2021 - Impacto Dragado en Columna
2021 - Impacto Dragado en Columna
2021 - Impacto Dragado en Columna
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Many human activities in or near aquatic habitats generate alterations in their environmental conditions, which
Received 5 July 2021 could affect the organisms that inhabit them. Maintenance dredging of navigation channels in order to allow
Received in revised form 7 October 2021 large ships access to inland ports is one such source of disturbance. In this study, by taking multiple approaches
Accepted 24 October 2021
(immediate-, short- and medium term), we analysed the effects of a maintenance dredging operation on phys-
Available online xxxx
iochemical variables and the early life stages of fish and other macrofauna groups present in two zones of the
Editor: Daniel Wunderlin Guadalquivir estuary with different salinity ranges (poly- and mesohaline). Most physiochemical variables
were homogenized in the water column immediately after the water mass passed by the dredger, including sed-
iment resuspension. However, this process seemed to be transient as no significant increments in the depth-
Keywords: averaged levels of turbidity were observed in the short- and medium-terms. Instead, metal concentrations of
Dredging Cr, Fe and Zn increased in the polyhaline station. Even so, these perturbations did not appear to be severe enough
Macrofauna to influence the macrofauna. Still, organisms can suffer direct mechanical impacts of the trailer suction.
Plankton Hyperbenthic species, like Pomatoshcistus spp. or decapods, tended to decrease slightly, while pelagic species
such as Engraulis encrasicolus or mysids did not, indicating that benthic organisms are usually more susceptible
Water column
to high entrainment. Nonetheless, the possible effects of this disturbance were of the same order or less than
those of natural ones; therefore, organisms of the macrofauna could be well adapted to cope with them.
© 2021 Published by Elsevier B.V.
1. Introduction
0048-9697/© 2021 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Please cite this article as: J.M. Miró, C. Megina, I. Donázar-Aramendía, et al., Effects of maintenance dredging on the macrofauna of the water
column in a turbid estuary, Science of the Total Environment, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.151304
J.M. Miró, C. Megina, I. Donázar-Aramendía et al. Science of the Total Environment xxx (xxxx) xxx
dredging of navigation channels in order to reclaim land and to allow are subject to lethal impacts more frequently due to their lower mobil-
ever larger ship access to inland waterways is one such source of distur- ities (Wenger et al., 2018), as are small individuals of macrozooplankton
bance. Adverse effects of dredging operations in coastal systems have or hyperbenthos (Hoffmann and Dolmer, 2000). For this reason, early
generally included habitat degradation, increased turbidity and life stages of fishes or plankton could be more sensitive and may show
suspended sediment, tidal amplification, altered current dynamics, more clearly the impacts of dredging in species that inhabit the water
changes in salinity and water quality etc. (e.g. Torres et al., 2009; column.
Wilber and Clarke, 2001; Winterwerp and Wang, 2013). On the other Our in situ study aimed to determine different effects on small or-
hand, periodic maintenance dredging operations are necessary to main- ganisms that inhabit the water column, such as early life stages of fish,
tain the appropriate bottom depth of the navigable channels. These re- macrozooplankton and hyperbenthos species, during a maintenance
current dredging activities may have serious repercussions on the dredging operation in different zones of an estuary with a horizontal sa-
coastal environment, although to a lesser extent than capital dredging, linity gradient, which is considered one of the most important coastal
since they may also alter the bottom topography, resuspend sediments, areas of the region for its nursery function (Miró et al., 2020). Two tem-
release pollutants, modify the water column and lead to the removal of poral aims were proposed: i) to analyse the immediate effects of a
a stable substrate (Donázar-Aramendía et al., 2018; Jones et al., 2015; working trailer suction dredger on the physiochemical variables and
Rehitha et al., 2017). The container port industry has experienced phe- macrofauna species present in the water column and ii) to analyse the
nomenal growth along the past decades since the era of containeriza- accumulated short- and medium-term effects of a maintenance dredg-
tion, where shipping currently moves over 80% of world's ing operation on the physiochemical variables and main macrofauna
commodities (Tsolaki and Diamadopoulos, 2010; Yap and Lam, 2013). species present in the water column of two zones with different salinity
The growth of world trade will increase the number of ships and their ranges.
