the recent years. Most of these applications are not
Cloutier and Rowley [76] developed a techno-economic analysis to only contributing to the environmental restoration but also play a
evaluate the performance of solar water pumping systems with respect significant role in socio-economic growth. Part of these applications
to fossil fuel platforms and wind pumping systems for the central part of is prominent in the areas of grassland restoration, electricity gen-
Nigeria. It was reported that both solar and wind pumping systems were eration, desalination, mining application, drinking water, and do-
capable of satisfying the water demand between 10 m3/day to 30 m3/ mestic uses. Table 3 summarized the regions and applications of
day. In terms of cost, the solar pumping overall cost had the lowest cost SPWPS.
compared to other pumping options. Campana et al. [77] compared
both the economic and technical feasibility of using wind power water 6.1. Grassland restoration
pumping (WPWP) systems and PVWP systems for farmland irrigation
and grassland restoration. The study reported that out of the two sys- Sustainability of grassland, conservation of farmland, and re-
tems, PVWP systems exhibited superior performance in terms of a set of storation of degraded grassland are some important strategies
criteria. Saravana et al. [78] proposed the possibility of utilizing wind through which ecological and desertification problem and food se-
energy to operate the irrigation pumping system at Tamil Nadu, India. curity of any nation could be addressed [84]. To achieve the above,
The proposed system is composed of a water pump powered by an off- irrigation systems need to be put in place. Campana et al. [77]
grid fixed speed wind turbine. It is reported that the proposed system compared both the economic and technical suitability of using PV
would eliminate the need for an inverter and an energy storage system water pumping systems and wind power water pumping systems for
thus increasing the efficiency of their system and that Pudukottai and the purpose of irrigation in order to conserve the farmland and
Trichy locations have the highest capacity factor of 2.4677 while their grassland in isolated areas of China. The model used for system
energy density is 0.12. sizing was based on the amount of water required for irrigation,
Kordab [79] evaluated the performance of solar water pumping solar irradiation, and wind speed. Based on cost, it was concluded
systems based on the electric supply source such as Diesel genera- to be the best cost-effective resolution for irrigation. Olsson et al.
tion sets, PV systems and Extension of the national electric grid in a [85] suggested a novel model that integrates and analyzes various
rural area of Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia co-benefits of grassland restoration and carbon sequestration. The
member countries. Cost analysis was carried out for the three op- authors indicated that employing PVWP systems is more reliable
tions in terms of kilowatt hour cost. It was observed that PV systems than either diesel or grid connected pumping systems in restoring
will be competent with other choices if their overall cost were less the degraded grasslands by planting alfalfa may not only increase
than 5$US / Wp. Kordab [79] used the volume multiplied by the the food security but also mitigate the climate change by seques-
depth factor to compare between options and concluded that PV trating huge amount of CO 2. Campana et al. [86] conducted a re-
systems with 7$US/ Wp were suitable for volume depth of ap- search through which appropriate grassland areas were technically
proximately 2000 m 4 . Stoppato et al. [80] utilized Particle Swarm identified both in northeast and southwest of China for the im-
Theory to optimize the supply of water and electricity to a village in plementation of PVWP systems. The paper reported that grassland
Nigeria and to improve the efficiency of a solar photovoltaic pow- locations supported by PVWP system displayed great potential in
ered water pumping system. The water pumping system was com- improving the forage production to meet local demand. Gao et al.
posed of solar collection, water pump, electricity storage and water [87] evaluated the performance and the feasibility of PVWP system
storage; all integrated with a diesel internal combustion system. for irrigation purpose at a large scale in the southern part of China.
