A Summary of Chinnaya VS Ramayya Case
A Summary of Chinnaya VS Ramayya Case
A Summary of Chinnaya VS Ramayya Case
Case name & citation: Chinnaya vs Ramayya ILR (1876-82) 4 Mad 137
Thus, the terms of the deed stated that in return for such transfer, R will be paying
an annuity amount of Rs. 653 to A’s sister, C.
On the same day, an agreement was entered into between R and C whereby R
agreed to pay C the sum as directed by her mother, A. The agreement was executed
in writing by R in favour of C.
However, after A died, the sum so stipulated was not paid by R (the defendant).
She declined to fulfill her promise saying that no consideration had moved from
her mother’s sister. C (the plaintiff) thus sued R to recover the amount.
R contended that she was not under an obligation to pay money to C since no
consideration was moved from C to her. Moreover, she argued that the plaintiff
had no right to compel her (the defendant) to pay the amount.
On the other hand, as regards the transfer of property was concerned, C contended
that the consideration for getting the property was a promise to pay the amount
annually to the plaintiff.
Issue raised
Whether the plaintiff can bring a lawsuit against the defendant?
Is the defendant bound to fulfill the promise in a contract (with the plaintiff) where
the consideration for such promise has been furnished by the defendant’s mother
(sister of the plaintiff)?
Relevant provisions
If Section 2(d) of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 is analyzed, it says that there are
certain features that are essential for consideration to become valid and to be
acceptable legally. One such feature is that consideration may move from the
promisee himself or from any other person. In other words, the act which is to
constitute consideration may be done either by the promisee himself or by any
other person.
“Any other person” is a person other than the promisee and is technically referred
to as a stranger to consideration. When consideration moves from “any other
person”, this is sometimes also called the doctrine of constructive consideration.
The consideration furnished by C’s sister (the defendant’s mother) was enough to
enforce the contract between C and R. It constituted sufficient consideration for the
plaintiff to sue the defendant on her promise.
Although consideration was not moved from C, she was a party to the contract and
hence, was allowed to sue R.
In other words, the defendant was obligated to pay the amount promised in the
contract as the consideration for the same was given to her by the plaintiff’s sister,
i.e., the defendant’s mother.
Thus, the agreement of annuity between C and R was enforceable even though the
consideration had moved from a third party (R’s mother).
The case of Chinnaya vs Ramayya emphasized the rule of consideration under the
contract law. According to it, it does not matter who furnishes the consideration.
The consideration shall be valid whether it is moved by the promisee himself or
any other person.