capacities, which consequently require extensive dredging services in
coastal areas to reach ports (Yap and Lam, 2013). 2. Material and methods
Coastal ecosystems are among the most ecologically and economi-
cally important worldwide (Barbier et al., 2011). In particular, estuaries 2.1. Study area
are sites of important connectivity and intense gradients that make
them highly productive ecosystems with an essential nursery function The Guadalquivir estuary is located in the south-west of the Iberian
for many species (Elliott et al., 2019). At the same time, they are dy- Peninsula, a warm temperate region, and its waters flow into the Gulf of
namic and complex systems where high variability of the physical- Cadiz (Atlantic Ocean). The estuary extends 110 km inland from its
chemical gradients makes them one of the most stressful aquatic envi- mouth. It is a well-mixed mesotidal system with a 3.5-m amplitude
ronments for aquatic fauna (González-Ortegón et al., 2010, 2015). The range (spring tides) in the river mouth (Díez-Minguito et al., 2012),
constant fluctuation of environmental characteristics such as tempera- which presents a longitudinal salinity gradient with temporal displace-
ture, turbidity, oxygen and salinity due to tidal dynamics and freshwater ment by tides, discharges and seasonal variations (González-Ortegón
inputs results in singular communities inhabiting these ecosystems et al., 2014). The morphology of the estuary is a single channel mostly
(Day et al., 2013). Therefore, alterations in these ecosystems that isolated from surrounding natural areas, with a main navigable channel
occur due to anthropic disturbances could be difficult to distinguish of 7.1 m average depth, which is dredged every one or two years to
from natural changes (Elliott and Quintino, 2007). Achieving an accu- guarantee the navigation depth (Ruiz et al., 2015). In autumn 2017, a
rate assessment of anthropic impacts is necessary to improve the man- maintenance dredging operation was carried out in several zones of
agement of coastal development while maintaining a balance with a the estuary. The dredging work was performed by a trailer suction
‘good ecological status’ of the coastal environment (Borja and Elliott, dredge. Our study was focused on two dredging zones (Fig. 1), one in
2007). the polyhaline water mass and the other in the mesohaline water
Impacts on benthic communities as a consequence of dredging have mass. Approximately 19,600 and 20,500 m3 of dredged material was ex-
been documented in numerous studies (e.g. Bemvenuti et al., 2005; tracted in each zone, respectively, and dredging was carried out for
Donázar-Aramendía et al., 2018; Ponti et al., 2009). However, organisms 15 days (18-11-2017 to 3-12-2017).
that inhabit the water column, such as plankton or fishes, remain largely
unquantified. Although dredging often has more repercussions on ben- 2.2. Field sampling
thic communities due to the relative immobility of organisms (Simonini
et al., 2005), extensive literature has demonstrated that dredging can To analyse the immediate effect on the whole water column, biolog-
directly impact fishes (Kjelland et al., 2015; Wenger et al., 2017) and ical samples were collected against the main water current, before (in
their associated habitats (Erftemeijer and Lewis, 2006; Jones et al., front of the bow) and after (behind the stern) the water mass would
2016). Many studies have analysed the different effects of increased have passed the dredging vessel while it was working, at three different
suspended sediment on behaviour (Collin and Hart, 2015), predation moments (Fig. 2). Samples of physiochemical variables were also col-
(Ohata et al., 2011) and physiology (Au et al., 2004); other investiga- lected. To analyse the short- and medium-term cumulative effects, bio-
tions observed the effect of released contaminants such as metals or hy- logical and physiochemical samples were collected in three cruises
drophobic organic pollutants (Haynes and Johnson, 2000); some of before, five cruises during and three cruises after the dredging with
them researched the entrainment of fish in different life-history stages four samples in every zone. In order to analyse the intra-seasonal trends
(Reine et al., 1998); and a few studies assessed the dredging sounds in abundances of the main organisms found in the estuary, comparisons
(Reine et al., 2014). Notwithstanding, most of these studies were carried of a monthly monitoring sampling were performed in the same zones
out in the laboratory under controlled environments, whereas in situ in- using the same periods of the two years prior to 2017. As this study
vestigations are very scarce. The methodology to assess the real impacts was carried out during a monthly monitoring program in the same
over the organisms that inhabit in the water column are usually difficult zones from 2015 to 2018, samples from similar periods (autumn)
to apply in the field due to the continuous changes in multiple variables were used for comparison of the biological trends. No dredging opera-
such as current dynamics, tidal conditions, the salinity gradient, mobil- tions were carried out in 2015, which was used as the natural trend,
ity of the organisms etc. while a similar dredging operation was performed in 2016, which was
Recent studies show that adult fish are more likely to undergo sub- used for comparison with the effects of 2017.
