This document provides information about common hormones used in women's health, their uses, and important considerations for nurses. Estrogen and progesterone are used for hormone replacement therapy, contraception, and other conditions. Oxytocin, methylergonovine, and ritodrine are used to induce or relax the uterus during labor and delivery. Key adverse effects of these medications include changes in blood pressure, weight, risk of blood clots and cancer. Nurses must monitor patients for side effects and contraindications when these hormones are administered.
This document provides information about common hormones used in women's health, their uses, and important considerations for nurses. Estrogen and progesterone are used for hormone replacement therapy, contraception, and other conditions. Oxytocin, methylergonovine, and ritodrine are used to induce or relax the uterus during labor and delivery. Key adverse effects of these medications include changes in blood pressure, weight, risk of blood clots and cancer. Nurses must monitor patients for side effects and contraindications when these hormones are administered.
This document provides information about common hormones used in women's health, their uses, and important considerations for nurses. Estrogen and progesterone are used for hormone replacement therapy, contraception, and other conditions. Oxytocin, methylergonovine, and ritodrine are used to induce or relax the uterus during labor and delivery. Key adverse effects of these medications include changes in blood pressure, weight, risk of blood clots and cancer. Nurses must monitor patients for side effects and contraindications when these hormones are administered.
This document provides information about common hormones used in women's health, their uses, and important considerations for nurses. Estrogen and progesterone are used for hormone replacement therapy, contraception, and other conditions. Oxytocin, methylergonovine, and ritodrine are used to induce or relax the uterus during labor and delivery. Key adverse effects of these medications include changes in blood pressure, weight, risk of blood clots and cancer. Nurses must monitor patients for side effects and contraindications when these hormones are administered.
NURSE Estrogen Estrogen replacement * Estrogens increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and some Common examples: Premarin therapy/hormone replacement forms of breast cancer. (conjugated estrogen), therapy (HRT) commonly * Adverse effects include: hypertension, HA, and weight changes. Estraderm (estradiol transdermal), Prempro (Estrogen/Progesterone indicated with primary ovarian Serious adverse effect: thromboembolism Combination) failure, menopause and post- * Monitor BP, weight, serum calcium, glucose and liver enzymes hysterectomy. * Patient should not smoke. Other uses include: palliative * Contraindicated with thyroid dysfunction, familial history of treatment of breast cancer, breast cancer, thrombophlebitis. osteoporosis, prevention of post- partum lactation and dysmenorrhea. Combined with progesterone for oral contraception and often given in combination form for HRT. Progesterone Treatment of fibroids, uterine * Adverse effects include: weight changes, insomnia, depression. Common examples: Megestrol cancer, endometriosis, * Serious adverse effects include: cholestatic jaundice and (Megace), Medroxyprogesterone amenorrhea, uterine bleeding d/t thromboembolism. (Depo-Provera) Prempro (Estrogen/Progesterone hormone imbalance and the Combination) treatment of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Also used for preventing a threatened miscarriage. Combined with estrogen for oral contraception and often given in combination form for HRT. WOMEN’S HEALTH
NURSE Oxytocin (Pitocin, Syntocinon) Labor induction, postpartum * Monitor VS, fetal HR and rhythm, intake and output. uterine atony and hemorrhage * Adverse effects include: tachycardia, PVC’s, hypotension, seizures and coma. * Stop oxytocin for contractions lasting longer than 90 seconds, contractions < 2 minutes apart and with a pattern of fetal late decelerations. Methylergonovine (Methergine) Postpartum uterine atony and * Administer after delivery of the placenta. hemorrhage * Serious adverse effects include: severe hypertensive episodes, bradycardia and anaphylaxis. * Cautious use in patients with history of migraines, diabetes, and renal disease. UTERINE RELAXANTS COMMON USES WHAT I NEED TO KNOW AS A BRAND NEW NURSE Ritodrine (Yutopar) Cessation of preterm labor. * Contraindicated with preeclampsia, eclampsia. * Serious adverse effects include altered maternal and/or fetal HR and BP * Continuously monitor for dose-related effects to HR and BP.
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