Lista 3 Comunicações
Lista 3 Comunicações
Lista 3 Comunicações
2.1 A multimode fiber with a 50-μm core diameter is designed to limit the intermodal dispersion
to 10 ns/km. What is the numerical aperture of this fiber? What is the limiting bit rate for
transmission over 10 km at 0.88 μm? Use 1.45 for the refractive index of the cladding.
2.3 Use Maxwell’s equations to express the field components Eρ , Eφ , Hρ , and Hφ in terms of
Ez and Hz and obtain Eqs. (2.2.29)–(2.2.32).
2.4 Derive the eigenvalue equation (2.2.33) by matching the boundary conditions at the
core–cladding interface of a step-index fiber.
2.5 A single-mode fiber has an index step n1−n2 = 0.005. Calculate the core radius if the fiber
has a cutoff wavelength of 1 μm. Estimate the spot size (FWHM) of the fiber mode and the
fraction of the mode power inside the core when this fiber is used at 1.3 μm. Use n1 = 1.45.
2.10 Estimate the limiting bit rate for a 60-km single-mode fiber link at 1.3- and 1.55- μm
wavelengths assuming transform-limited, 50-ps (FWHM) input pulses. Assume that β2 =0
and−20 ps2/km and β3 =0.1 ps3/km and 0 at 1.3- and 1.55-μm wavelengths, respectively. Also
assume that Vω <<1.
2.11 A 0.88-μm communication system transmits data over a 10-km single-mode fiber by using
10-ns (FWHM) pulses. Determine the maximum bit rate if the LED has a spectral FWHM of 30
nm. Use D = −80 ps/(km-nm).
2.16 A 1.3-μm lightwave system uses a 50-km fiber link and requires at least 0.3 μW at the
receiver. The fiber loss is 0.5 dB/km. Fiber is spliced every 5 km and has two connectors of 1-
dB loss at both ends. Splice loss is only 0.2 dB. Determine the minimum power that must be
launched into the fiber.
2.17 A 1.55-μm continuous-wave signal with 6-dBm power is launched into a fiber with 50-μm2
effective mode area. After what fiber length would the nonlinear phase shift induced by SPM
become 2π ? Assume ¯ n2 = 2.6°—10−20 m2/W and neglect fiber losses.
3.10 Assume that a step-index fi ber has a V number of 6.0. (a) Using Fig. 2.27, estimate the
fractional power Pclad/P traveling in the cladding for the six lowest-order LP modes. (b) If the fi
ber in (a) is a glass-core glass-clad fi ber having core and cladding attenuations of 3.0 and 4.0
dB/km, respectively, fi nd the attenuations for each of the six lowest-order modes
Parte 2 – Faça uma pesquisa e apresente resultados sobre tendencia em desenvolvimento de fibras para
comunicações ópticas nos últimos 5 anos e perspectivas futuras