The results of the analysis indicated that utilization of renewable They reported that groundwater resources are adequate and pro-
energy with the diesel internal combustion engines reduced the duce enough water to meet the grassland demand of the area under
consumption of diesel oil by 4%. They also reported a requirement consideration. The authors further revealed that PVWP systems
of 16 times larger solar collection system for a stand-alone water demonstrated a good ecological and economic performance in the
pumping system compared to the one integrated with internal concerned area as compared to using diesel engines for irrigation.
combustion engine. Odeh et al. [81] compared the economic fea- Campana et al. [12] developed a dynamic model for PVWP design
sibility of diesel and photovoltaic water pumping systems for the (Fig. 8) to address the inconsistent in solar irradiation and water
system sizes ranging from 2.8 kWp to 15 kWp. The study indicated requirement as per season. The paper reported that AC pump with
that PV pumping systems showed better economic feasibility than fixed PV array system signified the best cost-effective way for water
diesel pumping systems for the range of equivalent hydraulic en- pumping. López- López-Luque et al. [88] addressed the problem of
ergy capacities considered. seasonal need of crops in a renewable energy-driven system of ir-
Senol [82] examined the performance and economic feasibility of rigation by proposing an optimal standalone PVWP system for ir-
water pumping systems powered by solar PV, in Turkey. It was ob- rigation which directly supplies water to the olive orchards without
served that the PV solar pumping system was more suitable for the long using a reservoir. The paper reported that their approach indicated
run than diesel pumping system. Fedrizz et.al [83] studied the costs of a reduction in both the system investment costs and the amount of
gasoline pumping system and solar photovoltaic pumping system used water use for irrigation. Reca et al. [61] conducted a feasibility
to irrigate semi-arid region in Brazil. The cost comparison was based on study on the installation of standalone direct PV pumping system
different variables such as the water pumping level, equipment prices, for irrigating the greenhouses in Mediterranean by considering
and discount rates. The study results indicated that the cost of water different operations (i.e. sectors). The authors reported that the
supply from the solar system was less compared to the cost of gasoline optimal operation of the system can be achieved with only one

M. Aliyu et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 87 (2018) 61–76

sector and becomes more profitable when there are four or more applications for other domestic uses. Roonprasang et al. [28] developed
sectors per hectare. a solar water heater system (SWHS) which used solar water pump that
Since the major constraint to the application and performance of PV was powered by steam generated from flat plate collectors in place of
water pumping system is water resources, the groundwater sustain- the electrical pump. It is reported that that 12–59 L/d (depending on
ability needs to be considered as one of the major factors when applying discharge head and solar intensity) of water was found to be circulating
PVWP system for irrigation purposes. Yu et al. [89] studied the reg- within the SWHS. Al-Ibrahim et al. [94] proposed a methodology
ulatory factors in water resources which include slope, precipitation, through which PV-SDHW system configuration may be optimized. The
and water quality so as to examine the feasibility of utilizing PV authors reported that with the proposed methodology, the optimum
pumping systems for irrigation purposes. They reported that with due system was found to be superior to the conventional SDHW systems
consideration for both the groundwater sustainability and the economic which operate under various control strategies. Also, they reported that
benefit of irrigation with PVWP, areas with 300–400 mm annual pre- for each hour of pump operation, at least 3 Wh was saved from PV-
cipitation are most appropriate for the irrigation pumping system. SDHW system over a conventional SDHW system.
Zhang et al. [90] developed a model to study the limitations of water
resources basically groundwater level in the well and the evapo- 6.4. Desalination
transpiration on a PV water pumping system in Inner Mongolia,
northwest of China. Their model gave a very good prediction but, due Another application of SPWPS is found in the area of desalination.
to the soil stickiness, the recharge rate is smaller than the pumping rate Alajlan and Smiai [95] designed a PVWP system and water desalination
which leaves the system oversized. For the groundwater sustainability, system plant which was referred to as reverse osmosis unit (ROU). The
the recovery rate should be larger than the pumping rate, therefore, paper reported an excellent performance of the PVWP system due to its
both the recharge rate and soil characteristics should be considered in reliability and satisfactory performance of the ROU.
PV water pumping system optimization.
Considering the economical implication of an excessive power 6.5. Mining application
output usually obtained from PV water pumping system, Campana et al.