lethal stress from dredging operations rather than lethality because of Biological samples were collected with a plankton net of 1 m diam-
their ability to move away from or out of an area of higher impact to eter and 1 mm mesh size equipped with a General Oceanics 2030R flow
one of lower impact (Wenger et al., 2018). However, larvae and eggs meter. Oblique tows of 10 min (305 ± 46 m3; mean ± SD) were
J.M. Miró, C. Megina, I. Donázar-Aramendía et al. Science of the Total Environment xxx (xxxx) xxx
Ni, Pb, Zn). To measure TSS, water was filtered through 0.7 μm pore
pre-combusted (4 h, 500 °C) filters (Whatman GF/F); thereafter, filters
were dried (24 h, 60 °C) and weighed. Suspended organic (SOM) and in-
organic matter (SIM) were obtained as weight loss by ignition (500 °C,
4 h). Concentrations of NO2, NO3, NH4, PO4 and SiO4 were determined
in filtered (0.7 μm) water samples, in a segmented flow autoanalyzer
(Skalar, SanPlus) based on classic spectrophotometric methods
(Grasshoff et al., 2007). The accuracy was ±0.08 μM for nitrate, ±
0.002 μM for nitrite, ±0.03 μM for ammonium, ±0.03 μM for silicate
and ±0.03 μM for phosphate. Analysis of metal concentrations in
water samples was determined by ICP-OES (Varian ICP 720-ES)
equipped with ultrasonic nebulizer CETAC U5000AT+ after filtration
through Nylon filters (pore size = 0.45 μm) and acidification with 2%
HNO3 (30%). Water samples acidified were stored one month before
extraction. Calibration and Quality Control (QC) solutions were
prepared from an ICP multi-element standard solution IV Certipur ob-
tained from Merck and Spectrascan certified reference solution from
LGC Standards GmbH (Wesel, Germany). The accuracy of the analytical
methods was assessed through reference water sample (TR-434 Trace
of metals in drinking water) from INTER 2000 Program (Trace Elements
in EstuarineWater CRM 505 No. 048). The recoveries were 89.2–109.4%
for all the metals. The differences in metal concentrations between
analysed and certified values were generally <10%.
Fig. 2. Experimental design for analysis of the immediate effects in the water column before and after the water mass passed by the working dredger.
J.M. Miró, C. Megina, I. Donázar-Aramendía et al. Science of the Total Environment xxx (xxxx) xxx
distribution and the log of the filtered volume as an offset variable. showed the inverse tendency, with higher values at the surface after
The experimental design included two factors: one fixed factor ‘Pe- dredging. The pH maintained homogeneous values at both moments,
riod’ (with three levels, ‘Before, During and After’) and one random similar to those of temperature, except in cruise 1.
factor nested within Period ‘Cruise’ (within three levels Before, five
levels During and three levels After). If the Period factor was signifi- 3.1.2. Biological analysis
cant, a post hoc pairwise comparison between levels was performed The fish species found were Engraulis encrasicolus (45.6%),
using the package ‘emmeans’ (Lenth, 2018). Pomatoschistus spp. (44.9%), Aphia minuta (2.9%), Pomadasys incisus
(2.3%), Solea senegalensis (2.2%), Sardina pilchardus (1.1%), Argyrosomus
Generalized additive models (GAMs) were fitted for depth profiles regius (0.5%), Anguilla anguilla (0.3%) and Gobius paganellus (0.2%).
of physiochemical variables recorded with the multiprobe. As GLMMs Among the rest of the macrofauna groups, mysids were the most abun-
uses a single value of every predictor variable for every value of the re- dant (77.9%; e.g. Rhopalophthalmus tartessicus, Mesopodopsis slabberi
sponse variable, predicted values of GAMs were depth averaged to ob- and Neomysis integer), followed by decapods (17.4%; e.g. Palaemon
tain a single value representative of the complete water column. The spp. and Crangon crangon) and isopods (4.6%; e.g. Synidotea laticauda
results for all variables were plotted by zone using the package ‘ggplot2’. and Lekanesphaera rugicauda).
Analyses were performed using the R 3.5.2 software (R Core Team, Species showed different responses after the water mass passed by
2018). the dredger, although the variations between moments hindered the
Additionally, daily mean discharge from Alcalá del Río Dam during discovery of clear patterns (Fig. S.1). Only the mysids and Solea
the whole study period was observed to analyse the influence of fresh- senegalensis showed significant differences, increasing in all cruises
water input (data provided by Confederación Hidrográfica del Guadal- (Table 1). Also, the anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus tended to increase.
quivir, http://www.chguadalquivir.es/saih/DatosHistori-cos.aspx) on In contrast, decapods, Pomatoschistus spp., Aphia minuta and Pomadasys
the environmental variables measured. incisus tended to decrease. Isopods maintained stable densities in front
of and behind the dredge.
