GE8077-Total Quality Management
GE8077-Total Quality Management
GE8077-Total Quality Management
Regulation – 2017
Prepared by
Introduction - Need for quality - Evolution of quality - Definitions of quality - Dimensions of product
and service quality - Basic concepts of TQM - TQM Framework - Contributions of Deming, Juran
and Crosby - Barriers to TQM - Customer focus - Customer orientation, Customer satisfaction,
Customer complaints, and Customer retention
S. BT Competence
No Level
1. Define Quality. BTL 1 Remember
2. What are the measure dimensions of service quality? BTL 5 Evaluate
3. Why is quality required in products and services today? BTL 3 Apply
4. How can I practice kaizen? BTL 4 Analyze
5. Give the six basic concepts of TQM. BTL 2 Understand
6. What are the elements of TQM? BTL 1 Remember
7. Mention some of the contributions of Juran. BTL 2 Understand
8. What are the four absolutes of quality defined by Crosby? BTL 1 Remember
9. What are the barriers to implement TQM? BTL 1 Remember
10. How is Customer retention focused in TQM? BTL 5 Evaluate
11. Compare TQM & TQM frame. BTL 2 Understand
12. What are the different ways to create customer-oriented culture in an BTL 6 Create
13. Compare appraisal and failure costs. BTL 2 Understand
14. Define prevention costs. BTL 1 Remember
15. Compare Quality requirements before and after TQM. BTL 4 Analyze
16. Write an example for quality statements. BTL 3 Apply
17. Name any 4 methods of receiving customer complaints. BTL 3 Apply
18. What is quality emphasized by industry today? BTL 6 Create
19. Differentiate Quality of Conformance and Quality of Performance. BTL 4 Analyze
20. What is the relationship between competition and customer focus? BTL 1 Remember
Leadership – Quality Statements-Strategic quality planning, Quality Councils - Employee
involvement - Motivation, Empowerment, Team and Teamwork, Recognition and Reward,
Performance appraisal - Continuous process improvement - PDCA cycle, 5S, Kaizen - Supplier
partnership - Partnering, Supplier selection, Supplier Rating
BT Competence
S. No Questions
1. Define Leadership. BTL 1 Remember
2. Point out the characteristics of good leadership. BTL 4 Analyze
3. What is strategic quality planning? BTL 2 Understand
4. Express the importance of strategic quality planning. BTL 2 Understand
5. Mention the objectives of Quality councils. BTL 1 Remember
6. How employee involvement can be improved in an organization? BTL 6 Create
7. What are the three conditions necessary to create the empowered BTL 6 Create
8. List the benefits of teamwork. BTL 1 Remember
9. Name a few barriers of team performing. BTL 1 Remember
10. Why team and teamwork are required in TQM? BTL 5 Evaluate
11. Compare Reward & Recognition. BTL 4 Analyze
12. Classify the types of motivation. BTL 3 Apply
13. What are the basic ways for a continuous process improvement? BTL 4 Analyze
14. How would show your understanding of PDCA Cycle? Do you BTL 5 Evaluate
feel kaizen can be an alternate to it? and Justify it.
15. Compare Kaizen and Kairyo. BTL 2 Understand
16. What is six sigma concepts? BTL 1 Remember
17. List the key elements of supplier partnering. BTL 1 Remember
18. Write about the importance of supplier selection. BTL 3 Apply
19. Classify the types of supplier rating. BTL 3 Apply
20. What do you understand by supplier rating? BTL 2 Understand
1. How would you describe the characteristics of quality leader and BTL 6 Create
leadership styles for effective leaders in detail? (13)
2. Explain the requirements of effective leadership & summarize BTL 4 Analyze
leadership roles in detail. (13)
The seven traditional tools of quality - New management tools - Six sigma: Concepts, Methodology,
applications to manufacturing, service sector including IT - Bench marking - Reason to bench mark,
BT Competence
S. No Questions
1. List any four traditional tools of quality. BTL 1 Remember
2. State the primary objectives of six sigma. BTL 1 Remember
3. Write the key concepts of six sigma. BTL 2 Understand
4. Name some new management tools. BTL 1 Remember
5. What is six sigma problem solving method? BTL 1 Remember
6. What are the factors that distinguish six sigma concepts from BTL 6 Create
traditional quality management concepts?
7. Differentiate between process distribution check sheet and BTL 4 Analyze
defective item check sheet.
8. Deduce the evolution of six sigma in Motorola company. BTL 5 Evaluate
9. Classify the features of activity network diagram. BTL 2 Understand
10. What is your opinion on Risk Priority Number? BTL 5 Evaluate
11. What are the different ways of benchmarking? BTL 4 Analyze
12. What are the reasons for bench-marking? BTL 3 Apply
13. How would you show your understanding of PERT Diagrams? BTL 3 Apply
14. Distinguish between failure mode and failure effects. BTL 4 Analyze
15. Mention the use of stratification chart in TQM. BTL 2 Understand
16. Compare Tree diagram and Decision tree diagram. BTL 3 Apply
17. Write a note on FMEA. BTL 2 Understand
18. What is relationship diagram? When do you use it? BTL 6 Create
19. List the benefits of FMEA. BTL 1 Remember
20. Mention the stages of FMEA. BTL 1 Remember
1. Describe the seven traditional tools of quality. (13) BTL 1 Remember
2. (i) Explain in detail about new management tools. (8) BTL 1 Remember
(ii) Infer how is Pareto analysis done? Explain with an example.
3. (i) How would you show your understanding of properties of BTL 3 Apply
normal curve? (7)
(ii) How would you solve the tree diagram and arrow diagram?
4. (i) Explain in detail the six sigma concepts of process capability. BTL 4 Analyze
1. Develop a house of quality for designing a mobile phone. (15) BTL 6 Create
2. Explain how Quality Function Deployment (QFD) approaches BTL 6 Create
help organizations to design better services. (15)
3. Explain Taguchi loss function and the evaluation method of the BTL 5 Evaluate
loss developed by him. (15)
4. Explain about the six major loss areas need to be measured for BTL 5 Evaluate
implementing TPM. (15)
Introduction—Benefits of ISO Registration—ISO 9000 Series of Standards—Sector-Specific
Standards—AS 9100, TS16949 and TL 9000-- ISO 9001 Requirements—Implementation—
Documentation—Internal Audits—Registration--ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM:
Introduction—ISO 14000 Series Standards—Concepts of ISO 14001—Requirements of ISO
14001— Benefits of EMS.
S. BT Competence
No Level
1. What is the need for ISO? BTL 1 Remember
7. Discuss “QS 9000 quality system” covering its purpose and BTL 1 Remember
implementation. (13)