Octaves of Time
Octaves of Time
Octaves of Time
As we move about
It marches on
Revealing scenes
Or a movie celluloid
To and fro
We lesser beings
He blesses us with
Hanging resplendently
I have drawn.
3. Mars
On thine forehead
Like wrinkles
And cracked
Your aura
On this planet
To a primitive planet
Yet to be born
Time is technology
Technology is future
Take root
Dividing a people
As one family?
Still echo
Of raped maidens
Raise a lament
It is a valley of sorrows
In his guts
Which churn
Ramble on
Of eternal torment
And angels
Pissed out
Of hellish gloom
10. Wonderful God
Out of nothing
The worlds
Out of nothing
Woman woman
Why o why
Spreading tsunamis
Monstrous tsunamis
I am right
I pray
Listen quietly
Watch carefully
Of the rainbow
Of the wind
Of the earth
Of the earth,
Upright he stands
A restless spirit
A servant of God?
An extension of God?
You create
The day and the night,
Servant of nature.
Oh earth,
Born as a child
In a unique way
In our world.
Oh mysterious moments
Goal of existence
Would be
Is it a big river
A beach,
Of relentless waves.
The mystic’s ears
As the waves
In perpetual procession
Channeled through
Of His Excellency,
Of concubines
Of shamanic protectors
An unreachable destination
Has sprung
Like a volcano
A wave
Seeking liberation
A volcanic eruption
A cleansing wave,
A wave
A new century
Was ushered in
Of destruction’
And sweeps
Into nightmares
In an era of intellectuals,
Surreptitious visits
To decrepit shrines
In thatched dwellings
Bestow charisma
On businesses,
On MPs,
To give power
Big cars
To greedy bastards.
Of their leaves
We shall see
The hypocrites
Meet their judgment.
Into oblivion
Great teachers
Teaching us that
All is futility
All is nothing
All is vanity
26. The Plant
A program
Which in time
Tapping nutrients
Into space,
And seeds
Programmed to strive
Like a cancerous canker
Of our being
27. Moral fabric
A nation of pretenders
A nation of impressionists
In a country of hypocrites