3. Results
3.2. Short- and medium-term effects
3.1. Immediate effects
3.2.1. Environmental analysis
3.1.1. Environmental analysis The duration of the study was 81 days between the first and the last
Profiles of the different environmental variables recorded with the cruise, and different temporal patterns were observed in the different
multiprobe are plotted in Fig. 3. A general pattern was found after physiochemical variables. Statistically significant differences in the
dredging for chlorophyll, turbidity and salinity variables, which fixed effect ‘Period’ from GLMM on all variables are summarized in the
consisted of a homogenization of the whole water column with similar plots by letter codes and extended in Table S.1.1. Daily mean freshwater
values at the surface to those at the bottom. Only dissolved oxygen input into the estuary (Fig. 4A) increased (discharges higher than 50
Fig. 3. Vertical profiles of the environmental variables (A: chlorophyll; B: turbidity; C: Dissolved oxygen; D: Temperature; E: pH; F: Salinity) before (solid line) and after (dashed line) the
water mass passed by the working dredger during the three different cruises.
J.M. Miró, C. Megina, I. Donázar-Aramendía et al. Science of the Total Environment xxx (xxxx) xxx
Table 1
Results of the fixed effect “Moment” for GLMM on the main early fish species (count data) and macrofauna groups (biomass data) of the immediate approach. Level “Before” was used as
the intercept to calculate estimates.
Fig. 4. Daily mean of freshwater inputs in the Guadalquivir estuary (A) and temporal values of physiochemical variables measured in the water column (turbidity [B], chlorophyll [C],
temperature [D], dissolved oxygen [E], pH [F], salinity [G]) and biological (Engraulis encrasicolus [H], Pomatoschistus spp. [I], mysids [J], decapods [K], isopods [L]). Dashed lines point out
the dredging period. Solid lines are smoother models with the loess method for polyhaline (Red) and mesohaline (Blue) zones. Grey shading indicates standard errors. Different letters
indicate significant differences (p < 0.05) between levels of the Period factor (before, during and after) from GLMM in every zone (Red letters: polyhaline; Blue letters: mesohaline).
(For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
J.M. Miró, C. Megina, I. Donázar-Aramendía et al. Science of the Total Environment xxx (xxxx) xxx
m3/s) at the end of the dredging period and thereafter. Turbidity did not 3.2.2. Biological analysis
show any change during dredging, while its values increased during the A total of 16 fish species in early life stages were found with two
post-dredging period, being significant in the polyhaline zone (Fig. 4B). dominant species that comprised more than 90% of the total abundance
Chlorophyll concentration showed a decrease during the dredging pe- of the fish assemblage, the anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus (58.3%) and
riod and a soft recovery thereafter (Fig. 4C). Water temperature de- the goby Pomatoschistus spp. (32.8%). In relation to the rest of the
creased gradually from 22.5 °C to 12.5 °C, typical of the autumn- macrozooplankton and hyperbenthos groups, similar species to those
winter transition of temperate regions in the northern hemisphere, al- described in the immediate approach were found, with mysids showing
though this decline ceased during dredging (Fig. 4D). Dissolved oxygen the highest biomass (76.6%), followed by decapods (17.6%) and isopods
showed the inverse trend during the study (Fig. 4E), although their (5.3%).
values increased more during the dredging period despite the fact that Temporal series of the densities of the most abundant fish species
temperature was stable during these dates. The pH increased in both and the rest of the macrofauna are plotted by zone in Fig. 4. A general
zones during dredging, decreasing to pre-dredging values afterwards pattern was observed for most taxa, which showed a wider density var-
(Fig. 4F). Salinity was stable in both zones during the whole study iation before and during dredging cruises, as well as a temporal decrease
(Fig. 4G), although it tended to decrease after dredging associated along the whole study. Notwithstanding, distinct responses and signifi-
with the increment of freshwater input in this period. cant differences were found between periods for every species
TSS, directly correlated with SIM and SOM (Fig. 5A–C), showed the (Table S.3). Anchovy and mysids showed similar patterns in both
same pattern as turbidity, being the post-dredging period when higher zones, with a marked decrease from the beginning of dredging, espe-
concentrations were found in every zone. Still, the wide range of turbid- cially in polyhaline waters, that continued until the last cruise (Fig. 4H,
ity levels found in the mesohaline zone did not make this zone signifi- J). Isopods, goby and decapods did not show differences between pe-
cantly different (Table S.1.2). Silicate and nitrite concentrations did riods due to high intra-period variability, although different tendencies
not show differences (Fig. 5D–E). Nitrates showed a gradual increment were observed (Fig. 4I, K, L). Isopod densities were too low in the
in both zones, with significant differences in the polyhaline zone be- polyhaline zone to detect any change along periods, while in the
tween all periods (Fig. 5F). Ammonium showed a similar trend, but mesohaline zone, its biomass showed a notable descent during dredg-
without significant differences (Fig. 5G). Phosphates did not show any ing in comparison with the last cruise of the period before; also, it
difference in the mesohaline zone, while values measured in the showed a partial recovery in the second cruise after dredging, although
polyhaline zone were higher during dredging, with a partial recovery it did not continue in the next one. Gobies and decapods showed a sim-
thereafter (Fig. 5H). ilar trend, but in opposite zones, with a decrease at the end of the dredg-
Similar trends between zones were found in the concentration of ing, which also continued in the period after dredging.