[91] proposed an optimization method by considering both the income Solar-powered water pumping systems also found application in
from selling the crop and water supplied effect on the crop produced in mining industries. Paredes-Sánchez et al. [96] utilized PVsyst software
addition to groundwater resources availability and cost of investment of to design an automated 60 kW solar photovoltaic powered water pump
the PVWP system. They reported that the application of such approach equipped with battery storage to be installed at a slate mine in Galicia,
to an existing system revealed 18.8% decrease in the capital cost of the Spain. The authors reported that the designed solar powered pumping
investment. system costs 1310 Euros and would enlarge the area of the mining and
auxiliary basins by 7% to avoid overflow of water.
6.2. Electricity generation
7. Carbon sequestration due to solar-powered water pumping
Additional benefits of the PVWP include electricity generation. systems
Kaldellis et al. [60] investigated the opportunities surrounding the
ability of PVWP system to meet additional electricity load other than It can be said affirmatively that from an ecological viewpoint, a
pumping water alone through an optimal sizing approach. The article photovoltaic system is far cleaner compared with any generator that
reported that additional electricity of maximum of 2kWh/day can be uses fossil fuels such as diesel and gasoline. Using solar resources to
produced in addition to 400 L/h of water being supplied by a 610 Wp of replace fossil fuel (diesel) in powering water pumps will reduce the
PVWP configuration. Manfrida and Secchi [92] employed solar power emissions of greenhouse gas which may emanate from the consumption
to pump seawater by adding and storing potential energy in it which of fossil fuels. Also, the utilization of solar resources in water pumping
could be used to produce electricity. The analysis of system perfor- system will increase the farmland or grassland output thereby, in-
mance under varying speeds, pump sizes, PV field, and storage capacity. creasing the carbon sink. Researchers have shown that SPWPS is a
The authors reported that at constant pump speed with a 7000 m3 method of realizing climate change mitigation and water conservation
storage capacity, at max 42.8% of the energy generated by 600 kWp PV benefits. Yang et al. [97] determined the direct and indirect carbon
panels could be stored. Whereas at variable pump speed with a 9000 m3 dioxide emissions of a solar photovoltaic powered water pumping
storage capacity, at max 48.6% of the energy generated by PV panels system by performing an economic life cycle analysis. authors con-
could be stored. They reported energy cost of 0.25–0.44 Euro/kWh and ducted a case study for Inner Mongolia, China, for a photovoltaic
0.23–0.45 Euro/kWh for constant and variable pump speeds respec- system of 3.4 kWp with an expected lifetime of 20 years. The results of
tively. their analysis indicated a total emission of 20060 kg of CO2 where
43.5% of emission is contributed by photovoltaic panels out of which
6.3. Drinking water and domestic uses 89% is due to the construction phase of these panels. The paper re-
ported that, for their case study, the total reduction in carbon dioxide
Photovoltaic water pumping plays a significant role in supplying emission due to photovoltaic water pumping is approximately 129 Mg
potable water; especially to some areas where electricity supply from CO2 ha−1. Ramos and Ramos [72] reported a reduction of 1030 Mg in
national grid is very limited. Munir et al. [93] evaluated the perfor- CO2 emission when a hybrid solar, wind and hydro water pumping
mance of PVWP system designed and installed to supply potable water system was used. Olcan [42] developed an analytical model to de-
to a residential building over a duration of one year. The system sup- termine the capacity and sizing of PV pumping system components. The
plied water to a reservoir with a capacity of 130 m3. It is reported that, model was tested for trees irrigation fields (carbon sink) in Turkey and
other than December in which future requirement of water consump- it was able to forecast the optimum values of water supply and optimal
tion is maintained, an excess amount of water was being pumped tilt angles needed for the carbon sink. Ould-Amrouche et al. [39] also
during the rest of the years. PVWP also found quite a number of reported that 4.2 t of CO2 will be avoided every year by using 1000 PV

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