most metals analysed, although the mesohaline zone did not show sig- Interannual comparison (2015, 2016 and 2017) of E. encrasicolus,
nificant differences between periods for any of them (Fig. 6 and Pomatoschistus spp., and the rest of the macrofauna groups together
Tables S.2.1 and S.2.2). As, Cd, Co, Cu and Pb did not show any clear pat- (the main component was mysids) in every zone are plotted in Fig. 7.
terns due to variations between replicates (Fig. 6A–D, H). Ni, despite not Anchovy (Fig. 7A) showed stable densities in the polyhaline zone during
being significantly different between periods, showed a cumulative the whole period in 2015 and 2016, despite the dredging operation car-
trend during the dredging period (Fig. 6G). Cr and Fe started to increase ried out in the latter year. Instead, 2017 presented higher anchovy
gradually during the dredging and continued in the post-dredging pe- abundances before dredging, but it decreased during the operation to
riod (Fig. 6D, F). Zn showed the highest relative increment during similar levels as in previous years on the same dates. The densities of an-
dredging, with different trends after dredging for the polyhaline zone, chovies in the mesohaline zone showed a different trend, with a gradual
in which it decreased slightly, and the mesohaline zone, in which it decrease but with oscillations depending on the year. In fact, the natural
remained high but with oscillations (Fig. 6I). inter-month variations found in 2015 where higher than those
Fig. 5. Boxplot of total suspended solids (A), suspended inorganic matter (B), suspended organic matter (C), SiO4 (D), NO2 (E), NO3 (F), NH4 (G) and PO4 (H) in every zone. Blue: before
dredging; red: during dredging; green: after dredging. Different letters indicate significant differences (p < 0.05) between levels of the Period factor from GLMM in every zone. (For
interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
J.M. Miró, C. Megina, I. Donázar-Aramendía et al. Science of the Total Environment xxx (xxxx) xxx
Fig. 6. Temporal series of metal concentrations (As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, Zn; A-I respectively) in the water column. Dashed lines point out the dredging period. Solid lines are smoother
models with the loess method for polyhaline (Red) and mesohaline (Blue) zones. Different letters indicate significant differences (p < 0.05) between levels of the Period factor from GLMM
in every zone (Red letters: polyhaline; Blue letters: mesohaline). Values lower than limit of detection were plotted as 0. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend,
the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Fig. 7. Density of Engraulis encrasicolus (A) and Pomatoschistus spp. (B), and biomass (wet weight) of the rest of the macrofauna (C) during the dredging study (2017) and on similar dates
in previous years (2015 and 2016) in every zone. Dashed lines point out the dredging periods: green color is for 2016 and blue for 2017. Solid lines are smoother models with loess method
for every year. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
J.M. Miró, C. Megina, I. Donázar-Aramendía et al. Science of the Total Environment xxx (xxxx) xxx
observed in years with dredging. The trend of the rest of the macrofauna suspended sediment may causes damage to gill tissue and structure,
(Fig. 7C) was similar to that in anchovies in the polyhaline zone, and a as it is easier to clog the gills and reduce their efficiency in smaller fish
gradual decrease was repeated for all years in the mesohaline zone. and larvae (Au et al., 2004). The Guadalquivir estuary has been consid-
The goby (Fig. 7B) showed a distinct pattern in both zones in all years, ered the most productive and important nursery area in the region in
except for the mesohaline zone in 2016, with a progressive increment spite of being the most turbid (Miró et al., 2020). The high flows origi-
at the beginning of the studied period that varied between dates, to fi- nated by tides and the high chronic turbidity in the Guadalquivir estuary
nally decrease with different slopes. (Losada et al., 2017) could have overshadowed the sediment resuspen-
sion effect caused by dredging in our sampling zones; consequently, we
4. Discussion could not observe a clear increase nor any direct effect on the species
Estuaries are ecosystems with wide environmental variations that The dynamics of chlorophyll concentration appear to follow a sea-
make it difficult to detect anthropic stress from natural changes, unless sonal pattern related to temperature reduction, provided that dredging
the human impact is severe, leading to the ‘Estuarine Quality Paradox’ did not significantly modify turbidity and, consequently, light penetra-
(Elliott and Quintino, 2007). In addition, the impossibility of establish- tion. However, higher values were observed in the latter cruises while
ing control replicates per zone, due to the absence of polyhaline or temperature continued decreasing and turbidity increased. These ob-
mesohaline waters without dredging in the same estuary, makes it nec- servations could be explained by imports from upstream waters with
essary to interpret these results with caution. Notwithstanding, the higher primary production caused by rising freshwater inputs
immediate-, short- and medium-term design applied in this study, in (González-Ortegón and Drake, 2012) and/or a higher resuspension of
addition to interannual comparisons, helped to discriminate different microphytobenthos from riversides (Díez-Minguito and de Swart,
effects of a dredging operation in biological and physiochemical vari- 2020; Miró et al., 2020). Also, nutrients such as nitrate and ammonium,
ables of the water column in a highly fluctuating estuary such as Gua- which presented similar tendencies to those of chlorophyll, could be
dalquivir. imported due to sewage effluents and nitrification processes from up-
Among the physiochemical variables, only DO and pH showed a stream waters close to urban and agricultural areas (Mendiguchía
clear influence of dredging, increasing their levels. These unexpected et al., 2007). Different stages of ammonium could be found depending
observations contrast with the general assumption that sediment resus- on pH levels, with a higher un-ionized (ammonia [NH3]) proportion
pension releases chemical substances which react with DO, temporally associated with high pH, which has been considered toxic to fishes
reducing its concentration and acidifying the water (Jones-Lee and (Brinkman et al., 2009). In our case, the changes of pH observed
Lee, 2005). In this case, observing the stratification of DO in the immedi- during the dredging could increase the NH3 proportion by around
ate approach, it is possible that mechanical perturbation, such as by the 0.1–0.2% (poly- and mesohaline zones respectively), which translates
ship's propeller and/or cavitation, in addition to the action of the trailer to a total concentration of 0.1 μM NH3 during that period. Therefore,
arm, could mix the water column with atmospheric air (Bowie et al., un-ionized ammonia showed levels far below the toxic reference
1985), balance the chemical demand of DO and even increase its values. value of 1.16 μM NH3 (Eddy, 2005). The concentration of phosphate,
Nonetheless, the DO concentration never reached levels lower than whose increment is usually attributed to fertilizers via river flow
6 mg/L during the whole study at any depth in both zones, and the pH (Mainstone and Parr, 2002), showed changes during dredging in
increased by only 0.1, which did not seem to have a relevant negative ef- polyhaline waters, although the concentrations reached were lower
fect in well oxygenated waters with low temperatures, as reported by than the levels found in the mesohaline zone. Globally, we could not
Jabusch et al. (2008). clearly assign an increase in inorganic nutrients due to dredging
On the other hand, DO depletion is also associated with persistent operations.
high turbidity levels, which reduce light penetration in the water col- In contrast, dredging has been primarily related to remobilized
umn and limit photosynthetic activity (Desmit et al., 2005). Still, Gua- metals associated with sediment particles in the water column, which
dalquivir estuary is considered a turbid system where the primary change its environmental conditions and promotes the shift of metals
production in the water column is scarce and constrained to the surface from the particulate in the dissolved state (Van Den Berg et al., 2001;
layer (Ruiz et al., 2015). Hence, oxygen production by phytoplankton Chen et al., 2020). This phenomenon was even more noticeable in the
would be influenced little by a temporal increase in turbidity. Turbidity Guadalquivir estuary given that it received a toxic spill from the
increase, directly correlated with TSS, has been widely studied as a com- Aznalcóllar mine in 1998 (Riba et al., 2002); although 10 years after-
mon effect of dredging operations in coastal areas, which may affect ma- wards, studies showed that a decline in the metal contamination in
rine biodiversity (Magris and Ban, 2019; Wenger et al., 2017), being able the area was evident (Tornero et al., 2011, 2014). It is known that oxida-
to cause lethal and sublethal impacts in 10% and 20% of fish species, re- tion of sulphides liberates different heavy metals because the precipi-
spectively (Wenger et al., 2018). An analysis of surface satellite images tates are degraded (Caille et al., 2003). This phenomenon could be
showed increments of total suspended solids (1000 mg/L approx.) in observed in our case for Cr, Fe, Ni and Zn, with a cumulative trend dur-
plumes during a dredging operation in the upper zones of the same es- ing dredging. However, the oxidation of Fe also causes precipitation of
tuary (Caballero et al., 2018). These observations coincided with the im- iron-(oxo)hydroxides (Dang et al., 2020), which could form a very
mediate profiles recorded after the water mass passed by the working strong adsorptive layer on the surface of the new dredged bottom and
dredger, when the homogenization of the water column increased the decrease the release of metals (Goossens and Zwolsman, 1996). On
turbidity levels on the surface. But surprisingly, we did not detect signif- the other hand, a previous study in the Guadalquivir estuary of heavy
icant changes in the depth-averaged values of turbidity. The dredging metal concentrations in the sediment of the same zones observed an in-
operation must have necessarily increased the suspended sediment crement of As, Co and Ni after dredging operations, especially in the
and, consequently, the turbidity, but the effect seems to be spatially polyhaline site (Donázar-Aramendía et al., 2018). In our water samples,
very local and its persistence temporally short, and we could neither de- greater effects were found in the same zone, where slight differences
tect significant changes in the short- nor in the medium-term ap- could be due to the salinity of the water, the oxidation-reduction poten-
proaches. Nonetheless, turbidity, TSS, SIM and SOM concentration tial of the sediment and the pH of the sediment pore water and overly-
increased after dredging, which seems to be rather associated with ing water on site (Eggleton and Thomas, 2004; Roberts, 2012).
higher freshwater inputs in this period. González-Ortegón et al. The concentration of dissolved metal provided could be
(2010) reported similar observations during other freshets in the overestimated here with regard to other studies that use filters with
same estuary (up to 700 NTU approx.), describing adverse effects on smaller pore size (for instance, 0.22 μm; González-Ortegón et al.,
the estuarine food web at different levels. Increasing exposure to 2019), due to the higher presence of colloids. Consequently, the
J.M. Miró, C. Megina, I. Donázar-Aramendía et al. Science of the Total Environment xxx (xxxx) xxx
precision to detect smaller variations in metal concentrations of the dis- (Burton et al., 1992). In our case, the lack of a significant difference ob-
solved phase could be lower. Still, maximum values recorded in the field tained for any species with this approach suggests that entrainment
were lower than the minimal concentration used in controlled labora- caused a low incident over hyperbenthic species and no effects on pe-
tory experiments to test for lethal effects of trace metals in the early lagic ones.
life stages of fishes (Jezierska et al., 2009). Experiments in crustacea On the other hand, the pelagic species exhibited different trends be-
also show that the ranges measured usually do not cause significant ef- tween immediate and short-medium approaches. A high decrease in
fects on individuals (Fetters et al., 2016; Lavolpe et al., 2004; Martin and density was found just after the beginning of dredging in
Holdich, 1986). Thus, the metal uptake for fish and the rest of the mac- E. encrasicolus and mysids in the polyhaline zone, suggesting that this
rofauna present in both zones is expected to be low in this study. In ad- disturbance could affect these species. However, interannual compari-
dition to the effect of dredging, the daily tidal currents (Jonas and sons found that their densities can fluctuate similarly without dredging
Millward, 2010), wind energies or storms (Birch and O'Hea, 2007) in es- (anchovy in the mesohaline zone of 2015) or long after the dredging ac-
tuarine systems can cause periodical remobilization of surface sedi- tivity (macrofauna in the polyhaline zone of 2016). Also, these organ-
ments, releasing metals naturally. The higher freshwater inputs isms showed low and stable values (anchovy in the polyhaline zone of
observed after dredging, and the associated increment in TSS, could 2015–16) or decreased gradually (anchovy and macrofauna in the
also help to maintain the increased values of some metals. On the mesohaline zone of 2015–16) along this season, in years either with
other hand, some metals can be released and/or re-absorbed more read- or without dredging operations. The goby showed different trends, no-
ily than others (Maddock et al., 2007). Faster release and re-absorption tably, decreasing in density in the mesohaline zone of 2015, when there
could be occurring for Ni and Cr, which increased quickly only during was no dredging operation, and even increasing in the polyhaline zone
dredging, and slower release and re-absorption for Zn and Fe, which during and after dredging in 2016. These patterns make it difficult to
reached higher levels after dredging. Also, fine sediments could remain elucidate whether these changes correspond to the natural variability
longer in suspension and consequently liberate more metals after and reduction typical of this period (Drake et al., 2002) or whether
dredging (Maddock et al., 2007). The Guadalquivir estuary has shown they are an impact of dredging. A multi-year-long monitoring study
high persistent turbidity events in wet years (González-Ortegón et al., conducted in the Eastern English Channel (UK), which is dredged annu-
2010) and is considered one of the estuaries in the region with higher ally, observed a temporal and gradual reduction in several species, in-
metal fluxes (González-Ortegón et al., 2019) due to urban and agricul- cluding Pomatoschistus spp. (Drabble, 2012b). In our case, no clear
ture supports (Mendiguchía et al., 2007). As organisms take up and ac- differences were found between the seasonal densities of previous
cumulate trace metals during their whole life cycle, there is the years. Some of these species are present across the whole estuary sec-
potential for toxic effects over time (Rainbow, 2007), special attention tion, with higher densities in the shallower banks of the Guadalquivir
should be paid to metal release after higher bottom disturbance situa- estuary (unpublished data). Further, most species found were marine
tions such as longer dredging periods or torrential freshets. Still, this is migrants, such as E. encrasicolus, S. pilchardus, S. senegalensis etc.,
more likely to be a concern with longer-living estuarine organisms, which locate their spawning zones offshore (Baldó et al., 2006). These
such as adult resident fishes, than with short-lived ones, as most species behaviours could minimize the mechanical impact of dredging, which
included in this study. was carried out in the estuary and only in the middle channel,
Physiochemical alterations caused by dredging operations appear to constraining the impact on nursery function.
be minor in comparison with the natural changes observed; however, In summary, the observed modifications of water physiochemical
other possible effects have been observed in planktonic organisms. variables in comparison with natural changes such as freshets, the non-
The limited swimming capacity of small individuals could make it im- significant differences found in the immediate approach and the similar
possible for them to avoid the water mass affected by dredging. There- temporal fluctuations of density as in previous years with or without
fore, the main and direct cause that could decrease plankton densities dredging suggest that this dredging operation did not cause a severe im-
after the water mass passes by the working dredger is hydraulic entrain- pact on the Guadalquivir estuary. Still, this does not mean that there is
ment, which leads to their death from the mechanical action of the suc- no effect. This ecosystem showed high natural fluctuations, which pre-
tion arm (Reine and Clarke, 1998). cluded a clear association of the observed variations with the dredging
Different tendencies were found for hyperbenthic and pelagic spe- effects, leading to the ‘Estuarine Quality Paradox’ (Elliott and Quintino,
cies in the immediate approach. Hyperbenthic species, like 2007). Nonetheless, as the possible effects of this disturbance were of
Pomatoshcistus spp. or decapods, tended to decrease, probably due to the same order or less than those of natural ones, planktonic organisms
the direct impact of physical removal of bottom sediments inhabited could be well adapted to cope with them. Still, polyhaline water mass
by hyperbenthic organisms (Hoffmann and Dolmer, 2000). In fact, a showed more notorious effects than mesohaline waters. In addition,
previous study showed that Pomatoschistus spp. is prone to a high en- the dredging operation was undertaken during the natural decline pe-
trainment by a trailer suction with estimated rates between 0.0018 riod of recruitment, which could minimize the effects over nursery
and 0.009 ind./m3 (Drabble, 2012a). Also, Armstrong et al. (1982) re- function. However, dredging activity during the main recruitment pe-
ported that sand shrimp (Crangon sp.) showed the highest rates of en- riod and larval development (March to November in the case of Guadal-
trainment by dredges in Pacific northwest estuaries, with a range quivir estuary [Drake et al., 2002, 2007]), could directly constrain the
between 0.08 and 4.44 ind./m3, and estimated a population decrease larval supply by contributing to higher mortality rates among larvae
during a dredging project of around 1.2%–6.5%. In contrast, pelagic spe- or lowering recruitment success (Wenger et al., 2017). The evidence
cies like E. encrasicolus, S. pilchardus, P. incisus or mysids tended to main- found here and the changes detected make it advisable to implement
tain stable densities, or even to increase in density in some cases. Their systematic monitoring programs in any dredging project. The accumu-
behaviour of inhabiting the water column could minimize the entrain- lated experience and the use of new approaches may allow the nature
ment risk. Most studies report demersal organisms entrained (Barletta of the effect of these operations to be more clearly defined, allowing
et al., 2016; Reine and Clarke, 1998); however, adult stages of pelagic the design of specific control strategies to mitigate impacts, as well as
species have been collected as well, including anchovy (0.001 ind./ a thorough evaluation of the effectiveness of these strategies (Wenger
m3), herring (0.01 ind./m3) and smelt (0.01 ind./m3) (Armstrong et al., 2018), thus promoting sustainable fishery management.
et al., 1982). In fish larvae, some authors estimated the entrainment of
striped bass (Morone saxatilis), herring (Alosa spp.) and white perch CRediT authorship contribution statement
(Morone americana), involving the simultaneous operation of four hy-
draulic dredges in the Delaware River, and concluded that less than 1% J.M. Miró: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Validation,
of the total larval population would be entrained by the dredges Formal analysis, Investigation, Data curation, Writing – original draft.
J.M. Miró, C. Megina, I. Donázar-Aramendía et al. Science of the Total Environment xxx (xxxx) xxx
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interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ- Díez-Minguito, M., de Swart, H.E., 2020. Relationships between chlorophyll-a and
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We thank Autoridad Portuaria de Sevilla and Acuario de Sevilla for Donázar-Aramendía, I., Sánchez-Moyano, J.E., García-Asencio, I., Miró, J.M., Megina, C.,
financial and logistical support. This work was partially supported by García-Gómez, J.C., 2018. Maintenance dredging impacts on a highly stressed estuary
the Plan Propio Universidad de Sevilla via two pre-doctoral grants (I. (Guadalquivir estuary): a BACI approach through oligohaline and polyhaline habitats.
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Donázar-Aramendía, J.M. Miró). We thank all the members of the LBM
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